
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Account of the Life and Writings of Robert Simson, MD. Late Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow
—>  Account of the Observations and Calculations of the Principal Triangulation
—>  "Account of the Relative Situations of the Different Stars, by which the Principal Constellations may be Distinguished" : 2 entries
—>  Account of the Relative Situations of the Different Stars, by which the Principal Constellations may be Distinguished
—>  Account of the Siamese Twin Brothers
—>  Account of the Siamese Twin Brothers, from Actual Observations. Together with Full Length Portraits, the only correct ones, permitted to be taken by their Protectors
—>  Account of the Skeleton of the Mammoth, a non-descript Carnivorous Animal of Immense Size, found in America
—>  Account of the Skerryvore lighthouse, with notes on the illumination of lighthouses
—>  Account of the 'Traite sur le Flux et Reflux de la Mer' of Daniel Bernoulli, and a Treatise on the Attraction of Ellipsoids
—>  Account of the Westminster New Lying-in Hospital
—>  "Accuracy in early workshop practice"
—>  "Accuracy of Pre-Modern Determinations of Tropical Year Length"
—>  Acerca de recente devolucao a Portugal, pelo Brasil, de manuscritos da Sociedade Real Maritima, Militar e Geografica (1793-1807)
—>  "Achromatische Microscopen"
—>  Acid-Butyrometrie oder Universal-Fettbestimmungs-Methode fur Wilch und Wilchprodukte etc. in Verbindung mit Kreifel-Centrifugen
—>  Ackermann's Photogenic Drawing Apparatus : 2 entries
—>  "Acoustics as they Affect the Musician"
—>  "Acquired Allergic Coryzal reaction to Quinine but not to Quinidine or Quitenine"
—>  "Acrostics, Anagrams, and Chaucer"
—>  Acta Eruditorum publicata Lipsiae Calendis Aprilis Anno MDCLXXXV. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum. Tom. I. Quorum Ingulphus nunc primum integer, caeteri nunc primum prodeunt
—>  Acta geologica Polonica
—>  Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium Necnon Technicarum
—>  Acta Octavi Conventus Historiae Scientiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque Excolendae Bergis supra Zomam Idibus Aprilibus a.d. sextum decimum et quintum decimum Kalendas Maias MCMLXXVII Pars Altera
—>  Acta Octavi Conventus Historiae Scientiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque Excolendae Bergis supra Zomam Idibus Aprilibus a.d. sextum decimum et quintum decimum Kalendas Maias MCMLXXVII Pars Prima
—>  Acta Septimi Conventus Historiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque excolendae Gandavi a.d. quartum-tertium-, duodecimum Kalendas Novembres MCMLXXIII
—>  Acta Sexti Conventus Historiae Scientiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque Excolendae in Urbe cui Nomen Luxemburg a. d. quintum decimum et quartum decimun Kalendas Novembres MCMLXX
—>  Actes du dixieme Congres international d'Histoire des Sciences, Ithaca, 1962
—>  Actes du Ve Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Lausanne (30 Septembre - 6 Octobre 1947)
—>  Actes du VIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Amsterdam (14-21 Aout 1950)
—>  Actes du VIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Jerusalem (4-12 Aout 1953)
—>  Actes du VIIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Florence-Milan (3-9 Septembre 1956)
—>  Actes du XIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Varsovie-Cracovie 24-31 Aout 1965
—>  Actorum Laboratorii Chemici in Academia Julia
—>  Acupuncture Anaesthesia
—>  Ad Iacobi Lansbergii Doctoris Medici, Apologiam pro Telluris motu
—>  Ad Radices
—>  Ad Virum CL.I.F.W.P.M.W. De Luce Barometrorum ut et aliis Connexis Argumentis Epistola qua in simul Peculiaria quaedam Experimenta Novaeque Phoenomenon hoc Producendi Methodi Traduntur
—>  "Adam Aigenler's Field Manual"
—>  "Adam Riese der deutsche Rechenmeister"
—>  Adams of Fleet Street: Instrument Makers to King George III
—>  "Adatok a Czapa-Embriok Elattanahoz"
—>  "Addenda to A Bibliography of The Honourable Robert Boyle"
—>  Addenda to the Aedes Hartwellianae
—>  Addendum to "Poverties and Triumphs of the Chinese Scientific Tradition"
—>  'Additional Scholarships for the Encouragement of the Study of Natural Science'
—>  Additions to the Dictionary of chemistry
—>  Address : 2 entries
—>  Address and Regulations of the Astronomical Society of London: Established February 8, 1820. To which is subjoined the Report of the Council to the First Annual General Meeting, Held February 9, 1821
—>  Address by Sir Henry E. Roscoe, President, to the British Association for the Advancement of Science

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