
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Newton's Principia. The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
—>  Newton's Scientific and Philosophical Legacy
—>  Newtons Theorie der Prismenfarben mit Uberserzung und Erlauterung der Abhandlung von 1672
—>  NHK
—>  "Niccolo Tartaglia, Mathematics, Ballistics and the Power of Possession of Knowledge"
—>  "Nicephore Niepce in England"
—>  "Nicholas Auguste Otto (1832-1881)"
—>  Nicholas Copernicus (Mikolaj Kopernik) 1473-1543
—>  "'Nicholson's Journal' (1797-1813)"
—>  Nickel-Containing Magnetic Materials: The Properties and Applications
—>  Nickel-Eisen und andere Nickellegierungen mit besonderen Physikalischen Eigenschaften
—>  Nickel-Handbuch herausgegeben vom Nickel-Informations-buro G.m.b.H. Frankfurt a.M.: Nickel-Eisen und andere Nickellegierungen mit besondern physikalischen Eigenschaften
—>  Nickel-Iron Alloys in Low-Frequency Transformers
—>  "Nickel-Iron Alloys of High Permeability, with Special Reference to Mumetal"
—>  Nicolas Copernic ou La Revolution Astronomique
—>  Nicolas Copernicus: Part One: Studies on the Works of Copernicus and Biographical Materials
—>  Nicolaus Bions beruhmten Koniglichen Franzosischen Mathematikers neuerofnete mathematische Werkschule oder grundliche anweisung wie die mathematische Instrumenten ...
—>  "Nicolaus Copernicus "De revolutionibus", Preface and Book I"
—>  "Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)"
—>  Nicolaus Copernicus 1473-1973 : 2 entries
—>  Nicolaus Copernicus in seinen Beziehungen zu dem Herzoge Albrecht von Preussen
—>  "Nicolaus Kratzer - The King's Astronomer"
—>  Nicolaus Mercator (Kauffman): sein Leben und Wirken, vorzugsweise als Mathematiker
—>  "Nicolaus of Autrecourts Refutation of Aristotelianism"
—>  Nicolaus Pol Doctor 1494
—>  "Nicolaus Steno, Seventeenth-Century Anatomist, Geologist and Ecclesiastic"
—>  "Niels Ryberg Finsen"
—>  Niepce: Genese d'une Invention
—>  Nieuwe Uytvindinge der Zonne-Wyzers: Waarin geleert wert een korte manieron veelderly Zonne-Wyzers te maken, etc.
—>  "Nieznane Materialy Jozefa Rostafinskiego do Badan nad Historia Roslin Uprawnych w Polsce"
—>  "Night-time and Easter-time"
—>  Nikola Tesla: lectures, patents, articles
—>  Nikolay Nikolayevich Semenov : I do not see any other life but a life with science
—>  "Nineteenth Century Surveyor and Chainman"
—>  Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments : 2 entries
—>  Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments and their Makers: Papers Presented at the Fourth Scientific Instrument Symposium, Amsterdam 23-26 October 1984
—>  Nineteenth-Century Spectroscopy: Development of the Understanding of Spectra, 1802-97
—>  "Nivellement du Grand Saint-Bernard"
—>  NLO News
—>  NMM News: The Newsletter of the National Maritime Museum
—>  No Laughing Matter: Historical Aspects of Anaesthesia
—>  No Sea Too Deep: The History of Oceanographic Instruments
—>  No. 125. "Westminster" Projection Arc Lamp
—>  No. 125. Projection Arc Lamp
—>  No. 132-M. "Westminster" Junior, Sun-Ray Long Flame Arc Lamp for Actino-Therapy
—>  "Nobel Prize Winners descended from Liebig. (Trans) - a Table of Academic Genealogy"
—>  Nogelau for Jordog HimelKuglernes Brug, til Nytte for Begyndere udi, etc.
