
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "An Unpublished Letter of Anders Celsius"
—>  "An Unpublished Letter of Justus Liebig"
—>  "An Unpublished MS on Arab Astronomical Instruments Attributed to Sawai Jai Singh II - A Preliminary Report"
—>  "An Unrecorded Medieval Astrolabe Quadrant from c.1300"
—>  "An unusual Elizabethan silver globe by Charles Whitwell"
—>  "An Unusual Plan of the Universe"
—>  "AnalaR" Standards for Laboratory Chemicals. Incorporating improved standards for the Analytical Reagents originally designated as 'A.R.'
—>  Analogies of organized beings
—>  "Analogy in the History of Science"
—>  "Analyse des hypotheses anciennes et modernes qui ont ete emises sur les Tonnerres sans eclairs, par un ciel parfaitement serein ou dans le sein des nuages; accompagnee d'une description des tonnerres sans eclairs observes sous diverses latitudes, et en p
—>  "Analyse des Hypotheses Anciennes et Modernes qui ont ete emises sur les Eclairs sans Tonnerre par un ciel parfaitement serein ou dans le sein des nuages, accompagnee d'une description des eclairs sans tonnerre observes sous diverses latitudes et en parti
—>  Analyse des memoires publies par M. V. Regnault
—>  "Analyse des traversales appliquee a la recherche des proprietes projectives des lignes et surfaces geometriques"
—>  Analyse succincte des travaux de M. Becquerel
—>  Analyses of ancient glasses, 1790-1957
—>  Analysis of a course of lectures on mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, electricity, and astronomy
—>  Analysis of a course of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy
—>  Analysis of a course of lectures, on mechanics, pneumatics, hydrostatics, and astronomy
—>  Analysis of Mr. Arden's Course of Lectures On Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Viz. Natural Philosophy in General, Chemistry, Electricity, Mechanics, Geography, Astronomy, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, &c.
—>  Analysis of Mr. Arden's Course of Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy; viz. Natural Philosophy in General, Chemistry, Electricity, Mechanics, Geography, Astronomy, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, &c.
—>  Analytical Applications of Vibrational Spectroscopy: A Historical Review
—>  Analytical Microscopy: Its Aims and Methods
—>  Analytical Standards for M & B Brand Laboratory Chemicals and Reagents 1956
—>  Anamorfosen. Spel Met Perspectief
—>  Anamorphoses: ou, magie artificielle des effets merveilleux
—>  "Anandavardhana's Dhvanyaloka"
—>  "Anastigmatic Lenses"
—>  Anatome Animalium, Terrestrium variorum, Volatilium, Aquatilium, Serpentum, Insectorum, Ovorumque, structuram naturalem
—>  Anatome corporis humani: plurimis novis inventis instructa, variisque observationibus, & paradoxis, cum medicis, tum physiologicis adornata.
—>  "Anatomia del Medioevo"
—>  Anatomia italica sive Dissertatio de antomia italica de corde
—>  Anatomia Seu interiora Rerum, Cum Animatarum tum Inanimarum, Ope & nebeficio exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum Detecta, variisque experimentis demonstrata, Una cum Discursu & ulteriore dilucidatione Epistolis quibusdam ad Celeberrimum
—>  Anatomia, ex Caspari Bartholini Parentis Institutionibus, Omnimque Recentiorum & propriis Observationibus Tertium ad sanguinis Circulationem Reformata, cum Iconibus novis accuratissimis. Additur & huic postremae editioni Th. Bartholini appendix de lacteis
—>  Anatomical and Pathological Observations : 2 entries
—>  Anatomical Eponyms
—>  Anatomie des plantes : qui contient une description exacte de leurs parties & de leurs usages, & qui fait voir comment elles se forment, & comment elles croissent
—>  Anatomy of a Merger: a History of G.E.C., A.E.I. and English Electric
—>  Anciennes Industries Scientifiques et Artistiques Dieppoises
—>  "Ancient and Modern Aspects of Pythagoreanism" : 2 entries
—>  "Ancient Arab Chemistry: The Belief In Transmutation"
—>  Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice: Matheseos Libri VIII
—>  "Ancient Astronomy and Chronology"
—>  "Ancient Chinese Astronomy" : 2 entries
—>  "Ancient Chinese Glass with Astronomical Intent"
—>  "Ancient clepsydrae"
—>  Ancient Cosmologies
—>  Ancient Deeds and other Writs in the Mackenzie-Wharncliffe Charter-Chest
—>  Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries
—>  Ancient Eugenics
—>  Ancient Greek Gadgets and Machines
—>  'Ancient Mathematical Instruments'
—>  "Ancient Methods of Metal Fabrication"
—>  "Ancient Mining Processes as illustrated by a Japanese Scroll"
—>  Ancient Science and Modern Civilization
—>  "Ancient Scientific Instruments: The Evans Collection in Oxford" : 3 entries
—>  "Ancient Sundials of Scotland"
—>  "Ancient surgical instruments found in Herculaneum and Pompeii"
—>  Ancient Surveying Instruments
—>  "Ancient tribes read star signs"
—>  Ancilla to The Pre-Socratic Philosophers
—>  'And Knowledge Shall be Increased": Scientific Books between Boyle and Kelvin: An Exhibition of Books from the College Library
—>  Andeutungen uber den Einfluss der Umdrehung der Erde auf die Bildung und Veranderung ihrer Oberflache
—>  "Andreas Osiander: Lover of Science or Appeaser of its Enemies"
—>  "Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis: The Bloodletting Letter of 1539"
—>  Andrew Crosse: Scientific Squire of Broomfield
—>  "Andrew Ellicott and the Governors"
—>  "Andrew Paschall's Tables of Plants for the Universal Language, 1678"
