
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Notes ... The Dove and Raven symbolisms for the west dialling of the ancient orientals
—>  "Notes and Discussions"
—>  Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London
—>  "Notes by R. M. Twist / After his visit to the College de France and his rereading of Strabon on Shadows and directions for making a 10ft globe and projecting it onto a plane surface Celestial Mappa Mundi ... "
—>  "Notes Concerning the Sprengel Pump" : 2 entries
—>  "Notes from Paris: Exhibition of "Instruments and Tools of Navigators, Astronomers and Physicians" and Shows of Modern Paintings"
—>  Notes of a Lecture on some Methods of Recording some of the Phenomena of Recalescence, and also Electrical and Magnetic Phenomena, Junior Scientific Club
—>  Notes of Evidence given before the Privy Council on the hearing of Sir Joseph Whitworth's Petition for a Prolongation of his Patent for Fluid-Compressed Steel
—>  "Notes on "Gunter's Quadrant""
—>  Notes on a new form of combination of Conductors for use in Wireless Telegraphy
—>  "Notes on a planispheric astrolabe"
—>  "Notes on a Planispheric Astrolabe, given to the Society by the Rev. I. G. Lloyd, F.S.A."
—>  Notes on a School Museum
—>  Notes on a Sundial at Patrington
—>  "Notes on a Timber Grown in Western Australia, which is Proof against the White Ant and Sea Worm"
—>  "Notes on a Water Clock in the Athenian Agora"
—>  Notes on Alcohol in Brandy, Whisky and Rum including the strengths of wine and beer compared with spirits
—>  "Notes on Al-Kitab Suwar Al-Kawakib Al-Thamaniya Al-Arbain of Abu-l-Husain 'Abd Al-Rahman ibn 'Umar Al-Sufi Al-Razi"
—>  "Notes on American Parasitic Copepoda (no. 1)"
—>  "Notes on an unpublished work of Thomas Hobbes"
—>  'Notes on Birds in the Lilford Aviaries'
—>  "Notes on Bridges and Roads"
—>  "Notes on Chinese Alchemy (Supplementary to Johnson's "A Study of Chinese Alchemy")"
—>  "Notes on Cleveland Ironstone and Geological Observations on Slag Tips"
—>  "Notes on Early Navigating Instruments"
—>  "Notes on Galactic Rotation"
—>  "Notes on Gauss and his American Descendants"
—>  "Notes on Meteorology"
—>  Notes on Microscopical Methods: For the Use of Laboratory Students in the Anatomical Department of the Cornell University
—>  Notes on Military Surgery
—>  "Notes on Powhatan's Mantle, Preserved in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford"
—>  "Notes on Some Early References to Tropical Diseases"
—>  "Notes on some members of the Hanckwitz family in England."
—>  "Notes on Some Points in the Construction of Turret Clocks"
—>  Notes on the Birds in the Lilford Aviaries
—>  "Notes on the Birds of Northamptonshire"
—>  "Notes on the Churches of Blything Hundred"
—>  "Notes on the Development of Astronomy in the Far East"
—>  "Notes on the Early History of Microscopy"
—>  Notes on the Electrical Discharge from Inductors of the Tesla type. and the discharge applied to produce X ray effects
—>  "Notes on the Flora of the Bermudas"
—>  "Notes on the History of Dunsink Observatory I. Henry Ussher at Dunsink, 1783 to 1790"
—>  "Notes on the History of Dunsink Observatory II. The Visitation Book of Dunsink Observatory, 1791 to 1924"
—>  "Notes on the History of Dunsink Observatory III. The Arnold Clocks"
—>  Notes on the History of Military Medicine
—>  Notes on the History of no's 6, 7, 8 & 9 Carlton House Terrace, with a List of Known Occupants 1829-1967
—>  Notes on the History of Science and Technology in London
—>  "Notes on the Ornithology of Northamptonshire 1879-86"
—>  Notes sur les passages des catoptriques d'Archimede conserves par theon d'Alexandrie
—>  "Notes sur l'Histoire de la Boussole"
—>  "Notes sur l'histoire des mathematiques. VII. Barrow, le maitre de Newton"
—>  Notes upon Mr. Dryden's Poems in Four Letters : 2 entries
—>  "Notes, Morphological and Systematic, on the Madreporian Genus Turbinaria"
—>  Notes, Vol 1, no. 1, July 1937
—>  Nothing but a lot of hot air
—>  Notice Biographique sur J.-B. Huzard
—>  "Notice Biographique sur J.-B. Huzard"
—>  "Notice concerning an Autograph Manuscript of Sir Isaac Newton, Containing some Notes upon the Third Book of the Principia, and Found among the Papers of Dr David Gregory, formerly Saviliam Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford"
—>  Notice des travaux
—>  Notice des travaux de M. J.-E. Planchon
—>  Notice des travaux du docteur de Haldat, de Nancy
—>  Notice des travaux scientifiques de M. A. Bravais
—>  Notice des Travaux Scientifiques de M. Pouillet
—>  Notice d'Instrumens de Physique. d'Optique, et de Mathematique
—>  Notice d'Instruments d'Optique, de Physique, et de Mathematiques
—>  Notice Historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. de Monsigny
—>  "Notice Historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de M. Mehul"
—>  Notice Historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de Paisiello
—>  Notice Historique sur le Tonnerre et les Eclairs
—>  Notice Necrologique sur Esprit Requien
—>  Notice Necrologique sur M. Joseph Teulere, Ingenieur en Chef des ponts et chaussees, membre de l'Academie de Bordeaux et de plusieurs autres societes savantes
