
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Description and Uses of the New Invented Universal Equatorial Instrument, or, Portable Observatory. With the Divided Object-Glass Micrometer
—>  Description de cent preparations microscopiques tirees des deux regnes et publiees par l'Institut microscopique de Engell & Comp. a Wabern pres Berne (Suisse). Regne Animal. Premiere Serie. 25 Preparations provenant des protozoaires, des rayonnes et de ve
—>  Description de l'Apparatus Microscopique: contenant les Microscopes Doubles, Simples, et Solaires se sont et se vendent par Pierre et Jean Dollond Opticiens de sa Majeste et de son Altesse Royale le Duc d'York, demeurant dans le Cimetiere de St. Paul a Lo
—>  "Description de los Astrolabios de Alfonso X y Arabe"
—>  Description du grand equatorial coude de'Observatoire de Paris
—>  Description du Microscope de Poche fait se vend par Pierre Dollond, Opticien de Sa Majeste, et de son Altesse Royale Monseigneur Le Duc D'York, Demeurant dans Le Strand
—>  "Description d'un astrolabe Arabe construit a Lahore"
—>  Description d'un Astrolabe construit par Abd-Ul-Aima, ingenieur et astronome persau
—>  "Description D'Un Astrolabe European Date de l'annee 1543 Et Portant Le Zodiaque Lunaire"
—>  "Description d'un Astrolabe persan construit par Muhammad-Mehdi vers le milieu du XVIIe siecle"
—>  Description d'un astrolabe, construit a Maroc en l'an 1208
—>  Description d'un Instrument pour prendre hauteur, & pour trouver l'heure vraie sans aucun calcul
—>  Description d'un Microscope Achromatique Simplifie
—>  Description d'un microscope, et de differents micrometres. Destines a mesurer des Parties circulaires, ou droites, avec la plus grande precision
—>  Description d'une Sphere Mouvante par le Moyen d'une Pendule, d'un Globe monte d'une facon particuliere, & d'un nouveau Planishpere pour les distances & grosseurs des Planetes
—>  Description et Representation exacte de la Maison de Glace, construite a St Petersbourg au Mois de Janvier 1740, et de Tous les Meubles qui s'y Trouvoient
—>  Description et usage des barometres, thermometres et autres instrumens meteorologiques
—>  Description et Usage des Principaux Instruments d'Astronomie, Ou l'on traite de leur Stabilite, de leur Fabrique, et de l'Art de les diviser
—>  Description et Usage D'un Cabinet de Physique Experimentale
—>  "Description of a Clinometer"
—>  "Description of a clock by John Shelton, owned by the Royal Society and used by Maskelyne on his visit to St. Helena in 1761, and probably by Mason and Dixon in Pennsylvania"
—>  Description of a glass apparatus, for making mineral waters, like those of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, &c. in a few minutes, and with a very little expence: : together with the description of some new eudiometers, or instruments for ascertaining the wholesomen
—>  "Description of a Machine to Escape from Fire, invented by Mr. Joachim Smith, for which he has obtained his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent" : 2 entries
—>  Description of a Method of taking the Differences of Right Ascension and Declination
—>  Description of a Method of Taking the Differences of Right Ascension and Declination with the Reticule Rhomboide of Dr Bradley. Without Placing the Instrument in the Plane of the Equator
—>  Description of a New Blow-Pipe, with cautions and instructions for its use, when containing a mixed atmosphere of Explosive Gases. Manufactured and sold by J. Newman
—>  "Description of a new Register Thermometer, without any Index; the principle being applicable to the most delicate Mercurial Thermometer"
—>  Description of a New Transit Instrument improved by Sir H. C. Englefield, Bart, F.R.S., F.S.A., etc. etc. etc. and Made and Sold by Thomas Jones, Astronomical and Mathematical Instrument Maker, etc., no. 21, Oxendon-Street
—>  Description of a new-improved Pocket Compound Microscope : 2 entries
—>  Description of a Planetarium or Astronomical Machine, which exhibits the most remarkable Phaenomena, Motions, and Revolutions, of the Universe
—>  "Description of a Planisphere" : 2 entries
—>  Description of a Planispheric Astrolabe, constructed for Shah Sultan Husain Safawi, King of Persia, and now preserved in the British Museum; comprising an Account of the Astrolabe generally, with notes illustrative and explanatory: to which are added, con
—>  Description of a Pocket Microscope, with the Apparatus Thereto belonging: adapted for viewing both Opake and Transparent Objects. And likewise of the Part called the Solar Apparatus
—>  "Description of a Pocket-Dial made for Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex In 1593"
—>  Description of a view of the city of New York now exhibiting at the Panorama, Leicester Square, painted by the proprietor Robert Burford, from drawings taken by him in the autumn of 1832
—>  "Description of an Arabic Quadrant"
—>  "Description of an Astrolabe of Brass made by Georgius Hartman Naremberge, MDXXXVII"
—>  "Description of an Astrological Clock belonging to the Society of Antiquaries"
—>  Description of an Engine for dividing Mathematical Instruments
—>  Description of an Engine for Dividing Strait Lines on Mathematical Instruments : 2 entries
—>  Description of an Improved Achromatic Microscope ...
—>  Description of an Improved Achromatic Microscope, with an explanation of the apparatus, Table of Powers, etc. etc.
—>  Description of an Improved Air-Pump, and an Account of Some Experiments Made with it, by which its Superiority above all other Air-Pumps is Demonstrated : 2 entries
—>  Description of an Improved Air-Pump, applicable to Philosophical and Manufacturing Purposes
—>  Description of an improved Compound Microscope
—>  "Description of an Improved Hygrometer"
—>  "Description of an Instrument combining in one a Maximum and Minimum Mercurial Thermometer, invented by Mr James Hicks"
—>  Description of an instrument for describing ellipses
—>  "Description of an Observatory erected at Starfield, near Liverpool" : 2 entries
—>  Description of an Ophthalmoscope for the investigation of the retina of the living eye
—>  "Description of some Improvements in the Dipping Needle Deflector together with a Chart and Table of the Dip, and Intensity of the Terrestrial Magnetism in Some Parts of England, Ireland, and Wales"
—>  "Description of the Altitude and Azimuth Instrument, erected at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the Year 1847"
—>  Description of the Celestial Globe belonging to Major-General Sir John Malcolm G.C.B., KLS., etc. etc., deposited in the Museum of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
—>  "Description of the Experimental Apparatus and Shaping Machine for Ship Models at the Admiralty Experiment Works, Haslar"
—>  Description of the Galvanic Chronographic Apparatus of the Royal Observatory
—>  Description of the Great Equatorial at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.
—>  Description of the Improved Hadley's Sextant : 2 entries
—>  "Description of the Mural Circle of the Armagh Observatory, and Examination of its Divisions"
—>  Description of the New Improved Lucernal Microscope
—>  Description of the newly constructed Achromatic Microscope by Messrs. Powell and Lealand, 24, Clarendon Street, Somer's Town, London
—>  Description of the Observatory at Cambridge, Massachusetts
—>  Description of the process of manufacturing coal gas, : for the lighting of streets, houses, and public buildings, with elevations, sections, and plans of the most improved sorts of apparatus now employed at the gas works in London, and the principal prov
—>  Description of the Reflex Zenith Tube of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich
—>  "Description of the Reflex Zenith Tube of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich"
—>  Description of the Solar or Camera-Obscura Microscope
—>  Description of the Transit Circle of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich
—>  "Description of the Transit Circle of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich"
—>  Description of the Universal Equatoreal, and of the New Refraction Apparatus, much Improved by Mr. ... with the Method of adjusting the Instrument for Observation. As also Instructions for making Observations with it
—>  Description of the Water-clock of Ssu-Hsun: Hsin I Hsiang Fa Yao (1172 AD)
—>  "Description of the Wax-Paper Process employed for the Photo-Meteorographic Registrations at the Radcliffe Observatory"
—>  Description of Three Hundred Animals, enlarged
—>  Description sommaire d'un nouveau systeme d'equatoriaux et de son installation a l'Observatoire de Paris
—>  Description, and Use, of the Telescopical Mother-of-Pearl Micrometer
—>  Description, and Use, of the Telescopical Mother-of-Pearl Micrometer. Invented by Tiberius Cavallo, F.R.S.
—>  'Description, with Commentary, of two Italian telescopes of the late 17th century, and of a tripod stand for a telescope'
—>  Descriptions et Usages de plusieurs nouveaux Microscopes, tants simples que composez; Avec de nouvelles observations faites sur une multitude innombrable d'insectes, & d'autres animaux de diverses especes, qui naissent dans des liqueurs preparees, & dans : 2 entries
—>  Descriptions of an Electric Telegraph, and of some other electrical apparatus
—>  Descriptive catalogue of chemical apparatus; chemical reagents; cabinets and collections of rocks, minerals, and fossils; models of cystals; models of chemical manufacturies; apparatus for electrography, glass-blowing and blowpipe analysis and every other
—>  Descriptive catalogue of electrical instruments in the Utrecht Museum
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of Hydrostatic, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, and Acoustic Instruments constructed and sold by Watkins and Hill, 5 Charing Cross, London
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of Optical Instruments and Apparatus constructed and sold by Watkins and Hill, 5 Charing Cross, London
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of Ship Models in the Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of Telescopes in the Rijksmuseum voor de Gesch. der Nat., Leiden
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Apparatus & Instruments employed in Experimental and Operative Chemistry, in Analytical Mineralogy, and in the pursuits of the recent discoveries of Voltaic Electricity
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Apparatus and Instruments Employed in Experimental and Operative Chemistry, in Analytical Mineralogy, and in the pursuits of the recent discoveries of Electro-Chemical Science: with directions for fitting up laboratories for p
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection Illustrating Fire Fighting Appliances
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection Illustrating Glass Technology
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection Illustrating Time Measurement : 2 entries
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Collection of Microscopes in charge of the Utrecht University Museum
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Huygens Collection
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Physical Instruments of the 18th Century including the Collection 'sGravesande-Musschenbroek) in the Rijksmuseum voor de Geschiedenis der Natuurwetenschappen (National Museum of the History of Science) at Leyden
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Simple Microscopes
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of the Simple Microscopes in the Rijksmuseum voor de Geschiednis der Natuurwetenschappen (National Museum of the History of Science) at Leyden
—>  Descriptive Catalogue of Voltaic and Thermo-Electric Instruments and Apparatus constructed and sold by Watkins and Hill, 5 Charing Cross, London
—>  Descriptive Guide Book to Calcutta & Its Environs
—>  Descriptive Zoopraxography or the Science of Animal Locomotion made Popular
—>  Descrittione et Uso dell 'Holometro
—>  Dessin et Sciences: XVIIe-XVIIIe siecles
—>  Det gamle steur: bruksgjenstand og antikvitet
—>  "Determinacion de la Hora con un anteojo portatil de pasos, en coincidencia aproximada con el meridiano"
—>  Determination de la difference de Longitude Greenwich-Paris par transport de l'heure en avion
—>  "Determination des Positions Geographiques de Novgorod, Moscou, Riazan, Lipetsk, Voroneje et Toula"
—>  "Determination of Time, Latitude, and Azimuth."
—>  Determinations of Stellar Parallaxes from photographs taken with the 24-inch refractor of the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford
—>  "Determinazione tanto dei rapporti fra i gradi delle varie scale termometriche, compresavi quella del pirometro di Wedgwood; quanto delle formole per la riduzione di qualsiasi temperatura, da una scala in qualunque altra"
—>  Deutsche und Niederlandische Astronomische Instrumente des 11. bis 18. Jahrhunderts
—>  Deutsche und Niederlandische Astronomsche Instrumente des 11.-18. Jahrhunderts
—>  Deutsches Museum: Guide through the Collections
—>  "Deux Astrolabes Marocains du Musee de la Marine"
—>  Deux astrolabes nautiques inedits de J. et A. De Goes, Lisbonne, 1608, 1648
—>  Deux cents livres precieux: De 1467 a 1959
—>  Deux Machines Propre a Faire des Cadrans : 2 entries
—>  Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1908-1910).
