
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer van Enckhuysen: De Maritieme Cartografie in de Nederlanden in de Zestiende en het Begin van de Zeventiende Eeuw
—>  "Lucrece Newtonien"@off-print from Memoires de l'Academie royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Berlin pour 1782, publies en 1784."
—>  Lucretius on the Nature of Things
—>  Ludwig Boltzmann: The Man who Trusted Atoms
—>  Ludwig Georg Courvoisier (1843-1918) and his Position in the History of Gall Bladder Surgery
—>  Lufkin Measuring Instruments: Excerpts from Trade Catalogues, 1888 to 1940
—>  "Lufkin's History: Fledgling Lumber Industry Inspired Lufkin Instruments"
—>  Luigi Galvani
—>  "Luigi Galvani e la chimica del Settecento"
—>  Luigi Galvani International Workshop: Proceedings
—>  "Luigi Galvani"
—>  Luke the Physician: The author of the Third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles
—>  Lumen novum phosphoris accensum, sive, Exercitatio physico- chymica de causa lucis in phosphoris tam naturalibus quam artificialibus
—>  Lumiere Light
—>  Lumiere & Mouvement: Les Origines du Cinema
—>  Lumineszenz-Analyse im Filtrierten Ultravioletten Licht: Ein Hilfsbuch beim Arbeiten mit den Analysen-Lampen
—>  "Lunar and Hawaiian physical features compared"
—>  Lunar and Horary Tables: for New and Concise Methods of Performing the Calculations Necessary for Ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations or Chronometers; with Directions for Acquiring a Knowledge of the Principal Fixed Stars, and Finding the Lat
—>  Lunar and Solar Velocities and the Length of Lunation Intervals in Babylonian Astronomy
—>  "Lunar Distances and the Nautical Almanac"
—>  Lunar Maps of the XVIIth Century
—>  "Lunar Notation on Upper Paleolithic Remains"
—>  Lunaria et zodiologia latina / edidit et commentario philologico instruxit Emanuel Svenberg
—>  Lunds Domkyrkas Medeltida Ur: Kortfattad Beskrivning Och Vagledning for det Medeltida Urets Avlasande
—>  Lunettes et Telescopes : Theorie - Conditions d'Emploi Description - Reglage Histoire
—>  Lunettes et Telescopes: Theorie - Conditions d'emploi - Description - Reglage
—>  "Lupitus Barchinonensis"
—>  L'usage de l'un et l'autre Astrolabe particulier et universel
—>  L'Usage de Quarre Geometrique amplement descrit et demonstre, etc.
—>  L'Usage des Astrolabes, Tant Universels que Particuliers, ...
—>  L'usage des Globes celestes et terrestres, etc.
—>  L'usage du compas de proportion, etc.
—>  L'Usage du Compas de Proportion, Explique & demontre d'une maniere courte & facile, & augmente d'un Traite de la division des Champs
—>  L'Usage du Quadran, ou de l'Horloge Physique Universal
—>  L'usaige de l'Astrolabe avec un traicte de la Sphere : 2 entries
—>  L'uso dello strumento Geometrico detto la Tavoletta Pretoriana proposto, ed ampliato. Opera postuma ... in cui s'insegna il modo di misurare con questo Strumento Linee, Angoli, e Piani: e di piu la maniera di renderlo idoneo, e di usarlo nelle misure dell
—>  Luther and the German Reformation
—>  "Luther Burbank - a Victim of Hero Worship"
—>  M. Manili astronomicon a Iosepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi infinitis mendis repurgatum. Eiusdem Iosephi Scaligeri Notae, quibus auctoris prisca astrologia explicatur, castigationum caussae redduntur, portentosae transpositiones in eo auctore
—>  M. Manilii Astronomicon
—>  "M. Maurice Cantor Et La Geometrie Superieure De L'Antiquite"
—>  M. V. Lomonosov i uchebnaya deyatel'nost' peterburgskoi akademii nauk
—>  M. Vitrvvii Pollionis De Architectura, Libri Decem,
—>  "M.M Henry's photographs of E1 E2 Lyrae, etc.
—>  M.S.N.: Monthly Science News: Atomic Energy Number
—>  M.S.N.: Monthly Science News: Newton Tercentenary Number
—>  Ma'alim at-tajarab ... dar san'ati kimiya
—>  Macchine Scuola Industria: Dal mestiere alla professionalita operaia
—>  "Macchine Scuola Industria: il Museo laboratorio dell' Istituto Aldini Valeriani di Bologna"
—>  'Macchine-Scuola-Industria: il "museo-laboratorio" dell' Istituto Aldini-Valeriani di Bologna'

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