—>  Notice Necrologique sur M. Joseph Teulere, Ingenieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussees, Membre de L'Academie de Bordeaux et de Plusieurs Autres Societes Savantes
—>  "Notice of a Remarkable Intaglio Representing the Clepsydra Used at Races in the Circus Maximus"
—>  Notice sur A. Quetelet, Correspondant de l'Academie Royale et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles
—>  "Notice sur Alexis Bouvard"
—>  Notice sur Augustin Sageret
—>  Notice sur des principaux memoires publies par M. J. Decaisne
—>  Notice sur Gerard Moll, ne a Amsterdam, le 18 janvier 1785, mort dans la meme ville, le 17 Janvier 1838
—>  Notice sur la Colonel G.-P. Dandelin
—>  Notice sur la Comete Telescopique decouverte a Parme le 7 Mai 1847
—>  "Notice sur la Reapparition de la Comete a Courte Periode d'Encke"
—>  Notice sur la Telegraphie electrique en General, et plus specialement sur la Telegraphie electrique souterraine; De la Legislation sur les Telegraphes, en France, en Prusse, et en Belgique
—>  Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Charles-Sigismond Kunth
—>  "Notice Sur la vie et les ouvrages d'Hedwig"
—>  "Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Maskelyne, lue a la seance publique de l'Institut National de France, du 4 janvier 1813, par M. le Chevalier Delambre, Secretaire perpetuel"
—>  Notice sur l'Appareil d'Induction electrique de Ruhmkorff et les Experiences que l'on peut faire avec cet Instrument
—>  "Notice sur le Marteau-Pilon Hydraulique a ressort d'Air Comprime de MM. Guillemin et Minary, Constructeurs a Casamene, pres de Besancon"
—>  Notice sur le Sieur Gilbert Gonin Pere
—>  Notice sur les Instruments de Precision Appliques a l'OEnologie
—>  Notice sur les Instruments de Precision construits par J. Salleron
—>  Notice sur les Meteores Lumineux observes dans la Nuit du 12 au 13 Novembre 1832
—>  "Notice sur les Observations Meteorologiques faites a Aoste, en 1841"
—>  Notice sur les operations entreprises pour determiner la figure de la Terre
—>  Notice sur les titres et sur les travaux de M. Fred. Dubois (d'Amiens), candidat a la place d'Academicien Libre vacante a l'Academie des sciences
—>  Notice sur les Travaux
—>  Notice sur les travaux de M. Combes, ingenieur en chef des mines, et Professeur a l'Ecole Royale des Mines
—>  Notice sur les travaux de M. H. Fizeau
—>  Notice sur les travaux de M. L. Breguet
—>  Notice sur les travaux de M. Leon Foucault
—>  Notice sur les travaux de M. Piobert
—>  Notice sur les Travaux Meteorologiques de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Seine-et-Oise. Marz 1847
—>  Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de H. Walferdin
—>  Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. Balard
—>  Notice sur les travaux Scientifiques de M. Cagniard-Latour, ancien eleve de l'Ecole Polytechnique et de l'Ecole des Ingenieurs-Geographes
—>  Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. Ebelmen
—>  Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. Eugene Peligot
—>  Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. F. de la Provostaye
—>  Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. I. J. Bienayme
—>  Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. P. H. Blanchet
—>  Notice sur L'Horloge Astronomique
—>  Notice sur l'Instrument des Passages de Repsold, etabli a l'Observatoire de Poulkova dans le premier Vertical, et sur les Resultats que cet Instrument a donnes pour l'evaluation de la Constante de l'Aberration
—>  Notice sur M. Victor Jacquemont Voyageur-Naturaliste du Museum
—>  Notice sur Quelques Instrumens Construits Par Charles Chevalier ...
—>  Notice sur un nouvel appareil optique, propre a l'etude de la flexion
—>  Notices necrologiques, lues a la seance publique, tenue par la Societe de medecine-pratique de Montpellier, le 15 Mai 1813
—>  Notices of Rocks and Fossils, in the University Museum, Oxford
—>  "Notions scientifiques disseminees dans les textes musicologiques du moyen age"
—>  Notizie Astronomiche adattate all'uso comune da Antonio Cagnoli
—>  Notizie Meteorologiche relative agli Anni MDCCCXLI, MDCCCXLII e MDCCCXLIII
—>  Nouveau Manuel complet de gnomonique elementaire, ou Methode simple et facile de tracer les cadrans solaires d'apres Sternheim el Dom Bedos
—>  Nouveau Manuel complet de l'Observateur au Microscope: Atlas renfermant 30 planches gravees sur acier
—>  Nouveau Manuel complet de l'Observateur au Microscope
—>  Nouveau manuel complet du Tourneur
—>  Nouveau manuel complet du Tourneur ou traite theorique et pratique de l'Art du Tour
—>  Nouveau Manuel de Gnomonique, ou L'Art de Faire Les Cadrans Solaires, et Re Regler Les Pendules et les Horologes
—>  Nouveau Principes de Mechanique et de Physique, tendans a expliquer La Nature et les Proprietes de l'Aiman. Pour concourir au Prix (de l'Academie Royale des Sciences) de l'annee 1746. Cette Piece est une des trois entre lesquelles le Prix Triple a ete par
—>  Nouveaux Traite de Trigonometrie rectiligne et spherique ... avec Un Traite de Gnomonique, Dans lequel on applique le Calcul des deux Trigonometries, a la construction des Cadrans Solaires: ...