—>  Deuxieme Supplement au Dictionnaire de Chimie Pure et Appliquee
—>  "Development of "the Theory of the Steam Engine""
—>  Development of Gravity Pendulums in the 19th Century
—>  "Development of Technical Education in Colonial India"
—>  Development of the Chemical Balance
—>  "Development of the Magnetic Escapement"
—>  "Development of the Phonograph at Alexander Graham Bell's Volta Laboratory"
—>  "Developpements Analytiques pour servir a completer la Theorie des Maxima et Minima des Fonctions a plusieurs Variables Independantes"
—>  Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen
—>  Devonshire Clockmakers
—>  "Dewar at the Royal Institution"
—>  "Di alcune lettere e documenti inediti riguardanti Giovanni Luigi Pons"
—>  Di due astrolabi in caratteri cufici occidentali trovati in Valdagno (Veneto) illustrazione di etc.
—>  "Di Due Astrolabj in caratteri cufici occidentali trovati in Valdagno"
—>  "Di Horn in Horn"
—>  "Di un antichissimo orologio solare recentimente scoperto in Palestrina"
—>  Di un antico orologio Solare Recemente Trovato Dissertazione, etc. : 2 entries
—>  "Di un astrolabio settentrionale degli Arabi posseduto dal sig. Luciano Toschi da Imola"
—>  Di un orologio solare universale lettera
—>  "Di una bellissima edizione di fabrizio mordente salernitano "Mathematico della sacra ces.a M.ta Dell'imperatore Rudolfo II""
—>  Diagnoses Algarum Novarum
—>  Diagnoses Algarum Novarum post Sylloges Editionem Descriptarum. I. Myxophyceae
—>  Diagonal and Reticulated Barometers
—>  "Diagram and Thought in Medieval Science"
—>  "Dialing" : 2 entries
—>  Dialling | Plain, Concave, Convex, Projective, Reflective, Refractive, Showing, How to make all such Dials, and to adorn them with all useful Furniture relating to the Course of the Sun, &c. : 2 entries
—>  "Dialling in the Time of Giovan Battista Benedetti"
—>  Dialling Made Easy: or, Tables calculated For the Latitude of Oxford, (but will serve without sensible Difference for most Parts of England. By the Help of which, and a Line of Chords, the Hour-lines may quickly and exactly be Described upon most sorts of
—>  Dialling made easy: or, Tables calculated for the latitude of Oxford, : (but will serve without sensible difference for most parts of England.)
—>  Dialling Performed Instrumentally by our Hemisphere in Plane ... together with twentie one several Diagrams or Schemes
—>  Dialling References | Antiquarian Horology | December 1953-December 1989
—>  Dialling time : our guest museum
—>  Dialling Universal: Performed by an easie and most speedy way. Shewing How to describe the hour lines on all sorts of Planes whatsoever, and in any Latitude. Performed by certaine Scales set on a small Portable Ruler
—>  "Dialling"
—>  Dialogi tam eos quos edidit de systemate mundi quam quos de motu locali
—>  Dialogo De Gli Horologi Solari. Nel quale con ragioni specolatiue, & pratiche facilmente s'insegna il modo da fabricar tutte le orti di Horologi
—>  Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems - Ptolemaic & Copernican
—>  "Dialogue with the stars" : 2 entries
—>  Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
—>  Dialogues on the Microscope, intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young Persons, desirous of investigating the wonders of the minuter parts of Creation; Containing an account of the principles of vision; and of the construction and management
—>  Dialogus Physicus De Natura Aeris
—>  Dialogy s hvezdami
—>  Diario da viagem de D. Alvaro de Castro ao Hadramaute, em 1548
—>  Diary and correspondence of John Evelyn, F.R.S. : to which is subjoined the private correspondence between King Charles I and Sir Edward Nicholas, and between Sir Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Browne
—>  Diatomaceen-Typen-Platte
—>  Diatribe medica de fermentis chimicis
—>  Dichiaratione et Uso Dell Horoscopio
—>  Dictionarium medicum, vel, Expositiones Vocum medicinaliu d verbum excerptae ex Hippocrate, Aetio, Aretaeo, Alex. Tralliano, Galeno, Paulo AEgineta, Oribasio, Actuario, Rufo Ephesio, Corn. Celso. Cum Latina interpretatione. Lexica duo in Hippocratem huic
—>  Dictionary of Astrology
—>  Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturists including Plant Collectors and Botanical Artists
—>  Dictionary of British Scientific Instruments : 2 entries
—>  Dictionary of Land Surveyors and Local Cartographers of Great Britain and Ireland 1550-1850
—>  Dictionary of Land Surveyors and Local Map-Makers of Great Britain and Ireland 1530-1850
—>  Dictionary of Occult, Hermetic and Alchemical Sigils
—>  Dictionary of Scientific Biography
—>  Dictionary of the History of Science
—>  Dictionnaire de Chimie Pure et Appliquee. Comprenant: La Chimie Organique et Inorganique, la Chimie Appliquee a l'Industrie, a l'Agriculture et aux Arts, la Chimie Analytique, la Chimie Physique et la Mineralogie
—>  Dictionnaire de chymie, : contenant la theorie et la pratique de cette science, son application a la physique, a l'histoire naturelle, a la medecine, & aux arts dependans de la chymie
—>  Dictionnaire des fabricants francais d'instruments de mesure du XVe au XIXe siecle
—>  Dictionnaire des Horlogers Francais
—>  Dictionnaire des Inventeurs francais
—>  Dictionnaire des Termes Utilises dans la Mesure du Temps
—>  Dictionnaire Professionnel Illustre de l'Horlogerie Francais - Allemand - Anglais - Espagnol
—>  "Did Pitiscus Use the Decimal Point?"
—>  "Die Abteilung Zeitmessung im Deutschen Museum"
—>  "Die Alchemie ar-Razi's"
—>  Die Alchemie in alterer und neuerer Zeit : ein Beitrag zur Culturgeschichte
—>  Die Alfonsinischen Tafeln fur den Gebrauch eines modernen Rechners
—>  "Die Algebra der Agypter des mittleren Reiches"
—>  Die Altagyptische Zeitmessung
—>  Die altesten raderuhren und modernen sonnenuhren forschungen uber den ursprung der modernen wissenschaft
—>  Die Anfange der 'akademischen' Physik in Munchen
—>  Die Anfange der deutschen Mikroskoperzeugung
—>  Die Anfange und Entwickelungsstadien des Coordinatenprincipes
—>  Die Antiken Stundenangaben
—>  "Die Anwendung des Dopplereffekts in der Astronomie unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Pionierleistung von H. C. Vogel"
—>  Die Anwendung des Mikroskops: Mikroskopie, Mikroprojektion und Mikrophotographie
—>  "Die Armillarsphare"
—>  Die Astrolabiensammlungen des Deutschen Museums und des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums
—>  "Die Astrologie des Johannes Kepler"
—>  "Die Astronomie an den Hochschulen un Brunn"
—>  "Die Astronomie und die Naturwissenschaften in Mahren"
—>  "Die astronomische Bestimmung der Empfangniszeit und der Schwangerschaftsdauer"
—>  Die astronomische Uhr des Strassburger Munsters: Funktion und Bedeutung eines Kosmos-Modells des 16. Jahrhunderts
—>  Die Astronomische Uhr zu St. Marien in Lubeck
—>  Die astronomischen Tafeln des Muhammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi in der Bearbeitung des Maslama ibn Ahmed al-Madjriti und der latein: uebersetzung des Athelhard von Bath
—>  "Die astronomisch-physikalische Sammlung im Hessischen Landesmuseum zu Kassel : nach einem Vortrag, gehalten im Hessischen Bezirksverein Deutscher Ingenieure am 6. Marz 1928"
—>  "Die astronomisch-physikalische Sammlung in Hessischen Landesmuseum zu Kassel"
—>  "Die Aufnahme des Ohmschen Gesetzes"
—>  Die Augsburger Guckkasten-Verlage: Eine Reise durch die Stadte des 18. Jahrhunderts
—>  "Die Augsburger Uhrmacherei (1550-1650)"
—>  "Die Ausstellung"
—>  Die Bahnbestimmung der Himmelskorper
—>  Die Bausteine des Tierkorpers in Polarisiertem Lichte
—>  "Die Bedeutung der Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Optik und der Phototechnik fur die Astronomie im 19. Jahrhundert"
—>  Die Bedeutung der Leibnizschrift "De Ipsa Natura" im Lichte Ihrer Begriffsgeschichtlichen Voraussetzungen
—>  "Die Bedeutung wissenschaflicher Instrumente fur die Erkenntnis - eine philosophische und historische Betrachtung"
—>  Die Berechnung Irrationaler Quadratwurzeln Vor Der Herrschaft Der Decimalbruche
—>  Die Berechnungen des Laufes und der Erscheinungen der Planeten so wie der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse in den Jahren 1858 bis 1868
—>  "Die Beziehungen zwischen Georg Agricola und Conrad Gesner. Zum vierhundertsten Todestag Georg Agricola"
—>  "Die Bibliographie der Astronomie"
—>  Die Bibliothek des Tycho Brahe
—>  Die Bildersammlung zur Geschichte von Sternglaube und Sternkunde
—>  Die Bilderzeugung in optischen Instrumenten vom Standpunkte der Geometrischen Optik
—>  Die Binokularen Instrument
—>  Die binokularen Instrumente : 2 entries
—>  "Die bisherigen Versuche, das Dschabirproblem zu losen"
—>  "Die bisherigen Versuche, das Dschabirproblem zu losen"
—>  Die Bucher Regiomontans in Spanien
—>  Die Central-Sonne
—>  Die Chemie
—>  "Die Coagulirung von Eiweisskorpern auf mechanischem Wege"
—>  Die Comtoiser Uhr
—>  "Die Deutsche Astronomie in Bohmen und Mahren in den Letzten Hundert Jahren"
—>  Die Deutsche Raderuhr
—>  Die Eigenschaften der Electrischen Materie und des Electrischen Feuers aus verscheidenen neuen Versuchen erklaret, und, nebst etlichen Neuen Maschinen zum Electrisiren
—>  Die einfachsten und untruglichsten Uhren-Regulator der wahren und mittleren Sonnenzeit
—>  "Die Einheit von Technik, Forschung und Philosophie im Wissenschaftsideal des Barock"
—>  Die Einstein-Ausstellung 2005 : "Albert Einstein - Ingenieur des Universums" : 100 Jahre Relativitat, Atome und Quanten; historische Einsichten, aktuelle Bezuge, zukunftige Entwicklungen : 2 entries
—>  Die Elemente der analytischen Dioptrik
—>  Die Elemente der Photographischen Optik. Enthaltend eine Cemeinverstandliche Darstellung der Einrichtung Photographischer Linsensysteme, Sowie Angabe uber Prufung Derselben. Nach dem Neuesten Standpunkt der Wissenschaft und Praxis
—>  "Die Enstehung physikalischer Terminologie aus der neoplatonischen Metaphysik"
—>  Die Entdeckung der hoheren Alalysis
—>  "Die Entstehung des Elektronenmikroskops (Zusammenhang zwischen Realisierung und erster Patentanmeldung, Dokumente einer Erfindung)"
—>  Die Entwicklung des Meridiankreises 1700-1850: Genesis eines astronomischen Hauptinstrumentes unter Berucksichtigung des Wechselverhaltnisses zwischen Astronomie, Astro-Technik und Technik
—>  "Die Entwicklung physikalischer Grundbegriffe bei den Greichen"
—>  Die Erfindung des Geiger-Muller-Zahlrohres
—>  Die erste Ausstellung in Hauswedells neuen Raumen
—>  Die erste Sternwarte Europas mit ihren Instrumenten und Uhren: 400 Jahre Jost Burgi in Kassel
—>  Die ersten Forschungsergebnisse der Globus-inventarisierung in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Ein Beitrag zur Internationalen Weltinventarisierung durch die UNESCO)
—>  "Die ettalische Glashutte in Aschau"
—>  Die europaischen Ubersetzungen aus dem Arabischen bis Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts
—>  "Die Firmiansuhr"
—>  "Die Frankische Sternkunde im 11. bis 16. Jahrhundert"
—>  Die Franzosische Pendule des 18. Jahr-hunderts: ein Beitrag zu ihrer Ikonologie
—>  "Die fruhe Diskussion zwischen Stark und Sommerfeld uber die Quantenhypothese (1)"
—>  Die fruhe Entwicklung der Elektronenlinsen und der Elektronenmikroskopie
—>  Die Fur Alle Zeit von Praktischem Wert Bleibenden Photographischen Urmethoden
—>  Die Galvanoplastik, oder das Verfahren Coharentes Kupfer in Platten oder nach sonst gegebenen Formen, Unmittelbar aus Kupferauflosungen, auf galvanischem Wege zu Produciren
—>  "Die Gebetszeiten im Islam"
—>  Die Geheimsymbole der Alchymie, Arzneikunde und Astrologie des Mittelalters
—>  "Die geographische Verbreitung der Gewitter in Mittel-Europa im Jahre 1856, so wie uber die gegenseitige Beziehung zwischen dem Auftreten der Gewitter, der Temperatur, der Windrichtung und dem Barometerstande"
—>  Die Geologie in ihrem Verhaltnisse zu den ubrigen Naturwissenschaften. Festrede fur die Feier des Ludwigstages am 25 August 1843
—>  Die Geometrie in Tabellen
—>  "Die Geometrische Construction Als "Existenxbeweis" In Der Antiken Geometrie"
—>  Die geometrischen Instrumente
—>  Die Geschichte der Axiomatischen Methode im 16. und Beginnenden 17. Jahrhundert (Wandlung der Wissenschaftsauffassung)
—>  Die Geschichte der Kartographie
—>  "Die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften im Spiegel des XIII. Internationalen Kongresses in Moskau"
—>  Die Geschichte der Raderuhr unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Uhren des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums
—>  Die Geschichte der Wissenschaftlichen Instrumente vom Beginn der Renaissance bis zum Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts
—>  Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung und der Uhren
—>  Die Geschichte des Relationssatzes als Beispiel der Entstehung und Auflosung einer wissenschaftlichen Konzeption
—>  Die Geschichte des Vesuv: illustriert nach gleichzeitigen Urkunden.
