
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "Out of a Newtonian Straitjacket: Alternative Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Physical Science"
—>  "Out of the Ashes"
—>  "Out of the Blue"
—>  "Out of the Meridian: John Bird's Equatorial Sector and the New Technology of Astronomical Measurement"
—>  Out of the Shadows: Herschel, Talbot, & the Invention of Photography
—>  Out of the Zenith: Jodrell Bank 1957-1970
—>  "Outline of the History of Flexible or Elastic Bodies to 1788"
—>  Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, for the formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans; Military Reconnaissance, Levelling, etc.; with the most useful problems in Geodesy and Practical Astronomy, and formulae and
—>  Outlines of a course of lectures on chemistry, applied to the arts and manufactures. : Delivered in the theatre of the Surry Institution
—>  Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Mechanical Philosophy
—>  Outlines of Astronomy : 4 entries
—>  Outlines of chemistry : or, Brief notes of chemical facts
—>  Outlines of Inorganic Chemistry with Special Reference to its Historical Development
—>  Outlines of the Ancient History of Medicine; being a view of the progress of the healing art among the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabians
—>  Ouvrages sur l'organisme Vomero-nasal
—>  "Over den Frieschen Teleskopenbouwer Jan Pytters van der Bildt (1709-1791)"
—>  "Over het Wegen van Munten"
—>  Overdruk uit "Cultuurgeschiedenis van Wetenschap en Techniek"
—>  Oxford : 3 entries
—>  "Oxford - A Home of Chemistry and Industry"
—>  Oxford and its Collections: Instruments of Success
—>  Oxford and its Region: Geographical Essays
—>  Oxford and Modern Medicine
—>  Oxford and the History of Science : 2 entries
—>  "Oxford and the Revival of Optics in the Thirteenth Century"
—>  "Oxford Chemistry 1966"
—>  Oxford Coffee Houses, 1651-1800
—>  Oxford Delineated; or a Sketch of the History and Antiquities, and a General Topographical Description, of that celebrated University and City: illustrated by a Series of Views
—>  Oxford Figures: 800 Years of the Mathematical Sciences
—>  Oxford in 1710: from the Travels of Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach
—>  "Oxford in 1820 | Parson Skinner's Holiday | The Laboratory at Christ Church"
—>  Oxford Innovation News
—>  Oxford into pottery: a new approach to the Industrial Revolution
—>  Oxford Libraries Outside the Bodleian: a Guide
—>  Oxford Libraries Union Catalogue of Foreign Serials in the Humanities and Social Studies : 2 entries
—>  Oxford Libraries: Information for Undergraduates
—>  Oxford Mathematics and Mathematicians
—>  Oxford Medical Lore : 2 entries
—>  Oxford Medical School Gazette
—>  Oxford medicine: essays on the evolution of the Oxford clinical school
—>  Oxford Meeting, 27/28 September 1963
—>  Oxford Men & Their Colleges, Illustrated with Portraits and Views
—>  Oxford Men and Their Colleges, Illustrated with Portraits and Views
—>  "Oxford Personality of 16th Century - subject of Durer portrait discovered to be Nicolaus Kratzer"
—>  Oxford Publishing since 1478
—>  Oxford Rebels: The Life and Friends of Nevil Story Maskelyne 1823-1911 Pioneer Oxford Scientist, Photographer and Politician
—>  Oxford Science
—>  "Oxford Science in the Seventeenth Century"
—>  Oxford Sundials
—>  Oxford Town Trail: Alice and Lewis Carroll
—>  Oxford University Calendar
—>  Oxford University Museum
—>  Oxford University Museum: Its Architecture and Art
—>  Oxford University Science Libraries: A Guide
—>  "Oxford University Sketches"
—>  Oxford University Union List of Scientific Serials
—>  Oxford University, Symposium of the History of Science, July, 1961
—>  "Oxford, Broad Street"
—>  "Oxford, in Reference to Laws and Lawyers"
—>  Oxford: 1926 (ninety-sixth year), Wednesday, Aug. 4, to Wednesday, Aug. 11: Journal of Scientific Transactions
—>  Oxford: The Historic University
—>  Oxford: The University in Old Photographs
—>  "Oxford's Collection of Astrolabes"
—>  Oxford's College Gardens
—>  Oxford's Contribution to the Origins of Modern Science
—>  "Oxford's Historic Garden"
—>  Oxford's royal revolution
—>  "Oxford's Scientific Tercentenary"
—>  "Oxford's Treasures in the Old Ashmolean: New Destiny for the Antiquary's Foundation" : 2 entries
—>  "Oxfordshire Botanists and the Discovery of the British Flora"
—>  Oxfordshire History: Directory of Research in Progress : 2 entries
—>  Oxfordshire Mills
—>  Oxfordshire Roundabout: The County Magazine
—>  Oxoniana
—>  Oxoniensis Academia: or, the Antiquities and Curiosities of the University of Oxford. Giving an Account of all the Public Edifices, both Ancient and Modern, particularly the Colleges and Halls, ... Theatre, Musaeums ... Together with Lists of the Founders
—>  "P. H. Maille, a Forgotten Pioneer in Meteorology"
—>  "Pacific Exploration before Cook"
—>  Pacific Rockets: Journal of the Pacific Rocket Society
—>  Pacing the Void: T'ang Approaches to the Stars
—>  "Pactolus - River of Gold"
—>  Pages immortelles: Copernic; Galilee; Kepler
—>  Paget Colour Photography: Duplicating Method : 2 entries
—>  Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style
—>  Painting of the first observed transit of Venus
—>  Palaeontology and the Evolution of Man
—>  Palaeontology or a Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals and Their Geological Relations
—>  Palaeosurgery in Moravia
—>  Palaephati de fabulosis narrationibus, Liber I
—>  "Paleophotographic studies: Was photography born in the 18th century?"