—>  Anecdota Atheniensia et Alia
—>  Anecdota Sydenhamiana: medical notes and observations
—>  Anemometre propose aux Amateurs de Methereologie [sic]
—>  "Anesthesiology"
—>  Anfeitung zur genauen Bestimmung des Gauges und Standes der Uhren
—>  Angewandte Chemie
—>  Anglo-Norman Lapidaries
—>  Anglo-Saxon Leechcraft. An Historical Sketch of Early English Medicine
—>  "Angus Armitage"
—>  Animadversions on Dr Stewart's computation of the Sun's distance from the Earth
—>  Animadversions on the first part of the Machina Coelestis of the Honourable, Learned, and deservedly Famous Astronomer Johannes Hevelius Consul of Dantzick; together with an Explication of some Instruments made by ..., Professor of Geometry in Gresham Col
—>  "Animadversions on the Origins of the Microscope"
—>  Animal and vegetable physiology considered with reference to natural theology : 2 entries
—>  Animal Biology
—>  Animal chemistry, or Organic chemistry in its applications to physiology and pathology : 2 entries
—>  Animal Magnetism
—>  "Animal Numbers and Adaptation"
—>  Animal Parasites and Messmates
—>  "Animal Substances in Materia Medica: A Study in the Persistence of the Primitive"
—>  Animalcula Infusoria, Fluviatilia et Marina, quae Detexit, Systematice Descripsit et ad Vivum Delineari Curavit
—>  Anleitung zu optischen Untersuchungen mit dem Polarisationsmikroskop
—>  Anleitung zu Polarisations-mikroskopischen Untersuchungen fur Biologen
—>  Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen in Einzel-Abhandlungen verfaBt von ...
—>  Anleitung zum Gebrauch des Polarisationsmikroskops
—>  Anleitung zur Ausfuhrung und Visitation der Blitzableiter
—>  Anleitung zur Construction von Sonnenuhren
—>  Anleitung zur grafischen Darstellung von Sonnenuhren
—>  Anleitung zur Mikrochemischen Analyse
—>  Anmerkungen zu Daniel Bernoulli's Hydrodynamica
—>  "Anmerkungen zur Geschichte des Energiebegriffes und des Energiesatzes"
—>  "Anna Atkins' Cyanotypes: An Experiment in Photographic Publishing"
—>  Annales de Micrographie
—>  Annali dell' Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze ... Indici 1976-1985
—>  Annals of Medical History
—>  Annals of Our School Life: Addressed to the 'Old Boys' of the Clapham Grammar School
—>  Annals of the Philosophical Club of the Royal Society written from its minute books
—>  Annals of the Royal Society Club. The record of a London Dining-club in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
—>  "Anne Home Hunter and her friends" : 2 entries
—>  Anniverary Meetings, Oxford 28-31 March 1966
—>  "Anniversary address of the President"
—>  Annotated Glossary to the Ar-Rawzatu' z-Zakiyyah: The Text-Book for the H.S. Examination in Arabic
—>  Annotationes in Galeni Interpretes: quibus varii loci, in quos hactenus impegerunt lectores, & explicantur, & summa fide restituuntur: Andrea Lacuna Secobiensi, Doctore Medico, Milite Sancti Petri, autore
—>  Annuaire pour l'an 1841, presente au Roi, par ...
—>  Annual 1996
—>  "Annual Lecture for 1935: John Harrison and his Timekeepers"
—>  Annual Report : 2 entries
—>  Annual Report 2002/3
—>  Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon & Cornwall Natural History Society
—>  Annual Report of the Curators of the Botanic Garden
—>  Annual Report of the National Maritime Museum, 1969
—>  Annual Report of the New York Meteorological Observatory for 1878
—>  Annual Report on the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England by the Conservator
—>  Annual Report on the Progress of Chemistry, and the Allied Sciences, Physics, Mineralogy, and Geology; including the applications of Chemistry to Pharmacy, Medicine, Agriculture, the Arts and Manufactures
—>  Annual Special Issue, June 26, 1937
—>  Annual Special Issue, June 26, 1954
—>  Annuli Astronomici
—>  Annuli Astronomici instrumenti cum certissimi tum commodissimi usus
—>  Annulorum trium diversi generis instrumentorum Astronomicorum componendi ratio atq; usus, cum quibus dam aliis lectu jucun dissimis, quorum catalo gu mox versa pagella indicabit
—>  Annulus Platonis: (Aurea Catena Homeri) oder physikalisch-chymische Erklarung der Natur nach ihrer Entstehung, Erhaltung und Zerstorung
—>  Annus VII. Ephemeridum Motum Coelestium ad Annum Aerae Christianae 1687. Cum Ortu & Occasu diurno Planetarum ut et eorum Occultationibus etc. Ex Tabulis Rudolphinis, ad Meridianum Uranoburgicum, in Freto Cimbrico Supputatus, Cum Appendice Observationum No
—>  Ansamblul urban medieval Botosani
—>  Ansichten und Ergebnisse uber Magnetismus, Elektricitat und Chemismus. Ein Bericht an das grossere naturwissenschaftliche Publicum
—>  Ansichten und Muthmassungen dass die Lufthulle welche den Erdball umgiebt ausser der kugel-hogenformigen Strahlenbrechung, die ihre zunehmende Dichtigkeit veranlasst, noch eine unbekannte eigenthumliche Lichstrahlbrechung gleich einer Hohlkugel haben muss
—>  "Antarctic Rotifera"
—>  Antecedentes da Travessia de Africa
—>  Antennae: An Introduction to their Theory
—>  Anthracite in the Lehigh Region of Pennsylvania, 1820-45
—>  Anthropoid Apes
—>  Anthropologia Nova: or, a New System of Anatomy Describing the Animal Oeconomy, and a Short Rationale of many Distempers incident to Human Bodies
—>  "Anthropological Perspectives on the History of Science and Medicine"
—>  Anthropometria, sive de mutua membrorum corporis humani proportione, & Naevorum harmonia Libellus
—>  Anthropometric Laboratory ...
