
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "L'Horloge de Sapience et l'histoire de l'horlogerie"
—>  L'Horloge du Laboureur, ou Methode Facile Pour connoitre l'heure de la nuit a l'aspect des Etoiles
—>  L'Horloge du Laboureur, ou Methode Tres-Facile De connoitre l'heure de la nuit a l'aspect des Etoiles
—>  L'horloge monumentale de la Cathedrale de Beauvais concue et executee par L. Verite
—>  L'horographie curieuse.
—>  L'Horographie Ingenievse ...
—>  L'Horographie Ingenievse…
—>  L'horologiographie curieuse contenant diversis methodes Nouvelles & Generales: pour faire promptement, justement, & facilement, toutes sortes d'Horloges & Cadrans
—>  L'Humanisme en Alsace
—>  L'hydrographie et l'evenement historique : deux exemples
—>  "Liaisons Dangereuses: Peter Heyns en Abraham Ortelius"
—>  Libellus De Compositione et usu quadrantis Astronomici ae Geometrici
—>  Libellus de re herbaria novus, : in quo herbarum aliquot nomina greca, latina, & Anglica habes, vna cum nominibus officinarum, in gratiam studios[qu]e iuuentutis nunc primum in lucem aeditus
—>  Libellvs De Lapide Philosophico
—>  Liber de analemmate
—>  Liber de centro gravitatis solidorvm
—>  Liber Mafatih al-Olum explicans vocabula technica scientiarum tam Arabum quam peregrinorum
—>  Liber Minerali um Domini Alberti Magni/ Alemanni/ ex Laugingen oriundus, Ratisponensis Eccelesie Episcopus, Vir in Diuinis scripturis Doctissimus, & in secularis Phi losophie Scia Peritissimus Sequitur. Tractat' De Lapidu & Gemay. ... De Alchimicis Specie
—>  Liberti Fromondi S.Th.L. Collegij Falconis in Academia Louanensi philosophiae professoris primarij Meteorologicorum libri sex : 2 entries
—>  Library Guide
—>  Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in quibus verae Piscium effigies expressae sunt. Quae in tota Piscium historia contineantur, indicat Elenchus pagina nona & decima. Postremo accesserunt Indices ...
—>  Libro de Reloges Solares
—>  Libro del misurar con la vista
—>  Libros del saber de astronomia del rey Alfonso X ...
—>  Licgnomonica riflessa cioe' invenzione Di Facilissimamente Delineare gl'Orologgi Solari Riflessi Mediante Lume di Lucerna
—>  Lichenographia Europaea Reformata. Praemittuntur Lichenologiae Fundamenta
—>  Lichenographia Universalis. In qua Lichenes Omnes Detectos, adiectis observationibus et figuris horum vegetabilium naturam et organorum carpomorphorum structuram illustrantibus, ad Genera, Species, Varietates differentiis et observationibus sollicite defi
—>  Lichenographiae Suecicae Prodromus
—>  Lichfield: Mother of the Midlands
—>  Licht und strahlende Warme in ihren Beziehungen zu einander mit Rucksicht auf die Identitatstheorie, zugleich als Einleitung in die Wellentheorie des Aethers
—>  "L'Idee du Cycle Eternel dans l'Histoire du Monde"
—>  Liebigs Experimentalvorlesung: Vorlesungsbuch und Kekules Mitschrift
—>  "Liebigsche welt im Glase - vom Kreislauf des Lebens"
—>  "Lieutenant Commander Derek Howse"
—>  Life and correspondence of Abraham Sharp
—>  Life and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S.
—>  Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
—>  Life and Times of Sawai Jai Singh - 1688-1743
—>  "Life and Work of Johannes Kepler, Founder of the "New Astronomy" on the 400th Anniversary of His Birth"
—>  Life and Work of the People of England. A Pictorial Record from Contemporary Sources
—>  Life and Works of Christopher Wren. From the Parentalia or Memoirs by his Son Christopher
—>  Life in the Medieval University
—>  Life of Alfred Newton: Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Cambridge University, 1866-1907
—>  Life of Frank Buckland
—>  Life of Galileo
—>  Life of James Ferguson, F.R.S., in a brief Autobiographical Account, and further Extended Memoir
—>  Life of James Ferguson, F.R.S., in a brief autobiographical account, and further extended memoir : with numerous notes and illustrative engravings : 2 entries
—>  Life of James Watt, with Memoir on Machinery Considered in Relation to the Prosperity of the Working Classes to which are subjoined,Historical Account of the Discovery of the Composition of Water by Lord Brougham; and Eulogium of James Watt by Lord Jeffre
—>  "Life of Julius Caesar Scaliger (1484-1558)"
—>  Life of Kepler
—>  "Life of Scheele"
—>  Life of Sir Isaac Newton
—>  Life of Sir John Pringle, Bart.
