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'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Bell Type 117, by Marconi Company, England, c. 1920

Inventory Number: 14147

14147-22770-34759-41271-82360t 14147-2t 14147-1t

Date: c. 1920

Maker Details: Signed by the Marconi International Marine Communication Co. Ltd.

Inscription: "M.I.M.C. CO LTD / NO 3078 TYPE 117" on metal plaque on top of plinth.

Size: 215 x 130 x 80 mm

Materials: Brass, aluminium, wood, teak.

Other Given Number(s): Christie's 106, 963/5 (white tag).


'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Bell Type 117, for use with 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm. Brass bell on black painted wooden stand, with ringer and teak box, mounted on teak plinth. For maritime use. Previously catalogued and associated with 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Receiver Type 332 (Inv. Num. 41271), 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Selector Type 333 (Inv. Num. 22770), 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Buzzer Type 225 (Inv. Num. 34759), 'Marconi' Auto-Alarm Morse Key Type 316A (Inv. Num. 82360).

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