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1366 matching record(s)

Radcliffe Tracts 1 (1)Ballot, C. H. D. Buys

Les Changements Periodiques de Temperature, dependants de la Nature du Soleil et de la Lune, mis en rapport avec le Prognostic du Temps, deduits d'Observations Neerlandaises de 1729 a 1846

Utrecht: Kemink & Fils, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 1 (2)Anonymous

Meteorologische Waarnemingen, Gedaan op het eiland Decima, bij stad Nangasaki, op Japan

n.p. [?Holland], n.d. [(?1851].



Radcliffe Tracts 1 (2a)Anonymous

Vervolg der Meteorologische Waarnemingen te Buitenzorg op Java

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 1 (3)Biot, Jean Baptiste

"Opinion de M. Biot sur les Observatoires meteorologiques permanents que l'on propose d'etablir en divers points de l'Algerie"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, vol. XLI, 31 decembre 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 1 (4)North Western Provinces

Revenue Meteorological Statements of the North Western Provinces, for the Several Years from 1844-45 to 1849-50

Agra: Printed at the Secundra Orphan Press, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 1 (5)Taylor, T. G.

Meteorological Observations made at the Meteorological Bungalow on Dodabetta, 8640 feet above the level of the Sea in the Years 1847-48. Undertaken at the request of the Honorable the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and with the Sanction and Assistance of the Madras Government

Illustration of bungalow on title page. Madras: Printed at the Christian Knowledge Society's and Male Asylum Press, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 1 (6)Palagi, Alessandro

Primo Decennio di Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte nella Specola di Bologna ridotte esposte ed applicate

Bologna: Tipi Gov. Alla Volpe, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 1 (7)Kupffer, A. T.

Observations Meteorologiques, faites a Sitka, sur la Cote N. O. de l'Amerique (Latitude 57o3' Longitude 222o15' a l'Est de Paris)

n.p., 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (1)Airy, G. B.

"Reductions of the Observations of Halley's Comet made at the Cambridge Observatory in the years 1835 and 1836"

offprint from an unidentified periodical. Read 8 January 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (10)Peters, C. A. F.; Struve, Otto

"Bestimmung der Bahn des in Monat December 1839 Entdecken Cometen nach den auf der Pulkowaer Sternwarte angestellten Beobachtungen"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, vol. III, 1843. St.-Petersburg: Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (11)Oudemans, J. A. C.

Memoire sur l'orbite de la Comete Periodique, decouverte par M. D'Arrest le 27 Juin 1851

Amsterdam: C. G. van der Post, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (12)Struve, Otto

"Beobachtungen des bielaschen Cometen im Jahre 1852 angestellt am grossen Refractor der Pulkowaer Sternwarte"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg, 6th series vol. VI, 1854. St. Petersburg: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (2)Maclear, Thomas

"Observations of Halley's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1835 and 1836"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. X, 1837. London: James Moyes, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (3)Smyth, W. H.

"Observations of Halley's Comet"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. IX, 1836. London: James Moyes, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (4)Plantamour, E.

Disquisitio de Methodis Traditis ad Cometarum Orbitas Determinandas

Regiomonti: Ern. Jul. Dalkowski, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (5)Piazzi, Giuseppe

Della Cometa del 1811. Osservata nella Specola di Palermo. Dai 9. Settembre ai 11. Gennaro 1812

Palermo: Dalla Reale Stamperia, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (6)Plantamour, E.

Memoire sur la Comete Mauvais de l'Annee 1844

n.p., n.d. Supplement au Memoire, etc. - Radcliffe Tracts 10 (7).



Radcliffe Tracts 10 (8)Santini, Giovanni

Delle Variazioni prodotte negli Elementi Ellittici della Cometa Periodica di Sei, Sette Anni, Detta di Biela, dall' Azione di Giove, di Saturno e della Terra nella sua Rivoluzione fra il MDCCCXXVI ed il MDCCCXXXII

Padova: Tipografia del Seminario, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (1)Hornstein, Karl

"Opposition der Calliope im Jahre 1856"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der mathem.-naturw. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, band XVII, October 1855, pp. 601-611 (also paginated 1-13 here). Wien, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (10)Lowy, M.

"Uber die Bahn der Eugenia"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIX, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (11)Lowy, M.

"Uber die Bahn der Eugenia"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIX, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (12)Lowy, M.

"Uber die Bahn der Eugenia"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXVIII, 1859. Vienna, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (13)Lowy, M.

"Uber die Bahn der Leda"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIV, 1857. Vienna, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (14 and 17)Alle, Moriz

"Uber die Bahn der Leda"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXII, 1858. Vienna, 1858. 2 copies (bound in the same volume).



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (15)Weiss, Edmund

"Uber die Bahn der Ariadne"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXI, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (16)Alle, Moriz

"Uber die Bahn der Laetitia"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIV, 1857. Vienna, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (18)Littrow, Karl von

"Physische Zusammenkunste der Asteroiden im Jahre 1861"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XLIII, 1861. Vienna, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (19)Lowy, Moriz

"Bahnbestimmung des ersten Kometen 1857"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der mathem.-naturw. Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXV, 1859. Vienna, 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (19a)Lowy, Moriz

"Elemente der Bahn des von Bruhns am 21. Mai 1858 in Berlin entdeckten Kometen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXX, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (2)Hornstein, Karl

"Uber die Bahn der Calliope"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der mathem.-naturw. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, band XV, January 1855, pp. 91-106 (also paginated 1-18 here). Wien, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (20)Lowy, Moriz

"Uber die Bahn des Kometen Donati"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXIII, 1858. Vienna, 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (21)Lowy, Moritz

"Uber die Bahn des Cometen von 1858"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXIII, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (22)Weiss, Edmund

"Uber die Bahn des Cometen VIII des Jahres 1858"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXIII, 1858. Vienna, 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (23)Hornstein, Karl

"Bestimmung der Bahn des Ersten Kometen vom Jahre 1847, nebst bemerkungen uber den Ubergang von der Parabel zur Ellipse oder Hyperbel"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XII, March 1854, pp. 303-[321] (paginated 1-21 here). Vienna, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (24)Colla, M. A.

Notice sur la Comete Telescopique decouverte a Parme le 7 Mai 1847

Parme, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (25)Hornstein, Karl

"Bestimmung der Bahn des Ersten Kometen vom Jahre 1853 aus Sammtlichen Beobachtungen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XII, January 1854, pp. 11-[21] (paginated 1-13 here). Vienna, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (26)Colla, A.

"Sulla v Cometa del 1854 Notizia Comunicata dal Sign Prof A. Colla, Direttore del Regio Osservatorio di Parma"

offprint from Annali di Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche Pubblicati in Roma, October 1855. Roma: Tipografic delle Belle Arti, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (27)Secchi, P. Angelo

Osservazioni e Ricerche Astronomiche sulla Grande Cometa del Ciugno 1861: Discorso letto alla Pontificia Accademia Tiberina il 12 Agosto 1861

Roma: Tipografia delle Belle Arti, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (3)Hornstein, Karl

"Uber die Bahn der Calliope"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der mathem.-naturw. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, band XV, March 1855, pp. 417-424 (also paginated 1-10 here). Wien, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (5)Hornstein, Karl

"Uber die Bahn der Calliope und ihre Opposition im Jahre 1859"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der mathem.-naturw. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, band XXIV, March 1857, pp. 106-117 (also paginated 1-14 here). Wien, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (6)Hornstein, Karl

"Elemente und Oppositions-Ephemeride (1861) der Calliope"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XLII, 1861, pp.519-520. Vienna, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (7)Alle, Moriz

"Uber die Bahn der Leda"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XLIII. Vienna, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (8)Oeltzen, Wilhelm

"Uber die Bahn des Planeten Thalia"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XI, 1853. Vienna, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 100 (9)Alle, Moriz

"Uber die Bahn der Nemausa"

offprint from Sitzungensberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXVIII, 1859. Vienna, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (1)Encke, J. F.

"Uber eine neue Methode der Berechnung der Planetenstorungen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 27 November 1851. Berlin, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (10)Boguslawski, G. von

Die Kometen und ihre Bedeutung als Weltkorper. Nach den Resultaten der neuesten wissenschaftlichen

Forschungen gemeinfasslich dargestellt. Stettin: A. Cartellieri, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (11)Plantamour, E.

"Note sur la Comete de Donati"

offprint from Archives des Sciences de la Bibliotheque Universelle, vol. III, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (12)Gautier, A.

Resume de divers Travaux recents relatifs aux Cometes

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (13)Bond, G. P.

"Account of the Comet II, 1861, as seen at the Observatory of Harvard College"

offprint from the American Journal of Science, September 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (14)Bond, G. P.

"Continuation of Account of the Comet II"

offprint from the American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. XXXII, September 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (2)Grunert, J. A.

Uber eine geometrische Aufgabe, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die Bestimmung der Stillstandspunkte oder Stationen der um die Sonne sich bewegenden Weltkorper'

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XVII, 1855. Vienna, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (3)Bruhns, C. C.

De Planetis Minoribus inter Martem et Jovem circa Solem versantibus. Dissertatio Astronomica Inauguralis

Berlin: Gustav Schade, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (4)Airy, G. B.

Instructions and Chart for Observations of Mars in Right Ascension at the Opposition of 1860, for obtaining the Measure of the Sun's Distance

London: Printed for G. Barclay, July 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (5)Nell, A. M.

Der Planetenlauf eine graphische Darstellung der Bahnen der Planeten um mit Leichtigkeit ihren jedesmaligen Ort unter den Gestirnen auf eine Reihe von Jahren voraus zu bestimmen

Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (6)Lespiault, M. G.

Note sur les Petites Planetes situees entre Mars et Jupiter

Bordeaux: Societe des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles de Bordeaux, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (7)Academie Imperiale des Sciences, St Petersburg

Melanges mathematiques et astronomiques tires du Bulletin de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg, Tome III, 2/14 mai 1862




Radcliffe Tracts 101 (8)Lubbock, J. W.

On the Determination of the Distance of a Comet from the Earth, and the Elements of its Orbit

London: C. Knight; Cambridge J. & J. J. Deighton, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 101 (9)McGrigor, D.

An Essay on the Determination of the Elements of the Orbits of Comets and Planets

Glasgow: David Robertson, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (1)Schonfeld, E.

"Beobachtungen von veranderlichen Sternen. Angestellt auf der koniglichen Sternwarte zu Bonn von dem fruheren Gehissen derselben"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XLII. Vienna, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (10)Pontecoulant, G. de

Observations sur le Perfectionnement des Tables de la Lune et sur les deux Inegalites a longues Periodes que M. Hansen a propose d'introduire dans le mouvement de cet Astre. Adressees a MM. les Membres de l'Academie des Sciences

Paris: Renou et Maulde, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (11)Sickel, Th.

"Die Lunarbuchstaben in den Kalendarien des Mittelalters"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXVIII, 1861. Vienna, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (2)Argelander, Fr.

Anzeige von einer auf der Koniglichen Universitats-Sterwarte zu Bonn unternommenen Durchmusterung des nordlichen Himmels als Grundlage neuer Himmelscharten

Bonn: Carl Georgi, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (3)Anonymous [Bond, G. P.]

"On the Spiral Character of the Great Nebula in Orion"

offprint from the Proceedings of the American Academy, vol. V, n.d., pp. 227-230.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (4)Winnecke, F. A. T.

De Stella e Coronae Borealis Duplici: Dissertatio Astronomica Inauguralis

Berlin: Gustav Schade, 1856



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (5)Fechner, G. Th.

"Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung: Ueber ein phychophysisches Grundgesetz und dessen Beziehung zur Schutzung der Sterngrossen, in den Abhandl. der math. phys. Cl. Band IV. S. 457"

Berichte der Kon. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Mathematisch.-Physische Classe, Sitzung am 12 February 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (6)Sonndorfer, Rudolf

"Uber Helligkeitmessungen bei kleinen Fixsternen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XLI, April 19, 1860. Vienna, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (7)Recknagel, Georg

Lamberts Photometrie und ihre Beziehung zum gegenwartigen Standpunkte der Wissenschaft

Von der philosophischen Facultat in Munchen gekronte Preisschrift als Dissertation. Munchen: J. G. Weiss, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (8)Rheinauer, J.

Grundzuge der Photometrie

Halle: H. W. Schmidt, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 102 (9)Quetelet, A.

Observations des passages de la Lune et des Etoiles de meme culmination

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (1)Adams, J. C.

On New Tables of the Moon's Parallax to be substituted for those of Burckhardt

London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (10)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1861



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (11)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1862



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (12)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1864



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (13)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1865



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (14)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1866



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (2)Colla, A.

"Fenomeni Celesti nel Gennajo 1857"

offprint from Gazzetta di Parma, December 22, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (3)Colla, A.

"Fenomeni Celesti nel Novembre 1856"

offprint from Gazzetta di Parma, October 22, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (4)Nautical Almanac

Sweeping-Ephemerides for De Vico's Comet, 1860-1

Nautical Almanac Circular no. 7.



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (5)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1859



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (6)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1860



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (7)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1855



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (8)Nautical Almanac

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac for the Year 1857



Radcliffe Tracts 103 (9)Bremiker, C.

Die Berechnungen des Laufes und der Erscheinungen der Planeten so wie der Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse in den Jahren 1858 bis 1868

Berlin: Nicolai'schen Buchhandlung, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 104 (1)Carrington, R. C.

An Account of the late Total Eclipse of the Sun, on July 28, 1851; as observed at Lilla Edet in Sweden

Durham: George Andrews, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 104 (2)Hirsch, Adolph

"Vorausberechnung der Totalen Sonnen-Finsterniss am 18. Juli 1860"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XIX, 1856. Vienna, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 104 (4)Steinmetz, Andrew

The Forthcoming Eclipse of the Sun, March 15, 1858. Historical Eclipses: An Eclipse of the Sun explained and an Answer to the Question 'What is the use or purpose of Eclipses in the Solar System?'

Second Edition. London: David Nutt, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 104 (5)Secchi, P. Angelo

Relazione delle Osservazioni fatte in Spagna durante l'Ecclisse Totale del 18 Luglio 1860

Rome: Tipografia delle Belle Arti, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 104 (6)Secchi, P. Angelo

Aggiunta alla Relazione delle Osservazioni fatte in Spagna durante l'Ecclisse Totale del 18 Luglio 1860

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 104 (7)Carrington, R. C.

Information and Suggestions addressed to Persons who may be able to place themselves within the Shadow of the Total Eclipse of the Sun, on September 7, 1858

London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 104 (8)Stewart, Balfour

"On the Nature of those Red Protuberances which are seen on the Sun's Limb during a Total Eclipse"

offprint from the Philosophical Magazine, October 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (1)Anonymous

An Explanation of the Construction and Method of Working the Magnetic Needle Telegraph

Brentwood: James Hugh Perry, n.d. [after 1846].



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (2)Robida, P. Karl

Vibrations-Theorie der Elektrizitat

Klagenfurt: Johann Leon.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (3)Knochenhauer, K. W.

"Uber die Gemeinsame Wirkung zweier Elektrischer Strome"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XVIII, 1855. Vienna, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (4)Feddersen, B. W.

Beitrage zur Kenntniss der elektrischen Funkens. Inauguraldissertation

Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (5)Benedikt, Moriz

"Uber die Abhangigkeit des Elektrischen Leitungs-widerstandes von der Grosse und Dauer des Stromes"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXV, 1857. Vienna, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (6)Knochenhauer, K. W.

"Versuche mit einer getheilten Batterie"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXVII, 1857{?}. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (7)Robida, P. Karl

Magnetismus. Fortsetzung und Schluss der Vibrations-Theorie der Elektrizitat

Klagenfurt: Johann Leon, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (8)Carl, Ph.

Untersuchungen uber die thermoelectrischen Strome

Munchen: J. G. Weiss, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 105 (9)Resal, H.

"Theorie de l'Electro-dynamique"

offprint from Memoires de la Societe d'Emulation du Doubs. Besancon, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (1)Chasles

"Theoremes generaux sur l'attraction des corps"

offprint from Connaissance des Temps, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (10)Powell, Baden

On Rotatory Stability; and its Applications to Astronomical Observations on board Ships

Royal Institution of Great Britain, Weekly Evening Meeting, Friday, February 26, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (11)Lexis, Gvil. Hect

De Generalibvs Motvs Legibvs. Dissertatio Inavgvralis qvam Avctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorvm Ordinis in Alma Litterarvm Vniversitate Fredericia Gvilelmia Rhenana ad Svmmos in Philosophia Honores rite Capessendos Vna cum Sententiis Controversis die VIII. Avgusti A. M. D. C. C. C. L. I. X.

Bonn: Carl Georg, 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (12)Willich, Charles M.

"On the Angle of Dock Gates and the Bee's Cell"

offprint from the Philosophical Magazine, December 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (13)Lavezzari, Joseph

Astronomie. Systeme Neocartesien ou Mecanique Celeste. Expliquee par les effets de la rotation

Amiens, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (2)Thiroux

Essai sur le Mouvement des Projectiles dans les Milieux Resistants

Premier cahier - Partie theorique. Paris: J. Correard, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (3)Resal, H.

Sur le Mouvement relatif d'un corps solide par rapport a un systeme invariable

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (4)Resal, H.

"Notice sur le Marteau-Pilon Hydraulique a ressort d'Air Comprime de MM. Guillemin et Minary, Constructeurs a Casamene, pres de Besancon"

offprint from Annales des Mines, 5th series vol. V, 1855. Paris, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (5)Resal, H.

"Recherches sur la Loi des Oscillations du Pendule a Suspension a Lames des Chronometres Fixes"

offprint from Memoires de la Societe d'Emulation du Doubs, 9 fevrier 1856. Besancon, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (6)Mayora, Michel de

Refutation de la Base etablie par Newton a la Force de l'Attraction Universelle, et a la Vitesse des Corps Celestes dans leur Mouvement de Translation

Barcelona: Thomas Gorchs, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (7)Gurlt, A.; Egerstroem, N. von

Der Einfluss der Rotation auf die Abweichung der Geschosse von ihrer Flugbahn

Koln: F. C. Eisen, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (8)Brucke, Ernst

"Uber Gravitation und Erhaltung der Kraft"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXV, 1857. Vienna, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 106 (9)Bohm, J.

"Uber Pendel mit Quecksilber-Compensation"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXVI, 1857. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (1)Haidinger, W.

"Note uber die Richtung der Schwingungen des Lichtathers in geradlinig polarisirtem Lichte"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. VIII, 1852. Vienna 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (10)Porro, I.

Sur le perfectionnement pratique des Appareils Optiques pour l'Astronomie et pour la Photographie. Bases d'une Theorie microdynamique generale expliquant tous les phenomenes de la lumiere, de la chaleur et de l'electricite

Paris: Mallet-Bachelier, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (11)Stewart, Balfour

"The Light Radiated by Heated Bodies"

offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. X, {...}, pp. 385ff.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (2)Petzval, Jos

"Uber ein algemeines Princip der Undulationslehre: Gesetz der Erhaltung der Schwingungsdauer"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. VIII, 1852. Vienna, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (3)Petzval, Jos

"Uber die Unzkommlichkeiten Gewisser Popularer Anschauungsweisen in der Undulationstheorie und ihre Unfahrigkeit das Princip der Erhaltung der Schwingungsdauer zu ersetzen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. VIII, 1852. Vienna, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (4)Ettingshausen, A. von

"Weitere Bemerkungen zu dem Vortrage des Herrn Prof. Petzval vom 15. Janner 1852"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. IX, 1852. Vienna, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (5)Petzval, Jos

"Bericht uber optsiche Untersuchungen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIV, 1857. Vienna, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (6)Petzval, Jos

"Bericht uber Dioptrische Untersuchungen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXVI, 1857. Vienna, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (7)Schobl, Eduard

"Vielfache Brechung eines Lichtstrahles in Kalkspath-Krystallen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. VIII, 1852. Vienna, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (8)Haidinger, W.

"Die Lowe'schen Ringe eine Beugungs-Erscheinung"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. IX, 1852. Vienna, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 107 (9)P[ohl], L.

Das Licht als materieller Urgrund aller Dinge

Breslau: Leopold Freund, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (1)Wrottesley, Lord

Address of the Right Honourable the Lord Wrottesley, etc. etc. etc., The President, Delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, on Monday, December 1, 1856

London: Taylor and Francis, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (2)Wrottesley, Lord

Address of the Right Honourable the Lord Wrottesley, etc. etc. etc., the President, Delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, on Monday, November 30, 1857

London: Taylor and Francis, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (3)Ashmolean Society

Proceedings of the Ashmolean Society, Oxford, 1856

No. XXXIV, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (4)Liverpool Observatory

Report on the Liverpool Observatory, addressed by the Astronomer, to the Observatory Committee of the Town Council, March, 1856

Liverpool: Robert H. Fraser, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (5)Varnhagen, F. A. de

"Vespuce et son Premier Voyage; ou, Notice d'une Decouverte et Exploration primitive du Golfe du Mexique et des Cotes des Etats-Unis en 1497 et 1498, Avec le texte de trois notes importantes de la main de Colomb"

offprint from Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie, Janvier et Fevrier 1858. Paris: L. Martinet, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (6)Hornstein, Karl

"Ueber die neuesten Fortschritte der Astronomie"

I. Heft; offprint from the Calendar Austria for 1858. Vienna, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (7)University College, London

Proceedings at the Annual General Meeting of the Members, of the College, Wednesday, 27th February 1861. Report of Council and Financial Statements

London: Taylor and Francis, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 108 (8)Mersey Docks and Harbour Board

Report of the Astronomer to the Marine Committee, Mersey Docks and Harbour Board

Liverpool: George McCorquodale & Co. 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 109 (1)King, Philip P.

