
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Theatrum Instrumentorum et Machinarum
—>  Theatrum Orbis Terrarum
—>  Their majesties' astronomers : a survey of astronomy in Britain between the two Elizabeths
—>  Theodore Haak F.R.S. (1605-1690) The first German Translator of 'Paradise Lost'
—>  Theodosii Rubei Privernatis Tabulae XII. Ad elevationem Poli Graduum 42, etc.
—>  Theodosius of Tripolis (about 100 BC): His influence on Astronomy through the ages: His lines drawn on the Celestial Sphere
—>  Theonis Smyrnaei Platonici, Eorum, quae in mathematicis ad Platonis lectionem vtilia sunt, expositio. E bibliotheca Thuana. / Opus nunc primum editum, Latina versione, ac notis illustratum ab Ismaele Bullialdo, Iuliodunensi
—>  Theophrastus Paracelsus sein Leben und seine Personlichkeit. Ein Beitrag zur Geistesgeschichte der deutschen Renaissance
—>  Theorematum in libris Archimedis de sphaera & cylindro Declaratio
—>  "<>, Origine De La Geometrie Scientifique"
—>  "Theoremes generaux sur l'attraction des corps"
—>  Theoretical and Applied Electrochemistry
—>  Theoretical astronomy relating to the motions of the Heavenly Bodies revolving around the sun in Accordance with the Law of Universal Gravitation
—>  Theoretical Astrophysics: Atomic Theory and the Analysis of Stellar Atmospheres and Envelopes
—>  "Theoretical Considerations, Arguments, and Kindred Radiations"
—>  Theoretical Mechanics: Solids including Kinematics, Statics and Kinetics
—>  Theoretical Organic Chemistry
—>  Theoretische Astronomie
—>  Theoria Analytica, Viam ad Monarchiam Scientiatum demonstrans, totius Philosophiae & reliquarum Scientiarum, necnon primorum postremorumque; Philosophorum mysteria arcanaque: dogmata enucleans
—>  Theoria Electricitatis
—>  Theoria generationis et fructificationis Plantarum Cryptogamicarum Linnaei, mere propriis Observationibus et Experimentis superstructa: Dissertatio quae praemio ab Academia Imperiali Petropolitana pro Anno 1783 propositio ornata est
—>  Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium
—>  Theoria Motuum Planetarum et Cometarum
—>  Theoria Pyramidum, Welche der beruhnten Spits-Saulen eigentlichen Endzweck, und Absicht vorleget, Ius besondere einen vortrefflich angebrachten Tempel-Bauentdecket, etc.
—>  Theoria Rectarum Parallelarum ab omni Scrupulo Vindicata
—>  Theorie de la figure de la terre, tiree des principes de l'hydrostatique
—>  Theorie de la Lune deduite du seul Principe de l'Attraction reciproquement proportionelle aux Quarres des Distances
—>  "Theorie de l'Electro-dynamique"
—>  "Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen" : 2 entries
—>  Theorie der optischen Instrumente nach Abbe : 2 entries
—>  Theorie der Pendelbewegung mit Rucksicht auf die Gestalt und Bewegung der Erde
—>  "Theorie der Sonnenfinsternisse der Durchgange der Unteren Planeten vor der Sonne und der Sternbedeckungen fur einen Gegebenen Ort der Erde"
—>  Theorie des Cones Circulaires Roulants
—>  Theorie des Courbes et des Surfaces du second ordre. Precedee des principes fondamentaux de la Geometrie Analytique
—>  Theorie du systeme optique compose d'une lunette astronomique et d'un double miroir plan. Application a la mesure precise des distances en vue de l'etude de l'aberration et de la refraction
—>  Theorie Mathematique de la Chaleur
—>  Theorie Mathematique de la Chaleur; memoire et notes formant un Supplement a l'Ouvrage Publie sous ce Titre
—>  Theorie Mathematique des Oscillations du Barometre et Recherche de la Loi de la Variation Moyenne de la Temperature avec la Latitude
—>  Theorie Und Construction Der Sonnen-Uhren Auf Ebenen, Kegel-, Cylinder- Und Kugel-Flachen Nebst Einer Historischen Skizze Uber Die Gnomonik
—>  "Theorien der Chemie des 18. Jahrhunderts im Urteil der Zeitgenossen"
—>  Theories nouvelles de l'equatorial coude et des equatoriaux en general
—>  Theories of Categories in Early Mediaeval Chinese Alchemy
—>  "Theories of Categories in Early Mediaeval Chinese Alchemy"
—>  Theories of the Earth, 1644-1830: the History of a Genre: an Exhibition of Rare Books from the History of Science Collection
—>  Theory of Heat
—>  Theory of Observations
—>  "Theory, Theoric, Practice: Mathematics and Magnetism in Elizabethan England"
—>  Therapeutique par la Penicilline
—>  "Theriak en Theriakpotten"
—>  Thermionic Emission
—>  Thermionic Vacuum Tubes and their Applications
—>  Thermionic Valves, 1904-1954: The First Fifty Years
—>  Thermodynamics
—>  "Thermography: Imaging in the Far Infrared"
—>  Thermometers Hydrometers and Scientific Instruments: Catalogue no. 808
—>  Thermometri metallici
—>  Thermometrum Magnum: or, Grand Standard Thermometer. Expressing All Degrees of Heat and Cold, from that with which Mercury boils, to that which congeals it into solid Metal. To which are adjusted the celebrated Scales of Sir Isaac Newton, Fahrenheit, De L
—>  Thermoscopes and Thermometers
—>  Thesaurarium Mathematicae, Or the Treasury of the Mathematics. Containing ... Likewise It teacheth the Art of Gauging, Dialling ... etc.
