
Library Catalogue ยป Titles

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

—>  Account of the Life and Writings of Robert Simson, MD. Late Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow
—>  Account of the Observations and Calculations of the Principal Triangulation
—>  "Account of the Relative Situations of the Different Stars, by which the Principal Constellations may be Distinguished" : 2 entries
—>  Account of the Relative Situations of the Different Stars, by which the Principal Constellations may be Distinguished
—>  Account of the Siamese Twin Brothers
—>  Account of the Siamese Twin Brothers, from Actual Observations. Together with Full Length Portraits, the only correct ones, permitted to be taken by their Protectors
—>  Account of the Skeleton of the Mammoth, a non-descript Carnivorous Animal of Immense Size, found in America
—>  Account of the Skerryvore lighthouse, with notes on the illumination of lighthouses
—>  Account of the 'Traite sur le Flux et Reflux de la Mer' of Daniel Bernoulli, and a Treatise on the Attraction of Ellipsoids
—>  Account of the Westminster New Lying-in Hospital
—>  "Accuracy in early workshop practice"
—>  "Accuracy of Pre-Modern Determinations of Tropical Year Length"
—>  Acerca de recente devolucao a Portugal, pelo Brasil, de manuscritos da Sociedade Real Maritima, Militar e Geografica (1793-1807)
—>  "Achromatische Microscopen"
—>  Acid-Butyrometrie oder Universal-Fettbestimmungs-Methode fur Wilch und Wilchprodukte etc. in Verbindung mit Kreifel-Centrifugen
—>  Ackermann's Photogenic Drawing Apparatus : 2 entries
—>  "Acoustics as they Affect the Musician"
—>  "Acquired Allergic Coryzal reaction to Quinine but not to Quinidine or Quitenine"
—>  "Acrostics, Anagrams, and Chaucer"
—>  Acta Eruditorum publicata Lipsiae Calendis Aprilis Anno MDCLXXXV. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum. Tom. I. Quorum Ingulphus nunc primum integer, caeteri nunc primum prodeunt
—>  Acta geologica Polonica
—>  Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium Necnon Technicarum
—>  Acta Octavi Conventus Historiae Scientiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque Excolendae Bergis supra Zomam Idibus Aprilibus a.d. sextum decimum et quintum decimum Kalendas Maias MCMLXXVII Pars Altera
—>  Acta Octavi Conventus Historiae Scientiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque Excolendae Bergis supra Zomam Idibus Aprilibus a.d. sextum decimum et quintum decimum Kalendas Maias MCMLXXVII Pars Prima
—>  Acta Septimi Conventus Historiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque excolendae Gandavi a.d. quartum-tertium-, duodecimum Kalendas Novembres MCMLXXIII
—>  Acta Sexti Conventus Historiae Scientiae Medicinae Matheseos Naturaliumque Excolendae in Urbe cui Nomen Luxemburg a. d. quintum decimum et quartum decimun Kalendas Novembres MCMLXX
—>  Actes du dixieme Congres international d'Histoire des Sciences, Ithaca, 1962
—>  Actes du Ve Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Lausanne (30 Septembre - 6 Octobre 1947)
—>  Actes du VIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Amsterdam (14-21 Aout 1950)
—>  Actes du VIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Jerusalem (4-12 Aout 1953)
—>  Actes du VIIIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences: Florence-Milan (3-9 Septembre 1956)
—>  Actes du XIe Congres International d'Histoire des Sciences, Varsovie-Cracovie 24-31 Aout 1965
—>  Actorum Laboratorii Chemici in Academia Julia
—>  Acupuncture Anaesthesia
—>  Ad Iacobi Lansbergii Doctoris Medici, Apologiam pro Telluris motu
—>  Ad Radices
—>  Ad Virum CL.I.F.W.P.M.W. De Luce Barometrorum ut et aliis Connexis Argumentis Epistola qua in simul Peculiaria quaedam Experimenta Novaeque Phoenomenon hoc Producendi Methodi Traduntur
—>  "Adam Aigenler's Field Manual"
—>  "Adam Riese der deutsche Rechenmeister"
—>  Adams of Fleet Street: Instrument Makers to King George III
—>  "Adatok a Czapa-Embriok Elattanahoz"
—>  "Addenda to A Bibliography of The Honourable Robert Boyle"
—>  Addenda to the Aedes Hartwellianae
—>  Addendum to "Poverties and Triumphs of the Chinese Scientific Tradition"
—>  'Additional Scholarships for the Encouragement of the Study of Natural Science'
—>  Additions to the Dictionary of chemistry
—>  Address : 2 entries
—>  Address and Regulations of the Astronomical Society of London: Established February 8, 1820. To which is subjoined the Report of the Council to the First Annual General Meeting, Held February 9, 1821
