
Library Catalogue » Titles

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—>  Introductory Remarks respecting the Imperial Gallon and Diagonal Table
—>  Inventaire de microscopes appartenant a l'Universite Libre de Bruxelles
—>  Inventaire des Instruments Conserves en Italie
—>  Inventaire des Instruments Scientifiques Historiques conserves en Belgique
—>  Inventaire des Instruments Scientifiques Historiques Conserves en France
—>  Inventari: Instruments cientifics de la Universitat de Valencia. e e
—>  Inventario del Patrimonio dell' Ateneo Senese: Gli Strumenti Scientifici
—>  Inventario Mundial de Instrumentos Cientificos de Interesse Historico
—>  Inventing the industrial revolution : the English patent system, 1660-1800
—>  "Invention of the Mechanical Clock about 1271 A.D."
—>  Invention of the meteorological instruments
—>  "Inventions, patents"
—>  "Inventor of Phrenology: The Bicentenary of Dr Gall, who Related Character to Skull"
—>  Inventories of jewels, dishes and other efects of the sovereigns of the Netherlands: their relevance to the history of cartography in the time of Charles V
—>  Inventory of the Original Typical Collection of the Reverend William Smith (1808-1857)
—>  Inventum Novissimum Unius ex tribus Horologiis Astronomicis Naturalibus Novissimis Longitudinis practicae in Mari juseta Systema Horarium Novissimum
—>  Inventum Novum ex Percussione Thoracis Humani ut Signo Abstrusos Interni Pectoris Morbos Detegendi
—>  Investigation of Inequalities in the Motion of the Moon Produced by the Action of the Planets
—>  Investigation of the Objective and Micrometers of the Twenty-six Inch Equatorial constructed by Alvan Clark & Sons
—>  Investigation of War Wounds. Penicillin
—>  Investigation of War Wounds: Penicillin: A Preliminary Report to The War Office and The Medical Research Council on Investigat-concerning The Use of Penicillin in War Wounds
—>  Investing in Clocks and Watches
—>  Invitatio ad Commercium Litterarium in Rei Astronomicae Incrementum Communio Consilio Instituendum una cum eiusdem Specimine Commercii
—>  Ioannis Antonii Scopoli Med. Doct. S.C.R. ... Entomologia Carniolica exhibens insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates : methodo Linnaeana
—>  Ioannis Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, Perspectivae Communis Libri Tres. Iam postremo correcti ac figuris illustrati
—>  Ioannis Quirini De testaceis fossilibus Musaei Septalliani et Iacobi Grandii De veritate diluuij vniuersalis & testaceorum, quae procul a mari reperiuntur generatione. Epistolae.
—>  Ioannis Tritemii Abbatis Spanheymeneis de septem secundeis…….
—>  Ioannis Trithemii Abbatis Spanheimensis epistolarum familiarum libri duo ad diversos Germaniae principes, episcopos, ac eruditione praestantes viros ...
—>  Ion Exchange Resins
—>  Irascible Genius: a Life of Charles Babbage, Inventor
—>  Irish National Inventory of Historic Scientific Instruments: Interim Report 1989
—>  Irish National Inventory of Historic Scientific Instruments
—>  Iron and Steel on the European Market in the 17th Century: A Contemporary Swedish Account of Production Forms and Marketing
—>  "Iron in Homer"
—>  Iron in the Making: Dowlais Iron Company Letters 1782-1860
—>  Ironwork: Part I. From the Earliest Times to the End of the Mediaeval Period
—>  Ironwork: Part II Being a Continuation of the First Handbook, and Comprising from the Close of the Mediaeval Period to the End of the Eighteenth Century, Excluding English Work
—>  "Irreversibility by Inequality Constraints I: On Fourier's Inequality", "... Part II: The Second Law of Thermodynamics", and "... Part III: Towards Mathematical Programming"
—>  "Is Science Compatible with Christian Belief?"
—>  Is the Progress of Science Controlled by the Material Wants of Man?
—>  Is this a Recorde?
