
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "Reductions of the Observations of Halley's Comet made at the Cambridge Observatory in the years 1835 and 1836"
—>  Re-enactment 1998 of the First Use of Wireless by the Royal Family 1898
—>  Rees' Encyclopaedia
—>  Rees's Clocks, Watches and Chronometers (1819-20): A selection from the Cyclopedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
—>  Rees's Manufacturing Industry (1819-20) ... : A Selection from The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature
—>  Reference Books for the Historian of Science: A Handlist
—>  Reflecting Microscope Equipment for Photomicrography and Microspectrography in the Infra-Red, Visual and Ultra-Violet.
—>  "Reflections of Wartime"
—>  Reflections upon some navigational and hydrographic problems of the XVth century related to the voyage of Bartolomeu Dias, 1487-88
—>  "Reflexions sur la Theorie des Phenomenes Cometaires a propos de la Comete de Donati"
—>  Reflexions sur les Cometes qui peuvent approcher de la Terre
—>  Reflexos do Tratado de Tordesilhas na cartografia nautica do seculo XVI
—>  "Reforma Kalendare u Nas"
—>  "Refracting Quadrant"
—>  "Refraction, Twilight, and the Height of the Atmosphere"
—>  "Refractions of Stars near the Horizon, observed at the Cape of Good Hope"
—>  Refutation de la Base etablie par Newton a la Force de l'Attraction Universelle, et a la Vitesse des Corps Celestes dans leur Mouvement de Translation
—>  Refutation of the numerous Mistatements and Fallacies contained in a Paper presented to the Admiralty by Dr Thomas Young, and printed by Order of the House of Commons: Dated 17th March 1829
—>  Regelmaat en Wisseling bij Zonsverduisteringen
—>  Regency Exhibition 1954: Catalogue
—>  Regi[m]en sanitatis Salerni. The Schoole of Salernes most learned and iuditious Directorie, or Methodicall Instructions, for the guide an gouerning the health of Man. Dedicated, and sent by them, to the High and Mighty King of England, and published (by c
—>  "Regiomontanus and the Sphere of Destiny"
—>  Regiomontanus on Triangles
—>  "Regiomontanus: Commensurator"
—>  Register of Apprentices of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers of the City of London ... 1631 to ... 1931
—>  Register of ephemera collections in the United Kingdom : excluding those in the major national institutions and others not normally available to the public
—>  Register of the Western Union Telegraph Company Collection, 1848-1963
—>  "Registration of Star-Transits by Photography"
—>  Regle Horaere Universelle pour tracer des cadrans volaires sur toutes sortes de Plans Reguliers, Declinans & Inclinez etc.
—>  Regle Horaire Universelle pour Tracer des Cadrans Solaires sur toutes sortes de Plans Reguliers, Declinans & Inclinez
—>  Reglement du Bureau des Longitudes. Extrait du Registre des Deliberations du Comite d'Instruction publique, ce 4e jour complementaire, an troisieme de la Republique Francaise, une et indivisible (20 Septembre 1795, ancien style)
—>  Regola Generale di Solevare Ognifondata Nave & navilii con Ragione
—>  "Regular Polygons in Babylonian and Greek Mathematics"
—>  Regulations and Examination Papers
—>  Regulations of the Astronomical Society of London: established February 8, 1820. To which is prefixed an Address explanatory of their Views and Objects
—>  Reid's Heirs: A Biography of James Simm Wilson
—>  "Re-inventing the Ashmolean. Natural history and natural theology at Oxford in the 1820s to 1850s"
—>  Reise nach Palastina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752. Auf Befehl Ihro Majestat der Koniginn von Schweden herausgegeben von Carl Linnaus. Aus dem Schwedischen.
—>  Relation of the Cerebrum to the Cerebellum
—>  Relationes Curiosae
—>  "Relations Between China and the West in the History of Science and Technology"
—>  "Relations between the temperatures, pressures, and densities of gases"
—>  "Relations Between Thermo-Physical Properties"
—>  Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons
—>  "Relativity Today"
—>  Relazione della Gnomonica colla Geographia per mezzo del Meridiano Geographico-Gnomonico universale, etc.
