
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Investigation of the Objective and Micrometers of the Twenty-six Inch Equatorial constructed by Alvan Clark & Sons
—>  Investigation of War Wounds. Penicillin
—>  Investigation of War Wounds: Penicillin: A Preliminary Report to The War Office and The Medical Research Council on Investigat-concerning The Use of Penicillin in War Wounds
—>  Investing in Clocks and Watches
—>  Invitatio ad Commercium Litterarium in Rei Astronomicae Incrementum Communio Consilio Instituendum una cum eiusdem Specimine Commercii
—>  Ioannis Antonii Scopoli Med. Doct. S.C.R. ... Entomologia Carniolica exhibens insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates : methodo Linnaeana
—>  Ioannis Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, Perspectivae Communis Libri Tres. Iam postremo correcti ac figuris illustrati
—>  Ioannis Quirini De testaceis fossilibus Musaei Septalliani et Iacobi Grandii De veritate diluuij vniuersalis & testaceorum, quae procul a mari reperiuntur generatione. Epistolae.
—>  Ioannis Tritemii Abbatis Spanheymeneis de septem secundeis…….
—>  Ioannis Trithemii Abbatis Spanheimensis epistolarum familiarum libri duo ad diversos Germaniae principes, episcopos, ac eruditione praestantes viros ...
—>  Ion Exchange Resins
—>  Irascible Genius: a Life of Charles Babbage, Inventor
—>  Irish National Inventory of Historic Scientific Instruments: Interim Report 1989
—>  Irish National Inventory of Historic Scientific Instruments
—>  Iron and Steel on the European Market in the 17th Century: A Contemporary Swedish Account of Production Forms and Marketing
—>  "Iron in Homer"
—>  Iron in the Making: Dowlais Iron Company Letters 1782-1860
—>  Ironwork: Part I. From the Earliest Times to the End of the Mediaeval Period
—>  Ironwork: Part II Being a Continuation of the First Handbook, and Comprising from the Close of the Mediaeval Period to the End of the Eighteenth Century, Excluding English Work
—>  "Irreversibility by Inequality Constraints I: On Fourier's Inequality", "... Part II: The Second Law of Thermodynamics", and "... Part III: Towards Mathematical Programming"
—>  "Is Science Compatible with Christian Belief?"
—>  Is the Progress of Science Controlled by the Material Wants of Man?
—>  Is this a Recorde?
—>  Isaac Barrow's Optical Lectures, 1667 (Lectiones xviii)
—>  Isaac Johnson of Woodbridge 1754-1835
—>  Isaac Newton
—>  Isaac Newton and Astrology
—>  "Isaac Newton, the Motion of the Lunar Apogee, and the Establishment of the Inverse Square Law"
—>  Isaac Newton: Eighteenth-century Perspectives.
—>  "Isaac Newton: Photographic study"
—>  "Isaac Roberdeau (1763-1829)… Civil Engineer and Surveyor"
—>  Isaac Roberts 1829-1904
—>  Isaaci Newtoni Opera quae exstant omnia
—>  ISASC Bibliography
—>  Isidore de Seville et la culture classique dans l'Espagne wisigothique
—>  Isis : 2 entries
—>  Isis Cumulative Bibliography: A Bibliography of the History of Science formed from Isis Critical Bibliographies 1-90, 1913-65.
—>  Islamic Arts
—>  Islamic Astrolabists and their works
—>  'Islamic Astrolabists: some new material' : 2 entries
—>  Islamic Astronomical Instruments
—>  "Islamic Astronomy"
—>  Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth Century Divinatory Device
—>  Islamic Mathematical Astronomy
—>  Islamic Science and Engineering
—>  Islamic Science and Learning
—>  "Islamic Science and Medicine"
—>  Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study
—>  Islamicate Celestial Globes: Their History, Construction, and Use : 2 entries
—>  Islamische Masse und Gewichte
—>  "Isomeric Acetaldehydephenylhydrazones" : 2 entries
—>  Isotopes
—>  Ist die babylonische Mathematik sumerisch oder akkadisch?
—>  Istanbul Deniz Muzesi
—>  Istanbul Umumi Kutuphaneleri Yazmalari Sergisi
—>  Istoriia i kultura drevnei Indii (k XXVI Mezhdunarodnomu kongressu vostokovedov) = History and Culture of Ancient India (for the XXVI International Congress of Orientalists)
—>  Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniia
—>  Istoriya Akademii Nauk SSSR
—>  Istoriya estestvoznaniya v Rosii
—>  Istoriya kalendarya i ego Predstoyshchaya reforma
—>  Istoriya matematiki v Rossii do 1917 goda
—>  Istoriya Mikroskopa i Mikroskopiueskikh Issledovanii v Rossii
—>  Istoriya Techniki
—>  Istrumenti de chimica : un laboratorio del XIX secolo
—>  "Istvan Krusper Designer of Geodetical Instruments. (Krusper Istvan a geodeziai muszertervezo.)"
—>  Italian Illuminated Manuscripts from 1400 to 1550: Catalogue of an Exhibition held in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1948.
—>  "Italian Military Engineers in Britain in the 1540s"
—>  "Italy the Cradle of Science: An Exhibition of Many Inventions, at Florence"
—>  Iter Boreale Ad ipsius patrem Gulielmum Masterum, cotiae in Argo Glocestrensi Pastorem.
—>  It's About Time
—>  It's like this ... 500 years of pictures for science
—>  "Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov" : 2 entries
—>  "Ivory Anatomical Manikins"
—>  Ivory Diptych Sundials 1570-1750
—>  Ivory telescopes : perspicillum : anno 1608-1720
—>  Iz istorii anglo-russkikh nauchnykh svyazei
—>  Iz Istorii Epokhi Ulugbeka
—>  Iz Istorii Estestvoznanija i Tekniki Pribaltiki
—>  "Iz Istorii Mongol"skoi Astroiomii" = "From the History of Mongolian Astronomy"
—>  Iz istorii nauki i tekhniki v stranakh Vostoka: sbornik statei
—>  "Izzuddin B. Muhammed al-Vefai'nin "Ekvator Halkasi" adli makalesi ve torquetum ("Equatorial Armilla" of Iz al-Din B. Muhammad al-Wafai and Torquetum)"
—>  "J. A. Douglas"
—>  J. B. S: The Life and Work of J. B. S. Haldane
—>  "J. B. VanHelmont, De Tempore, and Biological Time"
—>  "J. E. Gray, Charles Darwin, and the Cirripedes, 1846-1851"
—>  "J. F. Campbell, 1822-85, and his Refracting Quadrant" : 2 entries
—>  "J. F. Daniell and the Boscovichean atom"
—>  J. H. Steward's Catalogue of Field, Race, Marine, Opera Glasses, Rifle, Tourist, Military, Naval and Astronomical Telescopes
—>  J. H. Steward's New Catalogue of Optical and Surveying, Mathematical and Meteorological Instruments, Magic and Dissolving View Lanterns, The Bridgman Triple Lantern, Slides, etc., etc.
—>  "J. J. Thomson" : 2 entries
—>  J. Kirk, engraver
—>  J. L. Heiberg 1854-1928 (a bibliography)
—>  "J. S. Haldane and Industrial Medicine"
—>  "J. S. Haldane's Contributions to Applied Physiology in the Armed Forces, with Special Reference to Diving"
—>  "J. Wallis Opera Mathematica"
—>  J.C. Bose Speaks
—>  "J.T. Norman - Microscopical Mounter"
—>  "Jabez Hogg Daguerreotype"
—>  "Jabir - the Shaik who Introduced Europe to Alchemy"
—>  "Jabir ibn Hayyan"
—>  Jabir ibn Hayyan. Essai sur l'Histoire des Idees Scientifiques dans l'Islam
—>  Jabir Ibn Hayyan: Contribution a L'Histoire des Idees Scientifiques dans l'Islam
—>  Jack Billmeir: Merchant Shipowner
—>  Jackson & Townson's Illustrated List of Chemical Apparatus, 89, Bishopsgate, Within, Opposite St. Helen's Place, London
—>  "Jacob Hermann and the Kinetic Theory"
—>  Jacobi Hollerii Stempani, Medici Parisiensis omnia Opera practica. Doctissimis eiusdem scholiis & observationibus illustrata: Deinde Lud. Dureti M. Regii ac Professoris ... & Antonii Valetii D. Medici ... Accessit etiam ad Calcem Libri ... Cum Indice reru
—>  Jacobi Rohaulti Physica. Latine vertit, recensuit, & adnotationibus ex illustrissimi Isaaci Newtoni philosophia maximam partem haustis, amplificavit & ornavit Samuel Clarke, S.T.P.
—>  "Jacob's Staff: A 17th-Century Picture"
—>  "Jacques Barthelemy Micheli du Crests Thermometer und seine Beziehungen zu Georg Friedrich Brander in Augsburg"
—>  Jacques Vaucanson, Mecanicien de Genie
—>  Jahangir - The Naturalist
—>  Jahres-Bericht uber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften Eingereicht an die schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften
—>  Jahreszeiten von hoherer Ordnung. Oder uber einen Gegenstand der physischen Geographie
—>  Jamblichus Chalcidensis, ex Coele-Syria, de Vita Pythagorica Liber, Graece & Latine: ex Codice MS. a quamplurimis mendis, quibus Editio Arceriana scatebat, purgatus, Notisque perpetuis illustratus a Ludolpho Kustero. Versionem Latinam, Graeco Textui adjun
—>  "James Blake 3rd (1688-1751) The Poetic Surveyor of Dorchester, Part 2"
—>  James Blake 3rd (1688-1751): The Poetic Surveyor of Dorchester, Part 1.
—>  "James Clerk Maxwell - demon of modern physics"
—>  James Clerk Maxwell and electromagnetism
—>  "James Clerk Maxwell"
—>  James Clerk Maxwell: A Commemoration Volume: 1831-1931
—>  "James Clerk Maxwell's Method"
—>  "James Ernest Marsh 1860-1938"
—>  'James Ferguson - Wheelwright of the Heavens'
—>  "James Ferguson's Lecture Tour of the English Midlands in 1771"
—>  'James Ferguson's Newspaper Advertisements 1742-1776'
—>  "James Ferguson's Tidal Clocks 1764-1770"
—>  "James Glaisher, the 1851 Exhibition, and the Microfilm Idea"
—>  James Gregory - Tercentenary Memorial Volume
—>  "James Gregory, John Collins, and some early Scientific Instruments"
—>  "James Joseph Sylvestre: Life and Work in Letters by Karen Hunger Parshall. Oxford (Clarendon). 1998. 337 pp. $98."
