
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Nuove Osservazioni del P. D. Giovanni Maria della Torre C. R. Somasco
—>  Nuovo e facil modo di fare col quadrante geometrico norologi solari orizontali, e verticali A tutte l'elevationi di Polo
—>  Nuovo Horologio Notturno Per mezzo delle Stelle
—>  Nuovo teoria delle linee orarie riferite all' orizzonte scoperta e dimonstrata
—>  "Nurnbergs Erzeugung und Ausfuhr Wissenschaftlicher Geratz im Zeitalter der Entdeckungen: Das Martin - Behaim Problem in Wirtschaftsgeschichtlicher"
—>  "Nutrition in Adverse Environments, 1: Forgotten Lessons of Maritime Nutrition"
—>  Nuttig gebruik van het Mikroskoop, of Handleiding tot Nieuwe Waarneemingen omtrent de Configuratien en Krystallen der Zouten, ... als ook een Berigt van het Mikroskoop, ...
—>  "Ny method att bestamma krappers ledningsformaga for varme"
—>  O "carro do austro" de Alvise da Ca' da Mosto : observacoes astronomicas e fortuna editorial
—>  O "propositado" encurtamento da largura do Atlantico nas cartas portuguesas do seculo XVI
—>  O "Sao Miguel" historico da costa oriental do Brasil
—>  O "Tratado da agulha de marear" de Joao de Lisboa ; reconstituicao do seu texto, seguida de uma versao francesa com anotacoes
—>  O alcance das viagens de Colombo para o dominio do Atlantico
—>  O almirante de Portugal : estatuto quatrocentista e quinhentista de um cargo medieval
—>  "O Astrolabio Nautico dos Portugueses"
—>  "O Astrolabio Universal da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa"
—>  O Atlantico dos portugueses no seculo XVII : curioso testemunho de um capuchinho de Piacenza que atingiu o Congo passando pelo Brasil
—>  O Bagrationit' {Cyrillic script}
—>  "O Caique do Algarve e a caravela portuguesa"
—>  O caracter experimental da carreira da Índia : um plano de Joao Pereira Dantas, com fortificacao da Africa do Sul (1556)
—>  O comandante Abel Fontoura da Costa, historiador da marinharia dos descobrimentos
—>  O cosmografo Bartolomeu Velho em Espanha
—>  O estudo da hidrografia numa regiao de civilizacoes de terra, a Africa austral
—>  "O mais antigo astrolabio conhecido de Gualterus Arsenius"
—>  O navio "Sao Gabriel" e as naus manuelinas
—>  O problema da origem da carta portulano
—>  O problema da seguranca das rotas e a concorrencia Luso-Holandesa antes de 1620
—>  O problema do conhecimento na Sphaera de D. Joao de Castro
—>  "O proiskhozhdenii glagolicheskoi azbuki"
—>  "O Quarteirao da Febre Amarela"
—>  "O Rare Frank Buckland!"
—>  O Stanta de Confectionat Penite din Pene de Pasare
—>  O sul de Mocambique no Roteiro de Sofala do piloto Ahmad ibn-Madjid
—>  O tracado das naus e galeoes portugueses de 1550-80 a 1640
—>  O Tratado de Tordesilhas e as dificuldades tecnicas da sua aplicacao rigorosa
—>  "O. G. Rejlander: Art Studies"
—>  "Ob odnoi rukopisi Kosmografii Publishnoi biblioteki v Leningrade"
—>  "Oberosterreich und seine Heiligen: April"
—>  Obituaries
—>  "Obituaries"
—>  Obituary : 59 entries
—>  "Obituary - Lewis Boss"
—>  "Obituary | Mr. Thomas Henry Court"
—>  "Obituary | Professor George de Hevesy Nobel prize for chemistry"
—>  "Obituary | Sir E. Ray Lankester"
—>  "Obituary Henry Ernest Stapleton (1878-1962)"
—>  "Obituary Notice - Henry Brougham Guppy, F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary Notice of A. C. L. G. Gunther, 1830-1914. (with portrait)"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Herbert Hall Turner" : 2 entries
—>  "Obituary Notice of M. H. Nevil Story-Maskelyne (1823-1911) (with Portrait and Bibliography)"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Silvanus Phillips Thompson"
—>  "Obituary notice of Sir Arthur Schuster - a Mathematical Physicist"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Sir Arthur Schuster, F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary notice of the Right Hon. Viscount Cherwell, P.C., C.H., F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary notice: Dr William Francis"
—>  "Obituary Notice: John Ambrose Fleming"
—>  "Obituary Notice: Sir Richard Tetley Glazebrook, September 18, 1854-December 15, 1935"
—>  Obituary Notices of Fellows of The Royal Society
—>  "Obituary. Ray Lankester"
—>  "Obituary. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, ... Died Aug. 22, 1940"
—>  "Obituary. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, D.Sc., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary. Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer. A Great Botanical Administrator"
—>  "Obituary. The Late Dr Charles Creighton"
—>  "Obituary: Dame Kathleen Lonsdale: First woman president of British Association"
—>  "Obituary: Derek John de Solla Price 1922-1983"
—>  "Obituary: Edward Milles Nelson. (1851-1938)"
—>  "Obituary: Frank Sherwood Taylor"
—>  "Obituary: Professor J. D. Bernal: An outstanding physicist"
—>  "Obituary: Sir Lawrence Bragg: One of the leading physicists of his time"
—>  Objects for the Microscope
—>  Obras Completas : 2 entries
—>  Obras completas de Luciano Pereira da Silva
—>  "Observables upon a Monstrous Head"
—>  Observatio Solaris Eclipsis Habita Patavii V. Nonas Maias MDCCXV. Accessere Epistola duae de quodam Phaenomeno in eadem Eclipsi observato
—>  "Observation of High Order Layer Lines on Rotating-Crystal Photographs"
—>  "Observation of Lunar Eclipse with Zeiss Coude Refractor"
—>  Observationes circa Viventia, quae in Rebus non Viventibus Reperiuntur. Cum Micrographia curiosa, Sive Rerum minutissimarum Observationibus, quae ope Microscopij recognitae ad vivum exprimuntur. Hic accesserunt aliquot Animalium Testaceorum Icones non ant
—>  Observationes durch dessen verfertige Microscopia. Deren unterschiedlichen Insecten nebst andern unsichtbaren Kleinigkeiten der Natur. Welche er nach dem Leben accurat abzeichnen und auf Berlangen Hoher Liebhaber in Kupffer stechen lassen
—>  Observationes Medicae : 2 entries
—>  Observationes Medico-Chirurgicae, Ex Belgico In latinum translatae ab Abrahamo Blasio, Ger. Fil. Medicinae Studioso
—>  Observationes tribus libris expressae
—>  Observations addressed, at the last Anniversary, to the President and Fellows of the Royal Society, after the Delivery of the Medals
—>  Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light and on the Theory of Comets
—>  Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light, and on the Theory of Comets
—>  "Observations and Tryalls about the Resemblances and Differences between a Burning Coal and Shining Wood."