—>  Life on a Portuguese nao : Linschoten's voyage to India, 1583
—>  "Life Sciences: Natural History"
—>  Life's Picture History of Western Man
—>  Light and the Behavior of Organisms
—>  Light for Students
—>  Light from the Dark Room: A Celebration of Scottish Photography: A Scottish-Canadian Collaboration
—>  Light in the East AD 1000-1100
—>  "Light on Byzantium - A Universal Sundial in the British Museum"
—>  "Light quanta and vision"
—>  Light! The Industrial Age 1750-1900: Art & Science, Technology & Society
—>  "Light"
—>  Light, Visible and Invisible
—>  Light: A Course of Experimental Optics, Chiefly with the Lantern : 2 entries
—>  Light: A Journal of Spiritualism: Psychical, Occult and Mystical Research
—>  Lighthouse illumination: being a description of the holophotal system, and of azimuthal-condensing, and apparent lights, with other improvements
—>  Lighthouse of the Sky: The U.S. Naval Observatory 1844-1893
—>  Lighting
—>  Lighting of Art Galleries and Museums
—>  "Lightning and its Symbols"
—>  Lightning Conductors: Their history, nature, and mode of application
—>  Lightning Rod Conference: Report of the Delegates from the Following Societies ...
—>  Lightning Rod Conference: Report of the Delegates from the Following Societies, Viz. Meteorological Society… Royal Institute of British Architects… Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians… Physical Society… Co-opted Members. With a Code of Rule
—>  "Lightning Rods and Model Experiments: Franklin's Science Comes of Age"
—>  Lijst van Instrumenten in de Verzameling van het Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum te Amsterdam
—>  "Limelight on Eastern Europe: the Great Dissolving Views at The Royal Polytechnic"
—>  L'impact economique et politique des navigations portugaises sur les peuples cotiers : le cas de la Guinee du Cap Vert (XVe-XVIe siecles)
—>  Linacre: Quarterly Journal of United Hospitals Catholic Society
—>  Linacre: Quarterly Journal of United Hospitals Catholic Society (University of London)
—>  Lindenius Renovatus, sive, ... de Scriptis Medicis Libri duo: quorum prior, omnium, tam Veterum, quam Recentiorum, Latino idiomate, typis unquam expressorum Medicorum, ... Posterior vero Cynosuram Medicam, sive, Rerum & Matemiarum Indicem, ...
—>  Lindsay's Chemical Cross Reference
—>  L'Industrie Francaise des Instruments de Precision
—>  Lineae Tertii Ordinis Neutonianae, sive Illustratio Tractatus D. Neutoni de Enumeratione Linearum Tertii Ordinis. Cui Subjungitur. Solutio Trium Problematum
—>  Lines round Oxford, made between 1642 and 1646 : 2 entries
—>  Lineus: Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs
—>  "L'Influence du milieu social sur la formation de l'attitude scientifique de Nicolas Copernic"
—>  Lingua Britannica reformata : or, a new universal English dictionary
—>  Lingua Pharmacopoeorum, Sive de Accurata Vocabulorum in Pharmacopoliis usitatorum pronunciatione
—>  "Linguaggio tecnico e tecnica di produzione nel basso fuoco alla Genovese (sec.XV-XVII)"
—>  "Linnaeus and Oxford"
—>  Linnaeus: The Man and His Work
—>  "L'instrument parallactique d'apres le commentaire de Pappus sur le 5e livre de l'Almageste"
—>  L'interet des inventaires des joyaux, vaisselles et effets des souverains des Pays-Bas pour l'histoire de la cartographie sous le regne de Charles Quint.
—>  L'Invention du Temps : 2 entries
—>  Liquid Form 1985-99
—>  Lire Correctement le Cadran Solaire place sure la facade de la Maison du Cadran Solaire Cite de Carcassonne avec une planche en couleurs et un graphique de l'equation du temps
—>  List E7.
—>  List of British Plants Containing the Spermophytes, Pteridophytes and Charads Found Either as Natives or Growing in a Wild State in Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Isles
—>  List of Fellows
—>  "List of Mammals from Somali-land obtained by the Museum's East African Expedition" and "Remarks upon two species of Deer of the Genus Cervus from the Phillippine Archipelago"
—>  List of Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
—>  List of Mathematical, Optical, and Philosophical Instruments Manufactured by William Elliott and Sons, 56, Strand, London : 2 entries
—>  List of Members
—>  List of Members of the British Meteorological Society, March 1856
—>  "List of Members of the History of Science Society. Being elected from January 30, 1925 to July 31, 1926"
—>  List of Members, 1856
—>  List of old globes in Portugal
—>  List of Periodical Publications in the Library
—>  List of Prices of Magnetical, Philosophical, Optical, and Chemical Instruments and Apparatus
—>  List of Serials on Open Access
—>  "List of Slides for the Constellation Figure Projector"
—>  "List of the Foundation Members of the History of Science Society"
—>  List of the Linean Society of London.
—>  List of The Linnean Society of London
—>  List of the Officers and Fellows of the Chemical Society
—>  List of Turning Apparatus, etc.
—>  List of Works, Memoirs, and Papers by William Carmichael M'Intosh, ...
