
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Behrens-Kley Organische Mikrochemische Analyse
—>  Beitraege zur Neuern Mikroskopie. I. Die Leistungen der neueren Mikroskope und die Prufung derselben. II. Die Leistungen der englischen Mikroskope, gegenuber den deutschen. III. Das Einsammeln und Prapariren der Bacillarien
—>  "Beitrag zur kinematischen Theorie der Gelenkmechanismen. II. Theil"
—>  Beitrage sur Geschichte der Erkenntnis des Erdmagnetismus
—>  Beitrage zur Fixsternkunde
—>  Beitrage zur Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie
—>  "Beitrage zur Geschichte der Astronomie in Hannover"
—>  Beitrage zur Geschichte der Chemie : 2 entries
—>  Beitrage zur Geschichte der Entwickelung der Instrumente in der Markscheidekunde
—>  Beitrage zur Geschichte der Mathematik bei den Griechen und Arabern : 2 entries
—>  Beitrage zur Geschichte der Mondgloben
—>  Beitrage zur Geschichte der Technik in der Antike und bei den Arabern
—>  Beitrage zur Geschichte der Technologie und der Alchemie
—>  Beitrage zur Kenntniss der elektrischen Funkens. Inauguraldissertation
—>  Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Bacillarin Ungarns
—>  "Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Ozons und des Ozongehalts der Atmospharischen Luft"
—>  Beitrage zur Methodik der Wissenschaftsgeschichte
—>  Beitrage zur Terminologie der Griechischen Mathematiker
—>  "Beitrage zur Theorie der algebraischen Gleichungen"
—>  Beitrage zur vergleichenden Klimatologie
—>  Belcher Brothers & Co.'s Price List of Boxwood & Ivory Rules
—>  Bellamira, or the Mistress, A Comedy: as it is Acted by Their Majesties Servants : 2 entries
—>  Beloved Scientist: Elihu Thomson
—>  "Bemerkungen uber die Entstehung der Feuerkugeln"
—>  "Bemerkungen uber die Krafte der unbelebten Natur"
—>  "Bemerkungen zum Donnerkeil"
—>  "Bemerkungen zur Mechanischen Technik und ihrer Darstellung in der Klassischen Antike"
—>  Ben Nevis Observatory 1883-1904
—>  "Ben Nevis Observatory 1883-1904"
—>  "Ben Nevis Observatory: A Plaque Unveiled"
—>  "Ben Nevis Sixty Years Ago"
—>  Benjamin Brameri Apollonii Catti Oder Geometrischen Wegweisers, Ander Theil De Sectione cylindri
—>  Benjamin Brameri Bericht zu M. Jobsten Burgeseligen Geometrischen Triangular Instruments ...
—>  "Benjamin Brecknell Turner: Photographic Views from Nature"
—>  Benjamin Franklin - Electrician
—>  Benjamin Franklin's Experiments : a new edition of Franklin's Experiments and observations on electricity
—>  "Benjamin Jesty, 1737-1816, the pre-Jennerian vaccinator"
—>  Benjamin Martin - Author, Instrument-maker and 'Country Showman.'
—>  "Benjamin Martin and the Royal Society"
—>  Benjamin Martin: Author, Instrument-Maker and 'Country Showman': Supplement
—>  Benjamin Martin's Lecture Courses and Syllabuses
—>  "Benjamin Waternouse (1754-1846)"
—>  Bentrage zu denen Beobachtungen derer Saamenthiergen und Kleister Aale gehorig
—>  "Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss vom 18. (6) July 1860 in Pobes. Nach den Berichten der einzelnen Theilnehmer zusammengestellt"
—>  Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss vom 28sten Juli 1851 zu Rastenburg in Ostpreussen
—>  Beobachtungen der Grosse des Luftdrucks uber den Meeren und von einer sehr bestimmten Beziehung dieses Phanomens zu den geographischen Coordinaten der Orte
—>  "Beobachtungen des bielaschen Cometen im Jahre 1852 angestellt am grossen Refractor der Pulkowaer Sternwarte"
—>  Beobachtungen und Wahrnehmungen, welche bei der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss am 28 Juli 1851 gemacht worden sind. Ein Vortrag in der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Konigsberg am 12 November 1851 gehalten mit Zusatzen und zwei Zeichnungen in Farben
—>  "Beobachtungen von veranderlichen Sternen. Angestellt auf der koniglichen Sternwarte zu Bonn von dem fruheren Gehissen derselben"
—>  "Berchtoldus Niger? Die Frage nach dem Erfinder des Schiesspulvers"
—>  Berckening en Constructie van Zonnewijzers voor den Middelbaren Iijd, etc.
—>  Bericht ... uber die ... 1851 ... Reise nach Lappland
—>  Bericht ... uber die 1850 Expedition nach dem Norwegischen Finnmarken
—>  "Bericht uber das Kolloquium des Forschungsinstituts fur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaftenund der Technik im s.s.1964 und w.s.1964/65"
—>  "Bericht uber die vom Verein fur Wissenschaftliche Heilkunde in Konigsberg in Preussen Angestellten Beobachtungen uber den Ozongehalt der Atmospharischen Luft und sein Verhaltniss zu den Herrschenden Krankheiten"
—>  "Bericht uber Dioptrische Untersuchungen"
—>  "Bericht uber Neuere, in Westlichen Sprachen Erschienene Arbeiten zur Mathematik der Chinesen"
—>  "Bericht uber optsiche Untersuchungen"
—>  Bericht und Erklarung Zweyer Beygelegten Kunstlichen Kupfferstucken, oder Zeitweiser der Sonnen, ober die gantze Welt. Darinn zu finden: etc...
—>  Berigt der Ontmoeting van eenen Ijsberg in den Atlantischen Oceaan
—>  Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (formerly Prussian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
—>  Berliner Botaniker in der Geschichte der Pflanzenphysiologie
—>  "Bernard Connor (1666-1698) and His Contribution to the Pathology of Ankylosing Spondylitis"
—>  Bernard de Verdun et le turquet
—>  "Bernard Fagg"
—>  "Bernard Romans, Engineer Adventurer Part II"
—>  "Bernardino Montana de Monserrate: Author of the first Anatomy in the Spanish Language; Its Relationship to de Mondeville, Vicary, Vesalius, the English Geminus, and the History of the Circulation"
—>  Bernhard Schmidt
—>  "Bernhard Schmidt - vydayushchiisya optik XX veka"
—>  "Bernhard Schmidt- remarquable opticien du XXe siecle"
—>  Bernhard Sticker 1906-1977
—>  "Bernhard Sticker; 2. August 1906-30. August 1977"
—>  Bernkhard Shmidt
—>  Bernkhard Shmidt, 1879-1935
—>  Bersuch einer Naturgeschichte der Eingeweidewurmer thierischer Korper
—>  "Berzelius - Creator of the Chemical Language"
—>  Berzelius-museum
—>  Beschreibung der an der Munchener Sternwarte zu den Beobachtungen verwendeten neuen Instrumente und Apparate.
—>  Beschreibung des auf der Sternwarte der Kaiserlichen Universitat zu Dorpat befindlichen grossen Refractors von Fraunhofer
—>  Beschreibung eines newen Instruments durch welches man auff alle schrege und haldachtige ort, Sonnen Uhren sampt den 12. Himelischen Zeichen auffreissen kan. ...
—>  Beschreibung und Gebrauch einer Universal-Sonnen-Uhr
—>  Beschrijvende Catalogues der Historische Verzameling van Natuurkundige Instrumenten in het Natuurkundig Laboratorium der Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden
—>  Beschrijving en Afbeelding van een Universaal-Instrument van Repsold
—>  Beschrijving van Een Chineeschen Zonne- En Maanvijzer, met Kompas
—>  Beschrijving van het Rijks-Planetarum te Franeker, van 1773 tot 1780 uitgedacht en vervaardigd door Eise Eisinga
—>  Beschrijvinge van vlakke Sonnewijsers, of Niewe en Korteemanier om op Vlakke Superficies allehande Sonnewijsers te beschryven
—>  "Besika Bay: A Dialogue after the Mannner of Lucian, in Latin Elegiacs"
—>  Bessel's Refraction Tables. The Form Employed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope
—>  "Bestimmung der Bahn des Ersten Kometen vom Jahre 1853 aus Sammtlichen Beobachtungen"
—>  "Bestimmung der Bahn des Ersten Kometen vom Jahre 1847, nebst bemerkungen uber den Ubergang von der Parabel zur Ellipse oder Hyperbel"
—>  "Bestimmung der Bahn des in Monat December 1839 Entdecken Cometen nach den auf der Pulkowaer Sternwarte angestellten Beobachtungen"
—>  "Bestimmung der Lange des einfachen Secundenpendels fur Berlin"
—>  "Bestimmung der rechtwinkeligen Componenten der erdmagnetischen Kraft in Gottingen in dem Zeitraume von 1834-1853"
—>  Betrachtungen neber Die Sonnenuhren nebst verbesserung der creutz vermigen uhr
—>  Betrachtungen uber einen neuen Phosphorus, und viele Versuche, die vey Gelegenheit seiner gemachet worden
—>  Betrachtungen und Versuche, das zernagende Sublimat betressend
—>  "Between Experience and Experiment"
—>  "Between the Market and the Academy: Robert S. Whipple (1871-1953) as a Collector of Science Books"
—>  Bevruchtend Vermogen van Spermatozoa in Verband met Hun Beweeglijkheidskenmerken en Overlavingsduur. I. Kinetische Theorie van de Bevruchingskans
—>  Beyond Vision
—>  Beytrage zur nautischen Astronomie
—>  Bibliografia
—>  Bibliografia Marconiana : 2 entries
—>  Bibliografia Relojera Espanola. 1265-1972
—>  Bibliografie Dejin Cs. Fotografie a Kinematografie
—>  Bibliographia Astronomica et Geodaetica Hispanica, 1795-1905: Volumen I, Introduccion, Inventario A-Z
—>  Bibliographia Medica & Physica. Novissima: Perpetuo Continuanda sive Conspectus Primus Catalogi Librorum Medicorum Chymicorum, Anatomicorum, Chyrurgicorum, Botanicorum ut & Physicorum, etc.