—>  Palladii Rutilii Taurii Aemiliani, viri illustris, De re rustica
—>  Palladius On husbondrie
—>  Palladius On Husbondrie: Edited from the unique MS. of about 1420 A.D. in Colchester Castle by the Rev. Barton Lodge: Part I
—>  Pallas Armata. Military Essayes of the Ancient Grecian, Roman, and Modern Art of War
—>  Pamjatniki Russkoj Kul'tury: Pervoj Cetverti XVIII Veka: v Sobranii Gosudarstvennogo Ordena Lenina Ermitaza
—>  Pamphlets from the Library of Louis Dutens
—>  Pamphlets Scientific and Controversial
—>  Panaugia or Universal Light: Being Part Two of his Consultation on the Reform of Human Affairs wherein he considers enlightening men's minds with a Universal Light in which all men see all things thoroughly
—>  Panorama des Collections
—>  [Panorama of Procession]
—>  Panoramania! The Art and Entertainment of the 'All-Embracing' View
—>  Panorganon: or, A Universal Instrument, Performing all such conclusions Geometrical & Astronomical as are usually wrought by the Globes, Spheres, Sectors, etc.
—>  Pantographice, sev ars Delineandi res Quaslibet per Parallelogrammum Lineare sev Cavum, Mechanicum, Mobile; Libellis duobus explicata, & Demonstrationibus Geometricis illustrata: quorum Prior Epipedographicen, sive Planorum, Posterior Stereographicen, sev
—>  Pantologia
—>  Pantometria
—>  Pantometrum Kircherianum, Hoc est Instrumentum Geometrium novum ... etc.
—>  "Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli y su importancia en el mundo cientifico del siglo XV"
—>  "Paolo del Buono on the Elasticity of Air"
—>  "Paper, Print, and Mathematics: Philippe Danfrie and the Making of Mathematical Instruments in Late 16th Century Paris"
—>  Papers from the Ad Hoc Commission on History of Surveying
—>  Papers on Etherification and on the Constitution of Salts
—>  Papers on Mechanical Subjects
—>  "Papers on Precession and Solar Motion 1910-1912"
—>  Papers Read at the Banks Celebration on Thursday, 17th June, 1920, in commemoration of the centenary of the death of the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bt., P.C., K.B., P.R.S., on the 19th June, 1820
—>  "Papyrology and Sources in Astronomical History"
—>  "Paracelsian Doctrine in English Medicine"
—>  Paracelsica
—>  "Paracelsus' atherahnliche Substanzen und ihre pharmakologische Auswertung an Huhnern"
—>  Paradisi Batavi Prodromus, In quo Plantae rariores omnes, in Batavorum Hortis hactenus cultae, & plurimam partem a nemine antea descriptae recensentur
—>  Paradoxes of nature and science
—>  Paragone dei Due Orologi Oltramontano, ed Italiano Risposta di D. G. B. Z. ad un suo Amico
—>  Paragone dei Due Orologi Oltramontano, ed Italiano: Riposta di D. G. B. Z. ad suo Amico
—>  Paraphrase de l'astrolabe
—>  "Parigi degli ospedali"
—>  Parker's ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1771
—>  Parker's Projection of the Longitude at Sea: Whereby the Mariners may be enabled to correct their Accounts thereof, as often as they shall have the Benefit of a Clear Sky and Calm Sea, at the Time of the Moon's visible Southing. Communicated to and approv
—>  Parsons Journal
—>  "Part II Archaeologica Geomagnetica"
—>  [Part of] "De l'Examen de l'Oeil au mayen de l'Ophthalmoscope"
—>  Particulars of the Grand Suspension Bridge erected over the Straits of Menai, by order of the Government, Designed by Thomas Telford, Civil Engineer, Began in May 1819 and opened Jan. 30th. 1826
—>  Particulars of the Institution and of the privileges and conditions of membership
—>  Particulars of the Mounting of a Three-Foot Reflector
—>  "Pascal as a Man"
—>  Passage to a Ringed World: The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan
—>  Passages from the Life of a Philosopher
—>  Passiones Animae
—>  "Patent agents, legal advisers and Gugliolmo Marconi's breakthrough in wireless telegraphy"
—>  Patent Breach for Guns
—>  Patent Microscopes Etc. Specifications 1852-1885
—>  "Patent Pantoscopic Spectacles"
—>  Patent place
—>  "Patent Place"
—>  Patent specification : improved container for rat poison bait
—>  Patent Specification 566,691. Provisional Specification: Apparatus for Utilizing Energy Exerted by a Mass of Water Subject to Variations of Level
—>  Patent specifications relating to microscopes, 1946-1953.