—>  James M. Wilson: an Autobiography 1836-1931
—>  James Millholland and Early Railroad Engineering
—>  "James Nasmyth: Astronomer of Fire"
—>  "James Parkinson (1755-1824)"
—>  "James Ramsden: (An 18th Century Halifax Inventor)"
—>  "James Sadler, of Oxford, Aeronaut, Chemist, Engineer and Inventor"
—>  'James Sadler, of Oxford: aeronaut, chemist, engineer and inventor'
—>  James Sadler: Oxford Engineer, Chemist and Aeronaut
—>  "James Sadler: Oxford Engineer, Chemist and Aeronaut" : 2 entries
—>  James Short and his Telescopes : 2 entries
—>  "James Short, M. A., F. R. S., optician solely for reflecting telescopes"
—>  "James Short: russkaya astronomiya XVIIIv"
—>  'James Six, F.R.S. - Two Hundred Years of the Six's Self-Registering Thermometer'
—>  "James Talman, brazier, weightmaker and shopkeeper?"
—>  James Watt - A Memory and a Motive for Technological Museums
—>  James Watt - Craftsman & Engineer
—>  James Watt and the Industrial Revolution
—>  James Watt and the separate condenser : an account of the invention
—>  James Watt and the Steam Revolution: A Documentary History
—>  "James Watt, Merchant: The Glasgow Years, 1754-1774"
—>  "James, Duke of York, F.R.S."
—>  Jan Brozek (1585-1652): Collegii Maioris Professor
—>  "Jan en Harmanus van Deijl. Een Optische Werkplaats in de 18e Eeuw"
—>  Jan Huygen van Linschoten
—>  "Jan Ingenhousz, Plant Physiologist. With a History of the Discovery of Photosynthesis"
—>  Jani Dubravii Episcopi Olomucensis De piscinis, libri V. : Accedunt ejusdem argumenti ex veterum recentiorumque scriptorum libris excerpta
—>  Japanese Clocks
—>  Japanese Netsuke in Oxford from the Ashmolean Museum Pitt Rivers Museum and the Museum of the History of Science
—>  Japanese Studies in the History of Science
—>  Japanese Technology Today
—>  "Japan's Encounter with Western Medical Science"
—>  Jason Schneider on Camera Collecting Book Three
—>  Jealott's Hill: Fifty Years of Agricultural Research 1928-1978
—>  Jean et Sebastien Cabot: Leur origine et leurs voyages: etude d'histoire critique suivie d'une cartographie, d'une bibliographie et d'une chronologie des voyages au nord-ouest de 1497 a 1550 d'apres des documents inedits
—>  "Jean Gimpel"
—>  Jean Picard et la mesure de la terre : astronomie et geodesie au 17e siecle
—>  Jean Picard et les Debuts de l'Astronomie de Precision au XVIIe Siecle
—>  "Jean Riolan jun. (1580-1657) im Streit mit Paul Marquart Schlegel (1605-1653) um die Blutbewegungslehre Harveys"
—>  Jean Vauquelin, Seigneur des Yveteaux (1651-1716): A XVIIth Century Alchemist
—>  Jehior or The day dawning or light of wisdom : containing the three principles or original of all things whereby are discovered the great and many mysteries of God, nature and the elements, hitherto hid, now revealed. To the Honour of God, the love of our
—>  "Jena 1836. Die 14. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte"
—>  Jena Review : 4 entries
—>  Jenaer Glass und seine verwendung in wissenschaft und technik
—>  Jenaer Rundschau
—>  Jens Olsen's clock : a technical description
—>  "Jenseits der Stratosphare"
—>  "Jeremiah Dixon (1733-1779) - A Biographical Note"
—>  Jeremiah Horrocks
—>  Jeremiah Horrocks and Much Hoole
—>  "Jeremiah Horrocks, the Transit of Venus, and the 'New Astronomy' in Early Seventeenth-Century England"
—>  "Jeremiah Horrox and William Crabtree, Observers of the Transit of Venus, 24 Nov., 1639"
—>  "Jeremy Shakerley (1626-1655?): Astronomy, Astrology and Patronage in Civil War Lancashire"
—>  "Jesuiten-Mathematiker in der deutschen Assistenz bis 1773"
—>  "Jesuiten-Mathematiker in der Franzosischen und Italienischen Assistenz bis 1762 bzw. 1773"
—>  "Jevons and Logic"
—>  'Jevons and the Mechanisation of Logic'
—>  [Jishingi binran, hidokei tsuki]
—>  Joachimi Jungii Lubecensis Doxoscopiae physicae minores, sive Isagoge physica doxoscopica. : In qua praecipuae opiniones in physica passim receptae breviter quidem, sed accuratissime examinantur
—>  "Joan Baptista van Helmont" : 2 entries
—>  Joan Blaeu and his Grand Atlas
—>  Joannes della Faille s.j.: Mathematics, Modesty and Missed Opportunities
—>  Joannis Beguini, chymici celeberrimi, tyrocinium chymicum
—>  Joannis Raii Synopsis methodica avium & piscium; : opus posthumum, quod vivus recensuit & perfecit ipse insignissimus author: in quo multas species, in ipsius Ornithologia & Ichthyologia desideratas, adjecit: methodumque suam piscium naturae magis conveni : 2 entries
—>  Joannis Raii Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum: tum indigenis, tum in agris cultis locis suis dispositis; additis generum characteristicis, specierum descriptionibus & virium epitome
—>  "Joel Baily of Chester County"
—>  Joh. Alphonsus Borellus Neapolit. Mathes. professor De vi percussionis, et motionibus naturalibus a gravitate pendentibus, sive Introductiones & illustrationes physico mathematicae apprime necessariae ad opus ejus intelligendum De motu animalium: una cum
—>  Joh. Keppleri Mathematici olim Imperatorii Somnium, sev Opus Posthumum de Astronomia Lunari. Divulgatum a M. Ludovico Kepplero Filio, Medicinae Candidato.
—>  Johan Carl Wilcke - Experimental-Fysiker
—>  "Johan Frederik Hennert, Wiskundige en Filosoof te Utrecht aan het Eind der Achttiende Eeuw"
—>  Johann Christian Senckenberg in seiner Zeit
—>  Johann Conrad Fischer, 1773-1854
—>  "Johann Daniel von Berthold: A Clerical Craftsman and his Universal Ring-Dial"
—>  Johann Engelbrechts Beschreibung einer universalen Horizontal-Sonnenuhr ...
—>  Johann Heinrich Madler: eine dokumentarische Biographie
—>  Johann Kepler und die Kunst
—>  "Johann Kepler, 1571-1630"
—>  Johann Kepler: Bibliography: Holdings in the State College Library, San Diego
—>  "Johann Peter Frank and His "System einer Vollstandigen Medicinischen Polizey""
—>  "Johann Philipp Treffler - Clockmaker of Augsburg"
—>  "Johann Wolfgang Gelb of Ulm, 17th Century Lock and Instrument Maker"
—>  "Johannes Banfi Hunyades 1576-1650"
—>  "Johannes Banfi Hunyades: A Supplementary Note"
—>  Johannes de Mirfeld of St Bartholomew's, Smithfield: His Life and Works
—>  "Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687) - Astronomer of Polish Kings"
—>  "Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630"
—>  "Johannes Kepler, zur 400. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages"
—>  Johannes Kepler: Dokumente zu Leben und Werk
—>  "Johannes Knibb Oxoniae Fecit: The Country Lad Who Became Mayor of Oxford"
—>  Johannes Muller der grosse rheinische Physiologe
—>  John A. Brashear : the autobiography of a man who loved the stars
—>  "John and Edward Troughton, Mathematical Instrument Makers"
—>  John and Jonathan Cuthbertson: The Invention and Development of the Eighteenth Century Plate Electrical Machine
—>  "John and Jonathan Cuthbertson: The Invention and Development of the 18th Century Plate Electrical Machine"
—>  John Arnold & Son, Chronometer Makers: 1762-1843
—>  John Aubrey and his Friends
—>  John Aubrey and the advancement of learning
—>  John Aubrey and the Realm of Learning
—>  John Baird : the romance and tragedy of the pioneer of television
—>  "John Benjamin Dancer 1812-1887: A Perspective"
—>  "John Benjamin Dancer, 1812-1887"
—>  "John Benjamin Dancer, F.R.A.S., 1812-1887, An Autobiographical sketch, with some letters"
—>  John Benjamin Dancer, instrument maker, optician, and the originator of microphotography
—>  "John Benjamin Dancer, Originator of Microphotography"
—>  John Benjamin Dancer: An Annotated Bibliography
—>  John Browning's Priced List of Microscopes
—>  John Browning's Priced List of Spectroscopes
—>  John Cary, Engraver, Map, Chart and Print Seller, and Globe Maker, 1754 to 1835
—>  "John Churchman and his Magentic Atlas, Part Two"
—>  "John Churchman and his Magnetic Atlas Part One"
—>  "John Collins on Newton's Telescope"
—>  "John Copp (1673-1751) Surveyor and Colonial John of all Trades"
—>  John Dalton 1766-1844: A Bibliography of Works By and About Him
—>  John Dalton and the Atom
—>  John Dalton and the Progress of Science
—>  John Dalton and the Rise of Modern Chemistry
—>  "John Dalton in London"
—>  "John Dalton, 1766-1844"
—>  "John Dalton, F. R. S. (1766-1844) and the Atomic Theory - A lecture to commemorate his bicentenary"
—>  "John Dee (13 July 1527-26 March 1609)"
—>  John Dee (1527-1608)
—>  'John Dee studied as an English Neoplatonist'
—>  "John Dee, scienziato, negromante e avventuriero"
—>  John Dee, The World of an Elizabethan Magus
—>  John Dee: Scientist, Geographer, Astrologer and Secret Agent to Elizabeth I
—>  John Dee's Natural Philosophy: Between Science and Religion
—>  "John Dillwyn Llewelyn: Instantaneity and Transience"
—>  "John Dillwyn-Llewelyn: The First Photographer in Wales"
—>  John Dollond Memorial Lecture
—>  John Ericsson and the Age of Caloric
—>  John Evelyn in Naples 1645
—>  "John Francis Vigani, First Professor of Chemistry in the University of Cambridge (1703-12), and his Materia Medica Cabinet in the Library of Queen's College"
—>  John Freind : physician, chemist, Jacobite, and friend of Voltaire's
—>  "John George Children, F.R.S. (1777-1852) of the British Museum. Mineralogist and reluctant Keeper of Zoology" : 2 entries
—>  John Grundy of Spalding Engineer, 1719-1783: His Life and Times
—>  "John H. Eddy New York State Geographer"
—>  "John Harrison and his Timekeepers"
—>  John Harrison, Copley Medallist, and the £20,000 Longitude Prize
—>  "John Harrison: a study of his early work"
—>  John Harrison: the Man who found Longitude
—>  John Herschel 1792-1871: A Bicentennial Commemoration
—>  John Hopkinson: Electrical Engineer
—>  "John Hughes Bennett: A Catalogue of Some Surviving Artefacts"
—>  John Hunter
—>  John Hunter: A Martyr to Science
—>  "John Ismay: His Origins and Ancestry"
—>  "John Joly; Brilliant Polymath"
—>  John Joseph Merlin: The Ingenious Mechanick
—>  John Kalabergo of Banbury
—>  John Kepler
—>  "John Lee, Esq., Q.C., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., etc., etc."
