
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Sundials, Garden Ornaments, &c.
—>  'Sundials, their meaning, their making and mending'
—>  Sundials. Incised Dials or Mass-Clocks: A Study of the Time-Makers of Medieval Churches, Containing Descriptions, Photographs, Diagrams, and an Analysis of Dials, Chiefly in Hampshire, but also in various other Counties
—>  Sundials: a simplified approach by means of the equatorial dial
—>  Sundials: An Illustrated History of Portable Dials
—>  "Sun-Dials: History and Classification"
—>  Sundials: History, Art, People, Science
—>  Sundials: How to Know, Use and Make Them
—>  Sundials: Their History and Construction
—>  Sunto di un corso di filosofia chimica fatto nella R. Universita di Genova
—>  "Super Fortia Centripeto et Reactione Centrifugo"
—>  Supplement a la notice des travaux de M. de Pambour
—>  Supplement a la notices sur les titres de M. Payen
—>  Supplement a l'Adresse de M. Hoene Wronski au Bureau des Longitudes de la Grande-Bretagne
—>  Supplement au Traite chimique de l'air et du feu de M. Scheele, : contenant un tableau abrege des nouvelles decouvertures sur les diverses especes d'air, par Jean-Godefroi Leonhardy; des notes de M. Richard Kirwan, & une lettre du Docteur Priestley a ce c
—>  Supplement to Jena Review
—>  Supplement to the Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
—>  Supplement to the Correspondence respecting the Liverpool Observatory, between Mr John Taylor, of Liverpool, and the Rev. R. Sheepshanks
—>  Supplement to the Historical Register of 1900: Including an Alphabetical Record of University Honours and Distinctions for the Years 1901-1930
—>  Supplement to the Historical Register of 1900: Including an Alphabetical Record of University Honours and Distinctions for the Years 1931-1950
—>  Supplement to the Historical Register of 1900: Including an Alphabetical Record of University Honours and Distinctions for the Years 1951-1965
—>  Supplement to the Magnetical Instructions for the Use of Portable Instruments, etc. : 2 entries
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1865
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1862
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1861
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1860
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1859
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1855
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1864
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1857
—>  Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1866
—>  Supplement to the Practical Rules for Determining the Deviations of the Compass which are caused by the Ship's Iron, Being Instructions for the Computation of a Table of the Deviations of a Ship's Compass, from Observations made on 4, 8, 16 or 32 Points
—>  Supplement to the Treatise on Magnetism
—>  "Supplementary Notes on the Systematic Position of the Trilobites"
—>  "Supplementary Observations on an Astronomical and Astrological Table-Clock: Together with an Account of the Astrolabe"
—>  Supplementum Secundum in Physicam Subterraneam. Id est: ..., ... Demonstratio Philosophica, seu Theses Chymicae, Veritatem, & Possibiltatem transmutationis metallorum in aurum evincentes. Ad Invictissimum Romanorum Imperatorem Leopoldum. Encomium Chymiae
—>  "Sur des Instruments d'Optique Faussement Attribues aux Anciens par quelques Savants Modernes"
—>  "Sur Geschichte des Kompasses bei den Arabern"
—>  "Sur la date d'Artemidore (Cat cod. astr. VIII 2, 129)"
—>  "Sur la Difference des Longitudes des Observatoires Royaux de Greenwich et de Bruxelles, Determinee au Moyen de Chronometres"
—>  "Sur la Geodesie francaise, et sur le Role qui y ont joue l'Academie des Sciences et le Bureau des Longitudes - Note lue a l'occasion du debat entre MM. Le Verrier et Faye"
—>  "Sur la Gnomonique ou l'art de tracer des Cadrans solaires"
—>  Sur la Jonction des Operations Geodesiques, russes et autrichiennes, executee par ordre des Deux Gouvernements
—>  Sur la Latitude de l'Observatoire de Bruxelles
—>  "Sur la Neutralite de la Force Electro-magnetique de la Terre et de l'Atmosphere Observee a la Havane, durant les Aurores Boreales de 1859: Experiences qui confirment ou qui annulent l'action electrique des aurores polaires dans les basses regions de l'at
—>  "Sur la presence a Strasbourg d'instruments scientifiques ayant appartenu a A. von Humboldt"
—>  Sur la Reduction elementaire du probleme des trois corps
—>  "Sur la Relation d'un Voyage Scientifique par M. A. Quadri (de Naples)"
—>  "Sur la Scintillation des Etoiles"
—>  "Sur la tolerance intellectuelle"

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