
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Loan Exhibition of Maps and Globes illustrating the Age of Discovery ...
—>  "L'obra Antituberculosa Internacional"
—>  L'Observatoire de Paris Aujourd'hui : 2 entries
—>  L'Observatoire de Paris: Son Histoire (1667-1963)
—>  L'Observatoire d'Ouloug-Beg a Samarkande
—>  "L'Observatoire Royal de Greenwich, 1675 - 1925"
—>  Local Programme and Excursions Guide, Southampton Meeting 1925
—>  Local Programme and Guide Book
—>  "Localisation and Phyletic Distribution of Active Materials"
—>  L'Occhiale All'Occhio: Dioptrica Pratica
—>  "Locke's Contribution to Boyle's Researches on the Air and on Human Blood"
—>  Locks and Keys Throughout the Ages
—>  "Lodestones and Eagle Stones"
—>  "L'oeuvre d'al-Beruni: Essai bibliographique"
—>  "L'OEuvre de Paul Tannery comme historien des mathematiques"
—>  L'Oeuvre scientifique de Laplace
—>  L'oeuvre scientifique de Pascal
—>  "L'oeuvre scientifique du Docteur Ernest Wickersheimer"
—>  Logarithmic Tables to seven places of decimals; containing logarithmic sines and tangents to every second of the circle, with arguments in space and time
—>  Logarithmisch-Trigonometrische Tafeln mit Acht Dezimalstellen ...
—>  Logarithmisch-Trigonometrisches Handbuch ...
—>  Logarithmologia : or the whole doctrine of logarithms, common and logistical, in theory and practice
—>  Logarithmologia Nova: Or, A New and Compendious System of Logarithms In all the different Kinds
—>  Logarithmologia Nova; or, a New and Compendious System of Logarithms in all the different Kinds
—>  Logarithmo-Technia: Sive Methodus construendi Logarithmos Nova, accurata, & facilis; Scripto Antehac Communicata, Anno Sc. 1667. Nonis Augusti: Cui nunc accedit. Vera Quadratura Hyperbolae & Inventio Summae Logarithmorum
—>  "Logarithms de Luxe"
—>  Logic
—>  Logic Machines and Diagrams
—>  'Logical Machines - New Light on W. Stanley Jevons'
—>  Loi portant etablissement d'un Bureau des Longitudes. Du 7 Messidor, l'an 3e de la Republique une et indivisible (25 Juin 1795, ancien style)
—>  L'ombre illustrate overo trattato di orologi a sole
—>  "Lomomosovs Ubersetzung der Wollfschen Experimentalphysik"
—>  Lomonosov: sbornik statei i materialov
—>  "Lomonossov and Optics"
—>  London and the Advancement of Science
—>  "London Aurorae of 1661"
—>  London Map-Sellers 1660-1720
—>  "London Scalemakers (Part 1): The Transmission of Scalemaking Knowledge from 1632-1800"
—>  London Signs
—>  London Tradesmen's Cards of the XVIII Century: An Account of their Origin and Use
—>  London. VIII. Observations on Observatories in London and its Vicinity. Observatories and Astronomical instruments in use at Cambridge and Oxford.
—>  London: City of Science: A celebration of science that puts London on the map
—>  London's Leonardo: The Life and Work of Robert Hooke
—>  Longcase clocks
—>  "Longitude by wire : the American method"
—>  Longitude given without Time-Pieces, Logarithms, or any calculation
—>  Longitude Zero 1884-1984
—>  Longitude. An Appeal to the Public: Stating Mr Thomas Earnshaw's Claim to the Original Invention of the Improvements in his Timekeepers, their Superior Going in numerous Voyages, and also as tried by the Astronomer Royal by Order of the Commissioners of L
—>  Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
—>  Longitudinis aut Terra aut Mari investigandae Methodus. Adjectis insuper Demonstrationibus, & Instrumentorum Iconismis
—>  Longueur et temps : de la vitesse de la lumiere a la definition du metre
—>  Looking at Prints: A Guide to Technical Terms
—>  "L'opera elettrofisiologica di Carlo Matteucci." [and] "Il contributo di Carlo Matteucci alla creazione del modello fisico del nervo"
—>  "Lopsided Dial by John Wyke"
—>  "L'optique au XVIe siecle"
—>  "L'Opuscolo Pseudogalenico OtI aI poIotetes asomatoI (edizione critica, traduzione e note)"
—>  L'oracle de ce Siecle. Consulte par les souverains de la terre. Ouvrage singulier sur les affaires critiques et politiques du tems.
