
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  "Correspondence respecting the Liverpool Observatory between Mr ---- ---- and the Rev. R. Sheepshanks"
—>  Correspondence upon Dr Carpenter's Asserted Refutation of Mr. Crookes's experimental proof of the existence of a hitherto undetected force
—>  Cosmic machinery in an electro-magnetic universe
—>  Cosmic Rays and the Origin of Species
—>  Cosmical Electro-Dynamics
—>  Cosmografia de un Judio Romano del Siglo XVII
—>  Cosmographiae Introductio: cum quibusdam Gaeometriae ac Astronomiae principiis ad eam rem necessariis
—>  Cosmographiae Introdvctio: cum quibusdam Geometriae ac Astronomiae principiis ad eam rem necessariis
—>  Cosmographica in Astronomiam et Geographiam Isagoge
—>  Cosmographicae Aliquot Descriptiones
—>  Cosmographicus Cosmographia
—>  "Cosmologia e cartografia [la cartografia occidentale]"
—>  Cosmological Theory
—>  "Cosmology After Einstein"
—>  Cosmos : an illustrated history of astronomy and cosmology
—>  Cosmos: a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe
—>  Costruzioni geometrihe dell' orologio solare sopra un piano qualungue di Giovanni Astolfi : 2 entries
—>  "Couleurs des Globes filants observes a Paris de 1841 a 1853, avec l'indication des trainees, des fragments, etc., diversement colorees observes tant en Chine qu'en Angleterre"
—>  Coulson's Treatise on his newly-invented Engineers' and Mechanics' Slide Rule; with a description of the lines upon that instrument, and its application ...
—>  "Count Algarotti on the Camera Obscura"
—>  "Country House Camera"
—>  "County Maps as Playing Cards"
—>  Coup d'Oeil Geognostique sur le Nord de l'Europe en General, et Particulierement de la Russie
—>  "Coup d'oeil historique sur la projection des cartes de geographie"
—>  Cours d'Astronomie a l'usage des etudiants des faculties des Sciences
—>  Cours de Chymie contenant la maniere de faire les Operations qui sont en usage dans la Medecine, par une Methode facile. Avec des raisonnemens sur chaque Operation pour l'instruction de ceux qui veulent s'appliquer a cette Science
—>  Cours de Physique de l'Ecole Polytechnique
—>  Cours d'Operations de Chirurgie demontrees au Jardin Royal par M. Dionis
—>  Cours elementaire de chimie
—>  Cours Elementaire de Mecanique Appliquee
—>  Courting Disaster: Astrology at the English Court and University in the Later Middle Ages
—>  Cox's Condensed Catalogue of Chemical, Philosophical, Optical, and Mathematical Instruments, Apparatus, etc.
—>  Craftsmanship and science : (Presidential address to the British association, September 5, 1928)
—>  Crania AEgyptiaca; or, Observations on Egyptian Ethnography, derived from Anatomy, History and the Monuments
—>  Creative Camera: Salford 80
—>  Creative Sunprinting: Early Photographic Printing Processes Rediscovered
—>  Crickmay's Tables for Time, Speed and Distance
—>  Crisimerologion, seu Dierum Crisiorum ratio. Ad amplissimum medicorum Parisiensium ordinem
—>  "Crisis or Complacency? The Precision Instrument Industry in Britain and France, 1900-1920"
—>  Cristalli e Gemme: Realta Fisica e Immaginario Simbologia Tecniche e Arte
—>  Critical Microscopy: How to get the best out of the microscope
—>  Critical Problems in the History of Science
—>  "Critical Review - the Sensitized Vaccine of Besredka"
—>  Cronologia, Cronografia e Calendario perpetuo: Dal principio dell'era cristiana ai nostri giorni
—>  "Cross-currents in Astronomy and Navigation: Thomas Hornsby, FRS (1733-1810)"
—>  "Cross-dating of Biblical History via Singular Astronomical and Geophysical Events over the Ancient Near East"
—>  Crown & Rose Cast Pewter Tankards
—>  "Cruise of the 'Zara', R. Y. S., in the Mediterranean"
—>  Crustacea
—>  Crystal Sets and the Brookman's Park Transmitter

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