—>  Patents for Inventions in the Netherlands during the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries: with notes on the historical development of technics
—>  Patents for Inventions. Abridgements of Specifications. Class 139, Watches, Clocks, and Other Timekeepers
—>  Patents of Invention: Origin and Growth of the Patent System in Britain
—>  Pathologiae Cerebri, et Nervosi Generis Specimen. In quo agitur De Morbis Convulsivis, et de Scorbuto
—>  "Patra and the Paper Industry"
—>  "Patronage and Privilege in Education: A Devon Boy goes to School, 1798"
—>  "Patronage and Publishing: Journals of Microscopy 1839-1989"
—>  Patrons, Artisans and Instruments of Science, 1600-1750
—>  "Paul Crespin, Goldsmith"
—>  "Paul Rudolph's Carl Zeiss Photographic Lenses"
—>  "Paul Tannery"
—>  Paul Ten Bruggencate
—>  Paulo Orosio, presbitero Bracarense, criador do estudo geografia e da historia na Idade Media
—>  [Paulou Aiginetou iatrou aristou, biblia hepta. En arche hekastou ton biblion deiknytai ta en ekeino periechomena]. = Pauli Aeginetae medici optimi, libri septem. In principio singulorum librorum omnia indicantur, quae in eo continentur libro. / Omnia hae
—>  Pausanias and other Greek Sketches : 2 entries
—>  Pausanias' Description of Greece
—>  Pausanias's Description of Greece
—>  Pausilypon, the imperial villa near Naples: with a description of the submerged foreshore and with observations on the tomb of Virgil and on other Roman antiquities on Posilipo
—>  "Pearson's Jupiter Clock"
—>  Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei, de medicinali materia libri sex
—>  "Peder Nattergal og hans astronomiske regneinstrument"
—>  Pegasus Story: A History of a Vintage British Computer
—>  Pehr Wilhelm Wargentin: Kungl. vetenskapsakademiens Sekreterare och Astronom 1749-1783
—>  "Pendelversuche und Fallversuche in Bologna"
—>  Pendulum to Atom
—>  "Pendulum to Atom Clock"
—>  Penicilin and Luck
—>  Penicillin
—>  "Penicillin as a Chemotherapeutic Agent" : 2 entries
—>  "Penicillin in Perspective"
—>  "Penicillin"
—>  Penicillin, a Dramatic Story
—>  "Penicillin: Its Development for Medical Uses"
—>  Pennsylvania Clocks and Clockmakers: An Epic of Early American Science, Industry, and Craftsmanship
—>  "Pensiero matematico e pensiero fisico"
—>  Pensou-se em Vasco da Gama para comandar a armada que descobriu o Brasil
—>  People in Camera 1839-1914
—>  "Periodic orbits"
—>  Periodicals Catalogue
—>  Periodicity and variation of solar (and lunar) eclipses
—>  "Periscopes for Rear Vision"
—>  "Perkin and the Dyestuffs Industry in Britain"
—>  Perkin Centenary London: 100 years of synthetic dyestuffs
—>  "Perpetual Motion Machines and their Design in Ancient India"
—>  "Perpetual Motion: Illusion and Reality"
—>  Perpetuum Kalendarium Astronomicum
—>  "'Perpetuum Mobile': The Invention of Rolling Ball Clocks in The Seventeenth Century"
—>  "Perpignan 1356"
—>  Perpignan 1356: The Making of a Tower Clock and Bell for the King's Castle
—>  Persian Literature. A Bio-Bibliographical Survey: Vol. II, Part 1. A. Mathematics. B. Weights and Measures. C. Astronomy and Astrology. D. Geography.
—>  Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799-1804 by Alexander de Humboldt and Aime Bonpland; With maps, plans, etc. written in French by Alexander de Humboldt, and translated into English by Helen M
—>  Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, during the years 1799-1804
—>  'Personality and scientific research'
—>  Perspectiva do comercio sertanejo do Bie na segunda metade do seculo XIX
—>  Perspectiva Horaria sive de Horographia Gnomonica tum theoretica tum practica
—>  Perspectiva. In qua, quae ab aliis fuse traduntur, succincte, neruose & ita pertractantur, utomnium intellectui facile pateant
—>  Perspective Fundamentals, Controversials History
—>  Perspectives in Biochemistry: Thirty-one Essays presented to Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins by past and present members of his Laboratory
—>  Pes Mechanicus Artificialis oder Neu-erfundener Mass-Stab, etc.
—>  Pes Mechanicus, Oder Werckschuh, Das ist: Einggar leichte Weise, allerley aemeine Sonnen-Uhren auss winem aussgetheilten Werckschuh zu machen, etc. ...