"Abstract from a Meteorological Journal kept at Port Stephens, New South Wales, during the Years 1843, 4, 5, 6, and 1847"

offprint from the Tasmanian Journal, no. 6, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 109 (2)[Bologna Observatory]

Osservazioni Meteorologiche fatte alla Specola di Bologna nel Gennaio 1851

Bologna: Tipografia Sassi Nelle Spaderie, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 109 (3)Anonymous

Abstract of the Results of the Hourly Meteorological Observations taken at the Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, in the month of August, 1854

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 109 (4)Anonymous

Meteorological Observations kept at Rangoon (1853)

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 109 (5)Anonymous

Meteorological Journal, Torquay

1849-52. (October 1850 missing). n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 109 (7)Stonyhurst Observatory

Meteorological Report

January 1857 - January 1858. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (1)Airy, George Biddell

"On the Latitude of Cambridge Observatory"

offprint from Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. V no. II, 1834. Cambridge: Printed at the Pitt Press by John Smith, Printer to the University, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (10)Sheepshanks, R.; Quetelet, A.

"Sur la Difference des Longitudes des Observatoires Royaux de Greenwich et de Bruxelles, Determinee au Moyen de Chronometres"

offprint from Memoires of the Academie Royale de Bruxelles, vol. XVI, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (11)Riddle, Edward

"On Deducing the Longitude from an Observed Occultation of a Fixed Star by the Moon"

offprint from Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London, 1830. London: J. Moyes, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (12)Robinson, T. R.

On the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory, given by Fifteen Chronometers of Arnold and Dent, etc.

Dublin: Printed by R. Graisberry, Printer to the Royal Irish Academy, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (13)Robinson, T. R.

On the Difference of Longitude between the Observatories of Armagh and Dublin, determined by Rocket Signals

Dublin: R. Graisberry, Printer to the Royal Irish Academy, 1840.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (14)Struve, Otto

"Determination des Positions Geographiques de Novgorod, Moscou, Riazan, Lipetsk, Voroneje et Toula"

offprint from the Bulletin de la Classe physico-mathematique de l'Acad. Imp. des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg, vol. II, 1843. St.-Petersburg, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (15)Struve, W.

Table des Positions Geographiques Principales de la Russie

St.-Petersbourg: Imprimerie de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (16)Struve, F. G. W.

Astronomische Ortsbestimmungen in der Europaischen Turkei, in Kaukasien und Klein-Asien, nach den von Officieren des Kaiserlichen Generalstabes in den Jahren 1828 bis 1832 Angestellten Astronomischen Beobachtungen

St. Petersburg: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (17)Lindhagen, D. G.

Bericht ... uber die 1850 Expedition nach dem Norwegischen Finnmarken

Pulkowa, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (17)Lindhagen, D. G.

Bericht ... uber die ... 1851 ... Reise nach Lappland

Pulkowa, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (17)Struve, W.; Lindhagen, M. G.

Expose Historique des Travaux executes jusqu'a la Fin de l'Annee 1851 pour la Mesure de l'Arc du Meridien entre Fuglenaes 70o40' et Ismail 45o20'

Publie au nom de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg par W. Struve. Suivi de Deux Rapports de M. G. Lindhagen sur l'Expedition de Finnmarken faite par ordre du Gouvernement Norvegien en 1850, et sur les Operations de Lapponie executees en 1851 sous les Auspices de l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Stockholm. St.-Petersbourg: L'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (2)Baily, Francis

On the New Method of Determining the Longitude by the Culmination of the Moon and Stars: Being a Paper read before the Astronomical Society of London. To which are now added an Appendix and a List of Stars, applicable to the Purpose, for the Year 1825

London: Printed by Richard Taylor, 1824.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (3)Gilliss, J. M.

On the Longitude of Washington, computed from the Moon-Culminations observed during the years 1839-1842 inclusive

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (3a)Groombridge, S.


A collection of MS letters from S. Groombridge, of the Astronomical Society, dated 1831, concerning the calculation of Latitudes from solstices.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (4)Groombridge, Stephen

"On the Co-latitude of the Observatory of Stephen Groombridge, Esq., at Blackheath; determined by his own Observations of circumpolar Stars, reduced by the Constant of Refraction 58", 133 at 45o"

offprint from an unidentified periodical. Read 13 January 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (5)Loomis, Elias

"Astronomical Observations made at Hudson Observatory, Latitude 41o14'42', 6, north, and Longitude 5h. 25m. 39s. 5, west. Third Series"

offprint from Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. X, 1844. Read 15 November 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (6)Maskelyne, Nevil

"Concerning the Latitude and Longitude of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich; with Remarks on a Memorial of the late M. Cassini de Thury"

? offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, {...}. Read 22 February 1787. London: J. Nichols, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (7)Bond, W. C., Graham, J. D., Bond, G. P.; Peirce, B.

"The Latitude of the Cambridge Observatory, in Massachusetts, determined, from Transits of Stars over the Prime Vertical observed during the Months of December, 1844, and January 1845"

offprint from Memoirs of the American Academy, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (7)Peirce, Benjamin

The latitude of the Cambridge Observatory, Massachusetts. 1844-45

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (8)Pond, John

"On the Latitude of the Royal Observatory of Greenwich"

offprint from Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London, vol. II, 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 11 (9)Quetelet, A.

Sur la Latitude de l'Observatoire de Bruxelles

Brussels: M. Hayez, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (1)Boue, Ami

"Chronologischer Katalog der Nordlichter bis zum Jahre 1856 sammt einer Bibliographie uber diese Erscheinung"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaisxerlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXII, 1856. Vienna, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (10)Loomis, Elias

"On Electrical Currents circulating near the Earth's Surface, and their connection with the Phenomena of the Aurora Borealis"

offprint from the American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. XXXIV, July 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (11)Twining, Alexander C.

"Observations respecting the Periodic Meteors of August"

offprint from the American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. XXXII, November 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (11a)Newton, H. A.

"Grand Meteor of August 10, 1861. The August Ring of Meteors"

offprint from the American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. XXXII, November 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (12)Loomis, Elias

"The Great Auroral Exhibition of Aug. 28th, to Sept. 4th, 1859"

offprint from the American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. XXXII, July 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (13)Drach, S. M.

"Deductions from Mr Glaisher's "Meteorological Corrections""

offprint from the Philosophical Magazine for March 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (14)Pohl, J. J.; Schabus, J.

"Tafeln zur Reduction der in Millimetern Abgelesenen Barometerstande auf die Normaltemperatur von 0o Celsius"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. VIII, 1852. Vienna, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (15)Schiefferdecker, W.

"Bericht uber die vom Verein fur Wissenschaftliche Heilkunde in Konigsberg in Preussen Angestellten Beobachtungen uber den Ozongehalt der Atmospharischen Luft und sein Verhaltniss zu den Herrschenden Krankheiten"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XVII, 1855. Vienna, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (17)Pless, J.; Pierre, Victor

"Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Ozons und des Ozongehalts der Atmospharischen Luft"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXII, 1856. Vienna, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (18)Boehm, J.

"Untersuchungen uber das Atmospharischen Ozon"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIX, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (19)Rowell, G. A.

"On the Cause of Storms, Waterspouts, etc."

Read before the Ashmolean Society, 23 February 1846. Oxford: Printed by I. Shrimpton.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (2)Poey, Andres

"Sur la Neutralite de la Force Electro-magnetique de la Terre et de l'Atmosphere Observee a la Havane, durant les Aurores Boreales de 1859: Experiences qui confirment ou qui annulent l'action electrique des aurores polaires dans les basses regions de l'atmosphere"

offprint from the Annuaire de la Societe meteorologique de France, tome IX, seance du 19 fevrier 1861, pp. 42 ff. (paginated 2-16 here). With cover.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (20)Symons, G. J.

British Rainfall. On the Distribution of Rain over the British Isles, during the years 1860 and 1861, as observed at about 500 stations in Great Britain and Ireland

London: Edward Stanford, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (21)Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin

Auszug aus dem Monatsbericht der Konigl

Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 2 Februar 1857. Sitzung der physikalisch-mathematischen Klasse.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (22)Lorenti

"Sur les Brouillards du Matin qui S'etablissent en Ete sur le Rhone"

Presente a la Societe imperiale d'agriculture, d'histoire naturelle et des arts utiles de Lyon, dans sa seance du 23 janvier 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (23)Ellner, Benedict

Der Hohenrauch und dessen Geburtsstatte

Frankfurt am Main: G. H. Hedler, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (24)Tonnerre

Notice Historique sur le Tonnerre et les Eclairs

Paris: Imprimerie de Dubuisson et Ce., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (25)Poey, Andres; Fournet, A. M. J.

"Considerations philosophiques sur un essai de systematisation subjective des phenomenes meteorologiques"

Presente a la Societe imperiale d'agriculture, d'histoire naturelle et des arts utiles de Lyon, dans sa seance du 20 novembre 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (26)Prestel, M. A. F.

"Die geographische Verbreitung der Gewitter in Mittel-Europa im Jahre 1856, so wie uber die gegenseitige Beziehung zwischen dem Auftreten der Gewitter, der Temperatur, der Windrichtung und dem Barometerstande"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIX, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (27)Hennessy, Henry

"On the Influence of the Gulf-Stream on the Winters of the British Isles"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society for June 10, 1858. London: Taylor and Francis, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (28)Glaisher, James

"On the Meteorological and Physical Effects of the Solar Eclipse of March 15, 1858"

offprint from ? Proceedings of the British Meteorological Society, 24 March 1858. London: British Meteorological Society, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (3)Poey, Andres

"Analyse des Hypotheses Anciennes et Modernes qui ont ete emises sur les Eclairs sans Tonnerre par un ciel parfaitement serein ou dans le sein des nuages, accompagnee d'une description des eclairs sans tonnerre observes sous diverses latitudes et en particulier a la Havane, ainsi que d'un Essai theorique sur la nature des eclairs sans tonnerre par un ciel couvert ou serein"

offprint from the Annuaire de la Societe meteorologique de France, tome III, seance du 13 novembre 1855, pp. 317[-380] (paginated 1-64 here). With cover bearing the imprint Versailles: Beau Jeune, Imprimeur de la Societe Meteorologique de France, 1856. [See also Poey's related paper in tome IV, 1856, Radcliffe Tracts 110 (4)].



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (4)Poey, Andres

"Analyse des hypotheses anciennes et modernes qui ont ete emises sur les Tonnerres sans eclairs, par un ciel parfaitement serein ou dans le sein des nuages; accompagnee d'une description des tonnerres sans eclairs observes sous diverses latitudes, et en particulier a la Havane, ainsi que d'un Essai theorique sur la nature de ce phenomene"

offprint from the Annuaire de la Societe meteorologique de France, vol. IV, seance du 11 novembre 1856, pp. 113 ff (paginated 1-29 here).



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (5)[Poey, Andres]

Repartition Geographique de l'Universalite des Meteores en Zones Terrestres, Atmospheriques, Solaires ou Lunaires; et de leurs Rapports entre elles

n.p., n.d. [1857/58]. (Poey's name added by hand).



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (7)Vivien, L.

Histoire des Decouvertes Geographiques des Nations Europeanes dans les diverses parties du monde, Presentant, d'apres les sources originales pour chaque nation, le precis des voyages executes par terre et par mer depuis la plus haute antiquite jusqu'a nos jours, et offrant le tableau complet de nos connaissances actuelles sur les pays et les peuples de l'Asie, de l'Afrique et de l'Oceanie. Avec un grand nombre de Cartes Geographiques dressees sur les relations memes des voyageurs et sur les autres documents les plus certains et une Bibliographie Complete des Voyages

Prospectus. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (8)Hornes, Moriz

"Uber den Meteorsteinfall bei Ohaba im Blasendorfer Bezirke in Siebenburgen in der Nacht Zwischen dem 10. und 11. October 1857"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXXI, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 110 (9)Newton, H. A.

"An Account of Two Meteoric Fireballs, observed in the United States, August 2, and August 6, 1860. With Computation of their Paths"

offprint from American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. XXXIII, May 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (1)Sabine, Edward

Report of the Joint Committee of the Royal Society and the British Association, for procuring a continuance of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatories

Leeds: J. Heaton and Son, 1858



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (10)British Meteorological Society

Report of the Council of the British Meteorological Society, read at the Seventh Annual General Meeting, May 27, 1857

London: Taylor and Francis, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (11)Sabine, Edward

"On Some points in the Meteorology of Bombay"

offprint from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1845. London: Printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (12)Harrison, J. Park

"Evidences of Lunar Influence on Temperature"

offprint from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1857. London: Taylor and Francis, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (13)Fritsch, Karl

"Ueber die Temperatur-Verhaltnisse und die Menge des Niederschlages in Bohmen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, October 1851. Vienna, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (14)Hopkins, Thomas

"On Improvement in Meteorological Registration"

offprint from an unidentified periodical. Read January 12th, 1858. Manchester: Charles Simms & Co., Printers.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (15)Dobson, Thomas

"On the Relation between Atmospheric Perturbations and Explosions of Fire-Damp in Mines"

Read before the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society, on the 2nd. April 1860, and Extracted from their Proceedings.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (16)Glaisher, James

"On the Determination of the Mean Temperature of every Day in the Year from all the Thermometrical Observations taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich; from the Year 1814 to the end of 1856"

offprint from the Report of the Meteorological Society for 1856. London: Taylor and Francis, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (17)Lamont, J.

"Ueber die tagliche Oscillation des Barometers"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. I, 1862. Munchen: J. G. Weiss, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (18)Vernon, G. V.

"On the Irregular Oscillations of the Barometer at Manchester"

offprint from an unidentified periodical. Read April 2nd., 1861. Manchester: Charles Simms & Co., Printers.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (19)Osler, A. Follett

"An Account of the Self-Registering Anemometer and Rain Gauge erected at the Liverpool Observatory in the Autumn of 1851, with a summary of the Records for the Years 1852, 1853, 1854, and 1855"

offprint from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1855. London: Taylor and Francis, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (2)Henry, Joseph

"Meteorology in its connection with Agriculture"

from the Agricultural Report of the United States Patent Office, 1856. Washington, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (20)Sonklar, Karl von

"Ein Condensations-Hygrometer"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXII, 1856. Vienna, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (21)Pohl, J. J.

"Uber den Gebrauch des Thermo-Hypsometers zu Chemischen und Physicalischen Untersuchungen"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXVI, 1857. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (22)Stewart, Balfour

"Description of an Instrument combining in one a Maximum and Minimum Mercurial Thermometer, invented by Mr James Hicks"

offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. X, {...}, p. 312.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (24)Stewart, Balfour

"On Some Results of the Magnetic Survey of Scotland in the Years 1857 and 1858, undertaken, at the request of the British Association, by the late John Welsh, Esq., F.R.S."

offprint from the Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (25)Riddell, C. J. B.

Supplement to the Magnetical Instructions for the Use of Portable Instruments, etc.

London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (26)Smith, Archibald

Supplement to the Practical Rules for Determining the Deviations of the Compass which are caused by the Ship's Iron, Being Instructions for the Computation of a Table of the Deviations of a Ship's Compass, from Observations made on 4, 8, 16 or 32 Points

(Second Edition), and A Graphic Method of Correcting the Deviations of a Ship's Compass. London: The Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (27)Friesach, Karl

"Geographische und Magnetische Beobachtungen in Nord- und Sud-Amerika, angestellt in den Jahren 1856 und 1857"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. XXIX, 1858. Vienna, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (3)Bryce, James

On the Recent Progress and Present State of the Sciences of Meteorology and Terrestrial Magnetism

Read before the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 16th December 1857. Glasgow: Printed by Bell and Bain, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (4)Lachlan, R.

A Paper and Resolutions in advocacy of the Establishment of a Uniform System of Meteorological Observations throughout the whole American Continent

Read before the Meteorological Section of the American Association on the 30th of April 1858. Cincinnati, Ohio: Office of the "Cincinnatus", 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (5)British Meteorological Society

List of Members of the British Meteorological Society, March 1856



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (6)Herschel, J. F. W.

Report of a Joint Committee of Physics and Meteorology referred to, by the Council of the Royal Society, for an opinion on the propriety of recommending the establishment of fixed magnetic observatories, and the equipment of a naval expedition for magnetic observations in the Antarctic Seas, to Her Majesty's Government, and to report generally on the subject: together with the Resolutions adopted on that Report, by the Council of the Royal Society



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (7)British Meteorological Society

The Institutes of the British Meteorological Society

London: Taylor and Francis, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (8)Kreil, Karl

"Erster Bericht uber die K.K. Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus"

offprint from Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. VIII, 1852. Vienna, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 111 (9)British Meteorological Society

Report of the British Meteorological Society, read at the Sixth Annual General Meeting, May 27, 1856

London: Taylor and Francis, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 12 (1)Rutherforth, Thomas

Ordo Institutionum Physicarum in Privatis Lectionibus

Editio Secunda. Cambridge: J. Bentham, Printer to the University, 1756.



Radcliffe Tracts 12 (2)Jefferys, Thomas

Voyages from Asia to America, For Completing the Discoveries of the North West Coast of America. To which is prefixed A Summary of the Voyages Made by the Russians on the Frozen Sea, In Search of a North East Passage, Serving as an Explanation of a Map of the Russian Discoveries, published by the Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh. With the Addition of Three New Maps; 1. A Copy of Part of the Japanese Map of the World. 2. A Copy of De Lisle's and Bauche's fictitious Map. And 3. A large Map of Canada, extending to the Pacific Ocean, containing the New Discoveries made by the Russians and French

London: Printed for T. Jefferys, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 12 (3)Delisle, Louis

Avertissement aux Astronomes sur l'Eclipse Annulaire du Soleil que l'on attend le 25 juillet 1748

Par M. De L'Isle. Paris: Ballard, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (1)Anonymous

Description and Use of a new Astronomical Instrument, for taking altitudes at Sea without an Horizon

London, 1735.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (1)Anonymous [Heath, Thomas]

The Description and Use of a New Astronomical Instrument, For taking Altitudes of the Sun and Stars at Sea, without an Horizon; together with An Easy and Sure Method of Observing The Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites, Or any Phaenomenon of the like Kind, on Ship-board; in order to determine the Difference of Meridians at Sea. To which are added, Tables for computing the Times when the Eclipses of the First Satellite of Jupiter happen under the Meridian of London

London: Printed for G. Strahan, etc., 1735.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (10)Euler, Leon

"Recherches sur la Question des Inegalites du Mouvement de Saturne et de Jupiter, Sujet propose pour le Prix de l'annee 1748 par l'Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris"

Piece qui a Remporte le Prix de l'Academie Royale des Sciences en MDCCXLVIII. Paris: Gabriel Martin, J. B. Coignard & H. L. Guerin, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (2)Martin, Benjamin

Micrographia Nova: Or, A New Treatise on the Microscope, and Microscopic Objects

Containing I. The Description and Use of two different Reflecting Microscopes, of a new Form and Structure, and furnish'd with a Micrometer; viz. one design'd for the Pocket, and the other mounted on a Ball and Socket, which renders it of Universal Use. II. A large and particular Account of all Kinds of Microscopic Objects, to be found in the Human Body, in Quadrupedes, in Fowls, Fishes, Insects, Reptiles, etc. in Plants and Vegetables of every kind; in Earths, Minerals, and Fossil Substances; and various other Miscellaneous Subjects. With Directions how to procure and prepare them for Use; and divers occasional Remarks interspersed thro' the whole. To which is added, An Account of the Camera Obscura, and the Solar Microscope, or Method of Magnifying Objects in a Darken'd Chamber, In every Way by Reflection and Refraction. Reading: Printed and Sold by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright, 1742.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (3)T. W. [?Thomas Woodford]

A Treatise containing The Description and Use Of a [New and] Curious Quadrant, Made and Finished By the Masterly Hand of that Excellent Mechanic, John Rowley; For Taking of Altitudes, And for Solving various Mathematical Problems in Geometry, Navigation, Astronomy, &c. Some of them by a bare Inspection of the Instrument, and others by easy Operations on it. Studiously adapted to the meanest Capacities. To which are prefixed, An Alphabetical Exposition of the Necessary Terms of Art, and a Plate of the Instrument.

By T. W. F.R.S. London: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall. MDCCLVI. [1756]. 4to. With large folding plate of the quadrant. The words 'New and' in the title are deleted in MS [in all copies].



