
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Monstra di documenti e cimeli Galileiani
—>  "Montesquieu's Correspondence - additions and corrections"
—>  Monthly Science News
—>  Monthly Science News: Penicillin Number : 2 entries
—>  Monthly Science News: Rothamsted Centenary Number
—>  "Monthly, Seasonal and Annual Fluctuations of Rainfall at Oxford Since 1815"
—>  Montres et Merveilles: 200 creations rares provenant du Musee de l'Horlogerie de Geneve et des Collections Privees Piaget
—>  "Montres solaires cylindriques en France et pays voisins"
—>  Moon: Man's Greatest Adventure
—>  Moor(e)'s Arithmetick
—>  Moore's Arithmetick : 2 entries
—>  Moore's Arithmetick: in Four Books. Treating of Vulgar Arithmetick in all its Parts, with several new Inventions to ease the Memory, by Logrithms, Decimals, etc. fitted for the use of all Persons. Together with Arithmetick in Species or Algebra: whereby a
—>  "Moralizing Science: The Uses of Science's Past in National Education in the 1920s"
—>  "Mordecai Cubitt Cooke, the Father of the Quekett Club"
—>  "More about Dr Benjamin Allen (1666-1738), of Braintree, Naturalist"
—>  More and safer Illumination with Kodak's Latest Lighting Systems
—>  More People and Places in Irish Science and Technology
—>  "Morelli, Freud and Sherlock Holmes: Clues and Scientific Method"
—>  "Moritz von Rohr: On the 25th Anniversary of his Death on 20th June, 1965"
—>  Morris Specialised Testing
—>  Morser, Kolben und Phiolen: Aus der Welt der Pharmazie
—>  "Moseley and celtium: the search for a missing element"
—>  Moseley and the Numbering of the Elements
—>  "Moseley and the Numbering of the Elements"
—>  "Moseley: The Numbering of the Elements"
—>  "Moseley's interpretation of X-ray spectra"
—>  Mosers Limited, Table of Weights of Iron and Mild Steel
—>  "Moses Stringer (fl. 1695-1713): Iatrochemist and Mineral Master General"
—>  Moses: The Greatest of Calendar Reformers
—>  Mostra di Leonardo da Vinci - Guida Ufficiale
—>  Mostra di Una Collezione Veneta Ritmi del Cielo e Misura del Tempo
—>  Mostra storica della scienza italiana: novembre 1957 - gennaio 1958
—>  Motives and Incentives of Science in Antiquity
—>  Motives and Opportunities for Science in the Medieval Universities
—>  Motori Primi Metallurgia - Fonderia nel Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica Leonardo da Vinci
—>  Movement in Two Dimensions
—>  "Movement, Color and Sound in a 'Darke Roome'"
—>  Movimientos: una Aplicacion Multimedia para la Comprension del Patrimonio Cientifico y Tecnologico
—>  Moving the Obelisks
—>  "'Mr Clerk the graver'; A Biographical Study in the Cultural Infra-Structure of Early Modern Scotland"
—>  "Mr George Ruthven's Cabinet of Curiosities"
—>  "Mr Pepys as a Man of Science"
—>  "Mr Richard Kerr. F.G.S. F.R.A.S. | Science Lecturer to His Majesty's Prisons | His Striking Story of a New Elevating Power"
—>  "Mr Universe: John Fulton, an Ayrshire shoemaker, astonished early 19th century Scotland with his intricate working model of the solar system"
—>  Mr. Babbage, the difference engine, and the problem of notation : an account of the origin of recursiveness and conditionals in computer programming
—>  Mr. Babbage's Secret: The Tale of a Cypher - and APL
—>  Mr. Blundevil His Exercises
—>  Mr. Blundevile His Exercises, containing eight Treateses etc.
—>  Mr. De Sargues Universal Way of Dyaling, or, Plain and Easy Directions for placing the Axeltree, and making the Hours in Sun-Dyals after the French, Italian, Babylonian and Jewish manner
—>  "Mr. Ferguson's Hypodermic Syringe"
—>  "Mr. G. S. W. Marlow"
—>  "Mr. George Forrest"
—>  "Mr. Gibson's Physic Spoon"
—>  "Mr. Johan Adriaen van de Perre (1738-1790): Portret van een Zeeuws Regent, Mecenas en Liefhebber van Nuttige Wetenschappen"
—>  "Mr. Percy Webster's Collection of Old Watches and Clocks - The Council's visit"
—>  "Mr. Scriven Bolton's Work"
—>  MSN | Monthly Science News | Penicillin Number
—>  "Mucus Secretion in the Trachea"
—>  "Muhammad Ibn Umail: an Early Muslim Alchemist"
—>  Multimedia Catalogue
—>  "Multivariate Statistical Methods in Human Biology"
—>  Mundus Iovialis - Die Welt des Jupiter -
—>  Mundus Subterraneus, in XII Libros digestus; quo Divinum Subterrestris Mundi Opisicium, mira Ergasteriorum Naturae in eo distributio, verbo Protei Regnum, Universae denique Naturae majestas & divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur, Abditorum effectuum
—>  Munster Blickpunkte: Die astronomische Domuhr. 13
—>  "Muntgewichtdoosjes, in het bezit van het physisch laboratorium en het Universiteits-museum te Utrecht"
—>  "Murder at the Birth of the Movies?"