—>  Pes Mechanicus. Oder Werckschuch, Das ist: Ein New erfundene weiss, allerley Sonnen Uhren (so von noten) aus einem aussgetheilten Werckschuch gantsleicht zu machen
—>  Pes mechanicus: oder Werckschuch. das ist: Ein Gar Leuchte Weise Allerlen Gemeire Sonnenuhren aufs ein en Aufsgetheilten Werckschuch zu Machen
—>  Pet. Apiani Organon Catholicum, Das ist: Ein allgemeines Mathemathsch Instrument, ...
—>  Peter Anich
—>  Peter Apianus und sein Astronomicum Caesareum / Peter Apianus and his Astronomicum Caesareum
—>  Peter de Grote en Holland: Culturele en Wetenschappelijke Betrekkingen tussen Rusland an Nederland ten Tijde van Tsaar Peter de Grote
—>  "Peter Le Neve Foster and Cleopatra's Needle"
—>  Peter Lightfoot - Monk of Glastonbury and the Old Clock at Wells
—>  "Peter Stahl, the First Public Teacher of Chemistry at Oxford"
—>  Peter Stubs and the Lancashire Hand Tool Industry
—>  "Peter the Great in England"
—>  Peter und Philipp Apian, zwei deutsche Mathematiker u. Kartographen
—>  Petit Catalogue d'Exposition: Exposition "Piloter l'Hermione"
—>  Petit traicte de geometrie et d'horologiographie pratique
—>  Petit traite de gnomonique, ou L'Art de tracer les cadrans solaires
—>  "Petition to the King's Most Excellent Majesty in Council ..."
—>  Petri Philomenae de Dacia et Petri de S. Audomaro: Opera Quadrivialia: Pars I Opera Petri Philomenae
—>  Petri Philomenae de Dacia et Petri de S. Audomaro: Opera Quadrivialia: Pars II Opera Petri de Sancto Audomaro
—>  Petrifactions and Their Teachings; or, a Hand-Book to the Gallery of Organic Remains of the British Museum
—>  Petrographic Methods and Calculations. Part II: The Study of Thin Sections
—>  "Petroleum Geology and Developments in 1951-1952"
—>  "Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt and his Epistola de Magnete"
—>  "Petrus Ramus et l'humanisme balois"
—>  "Petzval Jozsef Pesti evei"
—>  Pewter down the Ages. From Mediaeval times to the Present Day with notes on evolution
—>  Pfinzing: Der Kartograph der Reichsstadt Nurnberg
—>  Pflanzenphysiologie
—>  Phaenomena Barometri
—>  "Phantasmagoria, A View In Elephanta"
—>  Pharmacies anciennes: interieurs et objets
—>  "Pharmacology: its Aims and Methods"
—>  Pharmacopoeia Officinalis & Extemporanea. Or, A Complete English Dispensatory, in Four Parts. I. The Theory of Pharmacy, and the several Processes therein. II. A Description of the Officinal Simples, ... III. The Officinal Compositions, ... IV. Extemporan
—>  Pharmacopoeia Radcliffeana: or, Dr Radcliff's Prescriptions, faithfully gather'd from his Original Recipe's. To which is annex'd, useful Observations upon each Prescription
—>  Pharmacopoeia Radcliffeana: or, Dr Radcliff's Prescriptions, faithfully gather'd from his Original Recipe's. To which are annex'd, Useful Observations upon each Prescription
—>  "Pharmacopoeias as Witnesses of World History"
—>  Pharmacy in History
—>  "Pharmacy in Prints"
—>  Pharmacy Jars at the Royal College of Surgeons of England: An Annotated Catalogue
—>  Pharmacy. Past, present and future
—>  Phase Contrast Microscope.
—>  Philip Doddridge of Northampton
—>  Philip Henry Gosse: A Bibliography
—>  Philipp Melanchthon als Mathematiker und Physiker
—>  "Philippe Vandermaelen 1795-1869"
—>  Philippi Lansbergii Beschrijvingh der Vlacke Sonne-Wysers: in welcke de waere manier, om delelve op allerhande Vlackten te betrecken, volgens Wiskonstige Regulen geleert, ende door een groot getal Vertoog-schetzen aengewefen werdt.
—>  Philippi Lansbergii in Quadrantem Ium Astronomicum, tum Geometricum; nec non in Astrolabium Introductio, etc.
—>  Philippi Lansbergii Verklaringe van het gebruyck des Astronomischen en Geometrischen Quadrants, Seir nutende vermakelick voor alle KrijghsOfficieren, etc.
—>  Philips Practical Welding Course
—>  Phillippi Lansbergii Horologiographia Plane in Qua omne genus Sciotericorum Horologiorum, quae plano cuilibet inscribi possunt, certis evidentibusque, etc.