—>  "Antibacterial Substances Produced by Bacteria and Fungi"
—>  "Antibiotics from Stereum Hirsutum"
—>  Antide Janvier: Mecanicien-astronome Horloger ordinaire du Roi
—>  Antides Janvier
—>  Antidotaria; or, a Collection of Antidotes against the Plague, and other Malignant Diseases. Together, with some Decent and Useful Remarks, on the late Pharmacopeia Londinensis, in a Letter to the President and College of Physicians; shewing the Necessity
—>  Antient Cymric Medicine
—>  Antike Astronomie
—>  Antike Himmelsbilder mit Forschungen zu Hipparchos, Aratos und seinen Fortsetzern und Beitragen zur Kunstgeschichte des Sternhimmels
—>  "Antike Stundenzahlung"
—>  Antike Technik
—>  Antike Uhren
—>  "Antimalarial Value of Cinchona Alkaloids other than Quinine"
—>  Antiquarian Book Monthly Review
—>  Antiquarian Horology (Journal)
—>  Antiquarum Monimentorum Sylloge collegit, partim interpretatus est atque edidit Georgius Henricus Martini
—>  Antique Barometers: An Illustrated Survey
—>  "Antique British Silver of Medical Interest"
—>  Antique Cameras
—>  Antique Dental Instruments
—>  Antique hearing devices
—>  Antique Maltese Clocks
—>  Antique Medical Instruments
—>  Antique Medicine Chests: or Glyster, Blister & Purge
—>  Antique Scientific Instruments : 2 entries
—>  Antique Sun Dial on Pedestal
—>  "Antiques of Medical Interest: Nipple Shields"
—>  Antiques of the Pharmacy
—>  Antiques: Professional Secrets for the Amateur
—>  Antiquissimae et Nobilissimae Medicinae natalitia, sectae earumque placita: tum eius Catacrypses ac instauratores: & ad haec nostra usque tempora propagatores cum historiis corum, vitis ac scriptis. Addita est ejusdem de Medicina Hermetica & Paracelsica l
—>  Antiquites - Objects d'Art
—>  Antiquites & Objets d'art: Les Montres
—>  Antoine d'Abbadie
—>  "Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, F. R. S. 1743-1794"
—>  Antoine Lavoisier - the Father of Modern Chemistry
—>  Antoine Lavoisier : scientist and citizen
—>  Anton[i]i Neri Florentini, De arte vitraria, libri septem, : & in eosdem Christophori Merretti Med. D. & Societ. Regie Socii. observationes & notae. In quibus omne gemmarum artificialium, encaustorum & laccarum artificium explicatur
—>  Antoni van Leeuwenhoek 1632-1723
—>  Antoni van Leeuwenhoek 1632-1723 Studies on the life and work of the Delft scientist commemorating the 350th anniversary of his birthday
—>  Antoni van Leeuwenhoek zijn ontdekkingenen het denken van zijn tijd
—>  "Antoni van Leeuwenhoeks microscopen"
—>  Antonii Goueani pro Aristotele resposio, aduersus Petri Rami calunias, ad Iacobum Spifamium Gymnasij Parisien. Cancellarium
—>  Antonio Favaro: Bio-bibliografia
—>  Antony van Leeuwenhoek and his "Little Animals": Being some account of the father of protozoology and bacteriology and his multifarious discoveries in these disciplines collected, translated, and edited, from his printed works, unpublished manuscripts, an
—>  Antrum Magico-medicum. In quo Arcanorum Magico-Physicorum, Sigillorum, Signaturarum & Imaginum Magicarum, ... Thesaurus Locupletissimus, novus, reconditus. Cui Medicamenta Etiam Varia Chymica ex Mineralibus & Vegetabilibus conficiendi modus: ... Accessit
—>  Ants, Bees, and Wasps: A Record of Observations on the Habits of the Social Hymenoptera
—>  Anzeige der nothwendigsten Verhaltungsregeln bei nahen GEwittern und der zwekmasigsten Mittel, sich selbst gegen die schadlichen Wirkungen des Blizes zu sichern
—>  Anzeige von einer auf der Koniglichen Universitats-Sternwarte zu Bonn unternommenen Durchmusterung des nordlichen Himmels als Grundlage neuer Himmelscharten
—>  Anzeige von einer auf der Koniglichen Universitats-Sterwarte zu Bonn unternommenen Durchmusterung des nordlichen Himmels als Grundlage neuer Himmelscharten
—>  Apercu sur la "Periode Arabe" de l'Histoire de la Medecine
—>  "Apercu sur l'affaire de Galilee"
—>  "Apercus nouveaux sur les instruments astronomiques au bas moyen age"
—>  "Apian and Pacioli's Polyhedra"
—>  "Apian's Astronomicum"
—>  "Apianus's Astronomicum Caesareum and its Leipzig Facsimile"
—>  "Apollo and Terpsichore: Music and the Healing Art"
—>  Apollonii Conica: Methodo nova Illustrata, & Succincti Demonstrata
—>  Apollonii Conica; Archimede's Opera; Theodosii Sphaerica
—>  Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri octo, : et Sereni Antissensis De sectione cylindri & coni libri duo.