—>  Musa Musaei: Studies on Scientific Instruments and Collections in Honour of Mara Miniati
—>  Musaeum Hermeticum, Omnes Sopho-Spagyricae Artis Discipulos Fidelissime Erudiens, Quo Pacto summa illa veraque Medicina, qua res omnes, qualemcumque defectum patientes, instaurari possunt (quae alias Benedictus Lapis Sapientum appellatur) inueniri ac habe
—>  Musaeum Kircherianum sive Musaeum ap. Athanasio Kirchero In Collegio Romano Societatis Jesu jam Pridem Incoeptum nuper restitutm, auctum, descriptum, & Iconibus illustratum
—>  Musaeum Regalis Societatis. Or a Catalogue & Description of the Natural and Artificial Rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge
—>  Musaeum Regalis Societatis. Or a Catalogue and Description of the Natural and Artificial Rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham College
—>  Musaeum Regalis Societatis: Or, a Catalogue and Description of the Natural and Artificial Rarities belonging to the Royal Society, and preserved at Gresham Colledge. ...
—>  Musaeum Tradescantianum: or, A Collection of Rarities. Preserved At South-Lambeth neer London By John Tradescant
—>  Musaeum Tradescantianum: or, a Collection of Rarities. Preserved at South-Lambeth neer London by ...
—>  Musahahat aflatun dar 'ihn asrar huruf wa jefr wa nujum
—>  Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta: sive, poemata quae dam melioris notae, seu hactenus Inedita, seu sparsim Edita, in duo Volumina congesta
—>  Muscologiae Hibernicae Spicilegium
—>  "Musea"
—>  Musee Bricard : musee de la serrure : guide du visiteur
—>  Musee de la ville de Varzy (Nievre) Archeologie Cadrans Solaire en plomb mentionnaut la date 1629 (XVIIe siecle)
—>  Musee de la ville de Varzy (Nievre) Archeologie. Cadran Solaire en plomb portant la date de 1514
—>  Musee de l'Histoire des Sciences, Geneve
—>  Musee des arts et metiers L'Album.
—>  Musee des Arts et Metiers: L'Album
—>  Musee le Secq des Tournelles Rouen
—>  Musee Retrospectif de la Classe 15 Instruments de precision
—>  Musee Retrospectif de la Classe 15: Instruments de precision a l'exposition universelle internationale de 1900, a Paris. Rapport du Comite d'Installation
—>  Museo d'Arti Applicate: Strumenti Scientifici-Orologi
—>  Museo de Historia de la Farmacia Hispana
—>  "Museo de la Farmacia Hispana: Instalado en la Facultad di Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid"
—>  Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze: Catalogo della Biblioteca Mediceo-Lorenese
—>  "Museo di Storia della Scienza"
—>  Museo di Storia della Scienza: Catalogo
—>  Museo Espanol de Antiguedades
—>  Museo Hispano de Ciencia y Tecnologia
—>  Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica Leonardo da Vinci: Guida Breve
—>  Museo Poldi Pezzoli Orologi-Oreficerie
—>  Museo Retrospectivo de Farmacia y Medicina de los Laboratorios del Norte de Espana, S. A. : 2 entries
—>  Museo Tecnologico de la Comision Federal de Electricidad : 2 entries
—>  Museoscienza
—>  Museui Ichthyologici, tomus secundus, sistens Piscium indigenorum & nonnullorum exoticorum, quorum maxima pars in Museo L. T. Gronovius{?}, J.U.D. adservantur, nec non quorumdam in aliis Museis observatorum Descriptiones. Accedunt nonnullorum exoticorum P
—>  Museum : 2 entries
—>  Museum Collecting Policies in Modern Science and Technology : 2 entries
—>  "Museum for the History of Science, Oxford"
—>  "Museum fur Waage und Gewicht: Zollemschloss Balingen"
—>  Museum Historicum Universitatis Tartuensis : 2 entries
—>  Museum History Newsletter
—>  Museum Ichthyologicum, sistens Piscium indigenorum & quorumdam exoticorum, qui in Museo L. T. Gronovius{?}, J.U.D. adservantur, descriptiones ordine systematico. Accedunt nonnullorum exoticorum Piscium icones aeri incisae
—>  Museum of Pharmacy of the Medical Academy in Cracow
—>  Museum of Science and Industry Chicago
—>  Museum of the Cavendish Laboratory: An Outline Guide to Exhibits
—>  Museum of the History of Science Catalogue 3: Drug Jars : 2 entries
—>  "Museum of the History of Science in Oxford"
—>  "Museum of the History of Science" : 2 entries
—>  "Museum of the History of Science, Oxford" : 3 entries
—>  Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford, Catalogue 2: Watches
—>  Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford, Catalogue I: Chemical Apparatus
—>  Museum Publications in Science, Technology and Medicine
—>  Museum Security = La Securite dans les Musees
—>  "Museum Under Review"
—>  Museum voor de Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen: Gids
—>  Museum Wormianum. Seu Historia Rerum Rariorum, tam Naturalium, quam Artificialium, tam Domesticarum, quam Exoticarum, quae Hafniae Danorum in aedibus Authoris servantur. Adornata ab ..., Med. Doct.