—>  Nouvel Apercu sur la Meteorologie
—>  Nouvel Essai de Trigonometrie Spheroidique
—>  Nouvelle Anatomie Raisonne'e, ou l'on explique les Usages de la Structure du Corps de l'Homme, et de quelques autres animaux, Suivant les Loix des Mecaniques
—>  "Nouvelle conception stereochimique de la structure complexe de quelques acides phosphoriques"
—>  "Nouvelle conception stereochimique de la structure complexe de quelques acides phosphoriques"
—>  Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a tracer facilement les cadrans solaires sur toutes sortes de surfaces planes
—>  "Nouvelle methode pour decouvrir des theoremes de geometrie"
—>  Nouvelle Relation en forme de Journal, d'un Voyage fait en Egypte. Par le ... En 1672 & 1673
—>  "Nouvelle Solution du Probleme de l'Attraction d'un Ellipsoide Heterogene sur un Point Exterieur"
—>  Nouvelle Theorie des Proportions et Progressions harmoniques avec ses Applications a la Geometrie
—>  Nouvelles Cartes des Decouvertes de l'Admiral de Fonte, et autres Navigateurs Espagnols, Portugais, Anglois, Hollandois, Francois & Russes, dans les Mers Septentrionales avec leur Explication, etc.
—>  Nouvelles Cartes des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte
—>  Nouvelles Decouvertes faites avec le Microscope, Traduites de l'Anglois. Avec un Memoire sur les Polypes a Bouquet, Et sur ceux en Entonnoir. Par A. Trembley
—>  Nouvelles Recherches sur la Division de l'Annee des Anciens Egyptiens, suivies d'un Memoire sur des Observations Planetaires consignees dans quatre Tablettes Egyptiennes en ecriture demotique
—>  Nouvelles Recherches sur la Mesure des Angles et Description des Instrumens Dont il est utile de se servir pour obtenir avec la plus grande precision, les diametres du Soleil et de la Lune; Avec des Applications a des Operations de Geodesie et de Tactique
—>  Nouvelles recherches sur les series employees dans les theories des planetes
—>  Nouvelles Tables trigonometriques fondamentales
—>  Nova Elementa Fidei Planetae deducta ex Observationibus Quinque Oppositionum Annorum 1855-1861. Dissertatio Astronomica quam ad Summos in Philosophia Honores Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Alma Literarum Universitate Friderica Guilelmia R
—>  Nova et accurata Astrolabii etc. Structura et usus
—>  Nova et Antiqua Luminis atque Aurorae Borealis Spectacula. Secundum Saeculorum atque Annorum Seriem Subnexa Mirabilis Phaenomeni Consideratione Philosophica
—>  Nova Fabricandi Horaria Mobilia, et permanentia, tam acu magnitico quam sine acu ad omnem latitudinem ratio nuper excogitata
—>  Nova Fabricandi Horaria Mobilia, et permanentia, tam acu magnitico quam sine acu ad omnem latitudinevis, ratio
—>  Nova Geometrica Pyrobolia: Neuwe Geometrische Buchsenmeisterern: Das ist: Grundtlicher Bericht, wie man durch ein neuw Geometrisch Instrument, mit sonderer behendigkeit, jedes Geschuz klein oder gross, ben tag oder nacht nit allein richten, sonder zugleic
—>  Nova Praxis Construendi Circinum Proportionalem Horographicum, Eoque Rite Confecto Omnis Generis Horologia in Planis Regularibus, etc. ...
—>  Novae Coelestivm, terrestrivmq rervm observationes, Et fortasse hactenus non uulgatoe.
—>  Novae Hypotheseos de pulmonum motu, et respirationis usu specimen
—>  Novi Annuli astronomici
—>  Novissima Idea de Febribus, et Earundem Dogmatica, ac rationalis Cura, Mechanicis Rationibus Suffulta. Accessit Dissertatio de Insensibili Transpiratione Mechanice Probata
—>  Novissima Inventione Per dissegnare con grandissima facilita, e prestezza Horologi Solari, Italiani, Babilonici, e Francesi, etc.
—>  Novo planisferio o astrolabio universale
—>  Novos documentos sobre uma expedicao de Goncalo Coelho ao Brasil, entre 1503 e 1505
—>  Novum Instrumentum Geometricum: Das ist, Kurtzer und grundtlicher Bericht, alle Weite, Breite, Hohe und Zieffe, mit sonderharem Vortheil, kunstlichen und gewiss, auch von der Arithmetic unerfahrnen abzumessen:
—>  Novum Instrumentum Sciotericum. Das ist, Kurtzer und Grundtlicher Bericht, Wie nicht allein aller hand Sonnenuhren, sampt den XII. Himlischen Zeichen, mit grossem vortheil auffzureissen: sonder auch so wol der nacht, als dess tags stunden, sampt regrerung
—>  Novum Organum or True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature
—>  Novus Medicinae Conspectus ubi ex sanguinis circuitus anomaliis secretionum errata, miscellanea succorum & humorum adulteria deducuntur; missique systematicis ae tiologiarum deliriis, ex turbatis sanguinis motuum legibus eruuntur genuinae morborum causae,
—>  "Now, the Oxford Eating Expert Finds Himself Starved of Funds"
—>  NPL: Jubilee Book of the National Physical Laboratory
—>  Nuclear Forces
—>  "Nuclei Formed in Fission ..."
—>  Nuevas aportaciones para el estudio de la transmision de la ciencia a Europa a traves de Espana
—>  'Nullius in Verba: Travel Literature and the Royal Society'
—>  Number in Scripture: its supernatural design and Spiritual Significance
—>  Number Words and Number Symbols: A Cultural History of Numbers
—>  "Numerals in Ancient Manuscripts"
—>  Numerical Aperture Reconsidered
—>  Numerical Lunar Theory
—>  Numerical Tables and Constants in Elementary Science
—>  Numerus Constans Nutationis ex Ascensionibus Rectis Stellae Polaris in Specula Dorpatensi Annis 1822 ad 1838 Observatis Deductus. Adjecta est Disquisitio Theoretica de Formula Nutationis
—>  "Nun, Herr Ballon, was geschieht mit Ihrem Professor?"