—>  "Die Geschichte ihrer Entwicklung anhand historischer Leistungen bis zu Gegenwart"
—>  Die Gestaltung der Hals- und Taschenuhren
—>  Die Gestirne
—>  "Die Glasmalerei-Sonnenuhr des Museums fur angewandte Kunst in Wien"
—>  Die Gnomonik der Araber
—>  Die Goldhorner von Gallehus
—>  Die grosse Sonnen-Uhr, oder neue leichfassliche Himmels-Beschreibung, nebst neuen hochst interessanten Aumerkungen, Berechnungen und Augaben uber die, etc.
—>  Die Grundlagen der Theorie des Mikroskops
—>  Die Grundlehren der Astronomie nach ihrer geschichtlichen Entwickelung dargestellt
—>  "Die Grundung des Deutschen Museums: Motive und Kontroversen"
—>  Die Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorfe erbaut 1906-1912
—>  Die Hauptsatze der Astronomie zum Gebrauche bei seinen Vorlesungen fur Gebildete zusammengestellt
—>  "Die hollandische Physik im 18. Jahrhundert mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Entwichlung der Feinmechaik"
—>  Die Hollandischen Optiker Jan und Harmanus van Deijl und ihre Mikroskope
—>  Die horizontal-Sonnenuhr fur jede funfte Minute trigonometrisch berechnet und als Hulfsmittel fur Jedermann, der eine richtig zeigende Sonnenuhr sich selbst verfertigen will, dargestellt von Augustin Regensburger
—>  "Die instrumente des Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) im Museo di Storia della Scienza in Florenz" : 2 entries
—>  Die Irrationalen Quadratwurzeln Bei Archimedes Und Heron
—>  "Die italienische Sonnenuhr"
—>  Die Jugendjahre von Bernhard Schmidt und sein Briefwechsel mit dem Potsdamer Observatorium
—>  Die Kaisermonument-Uhr
—>  Die Kennzeichen der Insekten, : nach Anleitung des Konigl. Schwed. Ritters und Leibarzts Karl Linnaeus, durch XXIV. Kupfertafeln erlautert und mit derselben naturlichen Geschichte begleitet
—>  "Die Kepler-Bildnisse" (Part of Kepler-Festschrift)
—>  "Die Kirchturmuhr von Groothusen"
—>  Die Kometen und ihre Bedeutung als Weltkorper. Nach den Resultaten der neuesten wissenschaftlichen
—>  "Die Kompasse im Bergbau unter Ausschluss der Taschenkompasse und der Visierkompasse"
—>  Die Konstanten der physischen Libration des Mondes abgeleitet aus Schluters Konigsberger Heliometer-Beobachtungen
—>  Die Kunst gute Sonnen Uhren zu machen oder Practische Unweisung alle Urten der ublichen Sonnen Uhren geometrisch und arithmetrisch zu verfertigen
—>  Die Kunst Sonnenuhren auf das Papier oder eine Mauer
—>  Die Kunst Sonnenuhren auf das Papier oder eine Mauer zu zeichnen ...
—>  "Die Kuriose Welt der Automaten"
—>  Die Lehre von der Elektricitat und dem Magnetismus versuch einer Theoretischen Ableitung der Gesammten Magnetischen und Elekrischen Erscheinungen
—>  Die Leitz-Werke: Optische Werke Wetzlar. Ihre Geschichte und ihre Bedeutung fur den Wetzlarer Raum
—>  "Die Lowe'schen Ringe eine Beugungs-Erscheinung"
—>  "Die Lunarbuchstaben in den Kalendarien des Mittelalters"
—>  Die magnetische Vermessung einiger westgotischen Kirchen in Spanien
—>  Die Maschine im Leben der Volker
—>  Die mathematischen Theorien der Planeten-Bewegungen
—>  "Die mathematischen, physikalischen und astronomischen handschriften in den Bibliotheken der Slowakei"
—>  Die Mechanik der fruhen Raderuhren
—>  "Die Methode der Schnittveraschung un fixierter tierischer Gewebe"
—>  Die Methoden der Rekonstruktion
—>  Die Microscopie als Hilfswissenschaft der Medicin. Microscopische Anatomie und Physiologie der thierischen Fluffigkeiten
—>  Die Mikrophotographie als Hilfmittel naturwissenschaftlicher Forschung
—>  Die Mikrophotographie. Die Wissenschaftliche und Angewandte Photographie
—>  Die Milchstrasse
—>  Die mittlere jahrliche Temperatur auf der Erdoberflache als Function der geograph. Lange und Breite nach den Beobachtungen dargestellt. Eine Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Magister-Wurde verfasst und mit Bewilligung Einer Hochverordneten physiko-mathematisc
—>  Die Monas-Hieroglyphe
—>  Die Moral der Jesuiten, quellenmassig nachgewiesen aus ihren Schriften von einem Katholiken
—>  Die Munztechnik: Ein Handbuch fur Munztechniker, Medaillenfabrikanten, Gold- und Silberarbeiter, Graveure und technische Chemiker
—>  "Die Naturforschung an der Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jh. im Lichte neuerer Arbeiten (zugleich eine Besprechung von "History of Science", Band 3)"
—>  Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange
—>  Die neueren Erfindungen und Berbesserungen in Betreff der optischen Instrumente, als der verschiedenen Arten optischer und periskopischer Glaser, der Perspective, Teleskope, Mikroskope, Taschen-und Doppelmikroskope, Reflectoren, Camera lucida, Zauberlater
—>  Die Nobelpreistrager der Physik
—>  Die Optischen Instrumente der Firma R. Fuess deren Beschreibung, Justierung und Anwendung
—>  Die optischen Instrumente. Brille, Lupe, Mikroskop, Fernrohr Aufnahmelinse und ihnen verwandte Vorkerungen
—>  Die periodischen Sternschnuppen und die Resultate der Erscheinungen, abgeleitet aus den wahrend der letzen 10 Jahre zu Aachen angestellten Beobachtungen
—>  "Die Pflanzenkunde des Theophrast von Eresos"
—>  Die Pflanzliche Zellwand
—>  Die Photographie der Gestirne
—>  Die Protophysik der Zeit
—>  Die Quadratischen Irrationalitaten Der Alten Und Deren Entwichelungmethoden
—>  Die Reale Stadt und die Krankheit im 17. Jahrhundert
—>  "Die Rechentechnik um 1600 und Wilhelm Schickards Rechenmaschine"
—>  Die Rechnung mit Richtungszahlen oder die geometrische Behandlung imaginarer Grossen
—>  Die Reihenentwickelungen der Differenzial- und Integralrechnung
—>  "Die Rekonstruktion der ersten festeingerichteten Sternwarte Europas in Kassel"
—>  Die Remeis-Sternwarte von 1889-1953
—>  Die Rettung der Phanomene
—>  "Die Rolle der Erfahrung in der antiken und in der neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft"
—>  Die Rolle der Mathematik in der Technik des 19. Jahrhunderts
—>  "Die Rolle der Technik in der italienischen Renaissanee"
—>  Die Rosenkreuzer Ihre Gebrauche und Mysterien
—>  "Die Schiffshygiene in einem lateinischen Manuskript des 16. Jahrhunderts uber Schiffahrtskunde (Ars nautica)"
—>  Die schonsten Anzeigen in den Fliegenden Blattern Werbung zu Kaisers Zeiten
—>  "Die Schweremessungen im Ries, die Tektite und der Mond"
—>  "Die sieben mechanischen Kunste des Mittelalters"
—>  "Die Smithsonian Institution"
—>  "Die sogenannten Sieben Bucher uber die Fundamente der chemischen Kunst von Joachim Rhetikus (1514-1576)"
—>  Die Sonnenuhr des Augustus
—>  Die Sonnenuhr oder praktische Anleitung, die Zeit zu bestimmen, Sonnenuhren verscheidener Art, darunter auch solche, die jede einzelne Minute zeigen, zu construiren
—>  "Die Sonnenuhren in Nordtirol"
—>  "Die Sonnenuhren von Michael Bergauer / Innsbruck"
—>  Die Sonnenuhren: Kunstweke der zeitmessung und ihre geheimnisse
—>  Die Sonnenuhrmacher Engelbrecht in Beraun
—>  Die Spectralanalyse der Gestirne
—>  Die Stammblatter von Sphagnum, microphotographisch nach der Natur
—>  "Die Stellung der Chaetognathen im System" : 2 entries
—>  "Die Stereoskope-Fabrik Willi Winter: Zur Geschichte der Stereoskopie"
—>  'Die Stern-Atlanten der bohmischen Konige im XIV. Jahrhunderte'
—>  "Die Sternbilder der alten Aegypter"
—>  Die Sterne lugen nicht : Astrologie und Astronomie im Mittelalter und in der Fruhen Neuzeit
—>  Die Sternen-Uhr oder Anweisung wie man durch den Polarstern in jeder hellen Nacht am Himmel sehen kann um, etc.