—>  Thesaurarium Mathematicae: or the Treasury of the Mathematicks. Containing variety of useful Practices in Arithmetick, Geometry, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Geography, Navigation and Surveying. As also the Mensuration of Board, Glass, Tiling, Paving, Timber,
—>  Theses de Mecanique et d'Astronomie, presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris, le 7 novembre 1851
—>  Theses presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris
—>  "Thesis Research and Collecting: A Fieldworker's View"
—>  They Made Your World
—>  Thien-Wen I Chhi Chih-Lueh
—>  Thin Sectioning and Associated Technics for Electron Microscopy
—>  Things to see in the Royal Scottish Museum : 2 entries
—>  Thinkers and Tinkers: Early American Men of Science
—>  "Thinking in Numbers"
—>  Third Generation Traders
—>  Third report on the progress of the plan of selected areas together with some remarks concerning future investigations of the plan
—>  "Thirteenth Century Minatures illustrating Medical Practice"
—>  "Thirteenth Century Miniatures illustrating Medical Practice"
—>  Thirty Three Plates of English Medals
—>  Thirty-five Biographies and Portraits of Scientific Men
—>  Thirty-six Plates, with explanations and notes, illustrative of Paley's Natural Theology
—>  "Thirty-three clinical observations by Rhazes - (circa 900 A.D.)"
—>  This weather of ours
—>  Thomae Bartholini De unicornu observationes novae
—>  Thomae Bartholini Dissertatio de cygni anatome, ejusq[ue] cantu a Johanne Jacobo Bewerlino in Academia Hafniensi olim subjecta
—>  Thomae Bartholini Doctoris et Professoris Regii De Lacteis Thoracicis, In Homine brutisque nuperrime observatis, Historia Anatomica
—>  Thomae Bartholini Doctoris et Professoris Regii, Dubia Anatomica De Lacteis Toracicis, Et an Hepatis sunus immutet Medendi Methodum
—>  Thomae Bartholini Vasa Lymphatica, Nuper Hasniae in Animantibus inventa, Et Hepatis Exsequiae
—>  "Thomas Barker of Lyndon: Eighteenth Century Weatherman"
—>  "Thomas Beach"
—>  "Thomas Beddoes at Oxford"
—>  Thomas Beddoes M.D. 1760-1808 Chemist, Physician, Democrat
—>  "Thomas Beddoes, M.D., and the Reform of Science Teaching in Oxford"
—>  "Thomas Charles Robinson and his balances"
—>  "Thomas Charnock"
—>  "Thomas Cogan: Physician, Benefactor to Oriel Library"
—>  "Thomas Digges, the Copernican System, and the Idea of the Infinity of the Universe in 1576"
—>  Thomas Edison: Professional Inventor
—>  "Thomas Flatman's Horoscope" : 2 entries
—>  "Thomas Greenough (1710-1785) of Boston"
—>  "Thomas Greenough's Four-Vaned Theodolite"
—>  "Thomas Hariot - 1560-1621"
—>  "Thomas Hariot and the Virginia Voyages of 1602"
—>  Thomas Hariot the Mathematician, the Philosopher, and the Scholar
—>  "Thomas Harriot (1560-1621): An Original Practitioner in the Scientific Art"
—>  'Thomas Harriot and the Earl of Northumberland's Household'
—>  Thomas Harriot and the Field of Knowledge in the English Renaissance
—>  "Thomas Harriot and the First Telescopic Observations of Sunspots"
—>  "Thomas Harriot and the New World"
—>  Thomas Harriot and the Northumberland Household
—>  Thomas Harriot and the Problem of America
—>  Thomas Harriot: A Biography
—>  Thomas Harriot: Renaissance Scientist
—>  "Thomas Harriot's Reputation for Impiety"
—>  "Thomas Holme (1624-1695): Pennsylvania's First Surveyor-General - Part 2"
—>  "Thomas Holme (1624-1695): Pennsylvania's First Surveyor General - Part 1"
—>  Thomas Jefferson : statesman of science
—>  Thomas Jefferson and American Vertebrate Paleontology
—>  Thomas Jefferson and His Copying Machines
—>  "Thomas Jefferson and the Scientific Trends of His Time"
—>  Thomas Johnson - Botanist & Royalist
—>  Thomas Muffett
—>  Thomas Newcomen, engineer : 1663/4-1729
—>  "Thomas Southwood Smith - The Man (1788-1861)"
—>  Thomas Sydenham
—>  "Thomas Tompion - Clockmaker. 1639-1713"
—>  "Thomas Tompion (1639-1713)"
—>  Thomas Tompion at the Dial and Three Crowns: With a Concise Check List of the Clocks, Watches and Instruments from his Workshops
—>  Thomas Tompion: His Life & Work
—>  Thomas Tompion: his life and work
—>  Thomas Tue and the Church Clocks
—>  Thomas White's "De Mundo" Examined
—>  Thomas Willis 1621-1675: His Life and Work
—>  Thomas Willis as a Physician
—>  Thomas Willis's Oxford Lectures
—>  Thomas Young - Natural Philosopher - 1773-1829
—>  Thomas Young (1773-1829)
—>  "Thomas Young"
—>  "Thomas Young's contribution to curved image surface theory"
—>  "Thompson of Hosier Lane, instrument makers of the seventeenth century"
—>  "Thorvaldsen Daguerreotype Cases"
—>  Those mighty monuments
—>  Thoth, the Hermes of Egypt: A Study of Some Aspects of Theological Thought in Ancient Egypt
—>  "Thoughts and By-Thoughts…On Sundials"
—>  Thoughts on General Gravitation, And Views thence Arising As to the State of the Universe
—>  Thoughts on the Means of Improving Watches
—>  Thoughts on the Means of Improving Watches. And more particularly those For the Use of the Sea. Partly deduced from Reason, and partly from the Observation of Effects attributed to particular Causes
—>  Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics as a part of a Liberal Education
—>  Three American Microscope Builders
—>  Three and Fifty Instruments of Chiurgery London 1631
—>  "Three Arabic Treatises on Alchemy by ... (10th c. A. D.)"