—>  "John Leland, circa 1506-52"
—>  "John Locke a Montpellier: Notes medicales tirees de son journal (1676-1678)"
—>  "John Locke as a Medical Practitioner" : 2 entries
—>  "John Louis Emil Dreyer (1852-1926)"
—>  "John Mayall, Jr and W. H. Dallinger: Nineteenth Century Microscope Collectors and Critical Microscopists"
—>  "John Mayow and his Contemporaries"
—>  "John Mayow In contemporary Setting: A Contribution to the History of Respiration and Combustion"
—>  "John Mayow, 1641-79"
—>  "John Mesue and his Work"
—>  John Milne: Father of Modern Seismology
—>  John of Gaddesden and the "Rosa Medicinae"
—>  "John Peate"
—>  John Pell's English Edition of J.H. Rahn's Teutsche Algebra
—>  John Percy FRS 1817-1889
—>  John Phillips and the Business of Victorian Science
—>  "John Phillips and the Early Meetings of the British Association"
—>  "John Phillips, 'Geologist-Astronomer', and the Origins of the Oxford University Observatory, 1853-1875"
—>  "John Phillips: Surveyor and Writer on Canals"
—>  "John Prince and Early American Scientific Instrument Making"
—>  John Ray
—>  John Ray - Naturalist - His Life and Works
—>  John Ray (1627-1705) Essex Naturalist: A Summary of his Life, Work and Scientific Significance
—>  "John Ray (29 November, 1627-17 January, 1705)"
—>  "John Ray, F.R.S. (1627-1705)"
—>  John Richard Green and the Huxley-Wilberforce Debate
—>  "John Richard Green and the Huxley-Wilberforce Debate"
—>  John Robertson, Engineer, Designer of the Comet's Engine
—>  John Rogers: Tudor Military Engineer
—>  'John Rose'
—>  John Russell R. A.
—>  "John Russell, R. A., and Early Lunar Mapping" : 4 entries
—>  "John Scott Haldane 1860-1936"
—>  "John Scott Haldane"
—>  John Seller's (1705) Practical Navigation
—>  John Smeaton, FRS
—>  John Theophilus Desaguliers: An Important Early Lecturer in Experimental Philosophy
—>  "John Thomson (1837-1921)"
—>  "John Tradescant (1608-1662) and the Ashmolean"
—>  "John Tradescant"
—>  "John Tradescant, Senior" : 2 entries
—>  "John Tradescent's Russian Abacus"
—>  "John Vogler 1783-1881 Silversmith of Old Salem"
—>  "John von Neumann, der Begrunder der Software-Industrie"
—>  "John Wallis' 'Treatise of Angular Sections' and Thabit ibn Qurra's Generalization of the Pythagorean Theorem"
—>  "John Walter Ryde 1898-1961"
—>  "John was a humble Hull watchmaker. But he has probably achieved more for civilisation than anyone in 500 years"
—>  "John Watts 1843-1933"
—>  John Wesley and his Electrical Machine
—>  John Whitehurst of Derby : clockmaker & scientist, 1713-88
—>  "John Wilkins and the 'New Science' in Seventeenth-Century Wadham"
—>  "John Woodward and a Surviving British Geological Collection from the Early Eighteenth Century"
—>  John Wyatt, master carpenter & inventor, A.D. 1700-1766
—>  "John Wyke of Liverpool: "A man of Great Abilities, Industry and a Patroniser of the Arts""
—>  "John Yarwell or the story of a trade card"
—>  Johnson Symington 1851-1924
—>  Johnson's Improved Orrery
—>  Joint Scientific Papers of James Prescott Joule, ...
—>  Joint Symposium of the British Society for the History of Science and the National Maritime Museum Greenwich: Science Economics & Maritime Technology 1750-1850
—>  Jones's English System of Book-Keeping, by single or double entry, in which it is impossible for an error of the most trifling amount to be passed unnoticed; calculated effectually to prevent the evils attendant on the methods so long established; and ada
—>  "Jordanus de Nemore and the University of Toulouse"
—>  Jordanus de Nemore: Opera
—>  "Jordanus on the Astrolabe"
—>  "Jose de Arechavaleta y Balparda creador en el Uruguay de catedras y laboratorios"
—>  Joseph and Thomas Windmills : clock and watch makers, 1671-1737
—>  Joseph Black 1728-1799: A Commemorative Symposium
—>  Joseph Black: A Bibliography
—>  Joseph Bramah: A Century of Invention, 1749-1851
—>  Joseph Dalton Hooker, O.M., G.C.S.I., C.B., F.R.S., M.D., etc.
—>  Joseph Ehrenfried Hofmann (7 Marz 1900 - 7 Mai 1973)
—>  "Joseph Fischer's Ptolemy Reproduction"
—>  "Joseph Henry's Bills: 1832-1837-1844-1865"
—>  Joseph Lister 1827-1912
—>  "Joseph Needham - Organic Philosopher"
—>  "Joseph Needham on Chinese Astronomy"
—>  "Joseph Needham's Work in the Area of Chinese Mathematics"
—>  Joseph Plateau (1801-1883): Fysicus en kunstenaar
—>  Joseph Priestley - Man of many parts
—>  "Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) Chemist"
—>  Joseph Priestley : adventurer in science and champion of truth
—>  Joseph Priestley 1733-1804 : 3 entries
—>  Joseph Priestley 1733-1804 Scientist, Teacher and Theologian
—>  Joseph Priestley and his place in the History of Science
—>  "Joseph Priestley and the Birmingham Riots"
—>  "Joseph Priestley and the Copley Medal"
—>  Joseph Priestley and the discovery of oxygen
—>  "Joseph Priestley as an Historian of Science, with Some Account of His Philosophical Apparatus Existing at the Present Time"
—>  Joseph Priestley Bicentenary: Samuel Pepys Tercentenary
—>  Joseph Priestley in Birmingham
—>  "Joseph Priestley, Natural Philosopher"
—>  Joseph Priestley, Radical Thinker: a Catalogue to Accompany the Exhibit at the Chemical Heritage Foundation Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Death of Joseph Priestley, 23 August 2004 to 29 July 2005
—>  Joseph Priestley: An illustrated life of Joseph Priestley 1733-1804
—>  Joseph Priestley: Enlightened Chemist
—>  Joseph Priestley: Man of Science 1733-1804: An Iconography of a Great Yorkshireman
—>  Joseph Saxton and his contributions to the medal ruling and photographic arts
—>  "Joseph v. Fraunhofer and his Role in Optical Precision Instrument Manufacture"
—>  Joseph von Fraunhofer 1787-1826: Ausstellung zum 150. Todestag
—>  Joseph von Fraunhofer und die Glashutte in Benediktbeuern
—>  Joseph von Fraunhofer: Handwerker, Forscher, Akademiemitglied - 1787-1826
—>  "Joshua Fisher (1621-1672) Colonial Innkeeper and Surveyor, Part 2"
—>  "Joshua Fisher (1621-1672) Colonial Innkeeper and Surveyor, Part1"
—>  "Joshua Fry of Virginia: Scholar, Surveyor, Soldier Part 1"
—>  "Joshua Fry of Virginia: Scholar, Surveyor, Soldier. Part 2"
—>  Josiah Wedgwood F.R.S. - His Personal History
—>  Josiah Wedgwood: 'the Arts and Sciences United'
—>  Jost Burgi: New light on the work of a Swiss watchmaking genius "The Second Archimedes" 1552-1632
—>  Josten and Jung: The Lure of Alchemy
—>  "Joule's Scientific Outlook"
—>  Journal & Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
—>  Journal de Micrographie
—>  Journal des observations meteorologiques
—>  "Journal des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Metz, en 1841 et 1842"
—>  Journal des Observations meteorologiques. 1843
—>  Journal des observations meteorologiques. 1844
—>  Journal d'exposition La Terre et Le Temps du 25 janvier au 12 mars 1995
—>  Journal d'un Chirurgien de la Grande Armee (L.-V. Lagneau) 1803-1815
—>  Journal of a Tour made in the years 1828-1829, through Styria, Carniola, and Italy, whilst accompanying the Late Sir Humphry Davy
—>  Journal of a Tour through the United States, and in Canada, made during the years 1837-38
—>  Journal of Microscopy
—>  Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science
—>  Journal of Observations made for Ascertaining the Time of the Place, in the Observatory, which was erected at Helgoland for that Purpose
—>  Journal of Sectional Transactions
—>  Journal of the Antique Telescope Society
—>  Journal of the Antique Telescope Society : special single-topic double issue on the early career of Alvan Clark
—>  Journal of the History of Collections : 4 entries
—>  Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
—>  Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences: A Quarterly
—>  Journal of the Liverpool Microscopical Society : 2 entries
—>  Journal of the Oughtred Society
—>  Journal of the Oxford Science Centres
—>  Journal of the Oxford University Junior Scientific Club
—>  Journal of the Photomicrographic Society : 2 entries
—>  Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society : 3 entries
—>  Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society; Containing its Transactions and Proceedings, with other Microscopical Information