—>  Die Sternwarten Kassels in hessischer Zeit
—>  Die Suche nach alten Sonnenuhren und wissenschaftlichen Instrumenten in Skandinavien
—>  "Die Tage der Sommersonnenwende"
—>  "Die Tat des Copernicus"
—>  "Die Technik als Kulturfaktor"
—>  Die Technik der Vorzeit, der geschichtlichen Zeit und der Naturvolker: Ein Handbuch fur Archaologen und Historiker, Museen und Sammler, Kunsthandler und Antiquare
—>  "Die technische Entwicklung umgekehrter Mikroskope"
—>  "Die technische Umwelt der fruhen Raderuhr"
—>  Die Theorie der Sonnenuhren : 2 entries
—>  Die Theorie der Warme, ein Versuch zur Erklarung der Erscheinungen von Warme, Licht und Electricitat
—>  Die Thierarten des Aristoteles : von den Klassen der Saugethiere, Vogel, Reptilien, und Insekten
—>  "Die Thomas'sche Rechenmaschine"
—>  "Die Tiroler Markscheider (Schiener) im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert"
—>  Die Tychonischen Instrumente auf der Prager Sternwarte
—>  "Die Uhr und das Pendel"
—>  Die Uhr von der Sonnenuhr zur Atomuhr
—>  "Die Uhr"
—>  Die Uhr: Ein Beitrag Zur Culturgeschichte Der Alten (Hebraer-Griechen-Romer.)
—>  Die Uhr: Geschichte - Technik - Stil
—>  "Die uhren im inventar vom jahre 1644. Des Astronomisch-Physikalischen kabinetts in Kassel"
—>  "Die Uhren und das Zeitbewusstsein"
—>  Die Uhrensammlung im Kirschgarten
—>  "Die uhrmacher in Bohmen und Mahren zur zeit der Gotik und Renaissance"
—>  "Die Uhrmacher in Bohmen und Mahren zur Zeit der Gotik und Renaissance"
—>  "Die Uhrmacher in Bohmen und Mahren, 1630-1850"
—>  Die Uhrmacher von Winterthur und ihre Werke
—>  Die Uhrsache des Einschlagens vom Blisse nebst dessen Abwedung von unsern Gebauden aus zuverlassiger Erfahrung von Wetterschlagen vor Augen gelegt/von, etc.
—>  Die Umkehrung der Voltaischen Pole durch Herrn Pohl oder die durch seine Philosophie geheilte 25 jahrige Blindheit der Naturforscher. Geschichte, Kritik, Versuche
—>  Die Unterfamilie der Halacaridae Murr und die Meeresmilben der Ostee
—>  Die Unterscheidung der naturlichen und kunstlichen Seiden. Eine praktische Anleitung zur mikroskopischchemischen Prufung der Seiden fur Untersuchungamster, Lehrenstalten, Industriellen, Zollbeamte usw
—>  Die veranderlichen Sterne
—>  Die Verwendung des Astrolabs nach al Chwarizmi
—>  Die Verwendung des Polarisationsmikroskops fur Biologische Untersuchungen
—>  "Die vier Elemente"
—>  Die Waage des Chemikers
—>  Die Warmebehandlung des Permalloy C
—>  "Die Welt als Uhr: Deutsche Uhren und Automaten 1550-1650"
—>  Die Welt als Uhr: Deutsche Uhren und Automaten, 1550-1650
—>  Die werkwurdigen Eigenschaften der Pythagorischen Bahlen, ihr Bildungsgesetz und ihr Gebrauch in der unbestimmten Analytik
—>  Die Werkzeuge der Holz- u. Hornarbeiter, namentlich der Zimmerleute, Tischler, Drechsler, Bottcher, Stellamacher etc. Nach den Ungaben des vornehmsten englischen Werkzeugsfabrikanten, Carl Holkapsel in London und nach sonstigen guten Hulfsmitteln fur deut
—>  Die Witterungsverhaltnisse von Berlin. Eine am 29 Januar im Vereine fur wissenschaftliche Vortrage gehaltene Vorlesug
—>  Die Wunder der Unsichtbaren Welt enthullt durch das Mikroskop: Eine populare Darstellung der durch das Mikroskop erlangten Ausschlusse uber die Geheimnisse der Natur
—>  Die Wunder des Mikroskops, oder die Welt im kleinsten Raume
—>  Die Wunderbare Uhr zu Lund "Horologium Mirabile Lundense"
—>  Die Zahlzeichen und das elementare Rechnen der Griechen und Romer und des christlichen Abendlandes vom 7. bis 13. Jahrhundert
—>  Die Zeitmesser bis zur Erfindung der Pendeluhr
—>  "Die Zeitmesser der antiken Volker"
—>  Die Zeitmesser des Altertums bis der Erfindung des Pendels
—>  Die Zeitmessung und die Uhren
—>  "Die Zeitrechnung der alten Germanen"
—>  Die Zeitrechnung der Babylonier und Assyrer
—>  Die Zeugung der Organismen, inbesondere des Menschen: nach dem Weltbild des Hl. Thomas von Aquin und dem der Gegenwart
—>  "Die zwei schonsten Mandl-Kalender"
—>  "Dietari de l'obra del rellotge i la campana dell castell de Perpinya l'any 1356"
—>  Difesa de Galileo Galilei nobile fiorentino, ... Contro alle Calumi & imposture Di Baldessar Capra Milanese, ...
—>  Difetti dell' Orologio regolato all' italiana perfezioni dell' orologio regolato alla francese ... li 26 Froreal anno della liberta italiana
—>  "Differences of Refractive Indices"
—>  Difficiles Nugae: or, Observations touching the Torricellian Experiment, and the various Solutions of the same, especially touching the Weight and Elasticity of the Air
—>  Dimensio graduum meridiani Viennensis et Hungarici ...
—>  Dimitrie Cantemir : 2 entries
—>  Dio
—>  "Dioptric Apparatus in Lighthouses for the Electric Light"
—>  Dioptrica Nova. A Treatise of Dioptricks, In Two Parts. Wherein the Various Effects and Appearances of Spherick Glasses, both Convex and Concave, Single and Combined, in Telescopes and Microscopes. Together with Their Usefulness in many Concerns of Human
—>  Dioptrice: Seu Demonstratio eorum quae visui & visilibus propter Conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt
—>  Dioptrice: Seu Demonstratio eorum quae visui & visilibus propter Conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt. Praemissae Epistolae Galilaei de iis quae post editionem Nuncii Siderei, ope Perspicilli, nova & admiranda in Coelo deprehensa sunt. Item Examen : 2 entries
—>  Dioptrice: seu demonstratio eorum quae visui & visilibus propter Conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt. Praemissae Epistolae Galilaei de iis quae post editionem Nuncii Siderei, ope Perspicilli, nova & admiranda in coe lo deprehensa sunt. Item examen
—>  Dioptrische Untersuchungen
—>  Directions for Fixing Homan's Solar Clock to a Pedestal or other Level Support
—>  Directions for making a Machine for finding the Roots of Equations universally, with the Manner of Using it, in a Letter to John Bevis, M.D., F.R.S., by the Rev. Mr. Rowning
—>  Directions for making an Universal Meridian Dial capable of being set to any latitude, which shall give the mean time of noon by inspection without any calculation
—>  Directions for making an Universal Meridian Dial, capable of Being set to any Latitude; which shall give the Mean Solar Time of noon, by Inspection, without any calculation whatsoever
—>  Directions for making the best composition for the Metals of Reflecting Telescopes; and the Method of Casting, Grinding, Polishing, and giving them the true Parabolic Figure
—>  Directions for Observing with Troughton's Reflecting Circle
—>  Directions for obtaining, both positive and negative pictures upon glass by means of the collodion process and for printing from the negative glasses on to paper
—>  Directions For taking Altitudes at Sea: with A New Instrument by J. Bird : 2 entries
—>  Directions for the Erection and Management of the Patent Electrical Anemometers
—>  Directions for the use of Hadley's Quadrant, with Remarks on the Construction of that Instrument. With considerable Corrections and Additions
—>  "Directions For the Use of the General Apparatus of Optical Instruments"
—>  Directions for use of the Mort cross section clinometer : CMWTH. patent no. 16386
—>  Directions For using the Electrical Machine, As Made and Sold by Edward Nairne, Optical, Philosophical, and Mathematical Instrument-maker, Fronting the Royal Exchange, in Cornhill, London
—>  Directions for Using the Engineer's Sliding Rule; with a Description of the Several Lines upon it, and Directions how to find any Number thereon; together with The Application of these Lines to Multiplication Division, the Rule of Three, etc. etc. ...
—>  Directions for using the Engineers' Sliding Rule; with a description of the several lines upon it, and Directions how to find any Number thereon; together with The Application of these Lines to Multiplication, Division, the Rule of Three, etc. etc.
—>  Directions for Using the Engineers' Sliding Rule; with a Description of the Several Lines upon it, and Directions how to find any Number thereon; together with The Application of these Lines to Multiplication, Division, the Rule of Three, etc. etc. ...
—>  Directions for using the new improved Hadley's Quadrant; ...
—>  Directions for Using the Patent Aerometrical Beads, and Sliding Rule; for Ascertaining the Specific Gravities, or Strength, of Spirituous Liquors
—>  Directions for Using the Patent Copying Machines
—>  Directions how to use the Compound Microscope, as Made and Sold by Edward Nairne, at the Golden Spectacles fronting the [North-Gate of the (deleted)] Royal-Exchange, London
—>  Directions pour l'Usage de l'Octant de Hadley
—>  Directions pour l'Usage du Sextant de Hadley pour determiner la Longitude sur Mer
—>  Directions to use the Improved Pocket Microscope
—>  "Directorium ad faciendum passagium transmarinum"
—>  Directorium General Uranometricum In quo Trigonometriae Logarithmicae Fundamenta, ac Regulae demonstrantur, Astronomicaeq, Supputationes ad solam fere vulgarem Additionem reducuntur
—>  Directory of British Scientific Instrument Makers 1550-1851
—>  Directory of British scientific instrument makers, 1550-1851
—>  Directory of Museums
—>  Directory of Museums and Art Galleries in British Africa and in Malta, Cyprus, and Gibraltar
—>  Directory of Museums and Art Galleries in The British Isles
—>  Directory of Museums in the South Midlands : 2 entries
—>  Diribitorium Medicum, de Omnium Morborum Accidentiumq; in & externorum Definitionibus ac Curationibus, ex Saporibus, Odoribus, Foetoribusue, provenientibus a Fermentorum, Effervescentiarum aut Putrefactionum Salibus, Sulphuribus vel Mercuriis, quae male i
—>  Disability Resource Directory for Museums
—>  "Disavventure londinesi di Cristoforo Colombo"
—>  Discharge Lamps for Photography and Projection
—>  Disciples of Light: Photographs in the Brewster Album
—>  "Discontinuities in the Variation of Latitude at Greenwich, 1900-27"
—>  Discorso sopra la fabrica e usodelle nuove Verghe Astronomiche
—>  Discours
—>  Discours prononce sur la tombe de M. Cullerier, par M. Pariset
—>  Discours prononce, le 23 Juin 1810, sur la tombe de Monsieur Thouret, doyen de la faculte de medecine de Paris
—>  Discours Prononces Aux Obseques de M. Paul Tannery Le 2 Decembre 1904
—>  Discours sur l'Aiman, Presente a l'Academie Royale des Sciences, pour concourir sur le sujet propose pour 1744
—>  Discours sur l'Astronomie et le Calcul des Probabilites
—>  Discours sur les Revolutions de la surface du Globe, et sur les changements qu'elles ont produits dans le regne animal
—>  Discourse concerning the Nature and Certainty of Sir Isaac Newton's Methods of Fluxions, and of Prime and Ultimate Ratios
—>  Discourse on Method and Metaphysical Meditations
—>  Discourses on the Gout, a Rheumatism, and the King's Evil. Contianing an Explication of the Nature, Causes, and different Species of those Diseases, and the Method of Curing them
—>  Discoveries and Opinions of Galileo
—>  Discovering Cameras 1945-1965
—>  Discovering Old Cameras : 2 entries
—>  "Discovering the Lost Race of Mound Builders"
—>  "Discovery at the Sheldonian. Pleas for Preservation of Wren's Work"
—>  "Discovery of an old Astrolabe"
—>  "Discovery of skulls with surgical holing at Tell Duweir, Palestine"
—>  "Discovery of the Autonomic Nervous System"
—>  Discovery of the Longitude at Sea by Solar Distance. In this Essay the superior certainty of Simple to Compound Motion, for the Mensuration of Time, and consequent Advantage, in that respect, of a Sand Glass, adjusted to the Earth's Diurnal Revolutiom, fo
—>  Discovery: A Monthly Popular Journal of Knowledge
—>  Discursive chemical notes in rhyme, part I
—>  Discursus Politicus de Polygamia. Salomon. Eme veritatem nec vende illam. Christus. Si male locutus sum proba, si vero bene, quare verberas me
—>  Discussing Chemistry and Steam: The Minutes of a Coffee House Philosophical Society 1780-1787.
