
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Illuminator: "Ultropak".
—>  Illustrated & Descriptive Catalogue of Standard, Self-Recording, and other Meteorological Instruments, and all kinds of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, manufactured by James J. Hicks, 8, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.
—>  Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Chemical Apparatus
—>  Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Physical Apparatus Etc.
—>  Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Physical Apparatus For Teaching and Demonstrating Experiments in elementary and practical physics mechanics magnetism electricity sound light heat, etc.
—>  Illustrated Catalogue : 2 entries
—>  Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Clocks Manufactures by E. Ingraham & Co., Bristol, Conn. 1880
—>  Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Electrical Apparatus
—>  Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Surgical Instruments, Apparatus, Appliances, etc.
—>  Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Surveying and Mathematical Drawing Instruments, Scales, Curves, Rules, etc., manufactured and sold by John Archbutt, 20, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth, (S) Near Astley's Theatre
—>  Illustrated Catalogue De Luxe issued by Riley Bros. Ltd.
—>  Illustrated Catalogue of Astronomical Instruments, etc. 1900
—>  Illustrated Catalogue of Chemical Apparatus, suitable for the private study of the science, for lectures and class teaching, and for analytical investigations
—>  Illustrated Catalogue of Clocks Manufactured by the Howard Watch and Clock Co., Boston, Mass
—>  Illustrated Catalogue of Physical Apparatus
—>  Illustrated Catalogue of Surgical Instruments, Apparatus and Appliances by Evans & Wormull, ...
—>  Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington with Descriptive and Historical Notes: Machine Tools
—>  Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Fisheries and Shipping, Pickering Park, Hull
—>  Illustrated Catalogue, 1924
—>  Illustrated Guide to the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, England
—>  Illustrated Index to vols. I to IV Inclusive
—>  Illustrated List. 1928
—>  Illustrated Price List of Physical and Mechanical Instruments Made by the Societe Genevoise pour la Construction d'Instruments de Physique et de Mecanique Geneva, Switzerland 5, Chemin Gourgas, 5
—>  "Illustrating the 'Reports by the Juries' of the Great Exhibition of 1851; Talbot, Henneman, and Their Failed Commission"
—>  Illustrations of Paley's Natural Theology; with Descriptive Letter Press
—>  "Illustrations of the Book-Worm"
—>  Illustrations of the Useful Arts. II. The Manufacture of a Pin
—>  Illustrations of Tracts on the Greek-Egyptian Sun-dial, with seven steps, etc.; being the Second and Third series of illustrations for Tracts on Christianity in its relation to Judaism and Heathenism, etc.
—>  "Illustrazione di un antico astrolabio lelta nell' academia Romana di archeologia nell adunanza del 22 Maggio 1817"
—>  Illustris viri D. Joannis De Roias commentarirum in Astrolabium, quod Planisphaerium vocant, libri sex nunc primum in lucem editi
—>  Images and Contexts: The Historiography of Science and Modernity in India
—>  "Images from the Past"
—>  Images of artists and craftsmen in Georgian London
—>  Images of Medicine
—>  "Images of the Sun: Warren De la Rue, George Biddell Airy and Celestial Photography" : 2 entries
—>  Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
—>  "Immunization against Smallpox before Jenner"
—>  Imola Conference on University and Research, September 5-7, 1988
—>  Impact Science : 2 entries
—>  "Impressioni di un antropologo sulle culture e civilta precolombiane"
—>  Impressions of an Irish Countess: The Photographs of Mary, Countess of Rosse 1813-1885
—>  Improved Steering Compass Card, with Moveable Adjusting Variation Index
—>  "Improvements in or relating to Orreries Telluria and the like"
—>  Improvements in the Doctrine of the Sphere, Astronomy, Geography, Navigation, etc. Deduced from the Figure and Motion of the Earth; and Absolutely Necessary to be Applied in finding the true Longitude At Sea and Land. Rendering all other Methods more corr
—>  Improvements in the Microscope
—>  "Improvements in the Microscope" : 3 entries
—>  Impurities in Metals: Their Influence on Structure and Properties
—>  In aequatorem planetarum
—>  In Commemoration of Professor Frederick Soddy
—>  In Commemoration of Professor Frederick Soddy ...
—>  "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Karl Schwarzschild (October 9, 1973)"
—>  "In de Gekroonde Lootsman": Het Kaarten-, Boekuitgevers en Instrumentenmakershuis Van Keulen te Amsterdam 1680-1885
—>  "In de Schaduw van 's Gravesande. Het Leids Physisch Kabinet in de Tweede Helft van de 18e Eeuw"
—>  In decem Libros M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Annotations. Ad Franciscum Valesium
—>  In Galeni praecipua scripta Annotationes, quae Commentariorum loco ese possunt. Accessit trita illa de Theriaca Quaestio
—>  In Honour of Apollonius of Tyana
—>  In Illustri Saxonum ad Albim Academia, Disputationem ex Scientia Naturali, De Fulmine, etc.
—>  In Ismaelis Bullialdi Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta, Inquisitio Brevis
—>  In laudem operis Kalendarii f. hujus Johanne de monte regio editi germanorum decoris nostrae ... Hoc augustensis ratdolt german' ergardus Duspositis signis undique pressit opus. Vivat ut hic: semper volventes fata sorores. Nam prodest multis lector amice
—>  in Librum Hippocratis Coi de Aeribus, Acquis, Locis, Commentarii V
—>  In Light of Einstein: 1905-2005
—>  In Memoriam - Charles Herbert George Martin, M. A.
