
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Automata Old and New : 3 entries
—>  Automata: A Historical and Technological Study
—>  "Automatic Dividing Machine by Anyos Jedlik"
—>  "Automation Relieves the Eddystone Keeper"
—>  Avant, Avec, Apres Copernic: La Representation de l'Univers et ses Consequences Epistemologiques
—>  "Avebury (1): A New Assessment of the Geometry and Metrology of the Ring"
—>  "Avebury (2): The West Kennet Avenue"
—>  Aventures et Combats des trois Belle Poule
—>  Avertissement aux Astronomes sur l'Eclipse Annulaire du Soleil que l'on attend le 25 juillet 1748
—>  Avicenna : scientist & philosopher : a millenary symposium
—>  "Avicenna Explains Why Stars are Visible at Night and Not During the Day"
—>  "Avicenna latinus"
—>  "Avicenna Schrift uber ein von ihm ersonnenes Beobachtungsinstrument"
—>  Avicennae Arabum medicorum principis. : Ex Gerardi Cremonensis versione, & Andreae Alpagi Belunensis castigatione. / A Joanne Costeo, & Joanne Paulo Mongio annotationibus jampridem illustratus. ; Nunc vero ab eodem Costaeo recognitus, & novis alicubi obse
—>  Avicenne
—>  Avis contenant les vrais moyens de regler les montres
—>  Avriferae Artis, Qvam Chemiam Vocant, Volvmen Secundum. Qvod Continet Morieni Romani scripta de Re Metallica, atque de Occultae summaque antiquorum Medicina, cum alijs authoribus, quos versa pagina indicat
—>  Ayscough's Universal Microscope
—>  B.S.L.P. 60: A Progress Report, December 1973
—>  B.T.L. "Bara" Electrically-Heated Standard and Cool Incubators: Instructions for Use
—>  B.T.L. 'Baracop' Stills: Instructions for Operating
—>  Babylonian Horoscopes
—>  Bacon
—>  Bacon, Gilbert and Harvey
—>  Baculum Familiare Catholicon sive Generale A Booke of the making and use of a Staffe, newly invented by the Author, called the Familiar Staffe
—>  Baculum Geodaetium, sive viaticum, or, The Geodeticall Staffe
—>  Bagliori nel vuoto: dall'uovo elettrico ai raggi X: un percorso tra elettricita e pneumatica dal Seicento a oggi
—>  "Bahnbestimmung des ersten Kometen 1857"
—>  Bahnbestimmung des Kometen III 1846, fur die Wiedererscheinung in den Jahren 1851 und 1857, mit Rucksicht auf die Storungen der Planeten
—>  Bailey's Text-book of Histology: Revised and Rewritten
—>  Balances & weights [The Whipple Museum of the History of Science catalogue 2]
—>  Balances and Weights [cover title] : 2 entries
—>  Balances and weights [The Whipple Museum of the History of Science catalogue 2]
—>  "Balinus"
—>  "Ballistics and the Graphic Method"
—>  Ballistics in the Seventeenth Century: A Study in the relations of Science and War with reference principally to England
—>  Balloons and Ballooning
—>  Balloons and Ships
—>  "Balthazar Knie, a provincial barometer maker"
—>  Barographs
—>  Barometer Makers and Retailers 1660-1900
—>  Barometer Manual
—>  Barometers : 4 entries
—>  Barometers in Beeld : 2 entries
—>  "Barometers"
—>  Barometers: Aneroid and Barographs
—>  Barometers: Stick or Cistern Tube
—>  Barometers: Wheel or Banjo
—>  Barometres
—>  Baroscopologia, or, A Discourse of the Baroscope or Quicksilver Weather-Glass

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