—>  Museumgids van Oostende tot Maaseik
—>  Museums & Art Galleries in Great Britain and Ireland
—>  Museums & National Life
—>  Museums and Art Galleries in Great Britain and Ireland 1983
—>  Museums and Collections in Poland 1945-1955
—>  "Museums and the Establishment of the History of Science at Oxford and Cambridge" : 2 entries
—>  Museums and the Public Understanding of Science
—>  Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge
—>  "Museums and the teaching of history"
—>  Museums in Great Britain with Scientific and Technological Collections
—>  Museums in Modern Life
—>  "Museums in Oxford"
—>  "Museums in the History of Zoology"
—>  Museums of Modern Science: Nobel Symposium 112
—>  "Museums of science and technology"
—>  "Museums of Science and Technology: Problems of Technique and Management"
—>  "Museums: A Bad Case of Rot"
—>  Museums: Their History and their Use
—>  Museumsfuhrer
—>  Museumshandbuch Teil 2: Vermessungsgeschichte
—>  Music & Time: An Exhibition held in the Theatre du Vesinet
—>  "Music by Machine"
—>  Musical Boxes at the Victoria & Albert Museum: An Introduction
—>  "Muslim mechanics and mechanical appliances"
—>  "Mutable Time"
—>  Muthmaszungen von den unterschiedenen Farben der Niederschlagungen des Quecksilbers
—>  Muzei M. V. Lomonosova : 2 entries
—>  Muzei M. V. Lomonosova: Putevoditel'
—>  Muzei M.V. Lomonosova: Putevoditel
—>  Muzeum farmacji Krakow
—>  Muzeum Farmacji Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego
—>  Muzeum Pro Dejiny Vedy v Oxfordu
—>  Muzeum Przypkowskich w Jedrzejowie
—>  Muzeum w Toruniu
—>  My Autobiography - a Fragment
—>  "My Early Years on Salcombe Hill"
—>  My Father, Marconi
—>  My Fill of Days
—>  My Head Is A Map
—>  "My Thermoformed Plastic Audio-Kinetic Light Sculpture since 1966"
—>  Myriapoda
—>  "Mysteries of the Microcosm Unveiled"
—>  "Mystery Photograph"
—>  Mystiques, spirituels, alchimistes du XVIe siecle allemand
—>  Myths and Marvels of Astronomy
—>  N. R. Frankel's Uhrensammlung
—>  Naamlijst en korte beschrijving van alle de wis- en natuurkundige werktuigen behoorende aan de Stichting van wijlen Vrouwe Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude, in het Haagsche Burger-Weeshuis: zoo lase dezelve bevonden zyn, na de voltooying van de nieuwe zaal, in he
—>  Nachleese Seiner Microscopischen Gemuths-und Augen-Ergokung; I. Sammlung
—>  Nachleese seiner Mikroskopischen Gemuths-und Augen-Ergoezung; I. Sammlung. ...
—>  Nachleese Seiner Mikroskopischen Gemuths-und Augen-Ergokung
—>  Nachleese Seiner Mikroskopischen Gemuths-und Augen-Erkokung
—>  "Nachricht von dem Erdbeben in Schlesien"
—>  "Nachricht von diesem Erdebeben"
—>  Nachrichten aus dem Institut fur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Hamburg
—>  Nachrichten aus der Eisen-Bibliothek der Georg Fischer Aktiengesellschaft
—>  "Nachtrag zu dem Eulerschen Lehrsatze von Polyedern"
—>  "Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung: Ueber ein phychophysisches Grundgesetz und dessen Beziehung zur Schutzung der Sterngrossen, in den Abhandl. der math. phys. Cl. Band IV. S. 457"
—>  Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna : Muzeum Techniki
—>  "'Nail and Cork'"
—>  "Naissance d'une collection photographique"
—>  Naissance et Deviation de la Theorie Cellulaire dans L'Oeuvre de Theodore Schwann
—>  Najdawniejse Plany Kopalni Wielickiej
—>  "Najstarsze slowianskie przedstawienia konstelacji gwiezdnych"
—>  Nantwich Clockmakers
—>  Napier Tercentenary Memorial Volume
—>  Napier's Bones: A History and Instruction Manual
—>  Narodni Technicke Muzeum
—>  Narrative of an Excursion to the Lake Amsanctus and to Mount Vultur in Apulia in 1834 : 3 entries
—>  "Nasiruddin, Takiyuddin ve Tycho Brahe'nin rasat aletlerinin mukayesesi"
—>  "Nathaniel Pigott's Observatory 1781-1793"
—>  National Maritime Museum Picture Library
—>  National Museums of Scotland
—>  National Museums of Scotland | First Report October 1985-March 1987
—>  National Technical Museum Praha | Narodni Technicke Muzeum
—>  Natur und Erfahrung: Von der mittelalterlichen zur neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft
—>  "Natural Acclimatization to High Altitudes"
—>  Natural and Political Observations mentioned in a following Index, and made upon the Bills of Mortality. With reference to the Government, Religion, Trade Growth, Air, Diseases, and the several Changes of the said City
—>  Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne
—>  Natural History Auctions 1700-1972: A Register of Sales in the British Isles
—>  "Natural history"
—>  Natural Inheritance
—>  "Natural light and the Museum of the future"
—>  Natural Magick
—>  "Natural Philosophers, Mathematical Practitioners and Timber in Later 17th Century England"
—>  Natural Philosophy
—>  Natural philosophy for general readers and young persons
—>  "Natural Philosophy Textbook Illustrations 1600-1800"
—>  Natural philosophy through the 18th century and allied topics
—>  "Natural Science at the Chicago Exhibition"
—>  "Natural Science in Japan"
—>  Natural selection and tropical nature : essays on descriptive and theoretical biology
—>  Natural Sines to every second of arc, and eight places of decimals. (Computed from Rheticus.)