—>  Isaac Barrow's Optical Lectures, 1667 (Lectiones xviii)
—>  Isaac Johnson of Woodbridge 1754-1835
—>  Isaac Newton
—>  Isaac Newton and Astrology
—>  "Isaac Newton, the Motion of the Lunar Apogee, and the Establishment of the Inverse Square Law"
—>  Isaac Newton: Eighteenth-century Perspectives.
—>  "Isaac Newton: Photographic study"
—>  "Isaac Roberdeau (1763-1829)… Civil Engineer and Surveyor"
—>  Isaac Roberts 1829-1904
—>  Isaaci Newtoni Opera quae exstant omnia
—>  ISASC Bibliography
—>  Isidore de Seville et la culture classique dans l'Espagne wisigothique
—>  Isis : 2 entries
—>  Isis Cumulative Bibliography: A Bibliography of the History of Science formed from Isis Critical Bibliographies 1-90, 1913-65.
—>  Islamic Arts
—>  Islamic Astrolabists and their works
—>  'Islamic Astrolabists: some new material' : 2 entries
—>  Islamic Astronomical Instruments
—>  "Islamic Astronomy"
—>  Islamic Geomancy and a Thirteenth Century Divinatory Device
—>  Islamic Mathematical Astronomy
—>  Islamic Science and Engineering
—>  Islamic Science and Learning
—>  "Islamic Science and Medicine"
—>  Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study
—>  Islamicate Celestial Globes: Their History, Construction, and Use : 2 entries
—>  Islamische Masse und Gewichte
—>  "Isomeric Acetaldehydephenylhydrazones" : 2 entries
—>  Isotopes
—>  Ist die babylonische Mathematik sumerisch oder akkadisch?
—>  Istanbul Deniz Muzesi
—>  Istanbul Umumi Kutuphaneleri Yazmalari Sergisi
—>  Istoriia i kultura drevnei Indii (k XXVI Mezhdunarodnomu kongressu vostokovedov) = History and Culture of Ancient India (for the XXVI International Congress of Orientalists)
—>  Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniia
—>  Istoriya Akademii Nauk SSSR
—>  Istoriya estestvoznaniya v Rosii
—>  Istoriya kalendarya i ego Predstoyshchaya reforma
—>  Istoriya matematiki v Rossii do 1917 goda
—>  Istoriya Mikroskopa i Mikroskopiueskikh Issledovanii v Rossii
—>  Istoriya Techniki
—>  Istrumenti de chimica : un laboratorio del XIX secolo
—>  "Istvan Krusper Designer of Geodetical Instruments. (Krusper Istvan a geodeziai muszertervezo.)"
—>  Italian Illuminated Manuscripts from 1400 to 1550: Catalogue of an Exhibition held in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1948.
—>  "Italian Military Engineers in Britain in the 1540s"
—>  "Italy the Cradle of Science: An Exhibition of Many Inventions, at Florence"
—>  Iter Boreale Ad ipsius patrem Gulielmum Masterum, cotiae in Argo Glocestrensi Pastorem.
—>  It's About Time
—>  It's like this ... 500 years of pictures for science
—>  "Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov" : 2 entries
—>  "Ivory Anatomical Manikins"
—>  Ivory Diptych Sundials 1570-1750
—>  Ivory telescopes : perspicillum : anno 1608-1720
—>  Iz istorii anglo-russkikh nauchnykh svyazei
—>  Iz Istorii Epokhi Ulugbeka
—>  Iz Istorii Estestvoznanija i Tekniki Pribaltiki
—>  "Iz Istorii Mongol"skoi Astroiomii" = "From the History of Mongolian Astronomy"
—>  Iz istorii nauki i tekhniki v stranakh Vostoka: sbornik statei
—>  "Izzuddin B. Muhammed al-Vefai'nin "Ekvator Halkasi" adli makalesi ve torquetum ("Equatorial Armilla" of Iz al-Din B. Muhammad al-Wafai and Torquetum)"
—>  "J. A. Douglas"

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