—>  Nunquam Otiosus and the Two Ottos: Malaria in German New Guinea
—>  Nuova Prattica Astrologica di fare le Direttioni secondo la via Rationale, e conforme ancora al fondamto. dl Kepplero per via di logaritmi. Con una Centuria di vary Problemi, e con il compendio delle Regole de Triangoli
—>  Nuove Osservazioni del P. D. Giovanni Maria della Torre C. R. Somasco
—>  Nuovo e facil modo di fare col quadrante geometrico norologi solari orizontali, e verticali A tutte l'elevationi di Polo
—>  Nuovo Horologio Notturno Per mezzo delle Stelle
—>  Nuovo teoria delle linee orarie riferite all' orizzonte scoperta e dimonstrata
—>  "Nurnbergs Erzeugung und Ausfuhr Wissenschaftlicher Geratz im Zeitalter der Entdeckungen: Das Martin - Behaim Problem in Wirtschaftsgeschichtlicher"
—>  "Nutrition in Adverse Environments, 1: Forgotten Lessons of Maritime Nutrition"
—>  Nuttig gebruik van het Mikroskoop, of Handleiding tot Nieuwe Waarneemingen omtrent de Configuratien en Krystallen der Zouten, ... als ook een Berigt van het Mikroskoop, ...
—>  "Ny method att bestamma krappers ledningsformaga for varme"
—>  O "carro do austro" de Alvise da Ca' da Mosto : observacoes astronomicas e fortuna editorial
—>  O "propositado" encurtamento da largura do Atlantico nas cartas portuguesas do seculo XVI
—>  O "Sao Miguel" historico da costa oriental do Brasil
—>  O "Tratado da agulha de marear" de Joao de Lisboa ; reconstituicao do seu texto, seguida de uma versao francesa com anotacoes
—>  O alcance das viagens de Colombo para o dominio do Atlantico
—>  O almirante de Portugal : estatuto quatrocentista e quinhentista de um cargo medieval
—>  "O Astrolabio Nautico dos Portugueses"
—>  "O Astrolabio Universal da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa"
—>  O Atlantico dos portugueses no seculo XVII : curioso testemunho de um capuchinho de Piacenza que atingiu o Congo passando pelo Brasil
—>  O Bagrationit' {Cyrillic script}
—>  "O Caique do Algarve e a caravela portuguesa"
—>  O caracter experimental da carreira da Índia : um plano de Joao Pereira Dantas, com fortificacao da Africa do Sul (1556)
—>  O comandante Abel Fontoura da Costa, historiador da marinharia dos descobrimentos
—>  O cosmografo Bartolomeu Velho em Espanha
—>  O estudo da hidrografia numa regiao de civilizacoes de terra, a Africa austral
—>  "O mais antigo astrolabio conhecido de Gualterus Arsenius"
—>  O navio "Sao Gabriel" e as naus manuelinas
—>  O problema da origem da carta portulano
—>  O problema da seguranca das rotas e a concorrencia Luso-Holandesa antes de 1620
—>  O problema do conhecimento na Sphaera de D. Joao de Castro
—>  "O proiskhozhdenii glagolicheskoi azbuki"
—>  "O Quarteirao da Febre Amarela"
—>  "O Rare Frank Buckland!"
—>  O Stanta de Confectionat Penite din Pene de Pasare
—>  O sul de Mocambique no Roteiro de Sofala do piloto Ahmad ibn-Madjid
—>  O tracado das naus e galeoes portugueses de 1550-80 a 1640
—>  O Tratado de Tordesilhas e as dificuldades tecnicas da sua aplicacao rigorosa
—>  "O. G. Rejlander: Art Studies"
—>  "Ob odnoi rukopisi Kosmografii Publishnoi biblioteki v Leningrade"
—>  "Oberosterreich und seine Heiligen: April"
—>  Obituaries
—>  "Obituaries"
—>  Obituary : 59 entries
—>  "Obituary - Lewis Boss"
—>  "Obituary | Mr. Thomas Henry Court"
—>  "Obituary | Professor George de Hevesy Nobel prize for chemistry"
—>  "Obituary | Sir E. Ray Lankester"
—>  "Obituary Henry Ernest Stapleton (1878-1962)"
—>  "Obituary Notice - Henry Brougham Guppy, F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary Notice of A. C. L. G. Gunther, 1830-1914. (with portrait)"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Herbert Hall Turner" : 2 entries
—>  "Obituary Notice of M. H. Nevil Story-Maskelyne (1823-1911) (with Portrait and Bibliography)"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Silvanus Phillips Thompson"
—>  "Obituary notice of Sir Arthur Schuster - a Mathematical Physicist"
—>  "Obituary Notice of Sir Arthur Schuster, F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary notice of the Right Hon. Viscount Cherwell, P.C., C.H., F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary notice: Dr William Francis"
—>  "Obituary Notice: John Ambrose Fleming"
—>  "Obituary Notice: Sir Richard Tetley Glazebrook, September 18, 1854-December 15, 1935"
—>  Obituary Notices of Fellows of The Royal Society
—>  "Obituary. Ray Lankester"
—>  "Obituary. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, ... Died Aug. 22, 1940"
—>  "Obituary. Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge, D.Sc., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S."
