
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Osiris : 2 entries
—>  "Osmotic Growths - the Mechanism of Life"
—>  Osmotic Pressure: A General Discussion
—>  Osram Robertson & Osglim Lamps
—>  Osservazione del Passaggio di Venere Sotto il Disco Solare accaduto la mattina del di 6. Giugno di quest' anno 1761, fatta da Leonardo Ximenes della Compagnia di Gesu all' Osservatorio di S. Gio. Evangelista, e ridotta al tempo vero del Meridiano Fiorenti
—>  Osservazioni e Ricerche Astronomiche sulla Grande Cometa del Ciugno 1861: Discorso letto alla Pontificia Accademia Tiberina il 12 Agosto 1861
—>  Osservazioni Mechaniche ... sopra unsuo circulo ossia orologio astronomico, etc.
—>  Osservazioni Meteorologiche eseguite nella R. Specola Astronomica di Milano negli Anni 1848 al 1859 inclusivi
—>  Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte alla Specola di Bologna nel Gennaio 1851
—>  "Osterreichische Mikroskope aus drei Jahrhunderten"
—>  "Ostros museos: el Museo de Historia de la Ciencia de Oxford"
—>  Oswestry: A Local History
—>  Otia Mathematica seu Opusculum tripartitum
—>  Otto Hahn und die Kernchemie: Der Sprung ins Atomzeitalter
—>  "Otto Von Guericke 1602-1686"
—>  Ottonis Tachenii Antiquissimae Hippocraticae medicinae clavis, : manuali experientia in naturae fontibus elaborata, qua per ignem, & aquam, inaudita methodo, occulta naturae, & artis compendiosa operandi ratione manifesta fiunt, & dilucide apertiuntur
—>  Ottonis Tachenii Hippocrates chymicus, omnibus a mendis vindicatus. : In quo nouissimi viperini salis antiquissima fundamenta simul, & acidi alcalique natura fuse ac dilucide explicantur. Huic nouissimae editioni. Accessit geminus index: unus capitum, alt
—>  "Oude Hydrometers (I)"
—>  "Oude hygrometers (Parts I, II, and III)"
—>  Oude karten & globes uit het bezit van de Universiteitsbibliotheek, het Universiteitsmuseum en het Geografisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, 17 December 1964-14 January 1965, in het Universiteitsmuseum Trans 8 Utrecht
—>  "Oude Luchtpompen en oude Luchtpompproeven"
—>  "Oude thermometers (Parts I and II)"
—>  "Oude verklaringen van weerkundige verschijnselen"
—>  Oughtredus explicatus, sive commentarius in Ejus Clavem Mathematicam. Cui ad ditoe sunt Planetarum Observationes & Horologiorum Constructio
—>  Our A B C
—>  "Our Early Antiquarians. I. - Elias Ashmole"
—>  Our household insects : an account of the insect-pests found in dwelling-houses
—>  Our Satellite. A Selenography according to the present state of science
—>  "Out of a Newtonian Straitjacket: Alternative Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Physical Science"
—>  "Out of the Ashes"
—>  "Out of the Blue"
—>  "Out of the Meridian: John Bird's Equatorial Sector and the New Technology of Astronomical Measurement"
—>  Out of the Shadows: Herschel, Talbot, & the Invention of Photography
—>  Out of the Zenith: Jodrell Bank 1957-1970
—>  "Outline of the History of Flexible or Elastic Bodies to 1788"
—>  Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, for the formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans; Military Reconnaissance, Levelling, etc.; with the most useful problems in Geodesy and Practical Astronomy, and formulae and
—>  Outlines of a course of lectures on chemistry, applied to the arts and manufactures. : Delivered in the theatre of the Surry Institution
—>  Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Mechanical Philosophy
—>  Outlines of Astronomy : 4 entries
—>  Outlines of chemistry : or, Brief notes of chemical facts
—>  Outlines of Inorganic Chemistry with Special Reference to its Historical Development
—>  Outlines of the Ancient History of Medicine; being a view of the progress of the healing art among the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabians
—>  Ouvrages sur l'organisme Vomero-nasal
—>  "Over den Frieschen Teleskopenbouwer Jan Pytters van der Bildt (1709-1791)"
—>  "Over het Wegen van Munten"
—>  Overdruk uit "Cultuurgeschiedenis van Wetenschap en Techniek"
—>  Oxford : 3 entries
—>  "Oxford - A Home of Chemistry and Industry"
—>  Oxford and its Collections: Instruments of Success
—>  Oxford and its Region: Geographical Essays
—>  Oxford and Modern Medicine
—>  Oxford and the History of Science : 2 entries
—>  "Oxford and the Revival of Optics in the Thirteenth Century"
—>  "Oxford Chemistry 1966"
—>  Oxford Coffee Houses, 1651-1800
—>  Oxford Delineated; or a Sketch of the History and Antiquities, and a General Topographical Description, of that celebrated University and City: illustrated by a Series of Views
—>  Oxford Figures: 800 Years of the Mathematical Sciences
—>  Oxford in 1710: from the Travels of Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach
—>  "Oxford in 1820 | Parson Skinner's Holiday | The Laboratory at Christ Church"
—>  Oxford Innovation News
—>  Oxford into pottery: a new approach to the Industrial Revolution
—>  Oxford Libraries Outside the Bodleian: a Guide
—>  Oxford Libraries Union Catalogue of Foreign Serials in the Humanities and Social Studies : 2 entries
—>  Oxford Libraries: Information for Undergraduates
—>  Oxford Mathematics and Mathematicians
—>  Oxford Medical Lore : 2 entries
—>  Oxford Medical School Gazette
—>  Oxford medicine: essays on the evolution of the Oxford clinical school
—>  Oxford Meeting, 27/28 September 1963
—>  Oxford Men & Their Colleges, Illustrated with Portraits and Views
—>  Oxford Men and Their Colleges, Illustrated with Portraits and Views
—>  "Oxford Personality of 16th Century - subject of Durer portrait discovered to be Nicolaus Kratzer"
—>  Oxford Publishing since 1478
—>  Oxford Rebels: The Life and Friends of Nevil Story Maskelyne 1823-1911 Pioneer Oxford Scientist, Photographer and Politician
—>  Oxford Science
—>  "Oxford Science in the Seventeenth Century"
—>  Oxford Sundials
—>  Oxford Town Trail: Alice and Lewis Carroll
—>  Oxford University Calendar
—>  Oxford University Museum
—>  Oxford University Museum: Its Architecture and Art
—>  Oxford University Science Libraries: A Guide
—>  "Oxford University Sketches"
—>  Oxford University Union List of Scientific Serials
—>  Oxford University, Symposium of the History of Science, July, 1961
—>  "Oxford, Broad Street"
—>  "Oxford, in Reference to Laws and Lawyers"
—>  Oxford: 1926 (ninety-sixth year), Wednesday, Aug. 4, to Wednesday, Aug. 11: Journal of Scientific Transactions
—>  Oxford: The Historic University
—>  Oxford: The University in Old Photographs
—>  "Oxford's Collection of Astrolabes"
—>  Oxford's College Gardens
—>  Oxford's Contribution to the Origins of Modern Science
—>  "Oxford's Historic Garden"
—>  Oxford's royal revolution
—>  "Oxford's Scientific Tercentenary"
—>  "Oxford's Treasures in the Old Ashmolean: New Destiny for the Antiquary's Foundation" : 2 entries
—>  "Oxfordshire Botanists and the Discovery of the British Flora"
—>  Oxfordshire History: Directory of Research in Progress : 2 entries
—>  Oxfordshire Mills

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