—>  Apollonios von Perge, Nr. 112. Apollonios der Mechaniker, Nr. 113
—>  Apollonius Cattus Oder, Kern der gantzen Geometriae
—>  Apologia Alchymiae - A Re-statement of Alchemy
—>  Apontamentos para a biografia de Andre de Avelar, professor de matematica na Universidade
—>  Apothecaries Weights: An Outline Catalogue
—>  Apothecary Jars. Pharmaceutical Pottery and Porcelain in Europe and the East, 1150-1850
—>  "Apparatus and Exhibits of Educational Interest"
—>  "Apparatus and Ideas in Mid-nineteenth-century Cosmology"
—>  "Apparatus for Showing the Causes of the Seasons" / "Improvement in Ferguson's Apparatus for Representing the Parallelism of the Earth's Axis"
—>  Apparatus from the Cavendish Museum
—>  Apparatus of Joseph Priestley, the discoverer of oxygen : preserved in the collections of Dickinson College
—>  "Apparatus of Science in the Eighteenth Century"
—>  "Appended Note: On the Calendar Reform in Bohemia and Moravia"
—>  Appendice della Nuova Prattica Astrologica, nella quale riepilogandosi la dottrina di quella, si aggiungono altri nuoui modi. Formandosi come un 'Esempaie di fare le Direttioni, secondo la Via Rationale
—>  Appendix ad Astronomiae Physicae et Geometricae Elementa Davidis Gregorii continuens Cometo Graphiam Halleinam etc. II, Brevein Horologorum Scioterico-rum Tractatus ab editore Conscriptum
—>  Appendix ad priora duo Elementa Geometriae
—>  Appendix de Linearum Geometricarum Proprietatibus Generalisus Tractatus
—>  Appendix to Cronstedt's Mineralogy; containing Additions and Notes
—>  Appendix to Mr. Adams's Geometrical and Graphical Essays: Containing A Table of the Quantity of Northing, Southing, Easting, and Westing, Made on any Course, to every Degree and Fifteenth Minute of the Quadrant, at any Distance from 1 to 100
—>  Appendix to the Third Edition of the Requisite Tables; being New Tables of Natural Sines, Natural Versed Sines, and Logarithms of Numbers : 2 entries
—>  Appendix to the Third Edition of the Requisite Tables; ... of Natural Sines, Natural Versed Sines, and Logarithms of Numbers
—>  Appendix to vol. III of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge; containing an Ephemeris of the Planet Neptune for the Year 1852
—>  Appendix, Variorum tam veterum, quam recenter inventorum Instrumentorum ad Armamentarium Chirurgicum Joannis Sculteti, Una cum quatuor & centum Observationibus Chirurgicis, Ab expertis huius faeculi & patriae Practis annotatis, & collectis Opera & Studio
—>  Appendix. On the Errors of Chronometers, and Explanation of a New Construction of the Compensation-Balance : 2 entries
—>  'Appendix: Men of Science in the National Portrait Gallery'
—>  "Appendix: On Ptolemy's Determination of the Apsidal Line for Venus"
—>  "Apple of his Eye"
—>  Apples to Atoms: Portraits of Scientists from Newton to Rutherford
—>  "Appliance of science"
—>  Application du Calcul des Probabilites a la Mesure de la Precision d'un Grand Nivellement Trigonometrique
—>  "Application of High speed computers to the History of Astronomy"
—>  "Application of the Automatic Camera for Astrogeodesy in the ISAGEX-Programme"
—>  "Applications of Electron Microscopy in Materials Science and Technology (Microscopy in the Modern World)"
—>  "Applications of High-speed Computers to the History of Astronomy"
—>  Applications of Interferometry
—>  Applicazioni della geometria proiettiva Gnomonica Grafica
—>  Applied Electron Microscopy
—>  Applied Optics and Optical Design
—>  Applied Optics and Optical Engineering
—>  "Appreciation of, and Catalogue of the Collection of, Courtenay Adrian Ilbert (1888-1956)"
—>  Apuntes para una biblioteca cientifica espanola del siglo XVI
—>  Arab Nautical Sciences. Navigational Texts and their Analysis
—>  Arab Nautical Sciences. Navigational texts and their Analysis Sulayman Al-Mahri's Works
—>  Arab Navigation in the Indian Ocean before the Coming of the Portuguese
—>  Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times
—>  Arabes, Indiens, Chinois, ces Peuples qui ont tout Invente
—>  Arabian Medicine and its Influence on the Middle Ages
—>  Arabic Astronomical and Astrological Sciences in Latin Translation: A Critical Bibliography
—>  Arabic Grammar of the Written Language (Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer)
—>  Arabic Grammar: Paradigms, Literature, Exercises and Glossary
—>  "Arabic Medicine in England"
—>  Arabic Science in the West
—>  "Arabic Scientific Literature"
—>  Arabische Alchemisten
—>  "Arabische magische Quadrate mit 25 Zellen"
—>  Arabische Sternnamen in Europa
—>  Araby i more
—>  Arati phaInomenon fragmentum, Germanico Caesare interprete. Eiusdem Phaenomena graece, cum interpretatione latina [two works]
—>  Arbeitsvorschrift fur die Agfa-Farbenplatte fur Aufnahmen in naturlichen Farben
—>  Arboretum Mathematicum Darinnen zu befinden: HimmelsFiguren und GeburtsStunden, Hoher Haupter, Auch aussgerechnete Finsternusse, SonnenMond und SternenUhren, ...
