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Portable Aircraft Spark Transmitter 40W, by Marconi Company, London, c. 1912

Inventory Number: 19772

19772-1 revt 19772-3 revt 19772-2 revt 19772-2t 19772-1t 19772-3t

Date: c. 1912

Maker Details: Signed by Marconi's Wireless Telegraphy Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "MARCONI'S WIRELESS / TELEGRAPH CO LTD / NO 19804 LONDON" on brass plaque at front of case. "TRASMETTITORE DA 40 W A SCINTILLA PER AEROMOBILE" on paper pasted to inside of lid.

Size: 260 x 240 x 195 mm (lid closed)

Materials: Teak, leather, ebonite, steel, bakelite?, brass.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 141.


Portable Aircraft Spark Transmitter 40W, in lidded teak case with leather strap on front exterior surface. Interior has horizontally-mounted trembler spark coil with USA-made brass and bakelite? Morse key, spark gap and coil on vertical ebonite panel. Battery? has "L 5. / No 953" etched on top exterior surface.

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