
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Description and Uses of the New Invented Universal Equatorial Instrument, or, Portable Observatory. With the Divided Object-Glass Micrometer
—>  Description de cent preparations microscopiques tirees des deux regnes et publiees par l'Institut microscopique de Engell & Comp. a Wabern pres Berne (Suisse). Regne Animal. Premiere Serie. 25 Preparations provenant des protozoaires, des rayonnes et de ve
—>  Description de l'Apparatus Microscopique: contenant les Microscopes Doubles, Simples, et Solaires se sont et se vendent par Pierre et Jean Dollond Opticiens de sa Majeste et de son Altesse Royale le Duc d'York, demeurant dans le Cimetiere de St. Paul a Lo
—>  "Description de los Astrolabios de Alfonso X y Arabe"
—>  Description du grand equatorial coude de'Observatoire de Paris
—>  Description du Microscope de Poche fait se vend par Pierre Dollond, Opticien de Sa Majeste, et de son Altesse Royale Monseigneur Le Duc D'York, Demeurant dans Le Strand
—>  "Description d'un astrolabe Arabe construit a Lahore"
—>  Description d'un Astrolabe construit par Abd-Ul-Aima, ingenieur et astronome persau
—>  "Description D'Un Astrolabe European Date de l'annee 1543 Et Portant Le Zodiaque Lunaire"
—>  "Description d'un Astrolabe persan construit par Muhammad-Mehdi vers le milieu du XVIIe siecle"
—>  Description d'un astrolabe, construit a Maroc en l'an 1208
—>  Description d'un Instrument pour prendre hauteur, & pour trouver l'heure vraie sans aucun calcul
—>  Description d'un Microscope Achromatique Simplifie
—>  Description d'un microscope, et de differents micrometres. Destines a mesurer des Parties circulaires, ou droites, avec la plus grande precision
—>  Description d'une Sphere Mouvante par le Moyen d'une Pendule, d'un Globe monte d'une facon particuliere, & d'un nouveau Planishpere pour les distances & grosseurs des Planetes
—>  Description et Representation exacte de la Maison de Glace, construite a St Petersbourg au Mois de Janvier 1740, et de Tous les Meubles qui s'y Trouvoient
—>  Description et usage des barometres, thermometres et autres instrumens meteorologiques
—>  Description et Usage des Principaux Instruments d'Astronomie, Ou l'on traite de leur Stabilite, de leur Fabrique, et de l'Art de les diviser
—>  Description et Usage D'un Cabinet de Physique Experimentale
—>  "Description of a Clinometer"
—>  "Description of a clock by John Shelton, owned by the Royal Society and used by Maskelyne on his visit to St. Helena in 1761, and probably by Mason and Dixon in Pennsylvania"
—>  Description of a glass apparatus, for making mineral waters, like those of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, &c. in a few minutes, and with a very little expence: : together with the description of some new eudiometers, or instruments for ascertaining the wholesomen
—>  "Description of a Machine to Escape from Fire, invented by Mr. Joachim Smith, for which he has obtained his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent" : 2 entries
—>  Description of a Method of taking the Differences of Right Ascension and Declination
—>  Description of a Method of Taking the Differences of Right Ascension and Declination with the Reticule Rhomboide of Dr Bradley. Without Placing the Instrument in the Plane of the Equator
—>  Description of a New Blow-Pipe, with cautions and instructions for its use, when containing a mixed atmosphere of Explosive Gases. Manufactured and sold by J. Newman
—>  "Description of a new Register Thermometer, without any Index; the principle being applicable to the most delicate Mercurial Thermometer"
—>  Description of a New Transit Instrument improved by Sir H. C. Englefield, Bart, F.R.S., F.S.A., etc. etc. etc. and Made and Sold by Thomas Jones, Astronomical and Mathematical Instrument Maker, etc., no. 21, Oxendon-Street
—>  Description of a new-improved Pocket Compound Microscope : 2 entries
—>  Description of a Planetarium or Astronomical Machine, which exhibits the most remarkable Phaenomena, Motions, and Revolutions, of the Universe
—>  "Description of a Planisphere" : 2 entries
—>  Description of a Planispheric Astrolabe, constructed for Shah Sultan Husain Safawi, King of Persia, and now preserved in the British Museum; comprising an Account of the Astrolabe generally, with notes illustrative and explanatory: to which are added, con
—>  Description of a Pocket Microscope, with the Apparatus Thereto belonging: adapted for viewing both Opake and Transparent Objects. And likewise of the Part called the Solar Apparatus
—>  "Description of a Pocket-Dial made for Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex In 1593"
—>  Description of a view of the city of New York now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square, painted by the proprietor Robert Burford, from drawings taken by him in the autumn of 1832
—>  "Description of an Arabic Quadrant"
—>  "Description of an Astrolabe of Brass made by Georgius Hartman Naremberge, MDXXXVII"
—>  "Description of an Astrological Clock belonging to the Society of Antiquaries"
—>  Description of an Engine for dividing Mathematical Instruments
—>  Description of an Engine for Dividing Strait Lines on Mathematical Instruments : 2 entries
—>  Description of an Improved Achromatic Microscope ...
—>  Description of an Improved Achromatic Microscope, with an explanation of the apparatus, Table of Powers, etc. etc.
—>  Description of an Improved Air-Pump, and an Account of Some Experiments Made with it, by which its Superiority above all other Air-Pumps is Demonstrated : 2 entries
—>  Description of an Improved Air-Pump, applicable to Philosophical and Manufacturing Purposes
—>  Description of an improved Compound Microscope
—>  "Description of an Improved Hygrometer"
—>  "Description of an Instrument combining in one a Maximum and Minimum Mercurial Thermometer, invented by Mr James Hicks"
—>  Description of an instrument for describing ellipses
—>  "Description of an Observatory erected at Starfield, near Liverpool" : 2 entries
—>  Description of an Ophthalmoscope for the investigation of the retina of the living eye

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