—>  "In memoriam Frits Zernike 1888-1966: The Development of the Phasecontrast Technique for Microscopy"
—>  "In memoriam of Erwin Lihotzky 1887-1941"
—>  "In Memoriam Richard William Goulding. (1868-1929)"
—>  In Memoriam Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert, 1817-1901
—>  In Memoriam. Mary Frederica Sophia Hervey / Born December 18th, 1853. Died March 20th, 1920
—>  In Memoriam: Charles Herbert George Martin, M. A., F. Z. S.
—>  "In memoriam: Philip Bruce White, 1891-1949"
—>  "In memory of a teacher of medicine, Prof. Ladislao Munster" : 2 entries
—>  "In Newton's Shadow"
—>  In Opus Egregium R. D. D. Ambrosii Soldani. Saggio Orittografico dictum. Illustrationes Quaedam Academiae Reg. Florentinae Dicatatae
—>  "In Quest of a Gnomon"
—>  In Quest of Clocks
—>  In Sachen Peter Henlein
—>  In Search of Ancient Astronomies
—>  In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco Commentarius
—>  In Synchrony with the Heavens: Studies in Astronomical Timekeeping and Instrumentation in Medieval Islamic Civilization
—>  In the Eye's Mind: Vision and the Helmholtz-Hering Controversy
—>  "In the Footsteps of the Great Astronomical Past: Considerations on the Astronomicum Caesareum by Peter Apianus"
—>  In the Realm of Chemistry
—>  In the Science Museum
—>  "Inaugural Address of the President"
—>  Inaugural Lecture on the study of Chemistry, Read at the Ashmolean Museum, November 2, 1822 : 2 entries
—>  Inauguralrede uber die Aufgabe der modernen Philologie
—>  Inauguration de la Statue de Mathieu de Dombasle
—>  inc. 'Observationes de splendore stellae Mirae Ceti ab anno 1840 ad annum 1859 ... '
—>  Incubation or The Cure of Disease in Pagan Temples and Christian Churches
—>  "Incubator and Taboo"
—>  Incunabula scientifica et medica: Short Title List
—>  Index alter plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduno-Batavo aluntur
—>  Index Biographique des Membres et Correspondants de L'Academie des Sciences du 22 Decembre 1666 au 15 Novembre 1954
—>  "Index des constructeurs : savants, industriels et artisans divers"
—>  Index Kewensis: An Enumeration of the Genera and Species of Flowering Plants from the Time of Linnaeus to the Year 1885 Inclusive Together with their Authors' Names, the Works in which they were First Published, their Native Countries and their Synonyms
—>  Index of British Mathematicians Part III 1701-1800
—>  Index Refertissimus in omnes Galeni Libros, qui ex Nona Junctarum editione extant: in quam, Indicem eorum operum inclusimus, quae postremo ad nos pervenere
—>  Index to Koch's Plates
—>  Index to the Geometric Chuck: a Treatise upon the Description, in the Lathe, of Simple and Compound Epitrochoidal or "Geometric" Curves
—>  Index to the Sloane MSS in the British Museum
—>  Indexes to the first (1923) and second (1950) editions of Jose Pulido Rubio's El Piloto Mayor
—>  "India and Scientific Exchanges in Antiquity"
—>  Indian Alchemy, or, Rasayana, in the Light of Asceticism and Geriatrics
—>  "Indian Astronomical and Time-Measuring Instruments: A Catalogue in Preparation" : 2 entries
—>  Indian Journal of History of Science
—>  Indian Maps and Plans: From Earliest Times to the Advent of European Surveys
—>  Indication des travaux publies par A. Chevallier, Pharmacien de Paris, de 1817 a 1830
—>  Indici 1976-1985
—>  "Indiiskaya astrolyabiya XVI veka"
—>  "Indoor Work ... Part I. - Subjects Available for Indoor Photography"
—>  "Indoor Work ... Part II. - Apparatus and Method of Procedure"
—>  Inducto-Script
—>  Industrial Applications of Induction Heating
—>  Industrial Archaeology: An Introduction
—>  Industrial Archaeology: Working for the Future
—>  Industrial Biography: Iron Workers and Tool Makers
—>  "Infinite inexactitude of longitude in 1622"
—>  Information
—>  Information and Suggestions addressed to Persons who may be able to place themselves within the Shadow of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, on September 7, 1858
—>  Information Bulletin
—>  "Information for Scientists: From the Philosophical Transactions to the Electronic Library"
—>  "Information Retrieval for Museums: Report of a Colloquium arranged by the Sheffield City Museum in collaboration with the Museums Association at the City Museum, Sheffield, from 18th to 20th April 1967"
—>  Information Sources in the History of Science and Medicine
—>  Information, Daten und Signale: Geschichte technischer Informationsverarbeitung
—>  Informations blatt: Geo '71
—>  Informatiu Museus
—>  Informator Muzeum w Toruniu
—>  [Infusoria]
—>  Ingenious Pursuits: Building the Scientific Revolution
—>  Injurious Insects of 1894
—>  "Inleiding tot de microscopententoonstelling"
—>  Inleydinge der Sonne-Wijsers, Ende het Beschrijven van dien, Holmen op alderley voorgegeven Vlack, dat van de Son kan beschenen worden, een Sonne-wijser beschrijven sal
—>  Innovation: Zeiss Information with Jena Review
—>  Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry : 2 entries
—>  Inorganic chemistry
—>  Inorganic Chemistry for Advanced Students
—>  Inorganic Chemistry. A textbook for colleges and schools
—>  Inorganic Chemistry: A Textbook for Colleges and Schools
—>  Inquiries in Natural and Experimental Philosophy. no. 1: An Answer to a Question proposed by the National Institute at Paris
—>  Inscriptiones antiquae ex bibliotheca monachorum Carnaldulensium S. Gregorii in Monte Coelio