—>  Observations de la grande nebuleuse d'Orion, faites a Cazan et a Poulkova
—>  Observations des Hauteurs faites avec le Barometre, au mois d'Aoust 1751. Sur une Partie des Alpes en presence, et sous les Auspices de Milord Comte de Rochford. Envoye extraordinaire de Sa Majeste Britannique a la Cour de Turin
—>  Observations des passages de la Lune et des Etoiles de meme culmination
—>  Observations d'Histoire Naturelle faites avec le Microscope. Sur un grand nombre d'Insectes, & sur les Animalcules qui se trouvent dans les liquers preparees, & dans celles qui ne sont pas, etc. avec la Description & les Usages des differens Microscopes,
—>  Observations du pendule invariable, de l'inc linaison et de la declinaison de l'aiguille aimantee, faites dans la campagne de la corvette de S. M. La Coquille, pendant les annees 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825
—>  Observations et Experiences faites sur les Animalcules des Infusions
—>  "Observations et idees economiques de Reaumur"
—>  Observations et Recherches sur l'Intensite Magnetique et sur ses Variations pendant la Periode de 25 Ans, de 1829 a 1854
—>  Observations faites a Versailles avec le Papier dit Ozonometrique de M. Schoenbein's pendant le Mois d' Aout 1855
—>  Observations in Meteorology, Particularly with regard to the Dew-Point, or quantity of Vapour in the Atmosphere; made on the Mountains in the North of England from 1803 to 1820
—>  Observations in Meteorology, particularly with regard to the Dew-Point, or quantity of Vapour in the Atmosphere; made on the Mountains in the North of England, From 1803 to 1820
—>  Observations made at Chislehurst, in Kent, and communicated to the Royal Society
—>  Observations made at the Magnetic Observatories of Toronto in Canada, Trevandrum in the East Indies, and St Helena, during a Remarkable Magnetic Disturbance on the 25th and 26 September 1841
—>  Observations made in Savoy, in order to ascertain the Height of Mountains by means of the Barometer; being an Examination of Mr De Luc's Rules, delivered in his Recherches sur les Modifications de l'Atmosphere
—>  Observations Meteorologiques faites a Avignon depuis 1802 jusqu'en 1812 inclusivement; Suivies de la hauteur de quelques points remarquables au-dessus du niveau de la mer
—>  Observations meteorologiques faites A l'Observatoire de Paris
—>  Observations Meteorologiques, faites a Sitka, sur la Cote N. O. de l'Amerique (Latitude 57o3' Longitude 222o15' a l'Est de Paris)
—>  Observations of Comets from BC 611 to AD 1640. Extracted from the Chinese annals
—>  Observations of Donati's Comet, 1858; Made at Markree Observatory, Ireland
—>  "Observations of Donati's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, between October 11th, 1858 and March 4th, 1859"
—>  "Observations of Halley's Comet"
—>  "Observations of Halley's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1835 and 1836"
—>  "Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars made with the Six-foot and Three-foot Reflectors at Birr Castle, from the year 1848 up to the year 1878"
—>  "Observations of some of the Nebulae"
—>  Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 458 double and triple stars made in the years 1823, 1824 and 1825
—>  Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 380 double and triple stars made in the years 1821, 1822 and 1823 [&] Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 458 double and triple stars made in the years 1823, 1824 and 1825
—>  Observations of the Aurora Borealis from September 1834 to September 1839
—>  "Observations of the Nebula of Orion, made at Valletta, with the Twenty-foot Equatorial"
—>  "Observations of the Nebula of Orion, made at Valletta, with a Twenty-foot Equatoreal"
—>  "Observations of the New Star in Gemini Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford"
—>  Observations of the Tides. Communicated to the Royal Society by the Admiralty and printed by Order of the President and Council
—>  Observations of twenty-three variable stars
—>  Observations on a Series of Electrical Experiments
—>  Observations on Atmospheric Influence, chiefly in reference to the Climate and Diseases of Eastern Regions, in Five Parts
—>  Observations on Certain Parts of the Animal Oeconomy
—>  "Observations on Donati's Comet"
—>  "Observations on Dr Wollaston's Statements Respecting an Improvement in the Form of Spectacle-Glasses"
—>  "Observations on Dr Wollaston's Statements Respecting an Improvement in the Form of Spectacle Glasses"
—>  "Observations on Lymphocytes in Chambers in the Rabbit's Ear"
—>  Observations On Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage Into England Written to Dr Wren, Professor of Astronomy in Oxford
—>  Observations on Mr. Mudge's Application to Parliament for a Reward for his TIME-KEEPERS, which, agreeably to the Act of Parliament of 14th of George III. had been unanimously denied him by the Board of Longitude
—>  Observations on Some Interesting Phenomena in Animal Physiology, exhibited by several species of Planariae, Illustrated by Coloured Plates of Living Animals
—>  "Observations on some of the Nebulae"
—>  "Observations on the Action of the Convulsant Thujone"
—>  Observations on the Affinity between Basaltes and Granite Read before the Royal Society, Jan. 27, 1791
—>  "Observations on the Anomalous Behaviour of Delicate Balances, and an Account of Devices for Increasing Accuracy in Weighings" : 6 entries
—>  Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow; with a Copious Reference to Passages Relating to this Subject in Different Authors
—>  Observations on the Claims of the Moderns, to some Discoveries in Chemistry and Physiology by ...