—>  Arcana naturae detecta
—>  Arcana Naturae Detecta. Editio Novissima, Auctior & Correctior : 2 entries
—>  Arcana Naturae, Ope & beneficio exquisitissimorum Microscopiorum. Detecta, variisque experimis demonstrata, Una Cum Discursu & ulteriori dilucidatione; Epistolis suis ad Celeberrimum, quod Sermi: Magnae Britanniae Regis auspicio Londini floret, Philosopho
—>  Arcana Naturae. Detecta ab Antonio van Leeuwenhoek
—>  Arcangelo Piccolomini Ferrarese (1525-1586) e la sua importanza nell'anatomia postvesaliana
—>  Archaeoastronomy
—>  Archaeoastronomy in the Americas
—>  Archaeoastronomy in the New World
—>  Archaeoastronomy in the Old World
—>  "Archaeo-Astronomy of North America"
—>  Archaeoastronomy: The Bulletin of The Center for Archaeoastronomy
—>  Archaeology of the Cinema
—>  "Archaic Chinese Astronomical Jades"
—>  Archeologie et Histoire des Sciences
—>  Archibald Thorburn 1860-1935: 40 Original Watercolours for Lord Lilford's 'Birds of the British Islands'
—>  Archimedes
—>  Archimedes, Huygens, Lambert, Legendre. Vier Abhandlungen uber die Kreismessung
—>  Archimedes: Mathematical Genius of the Ancient World
—>  "Archimedes: Wissenschaft und Technik im Spannungsfeld der Politik"
—>  Archimedis De iis quae vehuntur in aqua libri duo. a Federico Commandino in pristinum nitorem restituti et commentariis illustrati.
—>  Archimedis Opera: Methodo Nova Illustrata, & Succincte Demonstrata
—>  "Architect, Painter and Landscape Gardener" [part]
—>  Architecture
—>  "Architecture and Mathematical Practice in England, 1550-1650"
—>  Architekt und Ingenieur: Baumeister in Krieg und Frieden
—>  Archival care of still photographs
—>  Archivalia Astronomica
—>  Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
—>  Archives of the British Chemical Industry 1750-1914: A Handlist
—>  "Arcus"
—>  "Are Data-Structures Geometrical Objects? I: Invoking the Erlanger Program", "... II: Invariant Forms in APL and Beyond", "... Part III: Appendix A. Linear Differential Operators", and "... IV: Appendix B: Logic Invariants by Finite Truth-Tables"
—>  Are Scientific Societies really necessary?
—>  "Are the Heavens Full or Are They Void? / A History of Hypotheses"
—>  "Are you tired of Still Photography?"
—>  Aristae chemico pharmaceuticae indicendis solemnibus
—>  Aristarchi de Magnitudinibus, et distantiis solis, et lunae, liber cum Pappi Alexandrini explicationibus quibusdam. A Federico Commandino Vbinate in latinum conuersus, ac commentarijs illustratus.
—>  Aristarchi Samii de magnitudinibus & distantiis solis lunae liber, ed. cum F. Commandini versione Lat., notis(que) illius & editoris. Pappi Alexandrini secundi libri mathematicae collectionis fragmentum, ed., Lat. fecit, notisque illustr. J. Wallis.
—>  "Aristotelianism: Basis and Obstacle to Scientific Progress in the Middle Ages"
—>  Aristotelous peri Kosmou pros Alexandron. Aristotelis de Mundo Liber, ad Alexandrum
—>  Aristotle - the Physics
—>  Aristotle : On the parts of animals
—>  "Aristotle and Phyllis"
—>  "Aristotle in Old Russian Literature"
—>  "Aristotle on the Anatomy of the Brain"
—>  Aristotle, Galileo, and the Tower of Pisa
—>  "Aristotle, Newton, Einstein"
—>  Aristotle: a chapter from the History of Science, including analyses of Aristotle's Scientific writings
—>  Aristotle's Physics Books I and II
—>  Aristotle's Researches in Natural Science
—>  "Arithmetic and Chaucer"
—>  Arithmetic Considerations on Marquoi's Parallel Scales, and the Protractor. Method of computing the equivalents of scales
—>  Arithmetica
—>  Arithmetica Infinitorum, sive Nova Methodus Inquirendi in Curvilineorum Quadraturam, aliaq; difficiliora Matheseos Problemata
—>  Arithmetica Infinitorum, Sive Nova Methodus Inquirendi in Curvisineorum Quadraturam, aliaq; difficiliora Matheseos Problemata
—>  "Arithmetica"
—>  Arithmeticae et Geometriae practica
—>  Arithmeticae Theoria et Praxis
—>  Arithmeticae, et algebrae universae ... Gnomonice
—>  Arithmeticae, libri duo: et Geometriae. Libri VI
—>  Arithmetick: Vulgar, Decimal, Instrumental, Algebraical, In four Parts
—>  Arithmetique Made easie
—>  Aritmetische und Geometrische Progress
—>  Ark to Ashmolean: The story of the Tradescants, Ashmole and the Ashmolean Museum
—>  Armagh Observatory: A History, 1790-1967
—>  Armamentarium Chirurgicum renovatum & auctum Triginta novem tabulis, tam veteres quam recenter excogitatas machinas & operationes exhibentibus. Una cum Observationum Medico-Chirurgicarum centuria a praecipuis hujus patriae & saeculi Practicis annotata, &
—>  Armamentarium Chrurgicum renovatum & auctum Triginta novem tabulis, tam veteres quam recenter excogitatas machinas & operationes exhibentibus. Una cum Observationum Medico-Chirurgicarum centuria a praecipuis hujus patriae & saeculi Practicis annotata, & c
