
Library Catalogue » Titles

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—>  Lewis Carroll and his Camera
—>  "Lewis Carroll and the Bat"
—>  Lewis Carroll at Christ Church
—>  "Lewis Carroll"
—>  Lewis Carroll, Photographer: The Princeton University Library Albums
—>  Lewis Carroll: Photographer : 2 entries
—>  "Lewis Carroll's 'Black Art'"
—>  "Lewis Carroll's Photographs at the NMPFT Bradford"
—>  "Lewis Carroll's Photography"
—>  Lewis Evans
—>  L'exercise du Microscope, contenant un Abrege de tout ce qui a ete ecrit par les meilleurs Autheurs touchant les Objets les plus curieux: avec les Precautions qu'on doit prendre pour faire les Observations avec Succes. Auquel est ajoute la Description d'u
—>  Lexicon Abbreviaturarum: Dizionario di Abbreviature Latine ed Italiane usate nelle carte e codici specialmente del medio-evo riprodotte con oltre 14000 segni incisi
—>  Lexicon Arabico-Latinum
—>  Lexicon Graecolatinum, ex variis authorum scriptis qui in hoc commentandi genere excelluerunt, ita decerptum, hacque enchiridii forma digestum, ut non poenitenda vocum accessione, Opusculorumque operi conuenientium additione auctum illustratumque sit
—>  Lexicon Philosophicum
—>  Lexicon Physico-Medicum: or, a New Medicinal Dictionary; explaining the Difficult Terms used in the several Branches of the Profession, and in such Parts of Natural Philosophy as are introductory thereto: with an Account of the Things Signified by such Te
—>  Lexicon technicum: or, An universal English dictionary of arts and sciences explaining not only the terms of art, but the arts themselves
—>  Lexicon Technicum: or, An Universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: explaining not only the Terms of Art, but the Arts Themselves
—>  "L'expansion Nestorienne en Asie"
—>  Leybourn's Dialling Improv'd: Or, The Whole Art perform'd, etc. ...
—>  Leybourn's Dialling Improv'd; or, the Whole Art Perform'd, I. Geometrically: By Scale and Compasses, ... II. Arithmetically: By Sines and Tangents. Also, How to describe all necessary Furniture for Sun-Dials, as the Sun's Place and Declination; ... With R
—>  "L'harmonie de la creation au XVIe siecle"q
—>  L'Heliometro fisiocritico o vero La Meridiana Sanese
—>  "L'Histoire de la Science" : 2 entries
—>  L'histoire des plantes, traduicte de latin en francois : auec leurs pourtraicts, noms, qualitez & lieux ou elles croissent ; a laquelle sont adjoustees celles des simples aromatiques, animaux a quatre pieds, oiseaux, poissons, serpens & autres bestes veni
—>  L'Histoire des Sciences et les Pretentions de la Science Allemande
—>  L'Homme-Plante
—>  L'horloge Astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg
—>  L'horloge astronomique de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg : 2 entries
—>  "L'horloge de Lotharius et Conrad Zumbag de Coesfelt"
—>  "L'Horloge de Sapience et l'histoire de l'horlogerie"
—>  L'Horloge du Laboureur, ou Methode Facile Pour connoitre l'heure de la nuit a l'aspect des Etoiles
—>  L'Horloge du Laboureur, ou Methode Tres-Facile De connoitre l'heure de la nuit a l'aspect des Etoiles
—>  L'horloge monumentale de la Cathedrale de Beauvais concue et executee par L. Verite
—>  L'horographie curieuse.
—>  L'Horographie Ingenievse ...
—>  L'Horographie Ingenievse…
—>  L'horologiographie curieuse contenant diversis methodes Nouvelles & Generales: pour faire promptement, justement, & facilement, toutes sortes d'Horloges & Cadrans
—>  L'Humanisme en Alsace
—>  L'hydrographie et l'evenement historique : deux exemples
—>  "Liaisons Dangereuses: Peter Heyns en Abraham Ortelius"
—>  Libellus De Compositione et usu quadrantis Astronomici ae Geometrici
—>  Libellus de re herbaria novus, : in quo herbarum aliquot nomina greca, latina, & Anglica habes, vna cum nominibus officinarum, in gratiam studios[qu]e iuuentutis nunc primum in lucem aeditus
—>  Libellvs De Lapide Philosophico
—>  Liber de analemmate
—>  Liber de centro gravitatis solidorvm
—>  Liber Mafatih al-Olum explicans vocabula technica scientiarum tam Arabum quam peregrinorum
—>  Liber Minerali um Domini Alberti Magni/ Alemanni/ ex Laugingen oriundus, Ratisponensis Eccelesie Episcopus, Vir in Diuinis scripturis Doctissimus, & in secularis Phi losophie Scia Peritissimus Sequitur. Tractat' De Lapidu & Gemay. ... De Alchimicis Specie
—>  Liberti Fromondi S.Th.L. Collegij Falconis in Academia Louanensi philosophiae professoris primarij Meteorologicorum libri sex : 2 entries
—>  Library Guide
—>  Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in quibus verae Piscium effigies expressae sunt. Quae in tota Piscium historia contineantur, indicat Elenchus pagina nona & decima. Postremo accesserunt Indices ...