—>  "Three Arabic Treatises on Alchemy by Muhammad bin Umail (10th Century A.D.)"
—>  "Three Centuries (and More) of the Ashmolean Collections"
—>  Three Centuries of Chemistry: Phases in the Growth of a Science
—>  Three Centuries of Irish Chemists
—>  Three Centuries of Microscopes and Cell Biology
—>  Three Centuries of Scientific Hydrology
—>  Three Copernican Treatises: The Commentariolus of Copernicus, The Letter against Werner, The Narratio prima of Rheticus.
—>  "Three Edinburgh Microscope Makers: John Finlayson, William Robertson and John Clark"
—>  "Three Elizabethan Estate Surveyors: Peter Kempe, Thomas Clerke and Thomas Langdon"
—>  Three hundred years of British calendar medals : 1650 to 1960 : based on holdings of the American Numismatic Society, listings in the Whitmore Catalogs, listings in the Fuld Catalog, and various private collections
—>  "Three Late-Seventeenth Century Italian Telescopes, Two Signed by Paolo Belletti of Bologna"
—>  "Three Letters from James Yonge"
—>  Three Major Ancient Boat Finds in Britain
—>  "Three Navigational Instruments recovered from the Wreck of the Dutch East Indiaman "Batavia" (1629)"
—>  Three North Country Astronomers
—>  "Three Nurnberg Compassmacher: Hans Troschel the Elder, Hans Troschel the Younger, and David Beringer" : 2 entries
—>  Three Philosophers
—>  Three Physico-Theological Discourses, concerning I The Primitive Chaos, and Creation of the World. II. The General Deluge, its Causes and Effects. III. The Dissolution of the World, and Future Conflagration. Wherein are largely discussed, the Production a : 2 entries
—>  Three-Colour Photography: three-colour printing and the production of photographic pigment pictures in natural colours
—>  Through A City Archway: The Story of Allen and Hanburys 1715-1954
—>  "Through a glass, historically"
—>  "Through a Hole in the Windowshutter -- part 1" [and] "Through a Hole in the Window-Shutter -- part 2"
—>  Through the Telescope
—>  Through to 1970: Royal Signals Golden Jubilee
—>  "Throwing Light on French Addition"
—>  "Thucydides and History"
—>  Tibbi deontoloji dersleri. Cilt.
—>  "Tibet, India, and Malaya as Sources of Western Medieval Technology"
—>  "Tibetan Astronomy"
—>  "Tides and the Time: Tidal Theories and Tidal Dials from the 17th Century to the Present Day"
—>  T'ien-Wen Ichi'Chih-Lueh
—>  Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde, Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Techniek
—>  Timbers and how to know them
—>  Time : 2 entries
—>  Time and Chance: The story of Arthur Evans and his Forebears
—>  Time and its Keepers
—>  Time and Place: English Country Clocks 1600-1840: an Exhibition by the Antiquarian Horological Society at the Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford, 25 November 2006 - 15 April 2007
—>  "Time and Space"
—>  Time and the Scholastic Universe
—>  Time and the Sundial
—>  Time and Time-tellers
—>  "Time in Disarray"
—>  Time in Exeter: A history of 700 years of clocks and clockmaking in an English provincial city, with details of more than 300 former makers
—>  "Time Marches Off"
—>  Time Measurement and Calendar Construction
—>  "Time Measurement Instruments"
—>  Time Measuring Instruments from The Time Museum
—>  Time Stands Still: New Light on Megalithic Science
—>  "Time, Tide and the Affairs of Man"
—>  Timekeepers
—>  "Time-Keeping in Greece and Rome"
—>  "Time-Keeping with Standing Stones"
—>  Time's Telescope Universal and Perpetual, Fitted for all Countries and Capacities. Containing Perpetual Tables, fitted to the Old and New Stile; ... also the Magnitudes and Distances of the Planets; ... and a Brief Discourse of all kinds of Meteors, and a
—>  Tintinnabula Small Bells
—>  "Tiroler Fest- und Lostage"
—>  Titan: The Earth-like Moon
—>  Tithe Commutation Tables, for Ascertaining, at Sight, the Amount of Corn-Rent in Bushels, (as Directed by the Act of 6 and 7 William IV. Cap. 71), Equivalent to the Tithe-Rent, fixed as the basis in the Draft of Apportionment also, Shewing the Amount of T
—>  TLC: The Low Countries: Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands
—>  To Catch a Sunbeam: Victorian Reality Through the Magic Lantern
—>  "To make a Dial, which by moving a Label with Sights, shall tell the Hour of the Day, as in a common Clock, by a Minute and Hour Hand"
—>  "To Polish or not to Polish?"