—>  Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists
—>  Journal tenu par Isaac Beeckman de 1604 a 1634
—>  Journals and History of Science
—>  "Journeyman Clocks"
—>  "Journeys to the Pole 600 years ago"
—>  "Jozefa Rostafinskiego Odezwa do nie Botanikow o Zbieranie Ludowych Nazw Roslin i Udzial w niej Marii Twardowskiej"
—>  Jubilaums-Ausgabe 50 Jahre TR
—>  Jubilee Conference
—>  "Jubilee Meeting of the Indian Science Congress"
—>  Julia Margaret Cameron 1815-1879
—>  Julia Margaret Cameron: Her Life and Photographic Work
—>  Julian the Apostate
—>  "Julien Le Roy's Improved Horizontal Sun-Dial"
—>  "Julius Robert Mayer (1814-1878). Sein Weg zur Erkenntnis und Darstellung des Energieprinzips"
—>  Jupiter Botanicus: Robert Brown of the British Museum
—>  "Just in Time ..." [sic] : 2 entries
—>  "Justice at Last for the Dodo"
—>  Justus von Liebig - sein Leben und Wirken
—>  K Istorii Matematiki Srednei Azii
—>  K istorii otkrytiya yaleniya izatopii i formulirovki pravila sdviga
—>  "K. u. k. Militartierarzt 1911-1920"
—>  Kaarten met Geschiedenis 1550-1800: Een Selectie van Oude Getekende Kaarten van Nederland uit de Collectie Bodel Nijenhuis
—>  "Kalender aus der Zeitt vor dem Buchdruck"
—>  Kalenderbauten: Fruhe Astronomische Grossgerate aus Indien, Mexico und Peru
—>  "Kalenderes Enlumyned Ben They"
—>  "Kalenderes Enlumyned Ben They: Some Astronomical Themes in Chaucer" : 2 entries
—>  "Kanzeluhren mit Radwaag, Spindelhemmung und Hakenhemmung"
—>  Karel Smirous: Selection of Color Photographs from the Screened Positives from 1908-1955
—>  Katalog der Arabischen Alchemistischen Handschriften Deutschlands: Handschriften der Offentlichen Wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek (Fruher Staatsbibliothek Berlin)
—>  Katalog der Arabischen Alchemistischen Handschriften Deutschlands: Handschriften der Ehemals Herzoglichen Bibliothek zu Gotha
—>  Katalog der Arabischen Alchemistischen Handschriften Deutschlands: Handschriften der Offentlichen Bibliotheken zu Dresden, Gottingen, Leipzig und Munchen
—>  "Katalog der Hellmanschen Sammlung von Sonnenuhren und Kompassen des 16. bis 19. Jahrhunderts im Geomagnetischen Institut Potsdam"
—>  Katalog Sbirek motorovych vozidel s historickym prehledem, technickymi daty a ilustracemi
—>  Katalog starych tisku knihovny Astronomickeho ustavu AV CR II
—>  Katalog starych tisku knihovny Astronomickeho ustavu CSAV
—>  "Kekule als Gutachter"
—>  Kelvin's instruments and the Kelvin Museum
—>  "Kemi pa Rosenholm, - for over 300 ar siden"
—>  "Kennedy Orton, F.R.S., 1873-1930"
—>  Kepler
—>  "Kepler: De Modo Visionis: A translation from the Latin of Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena, V, 2, and related passages on the formation of the retinal image"
—>  "Kepler's Rejection of Numerology"
—>  Kept in a Shoebox: The Popular Experience of Photography
—>  Keras amaltheias, seu thesaurus remediorum e triplici regno, vegetabili, animali, minerali sistens I. Jo. Jac. Waldschmied descriptionem virium medicamentorum ... quae in officinis Francofurtensibus maxime extant ... II. Successum processuum chymicorum Jo
—>  Kern Bulletin
—>  Key 811: Technical Specifications and Prices
—>  Keysers Kunst- und Antiquitatenbuch
—>  "Kilian und Ursula - 8 Juli und 21 Oktober"
—>  "Kinematics - More Ethereal than Elementary"
—>  Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt
—>  "King Alfred and the first Time-measurer"
—>  King Coal's levee, : or, Geological etiquette, with explanatory notes; and The council of the metals
—>  "King Cole of California (Richard Beverley Cole, M. D.)"
—>  "King Edward's Clocks"
—>  King Henry VIII and the Barber Surgeons
—>  "King Sejong's Attitude to the Theory of Feng-Shui a Kind [of?] Geomancy or Configuration"
—>  "King's College, London"
—>  Kitab al-'amal bill-asturlab
—>  Kitab al-Hiyal "The Book of Ingenious Devices"
—>  Kitab al-iksir fi sana'at al-kimiya'i
—>  Kitab al-ilm al-muktasab fi siraat adh-dhahab = Book of knowledge acquired concerning the cultivation of gold / by Abul-Qasim Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Iraqi
—>  Kitab al-muktasab
—>  Kitab as-Sirr
—>  Kitab Matla' an-Nayyirain
—>  Kitab Tabakat al-U'man (Livre des Categories des Nations)
—>  Kleine Geschichte der Technologie
—>  "Kleine Kulturgeschichte des alltaglichen Dinge"
—>  Kleine Schriften, Auswahl aus den kleine Schriften des verstarbenen, etc.
—>  Klokken en Klokkenmakers zes eeuwen uurwerk, 1300-1900
—>  Kniga Znaniya
—>  Knihovna Astronoma Antonina Strnada
—>  Kodak Cameras: The First Hundred Years
—>  Kodak Master Photoguide
—>  Kodak Professional Catalogue 1964/65
—>  Kodak Professional Photoguide
—>  "Kometen, die bosen Propheten"
—>  Kos
—>  Kos und Knidos: Erschautes, Erforschtes und Durchdachtes aus der Sudostlichen Aegaeis
—>  Krasne Casy: Rudolf Bruner-Dvorak: Momentni Fotograf
—>  Kremers and Urdang's History of pharmacy
—>  Krist'an z Prachatic: Stavba a Uziti Astrolabu
—>  Kritische Bemerkungen zu Kosegartens Pancatantra
—>  Krusnohorske Zelezarstvi
—>  Ktesibios, Philon and Heron: A Study in Ancient Pneumatics
—>  "Ktesibios's waterclock and Heron's adjustable siphon"
—>  [Ku Yu T'u K'Ao]: A Study Of Ancient Jades
—>  "Ku-kung so-tsang Ch'ing-tai chi-suan i-ch'i"
—>  Kultur & Technik: Zeitschrift des Deutsches Museums Munchen. Verlag Karl Thiemig Munchen
—>  Kulturgeschichte der Schraube von der Antike bis zum Achtzehnten Jahrhundert
—>  Kulturgeschicte des technischen Zeichnens
—>  Kulturhistorische Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Griechischen und Romischen Altertums
—>  Kunckel and the Early History of Phosphorus
—>  Kungl. Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien forhistoria, grundlaggning och forsta organisation
—>  Kungliga Vetenskaps Societetens i Upsala Tvahundraarsminne
—>  Kunst- & Automaten uhren: Katalog der Groszuhrensammlung
—>  Kunst in Kaart: Decoratieve Aspecten van de Cartografie
—>  "Kunstig Intelligens"
—>  Kunstliche Erdsatelliten
—>  Kunstuhrmacher in Alt-Augsburg
—>  Kunuz-i saba' dar 'ihn-i iksir
—>  Kursachsische Feldmesskunst, artilleristische Richtverfahren und Ballistik im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert: Beitrage zur Geschichte der praktischen Mathematik, der Physik und des Artilleriewesens in der Renaissance unter Zugrundelegung von Instrumenten, Karten
—>  Kursachsische Kartographie bis zum Dreiszigjahrigen Krieg: Band I: Die Anfange des Kartenwesens
—>  Kurschners Universal-Konvesations-Lexikon
—>  "Kurt Vogel 1888-1985"
—>  Kurtze und grundliche Anleitung zur Zeichnung etc.
—>  Kurtze und zwar einfaltige Anleit-und Beschreibung Sonnen-Uhren Auf die leichteste Art zu machen ...
—>  Kurtze unnd Grundtliche Beschreibung Eines Newen Geometrischen Instrumento, oder Schregmasso, welches ...
—>  Kurtzer Berich Und Gebrauch des beygelegten in Kupfergezeichneten Sonnenuhr Stockleins
—>  Kurtzer Bericht vom Gebrauch dess Proportional Cirkels
—>  Kurtzer Bericht zu seinem Semicirculo, Darmit in allen Triangeln in einer Observation, ...
—>  Kurtzer einfaltiger und doch ausfuhrlicher verstandlicher Bericht: Wie ein jeglicher der Mathematischen Kunst Liebhaber, grutzringfertig, das uberaus compendios-Scioterische Gnomonische, oder Geometrische und ringkostige Proportional Instrument, etc.
—>  Kurtzer grundlicher gebessenfter unnd vermehrter underricht ... Proportional Schregmass und Circkels, etc.
—>  Kurtzer und Gruntlicher Bericht von dem Neuwen Geometrischen Instrument oder Triangel, auss einem Thurn, alle tieffe, weytte und hoche zumessen, mit etlichen Kupfferstucken darben
—>  Kurze Beschreibung einer ganz neuen Art einer Camerae Obscurae ingleichen eines Sonnen Microscops welches man bequem aller Orten hinstellen und ohne Berfinsterung des Zimmers gebrauchen kann womit auch allerley Obiekte auf eine sehr leichte Art in einer s
—>  Kurze Darstellung der Galvanismus. Nach Turner, mit Benutzung der Original-Abhandlungen Faraday's bearbeitet
—>  Kurze doch grundliche Unweisung zu Bersertigung der sowohl liegenden als aufrechten Sonnen Uhren. Worinnen die allerleichteste Weiss, wie ein jeder dergleichen ohne Lehrmeister etc.