—>  Libro de Reloges Solares
—>  Libro del misurar con la vista
—>  Libros del saber de astronomia del rey Alfonso X ...
—>  Licgnomonica riflessa cioe' invenzione Di Facilissimamente Delineare gl'Orologgi Solari Riflessi Mediante Lume di Lucerna
—>  Lichenographia Europaea Reformata. Praemittuntur Lichenologiae Fundamenta
—>  Lichenographia Universalis. In qua Lichenes Omnes Detectos, adiectis observationibus et figuris horum vegetabilium naturam et organorum carpomorphorum structuram illustrantibus, ad Genera, Species, Varietates differentiis et observationibus sollicite defi
—>  Lichenographiae Suecicae Prodromus
—>  Lichfield: Mother of the Midlands
—>  Licht und strahlende Warme in ihren Beziehungen zu einander mit Rucksicht auf die Identitatstheorie, zugleich als Einleitung in die Wellentheorie des Aethers
—>  "L'Idee du Cycle Eternel dans l'Histoire du Monde"
—>  Liebigs Experimentalvorlesung: Vorlesungsbuch und Kekules Mitschrift
—>  "Liebigsche welt im Glase - vom Kreislauf des Lebens"
—>  "Lieutenant Commander Derek Howse"
—>  Life and correspondence of Abraham Sharp
—>  Life and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S.
—>  Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
—>  Life and Times of Sawai Jai Singh - 1688-1743
—>  "Life and Work of Johannes Kepler, Founder of the "New Astronomy" on the 400th Anniversary of His Birth"
—>  Life and Work of the People of England. A Pictorial Record from Contemporary Sources
—>  Life and Works of Christopher Wren. From the Parentalia or Memoirs by his Son Christopher
—>  Life in the Medieval University
—>  Life of Alfred Newton: Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Cambridge University, 1866-1907
—>  Life of Frank Buckland
—>  Life of Galileo
—>  Life of James Ferguson, F.R.S., in a brief Autobiographical Account, and further Extended Memoir
—>  Life of James Ferguson, F.R.S., in a brief autobiographical account, and further extended memoir : with numerous notes and illustrative engravings : 2 entries
—>  Life of James Watt, with Memoir on Machinery Considered in Relation to the Prosperity of the Working Classes to which are subjoined,Historical Account of the Discovery of the Composition of Water by Lord Brougham; and Eulogium of James Watt by Lord Jeffre
—>  "Life of Julius Caesar Scaliger (1484-1558)"
—>  Life of Kepler
—>  "Life of Scheele"
—>  Life of Sir Isaac Newton
—>  Life of Sir John Pringle, Bart.
—>  Life on a Portuguese nao : Linschoten's voyage to India, 1583
—>  "Life Sciences: Natural History"
—>  Life's Picture History of Western Man
—>  Light and the Behavior of Organisms
—>  Light for Students
—>  Light from the Dark Room: A Celebration of Scottish Photography: A Scottish-Canadian Collaboration
—>  Light in the East AD 1000-1100
—>  "Light on Byzantium - A Universal Sundial in the British Museum"
—>  "Light quanta and vision"
—>  Light! The Industrial Age 1750-1900: Art & Science, Technology & Society
—>  "Light"
—>  Light, Visible and Invisible
—>  Light: A Course of Experimental Optics, Chiefly with the Lantern : 2 entries
—>  Light: A Journal of Spiritualism: Psychical, Occult and Mystical Research
—>  Lighthouse illumination: being a description of the holophotal system, and of azimuthal-condensing, and apparent lights, with other improvements
—>  Lighthouse of the Sky: The U.S. Naval Observatory 1844-1893
—>  Lighting

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