—>  "Observations on the Contractility of Lacteals. Part II"
—>  "Observations on the Contractility of Lacteals. Part I"
—>  Observations on the Deviation of the Compass; with Examples of its fatal influence in some Melancholy and Dreadful Shipwrecks
—>  Observations on the Direction and Intensity of the Terrestrial Magnetic Force in Southern India
—>  Observations on the Diseases of the Army
—>  Observations on the Employment of Salt in Agriculture and Horticulture, with Directions for its Application Founded on Practice
—>  Observations on the First Chapter of a Book called Miscellanea Analytica
—>  "Observations on the Gastric Mucosa of Reptilia"
—>  Observations on the Hypotheses which have been assumed to Account for the Cause of Gravitation from Mechanical Principles
—>  Observations on the Invention of Telescopes
—>  Observations on the Late Contests in the Royal Society
—>  "Observations on the Nebulae" : 2 entries
—>  "Observations on the Resolution of Stasis in the Finer Blood Vessels"
—>  Observations on the Supply of Water from the Chalk Stratum in the Neighbourhood of London
—>  Observations on the Use and Abuse of the Cheltenham Waters, in which are included Occasional Remarks on different Saline Compositions
—>  Observations relative to the Mineralogical and Chemical History of the Fossils of Cornwall
—>  "Observations respecting the Periodic Meteors of August"
—>  "Observations reveal the imagination of India and the mind of a maharajah - Jai Singh's observatories"
—>  Observations sur la Grossesse et l'Accouchement des Femmes, et sur leurs maladies, & celles des Enfans nouveau-nez. En chacune desquelles les causes & les raisons des principaux evenemens sont decrives et expliquees
—>  Observations sur le Perfectionnement des Tables de la Lune et sur les deux Inegalites a longues Periodes que M. Hansen a propose d'introduire dans le mouvement de cet Astre. Adressees a MM. les Membres de l'Academie des Sciences
—>  Observations sur quelques actions electrolysantes de la Pile simple. Observations sur un etat particulier du fer. Notice sur une nouvelle Pile voltaique
—>  Observations Topographical, Moral, & Physiological; Made in a Journey through part of the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy, and France: with a Catalogue of Plants not Native of England, found Spontaneously growing in those Parts, and their Virtues. Whereunto
—>  Observationum Barometricarum et Sympiesometricarum ab Illustr. Luetke sub Itinere circa Tellurem Collectarum
—>  Observationum de Animalculis infusoriis satura. Quae in Societatis Regiae Scientarum solemni anniversarii consessu praemium reportavit
—>  Observationum Medicarum Rariorum, Libri VII. In quibus nova, abdita, admirabilia, monstrosaque Exempla, circa Anatomen, ... opus ut Indefesso Labore Partum, ita Inexhaustae utilitatis ac voluptatis, omnibus scientiae naturalis, ac Medicinae Cultoribus fer
—>  Observationum Medicinalium lib. vi Denuo editi, & emendatiores quam antea in lucem emissi: in quibus multorum gravissimorum morborum historiae, eorundem causae, symptomata atque eventus, tum etiam curationes miro, utili & compendioso ordine describuntur.
—>  Observationum Microscopicarum Centuria
—>  Observationum Rariorum Medic. Anatomic. Chirurgicarum Centauria Prior, Accedit De Unicornu Dissertatio. Utraque tertia parte auctior, longeque emendatior.
—>  Observationum Rariorum Medic. Anatomic. Chirurgicarum Centuriae Posterioris pars Prior Auctior longe, atque emendatior. Accedit P. Stalpartii vander Wiel De Nutritione Foetus Exercitatio.
