
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Wissenschaft im Mittelalter: Ausstellung von Handschriften und Inkunabeln der Osterreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Prunksaal 22. mai bis 18. oktober 1975
—>  Wissenschaftliche Instrumente im Germanischen Museum
—>  "Wissenschaftliche Instrumente im Germanischen Museum"
—>  Wissenschaftliche Instrumente und Sonnenuhren
—>  "Wissenschaftliche Instrumente"
—>  Witchcraft Magic & Alchemy
—>  "With Camera and Pen"
—>  With Seaplane and Sledge in the Arctic
—>  WITHDRAWN - Classification Decimale Universelle
—>  WITHDRAWN - The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
—>  [Withdrawn]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
—>  [Withdrawn]Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
—>  "Wm. Clement Londini Fecit"
—>  Wohler's 'Synthetic' Urea and the Rejection of Vitalism: A Chemical Legend
—>  "Wolcott and Johnson; their camera and their photography"
—>  "Wolcott's Camera in England and the Bromine-Iodine Process"
—>  "Women and Science in India"
—>  "Women in the Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instrument Trade"
—>  "Women of Our Century VI: Janet Vaughan: A Very Human Scientist"
—>  "Women of Science: Nettie Maria Stevens"
—>  Women, Science and The Royal Society
—>  Wonderful Prophecies, of that Famous Astronomer & Philosopher, Sir William Herschell, (Astronomer to their late Majesties George III. and IV.)
—>  "'Wonders in One Closet Shut': The Educational Potential of History of Science Museums"
—>  'Wood to Iron in Early 19th Century Ship Construction'
—>  Wooden spokeshaves
—>  "Wood-framed Church Clocks"
—>  Wood's (late Abraham) Price List of Binocular Opera Glasses, Field and Marine Glasses, as manufactured for the principal steamships, the military, etc., etc.
—>  "Woodworking tools 1600-1900"
—>  Woolwich Mathematical Papers for Admission into The Royal Military Academy for the Years 1887-1896
—>  Wordsworth's Interpretation of Nature
—>  Working Instructions for the Agfa Colour Plate
—>  Working Instructions for the Sanger Shepherd Process of Natural Colour Photography
—>  Working Instructions for the Sanger Shepherd Universal Developer, with some Hints on Development
—>  "Works of Another Darwin"
—>  Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin: : consisting of his Life, written by himself, together with essays, humorous, moral & literary, chiefly in the manner of The Spectator
—>  Workshop Receipts for the use of Manufacturers, Mechanics and Scientific Amateurs
—>  World Maps for Finding the Direction and Distance to Mecca: Innovation and Tradition in Islamic Science.
—>  Worldly Goods
—>  Worthies of All Souls; Four Centuries of English History illustrated from the College Archives
—>  Worthies of Science
—>  "Wozu Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte?"
—>  Wren's dial remov'd, or, High-Victorian hubris at All Souls
—>  Wright of Derby
—>  Writing Antiques
—>  Writing Implements and Accessories: From the Roman Stylus to the Typewriter
—>  Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
—>  Wye man diss hochberumpt astronomischer un geometrischer Kunst Instrumet Astrolabium brauchen soll. nicht allein den Extzten sondern auch den Paumeystern, Pergk-lewten, Puchen meystern unnd andern kunstlern vast lustig unnd nutzbar
—>  X Rays and Crystal Structure
—>  X Rays: Their Origin, Dosage, and Practical Application
—>  "X. Internationaler Kongress fur Geschichte der Wissenschaften"

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