—>  Inscriptions
—>  Insect Pests in Museums
—>  Insect Transformations
—>  "Inside the Burndy Library: Bern Dibner has built one of the world's great archives documenting the history of science and technology"
—>  Inside the World of Phillips
—>  "Inside the World's First Computers"
—>  "Inspiration from Diversity in the Immune System"
—>  Institut fur angewandte Mikroskopie, Photographie und Kinematographie, Mannheim, der Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Angewandten Forschung eV
—>  Institut Istorii Estestvoznaniya i Tekhniki (Kratkii Obzor)
—>  Institutio Astronomica De use Globorum & Sphaerarum Caelestium ac Terrestrium: Duabus Partibus Adornata, Una, secundum hypothesin Ptolemaei, Per Terram Quiescentem. Altera, juxta mentem N. Copernici, Per Terram Mobilem. Latine reddita a M. Hortensio, in I
—>  Institutio Astronomica, Juxta Hypotheseis Tam Veterum quam Recentiorum. Cui accesserunt Galilei Galilei Nuncius Sidereus, Et Johannis Kepleri Dioptrice. : 2 entries
—>  Institutio Astronomica, Juxta Hypotheseis Tam Veterum Quam Copernici Et Tychonis. Dictata a Petro Gassendo Regio Matheseos Professore. Ejusdem Oratio Inauguralis iterato edita.
—>  Institutio Astronomica, Juxta Hypotheses tam Veterum quam Copernici et Tychonis, dictata a Petro Gassendo Regio Matheseos Professore. Ejusdem Oratio Inauguralis iterato edita
—>  Institutio Astronomica, juxta Hypotheses tam Veterum, quam Copernici & Tychonis
—>  Institution Astronomique de L'suage des Globes et spheres Celestes & terrestres, comprise en deux parties, L'une, Suivant l'hypothese de Ptolemee, Qui veut que la terre soit immobile; L'autre, Selon l'intention de N. Copernicus, Qui tient que la terre est
—>  Institutiones horologicae, or, a physico-mathematical theory of clock-work
—>  Institutions of Astronomical Calculations
—>  Institutions of Astronomical Calculations; Containing a Survey of the Solar System, wherein All the Dimensions of the Distances, Diameters, Magnitudes and Velocities of the Sun, the Earth, the Primary and Secondary Planets, the Comets and the Stars are co
—>  Institutions of language, 1748
—>  Institutionum Astronomicarum Libri duo, de motu Astrorum communi & Proprio, secundum Hypotheses Vaterum & Recentiorum praecipuas: deque Hyptheseon ex observatis constructione: cum Tabulis Tychonianis Solaribus, Lunaribus, Lunae-Solaribus, et Rudolphinis S
—>  Institutionum Astronomicarum Tomi Tres, In quibus praecepta & praxis per Sphaeram, cum solidam ac planarii, etc.
—>  Instruccoes Meteorologicas
—>  Instructio de consrtuctione et usu instrumenti
—>  Instructio instrumentis quadrantis novi : 2 entries
—>  Instruction detaillee pour porter les lunettes de toutes les differentes especes au plus haut degre de perfection dont elles sont susceptibles tiree de la Theorie Dioptrique de Mr. Euler le Pere et mise a la portee de tous les ouvriers en ce genre par Mr.
—>  Instruction in Photography
—>  Instruction manual for sub-editors
—>  Instruction pour se servir de l'Arithmometre, machine a calculer inentee par M. Thomas, de Colmar
—>  Instruction Pratique sur les Microscopes, contenant la Description des Microscopes Achromatiques simplifies. Precedee d'un Apercu sur les differents systemes de Microscope; suivie des Instructions Generales, Absolument Necessaires a toute personne qui pos
—>  Instruction sur l'usage des cadrans solaires horizonteaux et universels, ...
—>  Instructions and Chart for Observations of Mars in Right Ascension at the Opposition of 1860, for obtaining the Measure of the Sun's Distance
—>  Instructions at Large, For the Use of Hadley's Quadrant: Wherein are contained the Principles on which that most ingeniously contrived, and useful Instrument is constructed; Together with a Description and Use of Vernier's, erroneously called Nonius's Div
—>  Instructions Concerning Arnold's Chronometers or Timekeepers
—>  Instructions for Collecting and Preserving various subjects of Natural History; as Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Shells, Corals, Plants, etc., together with a Treatise on the Management of Insects in their several States; selected from the best Aut
—>  Instructions for Making and Registering Meteorological Observations in Southern Africa and other Countries in the South Seas, and also at Sea
—>  Instructions for operating Electric Drying Plate
—>  Instructions for Operating the "Kodascope" Model C
—>  Instructions for the Adjustments and Use of the Instruments Intended for the Northern Expeditions
—>  Instructions for the Calculating Slide Rule
—>  Instructions for the Engineer's Improved Sliding Rule, with a description of the several lines upon it, and directions how to find any number thereon. Together with the application of those lines to multiplication, division, the rule of three, etc. The me
—>  Instructions for the management of the blow-pipe, and chemical tests, intended to accompany The familiar lessons on mineralogy and geology
—>  "Instructions for the Multiplication by Voltaic Electricity of Works of Art in Metal"
—>  Instructions for the Use of A. W. Faber's Improved Calculating Rules
—>  Instructions for the Use of Autochrome Plates
—>  Instructions For the Use of Hadley's Quadrant, containing, The Principles on which that admirable Instrument is constructed, With a Description and Use of the Nonius Divisions.