—>  Observatoire de Nice
—>  Observatoire Imperial de Paris. Service Meteorologique des Ports. Lettre du Directeur de l'Observatoire imperial de Paris a M. Airy, Astronome Royal d'Angleterre
—>  Observatories of the World
—>  Observatorium Tusculanum
—>  "Observatory House, Slough (Home of the Herschels)"
—>  "Observatory"
—>  Observer's handbook
—>  Observo ergo sum: Tadeusz Banachiewicz, 1882-1954
—>  Obserwatorium astronomiczne Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego
—>  Obsolete methods of reckoning time
—>  "Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Oxford 1770-1970"
—>  Occhiali da Vedere: Arte, Scienza e Costume Attraverso gli Occhiali
—>  Occultations of Planets and Stars by the Moon, during the Year 1853. Computed ... at the Expense of the Fund Appropriated by Congress for the Establishment of a Nautical Almanac and published by the Smithsonian Institution
—>  "Ochava Espera" y "Astrofisica": Textos y Estudios sobre las Fuentes Arabes de la Astronomia de Alfonso X
—>  Ocherki po istorii russkoi astronomii
—>  Octary Arithmetic; or, The Art of Doubling and Halving by the Cypher: Containing a Perfect System of Measure and Weight, with Specimens of the New Logarithms
—>  Octavo
—>  Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus sive Telescopium ex Abditis, etc.
—>  Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus sive Telescopium, ex Abditis rerum Naturalium & Artificialium principiis protractum nova methodo, eaque solida explicatum ac comprimis e triplici Fundamento. Physico seu Naturali, Mathematico Dioptrico et Mechanico, seu
—>  Oculus hoc est: Fundamentum Opticum, in quo ex Accurata Oculi Anatome, Abstrusarum Experientiarum Sedula pervestigatione, ex invisis specierum visibilium tam everso quam erecto situ spectaculis, nec-non solidis rationum momentis. Radius Visualis Eruitur:
—>  Oersted, and the discovery of Electromagnetism
—>  Oeuvres Completes
—>  Oeuvres Completes d'Augustin Fresnel : 3 entries
—>  OEuvres de Lagrange : 11 entries
—>  Oeuvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophie
—>  Oeuvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophie de Charles Bonnet
—>  Oeuvres diverses de M. Belidor. Concernant l'Artillerie et le Genie
—>  Of a Degradation of Gold made by an Anti-Elixir a Strange Chymical Narative
—>  Of a degradation of gold made by an anti-elixir: : a strange chymical narative
—>  Of an Astrolabe Planisphere of English Make
—>  Of Bodies, and of Mans Soul to Discover the Immortality of Reasonable Souls. With two Discourses of the Powder of Sympathy, and of the Vegetation of Plants
—>  Of Bodies, and of Mans Soul. To Discover the Immortality of Reasonable Souls. With two Discourses of the Powder of Sympathy, and of the Vegetation of Plants
—>  Of Geometry
—>  Of Husbandry
—>  Of Microscopes, and the Discoveries made thereby
—>  Of Ships and Stars: Maritime Heritage and the Founding of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
—>  Of Telescopes; being the result of thirty years' experiments with fifty-one telescopes, of from one to nine inches in diameter, in the possession of ..., M.D.
—>  Of the Cause of Attraction by Suction, a Paradox
—>  Of the Circle and the infinite Incommensurability of its Area to the Square of the Diameter, or of its Circumference to the Diameter; together with very useful and rapid Geometrical Approximations for both, etc.
—>  "Of the Mechanic Powers, as far as relates to Equilibriums"
—>  Of the Power and Influence of the Sun and Moon on Humane Bodies; and of the Diseases that rise from thence
—>  Of the Unequality of Natural Time, with its Reason and Causes. Together with a Table of the True AEquation of Natural Dayes
—>  Official Guide to the Museums of Economic Botany
—>  Official guide to the museums of economic botany. No. 2, monocotyledons and cryptogams
—>  Official Publications: A Short Guide
—>  Olai Borrichii itinerarium 1660-1665: the Journal of the Danish Polyhistor Ole Borch
—>  "Old and new views on some Chemical Problems"
—>  "Old and New World Naked-Eye Astronomy"
—>  "Old Ashmolean Building and the Growth of Science" : 2 entries
—>  "Old Blue Research Workers at Oxford"
—>  "Old Business Cards of Philadelphia"
—>  Old Clocks
—>  Old Clocks and Watches & Their Makers
—>  Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers
—>  "Old Edinburgh and the Beginning of the Edinburgh Medical School"
—>  Old English Barometers
—>  "Old English Barometers in the Collection of Mr. Percival D. Griffiths"
—>  "Old English Barometers"
—>  "Old English Instruments: An Historical Catalogue"
—>  "Old English Sand-Glasses"
—>  "Old Essex Gardeners and their Gardens"
—>  Old Globes in the Netherlands: A catalogue of terrestrial and celestial globes made prior to 1850 and preserved in Dutch collections
—>  Old Gramophones and Other Talking Machines
—>  "Old Henry Bond and the Longitude"
—>  Old Houses in Oxford
—>  Old Hungarian Pharmacies
—>  Old instruments used for extracting teeth
—>  Old London Bridge Tradesmens Cards & Tokens
—>  "Old London Bridge Tradesmen's Cards and Tokens"
—>  Old Maps and Globes with a List of Cartographers, Engravers, Publishers and Printers Concerned with Printed Maps and Globes from c. 1500 to c. 1850