—>  Kurze und deutliche Anleitung zum Gebrauch eines Sextanter, und denen hierzu gehorigen Tafeln der Sonnenlischen, vermittelst welcher man, aus einer einaigen brobachteten Sonnelische, die wahre Zeit sehr genau finden kann etc.
—>  Kurze und Deutliche Anweisung die Uhren nach der wahren Sonnenzeit mit hulfe eines Sextanten und der dazu nothigen Sonnenhohe Tafeln genau zu richten und zu reguliren
—>  Kurzgefasste Beschreibung der, bey dem Bergbau zu Schemnitz in Nieder-Hungarn errichteten Maschinen: nebst XXII. Tafeln zu derselben Berechnung: zum Gebrauch der, bey der Schemnitzer Bergschule, errichteten mechanischen Vorlesungen
—>  "La "Dial Clock" Anglaise et son Contexte Social"
—>  "La "Navicula de Venetiis" du Musee d'Histoire des Sciences de Geneve"
—>  "La "Nursery des Genies""
—>  La Alquibla en al-Andalus y al-Magrib al-Aqsa
—>  La Aportacion cientifica de Mallonguines y Portugueses a la cartografia nautica en los siglos XIV al XVI
—>  La Belle Epoque du Phonographe
—>  La Biblioteca dell' Istituto Tecnico Toscano: 1. Libri Antichi: Catalogo (1482-1799)
—>  La Bibliotheque de Monsieur R. P.
—>  "La biologia e la medicina"
—>  "La Botica de el Escorial y Felipe II"
—>  La Botica del real monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos
—>  La cartografia mallorquina
—>  "La Chimica Newtoniana"
—>  La Chimie Au Moyen Age
—>  La Chronologie
—>  La ciencia y la technica en el descubrimiento de America
—>  La Citta Misurata - Tecniche e Strumenti di Rilevamento nei Trattati a Stampa del Cinquecento
—>  La Civilta Cattolica
—>  "La Collection Marcel Destombes"
—>  La collezione degli antichi apparecchi dell'Istituto di fisica. 3, Elettricita' e magnetismo (1835-1900).
—>  La collezione degli antichi apparecchi dell'Istituto di fisica. 2, Meccanica dei fluidi e termologia (1840-1900).
—>  La Collezione degli Strumenti di Anestesiologia
—>  La Collezione degli Strumenti di Fisiologia
—>  La Collezione degli Strumenti di Oculistica
—>  La Collezione degli Strumenti di Psicologia
—>  La Collezione di Vetreria Scientifica
—>  La Collezione Scientifica delle civiche Raccolte del Castello Sforzesco
—>  La Comtoise, La Morbier, La Morez: Son Histoire, Sa Technique, Ses Particularities, Ses Complications, Sa Reparation
—>  La Connaissance de la Nature et du Monde au Moyen Age: D'Apres quelques ecrits francais a l'usage des Laies
—>  La Conquista de la Rutas Oceanicas
—>  La Construction des Cadrans Solaires (Ses Principes, Sa Pratique), Precedee D'une Histoire De La Gnomonique
—>  La contribution de la Hollande a l'horologerie
—>  La Corrispondenza Degli Astronomi: The Correspondence Of The Astronomers
—>  "La Creation de la Connaissance des Temps"
—>  "La cultura dei secoli XIV-XVI"
—>  "La cultura mathematica de los cosmografos Espanoles del siglo XVI: Alonso de Santa Cruz"
—>  "La cura comodissima"
—>  La Declaration et usage de L'instrument nomme Canomettre, Par G. des Bordes, Gentil-home bordelois, professeur ez Mathematiques. Lequel Instrument a este enrichy de facillitez, pour la commodite d'iceluy Instrument, Par Maistre Benoist Forfait compassier,
—>  "La decoration de vases de pharmacie italiens de la Renaissance d'apres des gravures"
—>  La Decouverte des deux infinis
—>  "La decouverte du nouveau monde et la transformation de l'idee de la nature"
—>  La Description d'un anneau solaire convex
—>  "La diagnostica chimica della malattia renale nell'Ottocento: reazioni e apparecchi"
—>  "La Diffusion des Instruments Scientifiques de Haut Moyen Age au XVe Siecle"
—>  "La dimostrazione del Principio della leva data da Archimede nel libro primo sull'equilibrio delle figure piane"
—>  La dioptrique oculaire, ou la theorique, la positive, et la mechanique, de l'oculaire dioptrique en toutes ses especes
—>  La Dioptrique Oculaire, ou, La Theorique, la Positive, et la Mechanique, de l'Oculaire Dioptrique en Toutes ses Especes
—>  La distillation a travers les ages
—>  "La donna di cera"
—>  "La Double Tube d'Arago"
—>  "La dynamique de Nicolo Tartaglia"
—>  La epoca de los descubrimientos
—>  La Estructura del "Liber de Natura" del Beato Ramon Llull
—>  "La Fabrication des Astrolabes au Moyen Age"
—>  "La Fabrication des Instruments Scientifiques du XVIIIe Siecle et la Corporation des Fondeurs"
—>  La Fabrique et l'Usage der Radiometre, Instrument Geometrique, et Astronomique, utile tant en le mer qu'en la terre, etc.
—>  "La Famiglia Lusverg dal '600 all '800"
—>  La Fin de l'Avenir: La Technologie et le Declin de l'Occident
—>  La fleur des pratiques du compas de proportion
—>  La fondazione dell'esperienza in 'sGravesande
—>  "La force d'un corps en mouvement"
—>  "La Geografia Moderna: The Work of the Sixteenth Century Italian Cartographers"
—>  La geographie des humanistes
—>  La Geomancie: Analyse formelle
—>  La Geometrie, reduite en une facile et briefue practique par deux excellens instrumens, dont l'un is le Pantometre ou Compas de Proportion ... L'Usage du Compass a huict poinctes invente par Fabrice Mordente
—>  "La gnomonique de Nicolas Copernic et de Georges Joachim Rheticus"
—>  "La Gnomonique en France a l'epoque de Jean Picard"
—>  La Gnomonique ou la Science des cadrans
—>  La Gnomonique ou l'art de tracer des Cadrans ou Horloges Solaires. Sur Toutes sortes de surfaces, par differentes Pratiques, etc.
—>  La Gnomonique pratique ou l'art de tracer les Cadrans solaires avec beaucoup de precision ... : 3 entries
—>  La Gnomonique Universelle, ou La Science de Tracer les Cadrans solaires sur toutes sortes de surfaces tant stables que mobiles, etc.
—>  La Gnomonique, ou L'Art de Faire des Cadrans
—>  La Gnomonique, ou l'on donne par un principe general la maniere de faire des cadrans sur toutes sortes de surfaces, etc.
—>  La Gnomonique, ou: L'Art de Tracer les Cadrans Solaires Par le Calcul et le Metre a la Main
—>  "La Gnomonique: Livres en Langue Francaise Imprimes entre 1500 et 1800"
—>  La Gnonomique theori-pratique, ou Les principes de geometrie, ...
—>  La Grande Chirurgie de Guy de Chavliac chirurgien, maistre en medecine de l'Universite de Montpellier composee en l'an 1363
—>  "La huitieme merveille du monde: L'horloge astronomique de l'inventeur lierrois Louis Zimmer"
—>  "La introduccion del cuadrante con cursor en Europa"
—>  La Lente: Storia, scienza, curiosita attraverso la collezione Fritz Rathschuler
—>  La Lettre de la Maison Francaise d'Oxford
—>  La Lettre des Musees de France
—>  La Litterature Syriaque
—>  "La loi periodique des Elements Chimiques"
—>  La Longimetrie Indvstrievse
—>  La Longimetrie ov Geodesie Novvelle
—>  "La Longitude Terrestre determinee au Moyen de Signaux Galvaniques"
—>  La Longitudine in Mare ovvero Nuova Aggiunta all' Orizonte della Longitudine
—>  "La longue histoire de la grande chirurgie de Guy de Chauliac"
—>  "La Loupe - son origine et son developpement"
—>  La Lumiere Electrique: Journal Universel d'Electricite
—>  "La machine a polycopier de David Gestetner"
—>  La Mainson Champestre et Agriculture D'Elie Vinet Xainctongeois: Et Antoine Mizauld de Mollusson. Divisee en Cinq Parties
—>  "La Maldicion de Perfecto"
—>  La Maniere Universelle de Mr. Desargues Lyonnois pour poser lessieu & placer les heures & autres choses aux Cadrans au Soleil
—>  La Maquina de las Horas: Introduccion al conocimiento del reloj: obra dispersa
—>  La materia della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri
—>  "La materia della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri dichiarata in VI tavole da Michalangelo Caetani"
—>  La medecine medievale a travers les manuscrits de la Bibliotheque nationale: Bibliotheque nationale, Paris 1982
—>  La Medicina Statica di Santorio de'Santori da Capo d'Istria Pubblico Professore nell' Universita di Padova. Divisa in Sette Sezioni: co'Comentari di Martin Lister Medico Inglese, e i Canoni della Medicina de' Solidi di Giorgio Baglivi Professore di Medici
—>  La meridiana del tempio di S. Petronio tirata, e preparata per le osservazioni astronomiche l'anno 1655. Rivista, e restaurata l'anno 1695 ...