—>  Bibliographia Physico-Mathematica Hispanica (1475-1900): Volumen I, Libros y folletos, 1475-1600
—>  Bibliographical History of Electricity & Magnetism Chronologically arranged
—>  Bibliographical Notes on Histories of Inventions and Books of Secrets
—>  "Bibliographie d'al-Beruni: Corrigenda et Addenda"
—>  Bibliographie de l'Oeuvre de Pierre Apian
—>  Bibliographie Generale de la Mesure du Temps
—>  Bibliographie Neerlandaise Historique-Scientifique des ouvrages importants dont les auteurs sont nes aux loe, 17e et 18e siecle, sur les sciences mathematiques et physiques, avec leurs applications
—>  Bibliographische Daten zum fruhen mathematischen Schrifttum Chinas im Umfeld der "Zehn mathematischen Klassiker" (1. Jh. v. Chr. bis 7. Jh. n. Chr.)
—>  Bibliography of Books and Papers Published in 1962 [onwards] on the History of Astronomy
—>  Bibliography of Books and Papers published in 1976 on the History of Astronomy
—>  "Bibliography of Books Exhibited at the Napier Tercentenary Celebration, July, 1914"
—>  Bibliography of Hydrometry
—>  Bibliography of Relativity and Gravitation Theory
—>  Bibliography of the history of eyeglasses
—>  Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada 1964
—>  Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada 1965
—>  "Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada 1961"
—>  "Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada, 1963"
—>  "Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada"
—>  "Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada - 1962"
—>  "Bibliography of the History of Medicine of the United States and Canada, 1960"
—>  Bibliography of the History of Technology
—>  "Bibliography of the Publications of George Sarton"
—>  "Bibliography of the Works of Dr Albert Gunther"
—>  Biblioteca Matematica Italiana
—>  Biblioteka Lomonosova. Materialy dlya kharakteristiki literatury, ispol'sovannoi Lomonosovym v ego trudakh, i katalog ego lichnoi biblioteki
—>  Bibliotheca alchemica et chemica: An annotated catalogue of printed books on Alchemy, Chemistry and cognate subjects in the Library of Denis I. Duveen
—>  Bibliotheca Botanica, sive Catalogus Auctorum et Librorum omnium qui de Re Botanica, de Medicamentis ex Vegetabilibus paratis, de Re Rustica, & de Horticultura tractant, Nemausense Digestus: Accessit Bibliotheca Botanica Jo. Ant. Bumaldi, seu Potius Ovidi
—>  Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa, seu rerum ad Alchemiam pertinentium Thesaurus Instructissimus: quo non tantum Artis Auriferae, ac Scriptorum in ea Nobiliorum Historia traditur; Lapidis Veritas Argumentis & Experimentis innumeris, immo & Juris Consultorum Jud
—>  Bibliotheca Chemica: A Catalogue of the Alchemical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Books in the Collection of the Late James Young of Kelly and Durris, Esq.
—>  Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica: Catalogue of works in many tongues on exact and applied science, with a subject-index
—>  Bibliotheca chimica. Seu Catalogus librorum philosophicorum hermeticorum. : In quo quatuor millia circiter, authorum chimicorum, vel de transmutatione metallorum, re minerali, & arcanis, tam manuscriptorum, quam in lucem editorum, cum eorum editionibus, v
—>  Bibliotheca Debyana
—>  Bibliotheca Mathematica
—>  Bibliotheca Osleriana: A Catalogue of Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science Collected, Arranged, and Annotated by Sir William Osler, Bt., And Bequeathed to McGill University
—>  Bibliotheca philosophica : or, an historical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent philosophers and mathematicians who have flourished from the earliest ages of the world, to the present time
—>  Bibliotheca Radcliviana 1749-1949
—>  Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medicorum, veterum et recentiorum: in qua sub eorum omnium qui a mundi primordiis ad hunc usque Annum vixerunt, Nominibus, Ordine Alphabetico adscriptis, Vitae compendio enarrantur; Opiniones, & Scripta, modesta subinde adjecta etih
—>  Bibliotheca technologica : or, a philological library of literary arts and sciences : 3 entries
—>  Bibliotheca technologica: or, a philological library of literary arts and sciences
—>  Biblographie Generale de L'Astronomie jusqu'en 1880
—>  Bi-Centenary Exhibition of George Graham (1673-1751) : 2 entries
—>  Bidrag till Annulaternas Kannedom = A Further Contribution to Knowledge of the Annulata
—>  Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der instrumentmakerskunst in de Noordelijke Nederlanden tot omstreeks 1840
—>  Bijdrage tot de Kennis der Mikroskopische Fauna en Flora van de Banda-Zee
—>  Bijdragen tot eene Geschiedenis van het geslacht 'Van Keulen' als Boeckhandelaars, Uitgevers, Kart- en Instrumentmakers in Nederland
—>  "Bilder aus den Nurnberger Zwolfbruderhausern"
—>  "Bills of Mortality"
—>  Bio-bibliographie de Gemma Frisius, Fondateur de L'ecole Belge de Geographie, de son Fils Corneille et de ses Neveux les Aresenius
—>  Biobibliography of British Mathematics ... 1701-1760: Amendments
—>  Biobibliography of British Mathematics and its Applications
—>  Biografias de mathematicos arabes que florecieron en espana
—>  Biographia Britannica: or, the Lives of the Most Eminent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the Earliest Ages, to the Present Times: collected from the best authorities, printed and manuscript, and digested in the manner of Mr.
—>  Biographia philosophica : being an account of the lives, writings, and inventions of the most eminent philosophers and mathematicians
—>  Biographia philosophica : being an account of the lives, writings, and inventions, of the most eminent philosophers and mathematicians who have flourished from the earliest ages of the world to the present time
—>  Biographia Philosophica. Being, An Account of the Lives, Writings, and Inventions, Of the most eminent Philosophers and Mathematicians, Who have flourished from the earliest Ages of the World to the present Time : 2 entries
—>  Biographical Account of John Hadley, Esq., V.P.R.S., The Inventor of the Quadrant, and of his Brothers George and Henry
—>  "Biographical Account of the late Dr James Hutton, F.R.S. Edin."
—>  "Biographical Data on George Sarton"
—>  Biographical Fragments
—>  Biographical Index of British Sundial Makers from the Seventh Century to 1920
—>  Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society
—>  "Biographical Note concerning the First Edition of "de venarum ostiolis". (Hieronymi Fabricii)"
—>  "Biographical notices of mineralogists recently deceased (Fifth series)"
—>  Biographical Sketch of the Late Frederick Penny, Ph.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of Chemistry, Anderson's University, Glasgow
—>  Biographical Sketches and Recollections (with early letters) of Henry John Stephen Smith M.A., F.R.S., late Savilian Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford
—>  Biographie medicale par ordre chronologique : d'apres Daniel Leclerc, Eloy, etc.
—>  Biographien bedeutender Unternehmer: Eine Sammlung von Biographien
—>  Biographies of distinguished scientific men
—>  Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften
—>  "Biography of George Green, Mathematical Physicist of Nottingham and Cambridge, 1793-1841"
—>  Biological Laboratory Methods
—>  Biological Laboratory Technique. An Introduction to Research in Embryology, Cytology and Histology
—>  Biological Microscopes CSM, RC, RCP, F.