—>  Old Maps of the Land of Israel
—>  Old Masterpieces in Surgery
—>  Old Medical and Dental Instruments
—>  Old Medicine
—>  "Old MS. charts belonging to the Marquis of Salisbury"
—>  Old Radio Sets
—>  'Old Scientific Instruments'
—>  "Old scientific instruments: for aesthetes and academics"
—>  Old Scottish Clockmakers From 1453 to 1850 Compiled from original sources with notes
—>  Old Telephones
—>  Old Typewriters
—>  Old-Time Gardens Newly set forth
—>  "Ole Romer and his Meridian Circle"
—>  "Oliver Cromwell and The Surveyor" : 2 entries
—>  Oliver Goldsmith : a biography
—>  "Oliver Joseph Lodge 1851-1940"
—>  Oliver Lodge and the Invention of Radio
—>  "Olmec Concave Iron-Ore Mirrors: The Aesthetics of a Lithic Technology and the Lord of the Mirror (With an Illustrated Catalogue of Mirrors)"
—>  Om Barometrets Middelstand ved Havet
—>  Om den historiske Udvikling af Mathematiken som exakt Videnskab indtil Udgangen af det 18de Aarhundrede
—>  Om Kometbanernes Indbyrdes Beliggenhed. Besvarelse af Universitetets Prisopgave for 1860
—>  Om Mikroskopets Bygning og dets Brug. En Laerebog
—>  Om Sveriges Hydrachnider
—>  Omar Khaiyam
—>  "On a Ceraunia of Jade Converted into a Gnostic Talisman"
—>  "On a Chinese Planisphere"
—>  "On a Combination of Oxymuriatic Gas and Oxygene Gas"
—>  "On a compact apparatus for determining Young's modulus for thin wires"
—>  "On a Galilean Telescope made about 1640 by William Gascoigne, Inventor of the Filar Micrometer"
—>  "On a Greek Qualitative Planetary Model of the Epicyclic Variety"
—>  "On a Magnetic Experiment"
—>  "On a Medieval Circle Quadrature: De circulo quadrando"
—>  "On a method for deducing approximately the focal lengths and magnifying powers of early telescopes"
—>  "On a Method of Cooling the Air of Rooms in Tropical Climates"
—>  On a moveable horizontal Sun-dial, capable of indicating apparent Solar Time within a small fraction of a Minute
—>  "On a New Analyzer, and its Use in Experiments of Polarization"
—>  On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera
—>  "On a new Compound Microscope"
—>  "On a New Design of Micromanipulator"
—>  "On a New Form of Electrical Contact-Maker for Astronomical and Other Clocks"
—>  On a New Form of Equatorial Telescope
—>  "On a new form of Ergometer (Dynamometer)"
—>  "On a new Form of Polariscope and its application to the Observation of the Sky"
—>  "On a New Form of Polariscope, and its application to The Observation of the sky"
—>  On a New Kind of Rays: 100 Years of X-Rays at Cambridge
—>  On a New Method of Determining the Latitude of a Place by Observations of the Pole-Star
—>  "On a New Method of Preparing Mercuric Hyponitrite"
—>  On a New Mode of Secret Writing
—>  "On a New Species of Coloured Fringes, produced by Reflexion between the Lenses of Achromatic Object-Glasses"
—>  "On a New Species of Coloured Rings, produced by the Reflection of Light between Two Plates of Parallel Glass of Equal Thickness"
—>  "On a new Species of the Genus Apteryx"
—>  "On a Nocturnal dated 1572 exhibited by Sir Reginald Palgrave at the Society of Antiquaries, Jan. 31, 1895"
—>  On a portable sundial of gilt brass made for Cardinal Wolsey : 2 entries
—>  "On a Possible Explanation of the Adaptation of the Eye to Distinct Vision at Different Distances"
—>  "On a Recently Observed Meteor"
—>  "On a Remarkable Case of Magnetic Intensity of a Chronometer"
—>  "On a remarkable Modification of Newton's Rings"
—>  "On a Self-acting Circular Dividing Engine"
—>  "On a simple electric immersion heater for constant temperature baths"
—>  "On a simple form of harmonic analyser"
—>  "On a Spectroscope in which the Prisms are automatically adjusted to the minimum angle of deviation for the particular ray under examination"
—>  "On a Standard Decimal Measure of Length for Mechanical Engineering Work, etc."
—>  "On a Sun-Dial"
—>  "On Abnormal Teeth in Certain Mammals, especially in the Rabbit"
—>  On Aerial Locomotion
—>  On Aerial Locomotion
—>  On an altazimuth constructed from the designs of the late Rev. Dr W. Pearson
—>  "On an Anomalous Case of Vision with regard to Colours"
—>  "On an Astrolabe Planisphere of English make"
—>  On an Astronomical Instrument of the Ancient Irish
—>  On Angular Aperture of Objectives for the Microscope: Read before the Microscopical Congress at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 15th., 1878 : 2 entries
—>  "On Apparatus for Testing the Delicacy of the Muscular and other Senses in different Persons"
—>  "On Artificial Temporary Colour-Blindness, with an Examination of the Colour Sensations of 109 Persons"
—>  On attraction and repulsion resulting from radiation
—>  "On Babbage's System of Mechanical Notation as Applied to Automatic Machinery"
—>  "On Bird and Beast in Ancient Symbolism"
—>  On British Stone Circles
—>  On Burning Mirrors: The Arabic Translation of the Lost Greek Original
—>  "On Celestial Photography"
—>  On Certain Considerations connected with the Orbits of Comets
—>  "On certain Impressions of Cold transmitted from the Higher Atmosphere, with the Description of an Instrument adapted to measure them"
—>  "On Certain Phenomena of Rotatory Motion"
—>  "On Certain Properties of Mercator's Chart, ..."
