
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Practica Tractatuum aliquot Mathematicorum epitome
—>  Practical astronomy : a new approach to an old science
—>  Practical Astronomy: A New Approach to an Old Science
—>  "Practical chemistry in the XIIth Century"
—>  Practical Chemistry. Adapted to the first stage of the revised syllabus of the Science and Art Department
—>  Practical Cinematography and its Applications
—>  Practical Clock Repairing
—>  Practical Directions for the management of Honey Bees, upon an Improved and Humane Plan, by which the lives of bees may be preserved and abundance of honey of a superior quality may be obtained
—>  Practical Elementary Zoology
—>  "Practical Geology in Ancient Britain. Part I - Metals"
—>  Practical Geology in Ancient Britain: Part II Non-metals
—>  "Practical Geometry and Operative Knowledge"
—>  Practical Hints on the Daguerreotype; being Simple Directions for Obtaining Portraits, Views, Copies of Engravings and Drawings, Sketches of Machinery, etc., etc. by the Daguerreotype Process; Including the Latest Developments in Fixing, Colouring, and En
—>  Practical Hints on the Selection and Use of the Microscope, Intended for Beginners : 2 entries
—>  Practical Illustrations of the Achromatic Telescope. Being the substance of two papers read before the Society of Arts
—>  Practical illustrations of the necessity for ascertaining the deviations of the compass
—>  Practical Measuring made easy to the Meanest Capacity by a New Set of Tables; which shew at Sight, the Solid or Superficial Content (and consequently the Value) of any Piece or Quantity of squared or round Timber, be it standing or Felled, also of Stone,
—>  Practical measuring now made easy to the meanest capacity, by a new set of tables ready calculated, ... which, ... shew what is the solid or superficial content ... of any piece or quantity of timber, stone, board, glass, &c. used in building, ... Calcula
—>  Practical Methods in Microscopy
—>  Practical Microscopical Metallography : 3 entries
—>  Practical microscopy : 8 entries
—>  Practical Microscopy: An Introduction to Microscopical Methods : 2 entries
—>  Practical Navigation or an Introduction to the whole Art, containing many useful Geometrical Definitions and Problems; ... The Use of Instruments: The Azimuth-Compass and Ring-Dial. The Fore-Staff, Quadrant, and Nocturnal; The Plain - Scale, Gunter's - Sc
—>  Practical Navigation: Or, An Introduction to the Whole Art. Containing: The Doctrine of Plain and Spherical Triangles. Plain, Mercator, Great-Circle Sailing; and Astronomical Problems. The Use of Divers Instruments, etc.
—>  Practical Notes on Telephotography
—>  Practical Nursing including Hygiene and Dietetics
—>  Practical Observations on Telescopes, Opera-Glasses and Spectacles : 3 entries
—>  Practical Observations on the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris; arguments proving that it was not originally designed for the sole improvement of Nautical Astronomy. Reasons for Extending the Information which it Annually Presents; together wit
—>  Practical Optics for the Laboratory and Workshop
—>  Practical Pharmacognosy : 2 entries
—>  Practical Pharmacy: the arrangements, apparatus, and manipulations, of the pharmaceutical shop and laboratory
—>  Practical Photo-Micrography : 5 entries
—>  Practical Physiological Chemistry
—>  Practical Pocket-Book of Photography: A Short Guide to the Practice of all the Usual Photographic Processes for Professionals and Amateurs
—>  Practical Treatise on the use of the Microscope, Including the Different Methods of Preparing and Examining Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Structures
—>  Practical Work in General Physics
—>  Practical Work in Heat
—>  Practical Work in Physics
—>  Practisches Handbuch der Mikroskopie. Darstellung der Einrichtung, sowie practische Anleitung zur Aufftellung, Behandlung und zum Gebrauche des Mikroskopes, - zum Prapariren und Untersuchung von Stoffen aus dem Thier, Pflanzen und Mineralreiche und der da
—>  Practisk Anweisuing til at indfore de almin delige Fisne ... Soelskever; Hvorledes en Soelviser kan forfaediges i en Ring, paa en Kugh og paa et Kors
—>  Praelectiones Patavinae, de Cognoscendis, et Curandis humani corporis affectibus: in quibus preter alis, quae partim ad Praxim in re Medica exercendam, partim ad uberiorem eruditionem compatandam plurimum conferunt, gravissimae quoque Theoriae difficultat
—>  Praelectiones Tresdecim in Principium Elementorum Euclidis
—>  Prague
—>  "Prague's Astronomical Horologe"
—>  Praktische Sonnenuhren-Kunst fur Jedermann, oder Anleitung zur Verfertigung von Sonnenuhren an Gebauden … : 2 entries
—>  "Prasisions-Zeitmessung in der Vor-Huygensschen Periode"
—>  Pratica di agrimensura, stereometria, e gnomonica ...
—>  Pratica facile, e breve di molte sorti di horologii solari in questa seconda stampa corretta ...