—>  Biological Stains: A Handbook on the Nature and Uses of the Dyes Employed in the Biological Laboratory : 2 entries
—>  Biologicheskie chasy
—>  "Biology in Medical Education"
—>  Biology, Psychology and Belief
—>  Birds' Eggs
—>  "Birmingham Manufacturers in 1740"
—>  Birmingham Museum of Science & Industry
—>  "Birth Centenary of Ambrose Fleming, November 29th, 1949"
—>  "Birth Control Studies. 1. - On the Ingress of Semen into the Uterus during Coitus" & "Birth Control Studies. 2. - Observations on the Effects of Common Contraceptives on the Vaginal and Uterine Mucosae"
—>  "Birth Control Studies. III. Experimental Observations on the Grafenberg Ring Contraceptive Method"
—>  "Biruni' de Gunes Parametrelerinin Hesabi' '(Biruni's Methods on Finding the Solar Parameters)"
—>  Bit by Bit: An Illustrated History of Computers
—>  "Biton, and the Development of the Catapult"
—>  "Bittacles and Binnacles"
—>  Bitumen and Petroleum in Antiquity
—>  "Black Country Clockmakers"
—>  Black Forest Clocks
—>  Blackwell's
—>  "Blaise de Parme et le principe d'inertie"
—>  Blaise Pascal "Auvergnat" La Famille a l'Oeuvre
—>  Blast Power & Ballistics: Concepts of Force & Energy in the Ancient World
—>  "Bleeding, Cupping, and Purging"
—>  Blick
—>  "Blind Man's Passion for Telephones Saves Money"
—>  Blood Pressure Measurement: An Illustrated History
—>  "Blood Royal: A Study of Haemophilia in the Royal Families of Europe"
—>  Bloodletting Instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology
—>  Blueprint for Space: Science Fiction to Science Fact
—>  "Bluttransfusion im 17. Jahrhundert"
—>  "Bodegones y Vanidades del Barroco Espanol"
—>  Body and Mind in Tibetan Medicine
—>  "Bodytime"
—>  "Boerhaave and the Place of Chemistry in Medicine"
—>  "Boerhaave krijgt eindelijk lucht"
—>  Boerhaave's Men at Leyden and After
—>  Boffin : a personal story of the early days of radar, radio astronomy and quantum optics
—>  "Boilers - Past and Present"
—>  Boletim Bibliografico da Livraria Castro e Silva
—>  Bollstandige Anweisung zum Glass-Schleiffen, Wie auch zu Berfertigung derer Optischen Machinen, Die aus geschliffenen Glasern aubereitet und zusammengesekt werden, Nebst einer Vorrede Herrn Christian Wolffes
—>  "Bologne en vitrine"
—>  "Bonaparte's Campaigns in Italy"
—>  Bondens ar: Kalender och markesdagar, hushallsregler och vaderleksmarken
—>  Bond's Light Engineering Handbook
—>  Book of the Explanation of the Symbols Kitab Hall ar-Rumuz
—>  Book Review
—>  "Book Reviews"
—>  Book Subscription List Project. Some Relevant Material 1972-73
—>  Book subscription lists
—>  Book Subscription Lists: A Revised Guide
—>  Book Subscription Lists: A Revised Guide: First Supplement
—>  Book Subscription Lists: A Revised Guide: Fourth Supplement
—>  Book Subscription Lists: A Revised Guide: Second Supplement
—>  Book Subscription Lists: A Revised Guide: Third Supplement
—>  Bookbindings
—>  Books and Manuscripts of The Bakken
—>  Books from the Library of Matthew Boulton and his family
—>  Books on Engineering: A list of books on engineering subjects received in the Science Library from July 1st 1955 to September 30th 1956
—>  Books on Engineering: A Subject Catalogue of Books in the Science Library
—>  Books on the Chemical and Allied Industries: A list of books on the chemical and allied industries received in the Science Library in 1960
—>  Books on the Chemical and Allied Industries: A Subject Catalogue of Books in the Science Library : 2 entries
—>  Books: Principally the Library of Lady Place Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire
—>  "'Born Like Minerva': D. O. Hill and the Origins of Photography"
—>  Botanical terms in Pliny's Natural History
—>  Botanicon Sinicum Notes on Chinese Botany from Native and Western Sources
—>  Botanicum officinale; : or a compendious herbal: giving an account of all such plants as are now used in the practice of physick. With their descriptions and virtues
—>  Botanik der Gegenwart und Vorzeit in Culturhistorischer Entwickelung ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Abendlandischen Volker von ... (1864)
—>  Botano-Theology, an Arranged Compendium, chiefly from Smith, Keith, and Thomson
—>  Boticas monasticas benedictinas
—>  "Bottle Imps"
—>  Bottled Energy: Electrical Engineering and the Evolution of Chemical Energy Storage
—>  Boucher's calculating circle : manufactured by W.F. Stanley, Great Turnstile, Holborn, London, W.C. ; Price 27/6
—>  Boulton, Watt and the Soho Undertakings
—>  Boundary Monuments on the Maryland-Pennsylvania and the Maryland-Delaware Boundaries
—>  "Boussoles de mines des XVIe et XVIIe siecles"
—>  "Boyle's Hell"
—>  "Boyle's Laboratory"
—>  "Boyle's law"
—>  "Branly et les debuts de TSF"
—>  Brass & Glass: Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in Scotland as illustrated by instruments from the Arthur Frank Collection at the Royal Museum of Scotland
—>  "Breeding experiments which show that hybridisation and mutation are independent phenomena"
—>  Breguet (1747-1823)
—>  "Breguet no. 3671"
—>  Breve Discurso a Su Majestad el Rey Catolico en Torno a la Reduccion del Ano y Reforma del Calendario; Con la explicacion de los instrumentos inventados para ensenar su uso en la practica
—>  Breve Histoire de la Carte de Ciel en France
—>  "Breve Historia de Machinas Thermico"
—>  Brevis et exquissita, Quadrantis instrumenti Geometrici, & Horarii, explicatio
—>  "Brief Historical Account of the Barometer"
—>  Brief history of the Peabody Museum of Salem
—>  'Brief lives,' chiefly of contemporaries / set down by John Aubrey, between the years 1669 and 1696
—>  "Brief Memoir of the late Thomas Galloway, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. F.R.A.S."
—>  Brief Notes of the Red Lodge, Park Row
—>  Brief Sketch of the Natural History Museum of the University of St Andrews
—>  Briefe Eines Romantischen Physikers: Johann Wilhelm Ritter an Gotthilf Heinrich Schubert und an Karl von Hardenberg
—>  "Briefe von C. H. Schumacher und W. Struve an F. R. Hassler in Amerika"
—>  Briefe von Justus Liebig nach Neuen Funden
—>  "Bright Spark of the Electric Age"
—>  "Bristol 'Act of Parliament' Clocks"
—>  "Bristol Clocks"
—>  Britain and Atomic Energy 1939-1945
—>  Britain's atomic factories : the story of atomic energy production in Britain
—>  "Britain's First Professional Astronomer: George Biddell Airy (1801-1892)"
—>  Britain's Heritage of Science
—>  "Britain's Heritage of Scientific and Technological Records and Manuscripts and of Historic Scientific Instruments"
—>  Britannia Baconica: or, The Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, & Wales. According as they are to be found in every Shire. Historically related, according to the Precepts of the Lord Bacon; Methodically digested; and the Causes of many of them Philosop
—>  Britannia Depicta or Ogilby Improv'd; being a Correct Coppy of Mr. Ogilby's Actual Survey of all ye Direct & Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales: ...are added in a clear & most Compendious Method - 1, a full & particular Description & Account of al
—>  British Agricultural Research: Rothamsted
—>  British and Irish Silver Assay Office Marks 1544-1968
—>  British animals extinct within historic times : with some account of British wild white cattle
—>  British Archives A Guide to Archive Resources in the United Kingdom
—>  British Archives: Third Edition: A Guide to Archive Resources in the United Kingdom
—>  "British Astronomers' Letters at the Library of Tartu University: A Supplement"
—>  "British Astronomers' Letters in the Library of Tartu University"
—>  "British Astronomy: Out from Under the Clouds"
—>  'British Attitudes to Engineering Education: An Historical Perspective'
—>  British Birds: Key List
—>  British Breeds of Live Stock
—>  British Camera Makers: An A-Z Guide to Companies and Products
—>  British Chemists
—>  British Clockmaker's Heritage Exhibition
—>  British clocks and clockmakers
—>  British Copper Coins and their Values
—>  British Copper Coins and their Values, Part II - Tokens
—>  British Economic Growth 1688-1959: Trends and Structure
—>  British Globes up to 1850: A Provisional Inventory.
—>  British Institution for promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom, 52 Pall Mall
—>  British Instruments Directory and Data Handbook 1965
—>  British Instruments: Directory and Buyers' Guide 1959
—>  British Journal of Audiology
—>  British Made: Industrial Development and Related Archaeology of Japan: "Gas and Electricity"
—>  British Masters of Medicine
—>  British Medical Journal
—>  British Medical Societies
—>  British Military Surgery in the Time of Hunter and in the Great War
—>  British Optical Association Foundation Museum: Museum Open Day
—>  British Optical Association Library Catalogue
—>  British Pharmaceutical Conference
—>  British Photography in the Nineteenth Century: The Fine Art Tradition
—>  "British Physics Between the Wars"
—>  British Pioneers in Recent Conchological Science
—>  British Plane Makers from 1700
—>  British Radio Valves: The Vintage Years 1904-1925
—>  British Rainfall. On the Distribution of Rain over the British Isles, during the years 1860 and 1861, as observed at about 500 stations in Great Britain and Ireland
—>  British Scientific Instruments in Industry
—>  British scientists
—>  British Standard for Transliteration of Cyrillic and Greek Characters
—>  "British Standard: Recommendations on concert pitch"
—>  British university observatories, 1772-1939
—>  British week in Tokyo : 'Oxford & Cambridge universities exhibition'
—>  British Weights and Measures: A History from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century
—>  Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers: A Historical and Descriptive Account of the Different Styles of Clocks and Watches of the Past in England and Abroad Containing a List of Nearly Fourteen Thousand Makers
—>  Broad Sheet
—>  Brookbrae universal sunclock
—>  Brown & Sharpe Small Tools
—>  "Brown's Nautical Almanac (incorporating Pearson's Nautical Almanac): Daily Tide Tables for 1939"
—>  BSHS. Newsletter
—>  Bucher und Schriften des edelen hochgelehrten und bewehrten Philosophi und Medici Philippi Theophrasti Bombast / von Hohenheim/ Paracelsi genandt
—>  Buchsenmeister-Discurs, eine neuerfundene Kugel-Tafel, Abtheilung der Stucke, Laveten und Visir-Stabe
—>  "Buchstabenrechnung und indische Ziffern in Byzanz"
—>  "Buffon and the Royal Society of London"
—>  Buildings & Power: Freedom and Control in the Origin of Modern Building Types
—>  Bulletin : 2 entries
—>  Bulletin d'histoire de l'electricite
—>  Bulletin de l'Association Nationale des Collectionneurs et Amateurs d'Horlogerie Ancienne : 2 entries
—>  Bulletin of Chiba Museum of Science and Industry
—>  Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information: Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1817-1911
—>  Bulletin of the Department of History of Medicine, Osmania Medical College
—>  Bulletin of the Historical Metallurgy Group
—>  Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences Republic of Korea
—>  Bulletin of the Society of Ornamental Turners
—>  BulletinKern
—>  Bullion and Reference Balances, Standard Beams and Weights, &c.
—>  Bullion Weights: An Outline Catalogue
—>  Burgiho Sextant ve Sbirkach Narodniho Technickeho Muzea v Praze
—>  Burndy Library
—>  Burntwood, Past and Present
—>  "Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy"
—>  "Burton's Horoscope and the Date of His Birth"
—>  Bushman Paintings
—>  Business Statistics and Statistical Method
—>  "Buying the Dark Lines of the Solar Spectrum: Joseph von Fraunhofer's Standard for the Manufacture of Optical Glass"
—>  "Bylicas Sternglobus und die ersten neuzeitlichen Himmelskarten"
—>  "Byrhtferd's Diagram"
—>  Bywyd a Gwaith Moses Williams (1685-1742)
—>  C. & E. Layton's Improved Arithmometer, formerly known as Tate's Arithmometer, or Tate's Improved Arithmometer
—>  C. D. Soar Collection of Pamphlets on Hydracarina
—>  "C. F. C. Beeson (1907) and St. John's College"
—>  C. Julii Hygini Augusti Liberti Fabularum Liber, ad omnium poetarum lectionem mire necessarius, & nunc denuo excusus. Eiusdem poeticon astronomicon Libri quatuor. Quibus accesserunt similis argumenti, ...
—>  C. Julii Solini Polyhistorem Emendationes
—>  C. P. and O. U. P.