—>  "Obituary. Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer. A Great Botanical Administrator"
—>  "Obituary. The Late Dr Charles Creighton"
—>  "Obituary: Dame Kathleen Lonsdale: First woman president of British Association"
—>  "Obituary: Derek John de Solla Price 1922-1983"
—>  "Obituary: Edward Milles Nelson. (1851-1938)"
—>  "Obituary: Frank Sherwood Taylor"
—>  "Obituary: Professor J. D. Bernal: An outstanding physicist"
—>  "Obituary: Sir Lawrence Bragg: One of the leading physicists of his time"
—>  Objects for the Microscope
—>  Obras Completas : 2 entries
—>  Obras completas de Luciano Pereira da Silva
—>  "Observables upon a Monstrous Head"
—>  Observatio Solaris Eclipsis Habita Patavii V. Nonas Maias MDCCXV. Accessere Epistola duae de quodam Phaenomeno in eadem Eclipsi observato
—>  "Observation of High Order Layer Lines on Rotating-Crystal Photographs"
—>  "Observation of Lunar Eclipse with Zeiss Coude Refractor"
—>  Observationes circa Viventia, quae in Rebus non Viventibus Reperiuntur. Cum Micrographia curiosa, Sive Rerum minutissimarum Observationibus, quae ope Microscopij recognitae ad vivum exprimuntur. Hic accesserunt aliquot Animalium Testaceorum Icones non ant
—>  Observationes durch dessen verfertige Microscopia. Deren unterschiedlichen Insecten nebst andern unsichtbaren Kleinigkeiten der Natur. Welche er nach dem Leben accurat abzeichnen und auf Berlangen Hoher Liebhaber in Kupffer stechen lassen
—>  Observationes Medicae : 2 entries
—>  Observationes Medico-Chirurgicae, Ex Belgico In latinum translatae ab Abrahamo Blasio, Ger. Fil. Medicinae Studioso
—>  Observationes tribus libris expressae
—>  Observations addressed, at the last Anniversary, to the President and Fellows of the Royal Society, after the Delivery of the Medals
—>  Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light and on the Theory of Comets
—>  Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light, and on the Theory of Comets
—>  "Observations and Tryalls about the Resemblances and Differences between a Burning Coal and Shining Wood."
—>  Observations de la grande nebuleuse d'Orion, faites a Cazan et a Poulkova
—>  Observations des Hauteurs faites avec le Barometre, au mois d'Aoust 1751. Sur une Partie des Alpes en presence, et sous les Auspices de Milord Comte de Rochford. Envoye extraordinaire de Sa Majeste Britannique a la Cour de Turin
—>  Observations des passages de la Lune et des Etoiles de meme culmination
—>  Observations d'Histoire Naturelle faites avec le Microscope. Sur un grand nombre d'Insectes, & sur les Animalcules qui se trouvent dans les liquers preparees, & dans celles qui ne sont pas, etc. avec la Description & les Usages des differens Microscopes,
—>  Observations du pendule invariable, de l'inc linaison et de la declinaison de l'aiguille aimantee, faites dans la campagne de la corvette de S. M. La Coquille, pendant les annees 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825
—>  Observations et Experiences faites sur les Animalcules des Infusions
—>  "Observations et idees economiques de Reaumur"
—>  Observations et Recherches sur l'Intensite Magnetique et sur ses Variations pendant la Periode de 25 Ans, de 1829 a 1854
—>  Observations faites a Versailles avec le Papier dit Ozonometrique de M. Schoenbein's pendant le Mois d' Aout 1855
—>  Observations in Meteorology, Particularly with regard to the Dew-Point, or quantity of Vapour in the Atmosphere; made on the Mountains in the North of England from 1803 to 1820
—>  Observations in Meteorology, particularly with regard to the Dew-Point, or quantity of Vapour in the Atmosphere; made on the Mountains in the North of England, From 1803 to 1820
—>  Observations made at Chislehurst, in Kent, and communicated to the Royal Society
—>  Observations made at the Magnetic Observatories of Toronto in Canada, Trevandrum in the East Indies, and St Helena, during a Remarkable Magnetic Disturbance on the 25th and 26 September 1841
—>  Observations made in Savoy, in order to ascertain the Height of Mountains by means of the Barometer; being an Examination of Mr De Luc's Rules, delivered in his Recherches sur les Modifications de l'Atmosphere
—>  Observations Meteorologiques faites a Avignon depuis 1802 jusqu'en 1812 inclusivement; Suivies de la hauteur de quelques points remarquables au-dessus du niveau de la mer
—>  Observations meteorologiques faites A l'Observatoire de Paris
—>  Observations Meteorologiques, faites a Sitka, sur la Cote N. O. de l'Amerique (Latitude 57o3' Longitude 222o15' a l'Est de Paris)
—>  Observations of Comets from BC 611 to AD 1640. Extracted from the Chinese annals
—>  Observations of Donati's Comet, 1858; Made at Markree Observatory, Ireland
—>  "Observations of Donati's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, between October 11th, 1858 and March 4th, 1859"
—>  "Observations of Halley's Comet"
—>  "Observations of Halley's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1835 and 1836"
—>  "Observations of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars made with the Six-foot and Three-foot Reflectors at Birr Castle, from the year 1848 up to the year 1878"
—>  "Observations of some of the Nebulae"
—>  Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 458 double and triple stars made in the years 1823, 1824 and 1825
—>  Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 380 double and triple stars made in the years 1821, 1822 and 1823 [&] Observations of the apparent distances and positions of 458 double and triple stars made in the years 1823, 1824 and 1825
—>  Observations of the Aurora Borealis from September 1834 to September 1839
—>  "Observations of the Nebula of Orion, made at Valletta, with the Twenty-foot Equatorial"
—>  "Observations of the Nebula of Orion, made at Valletta, with a Twenty-foot Equatoreal"
—>  "Observations of the New Star in Gemini Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford"
—>  Observations of the Tides. Communicated to the Royal Society by the Admiralty and printed by Order of the President and Council
—>  Observations of twenty-three variable stars
—>  Observations on a Series of Electrical Experiments
—>  Observations on Atmospheric Influence, chiefly in reference to the Climate and Diseases of Eastern Regions, in Five Parts
—>  Observations on Certain Parts of the Animal Oeconomy
—>  "Observations on Donati's Comet"
—>  "Observations on Dr Wollaston's Statements Respecting an Improvement in the Form of Spectacle-Glasses"
—>  "Observations on Dr Wollaston's Statements Respecting an Improvement in the Form of Spectacle Glasses"
—>  "Observations on Lymphocytes in Chambers in the Rabbit's Ear"
—>  Observations On Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage Into England Written to Dr Wren, Professor of Astronomy in Oxford
—>  Observations on Mr. Mudge's Application to Parliament for a Reward for his TIME-KEEPERS, which, agreeably to the Act of Parliament of 14th of George III. had been unanimously denied him by the Board of Longitude
—>  Observations on Some Interesting Phenomena in Animal Physiology, exhibited by several species of Planariae, Illustrated by Coloured Plates of Living Animals
—>  "Observations on some of the Nebulae"
—>  "Observations on the Action of the Convulsant Thujone"
—>  Observations on the Affinity between Basaltes and Granite Read before the Royal Society, Jan. 27, 1791
—>  "Observations on the Anomalous Behaviour of Delicate Balances, and an Account of Devices for Increasing Accuracy in Weighings" : 6 entries
—>  Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow; with a Copious Reference to Passages Relating to this Subject in Different Authors
—>  Observations on the Claims of the Moderns, to some Discoveries in Chemistry and Physiology by ...