—>  Liste des Globes Terrestres et Celestes Anciens - anterieurs a 1850 - conserve dans les collections publiques de France
—>  Liste des travaux de M. Auguste Bravais
—>  Lister & the Lister Ward in the Royal Infirmary of Glasgow - A Centenary Contribution
—>  Lister and His Achievement
—>  Lister and the contractile tissue of the iris
—>  Lister Centenary Exhibition at the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum: Handbook. 1927
—>  L'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze
—>  Literature of Time in the Ernst Zinner Collection, San Diego State College Library
—>  Literature on the History of Physics in the 20th Century
—>  Litheosphorus, sive de Lapide Bononiensi lucem in se conceptam ab ambiente claro mox in tenebris mire conservante Liber ... Genvensis Pridem in Pisano, nuper in Patavino, nunc in Bononiensi Archigymnasio Philosophi Eminentis Eminentiss. ac Reverendiss. D.
—>  Lives of alchemystical philosophers based on materials collected in 1815 and supplemented by recent researches : with a philosophical demonstration of the true principles of the magnum opus, or great work of alchemical re-construction, and some account of
—>  Lives of British Physicians : 2 entries
—>  Lives of eminent persons : consisting of Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Mahomet, Wolsey, Sir E. Coke, Lord Somers, Caxton, Blake, Adam Smith, Niebuhr, Sir C. Wren, and Michael Angelo
—>  Lives of Eminent Philosophers
—>  Lives of Eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnaeus: with Introductory Remarks on the Study of Natural History, and Occasional Observations on the Progress of Zoology
—>  Lives of the Engineers. Early Engineering. Vermuyden - Myddelton - Perry - James Brindley
—>  Lives of the Engineers. Harbours - Lighthouses - Bridges. Smeaton and Rennie.
—>  Lives of the Engineers. History of Roads. Metcalfe: Telford.
—>  Lives of the Engineers. The Locomotive. George and Robert Stephenson
—>  Lives of the Engineers. The Steam-Engine. Boulton and Watt
—>  Lives of the Founders of the British Museum: with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and Other Benefactors. 1570-1870
—>  Living Dolls: A Magical History of the Quest for Mechanical Life
—>  Livingstonia: Central Africa
—>  Llull, Ramon
—>  Lo Inganno de gl'occhi, Prospettiva pratica di Peitro Accolti
—>  Lo stampatore a chi legge
—>  Lo Strumenti chirurgico di Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla ...
—>  "Lo svillupo delle scienze e delle techniche in Italia dalla meta del XIX secolo alla prima guerra mondiale"
—>  "Lo sviluppo della scienza nei Paesi Bassi tra Seicento e primo Settecento"
—>  "Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus"
—>  Loan Exhibition of Clocks and Watches, June 9-July 15, 1962
—>  Loan Exhibition of Maps and Globes illustrating the Age of Discovery ...
—>  "L'obra Antituberculosa Internacional"
—>  L'Observatoire de Paris Aujourd'hui : 2 entries
—>  L'Observatoire de Paris: Son Histoire (1667-1963)
—>  L'Observatoire d'Ouloug-Beg a Samarkande
—>  "L'Observatoire Royal de Greenwich, 1675 - 1925"
—>  Local Programme and Excursions Guide, Southampton Meeting 1925
—>  Local Programme and Guide Book
—>  "Localisation and Phyletic Distribution of Active Materials"
—>  L'Occhiale All'Occhio: Dioptrica Pratica
—>  "Locke's Contribution to Boyle's Researches on the Air and on Human Blood"
—>  Locks and Keys Throughout the Ages
—>  "Lodestones and Eagle Stones"
—>  "L'oeuvre d'al-Beruni: Essai bibliographique"
—>  "L'OEuvre de Paul Tannery comme historien des mathematiques"
—>  L'Oeuvre scientifique de Laplace
—>  L'oeuvre scientifique de Pascal
—>  "L'oeuvre scientifique du Docteur Ernest Wickersheimer"
—>  Logarithmic Tables to seven places of decimals; containing logarithmic sines and tangents to every second of the circle, with arguments in space and time
—>  Logarithmisch-Trigonometrische Tafeln mit Acht Dezimalstellen ...
—>  Logarithmisch-Trigonometrisches Handbuch ...
—>  Logarithmologia : or the whole doctrine of logarithms, common and logistical, in theory and practice
—>  Logarithmologia Nova: Or, A New and Compendious System of Logarithms In all the different Kinds
—>  Logarithmologia Nova; or, a New and Compendious System of Logarithms in all the different Kinds
—>  Logarithmo-Technia: Sive Methodus construendi Logarithmos Nova, accurata, & facilis; Scripto Antehac Communicata, Anno Sc. 1667. Nonis Augusti: Cui nunc accedit. Vera Quadratura Hyperbolae & Inventio Summae Logarithmorum
—>  "Logarithms de Luxe"
—>  Logic
—>  Logic Machines and Diagrams
—>  'Logical Machines - New Light on W. Stanley Jevons'
—>  Loi portant etablissement d'un Bureau des Longitudes. Du 7 Messidor, l'an 3e de la Republique une et indivisible (25 Juin 1795, ancien style)
—>  L'ombre illustrate overo trattato di orologi a sole
—>  "Lomomosovs Ubersetzung der Wollfschen Experimentalphysik"
—>  Lomonosov: sbornik statei i materialov
—>  "Lomonossov and Optics"
—>  London and the Advancement of Science
—>  "London Aurorae of 1661"
—>  London Map-Sellers 1660-1720
—>  "London Scalemakers (Part 1): The Transmission of Scalemaking Knowledge from 1632-1800"
—>  London Signs
—>  London Tradesmen's Cards of the XVIII Century: An Account of their Origin and Use
—>  London. VIII. Observations on Observatories in London and its Vicinity. Observatories and Astronomical instruments in use at Cambridge and Oxford.
