
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Opusculum pars prior sive Experimenta circa Generationem Insectorum. Ad Illustrem Virum Carolum Dati. Accedit J. Frid. Lachmund, De Ave Diomedia Dissertatio
—>  Oracion Consolatoria a la Dona Eluira de Rojas ...
—>  "Oradje za dimenzioniranje dog osnovano na aproksimaciji p z razmerjem 22:7"
—>  Orang-Outang, Sive Homo Sylvestris: or, the Anatomy of a Pygmie Compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man. To which is added, a Philological Essay concerning the Pygmies, the Cynocephali, the Satyrs and Sphinges of the Ancients. Wherin it will app
—>  Orang-Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris: or, the Anatomy of a Pygmie compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man. To which is added, A Philological Essay concerning the Pygmies, the Cynocephali, the Satyrs, and Sphinges of the Ancients. ...
—>  Orario Italiano Perpetuo della Compana di Tutti li Monasterij della Stretta Observanze Carmelitana
—>  Oratio Harveiana, in Honorem Medicinae, inque Memoriam Eorum, qui de Collegio Regali Medicorum Londinensi Bene Meriti Sunt, ex Instituto Celeberrimi Viri Gulielmi Harveii, habita in Theatro Collegii, die Octobris XVIIIvo A.D. MDCCCIX
—>  Oratio in Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis Aedibus Novis, habita Die VIImo. Kal. Jul. MDCCCXLIV
—>  Orbis Latinus
—>  Order of the Proceedings at the Darwin Celebration at Cambridge, June 22nd - June 24th 1909 with a sketch of Darwin's life
—>  "Ordnance Survey Work in the Middle East during the 1860s"
—>  Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey. Principal Triangulation. Plates
—>  Ordo Institutionum Physicarum in Privatis Lectionibus
—>  Organic Chemistry
—>  "Organisation des travaux sur l'inventaire des appareils scientifiques d'interet historique en Pologne"
—>  Oriens-Occidens. Ausgewahlte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte
—>  Oriens-Occidens. Ausgewahlte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte. Festchrift zum 60. Geburtstag.
—>  Oriental Manuscript Collections in the Libraries of Great Britain and Ireland
—>  Orientalische Steinbucher und Persische Fayencetechnik
—>  Orientalism and History
—>  "Orientation and Methods of Communication of the Honey Bee and its Sensitivity to the Polarization of the Light"
—>  "Origin and Derivation of some words occurring in the Literature of Sugar"
—>  Origin and Development of the Microscope, as illustrated by Catalogues of the Instruments and Accessories, in the Collections of the Royal Microscopical Society, together with bibliographies of Original Authorities : 3 entries
—>  Origin and Operations of the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition
—>  "Origin and Rise of the Synthetic Drugs"
—>  Origin and Use of Church Scratch-Dials
—>  "Origin of Short-Horned Cattle"
—>  "Origin of the Elements in Stars"
—>  "Originality and Realism in Newman's Novels"
—>  Original-Manuskriptet till Marconis Nobelpris-Foredrag hallet infor Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien den 11 Dec. 1909
—>  Original-Manuskriptet till Marconis Nobelpris-Foredrag. Hallet infor Kungl.Svenska Vetenskapsakedemien den 11 Dec. 1909.
—>  "Originals and Imitations: A Study of Scientific Instruments"
—>  "Origine de la Mesure des Grandeurs Physiques"
—>  Origine de L'Horloge a Poids
—>  "Origine et Debut de l'Evolution de la Chaudiere a Vapeur"
—>  Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry
—>  Origins and Evolution of Collecting Scientific Instruments: Papers from the conference held in the Museum Boerhaave, Leiden, September 1994
—>  Origins and sources of the Blaeu Atlas of Scotland with particular reference to Extima Scotiae (Atals Novus, 1654)
—>  "Origins of Old Physical Instruments at Tartu University"
—>  "Origins of the Stellar Magnitude Scale"
—>  Orivolo Altimetrico Overo Tauole, che mediante l'altezza del Sole mostrano l'hora conueniente ad'effa, calcolate di quattro in quattro giorni per cinque altezze di polo
—>  Orologi e Orologiai del Rinascimento Italiano la Scuola Urbinate
—>  Orologi e Strumenti della Collezione Beltrame
—>  Orologi Italiani
—>  Orologi Italiani dal Cinquecento all'Ottocento
—>  Orologi Riflessi Per mezo di un picciolo Speccliio parallelo, o' perpendicolare all'Orizonte. Del Canonico G. T., etc.
—>  Orologi Solari construzioni Grafiche e Calcolo degli Orologi Solari e delle Meridiana a tempo medio, etc.
—>  Orologio Dantesco e tavola cosmographica per cura di Carmine Gioia
—>  Orologio di Dante Allighieri per conoscere con facilitata e prontezza la posizione dei Segni del Zodaico, le fasi diurne e le ore indicate e descritte nella divina comedia, etc.