—>  C. W. Kolbe
—>  Cabinets de Curiosites Collections Collectionneurs
—>  Cabinets for the Curious: Looking Back at Early English Musuems
—>  Cabo Frio : ponto de referencia para a navegacao no Atlantico Sul desde o seculo XVI
—>  "Cadran solaire portatif : trouve au Cret-Chatelard, Commune de Saint-Marcel de Felines (Loire)"
—>  Cadrans Solaires
—>  "Cadrans Solaires de Lorraine"
—>  Cadrans Solaires de Paris
—>  Caelestis Mathematicae pars prima, in qua leges antiquae, et novae temporum, ac planetarum digeruntur, et in tabulas ordinantur, Juxta observationes tum veteres celebriorum Caeli inspectorum
—>  "Caesars' Astronomy (Astronomicum Caesareum) by Peter Apian, Ingolstadt 1540"
—>  Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae Naturalis Libri XXXVII
—>  Calculating Machines and Computers
—>  Calculating Machines: Recent and Prospective Developments and their impact on Mathematical Physics: Inaugural Lecture
—>  Calculating Scale: A Substitute for the Slide Rule
—>  Calculi: Bilder des Rechnens einst und heute: Images of Computing in Olden and Modern Times
—>  Calculus for technical students
—>  Calendar Simplification
—>  Calendarium Romanum Magnum Caseare majestati dictatum
—>  "California No Es Ysla ..."
—>  Calke Abbey
—>  "Calotype Portraits of Elizabeth Rigby by David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson"
—>  "'Calotype Views of St. Andrews' by David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson"
—>  "Calvert Richard Jones of Swansea"
—>  "Calx Viva. Aus der Geschichte des gebrannten Kalks"
—>  Cambridge and the Royal Society
—>  Cambridge Problems : 2 entries
—>  Cambridge Readings in the Literature of Science
—>  Cambridge Sundials
—>  "Cambridge wins battle to take in the RGO"
—>  "Cambridgeshire Doctors in the Olden Time 1466-1827"
—>  "Camera Collecting: Tropical Cameras"
—>  Camera Obscuras. Photographic Cameras 1840-1940
—>  Camera Obscuras: A Short History
—>  Camera Portraits
—>  Cameras Photographs and Accessories
—>  Cameras: From Daguerreotypes to Instant Pictures
—>  Cameras: The Technology of Photographic Imaging : 2 entries
—>  Cameron, Fenton and Others: Victorian Photography at Colnaghi
—>  Caminho para as estrelas : reflexoes em um museu
—>  Campanus of Novara and Medieval Planetary Theory: Theorica Planetarum
—>  Campi Phlegraei: Observations on the Volcanos of the Two Sicilies As They have been Communicated to the Royal Society of London
—>  "Can a Nation be Saved by Budgets and Ever-Increasing Taxation?"
—>  Can Physical Science Obtain a Home in an English University? An Inquiry, suggested by some remarks contained in a late number of "The Quarterly Review"
—>  "Can Science Museums Take History Seriously?" : 3 entries
—>  "Cancer: A New Approach"
—>  Canon Epoca
—>  Canon Triangulorum: or, Tables of Artificiall Sines and Tangents
—>  Canones Astrolabii
—>  "Cantor Lectures on the Microscope"
—>  "Cantor Lectures on the Microscope" [and] "Cantor Lectures on the Modern Microscope"
—>  "Cantor Lectures on the Modern Microscope"
—>  Cantor Lectures on The Theory of the Microscope
—>  Canynge's House, Bristol
—>  "Canzius - Onderdewijngaart et le Museede l'Industrie a Bruxelles (1827-1887)"
—>  Caos e Complessita
—>  Capelo e Ivens : um fecho europeu para uma tradicao nacional
—>  "Capital in the London Publishing Trade: James Moxon's Stock Disposal of 1698, a 'Mathematical Lottery'"
—>  Capitulos de la Relojeria en Espana. Seguidos de algunas trabajos complementarios, de diferentes auctores
—>  "Captain Cook and the Founding of the British Power in the Pacific"
—>  "Captain Cook as an Astronomer"
—>  "Captain James Cook and the Sandwich Islands"
—>  Captain Toby, F.S.I, or, The Surveyor at War
—>  "Captured Universe"
—>  Carabodides
—>  Caraka Samhita (A Scientific Synopsis)
—>  Cardanus Formel, deren Verwandlung zur Berechnung der Wurzeln von Zahlengleichungen von der Gestalt: x3 - Px - Q = O und eine allgemeine aus jener abgeleitete Form der Wurzeln der letzeren. Losung des dreihundertjahrigen Problemes
—>  Cardianastrophe Admiranda seu Cordis Inversio memorabilis tam Physicis, quam Theologis ac Medicisscitu admodum jucunda & utilis observata a Collegio Medico Civitatis Hallensis in Anatomia Cadaveris sexus foeminei
—>  "Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni (1667-1740) in America"
—>  Care and Identification of 19th-Century Photographic Prints
—>  Care and Restoration of Barometers
—>  Caring for Books and Documents
—>  "Carl Friedrich Gauss in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte"
—>  Carl Linnaeus
—>  Carl Linnaeus: List of holdings in Oxford libraries to 1900
—>  "Carl Zeiss Jena Binoculars"
—>  Carl Zeiss Leben Und Werk
—>  Carl Zeiss und Ernst Abbe - Ihr Leben und ihr Werk
—>  "Carl Zeiss und Ernst Abbe - Ihr Leben und ihr Werk"
—>  Carl Zeiss: 150th Anniversary of his Birthday
—>  Carl Zeiss: On the 150th anniversary of his birthday, 11th September 1966.
—>  "Carleton E. Watkins at Work (A Pictorial Inventory of Equipment and Landscape Technique used by Watkins in the American West, 1854-1900)"
—>  Carlo Besta (1876-1940) and the Foundation of the National Neurological Institute of Milan
—>  Carlo Besta 1876-1940
—>  Carlo Besta and the Foundation of the National Neurological Institute in Milan
—>  "Carlo Matteucci (1811-1868): Profilo della vita e dell'opera (con 10 documenti inediti)"
—>  Carlo Matteucci e il Risorgimento Scientifico
—>  "Carlo Rinaldini and the Discovery of Convection in Air"
—>  Carmen de Sanguinis Circuitu, a Gulielmo Harvaeo Anglo, primum invento. Adjecta sunt Miscellanea Quae dam
—>  Carmen Pindaricum in Theatrum Sheldonianum in Solennibus Magnifici Operis Enchaeniis recitatum Julii die 9o Anno 1669 a ...
—>  Caroli Linnaei ... Flora Svecica, : exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciae crescentes, systematice cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, solo locorum, usu oeconomorum, officinalibus pharmacopaeorum
—>  Caroli Linnaei ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium
—>  Caroli Linnaei Med. Doct. Soc. Ac. Imper. Nat. Cur. Classes plantarum. : Seu systemata plantarum omnia a fructificatione desumta, quorum XVI universalia & XIII partialia, compendiose proposita secundum classes, ordines, et nomina generica cum clave cujusv
—>  Caroli v. Linne ... Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, et proportionem omnium fructificationis partium
—>  Caroline Herschel: Reflected Glory
—>  Caroline Herschel's Autobiographies
—>  "Carpenter's and Engineer's Slide Rules: Part 1 - History"
—>  Carres magiques au degre n / serie numerales de G. Tarry; avec un apercu historique et une bibliographie des figures-magiques
—>  "Carrington's Method of Determining Sunspot Positions"
—>  "Carroll's Camera"
—>  Cartas antigas da อndia existentes em Portugal (seculos XVIII, XIX e XX)
—>  Cartas portuguesas antigas na coleccao de Groote Schuur
—>  "Carte lunari di ieri e di oggi"
—>  Carteggio (1819-1854)
—>  Cartography by subscription : an unsuccessful 18th century project to issue globes
—>  Cartography of the Battle of Bunker Hill : 2 entries
—>  Case Histories in Experimental Science
—>  Casemate: Fortress Study Group Newsletter
—>  "Caspar Vopell und seine Rheinkarte vom Jahre 1558"
—>  Casus Medicinales praxi triginta sex annorum observati. Accessere et Medicamentorum singularium quae in casibus proponuntur Descriptiones
—>  "Catadioptrics and Commerce in Eighteenth-Century London"
—>  Catalog No. Eleven: Builders' Instruments
—>  Catalog of Meteorological instruments in the Museum of History and Technology
—>  Catalog of the Mechanical Collections of the Division of Engineering, United States National Museum
—>  Catalog of the Scientific Apparatus at the College of Charleston: 1800-1940
—>  Catalogo con Aggiornamenti. Florence, 1952
—>  Catalogo critico de Astrolabios Existentes en Espana
—>  Catalogo de las Revistas Cientificas y Tecnicas Publicadas en Espana Durante el Siglo XIX
—>  Catalogo de los Botes de Farmacia
—>  Catalogo degli strumenti del museo di storia della scienza
—>  Catalogo dei Globi Antichi conservati in Italia : 3 entries
—>  Catalogo del Museo. I.
—>  Catalogo general del Museo maritime [Barcelona]
—>  Catalogo Strumenti
—>  Catalogue : 3 entries
—>  Catalogue - Medicine et Science au XIXe Siecle, Livres et Manuscrits 3
—>  Catalogue - September, 1912
—>  Catalogue 1902-3: Edison Bell Phonographs: Best in the World
—>  Catalogue 1907. Section II. Surveying and Drawing Instruments
—>  Catalogue 84
—>  Catalogue 865, rare and interesting books on science mainly related to transport and technology
—>  Catalogue and Price List of Planes, Plane Irons, Rules, Gauges, Hand Screws, etc.
—>  "Catalogue d'Apparitions d'Etoiles pendant Six Siecles; de 538 a 1225"
—>  Catalogue de Globes et d'Appareils Cosmographiques
—>  Catalogue de l'Exposition Collective Allemande d'Instruments d'Optique et de Mecanique de Precision
—>  Catalogue de l'exposition d'instruments etc.