—>  Instructions For the Use of Hadley's Quadrant. *
—>  Instructions for the use of Hurter and Driffield's Actinograph
—>  Instructions for the Use of Lumiere's Autochrome Plates
—>  Instructions for the use of the "Routledge" Engineers' Improved Slide Rule, etc...
—>  Instructions for the Use of the Practical Engineers' & Mechanics' Improved Slide Rule, as Arranged by J. Routledge, Engineer, ...
—>  Instructions for Use of the Curta: The new miniature universal calculator Model 1: 8 x 6 x 11 places
—>  Instructions for Using all the Improved Sliding Rules, with A Description of the several Lines upon them, etc. ...
—>  Instructions for Using the Locomotive Engineers' (or "Hawthorn's") Improved Slide Rule etc. ...
—>  Instructions for using the paper-makers' and stationers' slide rule : 2 entries
—>  Instructions for Working The Marconi Special Magnetic Receiver for Time Signals
—>  Instructions nautiques et routiers Arabes et Portugais des XVe et XVIe siecles
—>  Instructions pour faire des Observations Meteorologiques et Magnetiques
—>  Instructions relative to the Observation of the ensuing Transit of the Planet Venus over the Sun's Disk, on the 3d of June 1769
—>  Instructions: Cambridge Rocking Microtome
—>  Instructions: The Watkins Exposure Meter, (Patent) Standard (1900) Pattern with Enlarging and Subject Scales. Available for all Daylight Camera Exposure, Enlarging Negatives, and Contact Printing.
—>  "Instrument and Reality: The Case of Terrestrial Magnetism and the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)"
—>  Instrument Buch : 2 entries
—>  Instrument Buch ...
—>  "Instrument case studies, 1850-1950: papers from the XXIth and XXIIth symposia of the Scientific Instrument Commission of the IUHPS, Division of the History of Science, Athens, 2002 and Newport News, 2003"
—>  "Instrument Makers in the London Guilds"
—>  'Instrument Makers' Newspaper Advertisements in Eighteenth-Century Great Britain (Abstracts)'
—>  Instrument Makers to the World: A History of Cooke, Troughton & Simms
—>  Instrumenta Astronomico-Geographico-Horographica Inter quae eminet, optimo jure sic dictum, Instrumentum Instrumentorum, N.L. ...
—>  Instrumental in war : science, research, and instruments : between knowledge and the world
—>  Instrumental Traditions and Theories of Light: The Uses of Instruments in the Optical Revolution
—>  'Instrumental, Practical and Constructivist Historiography: Some Implications for Museums'
—>  Instrumentarium Astronomiczne Heweliusza (Geneza i Rozwoj Konstrukcji)
—>  "Instrumentation in the Theory and Practice of Science: Scientific Instruments as Evidence and as an Aid to Discovery"
—>  "Instrumentation of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries"
—>  "Instrumentation"
—>  Instrumentbuch
—>  "Instrumente, astron. und math."
—>  Instrumenten, Wetenschap en Samenleving: Geschiedenis van de instrumentenfabricage en -handel in Nederland 1840-1940
—>  "Instrumentgerichte Wetenschapsgeschiedenis in de Praktijk. Een Zonnemicroscoop van Kleman"
—>  Instrument-Makers' Ordnance Bills Transcribed from Ordnance Bill Books (Classes WO51, 52) at the Public Record Office, Kew
—>  Instrumentmakerskunst en proefondervindelijke Natuurkunde
—>  Instrumentorum et Machinarum
—>  Instrumentos Cientificos del Siglo XVI: La Corte Espanola y la Escuela de Lovaina
—>  Instrumentos Nauticos en el Museo Naval : 2 entries
—>  "Instrumentos Quirurgicos Andalusies"
—>  "Instrumentos, abacos e graficos na nautica portuguesa dos seculos XVI e XVII"
—>  Instruments : 2 entries
—>  Instruments and Apparatus belonging to the Royal Society : 2 entries
—>  Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry
—>  "Instruments and Experiments. The Case of Atmospheric Electricity in Eighteenth-Century Holland" : 2 entries
—>  Instruments and the Imagination
—>  Instruments de Chirurgie Greco-Romains Propriete de la Fondation Hardt
—>  Instruments d'Optique et de Precision
—>  "Instruments Fit for a King"
—>  Instruments in Print: Books from the Whipple Collection
—>  "Instruments in Science and Industry"
—>  "Instruments Invented or Improved by Mr. B. Martin, and sold at the Sign of the Globe in Fleet-Street" : 2 entries
—>  Instruments of Navigation: A Catalogue of Instruments at the National Maritime Museum with notes upon their use
—>  Instruments of Science and Technology
—>  Instruments of Science: An Historical Encyclopedia
—>  "Instruments of the Florentine Psychology Laboratory Between 1800 and 1900"
—>  'Instruments of Time-Measurement to ca. A.D. 1275'
—>  Instruments Scientifiques : 2 entries
—>  Instruments Scientifiques | Livres Anciens | Scientific Instruments / Rare Books
—>  Instruments, Travel and Science: Itineraries of precision from the seventeenth to the twentieth century.