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (4)Martin, Benjamin

The Theory of Comets, Illustrated, in Four Parts

I. An Essay on the Natural History and Philosophy of Comets; being the Substance of all that has hitherto been published on that Head. II. Tables, containing the Elements of the Theory of a Comet's Motion, (in a Parabola or an Ellipsis) with their Nature and Use explained. III. The Method of constructing the Orbit of any Comet, and computing its Place therein; its Latitude and Longitude, as seen from the Earth or Sun; its Distance, Velocity, Magnitude, Length of Tail, and other Particulars relative thereto. IV. The Method of delineating the visible Path of a Comet in the Heavens, on the Surface of a Celestial Globe; and for drawing the Trajectory by Protraction with Scale and Compasses. The whole adapted to, and exemplified in the Orbit of the Comet of the Year 1682, whose Return is now near at Hand. London: Printed for the Author, at the Sign of the Visual-Glasses and Globe, two Doors below Crane-Court, in Fleet-Street, 1757.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (5)Irwin, Christopher

A Summary of the Principles and Scope of a Method, Humbly Proposed, For finding the Longitude at Sea

London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (6)Anonymous

A General and Particular Account of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, which will happen On Sunday, April 1, 1764, in the Forenoon. With a General and Particular Map of the Passage of the Moon's Shade, or Penumbra, over the Earth, from the Entrance to the Exit of the same; and also over England and the neighbouring Dominions: Exhibiting All the various Appearances of this Eclipse in different Parts of the Earth. Likewise a Representation thereof for several important Cities and remarkable Places

London: Printed for the Author of the Royal Astronomer and Navigator, 1764.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (7)Philo-Pegasus (Pseud.)

Eclipse Races, (Addressed to the Ladies:) Being an Impartial Account of the Celestial Coursers and their Riders, Starting together, April 1, 1764, for the Eclipse-Plate-Prize. Their Distinctions and Achievements. Those who were Competitors, distanced, thrown out, or met with Accidents, in the contending Enterprize. Who won the Prize. Popular Fears and Apprehensions, with suitable Remarks. And the true Appearance of the Races represented. Some Customs, in our public Observatories, and Mathematical Schools, referred to the Consideration, Power, and Justice of the discerning Ladies. The Yorkshire Syphon-Makers and Philosophers: A Satyr. Invitation to Epsom Races: A Song. Tit-up: Another Song

London: Printed for the Author, 1764.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (8)Dunn, Samuel

Improvements in the Doctrine of the Sphere, Astronomy, Geography, Navigation, etc. Deduced from the Figure and Motion of the Earth; and Absolutely Necessary to be Applied in finding the true Longitude At Sea and Land. Rendering all other Methods more correct, and in some Cases by more than half a Degree or 30 geographical Miles

London: Printed for the Author, 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 13 (9)Braunius, I. A.

De Admirando Frigore Artificiali quo Mercurius est Congelatus Dissertatio

In Conventu Publico Academiae Scientiarum Celebrationi Diei Anniversarii Nomini Elisabetae Augustae Toti Russiae Feliciter Imperantis Sacri Dicato Praelecta Septembris VI. MEDCCLX. St Petersburg: Typis Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (1)Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm

Bessel's Refraction Tables. The Form Employed at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (2)Boileau, I. T.

A Collection of Tables, Astronomical, Meteorological, and Magnetical, also, for Determining the Altitudes of Mountains; comparison of French and English Weights and Measures, etc., computed in the Office of the Honorable East India' Company's Magnetic Observatory, Simla

Umballa: Printed by Richard Craven, at the Hon'ble E.I.C. Simla Magnetic Observatory Press, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (3)Goodwyn, Henry

The First Centenary of a series of Concise and Useful Tables of all the Complete Decimal Quotients, which can arise from Dividing a Unit, or any Whole Number less than each Divisor, by All Integers from 1 to 1024

To which is now added a Tabular Series of Complete Decimal Quotients, for all the Proper Vulgar Fractions, of which, when in their lowest terms, neither the Numerator, nor the Denominator, is Greater than 100: with the Equivalent Vulgar Fractions Prefixed. London: Payne and Foss, and J. M. Richardson, 1818.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (4)Mason, Charles

Mayer's Lunar Tables, improved by Mr Charles Mason. Published by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude

London: Printed by William Richardson ... and Sold by P. Elmsley, Bookseller to the said Commissioners, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (4)Mayer, T.

Mayer's Lunar Tables improved by Mr. Charles Mason

London, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (5)Morris, Gael

Astronomical Tables of the Sun and Moon, constructed from the Observations of those eminent Astronomers, Dr Halley and Dr Bradley, compared with the Tables of Mr Mayer of Gottingen

London: Printed for John Sewel, Partner and Successor to the late Mr James Brotherton, in Cornhill, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (6)Gauss

Tables to four decimal places

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 14 (6)Sheepshanks, R.

Tables for Facilitating Astronomical Reductions

London: George Barclay, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (1)Biot, Jean Baptiste

Notice sur les operations entreprises pour determiner la figure de la Terre

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (10)Stampfer, Simon

Vorschlag eines neuen Fernrohr-Micrometers, mit hellen Linien und Puncten im dunkeln Gesichtsfelde

Vienna, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (11)Tissot, A.

Theses de Mecanique et d'Astronomie, presentees a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris, le 7 novembre 1851

Paris: Bachelier, Imprimeur-Libraire de l'Ecole Polytechnique et du Bureau des Longitudes, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (2)Englefield, H.

Description of a Method of Taking the Differences of Right Ascension and Declination with the Reticule Rhomboide of Dr Bradley. Without Placing the Instrument in the Plane of the Equator

Bath: R. Cruttwell, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (2)Glefield, H.

Description of a Method of taking the Differences of Right Ascension and Declination

Bath, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (3)Littrow, C. L. von

Beytrage zur nautischen Astronomie

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (4)Littrow, C. L. von

Ueber zen Zustand der practischen Astronomie in Italien

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (5)Bravais, A.

"Memoire sur le Mouvement propre du Systeme Solaire dans l'Espace"

offprint from Journal de Mathematiques pure et appliquees, vol. VIII, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (6)Brinkley, John

The Quantity of Solar Nutation, as affecting the North Polar Distances of the Fixed Stars, deduced from Observation, and the Application of this Determination to Confirm the Conclusions relative to the Parallaxes of Certain Fixed Stars

Dublin: R. Graisberry, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (7)Peters, Chr. Aug. Fr.

Numerus Constans Nutationis ex Ascensionibus Rectis Stellae Polaris in Specula Dorpatensi Annis 1822 ad 1838 Observatis Deductus. Adjecta est Disquisitio Theoretica de Formula Nutationis

St. Petersburg, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (8)Pingre, Alexandre Guy

"Chronologie des eclipses de Soleil et de Lune qui ont ete visibles sur Terre, depuis le Pole boreal, jusque vers l'Equateur, durant les dix siecles qui ont precede l'Ere chretienne"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et des Belles Lettres, vol. XLII, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 15 (9)Puissant, L.

Methode Generale pour obtenir le Resultat Moyen d'une Serie d'Observations Astronomiques faites avec le Cercle Repetiteur de Borda

Paris: Bachelier, successeur de Mme Ve Courcier, 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 16 (1)Luc, John Andrew De

An Essay on Pyrometry and Areometry, and on Physical Measures in General

London: Printed by J. Nicholas (Successor to Mr Bowyer), 1779. Parallel text in English and French.



Radcliffe Tracts 16 (2)Meister, X.

Ueber Klima uberhaupt und das von Freysing insbesondere. Programm fur die Landwirthschafts- und Gewerbschule zu Freysing am Schlusse des Schuljahres 1844/45

Freysing, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 16 (3)Belpaire; Quetelet

"Rapport sur les Observations des Marees faites en 1835, en Differens Points des Cotes de Belgique"

offprint from the Memoires of the Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles, read 3 mars 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 16 (4)Scoresby, William

De Quelques effets extraordinaires que la Foudre a Produits sur le Paquebot le 'New-York'

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 16 (5)Tilman, Henricus Josephus

Commentatio ad Quaestionem ab Ordine Mathematicorum in Universitate Leodiensi an. MDCCCXXIII. Propositiam: Exponantur phaenomena physica fluidorum aeriformium quae vapores nuncupantur eorumque detur theoria. Quae Praemium Reportavit

n.p., 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 16 (6)Tralles, Johann Georg

Ueber die Bestimmung des mittleren Warmegrades eines Ortes, besonders fur Berlin

n.p. [? Berlin], 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 16 (8)Wilson, Benjamin

An Account of Experiments made at the Pantheon, On the Nature and Use of Conductors: To which are added, Some New Experiments with the Leyden Phial. Read at the Meetings of the Royal Society

London: J. Nourse, 1778



Radcliffe Tracts 17 (1)Forbes, James D.

"On the Horary Oscillations of the Barometer near Edinburgh, deduced from 4410 Observations; with an Inquiry into the Law of Geographical Distribution of the Phenomenon"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, {...}. Read 4th April 1831. Edinburgh: Nell & Co., 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 17 (2)Howard, Luke

"On the late extraordinary depression of the Barometer"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, January 24, 1822, pp. 113-116. Tottenham, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 17 (3)Hudson, James

"Hourly Observations and Experimental Investigations on the Barometer"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1832. London: Richard Taylor, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 17 (4)Haellstroem, Gustav Gabriel

Observationum Barometricarum et Sympiesometricarum ab Illustr. Luetke sub Itinere circa Tellurem Collectarum

... (Professor at Helsinki). n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 17 (6)Shuckburgh, Sir George

Observations made in Savoy, in order to ascertain the Height of Mountains by means of the Barometer; being an Examination of Mr De Luc's Rules, delivered in his Recherches sur les Modifications de l'Atmosphere

London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1777.



Radcliffe Tracts 17 (7)Weiler, Joannes-Georgius

Commentatio ad Quaestionem: Montium altitudines ubique terrarum barometri ope metiendi methodus, principiis e physica et mathesi petitis, quantum licet maxima cum perspicuitate et evidentia superstruatur. Ostendatur etiam, quid de hujus methodi debitis cum cautelis adhibitae praestantia experientia docuerit

Joannis-Georgii Weiler, Diekirchensis, in Academia Lovaniensi Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum Studiosi, ... Ad Ordine Disciplinarum Methematicarum et Physicarum Academiae Leodiensis in Annum 1826 Propositam, Quae Praemio Ornata Est. Louvain, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 17 (8)Wenckebach, Guilielmus

Commentatio ad Quaestionem Physicam Nobilissimo Disciplinarum Mathematicarum ac Physicarum Ordine A. MDCCCXXI Propositam: Exponatur Barometri, ad objectorum altitudines determinandas destinati, tum constructio, tum usus. Quae Praemium Reportavit D. VIII. Mensis Februarii A. MDCCCXXII

Daventriensi, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (1)Angstrom, A. J.

"Memoire sur la Temperature de la Terre, a Differentes Profondeurs, a Upsal"

offprint from Acta Reg. Soc. Upsal., 1851. Uppsala: C. A. Leffler, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (10)Forbes, James D.

"Account of Some Experiments on the Temperature of the Earth, at Different Depths, and in Different Soils, near Edinburgh"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, XVI:II, 1846



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (11)Kreil, Carlo

Lettera del signor Carlo Kreil, S.C., Direttore dell' I. R. Osservatorio di Praga, al signor Paolo Frisiani, M.E.

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (12)Kuhn, Carl

"Ueber das Klima von Munchen. Festrede, vorgetragen in der offentlichen Sitzung der k. b. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen zur Feier ihres funf und neunzigsten Stiftungstages am 28. Marz 1854"

offprint from Den Gang der Witterungs-Elemente in der Umbegung von Munchen. Munchen: Koniglichen Akademie der Wiss., 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (13)Leslie, John

"On certain Impressions of Cold transmitted from the Higher Atmosphere, with the Description of an Instrument adapted to measure them"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, VIII:II, 1818.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (2)Brandes, Henricus Guilielmus

Dissertatio Physica de Repentinis Variationibus in Pressione Atmosphaerae Observatis

Quam Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis Auctoritate pro loco in eodem Obtinendo simulque pro Iuribus Magisterii Lipsiensis Optimis illustris ictorum ordinis concessu in Auditorio Die VIII. Mens. Aprilis MDCCCXXVI. Leipzig: University Press, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (3)Prony; Arago; Girard; Dulong

Expose des Recherches faites par ordre de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, pour Determiner les Forces elastiques de la Vapeur d'Eau a de Hautes Temperatures

n.p., 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (4)Grele

Dissertation sur la Nature et la Formation de la Grele, qui a Remporte le Prix au Jugement de l'Academie Royale des Belles Lettres, Sciences, & Arts

Bordeaux: Pierre Brun, 1752.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (5)Cacciatore, Nicolao

De redigendis ad unicam seriem comparabilem meteorologicis ubique factis observationibus conventio proposita et tabulae supputatae

Panormi: Typsi Philippi Solli, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (6)Cassini, Jean-Dominique

"Recherches sur les plus grandes chaleurs qui ont eu lieu a Paris depuis 1682 jusqu'en 1794 (1)"

offprint from Memoires de Mathematiques et de Physique, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (7)Dove, H. W.

De Media Ventorum Directione Annuisque eius Mutationibus

Commentatio qua ad Audiendam Orationem pro Loco in Facultate Philosophica rite Obtinendo Die XIX. Ian. Hor XII. Publice Habendam. Berlin: Berlin University Press, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (8)Drew, John

"On the Present State of Meteorological Science in England"

offprint from the Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, n.d. [c.1850].



Radcliffe Tracts 18 (9)Eisenlohr, Otto

Untersuchungen uber das Klima und die Witterungsverhaltnisse von Karlsruhe, uber die Schwankungen des Barometers und Thermometers zu den verschiedenen Jahrszeiten und uber den Einfluss der Winde und des Mondes auf die Witterung

Karlsruhe: Christian Theodor Groos, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (1)Chasles, Michel

"Sur l'Origine de notre Systeme de Numeration"

offprint from Comptes rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (10)Chasles, Michel

"Construction geometrique des amplitudes dans les fonctions elliptiques - Proprietes nouvelles des sections coniques"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (11)Chasles, Michel

"Memoire sur l'Attraction des Ellipsoides: Solution Synthetique pour le Cas General d'un Ellipsoide Heterogene et d'un Point Exterieur"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et des Arts, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (12)Chasles, Michel

Faculte des Sciences de l'Academie de Paris. Cours de Geometrie Superieure. Seance d'Ouverture, le 22 Decembre 1846

Paris: Imprimerie de Bachelier, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (2)Chasles, Michel

"Nouvelle Solution du Probleme de l'Attraction d'un Ellipsoide Heterogene sur un Point Exterieur"

offprint from the Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees, V (1841).



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (4)Chasles, Michel

"Histoire de l'Algebre"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (5)Chasles, Michel

"Proprietes geometriques relatives au mouvement infiniment petit d'un corps solide libre dans l'espace"

offprint from Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (6)Chasles, Michel

"Proprietes generales des arcs d'une section conique, dont la difference est rectifiable"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (8)Chasles, Michel

"Recherche des traces du systeme de l'Abacus, apres que cette methode a pris le nom d' Algorisme - Preuves qu'a toutes les eopoques, jusqu'au XVIe siecle, on a su que l'Arithmetique vulgaire avait pour origine cette methode ancienne"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 19 (9)Chasles, Michel

"Recherches sur l'Astronomie Indienne"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (1)Airy, G. B.

Explanation of a Proposed Construction of Zenith Sector: addressed to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich

n.p., 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (10)Lamont, Johann von

Beschreibung der an der Munchener Sternwarte zu den Beobachtungen verwendeten neuen Instrumente und Apparate.

Munchen: J. G. Weiss, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (11)Pond, John

"On the Twenty-Five Feet Zenith Telescope lately erected at the Royal Observatory"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, part I for 1835. London: Richard Taylor, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (12)Rigaud, S. P.

"Some Particulars respecting the principal Instruments at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, in the Time of Dr Halley"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (13)Robinson, T. R.

"Description of the Mural Circle of the Armagh Observatory, and Examination of its Divisions"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. IX, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (14)Struve, Otto

Notice sur l'Instrument des Passages de Repsold, etabli a l'Observatoire de Poulkova dans le premier Vertical, et sur les Resultats que cet Instrument a donnes pour l'evaluation de la Constante de l'Aberration

St. Petersburg, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (2)Airy, G. B.

"Description of the Reflex Zenith Tube of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich"

forming an Appendix to the volume of Greenwich Observations for the Year 1854. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (3)Airy, G. B.

"Description of the Transit Circle of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich"

Appendix I of Greenwich Observations, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (4)Airy, G. B.

"Description of the Altitude and Azimuth Instrument, erected at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in the Year 1847"

extract from the Introduction to the Greenwich Astronomical Observations, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (5)Bond, William Cranch

Description of the Observatory at Cambridge, Massachusetts

Boston, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (6)Bond, George P.

On Some Applications of the Method of Mechanical Quadratures




Radcliffe Tracts 2 (7)Brussels Observatory

Plans et Description des Instruments de l'Observatoire Royale de Bruxelles

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (8)Challis, J.

A Method of Correcting the Errors due to the Forms of the Pivots of a Transit Instrument

n.p. [?Cambridge], 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 2 (9)Kater, Henry

"The Description of a Floating Collimator"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, {...}. London: W. Nicol, 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (1)Alings, Arnoldus Gulielmus

Dissertatio Mathematica Inauguralis de Superficierum Curvatura, quam, Favente summo Numine, ex Auctoritate Rectoris Magnifici Frederici Christiani de Greuve, Amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu et Nobilissimi Ordinis Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum Decreto, Pro Gradu Magisterii et Doctoratus, in Academia Groningana, rite et legitime consequendis, publico ac Solemni Examini Submittit A. G. Alings, A.D. XXII, M. Junii, A. MDCCCXLIX, Hora XII

Groningen: C. M. van Bolhuis Hoitsema, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (10)Gudermann, Prof.

"Potenzial- oder cyklisch-hyperbolische Functionen"

offprint from Crelles Journal de Mathematiques, vol. VIII, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (11)Davies, Thomas Stephens

"On the Equations of Loci traced upon the Surface of the Sphere, as expressed by Spherical Co-ordinates"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, XII (1832). Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (12)Eisenstein, G.

Tabelle der reducirten positiven ternaren quadratischen Formen nebst den Resultaten neuer Forschungen uber diese Formen in besonderer Rucksicht auf ihre tabellarische Berechnung

Berlin: G. Reimer, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (13)Encke, Ioannes Franciscus

De Formulis Dioptricis

Programma quo ad Lectionem Publicam Muneris Professionis Ordinariae Astronomiae adeundi causa Hora XI. Die XXI. Mensis Decembris A. MDCCXLIV. in Aula Universitatis Fridericae Guilelmae Habendam Observantissime Invitat. Berlin: Berlin University Press, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (2)Brinkley, J.

"On Determining Innumerable Portions of a Sphere, the Solidities and Spherical Superficies of which Portions are at the same time Algebraically Assignable"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 1801. Dublin: George Bonham, Printer to the R.I.A., 1801.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (3)Brinkley, J.

"On the Orbits in which Bodies Revolve, being acted upon by a Centripetal Force, varying as any Function of the Distance, when those Orbits have two Apsides"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 1801. Dublin: George Bonham, Printer to the R.I.A., 1801.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (4)Burrow, Reuben

A Restitution of the Geometrical Treatise of Apollonius Pergaeus on Inclinations. Also the Theory of Gunnery; or the Doctrine of Projectiles in a Non-Resisting Medium

London: Printed by C. Etherington for the Author, 1779.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (5)Cournot, A. A.

"Du mouvement d'un corps sur un plan fixe, quand on a egard a la resistance du frottement"

[sic]; offprint from Crelle's Journal, vol. VIII, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (6)Hessel, Prof. Dr

"Nachtrag zu dem Eulerschen Lehrsatze von Polyedern"

offprint from Crelle's Journal, vol. VIII, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (7)Poncelot, J. V.

"Analyse des traversales appliquee a la recherche des proprietes projectives des lignes et surfaces geometriques"

offprint from Crelle's Journal, vol. VIII, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (8)Stern, Moritz Abraham

"Uber die Summirung gewisser Kettenbruche"

offprint from Crelle's Journal de Mathematiques, vol. VIII, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 20 (9)Magnus, L. J.

"Nouvelle methode pour decouvrir des theoremes de geometrie"

offprint from Crelle's Journal de Mathematiques, VIII, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (1)Trevelyan, W. C.

"On the Variation of Vegetation and Temperature of the Faroe Islands"

offprint from the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal for January 1835. Florence, June 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (10)Dove, H. W.

"Uber die Ruckfalle der Kalte im Mai"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1856. Berlin: Druckerie der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (2)Everett, J. D.

"Reduction of the Observations of the Deep-Sunk Thermometers at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1846 to 1859"

offprint from the Greenwich Observations, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (3)Maritime Conference, Brussels

Maritime Conference held at Brussels for Devising an Uniform System of Meteorological Observations at Sea, August and September 1853

Bruxelles: M. Hayez, after 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (4)Poey, Andres; Fournet, A. M. J.

"Considerations philosophiques sur un essai de systematisation subjective des phenomenes meteorologiques"

Presente a la Societe imperiale d'agriculture, d'histoire naturelle et des arts utiles de Lyon, dans sa seance du 20 novembre 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (5)Verrier, U.-J. le

Observatoire Imperial de Paris. Service Meteorologique des Ports. Lettre du Directeur de l'Observatoire imperial de Paris a M. Airy, Astronome Royal d'Angleterre

4 avril 1860. Paris: Mallet-Bachelier - Libraire de l'Observatoire Iimerial de Paris.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (6)Glaisher, James

"On the Amount of the Radiation of Heat, at Night, from the Earth, and from various bodies placed on or near the Surface of the Earth"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, part II for 1847. London: R. and J. E. Taylor, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (7)Quetelet, A.