—>  On Champlain's Astrolabe: Lost on the 7th June, 1613 and Found in August, 1867, considered in solution of an obscurity in his journal of his first voyage up the Ottowa; and the great antiquityof astrolabes, and origin of their graduation
—>  "On Collecting Vinciana: The Dibner Collection at Brandeis University"
—>  "On competition between different species of graminivorous insects"
—>  "On Deducing the Longitude from an Observed Occultation of a Fixed Star by the Moon"
—>  "On Determining Innumerable Portions of a Sphere, the Solidities and Spherical Superficies of which Portions are at the same time Algebraically Assignable"
—>  'On Developments of Spectroscopic Apparatus in the Nineteenth Century'
—>  "On Differences and Differential Functions of Zero"
—>  "On Dinornis (Part II) containing Descriptions of portions of the Skull, the Sternum and other parts of the Skeleton of the species previously determined, with osteological evidences of three additional Species, and of a new Genus, Palapteryx"
—>  "On Dinornis (Part III): containing a Description of the Skull and Beak of that genus, and of the same characteristic parts of Palapteryx, and of two other genera of Birds, Notornis and Nestor; forming part of an extensive series of Ornithic remains disco
—>  "On Dinornis, an extinct Genus of tridactyle Struthious Birds, with descriptions of portions of the Skeleton of five Species which formerly existed in New Zealand. (Part I)"
—>  On Divers Arts: The Treatise of Theophilus
—>  On Education in the Principles of Art
—>  "On Electrical Currents circulating near the Earth's Surface, and their connection with the Phenomena of the Aurora Borealis"
—>  On Encke's Comet. Encke's Dissertation contained in no. CCX and CCXI of the 'Astronomische Nachrichten'. Translated from the German
—>  "On English Amber, and amber generally"
—>  "On Evaporation from a Circular Water Surface"
—>  On Eye-pieces for Telescopes and Microscopes
—>  On Facility of Intercourse
—>  "On five hitherto unrecovered copies of Jean Rey's "Essays" of 1630"
—>  On Forgotten Sources in the History of Science
—>  "On Graphical Methods of determining the Local or Greenwich Time of Sunset at different places within a given region"
—>  On Great Telescopes of the Future
—>  On Hypsometrical Measurements by means of the Barometer and the Boiling-Point Thermometer, ...
—>  "On Improvement in Meteorological Registration"
—>  "On John Rowley's Orrery"
—>  On Laboratory Arts
—>  On M. Hansteen's recent Magnetic Observations in Siberia. In a Letter to Professor Renwick of New York
—>  On Magnetism, Voltaic Electricity, and Electro-Dynamics. For the Use of Beginners
—>  "On making Telescope Tubes in the 17th Century (An Anonymous Italian Manuscript)"
—>  On Microscopes and Optics
—>  On Microscopical Manipulation, Being the Subject-Matter of a Course of Lectures Delivered before the Quekett Microscopical Club, January-April 1869
—>  On my friend Mr. Silvanus Morgan, his Book of Dialling
—>  On Necessary and Contingent Truth: Considered in regard to some Primary Principles of Mathematical and Mechanical Science
—>  On New Tables of the Moon's Parallax to be substituted for those of Burckhardt
—>  On Occulting micrometers and their Value as applied to Exact Astronomical Measurements
—>  "On Optical Apparatus Used in Lighthouses"
—>  "On Period Relations in Babylonian Astronomy"
—>  "On Period-relations in Babylonian Astronomy"
—>  "On Plimpton 322. Pythagorean Numbers in Babylonian Mathematics"
—>  On pocket sundials : 2 entries
—>  On Poisons in relation to Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine
—>  On Polishing the Specula of Reflecting Telescopes
—>  "On Problems, Tasks and Working Aids in Solar Research"
—>  "On Raising Water for the Purposes of Irrigation in the Colonies"
—>  On repulsion resulting from radiation. Preliminary note on the Otheoscope
—>  "On resistances with current and potential terminals"
—>  On Rotatory Stability; and its Applications to Astronomical Observations on board Ships
—>  "On Science and Social Change"
—>  On Shooting Stars
—>  On Some Applications of the Method of Mechanical Quadratures
—>  On Some Aspects of the Scientific Method
—>  "On some Hybrid Bovine Animals bred in the Society's Garden"
—>  "On some New Phenomena of Chemical Changes produced by Electricity, particularly the Decomposition of the Fixed Alkalies and the exhibition of the new Substances which Constitute their bases; and on the general nature of Alkaline bodies"
—>  On Some of the Methods at present in Use in Pure Geometry : 2 entries
—>  "On Some points in the Meteorology of Bombay"
—>  "On some pre-publication copies of Lavoisier's "Traite" (1789)"
—>  "On some properties in achromatic object-glasses applicable to the improvement of the microscope"
—>  On Some Recent Improvements made in the Mountings of the Telescopes at Birr Castle.
—>  "On Some Recent Improvements made in the Mountings of the Telescopes at Birr Castle"
—>  "On Some Results of the Magnetic Survey of Scotland in the Years 1857 and 1858, undertaken, at the request of the British Association, by the late John Welsh, Esq., F.R.S."