—>  Catalogue de l'Horlogerie et des Instruments de Precision du debut du XVIe au milieu du XVIIe siecle
—>  Catalogue des Cadrans Solaires du Musee de la Vie Wallonne : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue des Cartes gravees au XVe siecle
—>  "Catalogue des Cometes observees en Chine depuis l'an 1230 jusqu'a l'an 1640 de notre ere, Faisant suite au Catalogue de Ma-touan-lin, qui finit a l'an 1222, et Extrait du Supplement du Wen-hian-thoung-khao, et de la grande Collection des vingt-cinq histo
—>  "Catalogue des etoiles extraordinaire observees en Chine depuis les temps anciens jusqu'a l'an 1203 de notre ere. Extrait du livre 294 de la grande collection de Ma-touan-lin"
—>  Catalogue des Instruments Anthropologique
—>  Catalogue des Instruments de Precision de E. Ducretet et L. Lejeune
—>  Catalogue des Manuscrits alchimiques Grecs
—>  Catalogue des Objets D'Art ... Instruments de Mathematiques, Compas, Regles, Cadrans solaires, Astrolabes, Spheres, Lunettes, Microscopes, etc.
—>  Catalogue Des Objets D'Art et de Haute Curiosite de L'Antiquite, ... Les Instruments de Mathematiques de la Famille Strozzi, etc.
—>  Catalogue descriptif des instruments de micrographie [etc.]
—>  Catalogue du Musee : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue du Musee "Le Secq des Tournelles" Fascicule I. L'Outillage
—>  Catalogue du Musee le Secq des Tournelles Fascicule II. Clefs et Serrures des origines au commencement de la Renaissance
—>  'Catalogue d'une Collection d'Instruments de Mathematiques appartenant a Henri Michel Ingenieur'
—>  Catalogue fo a Further Portion of the Renowned Library formerly at Britwell Court, Burnham, Bucks: the Property of S.R. Christie Miller, Esq., Comprising Early Works on the Arts and Sciences
—>  Catalogue general
—>  Catalogue General Illustre No 1 de Telegraphie & Telephonie sans Fil et de Telemecanique sans Fil
—>  Catalogue General: 1929
—>  Catalogue meridien de 2.024 etoiles reperes de la zone + 11o A + 18o
—>  Catalogue Michel Auer
—>  Catalogue of 6424 Stars for the Epoch 1890
—>  Catalogue of 9842 stars or all stars very conspicuous to the naked eye for the epoch of 1900
—>  Catalogue of a Collection Relating to the Literature of Photography 1639-1905
—>  Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Early Scientific Instruments in Oxford : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of a loan exhibition of early scientific instruments in Oxford : opened by Sir William Osler after his presidential address to the Classical Association on 16 May, 1919 : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Historic Scientific Apparatus in Cambridge : 4 entries
—>  Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Historic Scientific Apparatus in Cambridge, 8-23 June 1936.
—>  Catalogue of a Loan Exhibition of Old Maps & Plans
—>  Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Books, being the Valuable and Scientific Library of the Late Dr. Olinthus Gregory, of Woolwich, ... Old Almanacks, ... Scientific Instruments, ...
—>  Catalogue of Achromatic Refracting Telescopes for Astronomical and Terrestrial Purposes
—>  "Catalogue of Alchemical and Early Chemical Books presented to the Chemical Society by Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S."
—>  Catalogue of all types of electric appliances, including bells, motors, batteries, electric toys, alarms and lamps
—>  Catalogue of an Exhibition Illustrating Medicine in 1850
—>  Catalogue of an Exhibition illustrating the History of Pharmacy
—>  Catalogue of an Exhibition of Books on Medicine, Surgery and Physiology
—>  Catalogue of an Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus Pertaining to Medicine and Surgery
—>  Catalogue of Apparatus and Instruments, for Philosophical, Experimental, and Commercial Chemistry, manufactured and sold by R. & G. Knight, no. 41, Foster Lane, (the first house from Cheapside,) London
—>  Catalogue of Apparatus and Instruments, for Philosophical, Experimental, and Commercial Chemistry, Manufactured and Sold by R. & G. Knight, Foster Lane, (The First House From Cheapside,) London
—>  Catalogue of apparatus in the Museum of the Natural Philosophy Class in the United Colleges of St Salvator and St Leonard St Andrews
—>  Catalogue of Apparatus in the Physical Department of Queen's College, Galway
—>  Catalogue of Astronomical Instruments, Portrait Minitures, Objects of Vertu, etc.
—>  Catalogue of Bacteriological Apparatus, Sterilizers, etc., for Medical Schools, Hospitals, Medical Officers of Health, Etc.
—>  Catalogue of Books (Mostly Second-Hand) in Microscopy, Micro-Natural History (Zoological-Botanical) And the Allied Sciences. Many of Which Are Very Rare
—>  Catalogue of books and papers relating to the History of Electricity in the library of the Institute for Theoretical Electricity Chalmers University of Technology
—>  Catalogue of Chemical Preparations, Apparatus and Instruments, for Philosophical Chemistry, Prepared and Sold by Fredrick Accum, Old Compton Street, Soho, London
—>  Catalogue of Chemical, Bacteriological and General Apparatus, also Balances and Weights
—>  Catalogue of Class XXIV ('Sights, Scales and Other Instruments') of the Museum of Artillery, The Rotunda, Repository Road, Woolwich, London, S. E. 18
—>  Catalogue of Clocks and Watches in the Topkapi Sarayi Museum. Istanbul
—>  Catalogue of Early Telescopes
—>  Catalogue of exhibition : science in Bunyan's day
—>  Catalogue of exhibition : the reign of Charles II : 1660-1685
—>  Catalogue of Exhibition of Optical, Mathematical and Scientific Instruments, etc.
—>  Catalogue of Exhibition of Optical, Mathematical, and Scientific Instruments, etc., ... at the Mansion House, London, E.C., 3rd to 8th October, 1898
—>  Catalogue of Exhibits with Historical Introduction: The Machine Tool Collection
—>  Catalogue of Frictional and Voltaic Electrical Apparatus
—>  Catalogue of General and Industrial Laboratory Apparatus : 3 entries
—>  "Catalogue of Instruments made and (or) used by Sir William Herschel, as preserved at Slough and examined there in 1924, May and June"
—>  Catalogue of Instruments made and sold by W. F. Stanley, Optician, Patentee and Practical Manufacturer of Mathematical Drawing and Surveying Instruments
—>  Catalogue of Instruments made by Troughton and Simms ...
—>  Catalogue of Instruments Made by Troughton and Simms, Opticians and Mathematical Instrument Makers to the Honourable Board of Ordnance, 138, Fleet Street, London
—>  Catalogue of Instruments made by Troughton and Simms, Opticians and Mathematical Instrument Makers to the Honourable Board of Ordnance, London
—>  Catalogue of Instruments, made by Troughton and Simms, Opticians, and Mathematical Instrument Makers to the Honourable Board of Ordnance, 138, Fleet Street, London
—>  Catalogue of Laboratory Apparatus
—>  Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts in Great Britain and Ireland Dating from before the XVI Century
—>  Catalogue of Lewis's Medical & Scientific Circulating Library
—>  Catalogue of Mathematical and Optical Instruments
—>  Catalogue of Measuring Rules, Tapes, Straight Edges, and Steel Band Chains; Spirit Levels, etc. Manufatured by John Rabone & Sons (Established 1784), Hockley Abbey Works, Birmingham
—>  Catalogue of Microscopes
—>  Catalogue of Microscopes, Object Glasses and Apparatus Made and Sold by Powell & Lealand, No. 170, Euston Road, N.W. London
—>  Catalogue of Optical and General Scientific Instruments
—>  Catalogue of Optical and General Scientific Instruments exhibited at the Optical Convention, 1926, (April 12-17)
—>  Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments, Made and Sold by W. and S. Jones, (30) Lower Holborn, London
—>  Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and{?} Philosophical Instruments, Made and Sold by W. and S. Jones
—>  Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, Philosophical, Nautical and Meteorological Instruments, manufactured and sold by J. Somalvico & Co. Opticians and Meteorological Instrument Makers, 16, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London, E.C. Late of 2, Hatton Garde
—>  Catalogue of Orbs, Spheres and Globes
—>  Catalogue of Oxfordshire Seventeenth Century Tokens
—>  Catalogue of Paintings in the Ashmolean Museum
—>  Catalogue of Philosophical and Astronomical Instruments, Manufactured and Sold by N. B. Chamberlain, no. 2 & 9 School Street, Boston
—>  Catalogue of Philosophical Apparatus and Instruments manufactured and sold by Newton & Co., opticians and scientific instrument makers by appointment to His Majesty the King, ... &c., 3, Fleet St., Temple Bar, London, E.C.
—>  Catalogue of Philosophical Apparatus, made by E. M. Clarke, Optician, 428, Strand, London
—>  Catalogue of photographic apparatus and chemical preparations
—>  Catalogue of Photographs and Slides from the Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories
—>  Catalogue of Physical Apparatus and of Lanterns and Lantern Slides, Illustrative of Physical Science, manufactured by Edward Paterson, St. Paul's Works, 76, Little Britain, London, E.C.
—>  Catalogue of Pictures and Medals in the Possession of the Royal Society
—>  Catalogue of Pneumatical, Magnetical and Electrical Instruments
—>  Catalogue of Portraits
—>  Catalogue of Portraits in the possession of the University, Colleges, City, and County of Oxford
—>  Catalogue of Scales, Balances, Brass & Iron Weights, Weighing Machines, Sack Trucks &c.
—>  Catalogue of Scientific Apparatus for Physical Laboratories
—>  Catalogue of Scientific Papers (1800-1863) Compiled and Published by the Royal Society of London
—>  Catalogue of Sculpture, Paintings, Engravings, and other works of art, belonging to the Corporation, together with Books not included in the Catalogue of the Guildhall Library
—>  Catalogue of Siddons Scales: The "1800" Series
—>  Catalogue of Stanley
—>  Catalogue of Stars, Taken From Mr. Flamsteed's Observations Contained In The Second Volume Of The Historia Coelestis, And Not Inserted In The British Catalogue. With An Index, To Point Out Every Observation In That Volume Belonging To The Stars Of The Bri
—>  Catalogue of Sun Dials
—>  'Catalogue of Sundials'
—>  Catalogue of Surgeons' Instruments and Medical Appliances. Elector-therapeutic Apparatus. Sundries for the Surgery and Sick Room, Medicine Chests, etc.