Sur le Climat de la Belgique. De l'Hygrometrie

Bruxelles: M. Hayez, Imprimeur de l'Academie Royale, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (8)Dove, H. W.

"Uber die taglichen Veranderungen der Temperatur der Atmosphare"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1856. Berlin, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 200 (9)Welsh, John

"Account of the Construction of a Standard Barometer, and Description of the Apparatus and Processes employed in the Verification of Barometers at the Kew Observatory"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, received May 22, - read June 19, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (10)Clouston, Charles

Meteorological Observations taken at Orkney with Remarks on the Climate

London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (11)James, Henry

Abstracts from the Meteorological Observations taken in the Years 1860-61. At the Royal Engineer Office, New Westminster, British Columbia

London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (12)Laurent, C.

Ubersichten der Witterung in Osterreich und einigen Auswartigen Stationen im Jahre 1859

Wien: Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Hof- und Staatsdrucker, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (13)Hobart Observatory

Results of Meteorological Observations for Twenty Years, for Hobart Town; made at the Royal Observatory, Ross Bank, from January, 1841, to December, 1854, and at the Private Observatory, from January, 1855, to December, 1860, inclusive

Presented to His Excellency Sir Henry Edward Fox Young, Knight, C.B., and to the Council of the Royal Society of Tasmania. Tasmania: James Barnard, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (2)Meteorologische Institut, Berlin

Ubersicht der bei dem meteorologischen Institute zu Berlin gesammelten Ergebnisse der Wetterbeobachtungen auf den Stationen des Preussischen Staats und benachbarter fur den Zweck verbundener Staaten fur die einzelnen Monate des Jahres 1855

Berlin: E. C. Mittler und Sohn, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (3)Meteorologische Institut, Berlin

Uebersicht der Witterung im nordlichen Deutschland nach den Beobachtungen des meteorologischen Instituts zu Berlin. Jahrgang 1856

Berlin, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (4)Welsh, John

"An Account of Meteorological Observations in Four Balloon Ascents, made under the direction of the Kew Observatory Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for the year 1853. (Received April 27 - Read May 26, 1853).



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (5)Rumker, M.

Meteorological Observations made at the Observatory of Hamburg

Hamburg: Theod. Theoph. Meissner, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (6)Observatoire Imperial de Paris

Observations meteorologiques faites A l'Observatoire de Paris

Janvier-Decembre 1856. Paris, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (7)Gifford, The Earl of

Meteorological Register kept by the Earl of Gifford in his Yacht 'Fair Rosamond'

London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (8)Plantamour, E.

Mesures Hypsometriques dans les Alpes, executees a l'Aide du Barometre

Geneva: Jules-Gme. Fick, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 201 (9)Capelli, Giovanni

Osservazioni Meteorologiche eseguite nella R. Specola Astronomica di Milano negli Anni 1848 al 1859 inclusivi

Milan: Giusepe Bernardoni, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (1)Bernoulli, Daniel

Memoire sur la Maniere de Construire les Boussoles d'Inclinaison, Pour faire, avec le plus de precision qu'il est possible, les Observations de l'Inclinaison de l'Aiguille Aimantee, tant sur Mer que sur Terre; ce qui suppose des Boussoles, qui, etant mises dans un meme lieu, donneront sensiblement la meme Inclinaison

Pour concourir au Prix (de l'Academie Royale des Sciences) de l'annee 1743. Paris, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (2)Euler, Leon

De Observatione Inclinationis Magneticae Dissertatio, Illustrissimae Academiae Regiae Scientarum Parisinae aequissimo judicio, pro Anno 1743. Submissa

Paris, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (3)Euler, Leon

Dissertatio de Magnete

Cette Piece est une des trois entre lesquelles le Prix Triple (de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Paris) a ete partage. Paris, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (4)Du Tour, Etienne Francois

Discours sur l'Aiman, Presente a l'Academie Royale des Sciences, pour concourir sur le sujet propose pour 1744

Cette Piece est une des trois entre lesquelles le Prix Triple a ete partage en 1746. Paris, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (5)Bernoulli, Daniel; Bernoulli, Jean

Nouveau Principes de Mechanique et de Physique, tendans a expliquer La Nature et les Proprietes de l'Aiman. Pour concourir au Prix (de l'Academie Royale des Sciences) de l'annee 1746. Cette Piece est une des trois entre lesquelles le Prix Triple a ete partage en 1746

Paris, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (6)Cassini, Giovanni Domenico

Lettre a l'Auteur du Journal de Physique, Avril 1784. De l'influence de l'Equinoxe du Printemps et du Solstice d'Ete, sur la Declinaison et les Variations de l'Aiguille Aimantee

Memoire lu a l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Aout 1791. Paris: L. P. Couret, 1791.



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (7)Lorimer, John

A Concise Essay on Magnetism; with an Account of the Declination and Inclination of the Magnetic Needle; and an Attempt to Ascertain the Cause of the Variation thereof

London: W. Faden, 1795. (Engraving of author aet. 62 as frontispiece)



Radcliffe Tracts 202 (8)Knight, Gowin

An Attempt to demonstrate that all the Phaenomena of Nature may be explained by Two Simple Active Principles, Attraction and Repulsion: Wherein the Attractions of Cohesion, Gravity and Magnetism, are shewn to be one and the same; and the Phaenomena of the latter are more particularly explained

London: Printed in the Year 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (1)Wallace, William

"Two Elementary Solutions of Kepler's Problem by the Angular Calculus"

Read November 13, 1835. Royal Astron. Soc., vol. IX, p. 185.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (10)Rzepecki, Ludovicus Vladislaus

De Orbita Cometae qui Anno MDCCCLIV Primus Apparuit. Dissertatio Inauguralis Astronomica quam Consensu et Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Alma Literarum Universitate Viadrina ad Summos Philosophorum Honores rite Capessendos Die XX Mensis Junii A. MDCCCLVII H. X. IN Aula Leopoldina

Vratislaviae: Typis C. H. Storchii et Socii, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (11)Galle, J. G.

Ueber die Verbesserung der Planeten-Elemente aus beobachteten Oppositionen, angewandt auf eine neue Bestimmung der Pallas-Bahn

Breslau: C. H. Storch und Comp., 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (12)Klinkerfues, Wilhelm

"Uber Bahnbestimmungen von Planeten und Cometen aus Verschiedenen Combinationen von Beobachtungen"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, vol. X, 1862. Gottingen: Dieterischen Buchhandlung, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (13)Galen, P. van

Bahnbestimmung des Kometen III 1846, fur die Wiedererscheinung in den Jahren 1851 und 1857, mit Rucksicht auf die Storungen der Planeten

Rotterdam: Adolf Baedeker, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (14)Ragona, Domenico

"Sulla Terza Cometa del 1854: Osservazioni e Risultati"

offprint from Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze e Lettere di Palermo, vol. III, 1858. Palermo: Stabilimento Tipografico di Fr. Lao, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (15)Cooper, Edward

Observations of Donati's Comet, 1858; Made at Markree Observatory, Ireland

Dublin: Printed for the Author by Alex. Thom & Sons, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (16)Maclear, Sir Thomas

"Observations of Donati's Comet, made at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, between October 11th, 1858 and March 4th, 1859"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. xxix



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (17)Bond, George P.

"An Account of Donati's Comet of 1858"

offprint from the Mathematical Monthly, 1858. Cambridge, Massachusetts: John Bartlett, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (18)Lassell; Dawes; Webb; Challis; De la Rue

"Observations on Donati's Comet"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. xxx, November 1861, pp. 55-84.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (18a)Donati, Giovan Battista

"Memorie Astronomiche"

offprint from Annali del R. Museo Fiorentino, n.s. vol. I, 1862. Florence: M. Cellini, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (19)Roche, Edouard

"Reflexions sur la Theorie des Phenomenes Cometaires a propos de la Comete de Donati"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences de Montpellier, vol. iv, 1860. Paris: Leiber, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (2)Maury, M. F.

Circular prepared by Direction of the Hon. Wm. Ballard Preston, Secretary of the Navy, in Relation to the Astronomical Expedition to Chile

Washington: C. Alexander, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (20)Roche, Edouard

"Note sur la Masse des Cometes"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier, vol. V, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (21)Villarceau, Yvon

Ephemerides pou/r la Recherche de la Comete periodique de d'Arrest, a son prochain retour en 1863 et 1864

Paris, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (22)Fearnley, C.

Resume du Programme de l'Universite de Christiania pour le 1er Semestre 1861

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (23)Mohn, H.

Om Kometbanernes Indbyrdes Beliggenhed. Besvarelse af Universitetets Prisopgave for 1860

Christiania: B. N. Bentzens Bogtrykkeri, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (3)Walker, Sears C.

Appendix to vol. III of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge; containing an Ephemeris of the Planet Neptune for the Year 1852

Washington, D.C.: Gideon & Co., 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (4)Runkle, John D.

Asteroid Supplement to New Tables for Determining the Values of b(i)s and Its Derivatives

Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (5)Gilliss, J. M.

Origin and Operations of the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition

Washington, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (6)Anger, C. T.

"Untersuchungen uber eine Methode zur Berechnung der Planetarischen Storungen"

offprint from Schriften der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig, vol. VI no. 1, 1858. Danzig, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (7)Gunther, Fridericus Guilelmus

De Perturbationibus quas Saturnus per Integram Revolutionem in Palladem exercet Commentatio Astronomica, cui Palladis Orbitae determinatio nova Superstruitur

Dissertatio quam Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis Auctoritate pro summis in Philosophia Honoribus rite Adipiscendis die XV Mensis Decembris MDCCCLX. Wratislaviae: Typis Grassii, Barthii et Socii (W. Friedrich), 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (8)Tiele, Bernhardus

Nova Elementa Fidei Planetae deducta ex Observationibus Quinque Oppositionum Annorum 1855-1861. Dissertatio Astronomica quam ad Summos in Philosophia Honores Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Alma Literarum Universitate Friderica Guilelmia Rhenana rite Obtinendos scripsts et una cum Sententiis Controversis die VII. Mensis Augusti Anni MDCCCLXI

Bonn: Carolus Georgus, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 203 (9)Bond, George P.

"On the Relative Brightness of the Sun and Moon, from Observations made at the Observatory of Harvard College"

offprint from Memoirs of the American Academy, n.s. vol. VIII, 1861. Cambridge, Mass.: Welch, Bigelow & Co., 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (1)Hamilton, William R.

"On Differences and Differential Functions of Zero"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. xvii, 1834. Dublin: Philip Dixon Hardy, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (10)Riemann, B.

"Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen"

offprint from Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, {...}. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (11)Bach, M.

Academie de Strasbourg; Faculte des Sciences de Strasbourg: These d'Analyse

Paris: Mallet-Bachelier, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (12)Meier, F.

"Expose d'un Principe Concernant l'Intersection des Surfaces, avec Application a la Recherche de Proprietes des Surfaces du Second Ordre"

offprint from Memoires Couronnes et Memoires des Savants Etrangers de l'Academie Royale du Belgique, presente a l'Academie le ler Aout 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (13)Sloman, H.

Leibnitzens Anspruch auf der Differenzialrechnung

Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (14)Bouniakowsky, V.

"Developpements Analytiques pour servir a completer la Theorie des Maxima et Minima des Fonctions a plusieurs Variables Independantes"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg, 6th series, vol. VII, 1857. St. Petersbourg: Imprimerie de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (2)Spottiswoode, William

Meditationes Analyticae

London: Printed for the Author, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (3)Landry, M. F.

Premier Memoire sur la Theorie des Nombres. Demonstration d'un Principe de Legendre relatif au Theoreme de Fermat

Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1853. Followed by: Deuxieme Memoire, 1853; Troisieme Memoire, 1854; Quatrieme Memoire, 1855; Cinquieme Do., 1856; Sixieme Memoire, 1856; Septieme Memoire, 1859;



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (4)Ofterdinger, L. F.

Einladungsschrift zu der Feierlichkeit am Geburtsfest Seiner Majestat des Konigs Wilhelm von Wurttenberg und zu den offentlichen Prufungen am k. Gymnasium zu Ulm mit Nachrichten uber den Stand der Anstalt und einer Abhandlung: "Beitrage zur Wiederherstellung der Schrift des Euklides uber die Theilung der Figuren"

Ulm: Druck der Wagner'schen Buchdruckerei (J. A. Walter), 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (5)Spottiswoode, William

Elementary Theorems relating to Determinants

Second Edition. Published by the Mathematical Journal of Mr Crelle, Tom. LI. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (6)Martelet, E.

Note sur les Changements de Plan de Projection et sur les Mouvements de Rotation

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (7)Bond, George P.

"On the Use of Equivalent Numbers in the Method of Least Squares"

offprint from the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, n.s. vol. vi, 1856. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Metcalf & Co., Printers to the University of Harvard, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (8)Schwarz, Friderico Sebaldo Hermanno

"De Affectione Curvarum Additamenta Quaedam"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines fur Sachsen und Thuringen in Halle, vol. I, 1856. Berlin: G. Bosselmann, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 204 (9)Weinstrass, C.

"Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen"

offprint from Crelle's Journal, vol. 52, Berlin, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 205 (1)Swan, William

"On the Total Eclipse of the Sun, July 28, 1851, observed at Goteborg; with a Description of a New Portable Micrometer"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XX, 1852. Edinburgh: Printed for the Society by Neill & Co., 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 205 (2)Swan, William

"On the Red Prominences seen during Total Eclipses of the Sun"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XX, 1852. Edinburgh: Printed for the Society by Neill & Co., 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 205 (3)Dobbin, James C.

The Annular Eclipse of May 26, 1854

Washington: Smithsonian Institution and Nautical Almanac, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 205 (4)Weyer, Georg Daniel Eduard

Ueber die totale Sonnenfinsterniss am 18. Juli 1860. Vortrag zur Feier des Geburtstages Sr. Majestat des Konigs Frederik's VII an der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat am 6. October 1860

Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1860.



Radcliffe Tracts 205 (5)Struve, Otto

"Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss vom 18. (6) July 1860 in Pobes. Nach den Berichten der einzelnen Theilnehmer zusammengestellt"

offprint from Memoires de l'academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg, 7th series vol. IV no. 1, 1861. St. Petersburg, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 205 (6)Madler, J. H. von

"Uber totale Sonnenfinsternisse mit besonderer Berucksichtung der Finsterniss vom 18. Juli 1860"

offprint from vol. XXVIII of the Academy of ? Jena's Proceedings. Jena: Friedrich Frommann, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 205 (7)Alexander, Stephen

Report to the Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey on the expedition to Labrador to observe the total eclipse of July 18, 1860, organized under act of Congress approved June 15, 1860

n.p., n.d. [c.1860]. Some rather faded photographic prints of the eclipse are glued in towards the end of the paper.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (1)Anonymous

"Transit Instruments" [and] "Transits of Mercury and Venus"

articles from an unidentified encyclopaedia.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (10)Monchy, Ad. Le Ricque de

"Note sur les Variations d'Algol"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier. Montpellier: Typographie de Boehm, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (11)Heis, Eduard

inc. 'Observationes de splendore stellae Mirae Ceti ab anno 1840 ad annum 1859 ... '

Monasterii Guestphalorum: Typ. Academica Aschendorffiana, 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (12)Dollen, W.

"Ueber Dr Wichmann's Bestimmung der Parallaxe des Argelander'schen Sterns"

offprint from Supplement to Bulletin physico-mathematique, vol. XIII, 1854. St. Petersburg: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (13)Schmidt, J. F. Julius

Resultate aus elfjahrigen Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken

Wien und Olmuz: Eduard Holzel, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (2)Arrest, H. L. d'

Disputatio de Instrumento Magno Aequatoreo in Specula Universitatis Hauniensis nuper Erecto

Hauniae: Typis Schultzianis, 1861. With a coloured lithograph of the instrument at the end.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (3)Thalen, T. R.

"La Longitude Terrestre determinee au Moyen de Signaux Galvaniques"

offprint from Actes de la Societe Royale des Sciences d'Upsala, 1856. Upsala: C. A. Leffler, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (4)Chasles, Michel

"Catalogue d'Apparitions d'Etoiles pendant Six Siecles; de 538 a 1225"

offprint from Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences du 15 mars 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (5)Biot, Eduard

"Note Supplementaire au Catalogue des Etoiles Filantes et des Autres Meteores Observes en Chine"

offprint from Memoires presentes par divers Savants Etrangers a l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (6)Heis, Eduard

Die periodischen Sternschnuppen und die Resultate der Erscheinungen, abgeleitet aus den wahrend der letzen 10 Jahre zu Aachen angestellten Beobachtungen

Cologne: M. Dumont-Schauberg, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (7)Poey, Andres

"Couleurs des Globes filants observes a Paris de 1841 a 1853, avec l'indication des trainees, des fragments, etc., diversement colorees observes tant en Chine qu'en Angleterre"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, vol. XLIV, 12 janvier 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (8)Mendoza y Rios, Jose de

Esplicacion de las Tablas de Navegacion y Astronomia Nautica de Don Jose de Mendoza y Rios

Madrid: J. Martin Alegria, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 206 (9)Madler, J. H.

Beitrage zur Fixsternkunde

Haarlem: Die Erben Loosjes, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (1)Anger, C. T.

"Zur Theorie der Perspective fur krumme Bildflachen, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung einer genauen Construction der Panoramen"

offprint from Sitzung der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Danzig, June 12, 1850, Abhandlung.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (10)Sadebeck, Moritz

"Das Erdbeben vom 15. Januar 1858, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner Ausbreitung in der Provinz Preussisch-Schlesien"

offprint from Verhandlungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Kultur. Breslau: A. Gosohorsky, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (11)Hermann, J. B. W. von

"Ueber den Anbau und Ertrag des Bodens im Konigreiche Bayern"

offprint from Sitzungsb. der konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen, 28 Marz 1857. Munchen: J. G. Weiss, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (12)Hopkins, William

"On the Theory of the Motion of Glaciers"

Received April 14 - Read May 22, 1862. ?From Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (13)Delaunay, Charles Eugene

"Sur la Geodesie francaise, et sur le Role qui y ont joue l'Academie des Sciences et le Bureau des Longitudes - Note lue a l'occasion du debat entre MM. Le Verrier et Faye"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, vol. LVI, January 26, 1863.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (2)Weiss, Ad.

Die Elemente der analytischen Dioptrik

Nurnberg: J. Ludwig Schmid, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (3)Ragona, Domenico

"Su Taluni Nuovi Fenomeni di Colorazione Soggettiva"

offprint from Atti della Accademia di Scienze e Belle Lettere di Palermo, vol. III, 1858. Palermo: Stabilimento Tipografico di Fr. Lao, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (4)Rogg, J.

Ueber geodatische Ortsberechnungen und geographische Lage von Tubingen. Programm des K. Wurttemberguschen Gymnasiums in Ehingen zum Schluss des Studienjahres 1855-1856

Stuttgart: K. Hofbuchdruckerei zu Guttenberg, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (5)Hagen, G.

"Uber Fluth und Ebbe in der Ostsee"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1857. Berlin: Konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (6)Maury, M. J.

"The Winds at Sea"

n.p., 1859.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (7)Jolly, Prof.

"Ueber die Physik der Molecularkrafte"

offprint from Sitzungs. der konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen, 28 Marz 1857. Munchen: J. G. Weiss, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (8)Poinsot, Louis

Questions Dynamiques. Sur le Percussion des Corps

Paris: Mallet-Bachelier, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 207 (9)Heusser, J. Chr.

"Das Erdbeben im Visper-Thal im Jahr 1855"

offprint from Die zurcherische Jugend, vol. LVIII, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (1)Forbes, James D.

"On a Possible Explanation of the Adaptation of the Eye to Distinct Vision at Different Distances"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 1-8.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (10)Wilson, George

"On Wollaston's Argument from the Limitations of the Atmosphere, as to the Finite Divisibility of Matter"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 79-86.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (11)Sabine, Edward

"On the Evidence of the existence of the Decennial Inequality in the Solar-diurnal Magnetic Variations, and its non-existence in the Lunar-diurnal Variation, of the Declination at Hobarton"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (12)Encke, J. F.

"Uber die Magnetische Deklination in Berlin"

offprint from Abhandlungen der koiglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1857. Berlin: F. Dummler, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (13)Neumann, Carolus

Explicare Tentatur quomodo fiat Ut Lucis Planum Polarisationis per Vires Electricas vel Magneticas Declinetur. Dissertatio Inauguralis quam scripsit atque ex auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Academia Fridericiana Halensi cum Vitebergensi Consociata ad Facultatem Docendi rite Impetrandam una cum Sententiis Controversiis die XXIX. M. Maji A. MDCCCLVIII Hora XI

Halis Saxonum: Schmidt, 1858.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (14)Stewart, Balfour

"On the Great Magnetic Disturbance which extended from August 28 to September 7, 1859, as recorded by Photography at the Kew Observatory"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1861.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (15)Broun, John Allan

"On the Horizontal Force of the Earth's Magnetism"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XXII, 1861, pp. 511-565.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (16)Broun, John Allan

"The Bifilar Magnetometer, its Errors and Corrections, including the Determination of the Temperature Coefficient for the Bifilar employed in the Colonial Observatories"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XXII, 1861, pp. 467-489.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (17)Lamont, J.