—>  Natural Tangents to every second of arc and eight places of decimals. (Computed from Rheticus.)
—>  Natural Theology. or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the appearances of Nature
—>  Natural-Color Photography
—>  Naturales et Medicinales quaestiones LXXXIIII circa hominis natura & morbos aliquot, Conrado Gesnero medico Tigurino interprete, nunc primum editae. Eaedem Graece, longe quam antehac castigatiores, cu Scholiis quibusdam. His accedit Catalogus Medicamentor
—>  "Naturalia, artificialia e ... il museo racconta se stesso"
—>  Naturalis Historiae Libri XXXVII
—>  "Naturam cognosci per analogium. Der Prinzip der Analogie in der Naturforschung bei Leibniz"
—>  Naturbetrachtung und Naturerkenntnis im Altertum: Eine Entwickelungsgeschichte der antiken Naturwissenschaften
—>  Nature | A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science
—>  Nature Disclosed: Books from the Collections of The John Crerar Library Illustrating the History of Science
—>  Nature Stored Nature Studied: Collections, conservation and allied research at the British Museum (Natural History)
—>  Nature through Microscope & Camera
—>  Nature through the Microscope: Or, Rambles and Studies of a Microscopist
—>  Nature: A Weekly Journal of Science
—>  Nature: Curious and beautiful
—>  Naturerklarung und Psyche: Synchronizitat als ein Prinzip akausaler Zusammenhange / [von] C. G. Jung. Der Einfluss archetypischer Vorsstellungen auf die Bildung naturwissenschaftlicher Theorien bei Kepler [von] W. Pauli
—>  Nature's Government: Science, Imperial Britain, and the 'Improvement' of the World
—>  Nature's mighty wonders
—>  Nature's Museums: Victorian Science and the Architecture of Display
—>  Natureza e estatuto da capitania do Brasil
—>  "Naturwissenschaft und Bucherwesen"
—>  "Naturwissenschaft und Politik"
—>  "Naturwissenschaft"
—>  Naturwissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in West-Berlin 1970-1980
—>  Nauchnii podvig Samarkandskikh astronomov XVv
—>  "Nauchnoe Nasledie Galileo Galileya v Rossii XVII i XVIII vv." : 2 entries
—>  Nauchnye pribory. Pribory i instrumenty istoricheskogo znacheniya
—>  "Nautical charts attributed to Verrazano (1525-28)"
—>  "Nautical Science and the Renaissance"
—>  Nautical scientists and their clients in Iberia (1508-1624) : science from imperial perspective
—>  Nautical Tables Designed for the Use of British Seamen
—>  "Nautical Time - A new method of time keeping on board ship, particularly ocean liners"
—>  "Nautical Time"
—>  "Nautique et Cartographie de l'Espagne au XVI Siecle"
—>  "Nautique et cartographie de l'Espagne au XVIe siecle"
—>  "Navicula de Venetiis: Une Acquisition Prestigieuse du Musee d'Histoire des Sciences"
—>  "Navigatie-Instrumenten van de Zeebodem 16e tot 19e Eeuw"
—>  Navigation Improved: in Two Books. Containing an exact Description of the Fluid Quadrant for the Latitude; or, Quadrants reduc'd to the utmost Degree of Portableness ... An Essay on the Discovery of the Longitude, by a new Invention of an Everlasting Horo
—>  Navigation Today
—>  "Navigation" : 2 entries
—>  "Navigational Equipment from 't Vliegend Hart (1735)"
—>  "Nazi-Socialism and International Science"
—>  Neapolitan Charms Against the Evil Eye
—>  "Neapolitan Charms against the Evil Eye"
—>  "Nederlands Gereedschap Anno 1625 in Zweden"
—>  Nederlandse Gewichten: stelsels, ijkwezen, vormen, makers en merken
—>  "Neglected genius gets a place of honour"
—>  Negretti & Zambra's Encyclopaedic Illustrated and Descriptive Reference Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, Philosophical, Photographic, and Standard Meteorological Instruments, manufactured and sold by them
—>  Negretti and Zambra's Catalogue
—>  Nehru Planetarium