—>  "To the History of the Production of Geodetic Instruments in Bohemia"
—>  "Toespraak gehouden bij de opening van het Nederlandsch historisch Natuurwetenschappelijk Museum te Leiden den 5den Juni 1931"
—>  "Together Again: The Fabulous Collection of George III"
—>  "Tokens as Documents of the Industrial Revolution"
—>  "Tom Tower" Christ Curch, Oxford. Some letters of Sir Christopher Wren to John Fell, Bishop of Oxford
—>  Tomas Romay y el origen de la ciencia en Cuba
—>  Tomaso Guerrino opera di geometria, stereometria, geodesia, altimetria, distantimetria, zenitrimetria, orologgiografia ...
—>  Tomlinson's Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts
—>  "Tomorrow was written yesterday"
—>  "Toning Platinum Prints"
—>  Tooley's Dictionary of mapmakers
—>  Tooley's Dictionary of mapmakers : supplement
—>  Tools & trades : the 25th anniversary collection, 1983-2008
—>  Tools & Trades of America's Past: The Mercer Collection
—>  Tools & Trades: The Journal of the Tool and Trades History Society
—>  Tools for the Job
—>  'Tools of Enlightenment: The material culture of science in eighteenth-century England'
—>  Toonneel des Aerdrijcx
—>  Torberni Bergman, chemiae prof. Upsal. et equitis aurati regii ordinis de wasa, sciagraphia regni mineralis, : secundum principia proxima digesti
—>  "Torricelli's Part in the Invention of the Barometer"
—>  Torun au Temps de la Jeunesse de Copernic
—>  "Total solar eclipse of 1905, August 30.--preliminary Report of the Observations made at Guelma, Algeria"
—>  "Total Solar Eclipse of 1927 June 29: Report of the Oxford Expedition to Southport"
—>  "Tourism in Oxford"
—>  Tous les savoirs du monde : l'aventure des encyclopedies de Sumer au XXIe siecle
—>  Tous les savoirs du monde: Encyclopedies et bibliotheques, de Sumer au XXIe siecle
—>  "Towards a history of the Natural History Collections at the Yorkshire Museum"
—>  "Towards the History of Zoology and Botany in the XVIth Century"
—>  Towards the Sunshine: A Guide to South-bound Daimler Cars
—>  Town maps of Southern Germany dating from the 16th and 17th century
—>  Townson and Mercer's Catalogue of Chemical and Bacteriological Apparatus and Chemicals
—>  Toy Steam Engines
—>  Toy with the idea: Teaching Toys from the collections of the Norfolk Museums Service
—>  Tracings of Light: Sir John Herschel & The Camera Lucida
—>  Tractact, Ofte Handelinge van het gebruyck der Hemelscher ende Aertscher Globe. In't Latyn eerst beschreven door Robertum Hues, etc.
—>  Tractat de l'Assafea d'Azarquiel
—>  Tractatus Astrarii
—>  Tractatus de Corde, item de Motu & Colore Sanguinis, & Chyli in eum Transitu. Cui accessit dissertatio de origine Catarrhi, in qua ostenditur illum non provenire a cerebro
—>  Tractatus de Corde. Item de Motu & Colore Sanguinis, et Chyli in eum Transitu
—>  Tractatus de Corde. Item de Motu & Colore Sanguinis. et Chyli in eum Transitu
—>  Tractatus de globis, coelesti et Terestri, ac eorum usu, etc.
—>  Tractatus de meteoris historico-philosophicus quem cum Parergis ex Universa Philosophia in Alma & Archi-Episcopali Universitate Salisburgensi
—>  Tractatus de Peste
—>  Tractatus de Quadratura Curvarum in Usum Studiosae Juventutis Mathematicae Explicationibus Illustratus
—>  Tractatus instrumentorum mechanicorum
—>  Tractatus Quatuor Anatomici de Aure Humana. Tribus Figurarum Tabulis Illustrati
—>  Tractatus Quinque Medico-Physici Quorum primus agit de Sal-Nitro, et Spiritu Nitro-aereo. Secundus de Respiratione. Tertius de Respiratione Feotus in utero, et ovo. Quartus de Motu Musculari, et spiritibus animalibus. Ultimus de Rhachitide.
—>  Tractatus siue Physiologia nova de Magnete, magneticisque corporibus et magno magnete tellure: sex libris comprehensus: In quibus ea, quae ad hanc materiam spectant plurimis & argumentis ac experimentis exactissime absolutissime tractantur et explicantur.