—>  Disertacion sobre la historia de la nautica: y de las ciencias matematicas que han contribuido a sus progresos entre los Espanoles
—>  Dispensatorium chymicum : hoc est, noua et hactenus incognita rariora et praestantissima ad periculosissimos & mirabiles quosque morbos remedia conficiendi ratio, atque curandi methodus / Ex optimorum ... auctorum praesertim Josephi Quercetani, Petri Baco
—>  Dispensatorius Chymicum, Hoc est, Nova et Hactenus Incognita Rariora, etc.
—>  Display equipment : for museums, art galleries, libraries, universities, laboratories & schools
—>  Dispunctio Notarum Mirandulani Codicis ad Cor. Tacitum
—>  Disputatio de Generatione Meteorum quam Divina Annuente Gratia Sub Praesidio Dn. Johannis Rudolphi Saltzmanni Junioris ... Solenniter defendere conabitur
—>  Disputatio de Instrumento Magno Aequatoreo in Specula Universitatis Hauniensis nuper Erecto
—>  Disputatio Inauguralis Medica de Ceraunia vulgo von der Donner+Art/ ut et de Fulmine Tactis; Quam Divina Assistente Gratia ex Decreto Gratiosiss. Facult. Medicae, in Alma Anno Seculari IVbILaeo orthoLogorVM seCVnDo, Pro Licentia Impetrandi Jura Doctoratus
—>  Disputatio medica inauguralis de glandulis in genere ...
—>  Disputatio medica inauguralis de variolis ...
—>  Disputatio Medica Inauguralis De D?SO?E??A
—>  Disputatio medica inauguralis, : continens considerationes quasdam theoretico-practicas circa foetum humanum. Quam praeside summo numine ex auctoritate magnifici D. Rectoris, D. Petri van Mastricht, S.S. Theol. Doctoris, & in illustri hac academia profess
—>  Disputatio medica inauguralis, de calculo renum et vesicae. : Quam annuente Deo ter opt. max. ex auctoritate magnifici D. Rectoris, D. Theodori Triglandii, J.U.D. ejusdemque facultatis in illustri ducat¿s celeriae, & comitat¿s Zutphaniae, quae Hardervici,
—>  Disputatio medica inauguralis, de circulatione sanguinis in foetu humano, ejusque nutritione, & meconio ...
—>  Disputatio medica inauguralis, de passione hysterica, : quam favente Deo opt. max. ex auctoritate magnifici D. Rectoris D. Antonii Matthaei, J.U.D. ejusdemque Facultatis in Inclyta Acad. Lugd. Bat. Professoris ordinarii, nec non amplissimi senat¿s academi
—>  Disputatio Medica ?erI tou ?eou sive de Divino in Morbis Quod Magnus Hippocrates in Prognosticis observare Medicum iussit. Quam, Supremo Annuente Numine sub Praesidio Excellentissimi, Clarissimique Viri, D. Adolfi Vorstii in Inclyta Batav. Acad. Quae Ludg
—>  Disputatio medico-chemica inauguralis, de antimonio, : quam favente Deo opt. max. ex auctoritate magnifici D. Rectoris, Dn. Caroli Drelincurtii, ...
—>  Disputationem solennem de catarrhis. : Gratia benignissimi Dei, ex authoritate magnifici Dni. Rectoris, Dni. Joh. Friderici Bockelmanni, J.U.D. et Professoris Publ. Ordinarii, amplissimo senatu academico consentiente, et nobilissimae facultatis medicae su
—>  Disquisitio Anatomica de Formato Foetu
—>  Disquisitio Chimica de Silice
—>  Disquisitio de Causa Physica Electricitatis ab Academia Scientiarum Imperiali Petropolitana Praemio Coronata in Publico Academiae Conventu die VI. September. MDCCLV
—>  Disquisitio de Methodis Traditis ad Cometarum Orbitas Determinandas
—>  Disquisitiones Archaelogico-Mathematicae Circa Solaria Veterum
—>  Disquisitions meteorologiques pour combattre les Principaux Assertions de M. Piddington sur les Tempetes, et soutenir une nouvelle Proposition touchant le Mecanisme de ces Meteores
—>  "Dissecting Room Portraits: Decoding an Underground Genre"
—>  "Dissection in Ancient India"
—>  Dissertatio Astronomica Inauguralis continens Observationes Ope Instrumenti Transitorii Portabilis Institutas, quam, Annuente Summo Numine, ex Auctoritate Rectoris Magnifici Gideonis Iani Verdam, amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu et nobilissimae Facul
—>  Dissertatio de Magnete
—>  Dissertatio de Maris Aestu ac praesertim de Viribus Lunae, Solisque Mare Moventibus, quam equiti Cajetano Antinorio Urbevetano Ordinis S. Stephani Priori, uni ex Aetruriae Regentibus, atque a Secretis Bellicis constituto, Vincentius Bucellius, in obsequen
—>  Dissertatio de sacerdotibus et sacrificiis Aegyptiorum
—>  Dissertatio Epistolica de Ortu Animae Humanae ut et Consilium Hygiasticum
—>  Dissertatio Historico-Medica Inauguralis de Antonii Leeuwenhoeckii, meritis is quasdam partes Anatomiae Microscopicae
—>  Dissertatio Horographica sistens Horologium Universale Munsterianum Demonstrationibus Astronomicus, roboratum, etc.
—>  "Dissertatio Inauguralis Chimico - Medica de Salium Origine" ...
—>  Dissertatio inauguralis physico-medica sistens observationes et experimenta circa genesin aeris fixi et phlogisticati. : Quam ex auctoritate et decreto Gratiosae Facultatis Medicae pro gradu Doctoris adipiscendo d. IX. Septembris MDCCLXXXVI H. L. Q. C. pa
—>  Dissertatio Mathematica Inauguralis de Superficierum Curvatura, quam, Favente summo Numine, ex Auctoritate Rectoris Magnifici Frederici Christiani de Greuve, Amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu et Nobilissimi Ordinis Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Phys
—>  Dissertatio mathematico-autiquaria de Horologiis veterum sciothericis cue accedit theoria solariorum horam azimuthum et altitudinem solis una exhibentium
—>  Dissertatio Medica de natura Acidi & Alcali; Genuinarum sanitatis & morbi causarum. Propter novitatem argumenti hac forma recusa, in quibusdam locis aucta, ac a mendis repurgata
—>  Dissertatio Meteorologica qua Ros sistitur, etc.
—>  Dissertatio Philologica de Graeea voce OYPANOY Seu Coeli Quam Supremi Numinis Auxilio Rectore Magnificentissimo Dn. Wilhelmo Henrico Duce Saxoniae, Iuliaci, Cliviae, Montium cetera Superiorum Consensu in Academia Ienensi D. 7 Mart. A. O. R. MDCCV.
—>  Dissertatio Philologica de Graeeavoce Oypanoy sue Coeli
—>  Dissertatio Philologica de Odoribus ad Franciscum Barberinum Cardinalem
—>  Dissertatio Philosophica Inauguralis de Elasticitate Aeris ejusque Causa
—>  Dissertatio Philosophica Inauguralis, de Aestu Marino; quam Favente Summo Numine, ex Auctoritate Rectoris Magnifici Ewaldi Hollebeek ... nec non Amplissimi Senatus Academici Consensu, & Nobillissimae Facultatis Philosophicae Decreto, pro Doctoratu et Magi
—>  Dissertatio Physica de Caussis Lucis Borealis quae in Terris Circulo Polari Arctico Proximis Crebro Adparere Solet. Quam Consensu et Auctoritate Illustrium Gymnasiarcharum in Regio Gymnasio Academico Altonensi Praeside Viro Doctrina et Experientia Claro D
—>  Dissertatio Physica de Repentinis Variationibus in Pressione Atmosphaerae Observatis
—>  Dissertatio Physica Meteorologica de Ventis ... Publico Eruditorum Examini ventilandam proponit Ad diem Novembr. Ao. MDCLXIII. In Aula Philosophorum Renovata, Horis antemeridianis
—>  Dissertatio quam Consensu et Auctoritate ... Universitate Litteraria Friderica Guilelma
—>  Dissertation of an unknown work [?]
—>  Dissertation on the Gipsies, Being an Historical Enquiry, Concerning the Manner of Life, Oeconomy, Customs and Conditions of these People in Europe, and their Origin
—>  Dissertation on the Method of Determining the Parralax of the Sun by the Transit of Venus, June 6. 1761
—>  Dissertation sur la Cause de l'Elevation des Liqueurs dans les Tubes Capillaries
—>  Dissertation sur la Nature et la Formation de la Grele, qui a Remporte le Prix au Jugement de l'Academie Royale des Belles Lettres, Sciences, & Arts
—>  Dissertatione sopra il retrocedimento dell' ombra solare sull' orologio de acaz
—>  Dissertationem Inauguralem Medicam ante Diem XXXI. Januar. Anni MDCCXXXXIII. Indicit atque Novum Barometrum Navale
—>  Dissertationes chymico-physicae, chymiae finem, instrumenta & operationes freqventiores explicantes, : cum indice rerum & verborum. Qvibus accessit ejusdem tractatus, olim editus, De aeris in sublunaria influxu
—>  Dissertationes et adnotationes, etc.