—>  On Spectrum Analysis as Applied to Microscopical Observation: The subject of a lecture delivered at the South London Microscopical and Natural History Club, April 9, 1872 : 2 entries
—>  On Spectrum Analysis as applied to Microscopical Observation : 2 entries
—>  On Superstitions connected with the History and Practice of Medicine and Surgery
—>  "On Surface Energy and Surface Entropy"
—>  On Surgery and Instruments
—>  "On the "Hyperbola" Method for the Measurement of Surface Tensions"
—>  "On the 100th Anniversary of the Birthday of Friedrich Paschen and Pieter Zeeman"
—>  "On the Abbe Theory (1873)"
—>  "On the Action of Electricity on Gases. II On the Electric Decomposition of Carbonic-acid Gas"
—>  "On the action of Light upon Plants, and of Plants upon the Atmosphere"
—>  "On the Adaptation of the Structure of the Sloths to their peculiar Mode of Life"
—>  On the Adaption of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man: principally with reference to the supply of his wants and the exercise of his intellectual faculties
—>  On the Adaption of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man Principally with Reference to the Supply of His Wants and the Exercise of His Intellectual Faculties
—>  "On the Adjustment of the Transit Circle and Equatorial"
—>  "On the Advantage of a Collection of Numbers, to be entitled the Constants of Nature and Art"
—>  "On the Advantages to be attained by a Revision and Re-arrangement of the Constellations, with especial Reference to those of the Southern Hemisphere, and on the Principles on which such Re-arrangement ought to be Conducted"
—>  "On the Advantages to be derived from the Use of Metallic Reflectors for Sextants and other Reflecting Instruments; and on Methods of directly determining the Errors in Mirrors and Sun-Shades used in Reflecting Instruments"
—>  On the Advisability of Training the Youth of Britain to Military Exercises, as productive of National Safety
—>  "On the Agreement with Experiment of the Dilution Formula Deduced from the Debye-Huckel Theory"
—>  "On the Aims and Methods of Biological History and Biography with some notes for the collaborators of the Index Botanicorum"
—>  "On the Amount of the Radiation of Heat, at Night, from the Earth, and from various bodies placed on or near the Surface of the Earth"
—>  On the Ampitheatre at Pola in Istria
—>  "On the Ancient Weights of Britain"
—>  "On the Angle of Dock Gates and the Bee's Cell"
—>  "On the Angular Disturbances of Ships, the Measurement of the Amount, and the Elimination of the Effects in Certain Cases"
—>  "On the Annelida obtained during the Cruise of H.M.S. "Valorous" to Davis Strait in 1875"
—>  "On the apparent change in weight during Chemical Reaction" : 5 entries
—>  "On the Apparent Place of the Pole-Star at the Time of its Upper Culmination for the Years 1820, 1821, 1822."
—>  "On the Apparent Place of the Pole-Star at the Time of its Upper Culmination for the Years 1820, 1821, 1822"
—>  "On the Application of a Differential Densimeter to the Study of some Mediterranean Waters" : 3 entries
—>  "On the Application of Manley's Differential Densimeter to the Study of Sea-waters on board Ship" : 3 entries
—>  On the Application of the Method of Least Squares to the Determination of the most probable Errors of Observation in a Portion of the Ordnance Survey of England
—>  "On the application of the microscope to scientific purposes"
—>  "On the Approximate Estimation of the Critical Constants of Unassociated Substances"
—>  On the Arenarius of Archimedes
—>  On the Astrolabe
—>  "On the Astronomical Observations Recorded in the Nihongi, the Ancient Chronicle of Japan."
—>  "On the Astronomical Tables of the Islamic Middle Ages"
—>  "On the Atomic Weight of Glucinum (Beryllium)"
—>  "On the Atomic Weight of Graphite"
—>  "On the Babylonian Origin of some Hipparchian Parameters"
—>  "On the Balance Magnetometer, and its Temperature Corrections"
—>  On the Baramikas
—>  On the Bearings of the Study of Natural Science, and of the Contemplation of the Discoveries to which that Study Leads, on our Religious Ideas
—>  On the Boyle: a newsletter of work in progress on Robert Boyle (1627-91)
—>  "On the Cause of Storms, Waterspouts, etc."
—>  On the Causes of the Phenomena of Terrestrial Magnetism, and on some Electro-mechanism for Exhibiting the Secular changes in its Horizontal and Vertical Components
—>  "On the Change of Temperature in Europe, and the Variation of the Magnetic Needle"
—>  "On the Chromatology of the Blood of Some Invertebrates"
—>  "On the Co-latitude of the Observatory of Stephen Groombridge, Esq., at Blackheath; determined by his own Observations of circumpolar Stars, reduced by the Constant of Refraction 58", 133 at 45o"
—>  On the Collection of Boracic Acid from the Lagoni of Tuscany
—>  "On the Colours of Waters"
—>  "On the Combination of Thiophenol and Guaiacol with the Esters of the Acids of the Acetylene Series"
—>  "On the Combining Power of Atoms"
—>  On the Composition of a Stone from the Meteoric Shower which fell at Dokachi, Bengal, on October 22, 1903.
