
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Meteorological and Scientific Instruments
—>  Meteorological Journal, Torquay
—>  "Meteorological Observations at Marton-in-Cleveland 1925-26-27"
—>  Meteorological Observations at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford: 1815-1995.
—>  Meteorological Observations kept at Rangoon (1853)
—>  Meteorological Observations made at the Meteorological Bungalow on Dodabetta, 8640 feet above the level of the Sea in the Years 1847-48. Undertaken at the request of the Honorable the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and with the Sanction and
—>  Meteorological Observations made at the Observatory of Hamburg
—>  Meteorological Observations taken at Orkney with Remarks on the Climate
—>  Meteorological Register kept by the Earl of Gifford in his Yacht 'Fair Rosamond'
—>  Meteorological Report
—>  Meteorological Results deduced from observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory during the two years ending December 31st., 1852
—>  Meteorologie electrique
—>  Meteorologische Waarnemingen, Gedaan op het eiland Decima, bij stad Nangasaki, op Japan
—>  Meteorology for Aviators
—>  "Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture"
—>  Meteors
—>  Meters
—>  "Method and Logic in Presocratic Explanation"
—>  Method of finding a True Meridian Line, useful in placing Horizontal Sun Dials, setting Clocks and Watches, etc.
—>  Method of finding the Longitude, Meridian, Time, Culmination of the Fixed Stars and the Variation of the Compass at Sea or on Land, Independently of Refraction and Parallax, by one simple Observation
—>  Method to Discover the Difference of the Earth's Diameters; proving It's true Ratio to be not less variable than as 45 is to 46, and shortest in it's Pole'S Axis 174 Miles. Elucidated with Five Copper Plates, With a Variety of New Tables suited to the Sub
—>  Methode Generale pour obtenir le Resultat Moyen d'une Serie d'Observations Astronomiques faites avec le Cercle Repetiteur de Borda
—>  Methode generale pour tracer des cadrans sur toute sorte de plans
—>  Methode nouvelle el generale Pour tracer facilement des Cadrans solaires sur toutes surfaces planes, en situation quelconque, ...
—>  Methode universelle et tres facile, pour faire et descrire toutes sortes de quadrans et d'horloge
—>  Methodes astronomiques des hautes epoques Chinoises
—>  Methodes de navigation et cartographie nautique dans l'ocean Indien avant le XVIe siecle
—>  "Methodes de trace et d'execution des Astrolabes persans"
—>  Methods and Theories for the solution of Problems of Geometrical Constructions applied to 410 problems
—>  Methods of Investigating Ventilation and its Effects
—>  Methods of Practical Hygiene
—>  Methods of Surveying used in the compilation of large scale plans of small areas: a manual for students, estate agents, and planters
—>  Methodus Geometrica
—>  Methodus plantarum nova, : brevitatis & perspicuitatis causa synoptice in tabulis exhibita; cum notis generum tum summorum tum subalternorum characteristicis, observationibus nonnullis de seminibus plantarum & indice copioso
—>  Metodi per descrivere graficamente oppure col calcolo gh orologi solari in piano verticale cosi pure la meridiana del tempo medio
—>  Metodi Semplici per segnare con sufficiente approssimazione La Relta Oraria del Mezzogiorno ...
—>  Metodo Facile Per Descrivere Gli Orologi Solari
—>  Metodo Facile per ritrovare la longitudine Idrografica con l'ajuto dell' Ampolletta Mercuriale, e del Termometro, ad uso de' Piloto
—>  Metodo semplicissimo per descrivere orologi solari penza maestro col solo servizio del nuovo reglo gnomonico con l'aggunta d'una facilissima regola, etc.
—>  Metre et Systeme Metrique
—>  "Michael Arnold Crawforth - 7.11.32-28.8.88"
—>  'Michael Butterfield and his Dials'
—>  Michael Faraday
—>  Michael Faraday 1791-1867 : 2 entries
—>  "Michael Faraday and Optics: Retroscept on the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of his Death"
—>  "Michael Faraday and the Evolution of the Concept of Electric and Magnetic Fields"
—>  "Michael Faraday en Suisse"
—>  "Michael Faraday"
—>  Michael Faraday: Scientist 1791-1867
—>  "Michael Faraday's Work on Optical Glass"

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