—>  Dissertationes Medico-Physicae. De Antris Lethiferis. De Montis Vesuvii Incendio. De Stupendo Ossium Coalitu. De Immani Hypogastrii Sarcomate
—>  Dissertationes Physico-Mathematicae, partim antea editae in Actis Philosophicis Londinensibus, jam auctiores et emendatiores partim nunc primum impressae
—>  Dissertationes Physico-Mathematical
—>  Dissertationis Physicae de Fulgure, et Tonitru ex Phaenomenis Electricis pars posterior. Quam Divinis sub Auspiciis Praeside Matthia Butschany ... in Academia Georgia Augusta D. XIX Martii MDCCLVII
—>  Dissertations and Letters by Don Joseph Rodriguez, the Chevalier Delambre, Baron de Zach, Dr Thomas Thomson, Dr Olinthus Gregory, and others: tending Either to Impugn or to Defend the Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales; carrying on by Col. Mudge
—>  Dissertations relative to the Natural History of Animals and Vegetables. To which are added Two Letters from Mr. Bonnet to the Author. And (to each Volume of this Translation) an Appendix, the first containing a Paper written by Mr. Hunter, F.R.S. and the
—>  Dissertazione Scientifica tenuta nell' Antica Universita di Fermo nel 1820
—>  Dissertazione sull' Orologio e sull' Ore gegli Antichi Romani
—>  Distances of the Sun, and the Four Planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, from the Moon, Calculated according to Mr. Bessel's Method, together with their Places for every Day in the Year 1836, and Tables for finding the Latitude by the Polestar for 183
—>  "Divagazioni su Alcuni Strumenti e Documenti Antichi"
—>  "Divergent-Beam X-Ray Photography of Crystals"
—>  Dividing the Circle: The Development of Critical Angular Measurement in Astronomy 1500-1850 : 2 entries
—>  'Dividing the Circle: The Development of Techniques of Precision Angular Measurements in Instrument Making, and their Relationship to the Practice of Astronomy, 1500-1800'
—>  Divine Pymander, in Seventeen Books. Together with his Second Book, called Asclepius; Containing fifteen Chapters, with a Commentary. Translated formerly out of the Arabick into Greek, and thence into Latine, and Dutch, and now out of the Original into En
—>  "Divini and Campani: A Forgotten Chapter in the History of the Accademia del Cimento"
—>  "Divining Secrets of Philosopher's Stone"
—>  Dizionario degli Orologiai Italiani (1300-1880)
—>  Dizionario di Alchimia e di Chimica Antiquaria
—>  Dizionario Italiano, ed Inglese
—>  "Doctor Bernard Connor: Physician to King Jan III Sobieski and Author of The History of Poland (1698)"
—>  "Doctor Jenner's England"
—>  Doctor John Leake's Hospital: A History of the General Lying-in Hospital York Road, Lambeth, 1765-1971: The Birth, Life, and Death of a Maternity Hospital
—>  Doctor Mead's Short Discourse Explain'd. Being an Account of Pestilential Contagion, and Preventing
—>  Doctors and Heredity: Lord Horder's Proposal, Special Study of Eugenics
—>  Doctors and Patients; or, Anecdotes of the Medical World and Curiosities of Medicine
—>  Doctrina Arabum: Science and Philosophy in Medieval Islam and their transmission to Europe
—>  Documenta astronomica
—>  Documenta Astronomica: Eine Ausstellung Historischer Instrumente und Dokumente zur Entwicklung der Astronomischen Messkunst im Museum fur Volkerkunde und Vorgeschichte Hamburg 23. August bis 5. September 1964.
—>  "Documente Inedite Privatoare la Dimitrie Cantemir in Archivele din U.R.S.S."
—>  "Documents Illustrative of the History of English Horology, I: Two letters addressed to Thomas Mudge"
—>  "Documents Illustrative of the History of English Horology, II: the Cost of William Hardy's Regulator Clock for Greenwich Observatory"
—>  'Documents of British Superstition in Oxford'
—>  "Documents of British Superstition in Oxford"
—>  Documents pour l'histoire des techniques
—>  Dodd's Curiosities of Industry
—>  "Dodecahedrons Again"
—>  Dodi Ve-nechdi (Uncle & Nephew)
—>  Dodo-Studien; naar aanleiding van de vondst van een gevelsteen met Dodo-beeld van 1561 te Vere
—>  "Does Light Microscopy Have a Future?"
—>  Dois escritores quinhentistas de Cabo Verde : Andre Alvares de Almada e Andre Dornelas
—>  "Dokumenta 10: Die Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften in Exponaten aus den Sammlungen und aus der Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums: Chemische Laboratorien, Teil 2"
—>  "Dokumenta 9: Die Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften in Exponaten aus den Sammlungen und aus der Bibliothek des Deutschen Museums: Chemische Laboratorien, Teil 1"
—>  "Dokumental'nye materialy Tsentral'nogo Gosudarstrennego istorii Vil'nyusskoi Observatorii"
—>  Dokumente zur Grundung der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft und der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften
—>  Dollonds: A Name in Sight for 200 Years
—>  "Domes of Enlightenment: Two Scottish University Museums"
—>  Domestic Management, or the Art of Conducting a Family; with Instructions to Servants in general. Addressed to Young Housekeepers
—>  Domestic Medicine and Hygiene: Being a short account of the more common diseases, their causes and treatment, written in plain language
—>  "Dominant Black in Cats and its bearing on the Question of the Tortoiseshell Males - a Criticism"
—>  "Donald Hill"
—>  "Dondi's Astronomical Clock, 1364"
—>  "Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910-1994)"
—>  "Dorothy Hodgkin"
—>  Dorset Clocks and Clock Makers
—>  Dorset Clocks and Clockmakers with a Supplement on the Channel Islands
—>  "Double Centenary of Antide Janvier's Birth"
—>  "Double Stars observed at Poonah in 1845-46"
—>  "Double Vision Reveals the Structure of Muscle"
—>  Douze tables pour le calcul des reductions stellaires
—>  Dove. Speculum Anni or an Almanack for the Year of our Lord God 1701. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year, and from the worlds Creation 5703. ... Calculated properly for the famous University and Town of Cambridge where the North Pole is Elevate
—>  Down House
—>  "Dowsing"
—>  "Dowsing: Divine Power or Simple Sense?"
—>  "Dr Bell I Presume ..." [sic]
—>  "Dr Benjamin Allen (1663-1738), of Braintree: a forgotten Essex Naturalist"
—>  "Dr Benjamin Harrison, Temporary Texan"
—>  Dr Bradley's Astronomical Observations
—>  "Dr Dale's Visits to Cambridge 1722-1738"
—>  Dr Dee's Manchester
—>  "Dr E. J. Holmyard"
—>  "Dr Eugen Gschwind"
—>  "Dr Glyn Daniel: panellist, archaeologist, novelist"
—>  "Dr Harvey Cushing 1869-1939"
—>  "Dr J. J. Woodward: Microscopist"
—>  "Dr John Dee"
—>  Dr John Fothergill and his Friends: Chapters in Eighteenth Century Life
—>  Dr John Lee of Hartwell 1783-1866
—>  Dr John Radcliffe and his Trust
—>  Dr John Wallis, FRS
—>  "Dr Lewis Evans"
—>  "Dr M. C. Cooke's Microscope designed by W. Moginie"
—>  "Dr P. H. Leslie"
—>  "Dr Pearson's Catalogue of 520 Stars within 6o North and South of the Ecliptic, observed at South Kilworth"
—>  "Dr Radcliffe - Of Oxford"
—>  "Dr Robert Plot"
—>  "Dr Robert Spence"
—>  "Dr Thomas Beddoes (1750-1808): Science and Medicine in Politics and Society"
—>  "Dr Thomas Beddoes and James Watt: Preparatory Work 1794-96 for the Bristol Pneumatic Institute"
—>  "Dr Thomas Beddoes and the Establishment of his Pneumatic Institution: A Tale of Three Presidents"
—>  "Dr Thomas Beddoes: The Interaction of Pneumatic and Preventive Medicine with Chemistry"
—>  Dr Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689): His Life and Original Writings
—>  "Dr Wallis' Letter Against Mr. Maidwell. 1700"
—>  "Dr William Cole's (1635-1716) Letters to Locke"
—>  "Dr William Gilbert (1544-1603)"
—>  Dr Woodward's Shield: History, Science, and Satire in Augustan England
—>  "Dr. C. Singer: Historian of Science and Medicine"
—>  "Dr. D. H. Scott, F.R.S."
—>  Dr. Gregory's Elements Of Catoptrics And Dioptrics. Translated from the Latin Original, With a large Supplement, By William Browne, M. D. To which is added, An Appendix, By J. T. Desaguliers, LL.D. F.R.S. Containing, An Account of the Reflecting Telescope
—>  Dr. Mervyn Gordon, 80
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—>  Dr. Wilhelm Olbers' Abhandlung uber die leichteste und bequemste Methode die Bahn eines Cometen zu berechnen
—>  "Dr. William Croone on Generation"
—>  Draft History of GEC
—>  Draft Report … to Consider the Position of Animal Biology in the School Curriculum and matters relating thereto
—>  "Dramatic moments in the history of science in Britain"
—>  "Dramatic Religious Processions in Paris in the Late Sixteenth Century"
—>  Draw the Lightning Down: Benjamin Franklin and Electrical Technology in the Age of Enlightenment
—>  Drawing Instruments 1580-1980
—>  Drawing Instruments 1850-1950
—>  Drawing Instruments Their History, Purpose and Use for Architectural Drawings
—>  Drawing Instruments. Section B
—>  Drawing Office Supplies
—>  "Drawings and Pharmacy in al-Zahrawi's 10th-Century Surgical Treatise"
—>  Drei in der Kaiserlichen offentliehen Bibliothek zu St Petersburg befindliche Astronomische Instrumente mit arabishen Inschriften
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—>  Dresden Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon
—>  Dresdner Wissenschaftliche Museen: Beitrage zur 750 Jahrfeier unserer Stadt
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—>  Drey neue Sternbilder, die als ewige Denkmaler, am gestirneten Himmel errichtet werden sollten. Das Eine, Seiner Majestat dem Konige von England, Georg III. Die zwey Undern, dem beruhmten Herrn Friederich Willhelm Herschel, von Maximilian Hell ...
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—>  Dritte Erossnung der neuen Mathematische Werck-Schule/
—>  Dritter Jahresbericht
—>  "Druce and Oxford University Herbaria"
—>  "Drug jars from hospitals and royal pharmacies"
—>  "Drug Supplies in the American Revolution"
—>  "Dschabir ibn Hajjan und die Ismacilijja" {correct ci}
—>  "Dschabir ibn Hajjan und die Isma'Ilijja"
—>  Dschems Watt
—>  Du Microscope et des Injections, dans leurs applications a l'Anatomie et a la Pathologie, suivi d'une Classification des Sciences Fondamentales, de Celle de la Biologie et de l'Anatomie en Particulier
—>  "Du mouvement d'un corps sur un plan fixe, quand on a egard a la resistance du frottement"
—>  "Du Prisme meridien au Siun-ki"
—>  Duarte Coelho, capitao-mor de Armadas no Atlantico (1531-1535)
—>  Duas cartas topograficas de Graca Falcao (1894-1897) e a expansao de Islamismo no Rio Farim
—>  Duas notas sobre astrolabios
—>  Duas obras ineditas do Padre Francisco da Costa : (Codice NVT/7 do National Maritime Museum)
—>  Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies: School of Cosmic Physics: Dunsink Observatory
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—>  Duecento anni di elettricita
—>  Duecento anni di Fisica a Padova
—>  Dumont
—>  D'Una Antica Villa Scoperta sul doffo del Tusculo, E D' Un' Antico Orologio A Sole Tra le rovine della medesima ritrovato
—>  Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung und Ultramikroskopie in der Biologie und in der Medicin
—>  'Dunsink Observatory - The Arnold Clocks'
—>  Duty with Illustrations of Courage, Patience, and Endurance
—>  Dye-Makers of Great Britain 1856-1976: A History of Chemists, Companies, Products and Changes
—>  Dynamo and Virgin Reconsidered
—>  "E rinata la sala meridiana della Specola. (E palazzo Poggi?"
—>  E. M. Clarke's Catalogue, etc. etc.
