
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  On a New Method of Determining the Latitude of a Place by Observations of the Pole-Star
—>  "On a New Method of Preparing Mercuric Hyponitrite"
—>  On a New Mode of Secret Writing
—>  "On a New Species of Coloured Fringes, produced by Reflexion between the Lenses of Achromatic Object-Glasses"
—>  "On a New Species of Coloured Rings, produced by the Reflection of Light between Two Plates of Parallel Glass of Equal Thickness"
—>  "On a new Species of the Genus Apteryx"
—>  "On a Nocturnal dated 1572 exhibited by Sir Reginald Palgrave at the Society of Antiquaries, Jan. 31, 1895"
—>  On a portable sundial of gilt brass made for Cardinal Wolsey : 2 entries
—>  "On a Possible Explanation of the Adaptation of the Eye to Distinct Vision at Different Distances"
—>  "On a Recently Observed Meteor"
—>  "On a Remarkable Case of Magnetic Intensity of a Chronometer"
—>  "On a remarkable Modification of Newton's Rings"
—>  "On a Self-acting Circular Dividing Engine"
—>  "On a simple electric immersion heater for constant temperature baths"
—>  "On a simple form of harmonic analyser"
—>  "On a Spectroscope in which the Prisms are automatically adjusted to the minimum angle of deviation for the particular ray under examination"
—>  "On a Standard Decimal Measure of Length for Mechanical Engineering Work, etc."
—>  "On a Sun-Dial"
—>  "On Abnormal Teeth in Certain Mammals, especially in the Rabbit"
—>  On Aerial Locomotion
—>  On Aerial Locomotion
—>  On an altazimuth constructed from the designs of the late Rev. Dr W. Pearson
—>  "On an Anomalous Case of Vision with regard to Colours"
—>  "On an Astrolabe Planisphere of English make"
—>  On an Astronomical Instrument of the Ancient Irish
—>  On Angular Aperture of Objectives for the Microscope: Read before the Microscopical Congress at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 15th., 1878 : 2 entries
—>  "On Apparatus for Testing the Delicacy of the Muscular and other Senses in different Persons"
—>  "On Artificial Temporary Colour-Blindness, with an Examination of the Colour Sensations of 109 Persons"
—>  On attraction and repulsion resulting from radiation
—>  "On Babbage's System of Mechanical Notation as Applied to Automatic Machinery"
—>  "On Bird and Beast in Ancient Symbolism"
—>  On British Stone Circles
—>  On Burning Mirrors: The Arabic Translation of the Lost Greek Original
—>  "On Celestial Photography"
—>  On Certain Considerations connected with the Orbits of Comets
—>  "On certain Impressions of Cold transmitted from the Higher Atmosphere, with the Description of an Instrument adapted to measure them"
—>  "On Certain Phenomena of Rotatory Motion"
—>  "On Certain Properties of Mercator's Chart, ..."
—>  On Champlain's Astrolabe: Lost on the 7th June, 1613 and Found in August, 1867, considered in solution of an obscurity in his journal of his first voyage up the Ottowa; and the great antiquityof astrolabes, and origin of their graduation
—>  "On Collecting Vinciana: The Dibner Collection at Brandeis University"
—>  "On competition between different species of graminivorous insects"
—>  "On Deducing the Longitude from an Observed Occultation of a Fixed Star by the Moon"
—>  "On Determining Innumerable Portions of a Sphere, the Solidities and Spherical Superficies of which Portions are at the same time Algebraically Assignable"
—>  'On Developments of Spectroscopic Apparatus in the Nineteenth Century'
—>  "On Differences and Differential Functions of Zero"
—>  "On Dinornis (Part II) containing Descriptions of portions of the Skull, the Sternum and other parts of the Skeleton of the species previously determined, with osteological evidences of three additional Species, and of a new Genus, Palapteryx"
—>  "On Dinornis (Part III): containing a Description of the Skull and Beak of that genus, and of the same characteristic parts of Palapteryx, and of two other genera of Birds, Notornis and Nestor; forming part of an extensive series of Ornithic remains disco
—>  "On Dinornis, an extinct Genus of tridactyle Struthious Birds, with descriptions of portions of the Skeleton of five Species which formerly existed in New Zealand. (Part I)"
—>  On Divers Arts: The Treatise of Theophilus
—>  On Education in the Principles of Art

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