
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Supplement au Traite chimique de l'air et du feu de M. Scheele, : contenant un tableau abrege des nouvelles decouvertures sur les diverses especes d'air, par Jean-Godefroi Leonhardy; des notes de M. Richard Kirwan, & une lettre du Docteur Priestley a ce c
—>  Supplement to Jena Review
—>  Supplement to the Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
—>  Supplement to the Correspondence respecting the Liverpool Observatory, between Mr John Taylor, of Liverpool, and the Rev. R. Sheepshanks
—>  Supplement to the Historical Register of 1900: Including an Alphabetical Record of University Honours and Distinctions for the Years 1901-1930
—>  Supplement to the Historical Register of 1900: Including an Alphabetical Record of University Honours and Distinctions for the Years 1931-1950
—>  Supplement to the Historical Register of 1900: Including an Alphabetical Record of University Honours and Distinctions for the Years 1951-1965
—>  Supplement to the Magnetical Instructions for the Use of Portable Instruments, etc. : 2 entries
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1865
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1862
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1861
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1860
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1859
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1855
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1864
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1857
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1866
—>  Supplement to the Practical Rules for Determining the Deviations of the Compass which are caused by the Ship's Iron, Being Instructions for the Computation of a Table of the Deviations of a Ship's Compass, from Observations made on 4, 8, 16 or 32 Points
—>  Supplement to the Treatise on Magnetism
—>  "Supplementary Notes on the Systematic Position of the Trilobites"
—>  "Supplementary Observations on an Astronomical and Astrological Table-Clock: Together with an Account of the Astrolabe"
—>  Supplementum Secundum in Physicam Subterraneam. Id est: ..., ... Demonstratio Philosophica, seu Theses Chymicae, Veritatem, & Possibiltatem transmutationis metallorum in aurum evincentes. Ad Invictissimum Romanorum Imperatorem Leopoldum. Encomium Chymiae
—>  "Sur des Instruments d'Optique Faussement Attribues aux Anciens par quelques Savants Modernes"
—>  "Sur Geschichte des Kompasses bei den Arabern"
—>  "Sur la date d'Artemidore (Cat cod. astr. VIII 2, 129)"
—>  "Sur la Difference des Longitudes des Observatoires Royaux de Greenwich et de Bruxelles, Determinee au Moyen de Chronometres"
—>  "Sur la Geodesie francaise, et sur le Role qui y ont joue l'Academie des Sciences et le Bureau des Longitudes - Note lue a l'occasion du debat entre MM. Le Verrier et Faye"
—>  "Sur la Gnomonique ou l'art de tracer des Cadrans solaires"
—>  Sur la Jonction des Operations Geodesiques, russes et autrichiennes, executee par ordre des Deux Gouvernements
—>  Sur la Latitude de l'Observatoire de Bruxelles
—>  "Sur la Neutralite de la Force Electro-magnetique de la Terre et de l'Atmosphere Observee a la Havane, durant les Aurores Boreales de 1859: Experiences qui confirment ou qui annulent l'action electrique des aurores polaires dans les basses regions de l'at
—>  "Sur la presence a Strasbourg d'instruments scientifiques ayant appartenu a A. von Humboldt"
—>  Sur la Reduction elementaire du probleme des trois corps
—>  "Sur la Relation d'un Voyage Scientifique par M. A. Quadri (de Naples)"
—>  "Sur la Scintillation des Etoiles"
—>  "Sur la tolerance intellectuelle"
—>  "Sur l'Art de Fabriquer du Flint-Glass bon pour l'Optique"
—>  "Sur l'astrolabe d'Imola conserve a l'observatoire de Bologne"
—>  Sur le Climat de la Belgique. De l'Hygrometrie
—>  Sur le Mouvement relatif d'un corps solide par rapport a un systeme invariable
—>  Sur le perfectionnement pratique des Appareils Optiques pour l'Astronomie et pour la Photographie. Bases d'une Theorie microdynamique generale expliquant tous les phenomenes de la lumiere, de la chaleur et de l'electricite
—>  "Sur les Brouillards du Matin qui S'etablissent en Ete sur le Rhone"
—>  "Sur les Cadrans solaires coniques"
—>  "Sur les Couleurs Mauve et Magenta"
—>  "Sur les Dimensions des Anneaux de Saturne"
—>  "Sur les Machines a Vapeur De la construction de MM. Lejeune et Billard, maitres de forges et ingenieurs-mecaniciens a Fontaine-l'Eveque, province du Hainaut"
—>  "Sur les poids atomiques de Stas"
—>  "Sur les spectres des rayons de rontgen ontenus au moyen de lames de mica"
—>  "Sur l'invention de la machine arethmetique"
—>  "Sur l'origine de la Theorie de la Trepidation"
—>  "Sur l'Origine de notre Systeme de Numeration"