Der Erdstrom und die Zusammenhang desselben mit dem Magnetismus der Erde

Leipzig: Leopold Voss, 1862.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (18)Sabine, Edward

"On the Lunar-Diurnal Magnetic Variation at Toronto"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (2)Brewster, Sir David

"On the Modification of the Doubly Refracting and Physical Structure of Topaz, by Elastic Forces emanating from Minute Cavities"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 7-9.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (3)Brewster, Sir David

"On the Existence of Crystals with different primitive forms and physical properties in the Cavities of Minerals; with additional Observations on the New Fluids in which they occur"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 11-22.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (4)Stevenson, Thomas

"Account of Experiments upon the Force of the Waves of the Atlantic and German Oceans"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 23-32.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (5)Stevenson, William

"On the Geology of Cockburnlaw, and the Adjoining District, in Berwickshire; with a Map and Sections'

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 33-46.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (6)Gregory, William

"On the Extraction of pure Phosphoric Acid from Bones, and on a new and anomalous Phosphate of Magnesia"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 47-51.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (7)Davy, John

"Miscellaneous Observations on Blood and Milk"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, XVI (1845), 53-59.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (8)Adie, John

"On the Advantages to be derived from the Use of Metallic Reflectors for Sextants and other Reflecting Instruments; and on Methods of directly determining the Errors in Mirrors and Sun-Shades used in Reflecting Instruments"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 61-65.



Radcliffe Tracts 208 (9)Broun, J. A.

"On the Balance Magnetometer, and its Temperature Corrections"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XVI, 1845, pp. 67-78.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (1)Airy, G. B.

"On a New Analyzer, and its Use in Experiments of Polarization"

offprint from Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1832. Cambridge: J. Smith, Printer to the University, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (10)Ramsden, J.

Description and Method of Adjusting the improved Hadley's Sextant, made and sold by J. Ramsden, Mathematical, Optical, and Philosophical Instrument Maker, next St. James's Church, Piccadilly, London

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (11)Ramsden, J.

Description of an Engine for Dividing Strait Lines on Mathematical Instruments

London: Printed by William Richardson, 1779.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (12)Oudemans, J. A. C.

Beschrijving en Afbeelding van een Universaal-Instrument van Repsold

Leyden, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (13)Russell, John

A Description of the Selenographia: An Apparatus for Exhibiting the Phenomena of the Moon. Together with an Account of some of the Purposes which it may be applied to

London: Printed for W. Faden, 1797. N.B.: enclosed is an advertisement for Russell's moon globe.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (14)Rochon, Alexis

Nouvelles Recherches sur la Mesure des Angles et Description des Instrumens Dont il est utile de se servir pour obtenir avec la plus grande precision, les diametres du Soleil et de la Lune; Avec des Applications a des Operations de Geodesie et de Tactique Navale

Paris: Courcier, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (15)Simms, W.

"On a Self-acting Circular Dividing Engine"

offprint from an unidentified periodical. Read 9 June 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (16)Wollaston, Francis

"A Description of a Transit Circle, for determining the place of Celestial Objects as they pass the Meridian"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1793



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (2)Bird, John

The Method of dividing Astronomical Instruments

London: John Nourse and Messrs. Mount and Page, 1767.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (3)Bird, John

The Method of Constructing Mural Quadrants. Exemplified by a Description of the Brass Mural Quadrant in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich

London: Printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark, 1768.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (4)Blackadder, Henry Home

"On the Construction of Meteorological Instruments, so as exactly to determine their Indications during Absence, at any given instant, or at successive intervals of Time"

offprint from an unidentified periodical. Read 2 May 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (5)Blackadder, Henry Home

"Description of a new Register Thermometer, without any Index; the principle being applicable to the most delicate Mercurial Thermometer"

offprint from ?Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (6)Drew, John

"On the Adjustment of the Transit Circle and Equatorial"

offprint from the Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal, n.d. [c.1850].



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (7)Eiffe, John Sweetman

Account of Improvements in Chronometers, made by Mr. John Sweetman Eiffe, for which a reward was granted to him by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty

With an Appendix, containing Mr. Robert Molyneux's Specification of a Patent for Improvements in Chronometers. London: John Murray, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (8)Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm

"An Account of the arrival and erection of Fraunhofer's large Refracting Telescope at the Observatory of the Imperial University of Dorpat. Communicated in a Letter from Professor Struve to Francis Baily, Esq."

offprint from the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London, vol. II, {...}. Read 11 March 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 21 (9)Gronau, J. F. W.

Ueber die Bewegung schwingender Korper im widerstehenden Mittel, mit Rucksicht auf die Newton'schen Pendelversuche

Danzig: Wedel, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (1)Bessel, F. W.

"Versuche uber die Kraft mit welcher die Erde Korper von verschiedener Beschaffenheit anzieht"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Akademie zu Berlin fur 1830. Berlin: Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (10)Whitehurst, John

An Attempt towards obtaining Invariable Measures of Length, Capacity, and Weight, form the Mensuration of Time, idenpendent of the Mechanical Operations requisite to ascertain the Center of Oscillation or the true Length of Pendulums

London: Printed for the Author, and sold by William Bent, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (2)Bessel, F. W.

"Bestimmung der Lange des einfachen Secundenpendels fur Berlin"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Akademie zu Berlin fur 1835. Berlin: Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (3)Dalby, Isaac

A Short Account of the late Mr. Reuben Burrow's Measurement of a Degree of Longitude and another of Latitude, near the Tropic in Bengal, in the Years 1790, 1791

n.p., 1796.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (4)Galloway, Thomas

On the Application of the Method of Least Squares to the Determination of the most probable Errors of Observation in a Portion of the Ordnance Survey of England

n.p., 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (5)Hansen, P. A.

Theorie der Pendelbewegung mit Rucksicht auf die Gestalt und Bewegung der Erde

Preisschrift von der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Danzig am 3. Januar 1853. Danzig, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (6)Kater, Henry

"An Account of the Construction and Adjustment of the New Standards of Weights and Measures of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1826. London: W. Nicol, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (7)Prony, Gaspard Clair Francois Marie Richard de

Memoire sur le Calcul des Longitudes et des Latitudes, d'apres les Distances a la Meridienne et a la Perpendiculaire; et sur le Calcul Inverse

Paris: Imprimerie de l'Ecole Imperiale des Ponts et Chaussees, 1806.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (8)Horsley, Samuel

Remarks on the Observations made in the late Voyage towards the North Pole, for Determining the Acceleration of the Pendulum, in Latitude 79o 50', in a Letter to the Hon. Constantine John Phipps

London: B. White ... and P. Elmsley, 1774.



Radcliffe Tracts 22 (9)Sabine, Edward

"On the Length of the Seconds Pendulum in the Observatory of Greenwich"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1831. London: Richard Taylor, 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (1)Maskelyne, N.

"Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. Maskelyne, lue a la seance publique de l'Institut National de France, du 4 janvier 1813, par M. le Chevalier Delambre, Secretaire perpetuel"

London: Hansard, 1813.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (10)Roth, J. R.

Schilderung der Naturverhaltnisse in Sud-Abyssinien

Fest-Rede vorgetragen in der offentlichen Sitzung der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen zur Feier ihres zweiundneunzigsten Stiftungstages am 28. Marz 1851. Munich: J. G. Weiss, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (11)Sheepshanks, R.

"Correspondence respecting the Liverpool Observatory between Mr ---- ---- and the Rev. R. Sheepshanks"

offprint from The Athenaeum, October 11, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (12)G[adbury], J[ohn]

A Brief Relation of the Life and Death of the late famous Mathematician and Astrologer, Mr Vincent Wing. Together with his Nativity, as it was done, many years before his Death, by his own hand, And now for general satisfaction made publick

By J. G., philomathematikos. London: Printed by T. M., 1670.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (13)Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum

A Sermon preached at the Funeral of the Honourable Robert Boyle; at St. Martins in the Fields, January 7. 1691/2

By the Right Reverend Father in God, Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum. Second Edition. London: Printed for Ric. Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1704.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (2)Prowe, L.

Mitteilungen aus Schwedischen Archiven und Bibliotheken

Berlin: Verlag der Deckerschen Geheimen Ober-Hofbuchdruckerei, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (3)Heyne, Christian Gottfried

Elogium Rudolphi Augustini Vogel, Soc. Reg. Scient. Sodalis Ordinarii, in Consessu Societatis, D. XVI April. MDCCLXXIV

Gottingen: Joann. Christian. Dieterich, 1774.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (4)Anonymous


of Joseph Johann Edler von Littrow (1781-1840); 8-page pamphlet. N.p., n.d. [c.1842].



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (5)Busch, A. L.

Verzeichniss sammtlicher Werke, Abhanglungen, Aufsatze und Bemerkungen von Friedr. With. Bessel

Zusammengetragen, chronologisch geordnet und mit einem gedrangten Sachregister. Konigsnerg: E. J. Dalkowski, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (6)Ogle, Jacobus A.

Oratio in Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis Aedibus Novis, habita Die VIImo. Kal. Jul. MDCCCXLIV

Oxford: T. Combe, Printer to the University, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (7)Buckland, William

"On the Adaptation of the Structure of the Sloths to their peculiar Mode of Life"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, vol. XVII. Read March 19th. 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (8)Buchner, Ludwig Andreas Jr.

Ueber den Antheil der Pharmacie an der Entwicklung der Chemie. Festrede zur Vorfeier des Geburtstages Seiner Majestat Maximilian II

Munich: John Georg. Weiss, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 23 (9)Schafhautl, Karl

Die Geologie in ihrem Verhaltnisse zu den ubrigen Naturwissenschaften. Festrede fur die Feier des Ludwigstages am 25 August 1843

Munich: J. Georg Weiss, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (1)Airy, G. B.

"On a remarkable Modification of Newton's Rings"

offprint from Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1832. Cambridge: J. Smith, Printer to the University, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (10)St Asaph, Samuel

On Virgil's Two Seasons of Honey, and his Season of Sowing Wheat. With a New and Compendious Method of Investigating the Risings and Settings of the Fixed Stars

London: J. Hatchard, 1805.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (11)Wilson, P.

Thoughts on General Gravitation, And Views thence Arising As to the State of the Universe

London: T. Cadell, 1777. (Wilson was Professor of Practical Astronomy in the University of Glasgow).



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (2)Brewster, David

"On a New Species of Coloured Rings, produced by the Reflection of Light between Two Plates of Parallel Glass of Equal Thickness"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, {...}. Read February 20, 1815.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (3)Cadell, W. A.

"On the Lines that divide each Semidiurnal Arc into Six Equal Parts"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1816. Read 3d. June 1816. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1816.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (4)Davies, T. S.

"An Inquiry into the Geometrical Character of the Hour-Lines upon the Antique Sun-Dials"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, read 21st February 1831. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (5)Davys, John

An Essay on the Art of Decyphering

In which is inserted A Discourse of Dr Wallis. Now first publish'd from his Original Manuscript in the Publick Library at Oxford. London: Printed for L. Gilliver and J. Clarke, at Homer's Head, in Fleet-street, and at their shop in Westminster-hall, 1737.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (6)Harvey, George

"On an Anomalous Case of Vision with regard to Colours"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, read January 19, 1824. Edinburgh: P. Neill, 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (7)Maccullagh, James

On the Laws of the Double Refraction of Quartz

Dublin, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (7)Maccullagh, James

"On the Laws of the Double Refraction' of Quartz"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, {...}, 1836. Dublin: P. Dixon Hardy, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (8)Kenrick, William

An Account of the Automaton, constructed by Orffyreus: in Two Letters; the one, from Professor's Gravesande to Sir Isaac Newton; the other from Baron Fischer to Dr Desaguliers. To which is annexed the Testimonial of the Prince of Hesse Cassel, in Favour of Orffyreus's Machine: Likewise Animadversions, by Professor Allaman of Leyden, on the neglect of that singular Invention; with additional Remarks on it's (sic) Utility, Reconstruction and Improvement

London: Printed in the Year 1770.



Radcliffe Tracts 24 (9)Schumacher; Pohrt; Moritz

"W. Struve sur la Dilatation de la Glace, d'apres les experiences faites en 1845 et 1846 a l'Observatoire Central de Poulkova"

offprint from Memoires, VI Ser. de l'Acad, IV, 1845. St Petersbourg: L'Imprimerie de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (1)Newton, Isaac

Tractatus de Quadratura Curvarum in Usum Studiosae Juventutis Mathematicae Explicationibus Illustratus

ed. Daniel Melander. Upsala, 1762.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (10)Wallace, W.

A Treatise on Fluxions

From the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. n.p., n.d. An autograph letter, signed by the author is pasted in the front of the offprint.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (11)Whish, Charles M.

"On the Hindu Quadrature of the Circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the Circumference to the Diameter exhibited in the Four sastras, the Tantra Sangraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Padhati, and Sadratnamala"

communicated by the Madras Literary Society and Auxiliary Royal Asiatic Society; offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. III, 1834. London: J. L. Cox and Son, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (12)Zorer, Professor

Einladungsschrift zu der Feier des Geburtsfestes Seiner Majestat des Konigs, so wie zu den offentlichen Prufungen des Gymnasiums zu Ellwangen. Inhalt: Theorie der Hauptachsen fester Korper

Ellwangen, 1850. Printed in Stuttgart by E. Schweizerbart.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (13)Zorer, Professor

Einladungsschrift zur Feier des Geburtsfestes Seiner Majestat des Konigs und zu den offentlichen Prufungen an dem konigl. Gymnasium und der Realschule zu Ellwangen. Inhalt: Einige Bemerkungenzur der Theorie des geradlinigen Dreiecks

Ellwangen: M. Kaupert, 1854



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (14)Anonymous

Problems in some of the Higher Branches of Algebra

London: J. Johnson, 1807.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (2)Paman, Roger

The Harmony of the Ancient and Modern Geometry asserted: In Answer to the Call of the Author of the Analyst upon the Celebrated Mathematicians of the present Age, to clear up what he stiles, their obscure Analytics

London: Printed for J. Nourse, at the Lamb, opposite Katherine-Street, in the Strand, 1745.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (3)Wilson, J.

Epistola ad Amicum de Cotesii Inventis, Curvarum Ratione, quae cum Circulo & Hyperbola Comparationem Admittunt

London: Guil. & Joh. Innys, 1722



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (6)Puissant, M.

Nouvel Essai de Trigonometrie Spheroidique

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (7)Puissant, M.

Note. Sur l'aire d'un triangle spheroidique dont les cotes sont des lignes de plus courte distance generalement a double courbure

Paris, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (8)Puissant, M.

Application du Calcul des Probabilites a la Mesure de la Precision d'un Grand Nivellement Trigonometrique

n.p., 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 25 (9)Schlomilch, Oskar

Die Reihenentwickelungen der Differenzial- und Integralrechnung

Dresden: Gustav Schonfeld, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (1)Krafft, George Wolffgang

Description et Representation exacte de la Maison de Glace, construite a St Petersbourg au Mois de Janvier 1740, et de Tous les Meubles qui s'y Trouvoient

St Petersburg: Academie des Sciences, 1741.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (2)Euler, Io. Albert

Disquisitio de Causa Physica Electricitatis ab Academia Scientiarum Imperiali Petropolitana Praemio Coronata in Publico Academiae Conventu die VI. September. MDCCLV

St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1755.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (3)Frisius, Paulus

De Existentia et Motu Aetheris seu de Theoria Electricitatis Ignis et Lucis Dissertatio

St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1756.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (32)Massey, Mr

Second Appendix to the Account of Massey's Patent Log, and Sounding Machine etc. etc. etc.. The Honourable Navy Board have adopted the Sounding Machine for the use of his Majesty's Navy, and have favoured the Inventor with an order for Five Hundred Machines, and a second order for Two Hundred and Fifty

London: Printed by William Savage, Bedford Bury, 1808.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (33)Pond, I.

Experiments made to determine whether any permanent Difference exist between the Two Mural Circles

Greenwich: Royal Observatory, 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (4)Beraud, Laurentius, S.J.

Theoria Electricitatis

n.p. [? Lyons], n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (5)Clairaut, M.

Theorie de la Lune deduite du seul Principe de l'Attraction reciproquement proportionelle aux Quarres des Distances

St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, Prize Essay, 1752.



Radcliffe Tracts 26 (6)Euler, Leonhardus

Theoria Motuum Planetarum et Cometarum

Continens Methodum Facilem ex aliquot Observationibus Orbitas cum Planetarum tum Cometarum Determinandi. Una cum Calculo, quo Cometae, qui Annis 1680. et 1681. Itemque ejus, qui nuper est visus, Motus Verus Investigatur. Berlin: Ambrosius Haude, 1744.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (1)Argelander, Fridericus Guilelmus Augustus

De Fide Uranometriae Bayeri Dissertatio Academica

Bonn: Carolus Georgius, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (10)Schumacher, H. C.

Schreiben an den Herrn Doctor W. Olbers in Bremen ... enthaltend eine Nachricht uber den Apparat, dessen er sich zur Messung der Basis bei Braack im Jahre 1820 bedient hat

Altona: Hammerich und Heineking, 1821.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (11)Smyth, Charles Piazzi

"Contributions to a Knowledge of the Phenomena of the Zodiacal Light"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XX no. III, 1852. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (12)Wichmann, Mauritius

De Parallaxi Stellae Argelandriae (1830 Groombridge). Dissertatio quam Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis pro vena legendi D. II. Sept. MDCCCXLVII

Regiomonti Prussorum: Ern. Jul. Dalkowski, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (2)Argelander, Fridericus Guilelmus Augustus

Almae Academiae Albertinae Tria Secunda per gravissimas Fortunae Vicissitudines Felicissime Transacta, beneficia in Patriam Litterasque Collata Maxima Humanitatemque per Orbem Terrarum Latissime Dispersam Summa qua par est Pietate gratulatur eidemque Faustissimis Novum iam cursum ingredienti Auspiciis Omne in Aevum Incolumitatem Beatissiman, Laetissimum Florem Prosperrimumque Rerum Omnium Successum ex Animi sui Sententia Precatur. Inest de Stellasz-Lyriae Variabili Disquisitio

Bonn: Carolus Georgius, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (3)Galle, Ioannes Godofredus

Dissertatio quam Consensu et Auctoritate ... Universitate Litteraria Friderica Guilelma

Olai Roemeri Triduum Observationum Astronomicarum. A MDCCVI. Diebus M. Oct. XX. usque ad XXIII. Institutarum Reductum et cum Tabulis Comparatum. Berlin: Typis Academicis, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (4)Hansen, Petrus Andreas

Commentatio de Gradus Praecisionis Computatione

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (5)Heis, Eduardus

De Magnitudine Relativa Numeroque Accurato Stellarum quae Solis Oculis Conspiciuntur Fixarum. Commentatio qua Orationem ex Lege Publica a se Habendam Ad Munus Mathematum Professoris Ordinarii in Academia Regia Monasteriensi, adeundum, Die XI. M. Decembris H. A. Hora XI. Indicit, ad eamque Audiendam Invitat

Monasterii Guestphalorum: Frid. Regensberg, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (6)Herschel, J. F. W.

A Revision and Re-arrangement of the Constellations

London, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (6)Herschel, Sir J. F. W.

"On the Advantages to be attained by a Revision and Re-arrangement of the Constellations, with especial Reference to those of the Southern Hemisphere, and on the Principles on which such Re-arrangement ought to be Conducted"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. XII, 1841. London: Moyes and Barclay, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (7)Madler, J. H.

Die Central-Sonne

Dorpat: J. C. Schunmann, Printer to the University, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (8)Peters, C. A. F.

"Ueber Professor Madler's Untersuchungen uber die Eigenen Bewegungen der Fixsterne"

offprint from Bulletin of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, vol. VII nos. 12 & 13, 1848. St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 27 (9)Schumacher, H. C.

Journal of Observations made for Ascertaining the Time of the Place, in the Observatory, which was erected at Helgoland for that Purpose

n.p., 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (1)Clockmakers, Worshipful Company of

A Statement of the Various Proceedings and Transactions that have taken place between the Court of Assistants of the Clockmakers' Company of the City of London, and His Majesty's Government, in relation to the Importation of Foreign Clocks and Watches into these Realms

London: B. McMillan, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (10)Linnaean Society of New England

Report of a committee of the Linnaean Society of New England, relative to a large Marine Animal, supposed to be a Serpent, seen near Cape Ann, Massachusetts, in August 1817

London: John Souter, 1818.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (11)Anonymous

Account of the Siamese Twin Brothers, from Actual Observations. Together with Full Length Portraits, the only correct ones, permitted to be taken by their Protectors

London: W. Turner, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (11)Anonymous

Account of the Siamese Twin Brothers

London, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (2)Nolan, Frederick

Deposition of the Rev. Frederick Nolan. Sworn at the Mansion-House, before the Lord Mayor, November 14, 1821

London, 1821.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (4)Vulliamy, B. L.

Testimonials respecting ... Clocks

London: T. Brettell, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (5)Vulliamy, B. L.

A Statement of the Circumstances connected with the Removal of B. L. Vulliamy, by the Commissioners of Woods, from the Care of such of the Government Clocks as are in their Custody: Together with Copies of all the Correspondence connected with the same

London: T. Brettell, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (6)Dent, E. J.

Appendix. On the Errors of Chronometers, and Explanation of a New Construction of the Compensation-Balance

London, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (6)Dent, E. J.