—>  "Observations on the Contractility of Lacteals. Part II"
—>  "Observations on the Contractility of Lacteals. Part I"
—>  Observations on the Deviation of the Compass; with Examples of its fatal influence in some Melancholy and Dreadful Shipwrecks
—>  Observations on the Direction and Intensity of the Terrestrial Magnetic Force in Southern India
—>  Observations on the Diseases of the Army
—>  Observations on the Employment of Salt in Agriculture and Horticulture, with Directions for its Application Founded on Practice
—>  Observations on the First Chapter of a Book called Miscellanea Analytica
—>  "Observations on the Gastric Mucosa of Reptilia"
—>  Observations on the Hypotheses which have been assumed to Account for the Cause of Gravitation from Mechanical Principles
—>  Observations on the Invention of Telescopes
—>  Observations on the Late Contests in the Royal Society
—>  "Observations on the Nebulae" : 2 entries
—>  "Observations on the Resolution of Stasis in the Finer Blood Vessels"
—>  Observations on the Supply of Water from the Chalk Stratum in the Neighbourhood of London
—>  Observations on the Use and Abuse of the Cheltenham Waters, in which are included Occasional Remarks on different Saline Compositions
—>  Observations relative to the Mineralogical and Chemical History of the Fossils of Cornwall
—>  "Observations respecting the Periodic Meteors of August"
—>  "Observations reveal the imagination of India and the mind of a maharajah - Jai Singh's observatories"
—>  Observations sur la Grossesse et l'Accouchement des Femmes, et sur leurs maladies, & celles des Enfans nouveau-nez. En chacune desquelles les causes & les raisons des principaux evenemens sont decrives et expliquees
—>  Observations sur le Perfectionnement des Tables de la Lune et sur les deux Inegalites a longues Periodes que M. Hansen a propose d'introduire dans le mouvement de cet Astre. Adressees a MM. les Membres de l'Academie des Sciences
—>  Observations sur quelques actions electrolysantes de la Pile simple. Observations sur un etat particulier du fer. Notice sur une nouvelle Pile voltaique
—>  Observations Topographical, Moral, & Physiological; Made in a Journey through part of the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy, and France: with a Catalogue of Plants not Native of England, found Spontaneously growing in those Parts, and their Virtues. Whereunto
—>  Observationum Barometricarum et Sympiesometricarum ab Illustr. Luetke sub Itinere circa Tellurem Collectarum
—>  Observationum de Animalculis infusoriis satura. Quae in Societatis Regiae Scientarum solemni anniversarii consessu praemium reportavit
—>  Observationum Medicarum Rariorum, Libri VII. In quibus nova, abdita, admirabilia, monstrosaque Exempla, circa Anatomen, ... opus ut Indefesso Labore Partum, ita Inexhaustae utilitatis ac voluptatis, omnibus scientiae naturalis, ac Medicinae Cultoribus fer
—>  Observationum Medicinalium lib. vi Denuo editi, & emendatiores quam antea in lucem emissi: in quibus multorum gravissimorum morborum historiae, eorundem causae, symptomata atque eventus, tum etiam curationes miro, utili & compendioso ordine describuntur.
—>  Observationum Microscopicarum Centuria
—>  Observationum Rariorum Medic. Anatomic. Chirurgicarum Centauria Prior, Accedit De Unicornu Dissertatio. Utraque tertia parte auctior, longeque emendatior.
—>  Observationum Rariorum Medic. Anatomic. Chirurgicarum Centuriae Posterioris pars Prior Auctior longe, atque emendatior. Accedit P. Stalpartii vander Wiel De Nutritione Foetus Exercitatio.