—>  Tracts on the natural history of animals and vegetables : 2 entries
—>  Tracts relating to natural history
—>  Trade Associations & Professional Bodies of the United Kingdom
—>  Trade Cards - Occasional List XIII
—>  "Trade Cards and Bookplates"
—>  Trade Catalogues 1542 to 1842
—>  Trade Catalogues in the Thackray Medical Museum : 2 entries
—>  Trade signs and their origin
—>  Tradescant's Rarities: Essays on the Foundation of the Ashmolean Museum 1683 with a Catalogue of the Surviving Early Collections
—>  Trading luxury glass, picturing collections and consuming objects of knowledge in early seventeenth-century Antwerp
—>  Traditional Crafts and Skills
—>  Traditional Tools of the Carpenter and other Craftsmen
—>  Traite analytique des orbites absolues des huit planetes principales
—>  Traite Anatomique de la Chenille, qui ronge le Bois de Saule, augmente d'une explication abregee des planches, et D'une Description de l'Instrument et des Outils dont l'Auteur s'est servi, Pour Anatomiser a la Loupe et au Microscope, & pour determiner la
—>  Traite chimique de l'air et du feu
—>  Traite Complet des Secrets de la Baguette et du Pendule des Sourciers
—>  Traite d'Astronomie practique, comprenant l'Exposition du Calcul des Ephemerides astronomiques et nautiques, d'apres les methodes en usage dans la Composition de la Connaissance des Temps et du Nautical Almanac, avec une Introduction historique et de nomb
—>  Traite d'Astronomie theorique contenant l'Exposition du Calcul des Perturbations planetaires et lunaires et son Application A l'Explication et A la Formations des Tables Astronomiques avec une Introduction historique et de nombreux exemples numeriques
—>  Traite de chimie
—>  Traite de Chimie Anatomique et Physiologique ou Des Principes Immediats Normaux et Morbides qui Constituent le Corps de l'Homme et des Mammiferes
—>  Traite de Chimie Elementaire
—>  Traite de chimie minerale, vegetale et animale
—>  Traite de chimie organique
—>  Traite de chymie, philosophique et hermetique, enrichi des operations les plus curieuses de l'art
—>  Traite de Diatomees, contenant des Notions sur la Structure, la Vie, la Recolte, la Culture, et la Description et la Figure de tous les Genres Connus, de meme que la Description et la Figure de toutes Especes trouvees dans le Mer du Nord et les Contrees e
—>  Traite de la Comete qui a paru en Decembre 1743. & en Janvier, Fevrier & Mars 1744. Contenant Outre les Observations de l'Auteur, celles qui ont ete faites a Paris par Mr Cassini, & a Geneve par Mr Calandrini. On y a joint diverses Observations & Disserta
—>  Traite De La Composition et Fabrique De L'Astrolabe, & de son usage: auec les preceptes des mesures Geometriques
—>  Traite de la construction et des principaux usages des instrumens de mathematique, etc. : 3 entries
—>  Traite de la lumiere
—>  Traite de la vitriolisation et de l'alunation, ou L'art de fabriquer les vitriols et l'alun. ; avec une Dissertation sur la mineralisation & sur l'etat du soufre dans les mines & les metaux
—>  Traite de l'Astrolabe : 3 entries
—>  Traite de l'Astronomie Indienne et Orientale, ouvrage qui peut servir de suite a l'Histoire de l'Astronomie ancienne
—>  Traite de L'Usage du Pantometre, Instrument Geometrique, Propre a prendre toutes fortes d'Angles Mezurer les Distances accessibles & inaccessibles, Arpenter & Diviser toutes fortes de Figures, etc.
—>  Traite de Mecanique celeste : 2 entries
—>  Traite de microscopie electronique
—>  Traite de Mineralogie Publie par le Conseil des Mines. En cinq volumes, dont un contient 86 planches.
—>  Traite d'Electricite Statique
—>  Traite des Instruments Astronomiques des Arabes
—>  Traite des Instruments Astronomiques Des Arabes Compose au treizieme siecle Par Aboul Khassan Ali de Maroc
—>  Traite des Maladies des Femmes Grosses, et de celles qui sont accouchees, enseignant la bonne & veritable methode pour bien aider les Femmes en leurs accouchemens naturels, & les moyens de remedier a tous ceux qui sont contre nature, & aux indispositions
—>  Traite des simples
—>  Traite d'Optique Mechanique, Dans lequel on donne les regles & les proportions qu'il faut observer pour faire toutes sortes de Lunettes d'approche, Microscopes simples & composes, & autres Ouvrages qui dependent de l'Art, Avec une instruction sur l'usage
—>  Traite Du Barometre, Ouvrage Mathematique, Physique Et Critique
—>  Traite du Microscope et des Injections: De leur Emploi; de leurs Applications a l'Anatomie Humaine et Comparee, a la Pathologique Medico-Chirurgicale, a l'Histoire Naturelle Animale et Vegetale et a l'Economie Agricole
—>  Traite du Microscope: Son mode d'Emploi; ses Applications a l'Etude des Injections; a l'Anatomie Humain et Comparee; a la Pathologique Medico-Chirurgicale; a l'Histoire Naturelle Animale et Vegetale; et a l'Economie Agricole
—>  Traite Elementaire D'Astronomie Physique
—>  Traite General des Horloges
—>  Traite Geometrique de la Variation de la Boussole, dans lequel on donne les differens Moyens de l'Observer sur Terre et sur Mer
—>  Traite practique du Microscope, et de son emploi dans l'etude des corps organises par le Docteur L. Mandl; suivi de Recherches sur l'organisation des Animaux Infusoires, par D.-C.-G. Ehrenberg.
—>  Traite pratique de Photographie sur Papier, sur Verre, et sur Plaques Metalliques
—>  Traitte D'Horlogiographie, Contenant Plusieurs Manieres de construire sur toutes surfaces, toutes sortes de lignes horaires: & autres cercles de la Sphere
—>  Traitte D'Horologeographie, au quel est enseigne a descrire et construire toutes sortes d'horologes au Soleil, ...