—>  "E. M. Nelson (1851-1938), A Notable English Microscopist"
—>  "Eadweard Muybridge: First Photographer of Motion"
—>  Eadweard Muybridge: The Kingston Museum Bequest
—>  Ealing BioSciences
—>  Ealing Optics Catalog
—>  "Earl Stanhope's 'Vibrator'"
—>  Earliest Man
—>  "Early "Proofs" of the Impossibility of a Fourth Dimension of Space"
—>  "Early Aeronautical Prints I. - Continental"
—>  Early American Scientific Instruments and Their Makers
—>  Early American Surveyors: Mapping the Wilderness
—>  Early Anthropology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
—>  "Early Arabic Pharmaceutical Instruments"
—>  "Early Astronomical and Mathematical Instruments: A Brief Survey of Sources and Modern Studies" : 2 entries
—>  Early Astronomy and Cosmology: A reconstruction of the earliest Cosmic System
—>  "Early attempts at sound recording"
—>  Early Auditory Studies. Activities in the Psychology Laboratories of American Universities
—>  Early British Botanists and their Gardens. Based on unpublished writings of Goodyer, Tradescant, and others
—>  "Early Chemistry in Oxford"
—>  Early Christian Numismatics, and Other Antiquarian Tracts
—>  "Early Cineradiography and Cinefluorography"
—>  "Early Colonial Clockmakers in Philadelphia"
—>  "Early Concepts of the Senses and the Mind"
—>  "Early Days at the Cavendish Laboratory"
—>  Early Eighteenth Century Crop Nutrition, Theory, and Practice
—>  Early Electrical Appliances
—>  Early Electrical Machines
—>  "Early Electrotherapeutics in America"
—>  Early engineering reminiscences (1815-40) of George Escol Sellers : 2 entries
—>  "Early English Magic and Medicine"
—>  "Early Estimates of the Velocity of Light"
—>  Early Gas Making
—>  Early Gearing: Geared Mechanisms in the Ancient and Mediaeval World
—>  "Early Geophysics"
—>  Early Greek Astronomy to Aristotle
—>  "Early History of Mendeleeff's Periodic Law"
—>  Early History of the Electron Microscope
—>  "Early History of the Inclination Balance: Part 1" and Part 2
—>  "Early Impressions of the Daguerreotype from the Notebook of an Anonymous Frenchman: A Translation"
—>  Early Instruments at the Old Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
—>  "Early Instruments at the Old Ashmolean Museum, Oxford"
—>  Early Irish Science and its Context
—>  "Early Islamic Chemical Glass"
—>  "Early Islamic Scholars as Glassmakers"
—>  Early Machine Tools
—>  Early Man and the Ocean: The beginning of navigation and seaborn civilizations
—>  "Early Marine Chronometers"
—>  "Early Mathematical Instruments of Europe"
—>  "Early Mathematical Wheelwork: Byzantine Calendrical Gearing"
—>  Early Medical and Biological Science
—>  Early Medicine, Science, Witchcraft and Magic
—>  "Early Methods of Assaying"
—>  Early Microscopes: A Descriptive Catalogue
—>  "Early musical instruments live again"
—>  "Early Nautical Instruments"
—>  'Early Oxford Clockmakers'
—>  "Early Pennsylvania Ironmaking: Fascinating Forerunner of World's Largest Iron and Steel Industry"
—>  Early Philosophical Apparatus at Transylvania College (and Relics of the Medical Department)
—>  Early Photographs and Early Photographers: a Survey in Dictionary Form
—>  "Early photographs at the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford"
—>  "Early Photography Exhibition in Oxford"
—>  "Early Pole Star Tables"
—>  Early printed maps and globes of Japan made in Western countries
—>  Early Radio Wave Detectors : 2 entries
—>  "Early Record of Temperature-control in Distillation"
—>  Early Science at Harvard: Innovators and their Instruments
—>  "Early Science at Oxford"
—>  "Early Science at the Royal Society"
—>  Early Science in Cambridge
—>  Early Science in Oxford : 16 entries
—>  "Early Science in Oxford; The Merton School of Astronomy; The Evans Collection of Scientific Instruments" : 2 entries
—>  "Early Science Marvels"
—>  Early scientific instruments
—>  Early scientific instruments : Europe 1400-1800
—>  "Early Scientific Instruments" : 3 entries
—>  Early Scientific Instruments: Catalogue Seventy-Five, Fall, 2003
—>  Early Scientific Instruments: Catalogue Seventy-Six, Spring, 2004
—>  Early Scientific Instruments: Europe 1400-1800
—>  "Early Silversmiths and Glassmakers of Ireland"
—>  "Early Societies Popularize Scientific Research"
—>  "Early Technical Balances"
—>  Early Technologies
—>  "Early Time and Distance Measurement at Sea"
—>  "Early Time Telling Devices"
—>  "Early Typewriters"
—>  "Early Uses of Concrete in Edinburgh Roads, which includes a selection of Surveying Instruments and an Eidograph in use c. 1872"
—>  "Early Vermont Square Makers and the Eagle Square Company"
—>  Earth and Water Radiations
—>  Earthquakes and Mountains
—>  East Fortune: Museum of Flight and History of the Airfield
—>  Eastern Science: An Outline of its Scope and Contribution
—>  Easy-to-Make Wooden Sundials: Instructions and Plans for Five Projects With Suggestions for Designing Your Own Pocket Sundial
—>  "Eating Out: Worthy Meal Needs Cosier Atmosphere", "... Menu Calls for Wine at £30 a Bottle", "... An Inn that's Convenient", [&] "... Chinese Good Fortune"
—>  Echinoderms. 1848-1855
—>  Eclipse Races, (Addressed to the Ladies:) Being an Impartial Account of the Celestial Coursers and their Riders, Starting together, April 1, 1764, for the Eclipse-Plate-Prize. Their Distinctions and Achievements. Those who were Competitors, distanced, thr
—>  "Eclipse sheds new light on the Crucifixion"
—>  "Eclipse Work on Astrophysics, and on the Moon's Place"
—>  Eclipses in the Second Millennium B.C. (-1600 to -1207) and How to Compute Them in a Few Minutes
—>  Eclipses of the Moon in India
—>  Eclipses of the Sun and Moon
—>  Eclipses, Past and Future; with general hints for observing the heavens
—>  Eclipsis Solaris Oxonii Visae Anno AErae Christianae 1654. 2 Die Mensis Augusti, Stilo Veteri, Observatio
—>  Eclipsis Solaris Oxonii Visae Anno AErae Christianae 1654
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—>  "Economics and Botany"
—>  "Ecorche figure"
—>  Ecuatorios Andalusies: Ibn al-Samh, al-Zarqalluh y Abu-l-Salt
—>  Edinburgh's Place in Scientific Progress : 2 entries
—>  Edison and the Perfected Phonograph
—>  Edison: Lighting a Revolution: the beginning of electric power
—>  "Edmond Halley as Astronomer Royal"
—>  "Edmond Halley"
—>  "Edmond Halley: The Man Behind the Comet"
—>  "Edmond Halley's Use of Historical Evidence in the Advancement of Science"
—>  Edmonds museum and library display equipment supplement
—>  Edmund Gunter's Sector and Crosse-Staffe. A Preliminary Survey of the Development of the First Edition, 1623-4
—>  "Edmund John Bowen 29 April 1898-19 November 1980: Elected F.R.S. 1935"
—>  "Edmund O. von Lippmann"
—>  Eduardi Luidii apud Oxonienses Cimeliarchae Ashmoleani Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia sive Lapidum aliorumq; Fossilium Britannicorum singulari figura insignium, quotquot hactenus vel ipse invenit vel ab amicis accepit, Distributio Classica, Scrinii
—>  Edvardi Luidii apud Oxonienses Cimeliarchae Ashmoleani Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia. Sive Lapidum aliorumque Fossilium Britannicorum singulari figura insignium; quotquot hactenus vel ipse invenit vel ab amicis accepit, Distributio Classica: Scrin
—>  Edvardi Luidii apud Oxonienses Cimeliarchae Ashmoleani Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia. Sive Lapidum aliorumque Fossilium Britannicorum singulari figura insignium, quotquot hactenus vel ipse invenit vel ab amicis accepit, Distributio Classica: Scrin
—>  Edvardi Luidii apud Oxonienses Cimeliarchae Ashmoleani Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia. Sive Lapidum aliorumque Fossilium Britannicorum singulari figura insignium, quotquot hactenus vel ipse invenit vel ab amicis accepit, Distributio Classica: scrin
—>  Edvardi Luidii apud Oxonienses Cimeliarchae Ashmoleani Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia, sive Lapidum aliorumque Fossilium Britannicorum singulari figura insignium, quotquot hactenus vel ipse invenit vel ab amicis accepit, Distributio Classica: Scrin
—>  "Edward and Ernest Kubel: Washington Mathematical Instrument Makers"
—>  Edward Chapman Memorial in Oxford
—>  Edward Forbes' Centenary Commemoration February 13th, 1915. Report of the Proceedings ...
—>  "Edward IV and Exploration"
—>  "Edward Lhuyd and the Doctrine of the Permutation of Letters"
—>  Edward Lhuyd F.R.S. 1660-1709
—>  Edward Lhuyd in the Scottish Highlands 1699-1700
—>  Edward Lhuyd: The Making of a Scientist
—>  "Edward Milles Nelson ..."
—>  Edward Palmer's Catalogue for 1842, with upwards of Three Hundred engravings of apparatus, illustrative of Chemistry, Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Frictional and Voltaic Electricity, Electro-magnetism, Electro-metallurgy, Optics, etc. etc.
—>  "Edward Whitaker Gray (1748-1806), Keeper of Natural Curiosities at the British Museum"
—>  Edwards Vacuum Components
—>  "Edwardus East Londini: Three Unrecorded Clocks by a Famous Early Master"
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—>  "Edwin Stephen Goodrich 1868-1946"
—>  Edwin Stephen Goodrich M.A., D.Sc., Hon. LL.D., F.R.S. ...
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—>  "Een alchymistisch stookhuys"
—>  "Een authentieke pyrometer van Petrus van Musschenbroek Teruggevonden"
—>  Een Elektriserend Geleerde Martinus van Marum 1750-1837
—>  "Een familie herenigd met haar instrument"
—>  "Een gedeelte van het instrumentarium van Prof. van Swinden Teruggevonden"
—>  "Een Historische Lens (De lens, waarmede Huggens de ring van Saturnus ontdekte)"
—>  Een Laboratorium voor de ziel: Gerard Heymans en het begin van de experimentele psychologie
—>  "Een merkwaardig natuurkundig instrument"
—>  "Een Microscopisch Cabinet"
—>  "Een navolging van het van Leeuwenhoekmicroscoop"
—>  Een Nederlands "trigonometrisch instrument" uit het jaar 1751
—>  "Een Paskaart van Isaac de Graaf uit 1738" and "Een Portugees Zee-Astrolabium uit 1602"
—>  "Een procesverbaal van verhoor"
—>  "Een rollende klok"
—>  "Een technische museumvisie"
—>  "Een Tweetal Bijzondere Sloten"
—>  "Een Versameling uit den eersten tijd van de Vergelijkende Ontleedkunde (de Collectie Brugmans)"
—>  "Een Zeeuws Planetarium uit de Tweede Helft van de 18e Eeuw"
—>  "Effects of Vagotomy on the Gastric Functions of Monkeys"
—>  "Efficacy of Quinidine in Malaria"
—>  Egnazio Danti cosmografo e mathematico e le sue opere in Firenze
—>  "Egy Reneszansz Eggomb, mint Csillagaszati Muszer (A Dorn - Bylica globusz, 1480-bol)"
—>  "Egyptian Glass Pharmaceutical Measures"
—>  Egyptian Mathematics
—>  "Egyptian Mathematics"
—>  Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus (1651-1708): Experimente mit dem Sonnenfeuer
—>  Ehrengedachtniss des Konigl. Wurtembergischen Staatsraths von Kielmeyer
—>  Eigenfunction Expansions associated with Second-Order Differential Equations
—>  "Eighteenth Century Electrostatic Measuring Devices"
—>  Eighteenth Century Medics (subscriptions, licences, apprenticeships)
—>  Eighteenth Century Medics (subscriptions, licenses, apprenticeships)
—>  Eighteenth-Century Chemistry as an Investigative Enterprise
—>  Eighty Years Ago, or, The Recollections of an old Army Doctor: His adventures on the Field of Quatre Bras and Waterloo and during the Occupation of Paris in 1815
—>  Ein - Summari Buchlin Alle Sonnen Uhr
—>  Ein Akademisches Gedenkblatt
—>  "Ein angeblicher Brief des Nicolaus Coppernicus"
—>  Ein Astrolab aus dem Indischen Mogulreiche
—>  "Ein Astrolabium mit Erdkugel aus dem Jahr 1545 von Kaspar Vopellius"
—>  "Ein Augsburger "Wunderkammerstuck""
—>  "Ein Beitrag uber die Tatigkeit der deutschen Amateurastronome: in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik, von 1918 bis 1938"
—>  "Ein Beitrag zur Tatigheit der deutschen Amateur-Astronomen in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik"
—>  "Ein Besuch in Greenwich"
—>  "Ein Blick in die Kunst- und Wunderkammern der Spatrenaissance und des Barock"
—>  "Ein Condensations-Hygrometer"
—>  "Ein einmaliger Fund: Die Barocksternwarte des Reichsstiftes Ochsenhausen"
—>  "Ein Instrument, das die Bewegung von Sonne und Mond darstellt, nach al Biruni"
—>  "Ein Instrument, eine Karte und eine Schrift des Nurnberger Kartographen und Kompassmachers Erhard Etglaub"
—>  Ein Kunstreich und behendt Instrument zu wissen am tag bey der Sonnen und in der nacht durch die Stern mancherley nutzberkeit und aufgab in allem orten und Endtt der Welt
—>  "Ein Mandl-kalender aus Elfenbein im Schloss Ambras"
—>  "Ein Mandl-Kalender fur 1654. Varmutlich aus Wien"
—>  Ein Mikromanometer mit bequemer Ablesung
—>  "Ein sechskantiger deutscher Kalendarstab in Oxford"
—>  Ein sehr nutzlicher New erfundener Gebrauch eines Niderlandischen Instruments zum Abmessen unnd Grundtlegen mit sehr geschwindern Vortheil zu Practiceren. ...