—>  Armonia Astronomica & Geometrica
—>  "Armories et emblemes d'ordres religieux sur les vases de pharmacies"
—>  Arms through the Ages
—>  Arrangements for the Systematic Observation and Record of the Rainfall of the British Isles : 2 entries
—>  "Ars Astronomica in Tartu: A Bust of J. South identified by G. L'E. Turner"
—>  Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae, In decem Libros digesta. : 2 entries
—>  Ars Quatuor Coronatorum
—>  "Art and Science in the Nasmyth Family"
—>  "Art Gnomonique"
—>  "Art in Scientific Instruments" : 2 entries
—>  "Art in the Service of Science"
—>  Art of Preserving the Sight unimpaired to extreme old age; and of re-establishing it when it becomes weak: With instructions how to proceed in accidental cases which do not require the assistance of professional men, and the mode of treatment proper for t
—>  Art of the Astrolabe
—>  Art Week: Oxfordshire Visual Arts Festival 20 May-4 June 1989
—>  Arte de construir toda especie de Relojes de sol
—>  Arthur Erich Haas - Eine Biographie
—>  "Arthur Erich Haas und der erste Quantenansatz fur das Atom"
—>  "Arthur Keith, 1866-1955"
—>  "Arthur Rudolf Hantzsch"
—>  Article I. On the Nature and Construction of the Sun and Fixed Stars
—>  "Article II. An Inquiry concerning the Source of Heat excited by Friction"
—>  "Article III. An Inquiry concerning the Weight Ascribed to Heat"
—>  "Article III. On the Force of Oscillating Bodies on their Centres of Suspension"
—>  "Article V. Glauber's Salt extracted from the Rubbish of an old Furnace"
—>  "Article VI. Observations on Iron and Steel"
—>  "Article VII. On Different Sorts of Lime used in Agriculture"
—>  [Articles on the Orrery and Planetarium]
—>  "Artificial Acceleration of Atomic Particles"
—>  "'Artificial' and 'Natural' Classifications of Celestial Bodies in the work of William Herschel"
—>  "Artificial Flight"
—>  Artificial Light: Its Influence on Civilization
—>  Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization
—>  Artis Avriferae, Qvam Chemiam Vocant, Volumen Secundum. Qvod Continet Morieni Romani scripta de Re Metallica, atque de Occulta summaque antiquorum Medicina, cum alijs Authoribus, quos versa pagina indicat
—>  Artis Avriferae, Qvam Chemiam Vocant, Volumen Tertium. Qvod Continet Lullij, aliorumque scripta quaedam maiori ex parte hactenus non edita: Quae versa pagina indicantur
—>  Artis Avriferae, Qvam Chemiam Vocant, Volvmen Primvm: Qvod Continet Turbam Philosophorvm, aliosque antiquiss. Avtores : 2 entries
—>  Artis chemicae principes, Avicenna atque Geber, hoc volumine continentur. : Quorum alter nunquam hactenus in lucem prodijt: alter vero vetustis exemplaribus collatus, atq[ue] elegantioribus & pluribus figuris quam antehac illustratus, doctrinae huius prof
—>  "Artist on Another Planet"
—>  "Artistic Representation of Measurement Techniques: Surveying Instruments and Measurement Techniques in Graphic Arts"
—>  Arts, Technology, Manufactures
—>  Arvet fran Newton och Linne : vetenskapliga forbindelser mellan Sverige och England i gangna tider = The heritage from Newton and Linnaeus : scientific links between England and Sweden in bygone times
—>  As escalas do Atlantico no seculo XVI
—>  As Essay on Visual Glasses, (Vulgarly called Spectacles) wherein it is shewn from the Principles of Optics, and the Nature of the Eye, that the common Structure of those Glasses is contrary to the Rules of Art, to the Nature of Things, etc. and very preju
—>  As estrategicas Ilhas de Cabo Verde ou a "fresca Serra Leoa" : uma escolha para a politica de expansao portuguesa no Atlantico
—>  As modalidades de navegacao e de preparacao da viagem nas Navigazioni de Alvise da Ca' da Mosto
—>  As origens da Comissao de Cartografia e a accao determinante de Jose Julio Rodrigues, Luciano Cordeiro e Francisco Antonio de Brito Limpo : a historia politica das exploracoes africanas de Hermenegildo Capelo, Roberto Ivens e Serpa Pinto
—>  "As Primeiras Fases da Obra Cientifica do Prof. J. A. Serra"
—>  As tentativas de penetracao Amazonica por vias fluviais no seculo XVII
—>  As viagens de Diogo Cao : um problema ainda em aberto
—>  Asher Rare Books
—>  Asher Rare Books Catalogue 18 Rare and important books, drawings, charts and maps.
—>  "Ashmole and the Pursuit of Alchemy: The Illustrations to the Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, 1652"
—>  Asiatic Researches; or, Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the History and Antiquities; the Arts, Sciences, and Literature, of Asia
—>  Aspects of Death in Art and Epigram. Illustrated especially by medals, engraved gems, jewels, ivories, antique pottery, etc.
