
Library Catalogue » Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Lightning Rod Conference: Report of the Delegates from the Following Societies, Viz. Meteorological Society… Royal Institute of British Architects… Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians… Physical Society… Co-opted Members. With a Code of Rule
—>  "Lightning Rods and Model Experiments: Franklin's Science Comes of Age"
—>  Lijst van Instrumenten in de Verzameling van het Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum te Amsterdam
—>  "Limelight on Eastern Europe: the Great Dissolving Views at The Royal Polytechnic"
—>  L'impact economique et politique des navigations portugaises sur les peuples cotiers : le cas de la Guinee du Cap Vert (XVe-XVIe siecles)
—>  Linacre: Quarterly Journal of United Hospitals Catholic Society
—>  Linacre: Quarterly Journal of United Hospitals Catholic Society (University of London)
—>  Lindenius Renovatus, sive, ... de Scriptis Medicis Libri duo: quorum prior, omnium, tam Veterum, quam Recentiorum, Latino idiomate, typis unquam expressorum Medicorum, ... Posterior vero Cynosuram Medicam, sive, Rerum & Matemiarum Indicem, ...
—>  Lindsay's Chemical Cross Reference
—>  L'Industrie Francaise des Instruments de Precision
—>  Lineae Tertii Ordinis Neutonianae, sive Illustratio Tractatus D. Neutoni de Enumeratione Linearum Tertii Ordinis. Cui Subjungitur. Solutio Trium Problematum
—>  Lines round Oxford, made between 1642 and 1646 : 2 entries
—>  Lineus: Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs
—>  "L'Influence du milieu social sur la formation de l'attitude scientifique de Nicolas Copernic"
—>  Lingua Britannica reformata : or, a new universal English dictionary
—>  Lingua Pharmacopoeorum, Sive de Accurata Vocabulorum in Pharmacopoliis usitatorum pronunciatione
—>  "Linguaggio tecnico e tecnica di produzione nel basso fuoco alla Genovese (sec.XV-XVII)"
—>  "Linnaeus and Oxford"
—>  Linnaeus: The Man and His Work
—>  "L'instrument parallactique d'apres le commentaire de Pappus sur le 5e livre de l'Almageste"
—>  L'interet des inventaires des joyaux, vaisselles et effets des souverains des Pays-Bas pour l'histoire de la cartographie sous le regne de Charles Quint.
—>  L'Invention du Temps : 2 entries
—>  Liquid Form 1985-99
—>  Lire Correctement le Cadran Solaire place sure la facade de la Maison du Cadran Solaire Cite de Carcassonne avec une planche en couleurs et un graphique de l'equation du temps
—>  List E7.
—>  List of British Plants Containing the Spermophytes, Pteridophytes and Charads Found Either as Natives or Growing in a Wild State in Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Isles
—>  List of Fellows
—>  "List of Mammals from Somali-land obtained by the Museum's East African Expedition" and "Remarks upon two species of Deer of the Genus Cervus from the Phillippine Archipelago"
—>  List of Manuscripts formerly owned by Dr. John Dee
—>  List of Mathematical, Optical, and Philosophical Instruments Manufactured by William Elliott and Sons, 56, Strand, London : 2 entries
—>  List of Members
—>  List of Members of the British Meteorological Society, March 1856
—>  "List of Members of the History of Science Society. Being elected from January 30, 1925 to July 31, 1926"
—>  List of Members, 1856
—>  List of old globes in Portugal
—>  List of Periodical Publications in the Library
—>  List of Prices of Magnetical, Philosophical, Optical, and Chemical Instruments and Apparatus
—>  List of Serials on Open Access
—>  "List of Slides for the Constellation Figure Projector"
—>  "List of the Foundation Members of the History of Science Society"
—>  List of the Linean Society of London.
—>  List of The Linnean Society of London
—>  List of the Officers and Fellows of the Chemical Society
—>  List of Turning Apparatus, etc.
—>  List of Works, Memoirs, and Papers by William Carmichael M'Intosh, ...