—>  Address by Sir Henry E. Roscoe, President, to the British Association for the Advancement of Science
—>  Address by Sir Robert A. Hadfield, Bt. D.Sc., D.Met., F.R.S., F.I.C., M.Inst.C.E., when declaring open the New Engineering and Metallurgical Laboratories at the Twenty-first Anniversary Celebrations of the Sheffield University, July 2nd, 1926
—>  Address Delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Linnean Society of London On the 24th of May, 1904
—>  Address delivered in the Senate-House at Cambridge, June XXV, MDCCCXXXIII. On the Occasion of the Opening of the Third General Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science
—>  Address of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G., etc. etc. etc. The President, read at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society on Thursday, November 30th 1837. Printed at the request of the Fellows
—>  Address of the Astronomical Society of London
—>  Address of the British Meteorological Society, explanatory of their Objects
—>  Address of the Ex-President Joseph Lovering before the American Association for the Advamcement of Science at Hartford, August 14, 1874.
—>  "Address of the President"
—>  Address of the Public Orator on the Occasion of the Conferment of the Degrees of D.Sc.
—>  Address of the Right Honourable the Lord Wrottesley, etc. etc. etc., The President, Delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, on Monday, December 1, 1856
—>  Address of the Right Honourable the Lord Wrottesley, etc. etc. etc., the President, Delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, on Monday, November 30, 1857
—>  Address to the Mathematical and Physical Section
—>  "Address to the Mathematical and Physical Section"
—>  Address to the Physiological Section : 2 entries
—>  Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on the 26th May 1851. Preceded by brief Addresses on Presenting the Awards of the Council to the Society
—>  Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on 27th May 1850. Preceded by brief Addresses on presenting the Awards of the Council of the Society
—>  "Address"
—>  Addresses delivered at the Anniversary Meetings of the Royal Society, on Thursday Nov. 30, 1831, and Friday Nov, 30, 1832, by H.R.H. The Duke of Sussex, K.G., etc. etc. etc. The President
—>  Ad-durrat al-bayda' fi sana'at al-yaqutat al-hamra' fi-l-iksir
—>  "Adelard of Bath and the Astrolabe"
—>  Adjudication of the Copley, Rumford and Royal Medals: and Appointment of the Bakerian, Croonian, and Fairchild Lectures
—>  Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum
—>  Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum of Chicago : guide to the museum
—>  Admiral Fitzroy and the Fitzroy Barometers
—>  "Admiral Fitzroy and the Fitzroy Barometers"
—>  "Admiral Sir Eliab Harvey of the Temeraire: A Distinguished Kinsman of William Harvey"
—>  Admiralty Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy
—>  Admiralty Manual of Hydrographic Surveying
—>  Admodum reverendi & doctissimi viri, D. Roberti Huntingtoni, Episcopi Rapotensis, Epistolae: : et Veterum mathematicorum, Graecorum, Latinorum, & Arabum, synopsis
—>  Adolph Strecker's kurzes Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie
—>  'Adolphe Ganot (1804-1887) and his Textbooks of Physics'
—>  "Adult Under a Cloud at a Children's Lecture | Science Left him in a Fog"
—>  "Adulteration and Sophistication of Pharmaceutical Products"
—>  Advanced Abacus: Japanese Theory and Practice
—>  "Advanced Materials: The Engines for Technological Change"
—>  "Advances in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in the 19th Century"
—>  "Advances in Microscopy: 1 - the Reflecting Microscope"
—>  "Advancing Navigation in eighteenth-century France: Teaching and Instrument-making in the Port of Rochefort"
—>  "Advantages of Mr. Gover's new-improved Gun-carriages"
—>  Advertisement for Optical Measuring Instruments, Their Construction, Theory and Use
—>  Aedes Hartwellianae, or Notices of the Manor and Mansion of Hartwell
—>  "Aegidius of Lessines on Comets"
—>  AEI Electron Microscope News
—>  Aepinus's Essay on the Theory of Electricity and Magnetism
—>  Aequanimitas and other addresses
—>  Aerarium Philosophiae Mathematicae
—>  Aerial Locomotion
—>  Aeronautica: Objets d'Art, Prints, Air Mail
—>  "Aeronautics In Ancient China" [parts 1 and 2]
—>  Aeronautics: An Abridgment of Aeronautical Specifications Filed at the Patent Office from A.D. 1815 to A.D. 1891

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