
Library Catalogue » Titles

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—>  Magnetism and Electricity
—>  "Magnetism and Meteorology"
—>  Magnetism Applied to the Prevention and Cure of Disease
—>  Magnetismus. Fortsetzung und Schluss der Vibrations-Theorie der Elektrizitat
—>  Magneto-electrische Mashine von der vortheilhaftesten Einrichtung fur den arztlichen und physikalischen Gebrauch, nebst einer theoretischen Begrundung, leichtfasslichen Erlauterung und Gebrauchsanweisung
—>  Magnetoid Currents, Their Forces and Directions; with a Description of the Magnetoscope: A Series of Experiments
—>  Magni operis praenotiones; Opus admirabile, in tres libros ...
—>  Magyar Muszaki Muqeumok Evkonyve 1964
—>  "Mahararis and Biwan the Brahmana"
—>  Maioliche del Quattrocento a Pesaro : frammenti di storia dell'arte ceramica dalla bottega dei Fedeli
—>  Maison Nachet: Catalogues of Stock from 1854 to 1910
—>  Majmu al-rasail
—>  Major British Photographic Collections
—>  Make a Sundial
—>  Makers of Chemistry
—>  Makers of Modern Chemistry
—>  Makers of Modern Science
—>  Makers of Science: Mathematics Physics Astronomy : 2 entries
—>  Makhzan al-adviyah = The Storehouse of Medicines
—>  Making & Meaning: Holbein's Ambassadors
—>  "Making a Firm Date"
—>  Making Fire
—>  Making Instruments Count: Essays on Historical Scientific Instruments presented to Gerard L'Estrange Turner
—>  Making of Slides and Transparencies on Ilford Latern Plates
—>  Making scientific instruments in the Industrial Revolution
—>  "Making Space for Women in the History of Physics"
—>  Malaria - a neglected Factor in the History of Greece and Rome
—>  Malaria and Greek History. (Jones). To which is added The History of Greek Therapeutics and the Malaria Theory. (Withington)
—>  Malarial Fever: Its Cause, Prevention, and Treatment
—>  "Malcolm Percival Applebey 1884-1957"
—>  "Malerei und Naturwissenschaft: Versuch einer Synthese"
—>  "Malpighi and the Microscope"
—>  "Man and Matter in the Ancient Near East (The background of Ancient Science)"
—>  "Man and the Migrations of Phosphorus"
—>  Man and the Stars: Space Age Astronomy: An Exhibition Showing the Development and Role of Space Probes and the Ways they Benefit Mankind
—>  Man Into Wolf: An Anthropological Interpretation of Sadism, Masochism, and Lycanthropy
—>  Man is not lost: A record of two hundred years of astronomical navigation with the Nautical Almanac 1767-1967
—>  Man Museum Augsburg
—>  Man of Motion: Eadweard Muybridge, nineteenth-century photographic genius, superbly captured western scenes, was the first to freeze motion in a photograph and was a pioneer in motion pictures
—>  "Man of Motion: Eadweard Muybridge, nineteenth-century photographic genius, superbly captured western scenes, was the first to freeze motion in a photograph and was a pioneer in motion pictures"
—>  "Man of Spirit"
—>  "Management of the Vernon Harcourt Inhaler in Detail"
—>  "Maniere de Construire une echelle de Barometre, qui indique directement la veritable pression de l'Air, et qui corrige les Defauts Causes par les Alterations que la Chaleur de l'Air fait eprouver au Mercure"
—>  Manipulation of the Microscope : 2 entries
—>  "Mannheimer Gold. Mannheimer Stadrat und kurpfalzische Regierung gegen das alchimistische Laborieren 1753"
—>  Manor House Museum : 2 entries
—>  Manoscritti Cartografici e Strumenti Scientifici nella Biblioteca Vaticana secc. XIV-XVII
—>  Man's Conquest of Nature
—>  Mansfields' Patent Automatic Water Finder
—>  Manual de Hidraulica Aplicada
—>  Manual de Tecnica Micrografica General
—>  Manual di Diseccion y Dibujo Anatomico
—>  Manual of Archaeological Surveying
—>  Manual of Arithmetick
—>  Manual of Geology: Practical and Theoretical
—>  Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine: Part First. Materia Medica, or a summary of the Homoeopathic Medicines, with clinical observations
—>  Manual of Meteorology
—>  Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death
—>  Manuale di varj Ornamenti tratti
—>  Manuale Horographicum, in duas partes Divisum, In quo modi Horologia Solaria tum fixa, tum portibia, discribendi faciliores & magis expediti comprehenduntur
—>  Manuale per la Tecnica Moderna del Microscopio, nelle Osservazioni Istiologiche, Embriologiche, Anatomiche, Zoologiche
—>  Manuale pratico per la costruzione degli Orologi Solari a tempo di Roma sopra piani verticali declinanti con metodo grafico e trigonometrico
—>  Manuale pratico per la misura e stima dei tereni
—>  Manuel d'Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie, Contenant, 1. Une histoire abregee de cette partie de la zoologie, avec des considerations generales surl'anatomie, la physiologie, les moeurs, les habitudes et les usages des Actinozoaires; 2. Un systeme general
—>  Manuel d'Actinologie, ou de Zoophytologie, Contenant: 1. Une histoire abregee de cette partie de la zoologie, avec des considerations generales sur l'anatomie, la physiologie, les moeurs, les habitudes et les usages des actinozoaires; 2. un systeme genera
—>  Manuel d'applications mathematiques usuelles et amusantes
—>  Manuel de la cosmographie du moyen age
—>  Manuel du Tourneur
—>  Manuhaffter Kunst-Spiegel, Oder Continuatio, und fortsetzung allerhand Mathematisch-und Mechanisch-hochnutzlich-Sowol auch ...
—>  Manuscript Catalogues of the early Museum collections 1683-1886 (Part I)
—>  "Manuscript Maps Belonging to St. John's College, Oxford"
—>  'Manuscript Notes of Cullen's Lectures at Edinburgh; 1757-59'
—>  Manuscripts in English Libraries
—>  "Manuscripts of the Bagdad astronomers, 760-1000 A.D."
—>  Manuscrits et livres precieux: du quinzieme au dix-huitieme siecle
—>  Manuscrits scientifiques medievaux de l'Universite de Salamanque et de ses "Colegios mayores"
—>  Manuskript 1756-1777
—>  "Many may peruse us" : ribbands, moulds and dodels in the dockyards
—>  Map Making
—>  Map of the Moon
—>  "Map Projections in History"
—>  Map-Making in Buckinghamshire: 15th-19th Centuries
—>  Mappa Mundi: The Map of the World in Hereford Cathedral
—>  Mappae Clavicula: A Little Key to the World of Medieval Techniques
—>  Mappae Mundi: Die geistige Eroberung der Welt
—>  Mapping the Spectrum: Techniques of Visual Representation in Research and Teaching.
—>  Mapping Time: The Calendar and its History
—>  Mappings
—>  Maps and map-makers
—>  Maps and Map-Making: Three Lectures Delivered under the Auspices of the Royal Geographical Society
—>  Maps and Survey
—>  Maps of the Heavens
—>  "Maps of the Missouri River before Lewis and Clark"
—>  "Marcello Malpighi (1628-94)"
—>  Marconi
—>  Marconi – Master of Space: An Authorized Biography of Marchese Marconi
—>  Marconi and his Wireless Stations in Wales
—>  Marconi and the Discovery of Wireless
—>  Marconi Centenaries in 1999
—>  Marconi my Beloved

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