—>  London: City of Science: A celebration of science that puts London on the map
—>  London's Leonardo: The Life and Work of Robert Hooke
—>  Longcase clocks
—>  "Longitude by wire : the American method"
—>  Longitude given without Time-Pieces, Logarithms, or any calculation
—>  Longitude Zero 1884-1984
—>  Longitude. An Appeal to the Public: Stating Mr Thomas Earnshaw's Claim to the Original Invention of the Improvements in his Timekeepers, their Superior Going in numerous Voyages, and also as tried by the Astronomer Royal by Order of the Commissioners of L
—>  Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
—>  Longitudinis aut Terra aut Mari investigandae Methodus. Adjectis insuper Demonstrationibus, & Instrumentorum Iconismis
—>  Longueur et temps : de la vitesse de la lumiere a la definition du metre
—>  Looking at Prints: A Guide to Technical Terms
—>  "L'opera elettrofisiologica di Carlo Matteucci." [and] "Il contributo di Carlo Matteucci alla creazione del modello fisico del nervo"
—>  "Lopsided Dial by John Wyke"
—>  "L'optique au XVIe siecle"
—>  "L'Opuscolo Pseudogalenico OtI aI poIotetes asomatoI (edizione critica, traduzione e note)"
—>  L'oracle de ce Siecle. Consulte par les souverains de la terre. Ouvrage singulier sur les affaires critiques et politiques du tems.
—>  Lord Bacon
—>  "Lord Berkeley 1865-1942 and the Foxcombe Laboratory"
—>  "Lord Berkeley, scientist and mature student before his time"
—>  "Lord Florey : Honorary Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society" [obituary]
—>  Lord Kelvin
—>  Lord Kelvin - Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow 1846-1899
—>  Lord Kelvin's Early Home
—>  Lord Lister
—>  Lord Lister: The Discoverer of Antiseptic Surgery
—>  "Lord of the Cider Apples"
—>  "Lord Rosse and the Giant Reflector"
—>  "L'Orient et les catalogues d'etoiles au Moyen Age"
—>  "L'orientamento col sole"
—>  L'orientation astronomique dans l'ancienne egypte, et la precession de l'axe du monde
—>  "L'origine babylonienne de l'alchimie: a propos de la decouverte de recettes chimiques sur tablettes cuneiformes"
—>  L'Origine dell'Orologio tascabile (The Origin of the Watch}
—>  "L'origine, le developpement et le retentissement actuel de l'oeuvre de Paul Ehrlich"
—>  L'Orologio a Sole di Beroso Scoperto in Pompei addi XXIII di Settembre MDCCCLIV Ed Illustrato Dal Commendatore Bernardo Quaranta, etc.
—>  "L'Orologio Astronomico del Canonico don Angelo Cipolla"
—>  L'Orologio Planetario Fanzago di Clusone
—>  "L'Orologio Pubblico di Bologna del 1451 e la sua Sfera"
—>  Los Caballeros del Punto Fijo: Ciencia, politica y aventura en la expedicion geodesica hispanofrancesa al virreinato del Peru en el siglo XVIII
—>  "Los cuadrantes astronomicos del medievo"
—>  "Los llamados numerales arabes en Occidente"
—>  Los Numeros del Tiempo. Antologia del Reloj y las Horas en la Poesia Castellana con cuatro Horarios y un Reloj Poetico, reunida par ...
—>  "Los primeros boticarios reales"
—>  "Los relojes de la exposicion "Carlos V y su Ambiente""
—>  Los Relojes y Automatas de Juanelo Turriano
—>  L'Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo: La Storia e gli Strumenti
—>  Losses of Life caused by War
—>  Lost British Birds
—>  L'Ottica di Claudio Tolomeo da Eugenio. Ridotta in Latino sovra la Traduzione Araba di un Testo Greco Imperfetto Ora per la Prima Volta conforme a un codice della Biblioteca Ambrosiana per Deliberazione della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.
—>  L'Ottica di Galileo
—>  "Louis Agassiz, Teacher" : 2 entries
—>  "Louis Napoleon George Filon, 1875-1937, (with a bibliography of his writings)"
—>  Louis Pasteur & Rabies
—>  "Louis XIV and the Huguenots"
—>  Louise-Adelaide D'Orleans Abbesse de Chelles et son epoque (1700-1750)
—>  "Lovell Augustus Reeve (1814-1865) Publisher and Patron of the Stereograph"
—>  Low Temperature Physics
—>  "Low Temperatures in Oxford"
—>  Lower Cretaceous Arenaceous Foraminifera of Australia
—>  "Lt-Cdr Derek Howse"
—>  "Lu Gwei-Djen"
—>  Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer e o conhecimento nautico das costas de Portugal no sec. XVI
—>  Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer van Enckhuysen: De Maritieme Cartografie in de Nederlanden in de Zestiende en het Begin van de Zeventiende Eeuw
—>  "Lucrece Newtonien"@off-print from Memoires de l'Academie royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Berlin pour 1782, publies en 1784."