—>  "La meridienne de Sainte-Gudule a Bruxelles"
—>  La Mesure du Temps
—>  La Mesure du Temps a Travers les Ages aux Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire
—>  La Mesure du Temps dans les Collections Belges
—>  "La mesure du temps" : 2 entries
—>  La Meteorologia applicata all'Agricoltura. Memoria che ha riportato il premio dalla Societa Reale delle Scienze di Montpellier, sul Problema proposto per l'Anno 1774: Qual'e' l'influenza delle meteore sulla vegetazione, e quali conseguenze pratiche posson
—>  La methode graphique et l'exploration cardiovasculaire: The Graphic Method and Cardiovascular Research: Etienne Jules Marey (1830-1904)
—>  La Metrologie dans les Musees de Province et sa contribution a l'histoire des poids et mesures en France depuis le treizieme siecle
—>  "La montre de poche de Mozart"
—>  "La Montre du Sultan Nour ad Din (554 de l'Hegire = 1159-1160)"
—>  La naissance d'un concept nouveau a l'epoque des grandes decouvertes maritimes : le globe terraque
—>  "La Notion de Precision et l'Histoire des Sciences"
—>  "La Notion d'Involution dans l'Oeuvre de Desargues"
—>  La Nova Scientia de Nicolo Tartaglia con una gionta al terzo Libro
—>  "La nuova scienza: le origini della rivoluzione scientifica e dell' eta moderna"
—>  "La Obra Cientifica de Mariano Eduardo de Rivero y Ustariz"
—>  La Obra Forma de la Tierra de R. Abraham bar Hiyya ha-Bargeloni
—>  La Obra Sefer Hesbon Mahlekot Ha-Kokabim (Libro del Calculo de los Movimientos de los Astros) de R. Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Bargeloni
—>  La Pendule Francaise, des origines a nos jours. 1re Partie. De l'Horloge Gothique a la Pendule Louis XV
—>  La Pensee encyclopedique au Moyen Age
—>  La Perse Antique et la Civilisation Iranienne
—>  La personalidad cientifica y los relojes de Alfonso X el Sabio
—>  "La philosophie chimique de Jean-Baptiste van Helmont"
—>  La photographie astronomique a l'observatoire de Paris et la carte du ciel
—>  La Photographie des Couleurs et les decouvertes de Louis Ducos du Hauron suivi d'un Manuel Pratique
—>  La Photographie en Haute-Provence 1855-1954
—>  La Photographie: des origines au debut du XXe siecle
—>  La Photomicrographie Histologique et Bacteriologique
—>  La Piazza Universale di tutte le professioni del mondo
—>  La Pintura Espanola y el Reloj
—>  La Pratica della Perspettiva di Monsignor Daniel Barbaro eletto patriarco D'Aguileia, opera molto profittevole a pittori, scultori, et architetti
—>  La Pratique et Demonstration Des Horloges solaires Avec un discours sur les proportions, ...
—>  La Pratique Universelle de geometrie de Jacques Chauvet Champenois, professeur & ...
—>  La Pratique Universelle de l'arpenterie de Jacques Chauvet Champenois, professeur ...
—>  La Precision des Mesures et La Recherche Physique et Chimique au XVIIIe Siecle
—>  La pretendida reforma naval de Felipe III : la politica de proteccion de bosques, saca y elaboracion de maderas para la construccion naval
—>  "La Prima Scoperta della Natura Vivente della Causa di una Malattia Contagiosa: Primato Italiano (Giovan Cosimo Bonomo e Diacinto Cestoni: Demonstrazione della natura acarica della Scabbia - Livorno, 1687)"
—>  "L'a priori dans la doctrine scientifique et l'histoire des Sciences"
—>  La Propriete et usage des Quadrans, nouvellement exposee
—>  "La Psychologie Scientifique Francaise et ses Instruments au Debut du XXe Siecle"
—>  "La Reforme du XVIe siecle a l'origine de la science moderne"
—>  La reparation des pendules
—>  La Restoration et la Conservation des Appareils Scientifiques de Collection | Restoration and Preservation of Scientific Instruments for Collections
—>  La Revelation d'Hermes Trismegiste
—>  La Revolution de la Museologie des Sciences: vers les Musees du XXIe Siecle?
—>  La Revolution des Savants
—>  La Revue
—>  La Revue lyonnaise de medecine
—>  La Rotation de la Terre - Ses Preuves Mecaniques Anciennes Et Nouvelle : 3 entries
—>  La Rotation Souterraine de la Masse Ignee, ses Causes et Consequences. Memoire Soumis a l'Examen de l'Academie
—>  "La Roue d'Orffyreus"
—>  La sala Marconi le sezioni radio e telecomunicazioni
—>  "La scie a volant et a transmission elastique de Leopold Ollier"
—>  "La Science anglaise dans les bibliotheques de Salamanque au XVe siecle"
—>  La science arabe
—>  La science au seizieme siecle
—>  "La Science Chinoise Antique"
—>  "La science dans les pays musulmans au XVIe siecle"
—>  La science des Chaldeens
—>  "La Science Experimentale au XVIIIe Siecle: L'Exemple du Cabinet de Physique et Chimie du Musee de l'Hotel Gouin a Tours"
—>  La Sezione di Chimica al Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze
—>  La Spectacle de la Nature. Or, Nature Display'd, etc.
—>  "La Storia Della Mathematica Come Anello di Congiunzione Fra L'Insegnamento Secondario E L'Insegnamento Universitario"
—>  La storica spezieria di S. Giovanni Evangelista in Parma
—>  La strumentazione astronomica
—>  La Strumentazione nella Storia dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
—>  La Telegrafia senza fili di Guglielmo Marconi
—>  La Teoria de la Trepidacion en un Astronomo Marroqui del Siglo XV
—>  La theorie atomique
—>  La Theorie des Cometes, ou l'on Traite du Progres de cette Partie de l'astronomie; avec des Tables pour Calculer les Mouvements des Cometes, du Soleil, & des principales etoiles fixes
—>  "La Theriaque: Iconographie Medico-Pharmaceutique"
—>  La Tresor des Alchimistes
—>  La Valeur de la Science : 2 entries
—>  "La velocita della luce nella scuola Galieiana"
—>  "La Venere scomponibile"
—>  La Ville et l'Innovation: Relais et Reseaux de Diffusion en Europe 14e-19e Siecles
—>  La Zoologie au Moyen Age
—>  "L'Abate Galiani e l'obelisco solare"
—>  "L'Abbe Nollet et Benjamin Franklin - Une phase finale de la physique cartesienne: la theorie de la conservation de l'electricite et de l'experience de Leyde -"
—>  Laboratories, Workshops, and Sites: Concepts and Practices of Research in Industrial Europe, 1800-1914
—>  Laboratory and Workshop Notes: A Selection Reprinted from the Journal of Scientific Instruments
—>  Laboratory Apparatus & Scientific Instruments
—>  Laboratory Apparatus and Scientific Instruments
—>  Laboratory Arts: A Teacher's Handbook dealing with materials and tools used in the construction, adjustment, and repair of scientific instruments
—>  Laboratory Equipment & Appliances: Automatic Tissue Processing Machine
—>  "Laboratory Glassware and Ceramics at the Museum of Tartu University History"
—>  Laboratory Methods of Organic Chemistry
—>  Labour's Plan for Oil from Coal
—>  "Labovert FS und Fluovert FS - die umgekehrten Leitz-Mikroskope mit feststehendem Objekttisch"
—>  'L'Academie Royale de Marine (1752-1793)' & 'L'Academie Royale de Marine et la Revolution Nautique au XVIII eme siecle'
—>  "L'accademia del cimento e le sue vetrerie" : 2 entries
—>  L'activite des musees scientifiques et techniques et des planetaria
—>  "Ladislav Pracka: Ein Tschechischer Astronom in Deutschen Diensten"
—>  Laennec: Inventeur de l'Auscultation: 1781-1826
—>  L'age d'or des sciences arabes: exposition presentee a l'Institut du monde arabe, Paris, 25 octobre 2005-19 mars 2006
—>  "L'albero della proporzionalita nella "Diuina Proportione" di Luca Pacioli e nei manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci"
—>  "L'Alchemie a l'Epoque du Dante"
—>  "L'alchimia secondo Picatrix"
—>  L'Alchimie
—>  "L'Alchimie a l'Epoque du Dante"
—>  "L'Alchimie chez les Chinois et l'Alchimie Grecque"
—>  "L'Alchimie"
—>  L'Alchimie: Tradition et Actualite
—>  Lamberts Photometrie und ihre Beziehung zum gegenwartigen Standpunkte der Wissenschaft
—>  "L'ambiance medicale au XVIe siecle a travers les oevres de Rabelais et de Shakespeare"
—>  Lampas: or, Descriptions of some Mechanical Improvements of Lamps & Waterpoises. Together with some other Physical and Mechanical Discoveries : 2 entries
—>  Lamps and Light Filters.
—>  Lancashire Clocks and Clockmakers
—>  Land and Marine Surveying in reference to the preparation of plans for Roads and Railways; Canals, Rivers, Towns' Water Supplies; Docks and Harbours with description and use of surveying instruments
—>  "Land Measurement in the Sixteenth Century"
—>  "Landgraf Wilhelm IV. von Hessen und sein astronomisches Automatenwerk"
—>  "Landmarks in Biological Light Microscopy"
—>  "Landmarks in the History of Weighing and Measuring"
—>  Landmarks of Botanical History. A study of Certain Epochs in the Development of the Science of Botany
—>  Landmarks of Science : Wednesday 13 December 2006
—>  Landmarks of Science: A Comprehensive Collection of the Source Material in the History of Science Comprising the Significant Contributions to the Advancements of Science and Technology
—>  "L'Angleterre, la France et la navigation: le contexte historique de l'oeuvre chronometrique de Ferdinand Berthoud"
—>  L'Anno riformato, Dove con facile metodo, & indicibile, ma lucida
—>  Lantern Manipulation: being suggestions and instructions in the management of dissolving views, the oxyhydrogen light, etc.
—>  Lantern Slide Making : 2 entries
—>  "Lantern Slides in the Oxford Museum of the History of Science"
—>  L'Antico Ateneo di Ferrara e suoi rapporti con gli scolari e i laureati della "nazione alemanna" nei secoli XV e XVI
—>  Lapidary: or, the History of Pretious Stones: with cautions for the undeceiving of all those that deal with Pretious Stones
—>  "Laplace - to mark the centenary of his death"
—>  Laplace as a Newtonian Scientist
—>  "Laplace"
—>  "L'Appareil de Foucault pour la determination de la vitesse de la lumiere"
—>  L'apport genevois a l'hygrometrie
—>  "L'apport genevois a l'hygrometrie"
—>  Lapska ben-och trakalendrar
—>  L'Arithmetique Arpentage Univercelle, Geometrie Inaccessible, Toise des Bastimens, la Fabrique & usage des Quadrans Sollaires, & autre Geometrie, par la Reigle & le Compas
—>  L'Art de Conduire et de Regler les Pendules et les Montres: ...
—>  L'Art de L'Imprimerie a Vinise
—>  L'art de Reconnaitre les Instruments Scientifiques du Temps Passe
—>  L'Art de Tourner, ou de Faire en Perfection Toutes Sortes d'Ouvrages au Tour
—>  L'Art de tracer les Cadrans Solaires, etc.