—>  Sur l'Origine du Monde: Theories Cosmogoniques des Anciens et des Modernes
—>  "Sur trois objectifs de Huygens"
—>  Sur un cadran solaire grec trouve
—>  Sur un fragment d'instrument astronomique des musees de Bruxelles
—>  "Sur un glossaire de matiere medicale arabe - compose par maimonide"
—>  "Sur un ouvrage medical inconnue de Maimondie"
—>  "Sur une loi empirique des eclipses de lune"
—>  Sur une Mere d'astrolabe arabe du XIIIe siecle (609 de hegire) portant un calandrier perpetuel avec correspondance musulmane et chretienne
—>  Suralco Magazine
—>  "Surface Tension and its Measurement"
—>  "Surface Tension and Splashes"
—>  Surgery of 8th Century B.C: Trepanned skulls found in Judea
—>  "Surgical Friends - Litchfield Lecture 1969"
—>  Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times
—>  "Surgical Instruments on a Tomb Slab in Roman Malta"
—>  Survey instruments and techniques : linear measurement 1
—>  Survey of Lands (Tithe Act)
—>  "Survey of Medical Manuscripts in the British Isles dating from before the Sixteenth Century"
—>  Survey of Provincial Museums and Galleries
—>  Survey of Surveying
—>  Surveying : the Roman way
—>  Surveying [The Whipple Museum of the History of Science Catalogue 1]
—>  Surveying and Levelling Instruments theoretically and practically described for construction, qualities, selection, preservation, adjustments, and uses; with other apparatus and appliances used by civil engineers and surveyors in the field
—>  Surveying for Archaeologists
—>  Surveying instruments : their history
—>  Surveying Instruments and Allied Apparatus
—>  Surveying Instruments etc.
—>  Surveying Instruments: Their Design, Construction, Testing & Adjustment
—>  Surveying Instruments: Their History and Classroom Use
—>  Surveying: Instruments and Methods
—>  Surveys of Historical Manuscripts in the United Kingdom: A Select Bibliography
—>  Survival: Preliminary advice on possible measures of self-protection against the effects of nuclear attack
—>  Sutton Hall: Home of Chester Moor Hall 1703-1771, inventor of the Achromatic Telescope
—>  Suwaru'l-Kawakib or (Uranometry)
—>  Suwaru'l-Kawakib or Uranometry
—>  "Svedectvi pristroju"
—>  "Swashbuckling Zoologist"
—>  "Swedish Vikings used Optical Lenses"
—>  Sweeping Ephemerides for the Comet of 1556
—>  Sweeping-Ephemerides for De Vico's Comet, 1860-1
—>  Syllabus of a course of Experimental Lectures
—>  Syllabus of A Course of Experimental Lectures. Mechanics; Hydrostatics and Pneumatics; Optics
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry
—>  Syllabus of a course of lectures on Experimental Philosophy : 4 entries
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy, to be Delivered at the Philosophical Society's Rooms, in Bristol
—>  Syllabus Of a Course of Lectures On the most interesting Parts of Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Electricity, and Astronomy
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the Philosophy of Natural History
—>  Syllabus of a Course of Twelve Lectures on Chemistry, and Experimental Philosophy
—>  Syllabus of Lectures on Botany
—>  Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Natural History, in Ten Centuries whereunto is newly added the History Naturall and Experimentall of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life
—>  Sylva Sylvarum: or, A Natural History. In Ten Centuries. Whereunto is newly added the History Naturall and Experimentall of Life and Death, or of the Prolongation of Life
—>  "Symbol and Image"
—>  Symbolica AEgyptiorum Sapientia
—>  "Symbols in Greek Alchemical Writings"
—>  Symmetry
—>  "Symplegades"
—>  Symposium on cytochemical progress on electron microscopy held at Oxford on July 2-4 1962
—>  Symposium. L'Antiquite classique et les debuts de la science moderne (Renaissance et 17e siecle). Brno, 12-16 avril, 1966
—>  "Symposium: The Work of Joseph Needham"
—>  Synopsis of a Meteorological Journal Kept at New York. 1838-39
—>  Synopsis of North American Diatomaceae
—>  "Synopsis of North American Diatomaceae. Part I. Coscinodiscatae, Rhizoselenatae, Biddulphiatae"
—>  Synopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms
—>  Synoptica horologii astronomici explicatis seu expositio
—>  Syntagma Arateorum: Opus poeticae et astronomiae studiosis utilissimum: quo quae contineantur versa pagella indicabit
—>  "Syntony and Credibility: John Ambrose Fleming, Guglielmo Marconi, and the Maskelyne Affair"
—>  Synverktyg fran aldre tider
—>  Syrian, Anatomy Pathology and Therapeutics or "The Book of Medicines"
—>  System of theoretical and practical chemistry
—>  Systema Algarum
—>  Systema Mycologicum, sistens Fungorum Ordines, Genera et Species, huc usque cognitas, quas ad Normam Methodi Naturalis, Determinavit, Disposuit atque Descripsit E.F.