—>  Lucretius on the Nature of Things
—>  Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man who Trusted Atoms
—>  Ludwig Georg Courvoisier (1843-1918) and his Position in the History of Gall Bladder Surgery
—>  Lufkin Measuring Instruments: Excerpts from Trade Catalogues, 1888 to 1940
—>  "Lufkin's History: Fledgling Lumber Industry Inspired Lufkin Instruments"
—>  Luigi Galvani
—>  "Luigi Galvani e la chimica del Settecento"
—>  Luigi Galvani International Workshop: Proceedings
—>  "Luigi Galvani"
—>  Luke the Physician: The author of the Third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles
—>  Lumen novum phosphoris accensum, sive, Exercitatio physico- chymica de causa lucis in phosphoris tam naturalibus quam artificialibus
—>  Lumiere Light
—>  Lumiere & Mouvement: Les Origines du Cinema
—>  Lumineszenz-Analyse im Filtrierten Ultravioletten Licht: Ein Hilfsbuch beim Arbeiten mit den Analysen-Lampen
—>  "Lunar and Hawaiian physical features compared"
—>  Lunar and Horary Tables: for New and Concise Methods of Performing the Calculations Necessary for Ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations or Chronometers; with Directions for Acquiring a Knowledge of the Principal Fixed Stars, and Finding the Lat
—>  Lunar and Solar Velocities and the Length of Lunation Intervals in Babylonian Astronomy
—>  "Lunar Distances and the Nautical Almanac"
—>  Lunar Maps of the XVIIth Century
—>  "Lunar Notation on Upper Paleolithic Remains"
—>  Lunaria et zodiologia latina / edidit et commentario philologico instruxit Emanuel Svenberg
—>  Lunds Domkyrkas Medeltida Ur: Kortfattad Beskrivning Och Vagledning for det Medeltida Urets Avlasande
—>  Lunettes et Telescopes : Theorie - Conditions d'Emploi Description - Reglage Histoire
—>  Lunettes et Telescopes: Theorie - Conditions d'emploi - Description - Reglage
—>  "Lupitus Barchinonensis"
—>  L'usage de l'un et l'autre Astrolabe particulier et universel
—>  L'Usage de Quarre Geometrique amplement descrit et demonstre, etc.
—>  L'Usage des Astrolabes, Tant Universels que Particuliers, ...
—>  L'usage des Globes celestes et terrestres, etc.
—>  L'usage du compas de proportion, etc.
—>  L'Usage du Compas de Proportion, Explique & demontre d'une maniere courte & facile, & augmente d'un Traite de la division des Champs
—>  L'Usage du Quadran, ou de l'Horloge Physique Universal
—>  L'usaige de l'Astrolabe avec un traicte de la Sphere : 2 entries
—>  L'uso dello strumento Geometrico detto la Tavoletta Pretoriana proposto, ed ampliato. Opera postuma ... in cui s'insegna il modo di misurare con questo Strumento Linee, Angoli, e Piani: e di piu la maniera di renderlo idoneo, e di usarlo nelle misure dell
—>  Luther and the German Reformation
—>  "Luther Burbank - a Victim of Hero Worship"
—>  M. Manili astronomicon a Iosepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi infinitis mendis repurgatum. Eiusdem Iosephi Scaligeri Notae, quibus auctoris prisca astrologia explicatur, castigationum caussae redduntur, portentosae transpositiones in eo auctore
—>  M. Manilii Astronomicon
—>  "M. Maurice Cantor Et La Geometrie Superieure De L'Antiquite"
—>  M. V. Lomonosov i uchebnaya deyatel'nost' peterburgskoi akademii nauk
—>  M. Vitrvvii Pollionis De Architectura, Libri Decem,
—>  "M.M Henry's photographs of E1 E2 Lyrae, etc.