—>  "Neizvestiyi Spisok Kataloga Iskopaemykh Okamenelostei Britanii Edvarda Lluida (Loida)"
—>  "Neizvestnyi russkii perevod "Traktata o sfere" Ioanna de Sakrobosko"
—>  "Nekotorye Starye Astronomicheskie Instrumenty Astronomicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR" : 2 entries
—>  Nel terzo centenario del "De lumine" di F. M. Grimaldi
—>  "Nella Ricorrenza del II Centenario della Morte di Antonio van Leeuwenhoek Frammenti Cestoniani Inediti"
—>  "Nephrite Jade in West Pakistan"
—>  "Nests of Weights" [&] "Nests of Weights: Part II"
—>  "Netsukes: their makers, use, and meaning"
—>  Nett Trade Catalogue of Materials Tools, Appliances, &c. for Watchmakers, Clockmakers, Jewellers, Silversmiths, & Opticians
—>  Nett Trade Catalogue of Tools and Appliances for Watchmakers, Clockmakers, Jewellers, Silversmiths and Opticians
—>  Neu aufgefundene Abbildung des Dronte, und eines zweiten kurzflugeligen Vogels, wahrscheinlich des Poule Rouge au Bec de Becasse der Maskarenen in der Privatbibliothek S.M. des verstorbenen Kaisers Franz
—>  Neue (sogenannte) Magdeburger Versuche Uber den leeren Raum
—>  "Neue Dokumente zur Entstehungsgescgichte des Prioritats streites zwischen Leibniz und Newton um die Erfindung der Infinitesimalrechnung"
—>  Neue Erklarung uber den Alaum, die Vitriole, und insonderheit uber die naturliche Zusammensetzung des weiszen gemeinen Vitrioles
—>  Neue Erlauterung der vermeynten kunstlichen Hervorbringung des Eisen, die Becher bekannt gemachet, und der Herr Geoffroy behauptet hat
—>  Neue Hulfstafeln zur Reduction der in der Histoire Celeste Francaise enthaltenen Beobachtungen
—>  "Neue Konzeptionen der Chemiegeschichtsschreibung im 19. Jahrhundert: Trommsdorff, Hoefer und Kopp"
—>  Neue Rechentafeln fur Multiplikation und Division mit allen ein-bis vierstelligen Zahlen
—>  "Neue Regiomontan-Forschungen und ihre Ergebnisse"
—>  Neue und deutliche Anleitung zur practischen Sonnen-Uhr-Kunst ... etc.
—>  Neue und grundliche Anweisung wie nach einer universalen Methode Grosse Sonnen-Uhren auf jeden ebenen Flachen ...
—>  Neue und sonderbare Beobachtung von der auf einander solgenden Auflosung vieler Salze in gemeinem Wasser
—>  Neue Uranometrie: Darstellung der in mittlern Europa mit bloszen Augen sichtbaren Sterne nach ihren wahren, unmittelbar vom Himmel entnommenen Groszen
—>  "Neuere Ergebnisse uber Babylonische Algebra"
—>  "Neuere Ergebnisse zur Babylonischen Arithmetik"
—>  "Neure Ergebnisse zur Babylonischen Geometrie"
—>  Neu-vermehrte Welperische Gnomonica oder Grundlicher unterricht und beschreibung.
—>  Neuvos estudios sobre historia de la ciencia espanola
—>  Neuzeitliche europaische Himmelsgloben mit arabischen Inschriften
—>  Never at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton
—>  'Never Despair: Holloway's Remedies and the Patent Medicine Market, 1837-1937'
—>  Never Mind the ice…
—>  Neve's The city and country purchaser and builder's dictionary : a reprint of the work subtitled The compleat builders guide, published 1726
—>  Nevil Maskelyne : the seaman's astronomer
—>  "Nevil Maskelyne, F. R. S., and the Discovery of Night Myopia"
—>  Nevil Story Maskelyne : 2 entries
—>  "Nevil Story-Maskelyne 1823-1911"
—>  "Nevil Story-Maskelyne, 1823-1911" : 2 entries
—>  "Nevil Story-Maskelyne: Photographer"
—>  New Additions to the Elliott range of Tissue Processing Equipment
—>  New and Correct Tables of the Lunar Motions, according to the Newtonian Theory: As it is truly freed from the Errors of the Press. Which Tables are demonstratively proved to be true, by a sufficient Number of Observations, of the most eminent Astronomers
—>  New and Full Moons 1001 B.C. to A.D. 1651
—>  New Aspects in the History and Philosophy of Astronomy
—>  New Attachment Cameras, Type Kam V.