—>  Catalogue of Surgical Instruments
—>  Catalogue of the Admiral's Room, Snowshill Manor, Gloucestershire
—>  Catalogue of the Archives and Manuscripts of the Royal Astronomical Society
—>  Catalogue of the Archives of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh 1764-1937
—>  Catalogue of the Aristotelian and Philosophical portions of the Library of the late Henry William Chandler, M.A.
—>  Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the collection of the British Museum
—>  Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Microscopical Society of London
—>  Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Quekett Microscopical Club
—>  Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Quekett Microscopical Club, London
—>  Catalogue of the Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments in the University of Strathclyde
—>  Catalogue of the Collections for Teaching and Research in the Science Museum, South Kensington. Part II. Physics
—>  Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington with Descriptive and Historical Notes and Illustrations: Geodesy and Surveying
—>  Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington with Descriptive and Historical Notes and Illustrations: Mathematics: I. Calculating Machines and Instruments
—>  Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington with Descriptive and Historical Notes and Illustrations: Meteorology
—>  Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington, with descriptive and historical notes and illustrations: Meteorology
—>  Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum: Calculating Machines and Instruments
—>  Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington with Descriptive and Historical Notes and Illustrations: Electrical Communication: II. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony
—>  Catalogue of the Collections in the Science Museum South Kensington with Descriptive and Historical Notes and Illustrations: Electrical Communication: I. Line Telegraphy and Telephony
—>  Catalogue of the Crawford Library of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh
—>  Catalogue of the First Portion of an Extensive, Valuable and Choice Library; Removed from Buckinghamshire. Which will be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & John Wilkinson, at their House, 3, Wellington Street, Strand on Monday, June 16th 1851
—>  'Catalogue of the Gabb Collection of Early & Historical Scientific Instruments'
—>  Catalogue of the Grove-Hills Library of the Royal Astronomical Society
—>  Catalogue of the Hampstead Congress Museum, and Guide to other Collections open to the Congress
—>  Catalogue of The Household Furniture Electrical Equipment, Carpenters' and Engineers' Tools and Machinery, Books and Miscellaneous Effects ...
—>  Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
—>  Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London
—>  Catalogue of the Library Removed from Stowe House, Buckinghamshire. Which will be Sold at Auction by Messrs. S. Leigh Sotheby & Co., 8th. Jan., 1849 [&c.]
—>  Catalogue of the Library: Atlases and Cartography
—>  Catalogue of the London Library, St. James's Square. London
—>  Catalogue of the Mathematical, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous Library, Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments, &c. of Miss A. B. Lousada, of Bedford Place, Russell Square, Deceased. ...
—>  Catalogue of the Museum of Fisheries and Shipping, Pickering Park, Hull
—>  Catalogue of the Museum of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers of London in the Guildhall Library, London
—>  Catalogue of the National Portrait Gallery, 1856-1947: with an Index of Artists
—>  Catalogue of the National Portrait Gallery, 1932
—>  Catalogue of the Optical and General Scientific Instruments
—>  Catalogue of the Papers and Correspondence of Cecil Reginald Burch CBE FRS (1901-1983) : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Norman George Heatley, OBE (b. 1911) Relating to the research and development of penicillin 1939-1942
—>  Catalogue of the Pathological Museum and of Exhibits of Medical Interest in the Museum of the History of Science
—>  Catalogue of the Paul Ehrenfest Archive at the Museum Boerhaave, Leiden
—>  Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, etc. in the possession of Dr Daubeny, Praelector of Natural Philosophy in Magdalen College, and now deposited in the building contiguous to the Botanic Gardens, belonging to that so
—>  Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, etc. in the possession of Dr. Daubeny, Praelector of Natural Philosophy in Magdalen College, and now deposited in the building contiguous to the Botanic Gardens, belonging to that s
—>  Catalogue of the Philosophical Apparatus, Minerals, Geological Specimens, etc. in the possession of Dr. Daubeny, Praelector of Natural Philosophy in Magdalen College, and now deposited in the building contiguous to the Botanic Gardens, belonging to that S
—>  Catalogue of the Principal Portion of the Choice and Valuable Library of the late James Watt, Esq. of Aston Hall, Warwickshire …
—>  Catalogue of the Printed Books and Pamphlets in the Library of the Royal Microscopical Society
—>  Catalogue of the Railway Museum, York
—>  Catalogue of the Science Collections for Teaching and Research in the South Kensington Museum. Part V. Physiography
—>  Catalogue of the Science Collections for Teaching and Research in the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington. Physiography, Part II. Meteorology, including Terrestrial Magnetism
—>  Catalogue of the Science Collections for Teaching and Research in the South Kensington Museum. Part I: Mathematics and Mechanics
—>  Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Society : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at the South Kensington Museum. MDCCCLXXVI : 2 entries
—>  Catalogue of the Twenty-Third Annual Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Apparatus
—>  Catalogue of the valuable Astronomical, Mathematical, and General Library of the late Francis Baily, Esq. Together with the remaining Copies of his Works on Various Subjects; as also his valuable collection of Astronomical, Mathematical, and Philosophica
—>  Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Pictures, Works of Art, and Decorative Objects, of Christopher Beckett Denison, Esq., Deceased, late of Upper Grosvenor Street
—>  Catalogue of the Valuable Library of the late William Wallace, LL.D. Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh; ... together with his Philosophical Instruments ...
—>  Catalogue of the Watt bicentenary exhibition : (December 1935-April 1936)
—>  Catalogue of Veterinary Instruments
—>  'Catalogue of Weighing Instruments'
—>  Catalogue of Works on the Microscope, and of those referring to microscopical subjects, in the library of ...
—>  Catalogue Officiel des Collections du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers: Troisieme Fascicule: Geometrie -- Geodesie -- Cosmographie -- Astronomie -- Science Nautique -- Chronometrie -- Instruments de Calcul -- Poids et Mesures
—>  Catalogue One Hundred
—>  "Catalogue raisonne des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Orientale III"
—>  Catalogue Raisonne des Spectroscopes Construits dans les Ateliers de J. Duboscq
—>  Catalogue raisonne d'une collection considerable de diverses Curiosites en tous Genres, contenues dans les Cabinets de feu Monsieur Bonnier de la Mosson, Bailly & Capitaine des Chasses de la Varenne des Thuilleries & ancien Colonel du Regiment Dauphin
—>  Catalogue Seven: Sun Pictures
—>  Catalogue Six: Sun Pictures: Dr Thomas Keith and John Forbes White
—>  "Catalogue sommaire des manuscrits du fonds Stas de l'Universite libre de Bruxelles"
—>  Catalogue Systematique de la Collection de Petrifications, formee par feu M. Jean Conrad [corrected from Leonard] Ammann, Lecteur en medecine a Schaffouse
—>  Catalogue systematique des appareils d'optique ... [etc.]
—>  Catalogue Systematique des Appareils d'Optique Construits dans les Ateliers de J. Duboscq
—>  Catalogue: Prints and Drawings
—>  [Catalogue:] Section D
—>  [catalogue] : 2 entries
—>  Catalogues
—>  Catalogues of the Instituto e Museo di Storia delle Scienze, Florence
—>  Catalogues of the Miscellaneous Manuscripts and of the Manuscript Letters in the Possession of the Royal Society
—>  [catalogues] : 43 entries
—>  Catalogus
—>  Catalogus Bibliothek
—>  Catalogus horti botanici Oxoniensis : alphabetice digestus, duas, praeterpropter, plantarum chiliadas complectens, priore duplo auctior, idemque elimatior; nec non etymologiis, qua Graecis, qua Latinis, hinc inde petitis, enucleatior: in quo nomina Latina
—>  Catalogus Novus stellarum duplicium et multiplicium
—>  Catalogus plantarum Angliae, et insularum adjacentium: : tum indigenas, tum in agris passim cultas complectens. In quo praeter synonyma necessaria, facultates quoque summatim traduntur, una cum observationibus & experimentis novis medicis & physicis
—>  Catalogus Stellarum Australium sive Supplementum Catalogi Tychonici : 2 entries
—>  Catalogus Van Vergrootglas tot oog der Wetenschap 21/2 eeuw microscopie
—>  Catalogus: Genius ex Machina: Wetenschappelijke Instrumenten uit de 18de en 19de Eeuw
—>  Catechism of Health, or 'The Sound Mind in a Sound Body - How Maintained'
—>  "Catholics and Public Life: The Need is for More Top Rank Catholic Scientists"
—>  Catoptricae et Dioptricae Sphaericae Elementa
—>  Catoptrum Microcosmicum, suis aere incisis visionibus splendens cum historia, & Pinace, de novo prodit
—>  Cato's Farm Management
—>  Causalites et Accidents de la Decouverte Scientifique: Illustration de quelques etapes caracteristiques de l'evolution des sciences
—>  "Causality and the Theory of Elementary Particles"
—>  "Cavalcade of the Thermometer - From the Thermoscope of Galileo to the Chicago Giant"
—>  "Cavalcade of the Thermometer From the Thermoscope of Galileo to the Chicago Giant"
—>  Cave Drawings
—>  Cavendish: The Experimental Life
—>  Cecil Beaton 1904-1980
—>  "Cecil Clutton"
—>  Cecil Frank Clifford, 1903-1995, FBHI BSc MIEE, BHI Silver Medalist, inventor of the magnetic escapement
—>  "Cecil Howard Cribb"
—>  "Celebrating a Man of Gravity"
—>  Celestial Ejectamenta : 2 entries
—>  "Celestial Influence - the Major Premiss of Astrology"
—>  "Celestial Mapping"
—>  Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes : 4 entries
—>  Cellular Pathology as based upon Physiological and Pathological Histology. Twenty lectures delivered in the Pathological Institute of Berlin during the months of February, March, and April, 1858.
—>  "Celluloid and Photography: Part One - Celluloid as a Substitute for Glass"
—>  Cenni stouchi dell' Orologeria e dei vari mezzi impiegati alla misurazione del tempo
—>  Cenni sull'attivita del museo per la didattica della sperimentazione fisica
—>  Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit
—>  Cent ans d'astronomie au Pic-du-Midi
—>  Centaurus
—>  "Centenary Celebration of Robert Brown's Discovery of the Nucleus of the Vegetable Cell, Held on 19 November 1931"
—>  Centiloquium Circini porportionum. Ein newer Proportional Cerckel, von vier, funff, sechs oder mehr Spitzen, mit hundert schonen, ausserlesenen, nutzlichen Fragen ...