Appendix. On the errors of Chronometers, and Explanation of a New Construction of the Compensation-Balance

n.p., n.d. [after 1842].



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (7)Arnold & Dent, Messrs.

Tables of the Observations made and registered at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, In the Years 1832 and 1833, under the direction of the Astronomer Royal, and Certified by him, during a Thirteen Months' Trial, of A Clock, Constructed by Messrs. Arnold and Dent, of London

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (7)Pond, J.

Tables of Observations ... Greenwich ... 1832-1833 ... of a Clock Constructed by Messrs. Arnold and Dent.

London, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (8)Vulliamy, B. L.

A Portion of the Papers Relating to the Great Clock for the New Palace at Westminster

Printed by Order of the House of Lords, with Remarks. For Private Circulation only. London: William Clowes and Sons, 1848. At the beginning is pasted an autograph letter signed by Vulliamy, and addressed to Manuel J. Johnson, Radcliffe Observer.



Radcliffe Tracts 28 (9)Peale, Rembrandt

Account of the Skeleton of the Mammoth, a non-descript Carnivorous Animal of Immense Size, found in America

London: E. Lawrence, 1802.



Radcliffe Tracts 29 (1)Morinus, Joannes Baptista

Famosi et Antiqui Problematis de Telluris Motu, vel Quiete; Hactenus Optata Solutio ad Eminentissimum Cardinalem Richelium; Ducem, et Franciae Parem

Paris: Apud authorem, iuxta Pontem novum, in platea Delphina, domi cui nomen l'Escu de France, 1631.



Radcliffe Tracts 29 (2)Morinus, Ioan. Bapt.

Ad Iacobi Lansbergii Doctoris Medici, Apologiam pro Telluris motu

Paris: Sumptibus Authoris, apud quem venales sunt, Tum apud Ioannem Libert, via D. Ioannis Lateranensis, e regione Auditorii Regii, 1634.



Radcliffe Tracts 29 (3)Morinus, Ioan. Bapt.

Alae Telluris Fractae; cum Physica Demonstratione, quod opinio Copernicana de Telluris motu sit falsa: Et novo conceptu de Oceani fluxu atque reflexu

Paris: Sumptibus Authoris, apud quem venalis est in suburbio D. Marcelli, vico des Morfondus aedem Patrum Doctrinae Christianae, 1643.



Radcliffe Tracts 29 (4)Morinus, Ioan. Bapt.

Defensio suae Dissertationis de Atomis & Vacuo; adversus Petri Gassendi Philosophiam Epicuream. Contra Francisci Bernerii Andegavi Anatomiam ridiculi muris, etc.

Paris: Apud Petrum Menard, 1657.



Radcliffe Tracts 29 (5)Panurgus, Vincentius

Epistola de Tribus Impostoribus ad ... Ioan. Baptistam Morinum

Paris: Macaeus Bovillette and Ioannes Guignard, 1654.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (1)Herschel, Sir John F. W.

"A List of Test Objects, Principally Double Stars, arranged in Classes, for the Trial of Telescopes in Various respects, as to Light, Distinctness, etc."

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. VIII, 1834. London: J. Moyes, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (10)Henderson, Thomas

"The Parallax of a-Centauri, deduced from Mr Maclear's observations at the Cape of Good Hope, in the Years 1839 and 1840"

offprint from the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. XII, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (11)Henderson, Thomas

"The Constant Quantity of the Moon's Equatorial Horizontal Parallax, deduced from Observations made at Greenwich, Cambridge, and the Cape of Good Hope, in 1832 and 1833"

offprint from ? Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. Read 10 November 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (12)Henderson, Thomas

"Refractions of Stars near the Horizon, observed at the Cape of Good Hope"

offprint from ? Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. Read 12 May 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (13)Pearson, [William]

"Dr Pearson's Catalogue of 520 Stars within 6o North and South of the Ecliptic, observed at South Kilworth"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. XV, 1841. With engravings of Transit and Azimuth instruments by Troughton and Jones.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (14)Catton, Thomas

Astronomical Observations of Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites, Occultations of Stares by the Moon, and other Astronomical Phenomena

made by the Rev. Thomas Catton, B.D. Reduced and Printed under the Superintendence of George Biddell Airy. London: Taylor and Francis, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (15)Peters, C. A. F.

"Resultate aus Beobachtungen des Polarsterns am Ertelschen Vertikalreise der Pulkowaer Sternwarte"

offprint from the Bulletin de la classe physico-mathematique de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg, vol. II nos. 20-22, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (16)Struve, Otto

"Sur les Dimensions des Anneaux de Saturne"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences de St.-Petersbourg, 6th series vol. V, 1852. St. Petersburg: Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (17)Marth, Albert

"Researches on Satellites"

Astronomische Nachtrichten, no. 1040, 1041 and 1042. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (2)Herschel, Sir John F. W.

"Micrometrical Measures of 364 Double Stars, with a Seven-Feet Equatorial Achromatic Telescope: Taken at Slough, in the Years 1828, 1829, 1830"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. V, 1832. London: J. Moyes, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (3)Herschel, Sir John F. W.

"A Second Series of Micrometrical Measures of Double Stars, chiefly performed with the 7-Feet Equatorial, at Slough, in the Years 1831, 1832, 1833"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. VIII, 1834. London: J. Moyes, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (4)Rosse, Earl of

"Observations of some of the Nebulae"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part I for 1844. London: R. and J. E. Taylor, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (4a)Rosse, Earl of

"Observations on the Nebulae"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part II for 1850, London: R. and J. E. Taylor, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (5)Fletcher, Isaac

"Results of Micrometrical Measures of Double Stars, made at Tarn Bank, Cumberland, from 1850.2 to 1853.4"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. XXII, 1854. London: George Barclay, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (6)Jacob, W. S.

"Double Stars observed at Poonah in 1845-46"

offprint{?} from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. Read 13 November 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (7)Wrottesley, Lord

"On the Results of Periodical Observations of the Positions and Distances of Nineteen of the Stars in Sir John Herschel's Lists of Stars, favourably situated for the Investigation of Parallax, contained in Part II. of the Philosophical Transactions for 1826, and Part I, 1827"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part II for 1851. London: Richard Taylor, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (8)Herschel, Sir John F. W.

"On the Satellites of Uranus"

offprint from the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. VIII, 1834. London: J. Moyes, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 3 (9)Henderson, Thomas

"On the Parallax of a-Centauri"

offprint from ? Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society; Read 3 January 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 30 (1)Boncompagni, Baldassarre

Intorno ad Alcune Opere di Leonardo Pisano Matimatico del Secolo Decimoterzo Notizie Raccolte

Rome: Tipografia delle Belle Arti, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 30 (2)Genocchi, Angelo

Sopra Tre Scritti Inediti di Leonardo Pisano pubblicati da Baldassarre Boncompagni. Note Analitiche

Rome: Tipografia delle Velle Arti, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 30 (3)Boncompagni, B.

Della Vitta e Delle Opere di Guido Bonatti, Astrologo ed Astronomo del Secolo Decimoterzo Notizie

Rome: Tipografia delle Belle Arti, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 30 (4)Boncompagni, B.

Intorno ad Alcuni Avanzamenti della Fisica in Italia nei Secoli XVI e XVII Memoria Di B. Boncompagni

Rome: Tipografia delle Belle Arti, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 30 (5)Boncompagni, Baldassarre

Intorno alla Risoluzione delle Equazioni Simultanee x2 + h = y2, x3 - h = z2. Nota

Rome: Tipografia delle Belle Arti, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (1)Adams, J. C.

An Explanation of the Observed Irregularities in the Motion of Uranus, on the Hypothesis of Disturbances caused by a more Distant Planet; with a Determination of the Mass, Orbit, and Position of the Disturbing Body

London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (10)Adams; Le Verrier

"Researches Respecting the New Planet Neptune"

extract from North British Review, May 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (10)Verrier, U. J. le

"Recherches sur les mouvements d'Uranus"

from the North British Review, vol. vii, 1847, pp. 207ff.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (11)Loomis

"Historical Notice of the Discovery of the Planet Neptune"

from American Journal of Science and Arts.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (12)Martin, Benjamin

Institutions of Astronomical Calculations; Containing a Survey of the Solar System, wherein All the Dimensions of the Distances, Diameters, Magnitudes and Velocities of the Sun, the Earth, the Primary and Secondary Planets, the Comets and the Stars are computed in English Miles from the late discovered Parallax of the Sun, by the Two Last Transits of Venus. With a Description of two New pieces of Mechanism for exhibiting Artificial Views of such Transits

London: Printed for the Author, at no. 171, in Fleet-Street, 1773.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (13)Schumacher, H. C.

Distances of the Sun, and the Four Planets, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, from the Moon, Calculated according to Mr. Bessel's Method, together with their Places for every Day in the Year 1836, and Tables for finding the Latitude by the Polestar for 1836

Copenhagen: Royal Hydrographic Office, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (15)Royal Astronomical Society

Meridian Ephemeris of the Sun and Planets for the Year 1835: Computed by Order, and Printed at the Expense, of the Royal Astronomical Society

London: J. Moyes, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (16)Anonymous

Places of the Four New Planets, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas, for the Times of their Opposition to the Sun, in the Year, 1830

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (16)Nautical Almanac

Places of the Four New Planets, Vesta, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas, for the Times of their Opposition to the Sun, in the Year 1830

Supplement to the Nautical Almanac, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (17)Anonymous

Appendix to the Third Edition of the Requisite Tables; being New Tables of Natural Sines, Natural Versed Sines, and Logarithms of Numbers

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (17)Maskelyne, N. [?]

Appendix to the Third Edition of the Requisite Tables; ... of Natural Sines, Natural Versed Sines, and Logarithms of Numbers

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (2)Argelander, Fr.

Anzeige von einer auf der Koniglichen Universitats-Sternwarte zu Bonn unternommenen Durchmusterung des nordlichen Himmels als Grundlage neuer Himmelscharten

Bonn: Carl Georgius, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (3)Baily, Francis

"On the Apparent Place of the Pole-Star at the Time of its Upper Culmination for the Years 1820, 1821, 1822"

offprint from the Philosophical Magazine for June 1820. London: Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (4)Peters, Professor

"Uebersicht der Leistungen Bessel's in der Stellar-Astronomie und in der Theorie der Astronomischen Instrumente"

offprint from transactions of the Physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg, 12 Nov., 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (5)Hamilton, William R.

"On the General Method of Expressing the Paths of Light and of the Planets, by the Coefficients of a Characteristic Function"

offprint from the Dublin University Review for October 1833. Dublin: P. Dixon Hardy, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (6)Jenkins, Henry

Recalculated Elements of Delambres New Tables for Calculating the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites

n.p., 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (7)Anonymous

Account of the Relative Situations of the Different Stars, by which the Principal Constellations may be Distinguished

from Nicholson's Philosophical Journal. 2 copies.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (7)D., N. R.

"Account of the Relative Situations of the Different Stars, by which the Principal Constellations may be Distinguished"

offprint from Nicholson's Journal, 1829. London: A. Topping, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (8)Lawson, Harry

"Account of the Relative Situations of the Different Stars, by which the Principal Constellations may be Distinguished"

offprint from Nicholson's Journal. London: A. Topping, 1847. An autograph letter signed Harry Lawson, addressed to Manuel J. Johnson, is appended at the end.



Radcliffe Tracts 31 (9)Leadbetter, Charles

Astronomy of the Satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn: Grounded upon Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the Earth's Satellite. The Theory explain'd, and made easy to the meanest Capacity, in calculating the true Place of the Moon: And Freed from the Errors printed in the said Theory, Dr Gregory, Dr Harris, and several other Authors. By which now the Place of the Moon, and Eclipses of the Luminaries, are found to a very great Exactness. Also, New Tables of the Motions of the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, (founded upon the Observations of Mr. Flamsteed, Mr. Cassini, Mr. Hugens, Dr Halley and Mr. Pound), from the Vernal Equinox; By which their Places and Positions, in respect of one another, may be exactly determined at any given time. Adapted to the Meridian of London. To which is added, A Problem to find the Latitude of the Place by the Altitude of the Sun, Moon, or Star, upon any Azimuth; being very useful for all Sea-faring Men, as well as Gentlemen and others

London: J. Wilcox, 1729.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (1)Burney, Charles, Mus. Doc.

An Essay towards a History of the Principal Comets that have appeared since the year 1742. Including a particular Detail of the Return of the famous Comet of 1682 in 1759, according to the calculation and prediction of Dr Halley

Compiled from the Observations of the most eminent Astronomers of this Century. With Remarks and Reflections of the most eminent Astronomers of this Century. With Remarks and Reflections upon the Present Comet. To which is prefixed, by way of Introduction, A Letter upon Comets. Addressed to a Lady, by the late M. De Maupertius. Written in the year 1742. London: Printed for T. Becket, and P. A. de Hondt, 1749.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (10)Stratford, W. S.

Ephemeris of Gambart's Comet (Discovered by Biela) about the Time of its Perihelion Passage in the Years 1845-46

London: Nautical Almanac Office, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (11)Pontecoulant, G. de

A History of Halley's Comet; with an account of its Return in 1835, and a Chart, showing its Situation in the Heavens

Translated by Colonel Charles Gold, C. B. London: John W. Parker, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (12)Stratford, W. S.

"On the Elements of the Orbit of Halley's Comet, at its Appearance in the Years 1835 and 1836"

offprint from the Nautical Almanac for 1839. London, 1837 [sic].



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (13)Stratford, W. S.

Ephemeris of Halley's Comet, 1835-6

London: Nautical Almanac Office, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (14)Hind, J. R.

Sweeping Ephemerides for the Comet of 1556

London: Mr Bishop's Observatory, Regent's Park, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (15)Jahn, G. A.

Der grosse Komet von 1556 und seine bevorstehende Wiederkehr

Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (16)Biot, Edouard

"Catalogue des Cometes observees en Chine depuis l'an 1230 jusqu'a l'an 1640 de notre ere, Faisant suite au Catalogue de Ma-touan-lin, qui finit a l'an 1222, et Extrait du Supplement du Wen-hian-thoung-khao, et de la grande Collection des vingt-cinq historiens de la Chine"

offprint from Additions a la Connaissance des Temps, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (17)Biot, Edouard

"Catalogue des etoiles extraordinaire observees en Chine depuis les temps anciens jusqu'a l'an 1203 de notre ere. Extrait du livre 294 de la grande collection de Ma-touan-lin"

offprint from Additions a la Connaissance des Temps, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (18)Biot, Edouard

"Recherches faites dans la grande collection des Historiens de la Chine, sur les anciennes apparitions de la Comete de Halley"

offprint from Additions a la Connaissance des Temps, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (2)Dunn, Samuel

A Popular Lecture on the Astronomy and Philosophy of Comets. In which, The Opinions of the Antients, and the Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, Relative to those Bodies, are introduced and explained

London: Printed for the Author, and Sold by W. Owen, at Temple-Bar, and Mess. Heath and Wing, in the Strand, 1759. Wants p. 19-26.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (3)La Lande, Monsieur de

Reflexions sur les Cometes qui peuvent approcher de la Terre

Paris: Gibert, 1773.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (4)Mulerius, Nicolaus

Hemelsche Trompet: Morgenwecker / ofte Comeet. Met een Langebaert. Erschenen Anno 1618. in Novembri ende Decembri, ghestelt door Nicolaum Mulerium, Doct. & Profess. in de Medecynen / ende Mathematischen consten in Groeninghen

Groningen: Gedruckt By Hans Das Boeckdrucker Ordinaris, 1618.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (5)Weyer, G. D. E.

Uber die Differentialformeln fur Cometbahnen von grosser Excentricitat mit Berucksichtigung der Planetarischen Storungen

Berlin: Ferd. Dummler, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (6)Cole, William

Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light and on the Theory of Comets

Colchester: Printed and Sold by W. Keymer: Sold also by Mr. Fletcher, Oxford; Mr. Paris, Cambridge; Mr. Martin, Optician, Fleet-Street, and Mr. Robinson, Paternoster-Row, London, 1777.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (7)Stratford, W. S.

Ephemeris of Encke's Comet, 1838

London: Nautical Almanac Office, 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (8)Airy, G. B.

On Encke's Comet. Encke's Dissertation contained in no. CCX and CCXI of the 'Astronomische Nachrichten'. Translated from the German

Cambridge: J. Smith, Printer to the University, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (8)Airy, G. B.

Encke's Dissertation Contained in no. CCX and CCXI of the Astronomische Nachrichten

Translated from the German. Cambridge, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 32 (9)Wartmann, L.-F.

"Notice sur la Reapparition de la Comete a Courte Periode d'Encke"

offprint from la Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, July 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (1)Aepinus, F. V. T.

Sermo Academicus de Similitudine Vis Electricae atque Magneticae in Solenni Conventu Academiae Imperialis Scientiarum A. O. R. MDCCLVIII. Die VII. Septembris cum Dies Nomini Augustae Russorum Imperatricis Elisabetae Primae Sacer Celebratur, Publice Praelectus

St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1758.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (10)Hahn, Erblandmarschall von

"Bemerkungen uber die Entstehung der Feuerkugeln"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (11)Henly, William

"Experiments and Observations in Electricity. With a Postscript, containing likewise A Variety of new Experiments and Observations in that Branch of Philosophy; Particularly, An Enquiry into the Cause of the Electricity of Bodies and the Constitution of the Electric Matter itself; With Notes tending to confirm and illustrate the Opinions advanced"

Read at the Royal Society, January 16 and 23, 1777 (from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1777). London: W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1777.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (12)Imhof, Maximus

Uber des Schiessen gegen heranziehende Donner- und Hagel- Gewitter. Zur zwey und funfzigsten Wiederkehr der Stiftungsfeyer der konig. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften am 28. Marz 1811 vorgelesen

Munich: Kosten der k. Akademie, 1811.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (13)Lambert, Monsieur

"Suite de l'Essai d'Hygrometrie"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (14)Luc, Professor de

"Uber eine scheinbare Erhohung der Gegenstande uber den Horizont"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (15)Lindner, Obrist von

"Nachricht von dem Erdbeben in Schlesien"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, 1799.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (16)Buch, Leopold von

"Nachricht von diesem Erdebeben"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (17)Gronau, Prediger

"Zusatze zu den vorhergehenden Abhandlungen"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (2)Aepinus, Fr. Ulr. Theod.

Abhandlung von den Luft-Erscheinungen, in einer offentlichen Versammlung der Kayserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, bey Allerhochster Gegenwart Ihro (?sic) Kayserlichen Majestat Katharina der Sweyten, Kayserin und Selbstherrscherin aller Reussen ... den 2 Julius 1763

St Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1763.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (3)August, E. F.

Ueber die Fortschritte der Hygrometrie in der Neuesten Zeit, eine Physicalische Vorlesung womit zu der Montag den 5. April 1830, Vormittags von 8.1/2 bis 12 Uhr, Nachmittags von 2.1/2 bis 5 Uhr, in dem Colnischen Rathhause statt findenden Offentlichen Prufung der Zoglinge des Colnischen Real-Gymnasii

Berlin: Nietackschen Buchdruckerei, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (4)Blagden, Charles

"Experiments and Observations in an Heated Room"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. lxv, 1775, pp. 111ff. London, 1775.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (5)Bose, George Mathias

Recherches sur la Cause et sur la veritable Teorie de l'Electricite

Wittemberg: Jean Fred. Slomac, 1745.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (6)Brandtjes, Jacobus

Dissertatio Philosophica Inauguralis de Elasticitate Aeris ejusque Causa

Quam Adspirante Summo Numine ex Auctoritate Magnifici Rectoris D. Davidis de Gorter John Fil. ... Nec non Consensu Amplissimi Senatus Academici, Nobilissimaeque Facultatis Philosophicae Decreto, pro Liberalium Artium Magisterio et Gradu Doctoratus in Philosophia. Harderovici: Johannem Moojen, Printer to the University, 1751.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (7)Dalberg, Ch. de

Anemometre propose aux Amateurs de Methereologie [sic]

Memoire lu dans la seance de l'Academie d'Erfurt du 5. Janv. 1781. Erfurt: ches George Adam Keyser, 1781.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (8)Ellinger, Anselm

Von den bisherigen Versuchen uber langere Voraussicht der Witterung. Eine geschichtliche Skisse mit Bemerkungen, vorgelesen in der offentlichen Versammlung der konigl. baier. Akademie der Wissenschaften zur Feyer des Maximilianstages im Jahre 1815

Munich: Jos. Lindauer, 1815.



Radcliffe Tracts 33 (9)Grimm, Cornelius

De maris nocturna lucis emissione

Dissertatio Inauguralis, quam amplissimo philosophorum Marburgensium ordini pro summis in philosophia honoribus rite obtinendis. Hanover: C. J. Edlerus, 1840.



Radcliffe Tracts 34 (1)Mutieff, Demetrius

De Psychometria. Dissertatio Physica quam Consensu et Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Alma Literarum Universitate Friderica Guilelma ad summos in Philosophie Honores rite Capessendos Die XIII. Mensis Augusti A. MDCCCXLII. H. L. Q. S.

Berlin: Julius Sittenfield, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 34 (2)Nagel, Philippus Iacobus

Dissertationis Physicae de Fulgure, et Tonitru ex Phaenomenis Electricis pars posterior. Quam Divinis sub Auspiciis Praeside Matthia Butschany ... in Academia Georgia Augusta D. XIX Martii MDCCLVII

Gottingen: J. C. L. Schulzius, Printer to the University, 1757.