—>  M.S.N.: Monthly Science News: Atomic Energy Number
—>  M.S.N.: Monthly Science News: Newton Tercentenary Number
—>  Ma'alim at-tajarab ... dar san'ati kimiya
—>  Macchine Scuola Industria: Dal mestiere alla professionalita operaia
—>  "Macchine Scuola Industria: il Museo laboratorio dell' Istituto Aldini Valeriani di Bologna"
—>  'Macchine-Scuola-Industria: il "museo-laboratorio" dell' Istituto Aldini-Valeriani di Bologna'
—>  Macedonio Melloni: Carteggio (1819-1854)
—>  Machaut's World: Science and Art in the Fourteenth Century
—>  Machine Loxodromique, Qui Trace Sur Un Papier, En Telle Proportion Que L'On Veut, Le Chemin Que Fait Un Navire, Par Le Moyen De Laquelle Les Pilotes Auront Facilement La Connoissance Des Longitudes
—>  "Machine tools & mechanisation in British industry"
—>  Machines en Portees
—>  "Mach's Philosophical use of the History of Science"
—>  Maclear & Herschel: Letters & Diaries at the Cape of Good Hope, 1834-1838
—>  Macleay Museum News
—>  Macmillan Biographical Encyclopedia of Photographic Artists & Innovators
—>  Macrophotographie et Microphotographie
—>  Madame Curie
—>  "Made in Oxford: John Prujean's 1701 Catalogue of Mathematical Instruments" : 2 entries
—>  Madeira Spectroscopic: Being a Revision of 21 Places in the Red Half of the Solar Visible Spectrum With a Rutherfurd Diffraction Grating at Madeira (Lat. 32o 38' N., Long. 1h 8m W.) During the Summer of 1881
—>  Mafatih as-san'a wa masabih ar-rahma
—>  Magellan - Pioneer of the Pacific
—>  Magia Universalis Naturae et Artis, Sive Recondita naturalium & artificialium rerum scientia, cujus ope per variam applicationem activorum cum passivis, admirandorum effectuum spectacula, abditarumq' inventionum miracula, ad varios humanae vitae usus, eru
—>  Magia Universalis Naturae et Artis, Sive Recondita Naturalium & Artificialium rerum Scientia, cujus Ope per variam Applicationem activorum cum passivis, admirandorum effectuum Spectacula, abditarumque inventionum Miracula ad varios humanae vitae usus erun
—>  Magia Universalis Naturae et Artis, Sive Recondita naturalium & artificialium rerum scientia, cujus ope per variam applicationem activorum cum passivis, admirandorum effectuum spectacula, abditarumq' inventionum miracula, ad varios humanae vitae usus, err
—>  Magiae Naturalis libri viginti. Ab ipso quidem authore adaucti, nunc vero ab infinitis, quibus scientiarum Naturalium divitiae & deliciae demonstrantur. Accessit Index, rem omnem dilucide repraesentans, copiosissimus. Librorum ordinem, qui in hoc opere co
—>  Magiae Universalis Naturae et Artis, Pars III. & IV. ... : 2 entries
—>  "Magic and mechanics in medieval fiction"
—>  "Magic Cures in Popular Islam"
—>  Magic Images: The Art of Hand-Painted and Photographic Lantern Slides
—>  Magic Lanterns : 2 entries
—>  Magician and Leech: A study in the beginnings of medicine with special reference to Ancient Egypt
—>  'Magistralis compositio astrolabii'
—>  Magnes sive De Arte Magnetica, etc.
—>  Magnes, sive De Arte Magnetica Opus Tripartitum, quo Praeterquam quod Universa Magnetis Natura, Eiusque in Omnibus Artibus & Scientijs usus nova Methodo explicetur, e viribus quoque & prodigiosis effectibus Magneticarum, aliarumque; abditarum Naturae moti
—>  "Magnetic Dating: Some Archaeomagnetic Measurements in Britain"
—>  "Magnetic Escapement Development"
—>  Magnetic Observations
—>  Magnetic Treatment for the cure of Chronic Diseases. Effected by means of Electro-Medical Apparatus
—>  Magnetical Instructions for the Use of Portable Instruments adapted for Magnetical Surveys and Portable Observatories, and for the Use of a Set of Small Instruments Adapted from a fixed Magnetical Observatory; with Forms for the Registry of Magnetical and
—>  "Magnetical Observations and Experiments; by Servington Savery, Esq., of Shilston"
—>  Magneticall aduertisements: or Diuers pertinent obseruations, and approued experiments concerning the nature and properties of the load-stone: very pleasant for knowledge, and most needfull for practise, of trauelling, or framing of instruments fit for tr
—>  Magnetism : 2 entries
—>  Magnetism and Electricity
—>  "Magnetism and Meteorology"
—>  Magnetism Applied to the Prevention and Cure of Disease
—>  Magnetismus. Fortsetzung und Schluss der Vibrations-Theorie der Elektrizitat
—>  Magneto-electrische Mashine von der vortheilhaftesten Einrichtung fur den arztlichen und physikalischen Gebrauch, nebst einer theoretischen Begrundung, leichtfasslichen Erlauterung und Gebrauchsanweisung
—>  Magnetoid Currents, Their Forces and Directions; with a Description of the Magnetoscope: A Series of Experiments
—>  Magni operis praenotiones; Opus admirabile, in tres libros ...
