
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  "Alchemy and Early Chemistry"
—>  "Alchemy and English Literature"
—>  "Alchemy and its connection with Astrology, Pharmacy, Magic and Metallurgy"
—>  "Alchemy and its Three Theories of the Origin of Metals"
—>  "Alchemy and Literature"
—>  "Alchemy and Medicine" : 2 entries
—>  Alchemy and Other Chemical Achievements of the Ancient Orient: The Civilization of Japan and China in Early Times as Seen from the Chemical Point of View
—>  "Alchemy and the World of Science: An Intellectual Biography of Frank Sherwood Taylor"
—>  "Alchemy During the First Half of the Sixteenth Century"
—>  "Alchemy in China"
—>  "Alchemy in Scotland"
—>  "Alchemy in the Light of its names in Arabic, Sanskrit and Greek"
—>  "Alchemy in the light of Jung's Psychology and of Dualism"
—>  "Alchemy, a child of Chinese Dualism as illustrated by its Symbolism"
—>  Alchemy: A Bibliography of English-Language Writings
—>  Alchemy: Ancient and Modern: Being a brief account of the Alchemistic Doctrines, and their relations, to mysticism on the one hand, and to recent discoveries in Physical Science on the other hand; together with some particulars regarding the lives and tea
—>  "Alchemy: Jung and the Historians of Science"
—>  Alchemy: The Great Work
—>  Alchemy: The Secret Art
—>  Alchemy: The story of the fascination of gold and the attempts of chemists, mystics, and charlatans to find the Philosophers' Stone
—>  Alchimie
—>  "'Alchimie' - Passage 44, Brussels, 19 December 1984 - 18 March 1985"
—>  Alcohol and the Human Body. An Introduction to the Study of the Subject
—>  Alcohol tables : giving for all specific gravities, from 1.0000 to 0.7938, the percentages of absolute alcohol, by weight and volume, and of proof spirit
—>  Alcune Royale Pratiche per traceriare gli Orologi solari
—>  "Alcune Versioni Latine Indirette degli "Elementi" di Euclide"
—>  Alcuni Strumenti del Liceo Machiavelli di Lucca
—>  Aldis Anastigmats
—>  "Aldre Vetenskapliga Instrument pa Skokloster"
—>  Aleph: Historical Studies in Science & Judaism
—>  Alessandro Volta and the electric battery
—>  "Alex Volta - to mark the centenary of his death"
—>  Alexander Bain's Short History of the Electric Clock
—>  "Alexander Csoma"
—>  Alexander Herschel: The "Meteor Man": 1836-1907
—>  Alexander Lindsay: A Rutter of the Scottish Seas Circa 1540
—>  Alexander Lindsay's Rutter of the Scottish Seas, circa 1540
—>  "Alexander Thom"
—>  "Alexander Tilloch"
—>  "Alexander von Humboldt und die Einheit der Wissenschaft"
—>  Alexander von Humboldt und Frankfurt am Main
—>  Alexander von Humboldt, Erschliesser einer neuen Welt
—>  Alexikepus seu auxiliaris et medicus hortus, rerum variarum, et secretorum remediorum accessione locupletatus
—>  "Alexius Sylvius Polonus (1593-ca.1653), a little-known Maker of Astronomical Instruments"
—>  Alfred - The first continental flagship 1775-1778
—>  "Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947)"
—>  Algebraical Problems, producing Simple and Quadratic Equations, with Their solutions. Designed as an Introduction to the Higher Branches of Analytics
—>  Algebre et logique d'apres les textes originaux de G. Boole et W.S. Jevons aved les plans de la machine logique
—>  Algemain verstandliche Anleitung zur Anfertigung aller Arten von Sonnenuhren
—>  Algemeene Manier Tot de Practijck-Oeffeningh der Sonne-Wijsers; Uytd' onfeylbare Gronden derselve Wetenschafs, kort en klaerlijck voorgestelt, etc.

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