—>  "L'art des instruments de mathematiques en Belgique au XVI siecle"
—>  L'Art populaire dans les Brianconnais Les cadrans solaires
—>  L'Arte dell'Orologeria in Europa: Sette Secoli di Orologi Meccanici
—>  Larval Forms and Other Zoological Verses
—>  Las latitudes del Diario da navegacao de Pero Lopes de Sousa y la localizacion del puerto de los Patos
—>  "Las primeras traducciones cientificas de origen Oriental hasta mediados del siglo XII"
—>  Las rutas de las armadas de Castilla en los siglos XV y XVI : la apertura de las rutas maritimas castellanas en los distintos ambitos economicos europeos
—>  Las tablas astronomicas del rey Don Pedro el Ceremonioso
—>  Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo
—>  "L'ascension du Mont-Blanc par H-B de Saussure en 1787 et un relief du Mont-Blanc de 1790"
—>  "L'Astrolabe dans la Tribiblos astronomique de Theodore Meliteniote"
—>  L'Astrolabe dit "de Bethencourt" et la Science Nautique des Normands au Moyen Age
—>  "L'Astrolabe et le Meteoroscope d'apres le commentaire de Pappus sur le 5e livre de l'Almageste"
—>  "L'astrolabe lineaire d'Al-tusi"
—>  "L'Astrolabe Lineaire ou Baton d'et-Touse"
—>  "L'astrolabe Medieval d'apres les Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale"
—>  "L'astrolabe plan equinoxial"
—>  "L'Astrolabe" : 2 entries
—>  L'Astrolabe: Histoire, theorie et pratique
—>  L'Astrolabe-Quadrant du Musee des Antiquites de Rouen: Recherches Sur les Connaisances Mathimatiques, Astronomiques et Nautiques au Moyen Age
—>  L'Astrolabe-Quadrant du Musee des Antiquites de Rouen: Recherches sur les Connaissances Mathematiques, Astronomiques et Nautiques au Moyen Age
—>  L'astrologie de Ptolemee: Commentaire di Tetrabiblos de Ptolemee
—>  L'astronomia a Roma: dalle origini al Novecento
—>  "L'Astronomie au Maroc"
—>  L'Astronomie nautique au Portugal a l'epoque des grandes decouvertes
—>  "L'astronomie nautique au Portugal pendant les Decouvertes"
—>  Late seventeenth century scientists
—>  "Latent Developments from Gallic Acid, 1839"
—>  "Later Medieval and Renaissance Instruments"
—>  "Lateral Eyes in the Galeodidae"
—>  Lathe-work: A practical treatise on the tools, appliances, and processes employed in the Art of Turning Including hand-turning, boring and drilling, the use of slide-rests and overhead gear, screw-cutting by hand and self-acting motion, wheel-cutting, etc
—>  "L'atomisme de Giordano Bruno"
—>  L'Autobiographie de J. B. Winslow
—>  Lavoisier and Contemporary British Chemistry
—>  "Lavoisier: A Letter from Sweden"
—>  "Lavoisier's three Notes on combustion: 1772"
—>  Lawrence of Arabia: the Life, the Legend
—>  Lawrence of Oxford: A City Tour in the Footsteps of T.E. Lawrence of Arabia
—>  Lawton Tools Ltd.: Tool Distributors and Engineers' Merchants
—>  Le "Musee" de l'Observatoire de Marseille
—>  Le 250me anniversaire de l'Observatoire de Greenwich : John Harrison et la chronometrie
—>  "Le abitazioni fiorentine di Galileo"
—>  "Le Barometre Liegeois"
—>  "Le Bureau britannique des Longitudes"
—>  Le but d'Isis
—>  Le Cabinet de Physique et Chimie de Chenonceau (XVIIIe siecle): constitue par Dupin de Francueil et Jean-Jacques Rousseau complete d'appareils en provenance de Dijon
—>  Le cadran des cadrans, universel et trescommode. Pour trouver par tout, les Heures du Jour & de la Nuit: pour faire sur les Plans, toutes sortes de Cadrans : 2 entries
—>  Le Cadran Solaire Analemmatique: Histoire et Developpements
—>  "Le cadran solaire de poche de 1572 signe Christophe Schissler"
—>  Le Calcul des Longitudes: un Enjeu pour les Mathematiques, l'Astronomie, la Mesure du Temps et la Navigation
—>  Le Calendrier de Cordoue publie par R. Dozy
—>  "Le catalogues latins d'etoiles au Moyen Age"
—>  "Le Christianisme secret du "carre magique""
—>  "Le Ciel et la Terre en miniature"
—>  Le Citoyen Lenoir: Scientific Instrument Making in Revolutionary France
—>  Le Collezioni Scientifiche del Ginnasio Liceo "Giovanni Prati" di Trento
—>  "Le commentaire inedit d'Erasme Reinhold sur le De revolutionibus de Nicolas Copernic"
—>  Le Contraste de Phase en Optique et en Microscope
—>  Le Contraste de Phase et le Contraste par Interferences (15-21 Mai 1951). Memoires et Discussions Publies
—>  Le Cosmolabe ou Instrument universel, concernant Toutes Observations qui se peuvent faire ...
—>  Le Cours de Mathematique
—>  "Le development de la technologie dans la Chine du XIXe siecle"
—>  Le Donazioni di Strumenti Scientifici e Medici
—>  Le due Nuove campane di Campidoglio ...
—>  Le Flambeau Astronomique ou Calendrier Royal de l'Annee Mil sept cens vingt trois. Pour la connoissance des tems. Ou l'on trouvera un abrege de ce qui arrivera de plus considerable dans le mouvement des Astres
—>  Le Gallerie di Leonardo da Vinci nel Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica
—>  Le Isole della Laguna Veneta
—>  Le Journal des Scavans hoc est Ephemeris Eruditorum accurante G.P. Gallice primum editae iam vero in linguam Latinam versae oprae atque studio
—>  "Le ler Mars 1869: jour de la decouverte de la Loi Periodique par D. I. Mendeleev"
—>  Le livre des nombres carres
—>  "Le livre des quadrupedes de Michel Herr, medecin strasbourgeois (1546)"
—>  Le Machine: Bollettino dell' Istituto Italiano per la Storia della Tecnica
—>  "Le matematiche"
—>  Le Materiau Verre dans la Construction: Eclairage Naturel et Isolation
—>  Le Mecanisme du Fluteur Automate, Presente a Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Avec La Description d'un Canard Artificiel, mangeant, beuvant, digerant & se vuidant, epluchant ses ailes & ses plumes, imitant en diverses manieres un Canard vivant
—>  Le Microscope a Contraste de Phase et le Microscope Interferentiel
—>  "Le microscope d'Abraham Trembley"
—>  Le Microscope et son evolution
—>  Le Microscope Pancratique
—>  Le Microscope Polarisant: Guide Pratique pour les etudes elementaires de Cristallographie et d'Optique. Traduit et adapte aux notations Francaises par L. PERVINQUIERE, D.es.S. Avec une Preface de A. DE LAPPARENT
—>  Le Microscope, sa Construction, son Maniement, la Technique Microscopique en general: la Photomicrographie; le Passe et l'Avenir dur Microscope
—>  Le Microscope. Sa Construction, son Maniement et son Application a l'Anatomie Vegetale et aux Diatomees
—>  Le Microscope. Sa Construction, son Maniement, et son Application a l'Anatomie Vegetale et aux Diatomees
—>  Le Microscope. Sa Construction, son Maniement, et son Application aux etudes d'Anatomie Vegetale
—>  Le Microscope: Son Emploi et ses Applications
—>  Le Micro-Telescope et Le Super-Microscope Brevete
—>  Le Monde des Automates etude Historique et Technique
—>  Le monde invisible devoile revelations du microscope
—>  "Le monde sur une surface plane: Cartographie mathematique a l'epoque d'Abraham Ortelius"
—>  Le Moniteur Scientifique: Journal des Sciences Pures et Appliquees Specialement Consacree aux Chimistes et aux Manufacturiers
—>  "Le Musee des sciences techniques, Varsovie" ("The Museum of Technology, Warsaw")
—>  Le Musee d'Histoire de la Medicine
—>  "Le Musee d'Histoire de la Science"
—>  "Le Musee Pasteur / The Musee Pasteur"
—>  Le Museum national de Rio-de-Janeiro et son influence sur les sciences naturelles au Bresi
—>  Le naturaliste Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) et les echanges scientifiques entre la France et l'Angleterre
—>  "Le Navicelle Orarie de Venezia"
—>  "Le nom de la Boussole en Russe"
—>  Le Nombre d'Or: Etude de Chronologie Technique suivi du texte de la Massa Compoti d'Alexandre de Villedieu
—>  Le nombre d'Or: Rites et rythmes Pythagoriciens dans le development de la Civilisation Occidentale
—>  Le Nouveau Cadran Solaire Cadran a' quantieme
—>  Le Nouveau Sciatere, Pour Fabriquer Toutes sortes d'Horloges solaires sans Centre, avec une seule observation de Soleil, & avec deux observations, trouver sur Mer la ligne Meridiene & la hautuir du Pole
—>  Le Operazioni del Compasso Geometrico, et Militare
—>  Le Ore e le Ombre: Meridiane e Orologi Solari
—>  "Le Paradoxe de 'sGravesande"
—>  Le Pays lorrain: journal de la Societe d'archeologie lorraine et du Musee historique lorrain
—>  "Le pendule de Foucault au Pantheon"
—>  "Le plus ancien instrument d'astronomie : Le Pi"
—>  "Le posizioni relative di Galileo e dello Scheiner nelle scoperte delle macchie solari nelle pubblicazioni edite entro il 1612"
—>  "Le Premier Rattachement en Longitude des Observatoires de Paris et de Greenwich"
—>  "Le probleme de l'equation du temps chez Ptolemee"
—>  "Le Probleme des Longitudes sur Terre"
—>  Le Probleme des Metaux dans la Science Antique
—>  Le Probleme des Pyramides d'Egypte. Traditions et Legendes. - Explorations. Description. - Theories. Science et Croyances des constructeurs
—>  "Le Projezioni Cartografiche di Albiruni"
—>  Le Rapportun exact, ou Tables Des Cordes di chague angle, Depuis une minute pisgu'a' 180 degres, ... a l'usage ... et de ceux qui s'occupent de la gnomonique et ...