—>  "Philologische Studien zu Griechischen Mathematikern IV. Ueber den Dialekt des Archimedes"
—>  "Philologische Studien zu Griechischen Mathematikern. I-II"
—>  "Philologische Studien zu Griechischen Mathematikern. III. Die Handschriften Georg Vallas von griechischen Mathematikern"
—>  Philosophia Britannica : oder neuer und fasslicher Lehrbegrif der Newtonschen Weltweisheit … : 2 entries
—>  Philosophia Britannica : or a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, astronomy and geography
—>  Philosophia Britannica : or, a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, astronomy and geography
—>  Philosophia Britannica : or, a new and comprehensive system of the Newtonian philosophy, atronomy [sic] and geographys [sic]
—>  Philosophia Britannica: or a New and Comprehensive System of the Newtonian Philosophy, Astronomy and Geography in a Course of Twelve Lectures, with Notes containing ... proofs ... in every Branch of Natural Science. ...
—>  Philosophiae ac Mathematicae ... : 2 entries
—>  Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica : 2 entries
—>  "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Autore Is. Newton Trin. Coll. Cantab. Soc. Matheseos Professore Lucasiano, & Societatis Regalis Sodali. 4to. Londini. Prostat apud plures Bibliopolas."
—>  Philosophiae naturalis. Principia Mathematica
—>  'Philosophical and Scientific Textbooks in the Greek Speaking Regions from 1750 to 1821: The Example of Two Greek Translations'
—>  Philosophical Collections: Numb[er] 1
—>  Philosophical Collections: Numb[er] 2.
—>  Philosophical Collections: Numb[er] 5.
—>  Philosophical Collections: Numb[er] 6.
—>  Philosophical Experiments and Observations of the late Eminent Dr Robert Hooke, S.R.S. and Geom. Prof. Gresh. and Other Eminent Virtuoso's in his Time
—>  'Philosophical Lectures given by Benjamin Martin and James Ferguson in London during the 1770s'
—>  Philosophical Letters between the late Learned Mr. Ray and several of his Ingenious Correspondents, Natives and Foreigners. To which are added those of Francis Willughby Esq; the Whole consisting of many curious Discoveries and Improvements in the History
—>  Philosophical principles of universal chemistry: : or, the foundation of a scientifical manner of inquiring into and preparing the natural and artificial bodies for the uses of life: both in the smaller way of experiment, and the larger way of business. D
—>  Philosophical Transactions
—>  Philosophical Transactions Numb[er] 144.
—>  Philosophical Transactions Numb[er] 81.
—>  "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society"
—>  Philosophie Naturalis Principia Mathematica
—>  "Philosophy of Early Education"
—>  "Philosophy of Physics, 1850-1950"
—>  "Philosophy of Science in relation to History of Science"
—>  Philosophy, Technology, and the Arts in the Early Modern Era
—>  Phonographs & Gramophones
—>  "Phosphorus: from elemental light to chemical element"
—>  Photochemical Processes
—>  "Photocopying in January 1843: The Treaty of Nanking"
—>  "Photodiscovery"
—>  Photo-electric and Selenium Cells
—>  Photoelectric Cells: Their Properties, Use, and Applications
—>  Photo-Electricity: The Liberation of Electrons by Light : With Chapters on Fluorescence & Phosphorescence, and Photo-Chemical Actions & Photography
—>  Photo-Engraving, Photo-Etching, and Photo-Lithography in line and half-tone; also Collotype and Heliotype
—>  Photographers in Dyfed 1857-1920 (Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire)
—>  Photographic and Lantern Price List 1914-15
—>  Photographic Apparatus & Optical, Electrical and Physical Apparatus etc.
—>  Photographic Atlas of the Normal Solar Spectrum : 2 entries
—>  Photographic Cameras Index List for / pour / fur Michel Auer "Catalogue Collection Michel Auer" Michel Auer "The Illustrated History of The Camera" "Histoire illustree des Appareils Photographiques" "Kameras gestern und heute" Eaton S. Lothrop "A Century
—>  Photographic Catalogue
—>  "Photographic Equidensitometry - The New Technique of Astronomical Isophotometry"
—>  Photographic Equipment Catalogue
—>  Photographic Lenses, a simple treatise
—>  Photographic Lenses: A Simple Treatise : 3 entries
—>  Photographic Manipulation: The Waxed Paper Process of ...
—>  Photographic Materials
—>  Photographic materials : general catalogue
—>  Photographic materials : professional catalogue
—>  Photographic Photometry: A Study of Methods of Measuring Radiation by Photographic Means
—>  "Photographic Satellite Observations with the Automatic Camera for Astrogeodesy"
—>  Photographie im Wandel der Zeiten
—>  Photographie sur Plaque d'Argent et Papier. Plus de Secret pour le Coloris! Dernier Perfectionnement de ce Jour Apporte a cet Art. etc.
—>  Photographie und Forschung: the Contax in the service of science
—>  Photographie: Hermann Krone
—>  "Photographiren Einst und Jetzt"
—>  Photographischer Mond-Atlas
—>  "Photographs as Early Scientific Book Illustrations"
—>  Photographs of British Algae. Cyanotype Impressions
—>  Photography : the first eighty years : 27 October to 1 December 1976 ; Monday to Friday 9.30-5.30, Saturday 10-1
—>  Photography 150: Images from the First Generation
—>  Photography 1839-1989 : for sale by auction; Thursday, November 9, 1989 at 10.30 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.
—>  "Photography and the Microscope"
—>  Photography applied to the Microscope. With a chapter on Mounting Objects, by T. Charters White, M.R.C.S.
