       Wood Bark Gum

“Aloe groweth very plenteously in India, and from thence commeth the best iuyce ... It is to be seene also in this Countrie in the gardens of some Herboristes. ... it is a soueraigne medicine for vlcers about the secrete partes, and fundement. The same boyled with wine and hony, healeth the outgrowinges & riftes of the fundament, & stoppeth the abounding fluxe of the Hemorrhoides.”
Source: Dodoens / Lyte (1578)

“Aloe is usually hung up in houses to bee ready at hand upon all occasions, to apply a little of the juyce of a leaf presently cut of, or the peece of a leafe it selfe, upon any cut or fresh wound.”
Source: Parkinson (1640)


“Water Germander groweth neere to Oxenford, by Ruley, on both sides of the water, and in a medow, by Abingdon called Nietford, by the relation of a learned gentleman of S. Iohns in the said towne of Oxford ...
“... mixed with honey according to art, it prouoketh vrine, and bringeth downe the monethly sicknesse: it draweth out of the chest thicke flegme and rotten matter ... The decoction made in wine and drunke, is good against the bitings of serpents, and deadly poisons; and is vsed in antidotes or counterpoysons with good success ... it helpeth the strangurie, that is, when a man cannot pisse but by drops,
and is a most singular cordial to comfort and make merry the heart.
“Of this Scordium is made a most singular medicine called Dioscordium, which serueth very notably for all the purposes aforesaid ... the small pocks, measles, or purples, or any other pestilent sicknesse whatsoeuer, euen the plague it selfe, giuen before the sicknesse haue vniversally possessed the whole body.”
Source: Gerard / Johnson (1633)


“The decoction of the leaues and heades of Poppie, made in water & dronke causeth sleepe. It hath the like vertue, if the head and handes be washed therwith. Opium, that is the iuyce of Poppie dried ... taken, eyther inwardly or outwardly, it causeth sleepe, and taketh away paynes. Yet ye must take heede, to vse it euer with discretion.

The Danger
The vse of Poppie is very euill and dangerous, and especially Opium, the which taken excessiuely ... wyll cause a man to sleepe to muche, as though he had the Lethargie, which is the forgetful sicknesse, and bringeth foolish and doting fancies, it corrupteth the sense and vnderstanding, bringeth the Palsie, and in time it killeth the body.”
Source: Dodoens / Lyte (1578)


“... in base Almaigne, the common Countrie folke do call it Witte Endiuie, the which are better acquainted with the right Endiue, then the ignorant Apothecaries, who in steede of the Endiue, do vse the wilde Letuce ...
These herbes eaten, do comfort the weake and feeble stomacke”

Source: Dodoens / Lyte (1578)

“... the seede is of the same propertie, or rather more powerfull, and besides is availeable for the faintings and swounings and passions of the heart.”
Source: Parkinson (1640)