—>  New cartographical contributions to the coastal exploration of Australia in the course of the 17th Century
—>  "New Data on the Origin and Spread of the Dollar Mark"
—>  "New Discoveries": The Sciences, Inventions and Discoveries of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance as represented in 24 engravings issued in the early 1580s by Stradanus
—>  New elements of optics
—>  New Elements of Optics; Or, The Theory of the Aberrations, Dissipation, and Colours of Light: Of the General and Specific Refractive Powers and Densities of Mediums; The Properties of Single and Compound Lenses: And The Nature, Construction, and Use of Re
—>  New England Clocks at Old Sturbridge Village. The J. Cheney Wells Collection
—>  New Entries in the Catalogue, February 1957
—>  New Entries in the Catalogue, March 1957
—>  New Experiments about the Preservation of Bodies in Vacuo Boyliano
—>  "New Experiments concerning the Relation between Light and Air (in Shining Wood and Fish)"
—>  New Experiments on Electricity, wherein: The causes of Thunder and Lightning as well as the constant state of Positive or Negative Electricity in the Air or Clouds, are explained; with Experiments on Clouds of Powders and Vapours artificially diffused in
—>  New experiments physico-mechanical ...
—>  New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, touching the Spring of the Air, and its Effects, (Made, for the most part, in a New Pneumatical Engine)
—>  "New gallery at Science Museum leads world"
—>  "New Genera of British Mymaridae (Haliday)"
—>  "New Glory for the Ancient Beijing Observatory"
—>  New Image Erecting Lihotzky Binocular Stereo Attachment
—>  New improvements of planting and gardening, both philosophical and practical. : In three parts. I. Containing, a new system of vegetation. Explaining the motion of the sap, and generation of plants. Of soils, and the improvement of forest-trees. With a ne
—>  "New Instruments for Travellers and Surveyors"
—>  New Jersey's Scots Cartographers: John Reid and George Keith
—>  "New lead-copper minerals from the Mendip Hills (Somerset)"
—>  "New light on ancient turret clocks"
—>  "New Light on Galileo"
—>  "New light on George Margetts"
—>  "New Light on German Optical Codes"
—>  "New Light on James Ferguson's 'Astronomy Explained'"
—>  "New Light on Lavoisier: the Research of the Last Ten Years"
—>  "New Magnetic Escapement"
—>  New Maps of Mars
—>  "New Measurements of the Distance of the Sun"
—>  "New Multi-Viewing Attachment MD 5 for Microscopes"
—>  New observations of heavenly and earthly objects by Francesco Fontana, with the aid of optical instruments devised by him and brought to the highest state of perfection. Printed at Naples by Gaffaro, February 1646 with the permission of his superiors.
—>  New Patent Letter Copying Machine invented by Mr. Brunel
—>  New principles of gunnery
—>  New Principles of Linear Perspective: or the Art of Designing on a Plane the Representations of all Sorts of Objects, in a more General and Simple Method than has been done before
—>  New Principles of Linear Perspective: or the Art of Designing On a Plane, the Representations of all sorts of objects, in a more General and Simple Method than has been hitherto done
—>  New Proposals for a Course of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery ...
—>  New Scientist : 3 entries
—>  "New Staircase for the Old Ashmolean Museum, Oxford"
—>  New Statutes made for the University by the University of Oxford Commissioners under the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act, 1877
—>  "New techniques in the analysis and interpretation of mesolithic notation and symbolic art"
—>  "New Wave of Building at Oxford: Science Laboratories in Form of Cotswold Manors a Lost Cause"
—>  Newes Astrolabium, Sampt dessen Nutz und Gebrauch nicht allein den Astronomis und Medicis, sondern allen Kriegs-Officeren, etc. : 2 entries
—>  "Newman & Guardia Folding Reflex"
—>  "Newman's Kinematic Apparatus for the Study of Mechanism"
—>  Newnes Complete Guide to the Miniature Camera
—>  Newnes radio valve data pocket book
—>  News from the Stars: or, an Ephemeris for the Year 1701. With Observations upon the Eclipses, Solar Ingresses and Configurations of Heaven happening therein. Being the first since the Bissextile, or Leap-Year, according to the Julian, or Old Account. And
—>  Newsletter : 3 entries
—>  Newsletter for the History of Science in Southeastern Europe.
—>  Newsletter of The Tool and Trades History Society
—>  Newspaper Advertisements etc. relating to the Kirk Family of London: Engravers, Medallists, and Money-Weight Makers: Transcribed from selected London papers published between 1746 and 1773 (not a comprehensive survey); and labels in boxes of money weights
—>  "Newton and chemistry"
—>  Newton and Flamsteed. Remarks on an Article in no. CIX of the Quarterly Review
—>  Newton and Newtoniana, 1672-1975 : a bibliography
—>  Newton and the Apple : 2 entries
—>  Newton and the concept of mass-energy
—>  "Newton and the 'Principia'"
—>  Newton as Alchemist
—>  Newton Demands the Muse
—>  Newton Tercentenary Celebrations: 15-19 July 1946.