—>  Photography as a Scientific Implement
—>  Photography as an aid to Scientific Work
—>  Photography by the Fireside: A Treatise and Price List of Enlarging Apparatus, Optical Lanterns and Accessories, Home Cinematographs and Mounting Cards and Papers
—>  Photography in Africa: A Bibliography
—>  Photography in Archaeology and Art
—>  Photography in Colours
—>  Photography in Natural Colours: A Simple Inexpensive and Reliable Process whereby any Amateur Photographer can obtain Photographs in Natural Colours
—>  Photography To-day
—>  Photography: a treatise on the Chemical Changes produced by Solar Radiation, and the Production of Pictures from Nature, by the Daguerreotype, Calotype, and other photographic processes
—>  Photography: Essays & Images | Illustrated Readings in the History of Photography
—>  Photography: its history, processes, apparatus, and materials. Comprising working details of all the more important methods.
—>  Photography: Its Principles and Practice: A Manual of the Theory and Practice of Photography
—>  Photohistorica: Literature Index of the European Society for the History of Photography
—>  Photometry and the Eye
—>  Photo-Micrographic-Apparatus
—>  Photo-Micrographs and How to Make Them
—>  Photomicrography : 3 entries
—>  Photo-Micrography : 2 entries
—>  Photomicrography in Theory and Practice
—>  "Photomicrography of three dimensions"
—>  Photomicrography: An Introduction to Photography with the Microscope
—>  Photo-Micrography: Including a Description of the Wet Collodion and Gelatino-Bromide Processes with the Best Methods of Mounting and Preparing Microscopic Objects for Photo-Micrography
—>  Photomicrography; an Introduction to Photography with the Microscope
—>  Photons and Electrons
—>  Photoraphische Aufnahmen Fraunhofer'scher Beugungsfiguren
—>  "Photo-Sculpture"
—>  Phthisiologia Lancastriensis, cui accessit Tentamen Philosophicum de Mineralibus Aquis in eodem Comitatu Observatis
—>  Phurnuti De natura deorum, sive poeticarum fabularuro allegoriis, speculatio
—>  "Physic and Physicians as Depicted in Plato"
—>  Physica HypomnemataI. De Rerum naeturalium principiis. II. De Occultis Qualitatibus. III. De Atomis & Mistione. IV. De Generatione viuentium. V. De Spontaneo viuentium ortu. Cum Indicibus necessariis.
—>  Physica Subterranea Profundam Subterraneorum Genesin, e principiis hucusque ignotis, ostendens
—>  Physica Vetus & Vera: sive Tractatus de naturali veritate hexaemeri mosaici. Per quem probatur in historia Creations, tum Generationis universae methodum atque modum, tum verae Philosophiae principia, strictim atque breviter a Mose tradi
—>  Physica vetus et vera. Sive Tractatus de Naturali Veritate Hexaemeri Mosaici. Per quem probatur in historia Creationis, tum Generationis universae methodum atque modum, tum verae Philosophiae principia, strictim atque breviter a Mose tradi
—>  Physical and Chemical Essays translated from the original Latin of Sir Torbern Bergman, by Edmund Cullen, M. D. To which are added Notes and Illustrations by the Translator
—>  Physical and Dynamical Meteorology
—>  "Physical Anthropology and its Instruments: An Historical Study"
—>  Physical Concepts that cannot be Assimilated to Instrumentation
—>  Physical Laboratory Apparatus: Catalogue 59L
—>  Physical Optics : 2 entries
—>  Physical Optics; or, The Phenomena of Optics, explained according to Mechanical Science; and on the known Principles of Gravitation
—>  "Physical Society of London Address of the President"
—>  Physicalisch-Mikroskopische Abhandlung vom Asbest, Amianf, Stein-oder Erdflachs, und einiger anderer mit demselben verwandter Zoffilien. Mit VI illuminirten Kupfertafeln
—>  Physico-Mechanical Experiments on Various Subjects, Containing an Account of several Surprizing Phenomena touching Light and Electricity, producible on the Attrition of Bodies. With many other Remarkable Appearances, not before observ'd. Together with the
—>  Physico-Mechanical Experiments on Various Subjects. Containing An Account of several Surprizing Phenomena Touching Light and Electricity, Producible on the Attrition of Bodies
—>  Physico-Mechanical Lectures
—>  Physico-Mechanical Lectures, or, an account of what is explained and demonstrated in the Course of Mechanical and Experimental Philosophy
—>  Physicorum libri decem
—>  "Physics and Astronomy" : 3 entries
—>  Physics and the Art of Instrument Making at Leyden in the 17th and 18th Centuries
—>  "Physics at the University of Oxford"
—>  Physics for Beginners
—>  Physics for Princes: The George III Collection