—>  Observatoire de Nice
—>  Observatoire Imperial de Paris. Service Meteorologique des Ports. Lettre du Directeur de l'Observatoire imperial de Paris a M. Airy, Astronome Royal d'Angleterre
—>  Observatories of the World
—>  Observatorium Tusculanum
—>  "Observatory House, Slough (Home of the Herschels)"
—>  "Observatory"
—>  Observer's handbook
—>  Observo ergo sum: Tadeusz Banachiewicz, 1882-1954
—>  Obserwatorium astronomiczne Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego
—>  Obsolete methods of reckoning time
—>  "Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Oxford 1770-1970"
—>  Occhiali da Vedere: Arte, Scienza e Costume Attraverso gli Occhiali
—>  Occultations of Planets and Stars by the Moon, during the Year 1853. Computed ... at the Expense of the Fund Appropriated by Congress for the Establishment of a Nautical Almanac and published by the Smithsonian Institution
—>  "Ochava Espera" y "Astrofisica": Textos y Estudios sobre las Fuentes Arabes de la Astronomia de Alfonso X
—>  Ocherki po istorii russkoi astronomii
—>  Octary Arithmetic; or, The Art of Doubling and Halving by the Cypher: Containing a Perfect System of Measure and Weight, with Specimens of the New Logarithms
—>  Octavo
—>  Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus sive Telescopium ex Abditis, etc.
—>  Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus sive Telescopium, ex Abditis rerum Naturalium & Artificialium principiis protractum nova methodo, eaque solida explicatum ac comprimis e triplici Fundamento. Physico seu Naturali, Mathematico Dioptrico et Mechanico, seu
—>  Oculus hoc est: Fundamentum Opticum, in quo ex Accurata Oculi Anatome, Abstrusarum Experientiarum Sedula pervestigatione, ex invisis specierum visibilium tam everso quam erecto situ spectaculis, nec-non solidis rationum momentis. Radius Visualis Eruitur:
—>  Oersted, and the discovery of Electromagnetism
—>  Oeuvres Completes
—>  Oeuvres Completes d'Augustin Fresnel : 3 entries
—>  OEuvres de Lagrange : 11 entries
—>  Oeuvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophie
—>  Oeuvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophie de Charles Bonnet
—>  Oeuvres diverses de M. Belidor. Concernant l'Artillerie et le Genie
—>  Of a Degradation of Gold made by an Anti-Elixir a Strange Chymical Narative
—>  Of a degradation of gold made by an anti-elixir: : a strange chymical narative
—>  Of an Astrolabe Planisphere of English Make
—>  Of Bodies, and of Mans Soul to Discover the Immortality of Reasonable Souls. With two Discourses of the Powder of Sympathy, and of the Vegetation of Plants
—>  Of Bodies, and of Mans Soul. To Discover the Immortality of Reasonable Souls. With two Discourses of the Powder of Sympathy, and of the Vegetation of Plants
—>  Of Geometry
—>  Of Husbandry
—>  Of Microscopes, and the Discoveries made thereby
—>  Of Ships and Stars: Maritime Heritage and the Founding of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
—>  Of Telescopes; being the result of thirty years' experiments with fifty-one telescopes, of from one to nine inches in diameter, in the possession of ..., M.D.
—>  Of the Cause of Attraction by Suction, a Paradox
—>  Of the Circle and the infinite Incommensurability of its Area to the Square of the Diameter, or of its Circumference to the Diameter; together with very useful and rapid Geometrical Approximations for both, etc.
—>  "Of the Mechanic Powers, as far as relates to Equilibriums"
—>  Of the Power and Influence of the Sun and Moon on Humane Bodies; and of the Diseases that rise from thence
—>  Of the Unequality of Natural Time, with its Reason and Causes. Together with a Table of the True AEquation of Natural Dayes
—>  Official Guide to the Museums of Economic Botany
—>  Official guide to the museums of economic botany. No. 2, monocotyledons and cryptogams
—>  Official Publications: A Short Guide
—>  Olai Borrichii itinerarium 1660-1665: the Journal of the Danish Polyhistor Ole Borch
—>  "Old and new views on some Chemical Problems"
—>  "Old and New World Naked-Eye Astronomy"
—>  "Old Ashmolean Building and the Growth of Science" : 2 entries
—>  "Old Blue Research Workers at Oxford"
—>  "Old Business Cards of Philadelphia"
—>  Old Clocks
—>  Old Clocks and Watches & Their Makers
—>  Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers
—>  "Old Edinburgh and the Beginning of the Edinburgh Medical School"
—>  Old English Barometers
—>  "Old English Barometers in the Collection of Mr. Percival D. Griffiths"
—>  "Old English Barometers"
—>  "Old English Instruments: An Historical Catalogue"
—>  "Old English Sand-Glasses"
—>  "Old Essex Gardeners and their Gardens"
—>  Old Globes in the Netherlands: A catalogue of terrestrial and celestial globes made prior to 1850 and preserved in Dutch collections
—>  Old Gramophones and Other Talking Machines
—>  "Old Henry Bond and the Longitude"
—>  Old Houses in Oxford
—>  Old Hungarian Pharmacies
—>  Old instruments used for extracting teeth
—>  Old London Bridge Tradesmens Cards & Tokens
—>  "Old London Bridge Tradesmen's Cards and Tokens"
—>  Old Maps and Globes with a List of Cartographers, Engravers, Publishers and Printers Concerned with Printed Maps and Globes from c. 1500 to c. 1850
—>  Old Maps of the Land of Israel
—>  Old Masterpieces in Surgery
—>  Old Medical and Dental Instruments
—>  Old Medicine
—>  "Old MS. charts belonging to the Marquis of Salisbury"
—>  Old Radio Sets
—>  'Old Scientific Instruments'
—>  "Old scientific instruments: for aesthetes and academics"
—>  Old Scottish Clockmakers From 1453 to 1850 Compiled from original sources with notes
—>  Old Telephones