—>  Aspects of early natural philosophy : presentations of astronomy by Martin, Ferguson and Adams
—>  As-saba' kawakib as-sayara
—>  Assaig d'historia de les idees fisiques i mathematiques a la catalunya medieval
—>  Associations between Medicine and Literature
—>  As-Sufaliyya : "the poem of Sofala"
—>  Asteroid Supplement to New Tables for Determining the Values of b(i)s and Its Derivatives
—>  Astigmatisme en Cilindrische Glazen
—>  Astro-Archaeology
—>  "Astro-Archaeology"
—>  Astrolabe
—>  "Astrolabe of Robert Gordon of Straloch" : 2 entries
—>  "Astrolabe" : 3 entries
—>  Astrolabes and angels, epigrams and enigmas : from Regiomontanus' acrostic for Cardinal Bessarion to Piero della Francesca's Flagellation of Christ
—>  "Astrolabes and the Hour-Line Ritual"
—>  Astrolabes at Greenwich: A Catalogue of the Astrolabes in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
—>  'Astrolabes in Portugal'
—>  "Astrolabes in the State Library, Rampur"
—>  "Astrolabes" : 2 entries
—>  Astrolabes: A Critical Description of the Astrolabes, Noctilabes and Quadrants in the care of the Utrecht University Museum
—>  Astrolabien und Sonnenuhren : Katalog 1999 = Astrolabes and sun-dials : catalogue 1999
—>  Astrolabii declaratio, ...
—>  Astrolabii declaratio, eius demque usus mire iucundus, non modo Astrologis, Medicis, Geographis, caeterisque literarum cultorib, multum utilis ac necessarius: verum etiam Mechanicis quibusdam opificib. non pa rum commodus: a Iacobo Koebelio faciliorib. fo
—>  Astrolabii declaratio, ejus deq usus mire jucundus, non modo Astrologis, Medicis, Geographis, caetisque literarum cultoribum multum utilis ac necessarius: verum etiam Mechanicis quibusdam opificib. non parum commodus
—>  Astrolabii quo primi mobilis motus deprehenduntur Canones
—>  Astrolabii quo primimobilis motus deprehenduntur Canones
—>  Astrolabiorum Seu Utriusque Planisphaerii Universalis, et Particularis Usus
—>  Astrolabios Existentes em Portugal
—>  "Astrolabistes, geographes et graveurs belges du XVIe siecle"
—>  Astrolabium ...
—>  Astrolabium gampt einem kurtzen unterricht/Wie man folch instrument brauchen fol/nicht allein ben
—>  Astrolabium tribus libris explicatum
—>  Astrolabium Vranicum generale; a necessary and pleasaunt solace and recreation for nauigators in their long iorneying / containing the vse of an instrument or general astrolabe: newly for them deuised by the author ... called the (Vranicall astrolabe.) ..
—>  Astrolabium, Das ist: Grundliche Beschreibung und Uhterricht, wie sol ches herzliche und hochnutzliche Astronomische Instrument ... Durch M. Franciscus Ritter, Nurimberg. Auffs New wider auffgelegt etc. With a second part with title: De Usu Astrolabii pos
—>  Astrolabium: Dat is, Philippi Lansbergii Verklaringe van de Platte Sphaere ofte Globe van Ptolomaeus, anders Astrolabium genaernt, etc.
—>  "Astroliabiia Moskovskoho Muzeia Vostochnikh Kurbtur"
—>  Astrologia Gallica Principiis & Rationibus propriis stabilita, atque in XXVI. Libros distributa. Non solum Astrologiae Judiciariae studiosis, sed etiam Philosophis, Medicis, & Theologis omnibus pernecessaria: Quippe multa complectens eximia ad scientias i
—>  Astrologica, quorum titulos versa pagella indicabit. H. Eob. Hessi. Simemoratur Atlas caelum sudasse ferendo, si tulit Herculeus sidera fessa labor si flammas rapuit Jouis alta ex arce Prometheus, si Lunam superis abstulit Endymion: te quoque posteritas c
—>  Astrological Manuscripts in Italian Libraries (Other than Rome)
—>  Astrologie et Tables Astronomiques au XIIIe Siecle: Robert le Febvre et les Tables de Malines
—>  "Astrologie und Bild: Uber A. Warburgs Bildersammlung zur Geschichte von Sternglaube und Sternkunde im Hamburger Planetarium"
—>  Astrologisch-Magische Theorie und Praxis in der Heilkunde der fruhen Neuzeit
—>  Astrologumena: Die astrologische literatur in der antike und ihre geschichte
—>  "Astrology and Politics in the First Years of Elizabeth's Reign"
—>  "Astrology and the Astrolabe in Europe"
—>  Astrology and the Popular Press: English Almanacs 1500-1800
—>  Astrology in Medicine. ... with Addendum on Saints and Signs
—>  Astrology in the Renaissance: The Zodiac of Life
—>  "Astrology on Trial: The Case Against"
—>  "Astrology" : 2 entries
—>  Astrology: a history
—>  Astrology: As Illustrated in the Collections of the British Library and the British Museum
—>  Astrology: The Celestial Mirror
—>  Astrometeorologia y astrologia medievales
—>  "Astrometry at Greenwich and Herstmonceux"
—>  Astronautics in the sixties : a survey of current technology and future development
—>  "Astronom ..."