—>  "On the Construction and Standardization of an Interferometer Pressure Guage"
—>  On the Construction and Use of the Microscope
—>  On the Construction of a Five-foot Equatorial Reflecting Telescope
—>  "On the construction of a five-foot equatorial reflecting telescope"
—>  On the Construction of a Silvered Glass Telescope fifteen and a half inches in aperture, and its use in Celestial Photography
—>  "On the Construction of Meteorological Instruments, so as exactly to determine their Indications during Absence, at any given instant, or at successive intervals of Time"
—>  "On the Construction of Specula of Six-feet Aperture; and a Selection from the Observations of Nebulae made with them"
—>  On the Construction of Sun-Dials
—>  On The Construction of Water-Clocks. Kitab Arshimidas Fi'amal Al-Binkamat
—>  "On the Correction of Errors in the Distribution of Time Signals"
—>  On the Corrections of Latitude and Middle Time, from Double Altitudes of the Sun : 2 entries
—>  On the corrections of Latitude and Middle-time
—>  On the Cosmosphere
—>  "On the Cytology of the Vegetative and Reproductive Organs of the Saprolegnieae"
—>  "On the Destruction of Ferments in the Alimentary Canal"
—>  On the Determination of the Distance of a Comet from the Earth, and the Elements of its Orbit
—>  "On the Determination of the Mean Temperature of every Day in the Year from all the Thermometrical Observations taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich; from the Year 1814 to the end of 1856"
—>  "On the Determination of the Numerical Values of the Coefficients in any series consisting of Sines and Cosines of Multiples of a Variable Angle"
—>  "On the Development of Botrylloides and the Ancestry of Vertebrates. (Preliminary Note)"
—>  "On the Development of Spectacles in London from the End of the Seventeenth Century"
—>  On the Difference of Longitude between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin, determined by Rocket Signals
—>  "On the Dioecious Character of the Rotifera"
—>  On the Dispersive Power of the Atmosphere, and its Effect on Astronomical Observations
—>  On the Distribution and the Migrations of Muggiaea Atlantica, Cunningham, in the English Channel, the Irish Sea, and off the South and West Coasts of Ireland, in 1904.
—>  "On the Distribution of Mid-water Chaetognatha in the North Atlantic during the Month of November"
—>  "On the Distribution of the Powers of Producing Heat and Light among the different groups of the Animal Kingdom"
—>  On the Double Refraction and Polarisation of Light
—>  "On the Drop-Weight Method for determining Surface-Tensions"
—>  On the Earlier Notices Relative to the Natural History of the Giraffe
—>  On the Early Use of Arabic Numerals in Europe
—>  "On the effect upon the Magnetic Needle, of the Aurora Borealis, visible at Philadelphia, on the 17th of May, 1833"
—>  "On the Effects of an Epicaridan Parasite, Gyge branchialis, on Upogebia littoralis"
—>  'On the Effects of Instrumentation upon Nineteenth Century Chemistry'
—>  "On the Electrical Conductivities produced in Air by the Motion of Negative Ions"
—>  On the Elements of Light, and their identity with those of Matter, Radiant and Fixed
—>  "On the Elements of the Orbit of Halley's Comet, at its Appearance in the Years 1835 and 1836"
—>  "On the Equations of Loci traced upon the Surface of the Sphere, as expressed by Spherical Co-ordinates"
—>  "On the Error of a Received Principle of Analysis, respecting Functions which Vanish with their Variables"
—>  "On the Evidence of the existence of the Decennial Inequality in the Solar-diurnal Magnetic Variations, and its non-existence in the Lunar-diurnal Variation, of the Declination at Hobarton"
—>  "On the Existence of Crystals with different primitive forms and physical properties in the Cavities of Minerals; with additional Observations on the New Fluids in which they occur"
—>  "On the Extraction of pure Phosphoric Acid from Bones, and on a new and anomalous Phosphate of Magnesia"
—>  "On the Extra-Meridian Determination of Time By Means of A Portable Transit-Instrument"
—>  "On the Fauna of the Atlantic Coast of Canada"
—>  "On the finding of the Rates of Time-keepers"
—>  "On the Fixation of Mucin and the Preparation of Autoradiographs"
—>  "On the Floatage of Small Heavy Bodies in Air and Certain Atmospheric Phaenomena dependent thereon"
—>  On the flowering plants and ferns of Oxfordshire and the Contiguous Counties
—>  "On the Formation of Diatom Structure, II"
—>  On the Gale of October 13th-14th, 1881, over the British Isles
—>  "On the General Method of Expressing the Paths of Light and of the Planets, by the Coefficients of a Characteristic Function"
—>  "On the Generation of a Luminous Glow in an Exhausted Receiver moving near an Electrostatic Field, and the Action of a Magnetic Field on the Glow so produced"
—>  "On the genetics of 'rogues' among culinary peas (Pisum sativum)"
—>  "On the Geology of Cockburnlaw, and the Adjoining District, in Berwickshire; with a Map and Sections'
—>  "On the Geology of Cornwall, with Special Reference to the Long Excursion"
—>  "On the Great Magnetic Disturbance which extended from August 28 to September 7, 1859, as recorded by Photography at the Kew Observatory"
—>  On the Habits and Instincts of Animals
—>  On the Heat of Vapours
—>  "On the Hindoo Formulae for Computing Eclipses, Tables of Sines & Various Astronomical Problems"
—>  "On the Hindu Quadrature of the Circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the Circumference to the Diameter exhibited in the Four sastras, the Tantra Sangraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Padhati, and Sadratnamala"
—>  "On the Histology of the Mammalian Gastric Glands, and the Relation of Pepsin to the Granules of the Chief-Cells"
—>  "On the History of Armenian Astronomy"
—>  "On the History of the Aurora Borealis"
—>  "On the Horary Oscillations of the Barometer near Edinburgh, deduced from 4410 Observations; with an Inquiry into the Law of Geographical Distribution of the Phenomenon"
—>  "On the Horizontal Force of the Earth's Magnetism"
—>  On the Importance of Testing Chronometers before they are Used at Sea, with Examples to show how their most common Faults may be detected
—>  "On the Infinite Number of Infinite Orders: A Chapter of the Pre-History of Transfinite Numbers"
—>  "On the Influence of the Earth's Internal Structure on the Length of the Day"
—>  "On the Influence of the Gulf-Stream on the Winters of the British Isles"
—>  "On the Insulation of Highly Attenuated Wires in Platinum Resistance Thermometers"
—>  On the introduction of heliocentric system into Japan

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