—>  "Ein unbekannter Copernicus-Brief"
—>  "Ein Versuch der Kreisrektifikation aus dem Ende des 15. Jahrhenderts"
—>  Ein Wolgegrindtes Kunnstreichs Sumari Buchlin aller Sonen Uhr
—>  "Eine astronomische Handschrift aus dem 17. Jahrhundert"
—>  "Eine Bamberger Schau-Uhr aus Holz"
—>  "Eine besondere Form der Magnetnadellagerung bei chinesischen Kompassen und Deutungsschreiben"
—>  "Eine Erganzung zu den Abhandlungen Abbes. 2. Teil: 10. Ein Gutachten Abbes. Ausserungen Abbes zu Pleurosigma angulatum"
—>  "Eine Hinterhoffassade im Museum Translozierung - Konservierung Wiederaufbau"
—>  "Eine Instrumentenkassette von Georg Hartmann"
—>  Eine kurze Eintwicklungsgeschichte der wissenschaftlichen Waage
—>  "Eine Mathematische Festvorlesung vor 300 Jahren"
—>  "Eine merkwurdige gotische Standuhr"
—>  "Eine neue Ableitung der harmonischen Eigenschaften des Vierecks"
—>  "Eine Neue Archimedeshandschrift"
—>  "Eine neue Gartensonnenuhrr"
—>  Eine Reise durch Technik und Zeit: 125 Jahre OTT
—>  'Eine Sonderwirkung von Kapillarkraften'
—>  Eine Sonnenuhr von Johann Engelbrecht
—>  "Eine Spotantike Reiseuhr"
—>  "Eine Standuhr aus dem 17. Jahrhundert im Landesmuseum Kassel"
—>  Eine Studie Ueber Dis Entdeckung Der Analytischen Geometrie
—>  "Eine zahlentheoretische Aufgabe Bhaskaras II und die sogenannte Pellsche Gleichung"
—>  Einfalte und grundtliche Erklehrung dreyer Furnemmer Mathematischen kunststucken Zu den Sonnenuhren. Visier-und Feldmessungen gehorig: Auf besondere kriegs Instrument, Musquetengabeln und der gleichen auf getragen und zugerichtet
—>  "Einfluss des Mondes auf die Horizontale Componente der Magnetischen Erdkraft'
—>  Einfuhrung in die Reflexmikroskopie und die physikalischen Grundlagen mikroskopischer Bildentstehung
—>  "Einige Bemerkungen uber den einfluss des Kondensors"
—>  "Einige griechische Aufgaben der unbestimmten Analytik"
—>  "Einige Handschriften des Johann Regiomontan (aus Konigsberg in Franken)"
—>  Einladungsschrift zu den nach Verordnung eines Hochwurdigen Consistoriums auf den 11. 12. 13. und 16. April 1821, festgesetzten Oeffentlichen Prufungen und Feyerlichkeiten im Gymnasium zu Frankfurt am Mayn
—>  Einladungsschrift zu der Feier des Geburtsfestes Seiner Majestat des Konigs, so wie zu den offentlichen Prufungen des Gymnasiums zu Ellwangen. Inhalt: Theorie der Hauptachsen fester Korper
—>  Einladungsschrift zu der Feierlichkeit am Geburtsfest Seiner Majestat des Konigs Wilhelm von Wurttenberg und zu den offentlichen Prufungen am k. Gymnasium zu Ulm mit Nachrichten uber den Stand der Anstalt und einer Abhandlung: "Beitrage zur Wiederherstell
—>  Einladungsschrift zur Feier des Geburtsfestes Seiner Majestat des Konigs und zu den offentlichen Prufungen an dem konigl. Gymnasium und der Realschule zu Ellwangen. Inhalt: Einige Bemerkungenzur der Theorie des geradlinigen Dreiecks
—>  "Einstein"
—>  Einstein: A Centenary Exhibition
—>  "Einstein's Legacy"
—>  "Einstein's Natural Daughter"
—>  "Einwirkung medico-astrologischen Volksdenkens auf Entstehung und Formung des Barmutterkrotenopfers der Manner im geistlichen Heilbrauch"
—>  El "Kitab al-'Amal bi-l-Asturlab" (Llibre de l'Us de l'Astrolabi) d'Ibn al-Samh: Estudi i Traduccio
—>  "El "Memorial de Ciencias Naturales" Lima 1827-1828. Contribucion a la bibliografia de Mariano E. de Rivero y Ustariz"
—>  El Arte de Navegar en la Espana del Renacimiento
—>  El arzobispo Don Raimundo de Toledo
—>  El Astronomo Cellense Francisco M. Zarzoso (1556)
—>  El Color Liquido: Instrumentos y Utiles de la Colorimetria en el Siglo XIX
—>  El comentario de Ibn al-Mutanna a las Tablas astronomicas de al-Jwarizmi: estudio y edicion critica del texto latino en la version de Hugo Sanctallensis
—>  "El desarrollo historico de la historia de la ciencia y la funcion actual de los Institutos de historia de la ciencia"
—>  "El exilio de medicos espanoles durante el siglo XIX"
—>  "El III Salon Internacional del Reloj"
—>  El Judio Salmantino Abraham Zacut: Notas para la historia de la Astronomia en la Espana medieval
—>  El Legado Cientifico Andalusi
—>  El Libro Conplido en los Iudizios de las Estrellas Partes 6 a 8
—>  El libro de los fundamentos de las tablas astronomicas de R. Abrahem IBN 'Ezra
—>  El Libro Del Lic. Benito Daza de Valdes uso de los Antojos y comentarios a proposito del mismo por el Dr Manuel Marquez
—>  El Microcosmos Lul lia
—>  El Museo de la Farmacia Hispana
—>  El Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Technologia
—>  El piloto mayor de la casa de la contratacion de Sevilla. Pilotos mayores, catedraticos de cosmografia y cosmografos
—>  El Real Gabinete de Maquinas del Buen Retiro: Origen, fundacion y vicisitudes: Una empresa tecnica de Agustin de Betancourt
—>  El Reloj en la vida Espanola
—>  "El relojero Juan Antonio Fernandez Lombardero (1705-1796)"
—>  El Tay al-azyay de Muhyi al-Din al-Maghribi
—>  "Elba, a Hundred Years After"
—>  Electric Bodies: Episodes in the History of Medical Electricity
—>  Electric Cables in Victorian Times: A brief introduction to the evolution of electric cables during the Victorian era
—>  "Electric Clocks"
—>  Electric Discharge Lamps: A Technical Account of "Osira" Lamps and "Osram" Fluorescent Tubes and their Operating Equipment, Manufactured by the General Electric Co. Ltd.
—>  "Electric Horology"
—>  Electric Illumination: An Account of the Principles, Applications and Development of Electric Lighting
—>  "Electric lamps & kindred devices: fluorescent lamps"
—>  "Electric lamps & kindred devices: historical introduction and the production of tungsten wire"
—>  Electric Light Fitting
—>  Electric Lighting and its Practical Application: with results from existing examples
—>  Electric Meteorology
—>  "Electric Oscillations in Straight Wires and Solenoids"
—>  Electrical and magnetic instruments [The Whipple Museum of the History of Science catalogue 8] : 3 entries
—>  "Electrical Experiments on Organical Bodies. Illustrated with a Copper-plate"
—>  Electrical Fundamentals
—>  Electrical Installations of Electric Light, Power, Traction and Industrial Electrical Machinery
—>  Electrical Instrument Making for Amateurs - A practical handbook
—>  "Electrical Instruments in 19th Century France, Between Makers and Users"
—>  Electrical Instruments of the Nineteenth Century in the University Museum
—>  Electrical Instruments: Abridged Specifications
—>  Electrical Measuring Instruments and Supply Meters
—>  "Electrical Researches" : 2 entries
—>  Electrical Timekeeping
—>  Electrical, Magnetic, and Optical Measuring Instruments for use in Laboratories
—>  Electrically Heated Apparatus Fitted with B.T.L. Capsule Type Temperature Regulator: Instruction Sheet
—>  Electrically Heated Apparatus Fitted with B.T.L. Capsule Type Temperature Regulator: Instructions for Use
—>  Electricity
—>  "Electricity a Principal Cause in Meteorological Phenomena"
—>  'Electricity and Electrical Instruments in Eighteenth-century England: The Making and Unmaking of a Leading Electrician, Sir William Watson Sr. (1715-1787)'
—>  Electricity and experimental physics in eighteenth-century Europe
—>  Electricity and Magnetism : 3 entries
—>  Electricity and Medicine: History of Their Interaction
—>  Electricity and the Electric Telegraph: together with the Chemistry of the Stars; an argument touching the stars and their inhabitants : 2 entries
—>  Electricity and the Structure of Matter
—>  Electricity from Glass: The History of the Frictional Electrical Machine 1600-1850
—>  "Electricity in Eighteenth-Century Holland: A Newtonian Legacy"
—>  Electricity in the 17th and 18th Centuries: A Study of Early Modern Physics
—>  ''Electricity render'd useful': medical electricity in England in the later eighteenth century'
—>  "Electricity"
—>  Electricity. For the Use of Beginners
—>  Electricity: its Phenomena, Laws, and Results
—>  Electric-Light Fitting
—>  Electrifying Time
—>  Electroacoustics: The Analysis of Transduction, and Its Historical Background
—>  "Electromagnetic Engines: Pre-technology and Development Immediately following Faraday's Discovery of Electromagnetic Rotation"
—>  Electromagnetic Waves : 2 entries
—>  Electro-Metallurgy Practically Treated
—>  Electron Diffraction : 2 entries
—>  Electron Microscopy
—>  Electron Microscopy 1964
—>  Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals
—>  Electron Optics and the Electron Microscope

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