—>  Cento Anni di Radio: le Radici dell'Invenzione
—>  Centonovanturo Epigrammi Latini ... IX. In horologium solare
—>  "Central England Temperatures; Monthly Means of the Radcliffe Meteorological Station, Oxford"
—>  Centre and Periphery Revisited: the Structures of European Science, 1750-1914
—>  "'Centuria Astronomica' Vil'njusskogo Astronoma Al'berta D'iblinskogo i ee Russkij Perevod"
—>  Centuria di varii problemi per dimostrare l' uso, e la facillita de' Logaritmi nella Gnomonica, Astronomia, Geograffia, Altimetria, Pianimetria, Stereometria, & Aritmetica prattica: toccandosi anche qualche cosa nella Meccanica, nell'Arte Militare, e nell
—>  Centuriae IX. Memorabilium, utilium, ac iucundorum in Aphorismos Arcanorum omnis generis locupletes, perpulcre digestae ... Monluciano, medico auctore
—>  Century of the Typewriter
—>  Cercetari de conservare si restaurare a patrimoniului muzeal I
—>  Cerebri Anatome: cui accessit Nevorum Descriptio et Usus : 3 entries
—>  Certaine Errors in Navigation, Detected and Corrected by Edw: Wright. With many additions that were not in the former edition as appeareth in the next pages.
—>  Ces curieux navires: Trois automates de la Renaissance
—>  Cesare Magati (1579-1647)
—>  Chaldean Astrology. How to Cast and Read the Horoscope and Calculate Star Courses
—>  "Chalice Dials"
—>  Chambers's seven-figure mathematical tables : consisting of logarithms of numbers 1 to 108000, trigonometrical, nautical, and other tables
—>  Chambers's Technical Dictionary
—>  "Chance, Freewill and Necessity in the Scientific Conception of the Universe"
—>  Chance-Parsons Optical Glass
—>  Change and History
—>  "Changes in Heat Production after removal of motor and premotor areas in monkeys"
—>  "Changes in the Endothelium of the Aorta and the Behaviour of Macrophages in Experimental Atheroma of Rabbits"
—>  Changing Views of Behavior Mechanisms
—>  "Characteristics of Chinese Calendrical Science"
—>  Charges against the President and Councils of the Royal Society
—>  "Charlemagne's silver celestial table"
—>  Charles Babbage and his Calculating Engines
—>  "Charles Babbage and his Difference Engines" : 2 entries
—>  Charles Babbage: Pioneer of the Computer
—>  "Charles Compton Parish (1771-1841)"
—>  "[Charles Creighton]: A Neglected Medical Scholar"
—>  Charles Darwin
—>  "Charles Darwin as a Student in Edinburgh, 1825-1827"
—>  "Charles Darwin's life at Downe"
—>  Charles Daubeny (1795-1867): The Bicentenary of Magdalen's First Modern Scientist
—>  "Charles de Brosses, the Man behind Cook"
—>  Charles de l'Escluse, sa vie et ses oeuvres. 1526-1609
—>  "Charles Dickens and the Magic Lantern"
—>  "Charles Greeley Abbot"
—>  'Charles Leadbetter, Teacher of the Mathematicks'
—>  Charles Leadbetter: Cronton's Own Astronomer
—>  Charles Lyell Centenary Symposium
—>  "Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon"
—>  "Charles Orme's Place in the History of the Barometer"
—>  Charles Piazzi Smyth: Astronomer-Artist: His Cape Years 1835-1845
—>  "Charles Piazzi Smyth's 1865 Conquest of the Great Pyramid"
—>  Charles Pritchard D.D.; F.R.S.; F.R.A.S.; F.R.G.S. Late Savilian Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford
—>  "Charles R. Meade and his Daguerre Pictures"
—>  "Charles Whitwell's addition, c.1595, to a Fourteenth-Century Quadrant"
—>  Charl'z Bebidzh 1791-1871
—>  Charte der Gebirge des Mondes nach eigenen beobachtungen in den Jahren 1840-1874
—>  Chartered Surveyors: The Growth of a Profession
—>  Charts of the Constellations, from the North Pole to between 35 & 40 degrees of south declination
—>  Chasy i shpalery iz Sobraniya Muzeev Moskovskogo Kremlya
—>  Chaucer and the country of the stars
—>  "Chaucer as Forester of North Petherton, Somerset"
—>  "Chaucer as Page in the Household of the Countess of Ulster"
—>  Chaucer on the Astrolabe: with the Original illustrations
—>  Chaucer's Astronomy
—>  "Chaucer's Astronomy"
—>  Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe: MS. 4862-4869 of the Royal library in Brussels
—>  Checklist of Current Exhibition Labels
—>  "Checklist of the Samuel Verplanck Hoffman collection of Astrolabes and Sundials"
—>  "Chemiatriker, Scheidekunstler und Chemisten des Barock und der fruhen Aufklarungszeit"
—>  Chemical amusement, : comprising a series of curious and instructive experiments in chemistry, which are easily performed, and unattended by danger.
—>  Chemical Analyses and Investigations on Spectrum Analysis, Absorption Spectroscopy, Spectrophotometry and Flourescence
—>  Chemical and Physical Researches
—>  Chemical Discovery and Invention in the Twentieth Century : 2 entries
—>  Chemical elements : the fascinating story of their discovery and of the famous scientists who discovered them
—>  Chemical essays : principally relating to the arts and manufactures of the British Dominions
—>  Chemical Essays Vol. I.
—>  Chemical Essays Vol. II
—>  Chemical Essays Vol. III
—>  Chemical Essays Vol. IV
—>  Chemical experiments and opinions. : Extracted from a work published in the last century
—>  Chemical Experiments and Opinions. Extracted from a Work published in the last Century
—>  "Chemical Form of Phosphorus-32 produced in Aluminium by Bombardment with Nitrogen"
—>  Chemical Handicraft: A Classified and Descriptive Catalogue of Chemical Apparatus, suitable for the performance of class experiments, for every process of Chemical Research, and for Chemical Testing in the Arts. Accompanied by Copious Notes, explanatory o : 2 entries
—>  Chemical Handicraft: An illustrated and descriptive catalogue of chemical apparatus and reagents
—>  "Chemical Kinetics and the Origins of Physical Chemistry"
—>  "Chemical Kinetics and the Oxford College Laboratories"
—>  Chemical Laboratory Apparatus
—>  Chemical Laboratory Equipment: Abridged Catalogue 25A
—>  Chemical Laboratory Porcelain
—>  Chemical Literature 1700-1860: A Bibliography with Annotations, Detailed Descriptions, Comparisons and Locations
—>  Chemical manipulation; : being instructions to students in chemistry, on the methods of performing experiments of demonstration or of research, with accuracy and success
—>  Chemical Observations and Experiments on Air and Fire. With a prefatory introduction, by Torbern Bergman; Translated from the German by J. R. Forster. To which are added Notes, by Richard Kirwan,With a letter to him from Joseph Priestley
—>  Chemical recipes : one thousand modern formulae for producing all kinds of colours and other chemical compositions, with full explanatory notes and instructions for manufacture, etc.