—>  Newton, Stahl, Boerhaave et la Doctrine Chimique
—>  "Newtonian Astronomy"
—>  "Newtonianesimo e Malebranchismo nella Disputa fra Brook Taylor e Pierre Remond de Montmort"
—>  "Newton's Early Computational Method for Dynamics"
—>  "Newton's Optics: The Changing Spectrum of Science"
—>  "Newton's Principia"
—>  Newton's Principia. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
—>  Newton's Scientific and Philosophical Legacy
—>  Newtons Theorie der Prismenfarben mit Uberserzung und Erlauterung der Abhandlung von 1672
—>  NHK
—>  "Niccolo Tartaglia, Mathematics, Ballistics and the Power of Possession of Knowledge"
—>  "Nicephore Niepce in England"
—>  "Nicholas Auguste Otto (1832-1881)"
—>  Nicholas Copernicus (Mikolaj Kopernik) 1473-1543
—>  "'Nicholson's Journal' (1797-1813)"
—>  Nickel-Containing Magnetic Materials: The Properties and Applications
—>  Nickel-Eisen und andere Nickellegierungen mit besonderen Physikalischen Eigenschaften
—>  Nickel-Handbuch herausgegeben vom Nickel-Informations-buro G.m.b.H. Frankfurt a.M.: Nickel-Eisen und andere Nickellegierungen mit besondern physikalischen Eigenschaften
—>  Nickel-Iron Alloys in Low-Frequency Transformers
—>  "Nickel-Iron Alloys of High Permeability, with Special Reference to Mumetal"
—>  Nicolas Copernic ou La Revolution Astronomique
—>  Nicolas Copernicus: Part One: Studies on the Works of Copernicus and Biographical Materials
—>  Nicolaus Bions beruhmten Koniglichen Franzosischen Mathematikers neuerofnete mathematische Werkschule oder grundliche anweisung wie die mathematische Instrumenten ...
—>  "Nicolaus Copernicus "De revolutionibus", Preface and Book I"
—>  "Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)"
—>  Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1973 : 2 entries
—>  Nicolaus Copernicus in seinen Beziehungen zu dem Herzoge Albrecht von Preussen
—>  "Nicolaus Kratzer - The King's Astronomer"
—>  Nicolaus Mercator (Kauffman): sein Leben und Wirken, vorzugsweise als Mathematiker
—>  "Nicolaus of Autrecourts Refutation of Aristotelianism"
—>  Nicolaus Pol Doctor 1494
—>  "Nicolaus Steno, Seventeenth-Century Anatomist, Geologist and Ecclesiastic"
—>  "Niels Ryberg Finsen"
—>  Niepce: Genese d'une Invention
—>  Nieuwe Uytvindinge der Zonne-Wyzers: Waarin geleert wert een korte manieron veelderly Zonne-Wyzers te maken, etc.
—>  "Nieznane Materialy Jozefa Rostafinskiego do Badan nad Historia Roslin Uprawnych w Polsce"
—>  "Night-time and Easter-time"
—>  Nikola Tesla: lectures, patents, articles
—>  Nikolay Nikolayevich Semenov : I do not see any other life but a life with science
—>  "Nineteenth Century Surveyor and Chainman"
—>  Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments : 2 entries
—>  Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments and their Makers: Papers Presented at the Fourth Scientific Instrument Symposium, Amsterdam 23-26 October 1984
—>  Nineteenth-Century Spectroscopy: Development of the Understanding of Spectra, 1802-97
—>  "Nivellement du Grand Saint-Bernard"
—>  NLO News
—>  NMM News: The Newsletter of the National Maritime Museum
—>  No Laughing Matter: Historical Aspects of Anaesthesia
—>  No Sea Too Deep: The History of Oceanographic Instruments
—>  No. 125. "Westminster" Projection Arc Lamp
—>  No. 125. Projection Arc Lamp
—>  No. 132-M. "Westminster" Junior, Sun-Ray Long Flame Arc Lamp for Actino-Therapy
—>  "Nobel Prize Winners descended from Liebig. (Trans) - a Table of Academic Genealogy"
—>  Nogelau for Jordog HimelKuglernes Brug, til Nytte for Begyndere udi, etc.
—>  "Norman Ault: an Edwardian Illustrator of Alice"
—>  North Country Clockmakers of the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries
—>  "Northern European Clocks in New York Collections"
—>  "Norway 1896: The Baa's First Organized Eclipse Expedition"
—>  Nostradamus and the Nazis : 2 entries
—>  Nostri Plena Laboris: An Author Index to the RDS Scientific Journals 1800-1985
—>  Nota Intorno Un 'Antico Globo Celeste Scolpito in Marmo Porino
—>  "Nota sui globi terrestri e celesti del '600 e del '700 appartenenti all'Istituto Tecnico statale "Galileo Galilei" di Firenze"
—>  Notable Names in Medicine & Surgery
—>  "Notas para a Historia da Patogenia do Icto Apopletico"
—>  Notation dans les gravures du paleolithique superieur. Nouvelles methodes d'analyse
—>  Notationes et delineatationes [i.e. delineationes], 1498: Az Orszagos Szechenyi Konyvtar Cod. Lat. 197 jelu kodexe
—>  Note des travaux de M. Eug. Bouvard
—>  "Note on a convenient press for sap extraction"
—>  "Note on a Crayon Drawing of the Moon by John Russell, R. A., at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford" : 2 entries
—>  "Note on a further portrait of James Short"
—>  "Note on a Large Fireball"
—>  "Note on a New Star in the Constellation of Gemini"
—>  "Note on a point in the use of Oil of Cloves in microscopical work"
—>  "Note on a Simple Test of the Inverse-Square Law for Magnetism"
—>  'Note on a singular passage in the "Principia"'
—>  Note on a table showing the time and place of the transit of any star across the prime vertical circle in latitude 52o 12' 10"
—>  "Note on a watch signed "Hieronymus Hamilthon Scotius me fecit 1595", with a view of Edinburgh Castle on the Dial"
—>  "Note on an Objection made by M. Naquet in his preceding "Observations"."
