
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

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—>  Fachgebiete der Sammlungen
—>  Fact and Fiction in Modern Science
—>  "Fact or Fancy? The Reliability of Old Pictorial Trade Representations"
—>  Facts from Figures
—>  Facts Relating to the Nautical Almanac and Connoissance des Tems
—>  "Facts relating to the Nautical Almanac and Connoissance des Tems"
—>  Faculte des Sciences de l'Academie de Paris. Cours de Geometrie Superieure. Seance d'Ouverture, le 22 Decembre 1846
—>  Fahrenheit's Letters to Leibniz and Boerhaave
—>  Fairbanks Standard 1830 1980 150 Years
—>  Faithful Compass
—>  "Faithful Compass"
—>  Faits pour servir a la Theorie de la Grele
—>  "Fake antique scientific instruments"
—>  Fallowfield's Photographic Annual, 1903-4
—>  Fallowfield's Photographic Annual, 1937. The A.B.C. Index of Photographic Apparatus and Materials
—>  "Falschungen?"
—>  Familia Universalis Coignet: Een familie tussen wetenschap en kunst
—>  Familia Universalis: Coignet
—>  Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects
—>  Familiar letters on chemistry and its relation to commerce, physiology, and agriculture
—>  Familiar letters on chemistry in its relations to physiology, dietetics, agriculture, commerce, and political economy
—>  Familiar letters on chemistry. Second series, the philosophical principles and general laws of science
—>  Familiar to All: William Lilly and Astrology in the Seventeenth Century
—>  Family Fragments
—>  Famosi et Antiqui Problematis de Telluris Motu, vel Quiete; Hactenus Optata Solutio ad Eminentissimum Cardinalem Richelium; Ducem, et Franciae Parem
—>  Famous Books in the History of Science
—>  Famous Clocks
—>  "Famous Savant Dead. Sir E. Ray Lankester. Science Made Popular"
—>  Faraday
—>  "Faraday and his Contemporaries"
—>  "Faraday and the Structure of Matter"
—>  "Faraday as a Chemist"
—>  Faraday Celebrations, 1931. Final Programme
—>  Faraday Centenary Exhibition 23rd September to 3rd October 1931 ... : Souvenir Catalogue and Guide
—>  Faraday discloses Electro-magnetic induction. His epochal letter sent from Brighton to Richard Phillips, F.R.S., is here reproduced
—>  "Faraday's Discovery of Electromagnetic Induction"
—>  Farben in Kultur und Leben
—>  "Farmer's Boy who Came to Live in the Lap of Luxury"
—>  Farmoor: The Changing Scene
—>  "Farrants, in conversation"
—>  Fascetto di Pratiche Matematiche spiegate alle persone popolari per uso del comercio umano, e civile, in questa seconda edizione, etc.
—>  Fasciculus chemicus: or Chymical collections. : Expressing the ingress, progress, and egress, of the secret hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors. Collected and digested in such an order, that it may prove to the advantage, not on
—>  Fashions in Eyeglasses
—>  Fassliche Anweissung zu Verfertigung richtiger SonnenUhren, etc.