—>  "Norman Ault: an Edwardian Illustrator of Alice"
—>  North Country Clockmakers of the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries
—>  "Northern European Clocks in New York Collections"
—>  "Norway 1896: The Baa's First Organized Eclipse Expedition"
—>  Nostradamus and the Nazis : 2 entries
—>  Nostri Plena Laboris: An Author Index to the RDS Scientific Journals 1800-1985
—>  Nota Intorno Un 'Antico Globo Celeste Scolpito in Marmo Porino
—>  "Nota sui globi terrestri e celesti del '600 e del '700 appartenenti all'Istituto Tecnico statale "Galileo Galilei" di Firenze"
—>  Notable Names in Medicine & Surgery
—>  "Notas para a Historia da Patogenia do Icto Apopletico"
—>  Notation dans les gravures du paleolithique superieur. Nouvelles methodes d'analyse
—>  Notationes et delineatationes [i.e. delineationes], 1498: Az Orszagos Szechenyi Konyvtar Cod. Lat. 197 jelu kodexe
—>  Note des travaux de M. Eug. Bouvard
—>  "Note on a convenient press for sap extraction"
—>  "Note on a Crayon Drawing of the Moon by John Russell, R. A., at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford" : 2 entries
—>  "Note on a further portrait of James Short"
—>  "Note on a Large Fireball"
—>  "Note on a New Star in the Constellation of Gemini"
—>  "Note on a point in the use of Oil of Cloves in microscopical work"
—>  "Note on a Simple Test of the Inverse-Square Law for Magnetism"
—>  'Note on a singular passage in the "Principia"'
—>  Note on a table showing the time and place of the transit of any star across the prime vertical circle in latitude 52o 12' 10"
—>  "Note on a watch signed "Hieronymus Hamilthon Scotius me fecit 1595", with a view of Edinburgh Castle on the Dial"
—>  "Note on an Objection made by M. Naquet in his preceding "Observations"."
—>  "Note on Indian Mathematics.--Arithmetical Notation"
—>  [Note on Muhammad Lahbabi]
—>  Note on Parabolic Cones
—>  "Note on Quantitative Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction Methods"
—>  "Note on the Acclimatisation of the Australian Black Swan (Chenopsis atrata)"
—>  Note on the Date of the Invention of the Barometer
—>  "Note on the fur trade in Medieval western Europe"
—>  "Note on the Invention of Photometry"
—>  "Note on the Motion of the Perihelion of Mercury"
—>  "Note on the Original Publication of Hutton's "Theory of the Earth", and on the Subsequent Forms in which it was issued"
—>  "Note on the Unpublished Observations Made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, between the years 1774 and 1838; with some results for the year 1774"
—>  Note Relative a une Edition des Tables Astronomiques d'Oloug-Beg, commencee en 1839
—>  "Note su alcuni strumenti igrometrici del sec. XVII posseduti dal Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze"
—>  Note sul gabinetto di scienze naturali
—>  "Note sul poema astronomico ed astrologico di Manilio"
—>  "Note Supplementaire au Catalogue des Etoiles Filantes et des Autres Meteores Observes en Chine"
—>  Note sur des Objets Antiques decouverts a Gondrecourt (Meuse) et a Grand (Vosges)
—>  "Note sur la Comete de Donati"
—>  "Note sur la direction de l'aiguille aimantee en Chine, et sur les Aurores Boreales observees dans ce meme Pays"
—>  "Note sur la Masse des Cometes"
—>  "Note sur le catalogue d'etoiles du Calife Al-Mamoun"
—>  Note sur les Changements de Plan de Projection et sur les Mouvements de Rotation
—>  Note sur les Petites Planetes situees entre Mars et Jupiter
—>  Note sur les travaux astronomiques de H. Faye
—>  Note sur les travaux de M. Babinet
—>  "Note sur les Variations d'Algol"
—>  "Note sur l'Inventaire Mondial des instruments scientifiques d'interet historique (Published by the Commission des Instruments Scientifiques)"
—>  Note sur un microscope simple perfectionne
—>  Note sur un Point de Meteorologie

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