—>  Chemical Recreations, Illustrated by Upwards of One Hundred Instructive and Entertaining Experiments, Unattended with Danger or Difficulty; For which Boxes are prepared at a small expense, containing Articles to exhibit them. To which is added, Ample Inst
—>  Chemical Recreations: A Popular Manual of Experimental Chemistry
—>  Chemical Recreations: A Popular Manual of Experimental Chemistry: First Division: Elementary Experiments
—>  Chemical Regaents Catalogue Number 66CR for use in Research, Analysis, Education, Industry
—>  Chemical Tables
—>  "Chemical Techno-science in Eighteenth-century Europe"
—>  Chemical Theory for Beginners
—>  "Chemie im 20 Jahrhundert"
—>  "Chemie im XX. Jahrhundert"
—>  "Chemie und Handwerk - Vom Werden und Vergehen der Berufe und dem Enstehen neurer Industrien"
—>  Chemie: Object- und Demonstrationsverzeichnis
—>  "Chemische Jugendschriften des Mathematikers J. H. Lambert, 1728-77"
—>  "Chemische Laboratorien in Suddeutschland um 1800"
—>  Chemistry
—>  Chemistry 1: Chemical Laboratories and Apparatus to 1850
—>  Chemistry 3: Atoms, Elements, and Molecules
—>  Chemistry 4: Making Chemicals
—>  "Chemistry and Atomic Energy"
—>  "Chemistry and Endocrinology"
—>  "Chemistry and Genetics"
—>  "Chemistry and Meteorology, 1700-1825"
—>  "Chemistry and Nutrition"
—>  Chemistry applied to Arts and Manufactures
—>  Chemistry as Applied to the Arts & Manufactures
—>  'Chemistry at Oxford'
—>  "Chemistry at the Older Universities of Britain during the Eighteenth Century"
—>  Chemistry Diagrams : 2 entries
—>  'Chemistry for Gentlemen: Charles Daubeny and the Role of a Chemical Education at Oxford 1800-1867'
—>  Chemistry for students
—>  "Chemistry in Ancient Persia"
—>  "Chemistry in 'Iraq and Persia in the Tenth Century A.D." : 2 entries
—>  Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology
—>  Chemistry in Oxford
—>  Chemistry in the Service of Medicine
—>  "Chemistry in the Service of Medicine: 1660-1800"
—>  "Chemistry museums of Europe"
—>  "Chemistry through the Eighteenth Century"
—>  Chemistry to the Time of Dalton
—>  Chemistry, inorganic and organic : with experiments
—>  Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, considered with reference to Natural Theology
—>  Chemistry, theoretical, practical, and analytical : as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures
—>  "Chemotherapy in Tropical Medicine"
—>  "Chemotherapy of Malaria"
—>  Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis: Experimental Foundation and Preliminary Clinical Results
—>  "Chepstow Clock and Watch Makers"
—>  Chess Analysed: or instructions by which a perfect knowledge of this noble game may be acquired
—>  Chester Clocks and Clockmakers
—>  Chimie. Sur la Formation des Cyanures et de l'Acide Cyanhydrique. Preparation de cet Acide sans Cyanure
—>  China Ancient Traditional Technology Exhibition
—>  "China and the Origin of Examinations in Medicine"
—>  China Science and Technology Museum
—>  China's Ancient Large Astronomical Instruments Exhibition
—>  China's Medicine
—>  "Chinese Alchemy"
—>  Chinese Ancestor Worship in Malaya
—>  Chinese Astrology: Early Chinese Occultism
—>  "Chinese Astronomical Clockwork"
—>  "Chinese Astronomical Jades"
—>  Chinese Astronomy and the Jesuit Mission: An encounter of cultures
—>  Chinese Contributions to Medical Science
—>  Chinese Eyesight and Spectacles
—>  "Chinese Language Becomes a Bit Faster"
—>  "Chinese Mathematics"
—>  Chinese Mathematics: A Concise History
—>  "Chinese Mechanical Clocks"
—>  Chinese Medicine
—>  "Chinese Origin of Indian Terms for Climate and Arabic Word for Magnet"
—>  "Chinese Priorities in Cast Iron Metallurgy"
—>  "Chinese Roots of Modern Astronomy"
—>  "'Chinese Scientific Philosophy' and Some Chinese Attitudes towards Knowledge about the Realm of Heaven-and-Earth"
—>  "Chinese sexagenary calendar-cycles"
—>  "Chinese Spectacles"
—>  "Chinese words in the Holy Koran: 5. Qirtas, meaning paper, and its synonym, kagaz"
—>  Chiron Katalog Nr. 10
—>  Chirurgia
—>  Chirurgie de maitre Henri de Mondeville chirurgien de Philippe le Bel, Roi de France composee de 1306. a 1320
—>  Chirurgie de Pierre Franco de Turriers en Provence Composee en 1561
—>  Chirurgiens et Blesses a travers l'histoire. Des Origines a la Croix-Rouge
—>  Choc News
—>  "Christiaan Huygens & the development of the air pump"
—>  Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) : 2 entries
—>  "Christiaan Huygens (1629-95): Astronomer and Mechanician"
—>  Christiaan Huygens 1629 - 14 April - 1929. Zijn Geboortedag, 300 jaar geleden, herdacht
—>  "Christiaan Huygens and his Instrument Makers"
—>  "Christiaan Huygens"
—>  Christie's Los Angeles: Scientific and Engineering Works of Art, Instruments and Models
—>  Christoffel Plantijn en de Exacte Wetenschappen in zijn Tijd
—>  Christoph Schissler der Altere und der Jungere
—>  Christopher Columbus and the Age of Exploration: An Encyclopedia
—>  Christopher Columbus and the New World of His Discovery
—>  Christopher Pinchbeck and his family
—>  Christopher Plantin
—>  Christopher Polhem 1661-1751 "The Swedish Daedalus" "Der Schwedische Dadalus"
—>  Christopher Polhem, The Father Of Swedish Technology
—>  Christopher Saxton and Tudor Map-Making
—>  "Christopher Saxton's Surveying: An Enigma"
—>  "Christopher Wren at Work: Early Studies and Drawings of St. Paul's Cathedral"
—>  Christ's Hospital Science Journal and N.H.S. Report
—>  Chronological Catalogue of the Hadfield Collection of Metallurgical Books dating chiefly from 1505 and up to 1880 AD
—>  Chronological List of Newspapers and Periodicals
—>  Chronological Tables of Europe from the Nativity of Our Saviour to the Year 1726
—>  Chronologie
—>  "Chronologie des eclipses de Soleil et de Lune qui ont ete visibles sur Terre, depuis le Pole boreal, jusque vers l'Equateur, durant les dix siecles qui ont precede l'Ere chretienne"
—>  Chronologie Uebersicht der Erfindungen und Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Mechanik und industriellen Technik von den altesten Zeiten bis auf unsere Tage
—>  "Chronologischer Katalog der Nordlichter bis zum Jahre 1856 sammt einer Bibliographie uber diese Erscheinung"
—>  "Chronologisches Verzeichnis der Arbeiten Julius Ruskas"
—>  "Chronology and the Age of the World"
—>  Chronology of Computing
—>  Chronology of Eclipses and Comets AD 1-1000
—>  Chronometer Makers of the World: With Extensive List of Makers and Craftsmen
—>  "Chronometres observes au hautes altitudes et dans le gaz hydrogene"
—>  Church, State and Astronomy in Ireland: 200 Years of Armagh Observatory
—>  Chymia
—>  Chymica acta : an autobiographical memoir ... with essays presented to him by his friends
—>  Chymical, natural, and physical magic : intended for the instruction and entertainment of juveniles during the holiday vacation
—>  "Chymilche Marchen. Naturphilosophilche Sinnbilder aus einer alchemistischen Prunkhanschrift der deutschen Renaissance"
—>  Chymische und physiche Versuche und Beobachtungen vom Eisen und Magnete
—>  "Chymisten in der Renaissance (16. Jahrhundert)"
—>  CIBA Symposia
—>  CIBA Zeitschrift : 2 entries
—>  Ciel et Terre rend hommage a Henri Michel
—>  "Ciel et Terre rend hommage a Henri Michel"
—>  Ciencia y Tecnica en la Sociedad Espanola de los Siglos XVI y XVII
—>  Ciencia y Tecnica entre Viejo y Nuevo Mundo Siglos XV-XVIII
—>  Cimeli Galileiani
—>  Cinco seculos de cartografia das Ilhas de Cabo Verde
—>  Cine-Biology
—>  "Cinemalia"
—>  Cinematographe Lumiere: ... Des Lanternes Magiques au Cinematographe Lumiere
—>  Cinq siecles de l'art Francais des instruments scientifiques: XVe-XIXe siecle
—>  Cinq siecles de l'art francais des instruments scientifiques: XVe - XIXe siecle
—>  Circinus Geometricus, Zu Teutsch Mess-Circkel, Remlich: Ein Geometrisch Instrument, dutch welches gar leicht, etc. ...
—>  Circle of the Seasons, and Perpetual Key to the Calendar and Almanack; etc. ...
—>  Circular of Information
—>  Circular prepared by Direction of the Hon. Wm. Ballard Preston, Secretary of the Navy, in Relation to the Astronomical Expedition to Chile
—>  Circulus Horologi Lunaris et Solaris Hoc est, Brevissima synopsis, historica, typica et mystica; variis figuris & emblematis illustrata: ...
—>  "Ciruelo on the names "Arithmetical" and "Geometrical" Proportions and Progressions"
—>  "Citoyen Joseph Priestley"
—>  Civilization and Disease
—>  Clarendon Laboratory Historical Notes
—>  Clarendon Laboratory Oxford 24th June, 1954
—>  Clarissimi Viri Nicolai-Ludovici de la Caille Vita, ad C1. V. Joannem-Dominicum Maraldi
—>  Clark Library Building
—>  "Classical Optics is a Mathematical Science"
—>  Classics of Science
—>  Classification for Works on Pure and Applied Science in the Science Museum Library
—>  Classification of Church Scratch-Dials
—>  "Classification of Magic Lantern Slides for Cataloguing and Documentation"
—>  Classified List of Secondhand Scientific Instruments
—>  "Claude Gordon Douglas 1882-1963"
—>  "Claude Lorrain"
—>  Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Alexandrni omnia, quae extant, Opera, Geographia excepta, quam seorsim quoque hac forma impressimus
—>  Clavis artis Lullianae, et verae logices duos in Libellos tributa
—>  Clavis Horologiae, or, A Key to the whole Art of Arithmetical Dyalling. In Two Parts, etc.
—>  Clavis Mathematicae denno linata, Sive potius Fabricata. Cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem Commentationibus, quae in sequenti pagina recensentur
—>  Clavis Mathematicae denuo limata, sive potius fabricata. Cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem commentationibus, quae in sequenti pagina recensentur
—>  Clavius et l'Astrolabe
—>  "Clerk Maxwell and Wireless Telegraphy"
—>  "Clerk Maxwell as Lecturer"
—>  Clerks and Craftsmen in China and the West: Lectures and Addresses on the History of Science and Technology
—>  "Climate"
—>  "Climatic Studies in Western North America"
—>  Climatologie comparee de l'Italie et de l'Andalousie
—>  Climatologie comparee de l'Italie et de l'Andalousie Anciennes et Modernes
—>  Clinical and Objective Psychology: A Problem of Scientific Method
—>  Clinical Refraction and Visual Science
—>  Clio by the Bedside
—>  Clock & Watch Makers of the Eighteenth Century in Gloucestershire & Bristol Compiled from Directories, Poll Books and Newspapers
—>  Clock & Watchmakers and Allied Workers in Canada 1700 to 1900
—>  Clock and Watch Escapements
—>  Clock and Watch Makers in Wales : 2 entries
—>  Clock and Watch Makers of Nottinghamshire
—>  Clock and Watchmaking in Colchester
—>  "Clock on a Wheelbarrow: The Advent of the Country Atlas Part 2"
—>  "Clock on a Wheelbarrow: The Advent of the County Atlas, part I"
—>  Clock repairing and adjusting
—>  "Clock Watching: A Growing Obsession"
—>  "Clock"
—>  "Clockmaker and cabinetmaker"
—>  'Clockmakers of Dumfries & Galloway'
—>  Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1400-1850 : 4 entries
—>  Clocks & Watches: 600 Years of the World's Most Beautiful Timepieces
—>  Clocks and Clockmakers of Salisbury: 600 Years of Skill and Invention
—>  Clocks and Clockmakers of Tiverton
—>  Clocks and Culture 1300-1700
—>  Clocks and Watches : 2 entries
—>  Clocks and Watches in the collection of the Exeter Museums and Art Gallery
—>  'Clocks and Watches in the Collections of the National Maritime Museum ...'
—>  Clocks and watches. 2, Spring-driven
—>  Clocks and Watches: An Historical Bibliography
—>  Clocks and Watches: How They Work
—>  Clocks and Watches: the Collection of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers
—>  "Clocks in Russian Museums"
—>  Clocks in the British Museum
—>  "Clocks Made for the Turkish Market"

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