—>  Traittez des Barometres, Thermometres, et Notiometres, ou Hygrometres
—>  Tramutazione Gnomonica cioe invenzione Piu che facile di tramutare l'Orologio Solare Orizontale in qualsivoglia di Verticali ...
—>  'Transacting Philosophy: A History of Peer Review in Scientific Journals'
—>  Transactions
—>  Transactions of Manchester Microscopical Society
—>  Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
—>  Transactions of the Geological Society
—>  Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Thirty-Third Session - 1923-1924
—>  Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London
—>  Transactions of the Optical Society, London
—>  Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
—>  Transferotype Paper: Giving detailed working instructions for transferring pictures to various supports
—>  Transit Circle: The Story of William Simms 1793-1860
—>  "Transit Instruments" [and] "Transits of Mercury and Venus"
—>  "Translations of Oriental Scientific Works (to the end of the thirteenth century)"
—>  Transmission and Propagation
—>  Transmitting Knowledge: Words, Images, and Instruments in Early Modern Europe
—>  "Transmutation of the Elements"
—>  Transmutations: Alchemy in Art
—>  Tratt enimenti Matematica Iquali comprendono copiose Iavole Horarie per gli orolhj a sole Orizzontali, Verticali, Riflessi e Portatile, Per tutte l'Altezze del Polo, etc.
—>  Trattato d'aritmetica
—>  Trattato del Radio Latino: Istrumento Giustissimo & facile piu d'ogn'altro per prendere qual si voglia misura, & positione di luogo tanto in Cielo, come in Terra. Il Quale Oltre Alle Operationi Proprie sue fa anco tutte quelle della Gran Regola di C. Tolo
—>  Trattato Dell uso et Della fabrica dell'astrolabio
—>  Trattato di Gnomonica Pratica per construire con facilita, ed esattezza gli Orologi Solari ...
—>  Trattato elementare di Gnomonica pratica e teorica
—>  Trattato grafico analitico di gnomonica di Giacinto Cerchiari
—>  "Tratto delle clessidre" Uno studio inedito di Vincenzio Viviani presentato da Maria Luisa Bonelli
—>  Trauerrede zum Gedachtnis seines Lehrers Sebastian Munster
—>  [Travagliata Inventione]
—>  "Travaux de G.-A. Hirn sur les Lois du frottement"
—>  Travel Books and the Age of Discovery
—>  "Travel Reports and Photography in Early Photographically Illustrated Books"
—>  Travels in the Air by James Glaisher, F.R.S., Camille Flammarion, W. de Fonvielle, and Gaston Tissandier
—>  Travels, during the Years 1787, 1788, and 1789. Undertaken more particularly with a View of ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources, and National Prosperity, of the Kingdom of France
—>  Travessias cientificas da Africa : recursos e dependencias
—>  Tre Saggi sulla Cosmologia alla Fine del Cinquecento
—>  Treasures for Museums
—>  Treasures of Oxford: Exhibition Catalogue
—>  Treasures of Oxford: Exhibition Catalogue [part]
—>  Treasures of Oxfordshire
—>  "Treasures of the College"
—>  Treasures of the Jagiellonian University
—>  Treasures of the Pharmacy Museum
—>  Treatise of Statues
—>  Treatise on Modern Horology in Theory and Practice
—>  Treatise on Practical Light
—>  Treatise on the Arrangement, application, and use of Slide rules
—>  "Treatise on the Astrolabe"
—>  Treatises of Fistula in Ano Haemorrhois, and Clysters
—>  Treatises on various subjects of Natural and Chemical Philosophy
—>  "Treatment of a Patient with Malaria and acqured Anaphylactoid reaction to Quinine. Successful use of Quinidine"
—>  Trebuchets
—>  "Trepanning in Palestine A Primitive Operation"
—>  "Trepanning: 1750-1880. Part I"
—>  "Tres instrumentos astronomicos arabes de los Museos de Tetuan y Madrid"
—>  Tresors des Rois de Danemark
—>  Tri neizvestniye lotsii Ahmada Ibn Madjida arabskogo lotsmana Vasco da Gamy
—>  Trials of various Chronometers
—>  Tribute to Nikola Tesla. Presented in Articles. Letters. Documents
—>  Tricks and Treats in Photomicrography
—>  Triduum Observationum Astronomicarum
—>  Triennial Exhibition and Conversazione (University Museum, May 27, 1939)
—>  Triennial Exhibition and Conversazione, University Museum, 27 May 1939
—>  Trigonometria Sferica Grafica con applicazioni all' Astronomia Gnomonica e geografia per Giacinto Cerchiari
—>  Trigonometriae sive ... Gnomonicorum, etc.