Radcliffe Tracts 34 (3)Schmeddink, Godofredus Josephus

De Densitate Vaporum. Dissertatio Inauguralis Physica quam Consensu et Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Universitate Literaria Friderica Guilelma ad summos in Philosophia Honores rite impetrandos Die I. Octobris MDCCCXXXII H. L. Q. S.

Berlin: Typis Brueschkianis, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 34 (4)Toaldo, Giuseppe

La Meteorologia applicata all'Agricoltura. Memoria che ha riportato il premio dalla Societa Reale delle Scienze di Montpellier, sul Problema proposto per l'Anno 1774: Qual'e' l'influenza delle meteore sulla vegetazione, e quali conseguenze pratiche possono ricavarsi, relativamente a quest'oggetto, dalle differenti osservazioni meteorologiche sin ora fatte

Venice: Gaspare Storti, 1775.



Radcliffe Tracts 34 (5)Wilson, B.

A Short View of Electricity

London: Printed for C. Nourse, opposite Catherine-street in the Strand, 1780



Radcliffe Tracts 34 (7)Wynpersse, Samuel Joannes van der

Dissertatio Philosophica Inauguralis, de Aestu Marino; quam Favente Summo Numine, ex Auctoritate Rectoris Magnifici Ewaldi Hollebeek ... nec non Amplissimi Senatus Academici Consensu, & Nobillissimae Facultatis Philosophicae Decreto, pro Doctoratu et Magisterio, Summisque in Philosophia & Liberalibus Artibus Honoribus & Privilegiis rite consequendis, Publicae ac solemni disquisitioni submittet

Leyden: Sam. & Joann. Luchtmans, 1780.



Radcliffe Tracts 35 (1)Drinkwater, J. E.

Life of Galileo

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 35 (2)Drinkwater, J. E.

Life of Kepler

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 35 (3)Drinkwater, J. E.

Observations on the Invention of Telescopes

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 35 (4)Hunter, Joseph

"Some Particulars of the Life of John Field, the Proto-Copernican of England"

From the Gentleman's Magazine for May 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 35 (5)Biot, Monsieur [J. B.]

Life of Sir Isaac Newton

English Translation. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 35 (7)Anonymous

Biographical Account of John Hadley, Esq., V.P.R.S., The Inventor of the Quadrant, and of his Brothers George and Henry

N.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 35 (8)Airy, G. B.

"Report on the Progress of Astronomy during the Present Century"

extract from unidentified Transactions, 1832. [?Cambridge], 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 36 (1)Martin, Benjamin

The Nature and Construction of a Solar Eclipse Explained and Exemplified in that which will happen on April 1st., A.D. 1764

Containing, I. The Geometrical Construction of a General Eclipse of the Sun, exhibiting its Phases and Affections, by Scale and Compasses. II. The same by Trigonometrical Calculation. III. The Construction and Phases of a Solar Eclipse for any particular place, exemplified for the City of London. IV. Of the Form and Dimensions of the Moon's Dark Shadow on the Earth's Surface considered not as a Sphere but as a Spheroid. V. The Method of exhibiting all the Phases of a Solar Eclipse in the best Manner, by a Reflecting Telescope, in a Room not darkened. London: Printed for the Author in Fleet-Street, 1764.



Radcliffe Tracts 36 (2)Halley, [Edmund]

Dissertation on the Method of Determining the Parralax of the Sun by the Transit of Venus, June 6. 1761

London, 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 36 (2)Martin, Benjamin

Venus in the Sun: Being an Explication of the Rationale of that Great Phaenomenon; of the Several Methods used by Astronomers for Computing the Quantity and Phases thereof; And of the Manner of applying a Transit of Venus over the Solar Disk, For the Discovery of the Parallax of the Sun; Settling the Theory of that Planet's Motion, and Ascertaining the Dimensions of the Solar System

London: Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, near Temple-Bar, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 36 (3)Falck, N. D.

The Ready Observator; or, An Infallible Method for Determining the Latitude at Sea: By Altitudes of the Sun, At any Time of the Day, either Fore-noon or After-noon, Independent of a Meridional Observation

The Whole rendered peculiarly easy for Practice, and annexed with a compleat and correct sett of all the necessary Tables; Viz. Logarithmic Solar Tables, Sun's Declination, Natural Sines, Secants Less Radius, and Logarithms. London: Printed for the Author and Sold by Wells & Grosvenor, Stationers, no. 11, in Cornhill; by the Mathematical Instrument-Makers, and all Booksellers in the Sea-port-Towns in Great Britain, 1771.



Radcliffe Tracts 36 (4)Barker, Thomas

An Account of the Discoveries concerning Comets, with the Way to find their Orbits, And some Improvements in constructing and calculating their Places. For which Reason are here added New Tables, fitted to those Purposes; Particularly with regard to That Comet which is soon expected to return

London: Printed for J. Whiston and B. White, 1757.



Radcliffe Tracts 36 (5)Flower, Robert

The Radix. A New Way of Making Logarithms

This Rule, by One Hundred Logarithms, constructs the Logarithms to all Numbers, from 1 to 100000000000000000000. To Twenty Places of Figures in each Logarithm. And also Numbers are found from the Logarithms, to the same Length of Twenty Places. After a most concise and easy Manner. With their Application to the Involution of Powers, Extracting of Roots, etc. to the Extent of Twenty Figures. In Five Problems. London: Printed for the Author; and sold by J. Beecroft, in Pater-noster Row, 1771.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (1)Brewster, David

"On the Optical Properties of Sulphuret of Carbon, Carbonate of Barytes, and Nitrate of Potash; with Inferences respecting the Structure of Doubly Refracting Crystals"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1814. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1814.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (10)Vaucanson, Monsieur

Le Mecanisme du Fluteur Automate, Presente a Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Avec La Description d'un Canard Artificiel, mangeant, beuvant, digerant & se vuidant, epluchant ses ailes & ses plumes, imitant en diverses manieres un Canard vivant. Invente par la mesme. Et aussi, Celle d'une autre figure, egalement merveilleuse, jouant du Tambourin & de la Flute, suivant la relation, qu'il en a donnee depuis son Memoire ecrit

Paris: Jacques Guerin, 1738.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (11)Venturi, J.-B.

Essai sur les Ouvrages Physico-Mathematiques de Leonard de Vinci, avec des Fragmens tires de ses Manuscrits, apportes de l'Italie; Lu a la premiere Classe de l'Institut National des Sciences et Arts

Paris: Duprat, An. V [1797].



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (2)De Lisle

Nouvelles Cartes des Decouvertes de l'Amiral de Fonte

Paris, 1753.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (2)L'isle, Monsieur de

Nouvelles Cartes des Decouvertes de l'Admiral de Fonte, et autres Navigateurs Espagnols, Portugais, Anglois, Hollandois, Francois & Russes, dans les Mers Septentrionales avec leur Explication, etc.

Paris, 1753.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (3)Hudson, Charles

The Equalization of Circular Arcs and the Trisection of Angles

Calcutta: Printed by T. Black, Asiatic Lith: Press, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (4)Le Sage, G. L.

Essai de Chymie Mechanique

n.p., n.d. [1767]. Pasted in the front is a manuscript letter from the author to Dr Hornsby, dated 23 August 1767.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (5)Le Sage, G. L.

"Lucrece Newtonien"@off-print from Memoires de l'Academie royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Berlin pour 1782, publies en 1784."



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (6)Price, James

An Account of some Experiments on Mercury, Silver and Gold, made at Guildford in May, 1782. In the Laboratory of James Price, M. D., F.R.S. To which is prefixed an Abridgment of Boyle's Account of a Degradation of Gold

Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1782.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (7)Ramsden, J.

An Account of Experiments to determine the Specific Gravities of Fluids, thereby to obtain The Strength of Spiritous Liquors. Together with Some Remarks on a Paper entitled, 'The Best Method of Proportioning the Excise upon Spiritous Liquors' lately printed in the 'Philosophical Transactions'

London, 1792.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (8)Rowe, Jacob

All Sorts of Wheel-Carriage, Improved. Wherein it is plainly made to appear, that a much less than usual Draught of Horses, etc. will be requir'd, in Waggons, Carts, Coaches, and all other Wheel Vehicles, as likewise all Water-Mills, Wind-Mills and Horse-Mills. This Method being found good in Practice, by the trial of a Coach and Cart already made, shews of what great Advantage it may be to all Farmers, Carriers, Masons, Miners, etc., and to the Publick in general, by saving them one half of the Expences they are now at in the Draught of these Vehicles, according to the common Method

London: Printed for Alexander Lyon ... 1734.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (9)Gotterus, M. Frid. Gotth.

Dissertatio Philologica de Graeea voce OYPANOY Seu Coeli Quam Supremi Numinis Auxilio Rectore Magnificentissimo Dn. Wilhelmo Henrico Duce Saxoniae, Iuliaci, Cliviae, Montium cetera Superiorum Consensu in Academia Ienensi D. 7 Mart. A. O. R. MDCCV.

Publicae eruditorum disquisitioni subjicient Praeses M. Frid. Gotth. Gotterus, Altenb. Misn. et respondens Valentinus Stichelius, Haderslebia Holsatus, S. S. Theol. Stud. Jena: Litteris Mullerianis, 1705.



Radcliffe Tracts 37 (9)Stichelius, Valentinus

Dissertatio Philologica de Graeeavoce Oypanoy sue Coeli

n.p., 1705.



Radcliffe Tracts 38 (1)Stone, Edmund

Some Reflections on the Uncertainty of many Astronomical and Geographical Positions, with regard to the Figure and Magnitude of the Earth, The finding the Longitude at Sea by Watches, and other Assertions of the Most eminent Astronomers. With some Hints towards their Reformation and Emendation

London: Printed for J. Marks, in St. Martin's-Lane, 1766.



Radcliffe Tracts 38 (2)Harrison, John

A Description concerning such Mechanism as will afford a nice, or true Mensuration of Time; together with some Account of the Attempts for the Discovery of the Longitude by the Moon: As also An Account of the Discovery of the Scale of Musick

London: Printed for the Author, and sold by T. Jones, no. 138, Fetter-Lane, 1775.



Radcliffe Tracts 38 (3)Hatton, Thomas

An Essay on Gold Coin. In which is shewn The General Use of Currency, and the Present State of our Gold Coin; with Arguments to prove the Necessity of a New Coinage; pointing out the distinct Value and Weight that each Piece of Gold ought to be of. Also, The Principles of Hydrostatics, Shewing how to discover any Adulteration in Gold Coin, either by the Pen, or Tables ready calculated to shew the Par or Weight of each Piece, either in Air or Water. With a Description and Use of the most improved Weighing Instruments; shewing their Properties when really accurate. Intended For the Service of Bankers, Public Officers, and Trade in General. To this Edition is subjoined the Substance of the of the late Gold Act; with Answers to the very severe Strictures upon it, etc. in a Tract intitled 'A Critical Enquiry', etc.

Second Edition. London: Printed for Joseph Deveulle, Bookseller, no. 14, Coventry Street, near the Haymarket, 1774.



Radcliffe Tracts 38 (4)Becket, J. B.

An Essay on Electricity, containing A Series of Experiments Introductory to the Study of that Science; In which are included Some of the latest Discoveries; intended chiefly With a View of facilitating its Application, and extending its Utility In Medical Purposes

Bristol: Printed for J. B. Becket, opposite the Exchange, Bristol; Sold by T. Becket, in the Strand, and G. Robinson, in Paternoster-Row, London; D. Prince, at Oxford; W. Frederick, at Bath; and E. Score and B. Thorn, at Exeter, 1773.



Radcliffe Tracts 38 (5)Becket, J. B.

The Use of the Hydrostatic Balance made easy: and Applied particularly to the Purpose of detecting counterfeit Gold Coin. With several Tables and Calculations relative to the Weight of Gold

Bristol: Printed for the Author, opposite the Exchange, in Corn-Street; - Sold by G. Robinson, in Paternoster-Row, London; - and R. Cruttwell, in Bath, 1775.



Radcliffe Tracts 38 (6)Arden, James

Analysis of Mr. Arden's Course of Lectures On Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Viz. Natural Philosophy in General, Chemistry, Electricity, Mechanics, Geography, Astronomy, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, &c.

n.p.: Printed for, and Sold by the Author. M,DCC,LXXIV [1774]. 64 pages.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (1)Barlow, Joseph

A New Method of finding the Longitude by an Altitude of the Moon, when Two, Three, or more Hours distant from the Meridian; independent of the Longitude by Account

London: W. C. Drake, 1818.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (10)Rowning, J.

Directions for making a Machine for finding the Roots of Equations universally, with the Manner of Using it, in a Letter to John Bevis, M.D., F.R.S., by the Rev. Mr. Rowning

Read before the Royal Society, May 3, 1770. London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1771.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (11)Anonymous

An Account of the Proceedings, in order to the Discovery of the Longitude: in a Letter to the Right Honourable ******, Member of Parliament

London: Printed by T. and J. W. Pasham, in Black-Friars, and Sold by the Booksellers, in London and Westminster, 1763.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (11)Anonymous

An Account of the Proceedings, in Order to the Discovery of the Longitude: in a Letter to the Right Honourable ******, Member of Parliament

London, 1763(?).



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (12)Anonymous

The Description of a Time-keeper for Astronomical and other Uses

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (12)Anonymous

The Description of a Time-Keeper For Astronomical and other Uses

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (2)Bradley, James

A Letter to the Right Honoruable George Earl of Maccles-field. Concerning an Apparent Motion (Nutation) observed in some of the Fixed Stars

London: Printed in the Year 1747.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (3)Dollond, Peter

Some Account of the Discovery, made by the late Mr. John Dollond, F.R.S. which led to the grand improvement of Refracting Telescopes, in order to correct some misrepresentations, in foreign publications, of that discovery: with An Attempt to account for the Mistake in an Experiment made by Sir Isaac Newton; on which experiment, the improvement of the refracting telescope entirely depended

London: Printed for J. Johnson, in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1789.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (4)Dunn, Samuel

A Determination of the exact Moments of Time when the Planet Venus was at external and internal contact with the Sun's Limb, in the Transits of June 6th, 1761; and June 3d, 1769

As read before the Royal Society at London, February 22d 1770, and printed in their Transactions, 1770. London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1770.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (5)Ellicott, John

A Description of Two Methods by which the Irregularities in the Motion of a Clock, arising from the Influence of Heat and Cold upon the Rod of the Pendulum, may be prevented. Read at the Royal Society, June 4, 1752. To which are added A Collection of Papers, Relating to the same Subject, Most of which were read at several Meetings of the Royal Society

London: Printed for R. Willock, at Sir Isaac Newton's Head, in Cornhill, 1753.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (6)Irwin, Christopher

A Summary of the Principles and Scope of a Method, Humbly proposed, For finding the Longitude at Sea

London: Printed for R. and J. Oodsley, in Pall-Mall, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (7)Macclesfield, Earl of

Speech in the House of Peers ... at the ... Reading of the Bill for Regulating the Commencement of the Year, etc.

London, 1751.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (7)Macclesfield, the Earl of

The Earl of Macclesfield's Speech in the House of Peers On Monday the 18th Day of March 1750. At the Second Reading of the Bill For Regulating the Commencement of the Year, etc.

London: Printed for Charles Davis, Printer to the Royal Society, 1751.



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (8)Rochon, Alexis

Memoire (1) sur les Verres Achromatiques. Adaptes a la mesure des angles, et sur les avantages que l'on peut retirer de la double refraction pour la mesure precise des petits angles

n.p. [?Brest], Floreal an 9 [{..}].



Radcliffe Tracts 39 (9)Rochon, Alexis

Des Miroirs et des Verres Ardens

n.p. [?Brest], Floreal an 12 [{..}].



Radcliffe Tracts 4 (1)Polenus, Ioannes

Observatio Solaris Eclipsis Habita Patavii V. Nonas Maias MDCCXV. Accessere Epistola duae de quodam Phaenomeno in eadem Eclipsi observato

Patavii: Typis Ioannis Baptistae Conzatti, 1715.



Radcliffe Tracts 4 (2)Smyth, C. Piazzi

"On the Total Solar Eclipse of 1851"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XXX, 1852. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 4 (3)Schmidt, J. F. Julius

Beobachtung der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss vom 28sten Juli 1851 zu Rastenburg in Ostpreussen

Bonn: Adolph Marcus, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 4 (4)Ursinus, Georgius Fredericus

De Eclipsi Solari Die VII Septembris MDCCCXX Apparitura Secundum Methodum Geometriae Analyticae Tractata Dissertatio

Hafniae: Typis Schultzianis, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 4 (5)Grunert, J. A.

"Theorie der Sonnenfinsternisse der Durchgange der Unteren Planeten vor der Sonne und der Sternbedeckungen fur einen Gegebenen Ort der Erde"

offprint from Denkschriften der mathematisch-naturwissenschaften Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, vol. VII, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (1)Cassini, Monsieur De

Extrait des Observations Astronomiques et Physiques, Faites par ordre de Sa Majeste, a l'Observatoire Royal, En l'annee 1789

M. de Cassini, Directeur. Mrs. Nouet, de Villeneuve & Ruelle, eleves. n.p., 1789.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (2)Ellicott, John

An Explanation of the Nature of the Equation of Time, and Use of the Equation Table for Adjusting Watches and Clocks to the Motion of the Sun. Also, The Description of a Time-Keeper for Astronomical and Other Uses

London: Printed for F. Clay, at the Bible, without Temple-Bar, 1731. Imperfect: wants all after p. 14.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (3)Gumpach, Johannes von

Ueber den Nutzen der Largeteau'schen Sonnen- und Mond- Tefeln. Ein Nachtrag zu meinem Hufsbuch der Rechnenden Chronologie

Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagshandlung von J. C. B. Mohr, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (4)La Lande, Monsieur de

Explication de la Figure du Passage de Venus sur le Disque du Soleil, Qui s'observera le 3 Juin 1769; Avec les Resultats du Passage observe en 1761

Paris, 1764.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (5)Martin, Benjamin

Venus in the Sun: being an Explication of the Rationale of that Great Phaenomenon; of the Several Methods used by Astronomers for Computing the Quantity and Phases thereof; And the Manner of applying a Transit of Venus over the Solar Disk, For the Discovery of the Parallax of the Sun; Settling the Theory of that Planet's Motion, and Ascertaining the Dimensions of the Solar System

London: Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, near Temple-Bar, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (6)Weidlerus, Io. Frider

De Praesenti Specularum Astronomicarum Statu Dissertatio

Wittenberg: Vidua Gerdesia, 1727.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (7)Weidlerus, Ioannes Fridericus; Roth, M. Matthias Marcus

Selectas Aliquot Observationes Coelestes Superioribus Annis Vitembergae Habitas. Disputantium Disquisitioni submittent A. M. DCC. XXIII. D. IV. DECEMBR

Wittenberg: Typis Creusigianis, 1723.



Radcliffe Tracts 40 (8)Wollaston, Francis

Observations made at Chislehurst, in Kent, and communicated to the Royal Society

London: W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1773



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (1)Glenie, Jacobus

Leges metaphysicae, seu principia mathematica, quae omnia fere ad magnitudinum rationes, rationumque relationes spectantia universaliter gubernant et indefinite proferunt

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (2)Hesselbarth, F. W.

Sammlung von Beispielen und Aufgaben aus der Differenzial-und Integralrechnung mit Verwandlung der Functionen

Leipzig: Arnold, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (4)Wilkinson, W.

On the Orbits Described by Bodies revolving in Given Planes Round Immoveable Centres of Forces

Cambridge: Printed by J. Smith, Printer to the University, and Sold by Deighton and Sons, 1816.



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (5)Miscellanea Curiosa Mathematica

Miscellanea Curiosa Mathematica

no. I. To be published quarterly. London: Printed for Edward Cave, at St. John's Gate, and Sold by J. Collyer, in Ivy-Lane, 1745.



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (6)Tillotson, John

I Tre Libri della Perspettiva Commune dell'Illustriss. et Reverendiss. Monsig. Gioanni Arcivescovo Cantuariense. Noouamente tradotti nella lingua italiana, & accresciuti di figure, & annotationi da GIO. PAOLO GALLUCCI SALODIANO. Al modo illustre Sig. Gio. Battista Cucina Secretario Apostolico dignissimo

Venice: Appresso gli Heredi di Giovanni Varisco, 1693.



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (7)Bartolas, J.

De Radiis Visus et Lucis in Vitris Perspectivis et Iride Tractatus Marci Antonii de Dominis

Venice, 1611.



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (7)De Dominis, Marcus Antonius

De Radiis Visus et Lucis in Vitris Perspectivis et Iride Tractatus. In quo inter alia ostenditur ratio Instrumenti cuiusdam ad clare videndum, quae sunt valde remota excotitati

Edited by Ioannes Bartolus. Venice: Thomas Baglionus, 1611.



Radcliffe Tracts 41 (8)Cerfvole, Andre de

Essai sur la Geometrie elementaire, qui doit etre soutenu par Monsieur d'Andre de Cerfvole, Le 26. Aout 1753. a trois heures apres midi, dans la salle des Pensionaires des Jesuites

Toulouse: Pierre Robert, 1753.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (1)Bellani, Angelo

"Delle diffolcata che si oppongono allo stabilimento di osservatorj meteorologici"

offprint from Giornale dell' I. R. Istituto Lombardo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti e Biblioteca Italiana, vol. ii, 1841. Milan, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (10)Kuhlmann, Fred

Chimie. Sur la Formation des Cyanures et de l'Acide Cyanhydrique. Preparation de cet Acide sans Cyanure

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (11)Dove, H. W.

