
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Microscopic Observations; or, Dr Hooke's Wonderful Discoveries by the Microscope, Illustrated by Thirty-Three Copper-Plates, curiously engraved: Whereby the most valuable Particulars in that Celebrated Author's "Micrographia" Are brought together in a nar
—>  Microscopic Staining Techniques
—>  Microscopic Vision
—>  "Microscopical advances: the posterity of Huygens' simple microscope of 1678"
—>  "Microscopical Communication" : 2 entries
—>  "Microscopical Methods for the Paper Technologist"
—>  "Microscopical observations on the cerebral circulation"
—>  "Microscopical Observations on the Circulation of the Blood in the Cerebral Cortex"
—>  Microscopie Pratique: Le Microscope et ses Applications. La Faune et la Flore microscopiques des Eaux
—>  Microscopie Pratique: Le Microscope et ses Applications. La Faune et la Flore microscopiques des Eaux. Les Microfossiles
—>  Microscopios : catalogo del Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia
—>  Microscopische Technik zum Gebrauch bei medicinischen und pathologisch-anatomischen Untersuchungen
—>  Microscopium
—>  Microscopium Pantometricum; or, a New Construction of a Micrometer, adapted to the compound and solar Microscope; shewing by inspection, I. The Magnifying Power of the Object Lenses, and of the Eye-Glasses. II. The Extent of the Field of View. III. The Di
—>  Microscopium Polydynamicum: or, a New Construction of a Microscope, wherein a Variety of Magnifying Powers is communicated to each Object-Lens; so that by Four Lenses only, more than One Hundred different Magnifying Powers are immediately attainable in th
—>  Microscopy and the Microscopical Examination of Drugs
—>  "Microscopy in America (1830-1945)"
—>  "Microscopy in Art"
—>  Microscopy in the Service of Man
—>  "Microscopy with Polarized Light"
—>  Microscopy: The Construction, Theory and the Use of the Microscope
—>  Microscopy: The Construction, Theory and Use of the Microscope
—>  Microscopy: The Journal of The Quekett Microscopical Club
—>  Microtomen: Een Beknopte Geschiedenis
—>  Middle Eastern Photographic Collections in the United Kingdom
—>  Midi au Soleil ... : Comment realiser un cadran solaire?
—>  Mid-Nineteenth Century Barometers: Being a reprint of Manual of the Mercurial and Aneroid Barometers (1858) by John Henry Belville, to which is appended The Aneroid Barometer, how to buy and use it (1849) by a Fellow of the Meteorological Society
—>  Mid-Nineteenth-Century Scientists
—>  Mijne Herinneringen, Autobiografie
—>  Mikhail Vasil'evich Lomonosov
—>  Mikhailo Vasil'evich Lomonosov
—>  Mikrochemie der Arzneimittel und Gifte: Die offizinellen anorganischen und organischen Sauren und ihre Salze
—>  Mikrographie, oder Anleitung zur Kenntniss und zum Gebrauche des Mikroskops
—>  "Mikro-Kinematographie in Wissenschaft und Technik"
—>  Mikrophotographie
—>  "Mikroskop av svensk tillverkning och om aldre mikroskop i vetenskapliga institutioner och museer i Sverige"
—>  'Mikroskop fra ca. 1750 af dansk oprindelse?'
—>  "Mikroskop i Mikroskopiueskie Metod'I Issledovaniya v Rabotakh M. B. Lomonsova" = "The Microscope and Methods of Microscopical Investigation in the Works of M. V. Lomonosova"
—>  Mikroskopie
—>  Mikroskopie fur Jedermann. Eine methodische erste Einfuhrung in die Mikroskopie mit praktischen Ubungen
—>  Mikroskopische Gefuge der Metalle und Legierungen: Vergleichende Studien
—>  Mikroskopische Gemuths-und Augen-Ergokung: Bestehend, in Ein Hundert nach der Natur gezeichneten und mit Farben erleuchteten Kupfertafeln, Sammt deren Erklarung
—>  Milchstrasze . Nebel . Galaxien: Strukturen im Kosmos von Herschel bis Hubble
—>  "Milestones in Microscopic Research"
—>  Milestones in Optical History
—>  Milestones, 1837-1951
—>  Military Science To-day
—>  Millenary of Abu Raihan ibn Ahmad al-Biruni November 26, 1973 thru' December 12, 1973: Proceedings of the Meetings of the Advisory Council held at Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi
—>  "Minds that Live for Science"
—>  Mineralogisch-geognostische Reise nach dem Ural, dem Altai und dem Kaspischen Meere

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