—>  "Le Rectangulus de Wallingford precede d'une note sur le Torquetum"
—>  "Le Reveille-matin d'Aristote"
—>  Le ripercussione in Germania dell'indirizzo filologico-medico leoniceniano della scuola ferrarese per opera di Leonardo Fuchs
—>  "Le role de Lavoisier dans l'histoire des sciences"
—>  Le Role des Analogies et des Modeles dans La Decouverte en Biologie
—>  Le scuole ionica pythagorica ed eleata
—>  Le Soleil a la Renaissance, sciences et mythes: colloque international tenu en avril 1963 sous les auspices de la Federation internationale des instituts et societes pour l'etude de la Renaissance, et du Ministere de l'education nationale et de la Culture
—>  "Le soleil dans l'oeuvre scientifique de Leonard de Vinci"
—>  Le Spectacle de La Nature, ou Entretiens sur Les Particularites de L'Histoire Naturelle, etc. ...
—>  Le Spiral reglant et le balancier depuis Huygens jusqu'a nos jours
—>  Le stanze della scienza: le collezioni dell'Istituto tecnico toscano a Firenze
—>  Le systeme du monde. Histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a Copernic
—>  Le Tableau du Boeuf du Printemps: Etude d'une page de l'almanach chinois
—>  "Le Temps de Greenwich"
—>  Le Temps des Grands Voiliers
—>  Le Temps, Vite!
—>  Le Temps: Des milliards d'annees au milliardieme de seconde
—>  Le Temps: Ses Divisions Principales ses Mesures et leurs usages Aux Epoques Anciennes et Modernes
—>  Le Traite du Quadrant de Maitre Robert Angles (Montpellier, XIII siecle) texte latin et ancienne traduction grecque publies, etc.
—>  "Le Traite sur l'Astrolabe plan de Severe Sabokt ecrit VIIe siecle d'apres des sources Grecques et publie pour la premiere fois avec traduction francaise par M. F. Nau"
—>  "Le triomphe de l'acoustique experimentale: Marloye et Koenig"
—>  Le Vocabulaire Latin d'Astronomie
—>  Leadership in Medicine
—>  "Learn these 500 digits of pi by heart. That is about 2% of what this man can remember"
—>  Learning, Language and Invention: Essays Presented to Francis Maddison : 2 entries
—>  Leaves from the note book of a naturalist
—>  Leben und Wirken des Joh. Muller von Konigsberg genannt Regiomontanus
—>  Lebenslinien. - eine selbstbiographie
—>  L'Ecole d'application de l'artillerie et du genie de Metz (1802-1870): Enseignement et recherches
—>  L'Ecole Mathematique de Bologne Apercu Historique
—>  Lecons de philosophie chimique
—>  Lecons de Physique experimentale
—>  Lecons de Physique Generale
—>  Lecons elementaires d'astromonie geometrique et physique
—>  Lecons sur la Cellule: Morphologie et Reproduction
—>  Lecons sur La Physiologie et l'Anatomie Comparee de l'Homme et des Animaux Faites a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris
—>  Lecons sur les hypotheses cosmogoniques professees a la Sorbonne
—>  Lecons sur les methodes generales de synthese en chimie organique : professees en 1864 au College de France
—>  Lectiones Mathematicae XXIII; In quibus Principia Matheseos generalia exponuntur: Habitae Cantabrigiae A. D. 1664, 1665, 1666
—>  "Lecture and Instructional Apparatus"
—>  Lecture Demonstrations in Physical Chemistry
—>  Lecture Experiments in Optics
—>  Lecture Notes on Mensuration, Hydrostatics and Pneumatics
—>  Lecture Notes on the Use of the Microscope : 2 entries
—>  Lecture Notes. Easter Term, 1908. Glycerine, and Congeners
—>  Lecture Notes. Hilary and Easter Terms, 1907. Chemical Revision of 1850-60
—>  Lecture Notes. Michaelmas Term, 1903. Benzene Di-Derivatives
—>  Lecture Notes. Michaelmas Term, 1905. Acetylen Group
—>  Lecture on Alchemists in Art and Literature
—>  Lecture on the Pendulum-Experiments at Harton Pit, delivered in the Central Hall, South Shields, October 24, 1854
—>  "Lecture: the Care of our Soldiers' Graves Abroad"
—>  Lectures and collections made by Robert Hooke, secretary of the Royal Society. Cometa. Containing observations of the comet in April, 1677. Fragments of several lectures about those of 1664. and 1665. Sir Chr. Wren's hypothesis and geometrical problem abo : 2 entries
—>  Lectures De Potentia Restitutiva, or of Spring Explaining the Power of Springin Bodies. To which are added some Collections Viz. A Description of Dr Pappins Wind-Fountain and Force-Pump. Mr. Young's Observation concerning natural Fountains. Some other Con
—>  Lectures on animal chemistry delivered at the Royal College of Physicians
—>  Lectures on Electricity
—>  Lectures on Electricity, Comprising Galvanism, Magnetism, Electro-magnetism, magneto- and thermo-electricity
—>  Lectures on General Pathology: Delivered at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology University of Oxford
—>  Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, Considered in its Present State of Improvement. Describing in a Familiar and Easy Manner the Principal Phenomena of Nature; and Shewing that they All Co-operate in Displaying the Goodness, Wisdom, and Power
—>  Lectures on Polarized Light, Delivered before The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; and in the Medical School of the London Hospital
—>  Lectures on Polarized Light, Together with a Lecture on the Microscope, Delivered before The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, and at The Medical School of the London Hospital
—>  Lectures on Select Subjects : 2 entries
—>  Lectures on Select Subjects in mechanics hydrostatics, hydraulics, pheumatics and optics with The Use of the Globes, The Art of Dialling, etc.
—>  Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, optics, and astronomy : 3 entries
—>  Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, and optics...
—>  Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, and optics : with the use of the globes, the art of dialing, and the calculation of the mean times of new and full moons and eclipses
—>  Lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, and optics : with the use of the globes, the art of dialing, and the calculation of the mean times of new and full moons and eclipses
—>  Lectures on Some of the Physical Properties of Soil
—>  Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons
—>  Lectures on the Elements of Physical Science
—>  Lectures on the History of Physiology During the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
—>  Lectures on the Lunar Theory
—>  Lectures on the Results of the Great Exhibition of 1851
—>  Lectures on the Steam-engine, in which its construction and operation are familiarly explained: with a sketch of its invention and progressive improvement, and an account of the present state of the Liverpool railway, and the performances on it; and of st
—>  Lectures on theoretical and physical chemistry
—>  Lectures read in the School of Geometry in Oxford, concerning the Geometrical construction of Algebraical Equations; And the Numerical Resolution of the same by the Compendium of Logarithms
—>  "Lectures read in the School of Geometry in Oxford, concerning The Geometrical Construction of Algebraical Equations; And the Numerical Resolution of the same by the Compendium of Logarithms"
—>  'Leech' - Journal of the Medical and Dental Students of the Welsh National School of Medicine
—>  Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England: Being a collection of documents, for the most part never before printed, illustrating the History of Science in this Country before the Norman Conquest
—>  "Leeuwenhoeck's Microscopen, Praepareeren en Observatio-methodes"
—>  "Leeuwenhoek, the Man: A Son of his Nation and his Time"
—>  L'Effet Soret: Diffusion thermique dans les Phases condensees
—>  Legal Studies in the University of Oxford
—>  Legem Impone Subactis: Studi su Filosofia e Scienza dei Gesuiti in Italia 1540-1632
—>  "Legend of a Lost Continent"
—>  Leges metaphysicae, seu principia mathematica, quae omnia fere ad magnitudinum rationes, rationumque relationes spectantia universaliter gubernant et indefinite proferunt
—>  Leges Temporum, et Planetarum quibus Civilis, et Astronomici Temporis Lapsus Primi Mobilis, et Errantium Decursus Ordinantur atque in Tabulas Digeruntur ad Longitudinem Taurinensem gr. 30. 46' et Latitudinem gr. 44. 49' ...
—>  Lehrbuch der Chimie und Minerologie fur den Untericht an hoheren Lehrenstalten
—>  Lehrbuch der mikroskopischen Technik
—>  Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie
—>  Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie [oder der Chemie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen]
—>  Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie
—>  Lehrbuch der Technischen Mikroskopie
—>  Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Mikroskopischen Anatomie mit Einschluss der Vergleichenden Histologie und Histogenie
—>  Leibnitzens Anspruch auf der Differenzialrechnung
—>  "Leibniz, the Master - builder of Mathematical Notations"
—>  Leibniz's algorithmic interpretation of Lullus' art
—>  "Leica - for 140 years in an innovative partnership with forensic medicine and criminal investigation: A historical review of contributions by the Wetzlar Optical Industry"
—>  Leica Literature 1930-1960
—>  Leicestershire Clockmakers: Directory of Watch and Clock Makers Working in Leicestershire before 1900
—>  Leichfassliche Anleitung zur Construction und Ausstellung aller regularen und delinirenden Sonnenuhren auf ebenen Zifferblattern
—>  Leichter als Luft: Aus der Geschichte der Ballonluftfahrt
—>  Leitfaden der botanischen Mikroskopie
—>  Leitfaden der Mikrophotographie in der Mykologie
—>  Leitz Manual on the Use of the Microtome and the Preparatory Treatment of the Objects (Embedding) and the After Treatment of the Sections
—>  Leitz-Microscopes for 125 Years
—>  Leitz-Microscopes for medical and general biological work.
—>  "L'Energie Solaire" and "L'Origine des Montagnes"
—>  Lens Computing by Trigonometrical Trace
—>  "Lens Facts for Amateurs"
—>  "Lens making for scientific instrumentation in the seventeenth century"
—>  "Lens Work of the Ancients"
—>  "L'enseignement des mathematiques dans les colleges Jesuites de France du XVIe au XVIIIe siecle (II)"
—>  Lenses and Systems of Lenses, treated after the manner of Gauss
—>  Lens-Work for Amateurs
—>  Leo Baekeland (1863-1944) van Gentse straatjongen tot Amerikaans multimiljonair

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