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Bellini-Tosi Direction Finder, by Bellini & Tosi, Paris, 1907

Inventory Number: 14937

14937-3t 14937-1t 14937-2t

Date: 1907

Maker Details: Signed by E. Bellini & A. Tosi.

Inscription: "COMPAS AZIMUTAL HERTZIEN BELLINI-TOSI" printed on cast brass plaque on exterior surface of lid. See Documents for other inscriptions.

Size: 460 x 400 x 330 mm (case)

Materials: Walnut, brass, steel?, iron, bakelite, ebonite.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 56, Science Museum Loan 1924-499.


Bellini-Tosi Direction Finder, in walnut case with removable top cover and hinged front panel revelaling interior. Interior includes radiogoniometer with 'direction-finder', tapped inductance in base, engraved brass plaque, unknown scaled dial (scale 0-10), detachable screwdriver, and two brass switches on ebonite base (marked "P" and "D"). 'Direction-finder' has engraved steel? scale (0-180-0), brass exterior, bakelite dial and ebonite knob. With cast brass plate on front exterior surface of lid, iron carrying handles on sides of case, single brass terminal on side of case, iron lever for controlling tapped inductance on front of case, and five brass terminals on ebonite bases on upper surface of case. Brass terminals are marked "Terre", "B AV", "T AV", "T AR", "B AR".

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