—>  Physics in Australia to 1945: Bibliography and Biographical Register
—>  Physics in Industry: Lectures delivered before the Institute of Physics
—>  Physics in Oxford 1839-1939: Laboratories, Learning, and College Life
—>  "Physics in the Eighteenth Century"
—>  "Physics Instruments in the Twentieth Century"
—>  Physics of the Air
—>  Physics teaching in England from early times up to 1850
—>  Physik mit Her(t)z : Ausstellung anlasslich des 150. Geburtstags von Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894)
—>  Physikalische Streitschrift uber den Luft- und Wasserdruck
—>  Physikalisches Laboratorium, Mosbach: Beitrage uber die Anwendung des Elektronenmikroscops in der Technik
—>  Physiography for Beginners
—>  Physiologiae Peripatheticae [sic] Lib. VI. cum Commentariis, in quibus praecepta illius perspicue erudited; explicantur, & ex optimis quibusque peripatheticae Philosophiae Interpretibus, Platone, Aristotele, Zabarella, Archangelo Mercenario, Thoma Erasto,
—>  Physiological Disquisitions; or, Discourses on the Natural Philosophy of the Elements
—>  "Physiologie zwischen gestern und morgen"
—>  Physiology
—>  Physiology of the Nervous System
—>  Physiology of the Retina and the Visual Pathway
—>  Physique - Sur la spectroscope des rayons secondaires omis hors des tubes a rayons de Rontgen, et les spectres d'absorption
—>  Physique, Cote Cours: Cabinets de physique dans l'enseignement secondaire au XIXe siecle
—>  Physique. Note sur le Phenomene d'Optique Meteorologique du 13 Mars 1838
—>  Physische Betrachtungen uber die Mangel und den wenigen Nutzen der gemeinen Auslosungen der Pflanzen und Thiere
—>  "Physische Zusammenkunste der Asteroiden im Jahre 1861"
—>  Phytognomonica Io. Baptistae Neopolitani, octo libris contenta; : in quibus noua, facillimaque affertur methodus, qua plantarum, animalium, metallorum; rerum denique omnium ex prima extimae faciei inspectione quiuis abditas vires assequatur. Accedunt ad h
—>  Phytognomonica Io. Baptistae Portae Neapol. octo libris contenta; : in quibus noua, facillimaque affertur methodus, qua plantarum, animalium, metallorum; rerum denique omnium ex prima extimae faciei inspectione quiuis abditas vires assequatur
—>  Phytologia; or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening
—>  Pia Desideria. Tribvs Libris Comprehensa
—>  "Piazzi Smyth at Teneriffe: Part 1 The Expedition and the Resulting Book"
—>  "Piazzi Smyth at Teneriffe: Part 2, Photography and the Disciples of Constable and Harding"
—>  Piccola Guida Storica del Museo di Fisica
—>  "Pictographs and Petroglyphs of the Southwest Indians"
—>  Pictorial History of European Medicine and Pharmaceutics
—>  Pictorial Key to the View from the Sheldonian Theatre Oxford, showing the main features of the Principal Buildings as they appear from the eight Windows of the Cupola above the Roof
—>  Pictorial Story of Brown Wireless Instruments
—>  Pictures from the Past of the Healing Arts: Semmelweis Medical Historical Museum, Library and Archives
—>  "Piecing Together an Ancient Puzzle: The Tower of the Winds"
—>  "Pierre de la Ramee et l'empirisme scientifique au XVIe siecle"
—>  "Pierre Duhem et Anneliese Maier"
—>  "Pierre Duhem, un resistant"
—>  "Pierre Gassendi: Astronomer and Natural Philosopher"
—>  Pierre Geuns Physicien, Sculpteur et Tourneur Ivoirier Belge
—>  "Pierre Louis Guinand "l'Opticien", Contribution Biographique"
—>  "Pierre-Louis Guinand et les verres d'optique"
—>  Pierre-Simon Laplace, 1749-1827: A Life in Exact Science
—>  "Pierwowzor Pierwszej drukowanej polskiej mapy nieba z 1585 r"
—>  "Pieter Holm and his tobacco box"
—>  "Pieter Holm en zijn tabaksdoos"
—>  Pietro Riccardi (1828-1898) e la Storiografia delle Matematiche in Italia
—>  Pike's Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments
—>  Pilgrimage: The Sacred Journey
—>  Pilotos portugueses en el Rio de la Plata durante el siglo XVI
—>  "Piltdown Man Hoaxer's Identity 'Revealed'"
—>  Pioneer Research Around Manchester
—>  "Pioneering Padre on Horseback - Eusebio Francisco Kino (1645-1711), Part I"
—>  "Pioneering Padre on Horseback, Eusebio Francisco Kino (1645-1711). Part 2"
—>  Pioneers in Acute Abdominal Surgery
—>  Pioneers of Precision Timekeeping: A Symposium
—>  Pioneers of radar
—>  "Pioneers of South African Astronomy"
—>  'Piri Reis, Suleyman's Magnificent Admiral'
—>  Pitcairn's Island, and the Islanders, in 1850 Together with extracts from his Private Journal, and a few Hints upon California; also, the Reports of all the Commanders of H. M. Ships that have touched at the above Island since 1800.