—>  "Instrumentsamlingar i Malmo"
—>  Instrumentum Instrumentorum, Mathematicorum, etc.
—>  Instrumentum Instrumentorum. Horologiorum Sciotericorum. Wardurch allerhand Sonnen-Uhren / Ohne Erforschung / oder Abwagung der Wand oder Mawren / sie sehen gleich auffrecht / schrag / gebuckelt / snorrend oder ungeformet / hange hinter oder fursich / seh
—>  Instrumentum Instrumentorum: Horologium sciotericorum. Erstlich werden gelehrt auffreissen die vier hauptsonnen uhren ohne einiche verendung dess Circkels, aussgecommen war das Fundament aulangt Darnach wie man, etc. : 2 entries
—>  Instrumentum Proportionum, Oder Unterricht Vom Proportional-Zirkul, etc.
—>  Instrumentum Universale uranoscopico-horologico-geometricum, Quod Bene adspirante Sacro-Sancta Triade In altero Jubilaeo Lutherano ...
—>  Instrumenty Astronomiczne na Uniwersytecie Krakowskim W XV Wieku
—>  "Intellectual Factors in the Background of Analysis by Probabilities"
—>  Intensity Coils: How Made and How Used, ... with a Description of the Electric Light - Electric Bells - Electric Motors - The Telephone - The Microphone - and the Phonograph
—>  "Intensive work in science at the Public Schools in relation to the medical Curriculum"
—>  "Intercostal Blood-Vessels in Mesozoic Crocodiles" : 2 entries
—>  "Interessante Uhren im Hessischen Landesmuseum in Kassel"
—>  "Interesting People in All Ranks"
—>  Interferenzerscheinungen im polarissirten Licht
—>  Interim Catalogue: Second Edition, 1947 of Standard Chemical and Bacteriological Apparatus With Supplements of Sintered Glassware and Specialised Items of B.T.L. Manufacture
—>  Interim Report of the New South Wales Board of Trade on the Prevalence of Miners' Phthisis and Pneumoconiosis in Certain Industries
—>  Intermediate Magnetism and Electricity
—>  "Internal Rotation: A Historical Perspective"
—>  International History of Science Newsletter
—>  "International Relations in Science - a review of their aims and methods in the past and in the future"
—>  International Symposium on the History of Astronomy: Abstracts
—>  International Symposium on the Observatories in Islam 19-23 September, 1977
—>  Internationale Forschungs-Pressekonferenz "Astronomie" im Ehrensaal des Deutschen Museums 6. Mai 1992: Kurzfassungen
—>  Interpretacion de los vestigios del uso de un metodo de navegacion preastronomica en el Atlantico
—>  Intersections: Art and Science in the Golden Age
—>  "Intersections: Some Thoughts on Instruments and Optics in the Experimental Context of the Life Sciences"
—>  "Into Quantum Electronics: The Maser as 'Gadget' of Cold-War America"
—>  "Into the Fourth Century"
—>  Intorno ad Alcune Opere di Leonardo Pisano Matimatico del Secolo Decimoterzo Notizie Raccolte
—>  Intorno ad Alcuni Avanzamenti della Fisica in Italia nei Secoli XVI e XVII Memoria Di B. Boncompagni
—>  Intorno alla Risoluzione delle Equazioni Simultanee x2 + h = y2, x3 - h = z2. Nota
—>  "Intorno alla teoria e costruzione degli orologi solari secondo il sistema orario babilonese, italico e giudaico"
—>  "Intravesical Destruction of Bladder Stones"
—>  "Intravitam and Supravital Staining"
—>  Introducao a Historia dos Descobrimentos
—>  "Introduccion bibliografica al libro 'Ensayo politico sobre la isla de Cuba' de Alejandro de Humboldt"
—>  Introducing the Photomicrographic Society of Liverpool
—>  "Introducing the world : Abraham Ortelius and his Theatrum orbis terrarum"
—>  Introducing Three Valuable Aids for Clinical Pathological Laboratories
—>  Introduction a l'etude de la chimie : des anciens et du moyen age
—>  Introduction a l'Etude de la Spectrochimie
—>  Introduction a l'Etude d'une Collection d'Instruments Anciens de Mathematiques
—>  "Introduction du chronometre dans la marine militaire et marchande"
—>  "Introduction of the Locomotive Safety Truck"
—>  Introduction to a Synoptical Table of English and French Lineal Measures
—>  Introduction to Arithmetic
—>  Introduction to Electron Microscopy : 2 entries
—>  Introduction to Graduate Studies in History: 1983-84
—>  Introduction to Kitab al 'Amal bil Asturlab
—>  Introduction to modern chemistry, experimental and theoretic : embodying twelve lectures delivered in the Royal College of Chemistry, London
—>  Introduction to Physical Chemistry
—>  Introduction to Rule Collecting
—>  "Introduction to Rule Making at Birmingham"
—>  Introduction to Science
—>  Introduction to stellar statistics
—>  Introduction to the Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum : 3 entries
—>  Introduction to the History of Science : 2 entries
—>  Introduction to the History of Science Volume III Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century
—>  Introduction to the study of genetics with problems and answers and directions for practical work
—>  "Introduction" : 3 entries
—>  "Introduction: Shows and Slides"
—>  "Introductory Address: Structure and Function"
—>  Introductory Course of Laboratory Work in Chemistry
—>  Introductory Remarks respecting the Imperial Gallon and Diagonal Table
—>  Inventaire de microscopes appartenant a l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles
—>  Inventaire des Instruments Conserves en Italie
—>  Inventaire des Instruments Scientifiques Historiques conserves en Belgique
—>  Inventaire des Instruments Scientifiques Historiques Conserves en France
—>  Inventari: Instruments cientifics de la Universitat de Valencia. e e
—>  Inventario del Patrimonio dell' Ateneo Senese: Gli Strumenti Scientifici
—>  Inventario Mundial de Instrumentos Cientificos de Interesse Historico
—>  Inventing the industrial revolution : the English patent system, 1660-1800
—>  "Invention of the Mechanical Clock about 1271 A.D."