—>  "Fat Staining with Sudan Black B"
—>  "Father Ferdinand Verbiest and the Imperial Palace Workshops"
—>  "Fathers of Auctioneering: 1. The Lad from Leicester"
—>  "Fathers of Auctioneering: 2. The Sign of the Pelican"
—>  "Fathers of Auctioneering: 3. Gown and Hammer"
—>  "Fathers of Auctioneering: 4. Millington, Publick-Salesman"
—>  Fatti e figure del seicento anglo-toscano
—>  Fauna Suecica sistens Animalia Sueciae Regni: Quadrupedia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes, distributa per Classes & Ordines, Genera & Species. Cum Differentiis Specierum, Synonymis Autorum, Nominibus Incolarum, Locis Habitationum, Descriptionibus
—>  Favna Groenlandica, Systematice Sistens Animalia Groenlandiae Occidentalis Hactenvs Indagata, Qvoad Nomen Specificvm, Triviale, Vernacvlvmqve; Synonyma Avctorvm Plvrivm, Descriptionem, Locvm, Victvm, Generationem, Mores, Vsvm, Captvramqve Singvli, Provt D
—>  Febrium Malignarum Historia et Curatio. Item Dissertationum Pathologicarum pars prior
—>  Federblech Prufapparat
—>  Feldstecher: Fernglaser im Wandel der Zeit : 2 entries
—>  Feliciter! De Aurora, incluto Senatu Philosophico suffragante Ad diem V. Septembr
—>  Fellows of the Royal Society
—>  Feng Shui als Spiegelbild: Ich wohne, wie ich bin
—>  Feng Shui, or Rudiments of Natural Science in China (1873)
—>  "Fenomeni Celesti nel Gennajo 1857"
—>  "Fenomeni Celesti nel Novembre 1856"
—>  Ferdinand Berthoud 1727-1807: Horloger Mecanicien du Roi et de la Marine
—>  Ferdinand Braun: On Publishing his Biography on April 20, 1982 at Burndy Library Electra Sq. Norwalk, Ct.
—>  Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (1623-1688) and the Chinese heaven : the composition of the astronomical corpus, its diffusion and reception in the European republic of letters
—>  "Ferdinand Verbiest's Compendium Latinum (Peking 1679), with a census"
—>  Ferguson's astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles
—>  Ferguson's Astronomy, explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles. With Notes and Supplementary Chapters. By David Brewster, LL.D.
—>  Ferguson's lectures on select subjects, in mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, optics, geography, astronomy, and dialling : 2 entries
—>  Ferguson's Lectures on Select Subjects, in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, Geography, Astronomy, and Dialing
—>  Ferguson's Lectures on select subjects, in mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, optics, geography, astronomy and dialing
—>  "Ferguson's Mechanical Paradox"
—>  "Fermat et l'equation de Pell"
—>  Fermentatio, generationis et corruptionis causa. : Ein kurtzer Bericht, wie ein ding naturlich vergehen und ein anders daraus werden konne
—>  Fernrohre und ihre Meister: Eine Entwicklungsgeschichte der Fernrohrtechnik
—>  "Ferromagnetic Resonance at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford. A Tribute to J. H. E. Griffiths (1908-1981)"
—>  Ferrum : 2 entries
—>  Festo Harmonices Mundi
—>  "Festrede zur Feier des Leibnizischen Gedachtnisstages"
—>  Festschrift
—>  Festschrift 100 Jahre Rudolf & August Rost : 1888-1988
—>  Festschrift Dr h.c. Albert J. Schmidheini zu seinem achtzigsten Geburtstag am 3. November 1963
—>  Festschrift Josef Kisser zur Bollendung des 70. Lebenskahres
—>  Festschrift zu seinem achtzigsten Geburtstag am 3. November 1963
—>  Festschrift zur Erinnerung an die Eroffnung des neuerbauten Museums der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt am Main am 13. Oktober 1907
—>  "Feuerwehrgerate einst ..." [sic]
—>  Field Theories, Old and New
—>  Fifty Masterpieces of Metalwork
—>  Fifty One Thirty
—>  Fifty Steps in Measures, Multiples, Vulgar & Decimal Fractions
—>  "Fifty Years Ago, in the Royal Society of Edinburgh"
—>  "Fifty Years' Growth of the Botanical Department of Owens College and the University of Manchester"
—>  "Fifty Years with Multigrade"
—>  Fifty-third Annual Report of the Savilian Professor of Astronomy to the Visitors of the University Observatory for 1928 (part)
—>  "Filming a Bodleian Manuscript"
—>  "Filter Cloth for Controlling Smell from Plasters"
—>  Fine Structure in Line Spectra and Nuclear Spin
—>  "Fire and the Flamma Vitalis: Boyle, Hooke and Mayow"
—>  Fire in the sky : comets and meteors, the decisive centuries, in British art and science
—>  Fires Improv'd: Being a New Method of Building Chimneys so as to prevent their Smoaking: in which a Small Fire shall warm a Room better than a much Larger made the Common Way. ...

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