—>  Systema Naturae, sive Regna Tria Naturae, Systematice Proposita per Classes, Ordines, Genera et Species
—>  Systema Naturae. Regnum Animale
—>  Systematic corrections and weights of catalogs. An extension of tables in Appendix III of the Preliminary General Catalog
—>  "Systematic Outdoor Photography"
—>  "Systematic Work in the Field"
—>  't Gebruik van het Rectangulum Catholicum ... tot het maken von allerlei Zonneuyzers en wat daar toebehoort, etc.
—>  T. Cox Savory & Co., Watch and Clock Makers and Goldsmiths, 47, Cornhill, (Seven Doors from Gracechurch Street,) London
—>  "T. E. Lawrence and his Camera"
—>  Ta Epistemonika Organa, 19os Aionas: Oi Ellenikes Sulloges
—>  Tabelle der reducirten positiven ternaren quadratischen Formen nebst den Resultaten neuer Forschungen uber diese Formen in besonderer Rucksicht auf ihre tabellarische Berechnung
—>  Table d'angle horaires contenant plus de quarante mille angles horaires, calcules pour toutes les latitudes, etc.
—>  Table d'Anti-Logarithmes a Huit Decimales suivie d'une Table Trigonometrique pour le Calcul des Logarithmes des Nombres et des Lignes Trigonometriques
—>  Table des Positions Geographiques Principales de la Russie
—>  Table of Contents of the Scoresby Archive held by the Whitby Literary and Philosophical Society and housed in their Museum in Whitby
—>  Table of Eclipses ...
—>  Table of the logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108000
—>  Table Synoptique des Poids Atomiques des Corps Simples, et de quelques-unes de leurs Combinaisons les plus Importantes
—>  "Tableau Chronologique des Tremblements de Terre ressentis a l'Ile de Cuba de 1551 a 1855"
—>  Tables a 8 decimales des valeurs naturelles des sinus, cosinus et tangentes dans le systeme decimal, de centigrade en centigrade de 0 a 100 grades ... suivies de Tables a 20 decimales des valeurs naturelles des six lignes trigonometriques ... extraites de
—>  Tables and tracts : relative to several arts and sciences
—>  Tables astronomiques calculees pour le meridien de Paris, sur les observations les plus exactes, faites jusqu'a l'annee 1770
—>  Tables astronomiques publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes de France: Tables de la Lune
—>  Tables de Fonctions Spheriques et de leurs integrales pour calculer les coefficients du developpement en series de polynomes de Laplace d'une fonction de deux variables independentes
—>  Tables de la Lune formees par la seule theorie de l'attraction et suivant la division de la circonference en 400 degres
—>  Tables de la Lune, calculees suivant la theorie de la Gravitation Universelle
—>  Tables de la Lune, construites d'apres le principe Newtonien de la gravitation universelle
—>  Tables du Mouvement Keplerien. Premiere partie
—>  Tables et Cartes d'Occultations. Theorie et applications
—>  Tables for Converting the Weights and Measures hitherto in use in Great Britain into those of the Imperial Standards; also, for converting the money rates of each weight and measure
—>  Tables for Facilitating Astronomical Reductions
—>  Tables for facilitating the computation of star-constants
—>  Tables for facilitating the use of Harmonic Analysis
—>  Tables for the Extemporaneous Application of Corrections for Temperature to Barometric Observations deduced from the Tables published in the Report of the Committee of Physics, Royal Society
—>  Tables of addition and subtraction logarithms with six decimals
—>  Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, explain'd and exemplified in several dissertations : 2 entries
—>  Tables of correct and concise logarithms
—>  Tables of Logarithms
—>  Tables of logarithms of all numbers, from 1 to 101000; and of the sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant
—>  Tables of Observations ... Greenwich ... 1832-1833 ... of a Clock Constructed by Messrs. Arnold and Dent.