—>  Orologio Solare Orizontale
—>  Orologio solare universale a tempo medio dell' ingegneri Edoardo Schenk, etc.
—>  "Oronce Fine et l'Horloge Planetaire de la Bibliotheque Sainte-Genevieve"
—>  Oronce Fine's first book of solar horology
—>  Oronce Fine's First Book of Solar Horology Interpreted in English
—>  Oronce Fine's second book of solar horology
—>  Oronce Fine's third & fourth books of solar horology : comprising his exposition of the "New quadrant of Profatius"
—>  "Orreries and Planetariums"
—>  Orthochromatic and Colour Photography
—>  Ortus Medicinae, id est Initia Physicae Inaudita Progressus medicinae novus, in Morborum Ultionem ad Vitam longam
—>  Os almanaques Portugueses de Madrid
—>  Os regimentos do cosmografo-mor de 1559 e 1592 e as origens do ensino nautico em Portugal
—>  Osiris : 2 entries
—>  "Osmotic Growths - the Mechanism of Life"
—>  Osmotic Pressure: A General Discussion
—>  Osram Robertson & Osglim Lamps
—>  Osservazione del Passaggio di Venere Sotto il Disco Solare accaduto la mattina del di 6. Giugno di quest' anno 1761, fatta da Leonardo Ximenes della Compagnia di Gesu all' Osservatorio di S. Gio. Evangelista, e ridotta al tempo vero del Meridiano Fiorenti
—>  Osservazioni e Ricerche Astronomiche sulla Grande Cometa del Ciugno 1861: Discorso letto alla Pontificia Accademia Tiberina il 12 Agosto 1861
—>  Osservazioni Mechaniche ... sopra unsuo circulo ossia orologio astronomico, etc.
—>  Osservazioni Meteorologiche eseguite nella R. Specola Astronomica di Milano negli Anni 1848 al 1859 inclusivi
—>  Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte alla Specola di Bologna nel Gennaio 1851
—>  "Osterreichische Mikroskope aus drei Jahrhunderten"
—>  "Ostros museos: el Museo de Historia de la Ciencia de Oxford"
—>  Oswestry: A Local History
—>  Otia Mathematica seu Opusculum tripartitum
—>  Otto Hahn und die Kernchemie: Der Sprung ins Atomzeitalter
—>  "Otto Von Guericke 1602-1686"
—>  Ottonis Tachenii Antiquissimae Hippocraticae medicinae clavis, : manuali experientia in naturae fontibus elaborata, qua per ignem, & aquam, inaudita methodo, occulta naturae, & artis compendiosa operandi ratione manifesta fiunt, & dilucide apertiuntur
—>  Ottonis Tachenii Hippocrates chymicus, omnibus a mendis vindicatus. : In quo nouissimi viperini salis antiquissima fundamenta simul, & acidi alcalique natura fuse ac dilucide explicantur. Huic nouissimae editioni. Accessit geminus index: unus capitum, alt
—>  "Oude Hydrometers (I)"
—>  "Oude hygrometers (Parts I, II, and III)"
—>  Oude karten & globes uit het bezit van de Universiteitsbibliotheek, het Universiteitsmuseum en het Geografisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, 17 December 1964-14 January 1965, in het Universiteitsmuseum Trans 8 Utrecht
—>  "Oude Luchtpompen en oude Luchtpompproeven"
—>  "Oude thermometers (Parts I and II)"
—>  "Oude verklaringen van weerkundige verschijnselen"
—>  Oughtredus explicatus, sive commentarius in Ejus Clavem Mathematicam. Cui ad ditoe sunt Planetarum Observationes & Horologiorum Constructio
—>  Our A B C
—>  "Our Early Antiquarians. I. - Elias Ashmole"
—>  Our household insects : an account of the insect-pests found in dwelling-houses
—>  Our Satellite. A Selenography according to the present state of science
—>  "Out of a Newtonian Straitjacket: Alternative Approaches to Eighteenth-Century Physical Science"
—>  "Out of the Ashes"
—>  "Out of the Blue"
—>  "Out of the Meridian: John Bird's Equatorial Sector and the New Technology of Astronomical Measurement"
—>  Out of the Shadows: Herschel, Talbot, & the Invention of Photography
—>  Out of the Zenith: Jodrell Bank 1957-1970
—>  "Outline of the History of Flexible or Elastic Bodies to 1788"
—>  Outline of the Method of Conducting a Trigonometrical Survey, for the formation of Geographical and Topographical Maps and Plans; Military Reconnaissance, Levelling, etc.; with the most useful problems in Geodesy and Practical Astronomy, and formulae and
—>  Outlines of a course of lectures on chemistry, applied to the arts and manufactures. : Delivered in the theatre of the Surry Institution
—>  Outlines of a Course of Lectures on Mechanical Philosophy
—>  Outlines of Astronomy : 4 entries

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