
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  "Fifty Years Ago, in the Royal Society of Edinburgh"
—>  "Fifty Years' Growth of the Botanical Department of Owens College and the University of Manchester"
—>  "Fifty Years with Multigrade"
—>  Fifty-third Annual Report of the Savilian Professor of Astronomy to the Visitors of the University Observatory for 1928 (part)
—>  "Filming a Bodleian Manuscript"
—>  "Filter Cloth for Controlling Smell from Plasters"
—>  Fine Structure in Line Spectra and Nuclear Spin
—>  "Fire and the Flamma Vitalis: Boyle, Hooke and Mayow"
—>  Fire in the sky : comets and meteors, the decisive centuries, in British art and science
—>  Fires Improv'd: Being a New Method of Building Chimneys so as to prevent their Smoaking: in which a Small Fire shall warm a Room better than a much Larger made the Common Way. ...
—>  First Aid Manual: the Authorised Manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew's Ambulance Association, and the British Red Cross
—>  First Book of Arithmetic for the Use of Schools
—>  First impressions : 2 entries
—>  "First Photographs at the Cape"
—>  "First Photographs of the Canals of Mars"
—>  First Production - Tompion's Great Clock. Village Blacksmith - Clockmaker to Kings
—>  "First Steps In Astrophotography"
—>  First Steps in General Knowledge Part II: The Surface of the Earth
—>  First Steps in Photo-Micrography: A Handbook for Novices
—>  Fisica Biologica: Estudio Fisico del Globulo Sanguineo
—>  Fisons Laboratory Catalogue: Series One: Chemicals Instruments Environmental Cabinets General Laboratory Equipment
—>  Fit for the Doctor
—>  Five Centuries of Maps & Map-Making
—>  Five-figure tables of mathematical functions : comprising tables of logarithms, powers of numbers, trigonometric elliptic, and other transcendental functions
—>  "Five-Inch Centre Self-Acting and Screw-Cutting Lathe"
—>  Fixing a Shadow: Photography, the Royal Society and its Fellows, 1839-1889
—>  "Flamsteed's Letters to Richard Towneley"
—>  Flamsteed's Stars: New perspectives on the life and work of the first Astronomer Royal (1646-1719)
—>  "Flavus or blavus: a difficulty in understanding early descriptions of minerals"
—>  "Flight at High Altitudes"
—>  Floods of Light: Flash Photography. 1851-1981
—>  "Florence Nightingale"
—>  "Florey and Penicillin"
—>  Florilege des Sciences en Belgique pendant le XIXe siecle et le debut du XXe
—>  Flowers of the field
—>  Fluorescence Analysis in Ultra-Violet Light : 2 entries
—>  Focus Behaim Globus
—>  Focus on Fasteners: Stock List and Technical Information
—>  Focus, for all photographers
—>  "Focus: Astrology on Trial"
—>  "Focussing"
—>  "Foerster and Archenhold: A Legacy of Popular Astronomy in Berlin"
—>  "Folia Mendeliana: Papers relating to Mendel and to the early development of genetics"
—>  Folium Populi
—>  "Fondation <> Centre International de Synthese
—>  Fonds Henri Michel
—>  Fontenelle 1657-1757
—>  Fontes Historiae Botanicae Rossicae
—>  Food fakes: ancient and modern
—>  Foote Prints
—>  Footprints of the lion: Isaac Newton at Work
—>  For Histology the "Elliott" Automatic Tissue Processor at your Service Day and Night
—>  "For More Than Just the Record"
—>  "For the Inquiring Mind: Museums of Science and Technology"
—>  Forensic Chemistry in the Criminal Courts
—>  Forgerons et Alchimistes
—>  Forgotten Genius
—>  "Formation of Ethereal Salts of Polycarboxylic Acids"
—>  "Formative influences in Islamic Science"
—>  Former Clock & Watchmakers and their Work
—>  Formirovanie yazika russkoi nauki. (Terminologiya matematiki, astronomii, geografii, v pervoi treti XVIII veka)
—>  "Forms of Patronage and Institutionalisation of Science in the Eighteenth Century"
—>  "Formulae and Factors for the computation of Geodetic Latitudes, Longitudes, and Azimuths"
—>  "Forschungen in Italien"
—>  "Forschungen zur Geschichte der Sternkunde"
—>  Forshungen in Spanien und Portugal
—>  "Fortification in Iron"
—>  "Fortune in Stale Eggs"
—>  "Fortune's Wheel"
—>  "Forty Years of Electron Microscopy"
—>  "Fossil Fauna of the Oxford District: Introduction and Part I (Jurassic Brachiopoda)"
—>  Fossil Footprints : 2 entries
—>  Fossilia Hantoniensia [Hampshire Fossils] collecta, et in Museo Britannico deposita, a Gustavo Brander R.S. & S.A.S. Mus. Brit. Cur.
—>  "Foucault, Marseille et le Telescope de 80 cm a Miroir en Verre Argente"
—>  Foucault's Versuch als direkter Beweis der Achsendrehung der Erde angestellt im Dom zu Koln und erlautert durch zwei vorbereitende Vorlesungen nebst Zusammenstellung einiger diesen Gegenstand betresfenden Apparate, Mittleilung wissenschaftlicher Versuchs-
—>  Foulsham's Original Old Moore's Almanack for the year 1986 ...
—>  Foundations of the Atomic Theory comprising Papers and Extracts by John Dalton, William Hyde Wollaston, M. D. and Thomas Thomson, M. D. (1802-1808)
—>  Foundations of the Molecular Theory comprising Papers and Extracts by John Dalton, Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac, and Amedeo Avogadro. (1808-1811)
—>  Founders of Oceanography and their Work: An Introduction to the Science of the Sea
—>  Four Centuries of Graphic Design for Science: From the Collection of Ronald K. Smeltzer
—>  Four Lectures on Wave Mechanics
—>  Four Letters to Lieutenant Colonel Mudge, written with a view to effect a Reformation in the Studies at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and containing Hints to that End
—>  Four Studies in the History of Central Asia. vol. II. Ulugh-Beg
—>  Fourcroy, Chemist and Revolutionary, 1755-1809
—>  Four-figure Tables
—>  "Fourier Analysis and Vowel Curves"
—>  Fox Talbot and the Invention of Photography
—>  Fox Talbot: An Illustrated Life of William Henry Fox Talbot, 'Father of Modern Photography' 1800-1877 : 2 entries
—>  Fox Talbot: An Illustrated Souvenir
—>  Fox Talbot: Photographer
—>  "Fox Talbot's Photoglyphic Engraving Process"
—>  Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera Quaedam Hactenus Inedita
—>  "Fra la curiosita e la scienza"
—>  "Fragen Betreffend die Vorgeschichte der Astronomie"
—>  "Fragment of a Persian Primer of the Institutes of Medicine"
—>  [fragment of catalogue]
—>  Fragmentos de Euclides numa versao Portuguesa do seculo XVI
—>  "Frammenti Vinciani XXVIo: Contributo alla Conoscenza dei Manoscritti 8936 ed 8937 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Madrid"
—>  "Frammento di un codice di medicina del secolo XIV ... d'ella Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa"
—>  Francis Bacon Again: A New Biography

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