—>  Lord Bacon
—>  "Lord Berkeley 1865-1942 and the Foxcombe Laboratory"
—>  "Lord Berkeley, scientist and mature student before his time"
—>  "Lord Florey : Honorary Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society" [obituary]
—>  Lord Kelvin
—>  Lord Kelvin - Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow 1846-1899
—>  Lord Kelvin's Early Home
—>  Lord Lister
—>  Lord Lister: The Discoverer of Antiseptic Surgery
—>  "Lord of the Cider Apples"
—>  "Lord Rosse and the Giant Reflector"
—>  "L'Orient et les catalogues d'etoiles au Moyen Age"
—>  "L'orientamento col sole"
—>  L'orientation astronomique dans l'ancienne egypte, et la precession de l'axe du monde
—>  "L'origine babylonienne de l'alchimie: a propos de la decouverte de recettes chimiques sur tablettes cuneiformes"
—>  L'Origine dell'Orologio tascabile (The Origin of the Watch}
—>  "L'origine, le developpement et le retentissement actuel de l'oeuvre de Paul Ehrlich"
—>  L'Orologio a Sole di Beroso Scoperto in Pompei addi XXIII di Settembre MDCCCLIV Ed Illustrato Dal Commendatore Bernardo Quaranta, etc.
—>  "L'Orologio Astronomico del Canonico don Angelo Cipolla"
—>  L'Orologio Planetario Fanzago di Clusone
—>  "L'Orologio Pubblico di Bologna del 1451 e la sua Sfera"
—>  Los Caballeros del Punto Fijo: Ciencia, politica y aventura en la expedicion geodesica hispanofrancesa al virreinato del Peru en el siglo XVIII
—>  "Los cuadrantes astronomicos del medievo"
—>  "Los llamados numerales arabes en Occidente"
—>  Los Numeros del Tiempo. Antologia del Reloj y las Horas en la Poesia Castellana con cuatro Horarios y un Reloj Poetico, reunida par ...
—>  "Los primeros boticarios reales"
—>  "Los relojes de la exposicion "Carlos V y su Ambiente""
—>  Los Relojes y Automatas de Juanelo Turriano
—>  L'Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo: La Storia e gli Strumenti
—>  Losses of Life caused by War
—>  Lost British Birds
—>  L'Ottica di Claudio Tolomeo da Eugenio. Ridotta in Latino sovra la Traduzione Araba di un Testo Greco Imperfetto Ora per la Prima Volta conforme a un codice della Biblioteca Ambrosiana per Deliberazione della R. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.
—>  L'Ottica di Galileo
—>  "Louis Agassiz, Teacher" : 2 entries
—>  "Louis Napoleon George Filon, 1875-1937, (with a bibliography of his writings)"
—>  Louis Pasteur & Rabies
—>  "Louis XIV and the Huguenots"
—>  Louise-Adelaide D'Orleans Abbesse de Chelles et son epoque (1700-1750)
—>  "Lovell Augustus Reeve (1814-1865) Publisher and Patron of the Stereograph"
—>  Low Temperature Physics
—>  "Low Temperatures in Oxford"
—>  Lower Cretaceous Arenaceous Foraminifera of Australia
—>  "Lt-Cdr Derek Howse"

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