—>  Astronomen Sterne Gerate: Landgraf Wilhelm IV. und seine sich selbst bewegenden Globen
—>  "Astronomennachlasse und -teilnachlasse im Archiv der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin"
—>  Astronomers and Their Observations
—>  Astronomers at the Royal Observatory Cape of Good Hope: A History with Emphasis on the Nineteenth Century
—>  "Astronomia e cultura nella prima meta del Settecento"
—>  Astronomia Geometrica: ubi Methodus proponitur qua Primariorum Planetarum Astronomia sive Elliptica Circularis possit Geometrice absolvi. Opus, astronomis hactenus desideratum
—>  "Astronomia Practica: The Principal Instruments and their Uses at the Royal Observatory"
—>  Astronomia Teutsch. Himmels Lauff, Wirckung unnd Naturliche Influenz der Planeten unnd Gestirn, Auss... Mit sampt Astronomischer unnd Mathematischer Instrument als Astrolabien, Quadranten, etc. …
—>  Astronomia W Kaliszu
—>  Astronomiae instauratae Mechanica
—>  Astronomiae Physicae & Geometricae elementa
—>  Astronomiae Physicae et Geometricae Elementa : 2 entries
—>  Astronomica
—>  Astronomical and geographical essays: containing ...
—>  Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1856: Vol. XVII.
—>  Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1856
—>  Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1854: Vol. XV
—>  Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the Year 1854
—>  Astronomical atlases, maps & charts : an historical & general guide
—>  Astronomical- Atlases, Maps & Charts. An Historical & General Guide
—>  Astronomical Centers of the World
—>  Astronomical Clock in York Minster
—>  "Astronomical Dating of Works of Art"
—>  Astronomical dialogues between a gentleman and a lady
—>  Astronomical Dictionary in Six Languages
—>  Astronomical Dictionary: The Zodiac and the Constellations: Arabic Star-Names, their Meaning, Transliteration and Pronounciation [sic]
—>  Astronomical Instruments and Observatory Equipment
—>  Astronomical Instruments and Their Users: Tycho Brahe to William Lassell
—>  "Astronomical Instruments Between East and West"
—>  "Astronomical Instruments in Brahmagupta's Brahmasphutasiddhanta"
—>  "Astronomical Instruments in Delhi Museum"
—>  Astronomical Instruments in Medieval Spain: Their Influence in Europe / Instrumentos Astronomicos en la Espana Medieval: Su Influencia en Europa : 2 entries
—>  "Astronomical Instruments in Mughal Miniatures"
—>  Astronomical Instruments in the Rampur Raza Library
—>  Astronomical Instruments in the Salar Jung Museum
—>  "Astronomical Instruments Manufacture in the USSR"
—>  "Astronomical Jades"
—>  Astronomical Lectures, Read in the Publick Schools At Cambridge. By William Whiston, M.A. Mr. Lucas's Professor of the Mathematicks in that University. Whereunto is added a Collection Of Astronomical Tables; Being those of Mr. Flamsteed, Corrected; Dr Hal
—>  Astronomical Literature in the Ernst Zinner Collection, San Diego State College Library: A Checklist
—>  "Astronomical Museum in Eger/Hungary"
—>  Astronomical Myths, based on Flammarion's "History of the Heavens"
—>  Astronomical Observations made at Chislehurst, in Kent, in the Course of the Year 1773
—>  "Astronomical Observations made at Hudson Observatory, Latitude 41o14'42', 6, north, and Longitude 5h. 25m. 39s. 5, west. Third Series"
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1850: Vol. XI (with an Engraving of the Heliometer.)
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory Oxford for the epoch 1900
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford for the epoch 1845
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford for the epoch 1860
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford for the epoch 1875
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford for the epoch 1890
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1840 : 2 entries
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the year 1850
—>  Astronomical Observations Made at the University Observatory Oxford under the direction of C. Pritchard, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.R.A.S. Savilian Professor of Astronomy in Oxford
—>  Astronomical Observations made at the University Observatory Oxford under the direction of C. Pritchard, D.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.R.A.S. Savilian Professor of Astronomy in Oxford: No. II Uranometria Nova Oxoniensis a photometric determination of the magnit
—>  Astronomical Observations made in St. John's College, Cambridge, in the years 1767 and 1768: with an Account of Several Astronomical Instruments
—>  Astronomical Observations of Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites, Occultations of Stares by the Moon, and other Astronomical Phenomena
—>  Astronomical Observatories in Provence, the Southern Alps and the Cote d'Azur
—>  Astronomical Papers by A. A. Rambaut
—>  Astronomical principles of religion, natural and reveal'd (1717)
—>  "Astronomical Scrapbook: A. G. Pingre and his Annals"
—>  "Astronomical significance of prehistoric monuments in Western Europe"
—>  Astronomical tables and formulae together with a variety of problems explanatory of their use and application to which are prefixed the elements of the solar system
—>  Astronomical Tables and Remarks for the Year 1822
—>  "Astronomical Tables in China: From the Wutai to the Ch'ing Dynasties"
—>  Astronomical Tables of the Sun and Moon, constructed from the Observations of those eminent Astronomers, Dr Halley and Dr Bradley, compared with the Tables of Mr Mayer of Gottingen
—>  Astronomical Tables With Precepts Both In English and Latin For computing the Places of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and Comets
—>  Astronomicall Tables First Invented by George Hartgill Minister of Gods Word; and Now Reduced to our Age
—>  Astronomicheskaya shkola Ulugbeka

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