—>  Old Typewriters
—>  Old-Time Gardens Newly set forth
—>  "Ole Romer and his Meridian Circle"
—>  "Oliver Cromwell and The Surveyor" : 2 entries
—>  Oliver Goldsmith : a biography
—>  "Oliver Joseph Lodge 1851-1940"
—>  Oliver Lodge and the Invention of Radio
—>  "Olmec Concave Iron-Ore Mirrors: The Aesthetics of a Lithic Technology and the Lord of the Mirror (With an Illustrated Catalogue of Mirrors)"
—>  Om Barometrets Middelstand ved Havet
—>  Om den historiske Udvikling af Mathematiken som exakt Videnskab indtil Udgangen af det 18de Aarhundrede
—>  Om Kometbanernes Indbyrdes Beliggenhed. Besvarelse af Universitetets Prisopgave for 1860
—>  Om Mikroskopets Bygning og dets Brug. En Laerebog
—>  Om Sveriges Hydrachnider
—>  Omar Khaiyam
—>  "On a Ceraunia of Jade Converted into a Gnostic Talisman"
—>  "On a Chinese Planisphere"
—>  "On a Combination of Oxymuriatic Gas and Oxygene Gas"
—>  "On a compact apparatus for determining Young's modulus for thin wires"
—>  "On a Galilean Telescope made about 1640 by William Gascoigne, Inventor of the Filar Micrometer"
—>  "On a Greek Qualitative Planetary Model of the Epicyclic Variety"
—>  "On a Magnetic Experiment"
—>  "On a Medieval Circle Quadrature: De circulo quadrando"
—>  "On a method for deducing approximately the focal lengths and magnifying powers of early telescopes"
—>  "On a Method of Cooling the Air of Rooms in Tropical Climates"
—>  On a moveable horizontal Sun-dial, capable of indicating apparent Solar Time within a small fraction of a Minute
—>  "On a New Analyzer, and its Use in Experiments of Polarization"
—>  On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera
—>  "On a new Compound Microscope"
—>  "On a New Design of Micromanipulator"
—>  "On a New Form of Electrical Contact-Maker for Astronomical and Other Clocks"
—>  On a New Form of Equatorial Telescope
—>  "On a new form of Ergometer (Dynamometer)"
—>  "On a new Form of Polariscope and its application to the Observation of the Sky"
—>  "On a New Form of Polariscope, and its application to The Observation of the sky"
—>  On a New Kind of Rays: 100 Years of X-Rays at Cambridge
—>  On a New Method of Determining the Latitude of a Place by Observations of the Pole-Star
—>  "On a New Method of Preparing Mercuric Hyponitrite"
—>  On a New Mode of Secret Writing
—>  "On a New Species of Coloured Fringes, produced by Reflexion between the Lenses of Achromatic Object-Glasses"
—>  "On a New Species of Coloured Rings, produced by the Reflection of Light between Two Plates of Parallel Glass of Equal Thickness"
—>  "On a new Species of the Genus Apteryx"
—>  "On a Nocturnal dated 1572 exhibited by Sir Reginald Palgrave at the Society of Antiquaries, Jan. 31, 1895"
—>  On a portable sundial of gilt brass made for Cardinal Wolsey : 2 entries
—>  "On a Possible Explanation of the Adaptation of the Eye to Distinct Vision at Different Distances"
—>  "On a Recently Observed Meteor"
—>  "On a Remarkable Case of Magnetic Intensity of a Chronometer"
—>  "On a remarkable Modification of Newton's Rings"
—>  "On a Self-acting Circular Dividing Engine"
—>  "On a simple electric immersion heater for constant temperature baths"
—>  "On a simple form of harmonic analyser"
—>  "On a Spectroscope in which the Prisms are automatically adjusted to the minimum angle of deviation for the particular ray under examination"
—>  "On a Standard Decimal Measure of Length for Mechanical Engineering Work, etc."
—>  "On a Sun-Dial"
—>  "On Abnormal Teeth in Certain Mammals, especially in the Rabbit"
—>  On Aerial Locomotion
—>  On Aerial Locomotion
—>  On an altazimuth constructed from the designs of the late Rev. Dr W. Pearson
—>  "On an Anomalous Case of Vision with regard to Colours"
—>  "On an Astrolabe Planisphere of English make"
—>  On an Astronomical Instrument of the Ancient Irish
—>  On Angular Aperture of Objectives for the Microscope: Read before the Microscopical Congress at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 15th., 1878 : 2 entries
—>  "On Apparatus for Testing the Delicacy of the Muscular and other Senses in different Persons"
—>  "On Artificial Temporary Colour-Blindness, with an Examination of the Colour Sensations of 109 Persons"
—>  On attraction and repulsion resulting from radiation
—>  "On Babbage's System of Mechanical Notation as Applied to Automatic Machinery"
—>  "On Bird and Beast in Ancient Symbolism"
—>  On British Stone Circles
—>  On Burning Mirrors: The Arabic Translation of the Lost Greek Original
—>  "On Celestial Photography"
—>  On Certain Considerations connected with the Orbits of Comets
—>  "On certain Impressions of Cold transmitted from the Higher Atmosphere, with the Description of an Instrument adapted to measure them"
—>  "On Certain Phenomena of Rotatory Motion"
—>  "On Certain Properties of Mercator's Chart, ..."
—>  On Champlain's Astrolabe: Lost on the 7th June, 1613 and Found in August, 1867, considered in solution of an obscurity in his journal of his first voyage up the Ottowa; and the great antiquityof astrolabes, and origin of their graduation
—>  "On Collecting Vinciana: The Dibner Collection at Brandeis University"
—>  "On competition between different species of graminivorous insects"
—>  "On Deducing the Longitude from an Observed Occultation of a Fixed Star by the Moon"
—>  "On Determining Innumerable Portions of a Sphere, the Solidities and Spherical Superficies of which Portions are at the same time Algebraically Assignable"
—>  'On Developments of Spectroscopic Apparatus in the Nineteenth Century'
—>  "On Differences and Differential Functions of Zero"

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