—>  Invention of the meteorological instruments
—>  "Inventions, patents"
—>  "Inventor of Phrenology: The Bicentenary of Dr Gall, who Related Character to Skull"
—>  Inventories of jewels, dishes and other efects of the sovereigns of the Netherlands: their relevance to the history of cartography in the time of Charles V
—>  Inventory of the Original Typical Collection of the Reverend William Smith (1808-1857)
—>  Inventum Novissimum Unius ex tribus Horologiis Astronomicis Naturalibus Novissimis Longitudinis practicae in Mari juseta Systema Horarium Novissimum
—>  Inventum Novum ex Percussione Thoracis Humani ut Signo Abstrusos Interni Pectoris Morbos Detegendi
—>  Investigation of Inequalities in the Motion of the Moon Produced by the Action of the Planets
—>  Investigation of the Objective and Micrometers of the Twenty-six Inch Equatorial constructed by Alvan Clark & Sons
—>  Investigation of War Wounds. Penicillin
—>  Investigation of War Wounds: Penicillin: A Preliminary Report to The War Office and The Medical Research Council on Investigat-concerning The Use of Penicillin in War Wounds
—>  Investing in Clocks and Watches
—>  Invitatio ad Commercium Litterarium in Rei Astronomicae Incrementum Communio Consilio Instituendum una cum eiusdem Specimine Commercii
—>  Ioannis Antonii Scopoli Med. Doct. S.C.R. ... Entomologia Carniolica exhibens insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates : methodo Linnaeana
—>  Ioannis Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, Perspectivae Communis Libri Tres. Iam postremo correcti ac figuris illustrati
—>  Ioannis Quirini De testaceis fossilibus Musaei Septalliani et Iacobi Grandii De veritate diluuij vniuersalis & testaceorum, quae procul a mari reperiuntur generatione. Epistolae.
—>  Ioannis Tritemii Abbatis Spanheymeneis de septem secundeis…….
—>  Ioannis Trithemii Abbatis Spanheimensis epistolarum familiarum libri duo ad diversos Germaniae principes, episcopos, ac eruditione praestantes viros ...
—>  Ion Exchange Resins
—>  Irascible Genius: a Life of Charles Babbage, Inventor
—>  Irish National Inventory of Historic Scientific Instruments: Interim Report 1989
—>  Irish National Inventory of Historic Scientific Instruments
—>  Iron and Steel on the European Market in the 17th Century: A Contemporary Swedish Account of Production Forms and Marketing
—>  "Iron in Homer"
—>  Iron in the Making: Dowlais Iron Company Letters 1782-1860
—>  Ironwork: Part I. From the Earliest Times to the End of the Mediaeval Period
—>  Ironwork: Part II Being a Continuation of the First Handbook, and Comprising from the Close of the Mediaeval Period to the End of the Eighteenth Century, Excluding English Work
—>  "Irreversibility by Inequality Constraints I: On Fourier's Inequality", "... Part II: The Second Law of Thermodynamics", and "... Part III: Towards Mathematical Programming"
—>  "Is Science Compatible with Christian Belief?"
—>  Is the Progress of Science Controlled by the Material Wants of Man?
—>  Is this a Recorde?
—>  Isaac Barrow's Optical Lectures, 1667 (Lectiones xviii)
—>  Isaac Johnson of Woodbridge 1754-1835
—>  Isaac Newton
—>  Isaac Newton and Astrology
—>  "Isaac Newton, the Motion of the Lunar Apogee, and the Establishment of the Inverse Square Law"
—>  Isaac Newton: Eighteenth-century Perspectives.
—>  "Isaac Newton: Photographic study"
—>  "Isaac Roberdeau (1763-1829)… Civil Engineer and Surveyor"
—>  Isaac Roberts 1829-1904
—>  Isaaci Newtoni Opera quae exstant omnia
—>  ISASC Bibliography
—>  Isidore de Seville et la culture classique dans l'Espagne wisigothique
—>  Isis : 2 entries
—>  Isis Cumulative Bibliography: A Bibliography of the History of Science formed from Isis Critical Bibliographies 1-90, 1913-65.