—>  Tables of Qualitative Analysis
—>  Tables of Solid Measure, for finding, by Inspection, the quantity of timber in any tree, from Six Inches to Eighty Feet in Length, and from Six Inches to Three Feet in Diameter. ...
—>  Tables of the common logarithms of numbers and theoretical functions to six places of decimals
—>  Tables of the Observations made and registered at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, In the Years 1832 and 1833, under the direction of the Astronomer Royal, and Certified by him, during a Thirteen Months' Trial, of A Clock, Constructed by Messrs. Arnold a
—>  Tables of the Teeth of Wheels
—>  Tables pour le calcul de la precession en A. R. et D. equinoxe de 1900
—>  Tables Requisite to be Used with the Nautical Ephemeris, for Finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea
—>  Tables Requisite to be Used with the Nautical Ephemeris for Finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea Published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude
—>  Tables to four decimal places
—>  Tables trigonometriques decimales ou table des logarithmes des sinus, secantes et tangentes
—>  "Tablica doswiadczalna Mikolaja Kopernika w Olsztynie w swietle najnowszych odkryc 1956-57 roku"
—>  Tabula Gnomonicae. Nunc denus castigatae, & auctae, etc.
—>  Tabula Linuum ... Architectonicam militarem, & Horologiorum descriptionem accommodata
—>  Tabula Smaragdina: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Hermetischen Literatur
—>  Tabulae annuae de anticipatione stellarum fixarum ...
—>  Tabulae Astronomicae
—>  Tabulae Astronomicae novullae ad horologiorum constructionem maxime utiles. et Notae in Novam horologiorum descriptionem ...
—>  Tabulae eclypsium magistri Georgii Peurbachii [with] Tabula primi mobilis Joannis de Monteregio
—>  Tabulae Regiomontantae reductionum observationum astronomicarum ab anno 1750 usque ad annum 1850 computae : 2 entries
—>  Tabulae Sinuum, Tangentium, Et Secantium, Et Logarithmi Sinuum, Tangentium, & Numerorum ab unitate ad 10000. Cum Methodo facillima, illarum ope, resolvendi omnia Triangula Rectilinea & Sphaerica, & plurimas Quaestiones Astronomicas
—>  Tachtigjarige Vrede
—>  Tafel um Hygrometerstande, die bey verschiedenen Warme-Graden beobachtet worden sind, auf jede beliebige Normal-Temperatur zu reduziren
—>  Tafeln der Sonnenhohen fur Gane Deutschland, etc.
—>  "Tafeln zur Reduction der in Millimetern Abgelesenen Barometerstande auf die Normaltemperatur von 0o Celsius"
—>  Tafeln zur theoretischen Astronomie
—>  "Take time by the forelock" : the letters of Anthony Fothergill to James Woodforde 1789-1813
—>  Take-Over: the Facts and Myths of the GEC/AEI Battle
—>  Taking the stars : celestial navigation from argonauts to astronauts
—>  "Takiyuddin' in Sidret ul-Munteha'sina Aletler Bahsi"
—>  "Takiyuddin'de kiris 20 ve sin lo nin hesabi"
—>  "Talbot and the 'Great Britain'"
—>  "Talbot the Artist (summary)"
—>  "Talismans and Amulets"
—>  Talking Machines
—>  Talking Machines 1877-1914: Some Aspects of the Early History of the Gramophone
—>  Tanning in the United States to 1850
—>  "T'ao Hung-ching"
—>  Taqi-al-Din and Arabic Mechanical Engineering with The Sublime Methods of Spiritual Machines. An Arabic Manuscript of the Sixteenth Century
—>  Tariffa economica et agricola con li suoi trattati, etc.
—>  Tariffa Economica, Et Agricoltorica, etc.
—>  Tarih-Cografya Yazmalari Kataloglari
—>  Tartu Astronomical Observatory
—>  Taschenbuch der Mikroskopischen Technik : 2 entries
—>  "Tasters' Toast Tests Royal Ales"
—>  "Tautomerism"
—>  Tavole Anomoniche Per disegnare in diversi modi gli Orologi Solari sopra Piani Orizontali, e Verticali, ...