—>  Liste des Globes Terrestres et Celestes Anciens - anterieurs a 1850 - conserve dans les collections publiques de France
—>  Liste des travaux de M. Auguste Bravais
—>  Lister & the Lister Ward in the Royal Infirmary of Glasgow - A Centenary Contribution
—>  Lister and His Achievement
—>  Lister and the contractile tissue of the iris
—>  Lister Centenary Exhibition at the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum: Handbook. 1927
—>  L'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze
—>  Literature of Time in the Ernst Zinner Collection, San Diego State College Library
—>  Literature on the History of Physics in the 20th Century
—>  Litheosphorus, sive de Lapide Bononiensi lucem in se conceptam ab ambiente claro mox in tenebris mire conservante Liber ... Genvensis Pridem in Pisano, nuper in Patavino, nunc in Bononiensi Archigymnasio Philosophi Eminentis Eminentiss. ac Reverendiss. D.
—>  Lives of alchemystical philosophers based on materials collected in 1815 and supplemented by recent researches : with a philosophical demonstration of the true principles of the magnum opus, or great work of alchemical re-construction, and some account of
—>  Lives of British Physicians : 2 entries
—>  Lives of eminent persons : consisting of Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Mahomet, Wolsey, Sir E. Coke, Lord Somers, Caxton, Blake, Adam Smith, Niebuhr, Sir C. Wren, and Michael Angelo
—>  Lives of Eminent Philosophers
—>  Lives of Eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnaeus: with Introductory Remarks on the Study of Natural History, and Occasional Observations on the Progress of Zoology
—>  Lives of the Engineers. Early Engineering. Vermuyden - Myddelton - Perry - James Brindley
—>  Lives of the Engineers. Harbours - Lighthouses - Bridges. Smeaton and Rennie.
—>  Lives of the Engineers. History of Roads. Metcalfe: Telford.
—>  Lives of the Engineers. The Locomotive. George and Robert Stephenson
—>  Lives of the Engineers. The Steam-Engine. Boulton and Watt
—>  Lives of the Founders of the British Museum: with Notices of its Chief Augmentors and Other Benefactors. 1570-1870
—>  Living Dolls: A Magical History of the Quest for Mechanical Life
—>  Livingstonia: Central Africa
—>  Llull, Ramon
—>  Lo Inganno de gl'occhi, Prospettiva pratica di Peitro Accolti
—>  Lo stampatore a chi legge
—>  Lo Strumenti chirurgico di Giovanni Alessandro Brambilla ...
—>  "Lo svillupo delle scienze e delle techniche in Italia dalla meta del XIX secolo alla prima guerra mondiale"
—>  "Lo sviluppo della scienza nei Paesi Bassi tra Seicento e primo Settecento"
—>  "Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus"
—>  Loan Exhibition of Clocks and Watches, June 9-July 15, 1962
—>  Loan Exhibition of Maps and Globes illustrating the Age of Discovery ...
—>  "L'obra Antituberculosa Internacional"
—>  L'Observatoire de Paris Aujourd'hui : 2 entries
—>  L'Observatoire de Paris: Son Histoire (1667-1963)
—>  L'Observatoire d'Ouloug-Beg a Samarkande
—>  "L'Observatoire Royal de Greenwich, 1675 - 1925"
—>  Local Programme and Excursions Guide, Southampton Meeting 1925
—>  Local Programme and Guide Book
—>  "Localisation and Phyletic Distribution of Active Materials"
—>  L'Occhiale All'Occhio: Dioptrica Pratica
—>  "Locke's Contribution to Boyle's Researches on the Air and on Human Blood"
—>  Locks and Keys Throughout the Ages
—>  "Lodestones and Eagle Stones"
—>  "L'oeuvre d'al-Beruni: Essai bibliographique"
—>  "L'OEuvre de Paul Tannery comme historien des mathematiques"
—>  L'Oeuvre scientifique de Laplace
—>  L'oeuvre scientifique de Pascal
—>  "L'oeuvre scientifique du Docteur Ernest Wickersheimer"
—>  Logarithmic Tables to seven places of decimals; containing logarithmic sines and tangents to every second of the circle, with arguments in space and time
—>  Logarithmisch-Trigonometrische Tafeln mit Acht Dezimalstellen ...
—>  Logarithmisch-Trigonometrisches Handbuch ...
—>  Logarithmologia : or the whole doctrine of logarithms, common and logistical, in theory and practice
—>  Logarithmologia Nova: Or, A New and Compendious System of Logarithms In all the different Kinds
—>  Logarithmologia Nova; or, a New and Compendious System of Logarithms in all the different Kinds

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