—>  Islamic Arts
—>  Islamic Astrolabists and their works
—>  'Islamic Astrolabists: some new material' : 2 entries
—>  Islamic Astronomical Instruments
—>  "Islamic Astronomy"
—>  Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth Century Divinatory Device
—>  Islamic Mathematical Astronomy
—>  Islamic Science and Engineering
—>  Islamic Science and Learning
—>  "Islamic Science and Medicine"
—>  Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study
—>  Islamicate Celestial Globes: Their History, Construction, and Use : 2 entries
—>  Islamische Masse und Gewichte
—>  "Isomeric Acetaldehydephenylhydrazones" : 2 entries
—>  Isotopes
—>  Ist die babylonische Mathematik sumerisch oder akkadisch?
—>  Istanbul Deniz Muzesi
—>  Istanbul Umumi Kutuphaneleri Yazmalari Sergisi
—>  Istoriia i kultura drevnei Indii (k XXVI Mezhdunarodnomu kongressu vostokovedov) = History and Culture of Ancient India (for the XXVI International Congress of Orientalists)
—>  Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniia
—>  Istoriya Akademii Nauk SSSR
—>  Istoriya estestvoznaniya v Rosii
—>  Istoriya kalendarya i ego Predstoyshchaya reforma
—>  Istoriya matematiki v Rossii do 1917 goda
—>  Istoriya Mikroskopa i Mikroskopiueskikh Issledovanii v Rossii
—>  Istoriya Techniki
—>  Istrumenti de chimica : un laboratorio del XIX secolo
—>  "Istvan Krusper Designer of Geodetical Instruments. (Krusper Istvan a geodeziai muszertervezo.)"
—>  Italian Illuminated Manuscripts from 1400 to 1550: Catalogue of an Exhibition held in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1948.
—>  "Italian Military Engineers in Britain in the 1540s"
—>  "Italy the Cradle of Science: An Exhibition of Many Inventions, at Florence"
—>  Iter Boreale Ad ipsius patrem Gulielmum Masterum, cotiae in Argo Glocestrensi Pastorem.
—>  It's About Time
—>  It's like this ... 500 years of pictures for science
—>  "Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov" : 2 entries
—>  "Ivory Anatomical Manikins"
—>  Ivory Diptych Sundials 1570-1750
—>  Ivory telescopes : perspicillum : anno 1608-1720
—>  Iz istorii anglo-russkikh nauchnykh svyazei
—>  Iz Istorii Epokhi Ulugbeka
—>  Iz Istorii Estestvoznanija i Tekniki Pribaltiki
—>  "Iz Istorii Mongol"skoi Astroiomii" = "From the History of Mongolian Astronomy"
—>  Iz istorii nauki i tekhniki v stranakh Vostoka: sbornik statei
—>  "Izzuddin B. Muhammed al-Vefai'nin "Ekvator Halkasi" adli makalesi ve torquetum ("Equatorial Armilla" of Iz al-Din B. Muhammad al-Wafai and Torquetum)"
—>  "J. A. Douglas"
—>  J. B. S: The Life and Work of J. B. S. Haldane
—>  "J. B. VanHelmont, De Tempore, and Biological Time"
—>  "J. E. Gray, Charles Darwin, and the Cirripedes, 1846-1851"
—>  "J. F. Campbell, 1822-85, and his Refracting Quadrant" : 2 entries
—>  "J. F. Daniell and the Boscovichean atom"
—>  J. H. Steward's Catalogue of Field, Race, Marine, Opera Glasses, Rifle, Tourist, Military, Naval and Astronomical Telescopes
—>  J. H. Steward's New Catalogue of Optical and Surveying, Mathematical and Meteorological Instruments, Magic and Dissolving View Lanterns, The Bridgman Triple Lantern, Slides, etc., etc.
—>  "J. J. Thomson" : 2 entries
—>  J. Kirk, engraver
—>  J. L. Heiberg 1854-1928 (a bibliography)
—>  "J. S. Haldane and Industrial Medicine"
—>  "J. S. Haldane's Contributions to Applied Physiology in the Armed Forces, with Special Reference to Diving"
—>  "J. Wallis Opera Mathematica"
—>  J.C. Bose Speaks
—>  "J.T. Norman - Microscopical Mounter"
—>  "Jabez Hogg Daguerreotype"
—>  "Jabir - the Shaik who Introduced Europe to Alchemy"
—>  "Jabir ibn Hayyan"
—>  Jabir ibn Hayyan. Essai sur l'Histoire des Idees Scientifiques dans l'Islam
—>  Jabir Ibn Hayyan: Contribution a L'Histoire des Idees Scientifiques dans l'Islam
—>  Jack Billmeir: Merchant Shipowner
—>  Jackson & Townson's Illustrated List of Chemical Apparatus, 89, Bishopsgate, Within, Opposite St. Helen's Place, London
—>  "Jacob Hermann and the Kinetic Theory"
—>  Jacobi Hollerii Stempani, Medici Parisiensis omnia Opera practica. Doctissimis eiusdem scholiis & observationibus illustrata: Deinde Lud. Dureti M. Regii ac Professoris ... & Antonii Valetii D. Medici ... Accessit etiam ad Calcem Libri ... Cum Indice reru
—>  Jacobi Rohaulti Physica. Latine vertit, recensuit, & adnotationibus ex illustrissimi Isaaci Newtoni philosophia maximam partem haustis, amplificavit & ornavit Samuel Clarke, S.T.P.