—>  Magyar Muszaki Muqeumok Evkonyve 1964
—>  "Mahararis and Biwan the Brahmana"
—>  Maioliche del Quattrocento a Pesaro : frammenti di storia dell'arte ceramica dalla bottega dei Fedeli
—>  Maison Nachet: Catalogues of Stock from 1854 to 1910
—>  Majmu al-rasail
—>  Major British Photographic Collections
—>  Make a Sundial
—>  Makers of Chemistry
—>  Makers of Modern Chemistry
—>  Makers of Modern Science
—>  Makers of Science: Mathematics Physics Astronomy : 2 entries
—>  Makhzan al-adviyah = The Storehouse of Medicines
—>  Making & Meaning: Holbein's Ambassadors
—>  "Making a Firm Date"
—>  Making Fire
—>  Making Instruments Count: Essays on Historical Scientific Instruments presented to Gerard L'Estrange Turner
—>  Making of Slides and Transparencies on Ilford Latern Plates
—>  Making scientific instruments in the Industrial Revolution
—>  "Making Space for Women in the History of Physics"
—>  Malaria - a neglected Factor in the History of Greece and Rome
—>  Malaria and Greek History. (Jones). To which is added The History of Greek Therapeutics and the Malaria Theory. (Withington)
—>  Malarial Fever: Its Cause, Prevention, and Treatment
—>  "Malcolm Percival Applebey 1884-1957"
—>  "Malerei und Naturwissenschaft: Versuch einer Synthese"
—>  "Malpighi and the Microscope"
—>  "Man and Matter in the Ancient Near East (The background of Ancient Science)"
—>  "Man and the Migrations of Phosphorus"
—>  Man and the Stars: Space Age Astronomy: An Exhibition Showing the Development and Role of Space Probes and the Ways they Benefit Mankind
—>  Man Into Wolf: An Anthropological Interpretation of Sadism, Masochism, and Lycanthropy
—>  Man is not lost: A record of two hundred years of astronomical navigation with the Nautical Almanac 1767-1967
—>  Man Museum Augsburg
—>  Man of Motion: Eadweard Muybridge, nineteenth-century photographic genius, superbly captured western scenes, was the first to freeze motion in a photograph and was a pioneer in motion pictures
—>  "Man of Motion: Eadweard Muybridge, nineteenth-century photographic genius, superbly captured western scenes, was the first to freeze motion in a photograph and was a pioneer in motion pictures"
—>  "Man of Spirit"
—>  "Management of the Vernon Harcourt Inhaler in Detail"
—>  "Maniere de Construire une echelle de Barometre, qui indique directement la veritable pression de l'Air, et qui corrige les Defauts Causes par les Alterations que la Chaleur de l'Air fait eprouver au Mercure"
—>  Manipulation of the Microscope : 2 entries
—>  "Mannheimer Gold. Mannheimer Stadrat und kurpfalzische Regierung gegen das alchimistische Laborieren 1753"
—>  Manor House Museum : 2 entries
—>  Manoscritti Cartografici e Strumenti Scientifici nella Biblioteca Vaticana secc. XIV-XVII
—>  Man's Conquest of Nature
—>  Mansfields' Patent Automatic Water Finder
—>  Manual de Hidraulica Aplicada
—>  Manual de Tecnica Micrografica General
—>  Manual di Diseccion y Dibujo Anatomico
—>  Manual of Archaeological Surveying
—>  Manual of Arithmetick
—>  Manual of Geology: Practical and Theoretical
—>  Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine: Part First. Materia Medica, or a summary of the Homoeopathic Medicines, with clinical observations
—>  Manual of Meteorology
—>  Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death
—>  Manuale di varj Ornamenti tratti
—>  Manuale Horographicum, in duas partes Divisum, In quo modi Horologia Solaria tum fixa, tum portibia, discribendi faciliores & magis expediti comprehenduntur
—>  Manuale per la Tecnica Moderna del Microscopio, nelle Osservazioni Istiologiche, Embriologiche, Anatomiche, Zoologiche
—>  Manuale pratico per la costruzione degli Orologi Solari a tempo di Roma sopra piani verticali declinanti con metodo grafico e trigonometrico
—>  Manuale pratico per la misura e stima dei tereni
—>  Manuel d'Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie, Contenant, 1. Une histoire abregee de cette partie de la zoologie, avec des considerations generales surl'anatomie, la physiologie, les moeurs, les habitudes et les usages des Actinozoaires; 2. Un systeme general
—>  Manuel d'Actinologie, ou de Zoophytologie, Contenant: 1. Une histoire abregee de cette partie de la zoologie, avec des considerations generales sur l'anatomie, la physiologie, les moeurs, les habitudes et les usages des actinozoaires; 2. un systeme genera
—>  Manuel d'applications mathematiques usuelles et amusantes
—>  Manuel de la cosmographie du moyen age
—>  Manuel du Tourneur
—>  Manuhaffter Kunst-Spiegel, Oder Continuatio, und fortsetzung allerhand Mathematisch-und Mechanisch-hochnutzlich-Sowol auch ...
—>  Manuscript Catalogues of the early Museum collections 1683-1886 (Part I)
—>  "Manuscript Maps Belonging to St. John's College, Oxford"
—>  'Manuscript Notes of Cullen's Lectures at Edinburgh; 1757-59'
—>  Manuscripts in English Libraries
—>  "Manuscripts of the Bagdad astronomers, 760-1000 A.D."
—>  Manuscrits et livres precieux: du quinzieme au dix-huitieme siecle
—>  Manuscrits scientifiques medievaux de l'Universite de Salamanque et de ses "Colegios mayores"
—>  Manuskript 1756-1777
—>  "Many may peruse us" : ribbands, moulds and dodels in the dockyards
—>  Map Making
—>  Map of the Moon
—>  "Map Projections in History"
—>  Map-Making in Buckinghamshire: 15th-19th Centuries
—>  Mappa Mundi: The Map of the World in Hereford Cathedral
—>  Mappae Clavicula: A Little Key to the World of Medieval Techniques
—>  Mappae Mundi: Die geistige Eroberung der Welt
—>  Mapping the Spectrum: Techniques of Visual Representation in Research and Teaching.
