
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Theorie de la figure de la terre, tiree des principes de l'hydrostatique
—>  Theorie de la Lune deduite du seul Principe de l'Attraction reciproquement proportionelle aux Quarres des Distances
—>  "Theorie de l'Electro-dynamique"
—>  "Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen" : 2 entries
—>  Theorie der optischen Instrumente nach Abbe : 2 entries
—>  Theorie der Pendelbewegung mit Rucksicht auf die Gestalt und Bewegung der Erde
—>  "Theorie der Sonnenfinsternisse der Durchgange der Unteren Planeten vor der Sonne und der Sternbedeckungen fur einen Gegebenen Ort der Erde"
—>  Theorie des Cones Circulaires Roulants
—>  Theorie des Courbes et des Surfaces du second ordre. Precedee des principes fondamentaux de la Geometrie Analytique
—>  Theorie du systeme optique compose d'une lunette astronomique et d'un double miroir plan. Application a la mesure precise des distances en vue de l'etude de l'aberration et de la refraction
—>  Theorie Mathematique de la Chaleur
—>  Theorie Mathematique de la Chaleur; memoire et notes formant un Supplement a l'Ouvrage Publie sous ce Titre
—>  Theorie Mathematique des Oscillations du Barometre et Recherche de la Loi de la Variation Moyenne de la Temperature avec la Latitude
—>  Theorie Und Construction Der Sonnen-Uhren Auf Ebenen, Kegel-, Cylinder- Und Kugel-Flachen Nebst Einer Historischen Skizze Uber Die Gnomonik
—>  "Theorien der Chemie des 18. Jahrhunderts im Urteil der Zeitgenossen"
—>  Theories nouvelles de l'equatorial coude et des equatoriaux en general
—>  Theories of Categories in Early Mediaeval Chinese Alchemy
—>  "Theories of Categories in Early Mediaeval Chinese Alchemy"
—>  Theories of the Earth, 1644-1830: the History of a Genre: an Exhibition of Rare Books from the History of Science Collection
—>  Theory of Heat
—>  Theory of Observations
—>  "Theory, Theoric, Practice: Mathematics and Magnetism in Elizabethan England"
—>  Therapeutique par la Penicilline
—>  "Theriak en Theriakpotten"
—>  Thermionic Emission
—>  Thermionic Vacuum Tubes and their Applications
—>  Thermionic Valves, 1904-1954: The First Fifty Years
—>  Thermodynamics
—>  "Thermography: Imaging in the Far Infrared"
—>  Thermometers Hydrometers and Scientific Instruments: Catalogue no. 808
—>  Thermometri metallici
—>  Thermometrum Magnum: or, Grand Standard Thermometer. Expressing All Degrees of Heat and Cold, from that with which Mercury boils, to that which congeals it into solid Metal. To which are adjusted the celebrated Scales of Sir Isaac Newton, Fahrenheit, De L
—>  Thermoscopes and Thermometers
—>  Thesaurarium Mathematicae, Or the Treasury of the Mathematics. Containing ... Likewise It teacheth the Art of Gauging, Dialling ... etc.
—>  Thesaurarium Mathematicae: or the Treasury of the Mathematicks. Containing variety of useful Practices in Arithmetick, Geometry, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Geography, Navigation and Surveying. As also the Mensuration of Board, Glass, Tiling, Paving, Timber,
—>  Theses de Mecanique et d'Astronomie, presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris, le 7 novembre 1851
—>  Theses presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris
—>  "Thesis Research and Collecting: A Fieldworker's View"
—>  They Made Your World
—>  Thien-Wen I Chhi Chih-Lueh
—>  Thin Sectioning and Associated Technics for Electron Microscopy
—>  Things to see in the Royal Scottish Museum : 2 entries
—>  Thinkers and Tinkers: Early American Men of Science
—>  "Thinking in Numbers"
—>  Third Generation Traders
—>  Third report on the progress of the plan of selected areas together with some remarks concerning future investigations of the plan
—>  "Thirteenth Century Minatures illustrating Medical Practice"
—>  "Thirteenth Century Miniatures illustrating Medical Practice"
—>  Thirty Three Plates of English Medals
—>  Thirty-five Biographies and Portraits of Scientific Men

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