—>  Tavole di Gio: Lodovico Quadri Per regolare gli Orologi tanto all'uso d'Italia, che d'Oltramonti, Con la tavola perpetua …
—>  Tavole Gnomoniche, Per Delineare Orologi a Sole Che mostrino l'ore conforme a quelli degli Orologi, Che suonano Con ... Calcolate, etc.
—>  Tavole Gnomoniche, Per li ore Oltramontane, con altre tavole, Apportenenti alla construzione degli Orologi a Sole, e per altri usi, etc.
—>  Tavole per Confronare L'orivolo Oltramontano Coll' Italiano E L'Italiano Coll'Oltramonto
—>  Tavole Per regolare di giorno in giorno gli Orologi a zuote, Tanto per adopnarli secondo l'uso d'Italia, quanto per valersene secondo quelli degli Oltramontani, Con Una Tavola Perpetua, Del principio dell Aurora, leva del Sole, mezzo Giorno, e mezza Notte
—>  "Taylor, Richard"
—>  TDC: Textes et Documents pour la Classe
—>  Teacher's Background Booklet: Science and History
—>  Teaching in the History and Philosophy of Science
—>  "Tear Film Stability and Tear Surface Tension"
—>  Technica Curiosa, sive Mirabilia Artis ... : 2 entries
—>  "Technical Gains during the Nineteenth Century (1775-1905)"
—>  Technical History of the Beginnings of Radar
—>  Technical Instrument Bulletin
—>  Technical Manual: Aerial Photography
—>  "Technical Note: A Technique for Copying Engraved Inscriptions on Metal Objects"
—>  Technical Optics
—>  Technical Optics: A Revised and Enlarged Edition of "An Introduction to Applied Optics"
—>  'Technical Problems with Early Air-Pumps. Experiments and Apparatus in Pneumatics 1700-1750'
—>  Technicon
—>  "Technik im Erbauungsbuch: Wie Physik zweckentfremdet wird"
—>  "Technik in der Sicht der exakten Naturwissenschaften am Beispiel von Archimedes, Christiaan Huygens und Carl Friedrich Gauss"
—>  Technikatorteneti Szemle
—>  Technique and history of the Swiss watch
—>  Technique and History of The Swiss Watch from its Beginnings to the Present Day
—>  Technique Microscopique appliquee a l'Anatomie Pathologique et a la Bacteriologique: Manuel Pratique
—>  Technique Microscopique, Appliquee a l'etude des Vegetaux
—>  Techniques of the World's Great Photographers
—>  Technische Mikroskopie: Ein Lehrbuch der mikroskopischen Warenprufung Fur Studierende, Techniker, Kaufleute, Industrielle und Zollbeamte
—>  Technologia Bruxellensis: Histoire des Techniques Archeologie Industrielle
—>  Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology
—>  "Technological Developments in Europe: 1100 to 1400"
—>  "Technologist of Genius: Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787-1826)"
—>  Technology and Art: The Birth and Early Years of Photography
—>  'Technology and Culture in Flux: The Case of the Transistor Radio'
—>  Technology and Culture: The International Quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology
—>  "Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages"
—>  Technology in Early America
—>  Technology in Miniature: American Textile Patent Models 1819-1840
—>  "Technology transfer and scientific specialization: Johann Wiesel, optician of Augsburg, and the Hartlib circle"
—>  Technology, Including Patents: A Bibliography of Bibliographies
—>  Tekhnika legkoi, pishchevoi, bumazhnoi i poligraficheskoi promyshlennosti
—>  Tekniska Museet Symposia: Technology and its Impact on Society
—>  Telcon Metals: Induction Melted Magnetic Alloys
—>  Telecommunications Gallery (Gallery 66 Third Floor)
—>  Telecommunications of Dawn: Dawn of Japanese Telecommunications Industry
—>  Telecommunications: Questions and Solutions: covering the syllabuses of the City and Guilds of London Institute examinations in transmission and lines, and telephony
—>  Telegraphy
—>  Telephone Erection and Maintenance: A Handbook for the Contractor and Wireman
—>  Telephones and Microphones, How to Make and Use Them
—>  Telephones: their Construction and Fitting; a Practical Treatise on the Fitting-up and Maintenance of Telephones and the Auxiliary Apparatus
—>  Telephony without Wires
—>  Telephony: A Detailed Exposition of the Telephone System of the British Post Office
—>  Telerama
—>  Telescope
—>  Telescope et Microscope
—>  "Telescopes for tomorrow"
—>  "Telescopes from the Optical Museum of the Carl Zeiss Foundation Jena"
—>  Telescopium: Sive Ars Perficiendi Novum illud Galilaei Visorium Instrumentum ad Sydera
—>  Television receiving equipment
—>  "Telling Only the Sunshine Time"
—>  "Telling the Days"
—>  Telluris Theoria Sacra: Orbis Nostri Originem & Mutationes Generales, quas Aut jam subiit, aut olim subiturus est, Complectens : 2 entries
—>  "TEM in Materials Science - Past, Present and Future"
—>  Tematika meropriyatii po massovoi naucho-tekhnicheskoi propagande
—>  "Temples of the Muses: The Yorkshire Philosophical Museums, 1820-50"
—>  "Tempus Flying ..." [sic]
—>  Ten Bristol Artists
—>  Ten Founding Fathers of the Electrical Science
—>  "Ten Years Karl-Schwarzschild Observatory Tautenburg ..."