—>  "Note on Indian Mathematics.--Arithmetical Notation"
—>  [Note on Muhammad Lahbabi]
—>  Note on Parabolic Cones
—>  "Note on Quantitative Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction Methods"
—>  "Note on the Acclimatisation of the Australian Black Swan (Chenopsis atrata)"
—>  Note on the Date of the Invention of the Barometer
—>  "Note on the fur trade in Medieval western Europe"
—>  "Note on the Invention of Photometry"
—>  "Note on the Motion of the Perihelion of Mercury"
—>  "Note on the Original Publication of Hutton's "Theory of the Earth", and on the Subsequent Forms in which it was issued"
—>  "Note on the Unpublished Observations Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, between the years 1774 and 1838; with some results for the year 1774"
—>  Note Relative a une Edition des Tables Astronomiques d'Oloug-Beg, commencee en 1839
—>  "Note su alcuni strumenti igrometrici del sec. XVII posseduti dal Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze"
—>  Note sul gabinetto di scienze naturali
—>  "Note sul poema astronomico ed astrologico di Manilio"
—>  "Note Supplementaire au Catalogue des Etoiles Filantes et des Autres Meteores Observes en Chine"
—>  Note sur des Objets Antiques decouverts a Gondrecourt (Meuse) et a Grand (Vosges)
—>  "Note sur la Comete de Donati"
—>  "Note sur la direction de l'aiguille aimantee en Chine, et sur les Aurores Boreales observees dans ce meme Pays"
—>  "Note sur la Masse des Cometes"
—>  "Note sur le catalogue d'etoiles du Calife Al-Mamoun"
—>  Note sur les Changements de Plan de Projection et sur les Mouvements de Rotation
—>  Note sur les Petites Planetes situees entre Mars et Jupiter
—>  Note sur les travaux astronomiques de H. Faye
—>  Note sur les travaux de M. Babinet
—>  "Note sur les Variations d'Algol"
—>  "Note sur l'Inventaire Mondial des instruments scientifiques d'interet historique (Published by the Commission des Instruments Scientifiques)"
—>  Note sur un microscope simple perfectionne
—>  Note sur un Point de Meteorologie
—>  "Note to a Paper on the Error of a received Principle of Analysis"
—>  "Note uber die Richtung der Schwingungen des Lichtathers in geradlinig polarisirtem Lichte"
—>  "Note"
—>  Note. Sur l'aire d'un triangle spheroidique dont les cotes sont des lignes de plus courte distance generalement a double courbure
—>  Notes ... The Dove and Raven symbolisms for the west dialling of the ancient orientals
—>  "Notes and Discussions"
—>  Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London
—>  "Notes by R. M. Twist / After his visit to the College de France and his rereading of Strabon on Shadows and directions for making a 10ft globe and projecting it onto a plane surface Celestial Mappa Mundi ... "
—>  "Notes Concerning the Sprengel Pump" : 2 entries
—>  "Notes from Paris: Exhibition of "Instruments and Tools of Navigators, Astronomers and Physicians" and Shows of Modern Paintings"
—>  Notes of a Lecture on some Methods of Recording some of the Phenomena of Recalescence, and also Electrical and Magnetic Phenomena, Junior Scientific Club
—>  Notes of Evidence given before the Privy Council on the hearing of Sir Joseph Whitworth's Petition for a Prolongation of his Patent for Fluid-Compressed Steel
—>  "Notes on "Gunter's Quadrant""
—>  Notes on a new form of combination of Conductors for use in Wireless Telegraphy
—>  "Notes on a planispheric astrolabe"
—>  "Notes on a Planispheric Astrolabe, given to the Society by the Rev. I. G. Lloyd, F.S.A."
—>  Notes on a School Museum
—>  Notes on a Sundial at Patrington
—>  "Notes on a Timber Grown in Western Australia, which is Proof against the White Ant and Sea Worm"
—>  "Notes on a Water Clock in the Athenian Agora"
—>  Notes on Alcohol in Brandy, Whisky and Rum including the strengths of wine and beer compared with spirits
—>  "Notes on Al-Kitab Suwar Al-Kawakib Al-Thamaniya Al-Arbain of Abu-l-Husain 'Abd Al-Rahman ibn 'Umar Al-Sufi Al-Razi"
—>  "Notes on American Parasitic Copepoda (no. 1)"
—>  "Notes on an unpublished work of Thomas Hobbes"
—>  'Notes on Birds in the Lilford Aviaries'

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