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Bellini-Tosi Direction Finder, by Bellini & Tosi, Paris, 1907
Inventory Number: 14937
Number of documents: 2
Document Type: Miscellaneous Note
Document Heading: Inscription
"E. BELLINI et A. TOSI / Ingenteurs electriciens / 21. Rue de Louvre. Paris / ------------- / F. Ducretet et E. Roger / Constructeurs - Paris" printed on brass plaque on vertical surface of direction-finder. "Compas Azimutal Hertzien / Bellini-Tosi / Brevete S.G.D.G. / No 40 / 21. rue de Louvre / PARIS" printed on surface of goniometer 'direction-finder'.
Document Type: Miscellaneous Note
Document Heading: Historical Background
This direction finder unit was made in 1907, the same year that the British patent was filed by the Bellini-Tosi for their system, and the rights were bought by the Marconi Company.
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