—>  Mapping Time: The Calendar and its History
—>  Mappings
—>  Maps and map-makers
—>  Maps and Map-Making: Three Lectures Delivered under the Auspices of the Royal Geographical Society
—>  Maps and Survey
—>  Maps of the Heavens
—>  "Maps of the Missouri River before Lewis and Clark"
—>  "Marcello Malpighi (1628-94)"
—>  Marconi
—>  Marconi – Master of Space: An Authorized Biography of Marchese Marconi
—>  Marconi and his Wireless Stations in Wales
—>  Marconi and the Discovery of Wireless
—>  Marconi Centenaries in 1999
—>  Marconi my Beloved
—>  Marconi Receiving and Measuring Instruments
—>  Marconi Wireless on Cape Cod
—>  Marconi Wireless Telegraphy in the British Army During World War One
—>  Marconi: Father of Radio
—>  Marconi: Pioneer of Radio
—>  Marconi's Atlantic Leap
—>  Marconigraph
—>  Marconi's Transatlantic Triumph: A Skip into History
—>  Margarita Filosofica
—>  Margarita Philosophica
—>  Margarita Philosophica Nova
—>  "Marginalien zur Fru- und Vorgeschichte der Spektralanalyse"
—>  "Mariano de Rivero, Pioneer of Mining Education in South America"
—>  "Marine Astrolabes"
—>  Marine Cartography in Britain
—>  Marine Navigation Instruments
—>  "Mariner's Astrolabe: A Recent Scottish Find"
—>  Maritime Conference held at Brussels for Devising an Uniform System of Meteorological Observations at Sea, August and September 1853
—>  Maritime including Scientific and Medical Instruments
—>  Maritime Museum Haifa
—>  'Marketing Mathematics: Georg Hartmann and Albrecht Durer, a Comparison'
—>  Mars in their Eyes: Exhibition Catalogue
—>  Martin Behaim und die Nurnberger Kosmographen
—>  Martin Behaim. His Life and His Globe
—>  Martin Behaims Erdapfel, A. D. 1492
—>  "Martin Lister & Lincolnshire Natural History"
—>  Martini Lister Conchyliorum bivalvium utriusque aquae exercitatio anatomica tertia. : Huic accedit Dissertatio medicinalis de calculo humano
—>  "Martinus van Marum (1750-1837): The Introduction of Lavoisier's Chemistry into the Low Countries"
—>  "Martinus van Marum and the introduction of Lavoisier's chemistry into the Netherlands"
—>  Martinus van Marum: Life and Work
—>  Martinus van Marum: Life and Work Volume V
—>  "Martyr of Science": Sir David Brewster 1781-1868
—>  Mary Somerville 1780-1872
—>  Mary Somerville and the Cultivation of Science, 1815-1840
—>  Masks of the Northwest Coast Indians
—>  Mason's Hygrometer. A Table for Obtaining the Dew-Point and Moisture by Inspection, the Degree of the Dry Bulb being at the Head of the Column, and that of the Wet Bulb at the Side: Opposite the Latter will be found the Dew-Point and Moisture
—>  Mass und Gewicht: Geschichtliche und tabellarische Darstellungen von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart
—>  Mass und Messen in kulturgeschichtlicher Sicht
—>  Mass-Spectra and Isotopes
—>  Master Johann Dietz Surgeon in the Army of the Great Elector and Barber to the Royal Court
—>  Masterpieces of Watchmaking
—>  "Masters of the Universe"
—>  Matematicheskie tractaty
—>  Matematicko-fyzikalne pristroje v zbierkach Mestskeho Muzea v Bratislave
—>  Matematischeskie Glavy "Knigi Znaniya" (Donishnoma) = The Mathematical Chapters of the Book of Knowledge (Danish Nama)
—>  "Materia Medica and Philosophic Theory in Aretaeus"
—>  Materia Medica and Therapeutics: An Introduction to the Rational Treatment of Disease
—>  "Materia Medica Collections in Oxford: Treasures in the Old Ashmolean"
—>  Materia Medica: A New Cabinet of Medicine and Art
—>  Materia Medica: Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Therapeutios
—>  "Material Concerning James Joseph Sylvester"
—>  Material of nautical cartography from c 1550 to 1650 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
—>  Material on nautical cartography in the British Library, 1550-1650
—>  Materialy k Dejinam Astronomie v Ustrednim Archivu Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved = [Archival documents concerning the history of astronomy at the Central Archives of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences]
—>  Materiaux pour servir a L'Histoire Comparee des Sciences Mathematiques chez Les Grecs et Les Orientaux
—>  Mathematical Cuneiform Texts
—>  Mathematical Digests : 2 entries
—>  Mathematical Drawing and Measuring Instruments, their Construction, Uses, Qualities, Selection, Preservation, and Suggestions for Improvements, with Hints upon Drawing, Colouring, Calculating, Sun Printing, Lettering, &c.
—>  Mathematical Drawing and Measuring Instruments, their Construction, Uses, Qualities, Selection, Preservation, and Suggestions for Improvements, with Hints upon Drawing, Colouring, Lettering, Etc.
—>  Mathematical Drawing Instruments, and How to Use Them
—>  Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy, Confirm'd by Experiments; or, an Introduction to Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy : 2 entries
—>  Mathematical Institutions, In Three Parts

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