—>  "Jacob's Staff: A 17th-Century Picture"
—>  "Jacques Barthelemy Micheli du Crests Thermometer und seine Beziehungen zu Georg Friedrich Brander in Augsburg"
—>  Jacques Vaucanson, Mecanicien de Genie
—>  Jahangir - The Naturalist
—>  Jahres-Bericht uber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften Eingereicht an die schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften
—>  Jahreszeiten von hoherer Ordnung. Oder uber einen Gegenstand der physischen Geographie
—>  Jamblichus Chalcidensis, ex Coele-Syria, de Vita Pythagorica Liber, Graece & Latine: ex Codice MS. a quamplurimis mendis, quibus Editio Arceriana scatebat, purgatus, Notisque perpetuis illustratus a Ludolpho Kustero. Versionem Latinam, Graeco Textui adjun
—>  "James Blake 3rd (1688-1751) The Poetic Surveyor of Dorchester, Part 2"
—>  James Blake 3rd (1688-1751): The Poetic Surveyor of Dorchester, Part 1.
—>  "James Clerk Maxwell - demon of modern physics"
—>  James Clerk Maxwell and electromagnetism
—>  "James Clerk Maxwell"
—>  James Clerk Maxwell: A Commemoration Volume: 1831-1931
—>  "James Clerk Maxwell's Method"
—>  "James Ernest Marsh 1860-1938"
—>  'James Ferguson - Wheelwright of the Heavens'
—>  "James Ferguson's Lecture Tour of the English Midlands in 1771"
—>  'James Ferguson's Newspaper Advertisements 1742-1776'
—>  "James Ferguson's Tidal Clocks 1764-1770"
—>  "James Glaisher, the 1851 Exhibition, and the Microfilm Idea"
—>  James Gregory - Tercentenary Memorial Volume
—>  "James Gregory, John Collins, and some early Scientific Instruments"
—>  "James Joseph Sylvestre: Life and Work in Letters by Karen Hunger Parshall. Oxford (Clarendon). 1998. 337 pp. $98."
—>  James M. Wilson: an Autobiography 1836-1931
—>  James Millholland and Early Railroad Engineering
—>  "James Nasmyth: Astronomer of Fire"
—>  "James Parkinson (1755-1824)"
—>  "James Ramsden: (An 18th Century Halifax Inventor)"
—>  "James Sadler, of Oxford, Aeronaut, Chemist, Engineer and Inventor"
—>  'James Sadler, of Oxford: aeronaut, chemist, engineer and inventor'
—>  James Sadler: Oxford Engineer, Chemist and Aeronaut
—>  "James Sadler: Oxford Engineer, Chemist and Aeronaut" : 2 entries
—>  James Short and his Telescopes : 2 entries
—>  "James Short, M. A., F. R. S., optician solely for reflecting telescopes"
—>  "James Short: russkaya astronomiya XVIIIv"
—>  'James Six, F.R.S. - Two Hundred Years of the Six's Self-Registering Thermometer'
—>  "James Talman, brazier, weightmaker and shopkeeper?"
—>  James Watt - A Memory and a Motive for Technological Museums
—>  James Watt - Craftsman & Engineer
—>  James Watt and the Industrial Revolution
—>  James Watt and the separate condenser : an account of the invention
—>  James Watt and the Steam Revolution: A Documentary History
—>  "James Watt, Merchant: The Glasgow Years, 1754-1774"
—>  "James, Duke of York, F.R.S."
—>  Jan Brozek (1585-1652): Collegii Maioris Professor
—>  "Jan en Harmanus van Deijl. Een Optische Werkplaats in de 18e Eeuw"
—>  Jan Huygen van Linschoten
—>  "Jan Ingenhousz, Plant Physiologist. With a History of the Discovery of Photosynthesis"
—>  Jani Dubravii Episcopi Olomucensis De piscinis, libri V. : Accedunt ejusdem argumenti ex veterum recentiorumque scriptorum libris excerpta
—>  Japanese Clocks
—>  Japanese Netsuke in Oxford from the Ashmolean Museum Pitt Rivers Museum and the Museum of the History of Science
—>  Japanese Studies in the History of Science
—>  Japanese Technology Today
—>  "Japan's Encounter with Western Medical Science"
—>  Jason Schneider on Camera Collecting Book Three
—>  Jealott's Hill: Fifty Years of Agricultural Research 1928-1978
—>  Jean et Sebastien Cabot: Leur origine et leurs voyages: etude d'histoire critique suivie d'une cartographie, d'une bibliographie et d'une chronologie des voyages au nord-ouest de 1497 a 1550 d'apres des documents inedits
—>  "Jean Gimpel"
—>  Jean Picard et la mesure de la terre : astronomie et geodesie au 17e siecle
—>  Jean Picard et les Debuts de l'Astronomie de Precision au XVIIe Siecle
—>  "Jean Riolan jun. (1580-1657) im Streit mit Paul Marquart Schlegel (1605-1653) um die Blutbewegungslehre Harveys"
—>  Jean Vauquelin, Seigneur des Yveteaux (1651-1716): A XVIIth Century Alchemist
—>  Jehior or The day dawning or light of wisdom : containing the three principles or original of all things whereby are discovered the great and many mysteries of God, nature and the elements, hitherto hid, now revealed. To the Honour of God, the love of our
—>  "Jena 1836. Die 14. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte"
—>  Jena Review : 4 entries
—>  Jenaer Glass und seine verwendung in wissenschaft und technik
—>  Jenaer Rundschau
—>  Jens Olsen's clock : a technical description

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