—>  Trigonometriae sive De dimensione Triangulos, item Problematum Variorum nempe Geodaeticorum, Altimetricorum, Geographicorum, Gnomonicorum et Astronomicorum: libros decem
—>  Trigonometrie: or, the Doctrine of Triangles: Divided into two Books
—>  Trigonometry Improv'd, and Projection of the Sphere, Made Easy. Teaching the Projection of the Sphere Orthographick, and Stereographick: etc. ... with the Application of the whole to Astronomy, Dialling and Geography
—>  Trigonomterical calculations for making large dials in "Pour les angles faites au centre des Cadrans Solaires"
—>  Trinity College: The Department of Natural History
—>  "Triumphs and Conflicts in Microscopy"
—>  Trois Fondateurs de la Medecine Moderne: Pasteur, Lister, Koch
—>  Trois Siecles d'Astronomie
—>  "Troisieme Memoire sur le Maximum de Densite"
—>  Trombidides
—>  Truants: The Story of some who deserted Medicine yet triumphed
—>  True Planes, Screw Threads, and Standard Measures
—>  "Truth in Extremes: A Plea Against the Murder of Science by the Gold-Poison"
—>  "Truth in the Balance"
—>  "Truth's Golden Harrow. An Unpublished Alchemical Treatise of Robert Fludd in the Bodleian Library"
—>  "Ts'ui Fang, a Forgotten 11th-Century Chinese Alchemist"
—>  Tudor Geography 1485-1583
—>  Tunkiolta arkeologisia aarteita: Oxfordin uudistunut tieteen historian museo
—>  Tunnel Engineering: A Museum Treatment
—>  Turba Philosophorum: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Alchemie
—>  Turkische Kunst und Kultur aus Osmanischer Zeit
—>  "Turner"
—>  "Turners of the Past: no. 2 - Lady Gertrude Crawford"
—>  Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Intended as a work of general reference and practical instruction, on the lathe, and the various mechanical pursuits followed by amateurs
—>  Turntable for the Hendrey Histokinette / The Hendrey Tissue Processing Unit
—>  "Turpentining in the Southern States"
—>  Turtles from British Waters
—>  Tussen Kunst en Kennis: Een keuze uit de Gentse universitaire verzamelingen
—>  Tutte le Opere di Dante Alighieri
—>  Tutte l'opere d'architettura di Sebastiano Serlio, Bolognese; : doue si trattano in disegno, quelle cose, che sono piu necessarie all'architetto; et hora di nuouo aggiunto (oltre il libro delle porte) gran numero di case priuate nella citta, & in villa, e
—>  Twee Brieven van Georges Cuvier aan Jan van der Hoeven
—>  Tweede Deel, Op, De Wis-konstige Rekening Welke sijn ... Als ook de Sonnewijsers, etc.
—>  Twelve Oxford Gardens
—>  "Twenty-five Years of Atomic Energy"
—>  "Twin of a feeble Edison 1879 light bulb casts one-candlepower glow for centenary"
—>  "Two Alchemical Treatises Attributed to Avicenna"
—>  "Two Astrolabes of the Late Safawid Period"
—>  "Two Astronomical Dating Problems"
—>  "Two Babylonian Eclipses"
—>  "Two Centuries of Dated Drug Jars" : 2 entries
—>  "Two Documents concerning Anglo-Russian Relations in the Early Seventeenth Century"
—>  "Two Elementary Solutions of Kepler's Problem by the Angular Calculus"
—>  Two Essays
—>  Two Essays in Political Arithmetick, concerning the People, Housing, Hospitals etc. of London and Paris
—>  Two Essays in Political Arithmetick, Concerning the People, Housing, Hospitals, etc. of London and Paris
—>  Two Essays on the Astrolabe
—>  Two Essays on the Nature and wonderful Properties of Island Crystal
—>  "Two Fathers and Two Sons"
—>  Two Hundred Years of Seismic Instruments in Italy 1731-1940
—>  "Two Mariners' Astrolabes"
—>  "Two Microscopes Made by G. Adams for King George III: Supplementary Note"
—>  "Two more Alchemical Manuscripts"
—>  "Two Mughal Celestial Globes"
—>  "Two New Microscopes in the Basic Leitz Microscopy Range"
—>  Two Oxford Physiologists: Richard Lower 1631 to 1691 John Mayow 1643 to 1679
—>  "Two Pairs of Dividers and The Mariner's Mirror"
—>  Two Practical Rules for reducing the Observed Distance of the Moon from the Sun, or a fixed Star, together with Tables and Investigations of the Rules
—>  "Two Remarkable Roman Stone Weights in the Edward C. Streeter Collection at the Yale Medical Library"
—>  Two Thousand Years of Science: The Wonders of Nature and Their Discoveries
—>  Two Tracts on Electricity and Magnetism : 2 entries
—>  Two Ways of Life: Christian and Materialist
—>  "Tycho Brahe - Instrument Designer, Observer and Mechanician"
—>  Tycho Brahe : a picture of scientific life and work in the sixteenth century
—>  "Tycho Brahe et Albumasar. La question de l'autorite scientifique au debut de la recherche libre en astronomie"
—>  "Tycho Brahe in China: the Jesuit Mission to Peking and the Iconography of European Instrument-Making Processes"
—>  "Tycho Brahe Sistemi Hakkinda XVII. Asir Baslarina Ait Farsca Bir Yazma" ("an early seventeenth century Persian manuscript of the Tychonic system")
—>  "Tycho Brahe som Instrumentmakare" : 2 entries