—>  Pratiche Mathematiche
—>  Pratique de la gnomonique, ou methodes sures pour construire des Cadrans Solaires
—>  Pratique du saccharimetre soleil et du saccharimetre a penombres modifies par J. Duboscq : evaluation de la richesse d'un sucre ou d'une dissolution sucree quelconque
—>  Pratique du saccharimetre-soleil modifie par J. Duboscq : evaluation de la richesse d'un sucre ou d'une dissolution sucree quelconque
—>  Prattica gnomonica, o vero Tauole, con le quali ciascuno ageuolmente puo far da se gli Horologi da Sole orizontali, verticali, e riflessi di qualsiuoglia grandezza
—>  Praxeos Medicae. Tomi tres. Quorum summam sequens docebit pagina. Quibus accessit Quae stionum Medicarum Paradoxarum et Endoxarum Centuria Posthuma. Studio & opera Thomae Plateri.
—>  Praxeos seu de Cognoscendis, Praedicendis, praecauendis, curandisaq affectibus homini incommodantibus, Tomus Tertius et ultimus. De Vitiis, libris duobus agens: quorum primus Corporis; secundus Excretorum vitia continet. Singula ipsorum Symptomata, in gen
—>  Praxis Astronomiae Utriusque ut et Geographiae Exercita Per Usum Globi Coelestis & Terrestristum & Planetolabii
—>  Praxis Geometriae Vermessungivesen - gestern und heute
—>  Praxis Geometriae: Vermessungswesen - gestern und heute
—>  Praxis Gnomonica: Das ist, Kurtzaber doch deutlich und ausfurliche Anweissung die Sonnen-Uhren allerhand Begebenhaiten, So wohl die Regularia, etc. Der Cylinder, SonnenRing, etc.
—>  Praxis Horologiorum Expeditissima Per Quam Varia Horologiorum genera, praesertim verticalia per nouas Tabulas Facill me describuntur
—>  "Prazsky Orloj"
—>  Precious Watches from the 16th to the 19th Century, with a Historical Survey of Italian Watchmaking
—>  Precis de chimie industrielle : a l'usage des ecoles preparatoires aux professions industrielles et des fabricants
—>  Precis de Microscopie: Technique - Experimentation - Diagnostic
—>  Precision and measurement in the Industrial Revolution : papers from a meeting held at the Science Museum, South Kensington, London, November 23, 1982
—>  Precision Astrolabe: Portuguese Navigators and Transoceanic Aviation
—>  "Precision Time-Keeping with special reference to the New Inertia Escapement now being introduced in the "Synchronome" Astronomical Regulator"
—>  "Precision, Tolerance, and Consensus: Local Cultures in German and British Resistance Standards"
—>  Precursors of the cinema
—>  "Preface to Volume IX"
—>  "Preface"
—>  "Preface"
—>  Prehistoire et Histoire des Ordinateurs: Des origines du calcul aux premiers calculateurs electroniques
—>  Preis-Liste der Firma Ernst & Carl Schaal | Ebingen, Wurttemberg | Feinmechanische Anstalt fur alle arten Prascisionswaagen und Gewichte fur Chemie, Pharmacie, Edelmetall-industrie, Gewerbe und Handel
—>  Preisliste Nr. 50, Band II und III: Physikalische Apparate
—>  Preisliste von Gebruder Bandekow
—>  Preis-Verzeichniss der Mikroskope und Neben-Apparate ...
—>  Prelectiones Anatomiae Universalis
—>  "Preliminary remarks on Levi Ben Gerson's contributions to astronomy"
—>  "Preliminary Report of the Expedition to Aswan to Observe the Total Solar Eclipse of August 30, 1905"
—>  "Preliminary Report on the Trematodes of Canadian Marine Fishes"
—>  Prelude to Chemistry: An outline of Alchemy - its Literature and Relationships
—>  Premier Memoire sur la Theorie des Nombres. Demonstration d'un Principe de Legendre relatif au Theoreme de Fermat : 2 entries
—>  Premieres horloges mecaniques a poids: Horloges gothiques
—>  "Premiers essais de trigonometrie rectiligne chez les Grecs"
—>  Premiers principes de Geometrie moderne a l'usage des eleves de mathematiques speciales et des candidats a la Licence et a l'Agregation
—>  Premiums offered by the Society Instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts Manufactures and Commerce
—>  Premiums offered by the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce
—>  Preparation & Mounting of Microscopic Objects
—>  "Preparation of Trans-Uranium Elements"
—>  Preparation Technology for Electron Microscopy
—>  "Pre-Scientific Industrial Chemistry"
—>  "Presence and Absence"
—>  Presentation Pieces In the Museum of History and Technology
—>  "Presentation"
—>  "Present-day Conceptions of Malaria Therapy"
—>  "Preservation of Insect and Plant Specimens in Transparent Plastics"
—>  Preserving Scientific Source Materials: A Guide for Owners
—>  "Presidential Address"
—>  "Presidential Address: "The Stereoscope""

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