—>  Pitfalls in Science & History
—>  "Pitt Rivers and his Collection, 1874-1883: The Chronicle of a Gift Horse"
—>  Pizzigano's chart of 1424
—>  "Place Names of Medieval Islam"
—>  Places of the Four New Planets, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas, for the Times of their Opposition to the Sun, in the Year 1830
—>  Places of the Four New Planets, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas, for the Times of their Opposition to the Sun, in the Year, 1830
—>  "Plague Tractates"
—>  "Plaice in the North Sea: Changes in Size and Catch: A War-time Drama"
—>  Plan Meropriyatii po Raspostraneniyu Nauchno-technicheskikh Znanii
—>  Planches Mammiferes
—>  Plane trigonometry : Part II : Analytical trigonometry
—>  "Planetaria - a Historical Survey"
—>  Planetarium-Boek Eise Eisinga
—>  Planisphaeriorum Universalium Theorica : 2 entries
—>  Planisphaerium versatile, Praemissa Sphaerae Mundi
—>  Planispheric Astrolabes from the National Museum of American History : 2 entries
—>  Plans et Description des Instruments de l'Observatoire Royale de Bruxelles
—>  Plant Viruses
—>  Plant, Animal & Anatomical Illustration in Art & Science: A bibliographical guide from the 16th century to the present day
—>  Planta da cidade do Funchal desenhada por Agostino Jose Marques Rosa
—>  Plantarum Historiae Universalis Oxoniensis pars Secunda seu Herbarum Distributio Nova, per Tabulas Cognationis & Affinitatis. Ex Libro Naturae Observata & Detecta
—>  Plantarum Umbelliferarum Distributio nova, per tabulas cognationis et affinitatis ex Libro Naturae Observata & detecta : 2 entries
—>  Plarr's Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
—>  Plastics and Industrial Design
—>  Plastics Applied: Being a survey of patent and technical literature with collected data of interest to users of plastics in all branches of industry
—>  "Plate Illustrating Surveying Instruments"
—>  Plateau
—>  Plateau: International Quarterly Bulletin on Animated Films
—>  Platen-album I. Zeegeschiedenis, kartografie en stuurmanskunst / Album of Plates I. Maritime History, Cartography and Navigation
—>  Plates belonging to the Second Volume of An Introduction to Practical Astronomy. By the Rev. W. Pearson, LL.D. F.R.S. etc.
—>  Plates for Practisches Handbuch der Mikroskopie
—>  Plates for the Essays on the Microscope : 3 entries
—>  Plates for the 'Essays on the Microscope'
—>  Plates Illustrating a new edition of Ferguson's Lectures on Mechanics, Hydrostatics, etc.
—>  Plates illustrative of Ferguson's Astronomy; and of the twelve supplementary chapters
—>  Plates illustrative of Ferguson's Astronomy; and of the Twelve Supplementary Chapters, by David Brewster, LL. D.
—>  Plates Illustrative of Ferguson's Lectures on Mechanics, Hydrostatics, etc.
—>  Plates to the Geometrical And Graphical Essays
—>  Plates. Papers. Chemicals
—>  "Platinum and Palladium in Astronomy and Navigation: The Pioneer Work of Edward Troughton and William Hyde Wollaston"
—>  "Plato's Later Theory of Ideas"
—>  Pleasant Mornings at the British Museum; or, Memorials of By-gone Ages. Historical Department
—>  "Pleistocene Events and Forms in the Oxford Region"
—>  "Pliny the Elder on Gilding: A New Interpretation of his Comments"
—>  "Pliny's Chemical Knowledge"
—>  "Plossl Simon Optikai Muszerei Magyarorszagon"
—>  "Plot's Natural History of Staffordshire: An Appraisal"
—>  Plough Court - the story of a notable pharmacy. 1715-1927
—>  Plutarch on the face which appears on the orb of the Moon
—>  Pocatky paroplavby a vyznam Resslovy vrtule pro jeji vyvoj
—>  "Pocket and pendant calendars"
—>  "Pocket Microscope by Edmund Culpeper"
—>  Pocketbook of the gauge marks : a guide to the numerous special marks found on slide rules
—>  Pocket-book of useful formulae & memoranda for civil and mechanical engineers
—>  Poems consisting chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages. To which are added Two Essays, I. On the Poetry of the Eastern nations. II. On the Arts, commonly called Imitative
—>  Poetry realized in nature: Samuel Taylor Coleridge and early nineteenth-century science
—>  "Poids monetaires polyvalents"
—>  "Point Deluge and Tornado at Oxford, May 1682"
—>  Poklady Stareho Hvesdartstvi
—>  "Polar Aurora and Night-Sky Light"
—>  "Polaritat, Stufung und Metamorphose in der spekulativen Biologie der Romantik"
—>  "Polaroid and the Headlight Problem"
—>  Polaroid Glasses: What they are and what they do
—>  "Polesini: A Reexamination of the Engraved Upper Palaeolithic Mobilary Materials of Italy by a New Methodology"
—>  Polhem: Tidskrift for Teknikhistoria
—>  Poliorceticon sive de Machinis. Tormentis. Telis. Libri Quinque. Ade Historiarum lucem
—>  Polish Scholars: Their Contribution to World Science

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