—>  Relazione delle Osservazioni fatte in Spagna durante l'Ecclisse Totale del 18 Luglio 1860
—>  Relazione storico-artistica della torre dell' orologio di S. Marco in Venezia colla descrizione del meccanismo dell' orologio e relativi documenti autentici
—>  "Relic ruined by experts is unique Druid calendar"
—>  Religio chemici : essays
—>  "Religio Medici: An address Delivered at Guy's Hospital October, 1905"
—>  Reliquiae Diluvianae or, Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena, attesting the action of an Universal Deluge
—>  Reliquiae Diluvianae; or, Observations on the Organic Remains contained in Caves, Fissures, and Diluvial Gravel, and on other Geological Phenomena, attesting the action of an Universal Deluge
—>  Reliquiae Hearnianae : the remains of Thomas Hearne, M.A., of Edmund Hall. : being extracts from his ms. diaries
—>  Reliquiae Romanae; or, Specimens of the Arts of the Romans found in England and Wales
—>  Rellotges de Sol: historia i l'art de construir-los
—>  Relojeros de Espana: Diccionario Bio-Bibliografico
—>  Relojes Antiguos (1500-1850)
—>  Remarkable Comets: A brief survey of the most interesting facts in the history of cometary astronomy
—>  "Remarkable Rainfall in Oxford"
—>  Remarks and Experiments on Different Parts of the Process of Brewing, particularly on the Continued Application of a Boiling Heat, during the Operation of Mashing
—>  Remarks on a Critique in the 'Monthly Review' for April 1803, in a Letter to a Friend, by the Rev. John Hellins, B. D., F.R.S., and Vicar of Potter's-Pury in Northamptonshire
—>  Remarks on a Pamphlet lately published by the Rev Mr Maskelyne, under the Authority of the Board of Longitude
—>  Remarks on a Supposed Error in the Elements of Euclid
—>  "Remarks on an Astrolabe Belonging to F. A. Hyett, Esq. of Painswick House, co. Gloucester"
—>  "Remarks on an Astrolabe Belonging to F. A. Hyett, Esq., of Painswick House, co. Gloucester"
—>  Remarks on Browning's Stereograms of Mars
—>  Remarks on Mr Euler's Treatise of Motion, Dr Smith's compleat System of Opticks, and Dr Jurin's Essay upon Distinct and Indistinct Vision
—>  "Remarks on Ptolemy's Equant Model in Islamic Astronomy"
—>  Remarks on Some Late Papers Relating to the Universal Deluge: And to the Natural History of the Earth
—>  Remarks On some Late Papers, Relating to the Universal Deluge: And to the Natural History of the Earth
—>  Remarks on the Account of the late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay, published by Captain J. Ross, R.N.
—>  Remarks on the Classification of the Different Branches of Human Knowledge
—>  Remarks on the Final Causes of the Sexuality of Plants, with particular reference to Mr. Darwin's work on the Origin of Species
—>  "Remarks on the History of Iron and Steel Technology in China"
—>  Remarks on the Observations made in the late Voyage towards the North Pole, for Determining the Acceleration of the Pendulum, in Latitude 79o 50', in a Letter to the Hon. Constantine John Phipps
—>  Remarks on the Present State of the Nautical Almanac
—>  "Remarks on the Theoretical Treatment of Eclipses in Antiquity"
—>  Remarks on the Use of Fleischl's Spectropolariscope
—>  Remarks upon the Solar and the Lunar Years, the Cycle of 19 Years, commonly called the Golden Number, the Epact, and a Method of finding the Time of Easter, as it is now observed in most Parts of Europe. Being Part of a Letter from the Right Honourable Ge
—>  "Remarques sur Deux Astrolabes du Moyen Age"
—>  "Remembered by a Clock - and a Ghost!"
—>  Reminiscences and Letters of Sir Robert Ball
—>  "Reminiscences of Fifty Years' Research"
—>  Renaissance Astrolabes and their Makers
—>  "Renaissance Chemistry and the Work of Robert Fludd" : 2 entries
—>  Renaissance Engineers: from Brunelleschi to Leonardo da Vinci
—>  "Renaissance Timepieces"
—>  "Renaissance waterworks and hydromechanics"
—>  Renal Pathology in the Light of Recent Neurovascular Studies
—>  "Rene Descartes (1596-1650)"
—>  "Rene Just Hauy und die Entwicklung der Kristallographie zu einem konstitutiven Teilgebiet der Mineralogie"
—>  Repartition Geographique de l'Universalite des Meteores en Zones Terrestres, Atmospheriques, Solaires ou Lunaires; et de leurs Rapports entre elles
—>  Repertoire des Musees des Sciences et Techniques; Guide-Book of Museums of Science and Technology
—>  Repertorium der Cometen-Astronomie
—>  Repertorium der Galvanoplastik und Galvanostegie oder der Metallreduction auf naffem Wege in dicken und dunnen Schichten, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Galvanographie Glyphographie, Chemi typie und der speciellen Anwendung auf das Vergolden, Versilb
—>  "Repetition of the Michelson-Morley Experiment
—>  Reply to a Letter in the Morning Chronicle relative to the interest which the British Government evinces in the Promotion of Astronomical Science
—>  Reponse de Madame la Marquise du Castelet, a la Lettre que M. de Mairan, Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, lui a ecrite le 18. Fevrier 1741. Sur la question des forces vives
—>  Report by the Director to the Trustees of the Museum of Applied Science of Victoria, on his Overseas Study Tour, 1953, together with recommendations for the future development of the Museum

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