—>  "Ten Years Without Winding. Features of the Latest Electric Timepiece"
—>  Teneriffe, An Astronomer's Experiment: or, Specialities of a Residence Above the Clouds
—>  "Teniers' alchemists" : 2 entries
—>  Tentamen Hydrophytologiae Danicea. Continens: Omnia Hydrophyta Cryptogama - Daniae, Holsatiae, Faeroae, Islandiae, Groenlandiae. Hucusque cognita, Systematice Disposita, Descripta et Iconibus Illustrata, Adjectus Simul Speciebus Norvegicis
—>  Tentamen, de definiendis et corrigendis aberrationibus radiorum luminis in lentibus sphaericis refracti, et de perficiendo telescopio dioptrico. Dissertatio ab Imperiali Academia Scientiarum Petropolitana praemio affecta D XXIII. Septembris 1762.
—>  Tentoonstelling Geschiedenis, Kunst en Wetenschappen Catalogus
—>  Tentoonstelling: Van Antwerps Plateel tot Delftse Keramiek: Catalogus
—>  Ten-Year Triumph for Clock Expert
—>  Teoria e pratica della costrugione di un orologio solare in piano verticale
—>  Teoria General de la Formacion de la Imagen en el Microscopio
—>  Teoria generale ed analitica di Gnomonica e metodi per conoscere la Posizione dei Piani per gli orologi solari Memoria del Sig. Saverio Marchesano Architetto in Napoli estratta dagli annali di scienzi matematiche e fisiche publica in Roma Mazgio 1851
—>  Tercentenary Exhibition of the Pendulum Clock of Christiaan Huygens
—>  Tercentenary of Elias Ashmole
—>  Terjume-i Gedusi lil-Muqantarat ("Translation of Gedusi on the Almucantars")
—>  "Terminal Degeneration within the Central Nervous System as Studied by a new Silver Method"
—>  "Terminkalender Notizbucher. Schreibzeug"
—>  Terminologie Horlogere francaise et anglaise = A New Course of Modern Watchmaking
—>  Terrae-filius; or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford; in Several Essays. To which are added, Remarks upon a late Book, entitled, University Education, by R. Newton, D. D. Principal of Hart-Hall
—>  Terrestrial and Celestial Globes - I
—>  Terrestrial and Celestial Globes - II
—>  Terrestrial and celestial globes : their history and construction, including a consideration of their value as aids in the study of geography and astronomy
—>  Terrestrial and Celestial Globes: Their History and Construction including a Consideration of their Value as Aids in the Study of Geography and Astronomy
—>  Terrestrial Astrology: Divination by Geomancy : 2 entries
—>  Testacea Britannicae or Natural History of British Shells
—>  Testacea Microscopica aliaque minuta ex generibus Argonauta et Nautilus ad Naturam Delineata et Descripta
—>  Testacea Minuta Rariora, Nuperrime detecta in Arena Littoris Sandvicensis; a Gul. Boys, Arm. S. A. S. Multa addidit, et omnium Figuras ope Microscopii ampliatas accurate delineavit. Geo. Walker. | A Collection of the Minute and Rare Shells, lately discove
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—>  "Tetrazoline. Part II"
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—>  The Apostadometer. A New Surveying Instrument for Measuring the Distances of Inaccessible Objects by a Direct Reading Without Calculation, Giving also their Right Angled Direction | Applicable for Various Purposes, but Especially for Taking Offsets
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—>  "The apparatus of science" : 2 entries
—>  "The Apparatus Used by Sherrington and his Pupils"
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—>  The Arabs in History.
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—>  The archaic and the exotic : studies in the history of Indian astronomical instruments
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