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'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Selector Type 333, by Marconi Company, London, c. 1920

Inventory Number: 22770

14147-22770-34759-41271-82360t 22770-3t 22770-2t 22770-1t 22770-4t

Date: c. 1920

Maker Details: Signed by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "'MARCONI' AUTO ALARM SELECTOR / TYPE 333 P.S. NO 2106 A / INST NO 354327 / MARCONI'S WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CO. LTD. LONDON" printed on metal plaque on side exterior surface.

Size: 265 x 245 x 205 mm

Materials: Metal, brass, steel?, aluminium, glass.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 106, Science Museum Loan 1960-278 PT, 163/5 (white tag), eD 29 (white tag with orange sticker).


'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Selector Type 333, for use with Marconi Auto-Alarm, in grey painted metal case with glazed top. Glazed top reveals interior showing aluminium and brass apparatus marked C, D, H, G, Z, Q & I. On side of object are two terminals (respectively marked "BRIDGE BELL / KEY" and "TEST KEY") and three sockets (respectively marked "DASH RELAY F <-> S", "SIGNAL RELAY" and "SPACE RELAY F <-> S"). For maritime use. Previously catalogued and associated with 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Receiver Type 332 (Inv. Num. 41271), 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Buzzer Type 225 (Inv. Num. 34759), 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Bell Type 117 (Inv. Num. 14147), 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Morse Key Type 316A (Inv. Num. 82360).

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