—>  Tycho Brahe: A bibliography of holdings in the San Diego State College Library
—>  Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in the Sixteenth Century
—>  Tycho Brahe's description of his instruments and scientific work : as given in Astronomiae instauratae mechanica (Wandesburgi 1598)
—>  Tycho Brahe's Description of His Instruments and Scientific Work as given in Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica (Wandesburgi 1598)
—>  "Tycho Brahe's System of the World"
—>  Tychonis Brahe Dani Opera Omnia
—>  Tychonis Brahe Dani, Thesaurus Observationum
—>  "Tyndall's Experiments on Magne-crystallic Action"
—>  Typen von Sternverzeichnissen in astronomischen Handschriften des zehnten bis vierzehnten Jahrhunderts
—>  Tyrocinium chymicum: : or, Chymical essays, acquired from the fountain of nature, and manual experience
—>  Tzahn: Funf merkwurdige unendliche Reihen
—>  U.S. Ironclad Monitor: with data and references for a scale model
—>  U.S. Observatories: A Directory and Travel Guide
—>  "Uber Bahnbestimmungen von Planeten und Cometen aus Verschiedenen Combinationen von Beobachtungen"
—>  "Uber das al Berunische Gefass zur spezifischen Gewichtsbestimmung"
—>  "Uber das Apothekenwesen der Stadt und des Kreises Wetzlar (1233-1900)"
—>  "Uber das Fortleben der antiken Wissenschaft im Orient"
—>  Uber das kitab al hijal - das Werk uber die sinnreichen Anordnungen - der Benu Musa
—>  "'Uber das licht des Mondes' Eine Untersuchung von Ibn al Haitham"
—>  "Uber das Schriftenverzeichnis des Gabir ibn Hajjan und die Unechtheit einiger ihm zugeschriebenen Abhandlungen"
—>  "Uber das Verhaltnis Zwischen der Geschichte der Mathematik und der Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft"
—>  Uber den Einfluss der Diffraction an Fernrohren auf Lichtscheiben
—>  "Uber den Gebrauch des Thermo-Hypsometers zu Chemischen und Physicalischen Untersuchungen"
—>  "Uber den Gegenwartigen Stand der Razi-Forschung"
—>  Uber den glatten Hai des Aristoteles und uber die Verschiedenheiten unter den Haifischen und Rochen in der Entwickelung des Eies
—>  "Uber den Meteorsteinfall bei Ohaba im Blasendorfer Bezirke in Siebenburgen in der Nacht Zwischen dem 10. und 11. October 1857"
—>  Uber des Schiessen gegen heranziehende Donner- und Hagel- Gewitter. Zur zwey und funfzigsten Wiederkehr der Stiftungsfeyer der konig. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften am 28. Marz 1811 vorgelesen
—>  "Uber die Abhangigkeit des Elektrischen Leitungs-widerstandes von der Grosse und Dauer des Stromes"
—>  Uber die Abweichung der Geschosse nebst einem Anhange: Uber eine auffallende Erscheinung bei rotirenden Korpern
—>  Uber die allgemeine Beugungsfigur in Fernrohren
—>  Uber die arteriosen und venosen Wundernetze an der Leber des Thunfisches und einen merkwurdigen Bau dieses Organes
—>  "Uber die Bahn der Ariadne"
—>  "Uber die Bahn der Calliope und ihre Opposition im Jahre 1859"
—>  "Uber die Bahn der Calliope" : 2 entries
—>  "Uber die Bahn der Eugenia" : 3 entries
—>  "Uber die Bahn der Laetitia"
—>  "Uber die Bahn der Leda" : 3 entries
—>  "Uber die Bahn der Nemausa"
—>  "Uber die Bahn des Cometen VIII des Jahres 1858"
—>  "Uber die Bahn des Cometen von 1858"
—>  "Uber die Bahn des Kometen Donati"
—>  "Uber die Bahn des Planeten Thalia"
—>  Uber die Differentialformeln fur Cometbahnen von grosser Excentricitat mit Berucksichtigung der Planetarischen Storungen
—>  "Uber die Einfuhrung der Prafixe para-, meta- und ortho- in die chemische Nomenklatur"
—>  "Uber die Entwicklung der astronomischen Instrumente im Zeisswerke Jena"
—>  "Uber die fruheste Form des Astrolabs"
—>  "Uber die Gemeinsame Wirkung zweier Elektrischer Strome"
—>  "Uber die Hellmansche Sammlung von Sonnenuhren und Kompassen im Geomagnetischen Institut Potsdam"
—>  Uber die Kenntnisse der magnetischen Deklination bei den Instrumentenmachern des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts
—>  "Uber die Magnetische Deklination in Berlin"
—>  Uber die niederlandische Astronomie am Ende des Mittelaters
—>  "Uber die Projektion der Sternbilder und der Lander von Al-Biruni"
—>  "Uber die Reisetagebucher eines grossen Technikers"
—>  "Uber die Rohraffen im Strassburger Munster: Einige Fragen zur Fruhgeschichte des Sprachrohres"
—>  "Uber die Ruckfalle der Kalte im Mai"
—>  "Uber die Sternkunde in altturkischer Zeit"
—>  "Uber die Summirung gewisser Kettenbruche"
—>  "Uber die taglichen Veranderungen der Temperatur der Atmosphare"
—>  Uber die Uhren im Bereich der islamischen Kultur
—>  "Uber die Unzkommlichkeiten Gewisser Popularer Anschauungsweisen in der Undulationstheorie und ihre Unfahrigkeit das Princip der Erhaltung der Schwingungsdauer zu ersetzen"
—>  "Uber ein algemeines Princip der Undulationslehre: Gesetz der Erhaltung der Schwingungsdauer"

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