Die Witterungsverhaltnisse von Berlin. Eine am 29 Januar im Vereine fur wissenschaftliche Vortrage gehaltene Vorlesug

Berlin: Berliner Lesacabinet, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (12)Dove, H. W.

Ueber die klimatischen Verhaltnisse des Preussischen Staates

Berlin: E. S. Mittler, n.d. [?c.1850].



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (14)Malle, Dureau de la

Climatologie comparee de l'Italie et de l'Andalousie

Paris, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (14)Malle, Dureau de la

Climatologie comparee de l'Italie et de l'Andalousie Anciennes et Modernes

Paris: Bachelier, Imprimeur-Libraire, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (15)Eisenlohr, Otto

Untersuchungen uber den Busammenhang des Barometerstandes mit der Witterung im Winter. Nach vieljahrigen in Karlsruhe angestellten Beobachtungen

Karlsruhe: A. Bielefeld, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (16)Guerin, J.

Observations Meteorologiques faites a Avignon depuis 1802 jusqu'en 1812 inclusivement; Suivies de la hauteur de quelques points remarquables au-dessus du niveau de la mer

Avignon: Fr. Seguin, 1813.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (17)Haeghens; Berigny; Lacroix

Notice sur les Travaux Meteorologiques de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Seine-et-Oise. Marz 1847

Seine-et-Oise, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (18)Hartnup, John

Meteorological Results deduced from observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory during the two years ending December 31st., 1852

Read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, May 30th., 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (19)Hartnup, John

"Results deduced from observations taken with the Self-Registering Anenometer and Rain-Gauge, at the Liverpool Observatory, during the Four Years ending December 31, 1855"

offprint{?} from an unidentified periodical. Read 17th April 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (2)Bone, William

Mason's Hygrometer. A Table for Obtaining the Dew-Point and Moisture by Inspection, the Degree of the Dry Bulb being at the Head of the Column, and that of the Wet Bulb at the Side: Opposite the Latter will be found the Dew-Point and Moisture

London: Published and Sold by Mr Jones, Optician, 62 Charing Cross, London, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (2)Guadagni, Carlo Alfonso

Lettera del Dott. Carlo Alfonso Guadagni all' Illustriss. Pietro Gaetano Grifoni sopra una nuova Struttura d'un Barometro Portatile

Pisa: Gio: Dom: Carotti, 1767.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (20)Hennessy, Henry

"Notes on Meteorology"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. vi, 1856. Dublin: M. H. Gill, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (21)Herrenschneider, J. L. A.

"Resume des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Strasbourg depuis le commencement de l'an 1811 jusqu'a la fin de 1820, et Resultats principaux relatifs a l'etat de l'atmosphere et a l'annee moyenne du climat de la meme ville, tires de 15 annees d'observations"

offprint from Memoires de la Societe des Sciences, Agriculture et Arts de Strasbourg, vol. ii, 1823. Strasburg: F. G. Levrault, 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (3)Burnier, F.; Plantamour, E.

"Nivellement du Grand Saint-Bernard"

offprint from La Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, October 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (4)Carrel, M. Le Chanoine G.

"Notice sur les Observations Meteorologiques faites a Aoste, en 1841"

offprint from Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, Septembre 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (5)Clos, J.-A.

Nouvel Apercu sur la Meteorologie

Paris: Bachelier, Libraire ... M.V. de Boisjoslin, Libraire, 1828.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (6)Colla, Antonio

Notizie Meteorologiche relative agli Anni MDCCCXLI, MDCCCXLII e MDCCCXLIII

Parma: Dalla Tipografia Ferrari, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (7)Dalton, John

Observations in Meteorology, particularly with regard to the Dew-Point, or quantity of Vapour in the Atmosphere; made on the Mountains in the North of England, From 1803 to 1820

n.p., 1821.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (8)Delezenne, Monsieur

Physique. Note sur le Phenomene d'Optique Meteorologique du 13 Mars 1838

n.p., 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 42 (9)Delezenne, Monsieur

Note sur un Point de Meteorologie

n.p., 1840.



Radcliffe Tracts 43 (2)Lubbock, J. W.

Remarks on the Classification of the Different Branches of Human Knowledge

London: Charles Knight & Co.; Cambridge: J. J. Deighton, 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 43 (3)Lubbock, Sir J. W.

"On the Determination of the Numerical Values of the Coefficients in any series consisting of Sines and Cosines of Multiples of a Variable Angle"

from the Philosophical Magazine for February 1848. London: Charles Knight & Co., 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 43 (4)Lubbock, J. W.

On Shooting Stars

Farnborough, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 43 (5)Lubbock, J. W.

Account of the 'Traite sur le Flux et Reflux de la Mer' of Daniel Bernoulli, and a Treatise on the Attraction of Ellipsoids

London: C. Knight; Cambridge: J. & J. J. Deighton, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 43 (6)Lubbock, J. W.

An Elementary Treatise on the Computation of Eclipses and Occultations

London: Charles Knight, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 43 (7, 8, & 9)Lubbock, J. W.

On the Theory of the Moon and on the Perturbations of the Planets

New Edition. London: Charles Knight, 1834, Parts I & II; 1837, Parts III, IV, V; 1848, Part VI; 1849, Part VII.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (1)Martin, Benjamin

An Appendix to the Description and Use of the Globes

Containing, I. Animadversions upon the Structure, Apparatus, etc. of a Set of New Globes lately published; as also on the Book of their Uses. II. A New Construction of Orreries, with the Great Phaenomena they represent, and the extreme Degree of Exactness at a small Expence. III. Mr Graham's New Instrument for finding the Latitude at Sea by two observation on the Altitude of the Sun and Stars. IV. The Use of the Globe in finding the true Distance of the Moon and Sun or a Star, by the observed Distance. V. The Rationale of correcting the Places of the Stars on the Celestial Globe when necessary. VI. The Principles of the ancient Canicular Astronomy explained by Theory and Calculations. VII. An Abstract of Mr. Hornsby's Account of the ensuing Transit of Venus; with directions subjoined for making a Helioscope to view the Phases to best Advantage. VIII. Postscript to the Reviewers Remarks. The Whole illustrated by a large Copper-Plate. London: Printed for, and Sold by the Author, in Fleet-Street, and by the Booksellers in City and Country, 1766.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (10)Mudge, Thomas

Thoughts on the Means of Improving Watches

and more particularly those for the Use of the Sea. Partly deduced from Reason, and partly from the Observation of Effects attributed to particular Causes. London, 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (2)Stone, Edward

The Whole Doctrine of Parallaxes explained and illustrated by an Arithmetical and Geometrical Construction of the Transits of Venus and Mercury over the Sun. Enriched with a New and General Method of determining the Places where any Transit of these Planets may be best observed for the Investigation of their Parallaxes; and applied in particular to that of Venus, which will be June 3, 1769, and of Mercury, May 7, 1799

Second Edition. Oxford: Printed for J. Fletcher, in the Turle; and J. Fletcher in St Paul's Church-yard, London, 1768.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (3)Smith, George

A Dissertation on the General Properties of Eclipses; and particularly the ensuing Eclipses of 1748, considered through all its periods

London: Printed for E. Cave, at St John's Gate, and sold at the Pamphlet Shops, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (4)Henderson, Andrew

The Transit of Venus, over the Disk of the Sun, June 6, 1761

London: Printed for A. Henderson, in Westminster-Hall, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (5)Henderson, Andrew

The Transit of Venus over the Disc of the Sun, June 3 and 4, 1769

London: Printed for A. Henderson, Westminster-hall, 1769.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (6)Hardy, Samuel

A Translation of Scherffer's Treatise on the Emendation of Dioptical Telescopes

In which Dollond's Theorem is Synthetically and Analytically demonstrated, - and extended to Glasses of various Kinds, and applied to Microscopes; several Methods for determining the different Refractive Powers of different Kinds of Glass are explained; and Tables are given for finding the proper Radii of Concavity and Convexity for any Compound Glass of a given Focus. To which are added, Explanatory Notes; and a Description of a Telescope to be used at Sea, for discovering the Longitude there. London: Printed for George Peach, at no. 12 Cheapside, 1768.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (7)Heathcote, R.

Historia Astronomiae, sive De Ortu & Progressu Astronomiae, in Duabus Partibus. Pars Prior declarat, unde orta primum est, quibusnam deinde crevit augmentis, et qua postremo laboris ingeniique mira faelicitate ad umbilicum perducta tandem est. Pars Altera exhibet tum ingenium tum methodum olim Philosophantium; et, exacta, uti par est, horum philosophandi ratione, in Newtonianam aliquando concedit

Cambridge: J. Bentham, Printer to the University; Sold by G. Thurlbourn and T. Merrill in Cambridge, and G. Brice in Leicester, 1747.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (8)Adelbulner, Michael

Invitatio ad Commercium Litterarium in Rei Astronomicae Incrementum Communio Consilio Instituendum una cum eiusdem Specimine Commercii

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 44 (9)Roberts, J.

An Answer to Mr Ferguson's Essay upon the Moon's turning round its own Axis, subjoined to his Dissertation upon the Harvest Moon, etc.

London: Printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 45 (1)Guadagnius, Carolus Alphonsus

Specimen Experimentorum Naturalium quae Singulis Annis in illustri Pisana Academia exhibere solet

Pisa: Jo: Dom: Carotti, 1764.



Radcliffe Tracts 45 (3)Ximenio, Leonardo

Dissertatio de Maris Aestu ac praesertim de Viribus Lunae, Solisque Mare Moventibus, quam equiti Cajetano Antinorio Urbevetano Ordinis S. Stephani Priori, uni ex Aetruriae Regentibus, atque a Secretis Bellicis constituto, Vincentius Bucellius, in obsequentis animi pignus consecrat, atque publice ad defendendum proponit

Florence: Petrus Cajetanus Vivianus, 1755.



Radcliffe Tracts 45 (4)Ximenes, Leonardo

Osservazione del Passaggio di Venere Sotto il Disco Solare accaduto la mattina del di 6. Giugno di quest' anno 1761, fatta da Leonardo Ximenes della Compagnia di Gesu all' Osservatorio di S. Gio. Evangelista, e ridotta al tempo vero del Meridiano Fiorentino

Florence, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (1)Barrow, J.

A Description of Pocket and Magazine Cases of Mathematical Drawing Instruments, in which is explained the Use of each Instrument, and particularly of the Sector and Plain Scale, in the Solution of a Variety of Problems; likewise, the Description, Construction, and Use, of Gunter's Scale

London: Printed for J. and W. Watkins, no. 5, Charing-Cross, Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical, Instrument Makers to their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York, and His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, 1792.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (10a)Dent, Edward J.

A Paper, on the Patent Azimuth and Steering Compass

Presented to the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at York, Read, September 30th 1844. London: Published by the Author, 82, Strand; 33, Cockspur-Street; and 34, Royal Exchange, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (10b)Dent, Edward J.

A Paper on the Shape of the Wheel-Teeth in the New Clock for the New Royal Exchange

Presented to the Meeting of the British Association at York, Read, 30th September 1844. London, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (11)Dent, Edward J.

A Description of the Dipleidoscope, or Double-Reflecting Meridian and Altitude Instrument; with Plain Instructions for the Method of Using it in the Correction of Time-Keepers

London: Published by the Author, no. 82, Strand, and 33, Cockspur-Street, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (12)Eisenlohr, W.

Anleitung zur Ausfuhrung und Visitation der Blitzableiter

Karlsruhr: Walsch und Vogel, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (13)Fox, Robert Were

"Description of some Improvements in the Dipping Needle Deflector together with a Chart and Table of the Dip, and Intensity of the Terrestrial Magnetism in Some Parts of England, Ireland, and Wales"

extract from the Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, for 1835. Falmouth: Printed by Jane Trathan, Bookbinder, etc., 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (14)Hadley, George

The Nature and Use of Hadley's Quadrant, with a Preface, containing the Theory on which that Noble and useful Instrument is founded: and a Description of the Nonius

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (15)Dollond, John, & Son

The Construction and Use of the Sea Quadrant, commonly called Hadley's Quadrant

Containing such Directions as are necessary to render the Use of this Noble Instrument both easy and certain, Particularly with Respect to the Back Observation, which has been hitherto neglected for want of proper Instructions. To which is added, an Introduction, explaining the Theory of the Instrument in a plain and familiar manner. With correct Tables of the Sun's Declination, which being calculated for four Years are thereby rendered perpetual. London: Printed for J. Dollond & Son, near Exeter Exchange, in the Strand, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (16)Hartley, David

An Account of the Invention and Use of Fire-Plates, for the Security of buildings and ships against fire

London, 1785.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (17)Hartnup, John

On the Importance of Testing Chronometers before they are Used at Sea, with Examples to show how their most common Faults may be detected

Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, Cook Street, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (18)Hartnup, John

"On the Method of Testing Marine Meteorological Instruments, recently introduced at the Liverpool Observatory"

from Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, viii (1856). Liverpool: T. Brakell, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (19)Heinen, Franz

Uber einige Rotations-Apparate, inbesondere den Fessel'schen

Brunswick: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (2)Bruhl, Count

On the Investigation of Astronomical Circles

London: Printed for T. Cadell, Jun.; W. Davies, (Successors to Mr. Cadell), in the Strand, 1794.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (20)[Hahn, Phil. Matthew; Mylius, Albert de]

Description of a Planetarium or Astronomical Machine, which exhibits the most remarkable Phaenomena, Motions, and Revolutions, of the Universe

Invented and partly executed by the celebrated Mr Phil. Matthew Hahn, Member of the Academy of Sciences at Erfurt, and finished and completed by Mr. Albert de Mylius. London: Printed in the Year 1791.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (21)Hansen, P. H.

Ueber die Chronometer, welche Herr Kessels verfertigt, aus den Notizen uber ihren Gang von Bessel, Bohnenberger, Hansteen, Schumacher und Zahrtmann gezogen und mit Bererkungen uber die vortheilhafteste Art sie zu Langenbestimmungen zu gebrauchen. Nebst Bemerkungen uber die Behandlung der Chronometer und dem Preisverzeichnisse der Kessels'schen Uhren

Altona: In Commission bei Perthes und Besser im Hamburg, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (22)Englefield, Sir H. C.

Description of a New Transit Instrument improved by Sir H. C. Englefield, Bart, F.R.S., F.S.A., etc. etc. etc. and Made and Sold by Thomas Jones, Astronomical and Mathematical Instrument Maker, etc., no. 21, Oxendon-Street

London: Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, Shoe-Lane, 1814.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (23)Jones, William

The Description and Use of a New Portable Orrery; on a most simple Construction, Representing the Two parts - the Motions and Phaenomena of the Planetary System; But more particularly the Motions of the Earth and Moon, round the Sun, from whence the Nature and Causes of the vicissitudes of the Seasons, Days, and Nights, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, etc. are clearly explained. To which is prefixed, A short Account of the Solar System, of the true System of the World

Second Edition, enlarged, with an Account of the New Discovered Planet, called the Georgium Sidus. London: Printed for and Sold by John Jones, and Son, at their Shop, No. 135, near Furnivals-Inn, Holborn, 1784.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (24)Jones, William

"Observations on Dr Wollaston's Statements Respecting an Improvement in the Form of Spectacle-Glasses"

from the Philosophical Magazine for February 1804.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (25)Jones, W. H.

On the Rochon Micrometer Telescope, and its Application to the Measurement of Distances, with a Table for the Distances for every Second

London: Published and Sold by Mr Jones, Optician, 62, Charing Cross, London, 1842. [Latter is the instrument maker Thomas Jones; W. H. Jones is his son].



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (26)Kater, Captain

Instructions for the Adjustments and Use of the Instruments Intended for the Northern Expeditions

Printed by Order of the Royal Society. London: Printed by W. Bulmer & Co., Cleveland Row, St James's, 1818.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (27)Lohrmann, Monsieur

"De quelques-uns des principaux observatoires d'Allemagne"

translated by A. Quetelet; offprint from the Correspondance Mathematique et Physique, n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (27)Quetelet, A.

Extrait de la Correspondance Mathematique et Physique

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (28)Owen, W. F. W.

"The False Horizon"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (28a)Anonymous

The False Horizon

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (28b)Anonymous

Suggestions for a mode of bringing to England the Obelisk at Alexandria called Cleopatra's needle

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (28c)Anonymous

Patent Breach for Guns

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (28d)Anonymous

An unnoticed Key to the Campaign of 1813 and foreign Miscellany

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (29)Mann, James; Ayscough, James

A Description of the Compound (Commonly call'd the Reflecting or Double) Microscope, with Great Improvements

London: At the Sign of Sir Isaac Newton and Two Pair of Golden Spectacles, near the West-End of St. Paul's, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (29a)Mann, James; Ayscough, James

Description of the Solar or Camera-Obscura Microscope

n.p., n.d. [c.1770].



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (3)Mudge, Thomas

A Register of One of Mr. Mudge's Time-Keepers

n.p., n.d. [c.1800].



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (30)Anonymous

Trials of various Chronometers

London, [c.1816].



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (30)Manton, Mr

An Account of the going of Mr Manton's Chronometer I, in a Vacuum, at the Royal Observatory

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (31)Martin, Benjamin

An Explanation of a new Construction and Improvement of the Sea Octant and Sextant, containing a most easy, expeditious and accurate Method of Adjusting and Rectifying those Instruments for Use both at Sea and Land. Also the best Disposition of the Glasses; with Directions for making the Fore and Back Observations; and the several Steps in the Process of finding the Longitude at Sea

London: Printed for the Author, at no. 171, Fleet Street, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (34)[Villette, Mr.]

A Description of the great Burning-Glass made by Mr Villette and his Two Sons, born at Lyons. With some Remarks upon the surprising and wonderful Effects thereof

In French and English. London: Printed for W. Lewis, under Tom's Coffee House, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1718.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (35)Phipps, Thomas, Lt., R. N.


Inc. 'Having had opportunities, as well in His Majesty's Navy, as in the Merchant service, of observing that there is no regular uniform system for the care and preservation at sea, of that most useful and valuable instrument, The Chronometer, ...'; n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (4)Burt

Copies of Letters relative to Mr Burt's Buoy and Nipper

London: Printed by Bensley and Son, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, 1817.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (5)Brook, H. J.

A Description of the Principle and Method of Using the Common & Reflective Goniometers

London (?), [c.1800].



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (5)Brooke, H. J.

"A Description of the Principle and Method of Using the Common and Reflective Goniometers"

extracted from A Familiar Introduction to Crystallography. These instruments are Made and Sold by W. Cary, no. 182, Strand. N.d. [early 19th C.].



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (6)Cary, W.

Description of a New-Improved Pocket Compound Microscope

It is adapted for any purpose to which a Microscope can be applied - its portability and magnifying powers will recommend it strongly to the Naturalist, Mineralogist, and Botanist, as it is furnished with sufficient powers for discovering the smallest Animalcula, Chrystallizations, and Seed Vessels. Made and Sold by W. Cary, no. 182 Strand, London. n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (7)Cavallo, Tiberius

Description and Use of the Telescopical Mother-of-Pearl Micrometer

London: Printed for the Author, and sold by C. Dilly, in the Poultry, 1793.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (8)Cuthbertson, John

Description of an improved Air-Pump, and an Account of some experiments made with it, by which its Superiority above all other Air-Pumps is demonstrated

Amsterdam: Printed for the Author by Pieter Hayman, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 46 (9)Davenport, Stephen

A Description of the New-Invented Table Air-Pump: With the manner of Performing the most Curious Experiments on it: The Figures of the Air-Pump Glasses, And all the Machines belonging to it, being curiously Engrav'd on Copper-Plates

London: Printed by J. Leake, for the Author, and sold at his House in High Holborn, and at Mr. Wright's, Mathematical Instrument Maker, in Fleetstreet, 1737.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (1)Adams, Q.

Discovery of the Longitude at Sea by Solar Distance. In this Essay the superior certainty of Simple to Compound Motion, for the Mensuration of Time, and consequent Advantage, in that respect, of a Sand Glass, adjusted to the Earth's Diurnal Revolutiom, for Ascertaining at Sea, The Hour of Mid-Day, under the First Meridian; and according to the Sun's Declination, the true Time of his passing that Meridian is pointed out; and the Practicability of availing ourselves of that Advantage, demonstrated by a Problem for finding the Longitude, In all other Respects independently of Time, by his Altitude in that Meridian

London: Printed by the Philanthropic Society; and sold for the Author, by W. Hatton, no. 3, Tothill Street, near Westminster Abbey; or may be had of the Author, as above, 1810.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (10)Lax, W.

An Easy Method of Finding the Longitude and Time at Sea from the Observations made for determining the Longitude by the Lunar Method; or (When the Time at Greenwich is given) from the Observed Altitudes of the Moon and Sun, or of the Moon and a Star; together with the Application of it to finding the Same from the Observed Altitudes of Two Stars

Cambridge, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (11)Riddle, Edward

An Extension of the Double Altitude Problem to finding the Longitude as well as the Latitude at Sea

London, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (12)Riddle, Edward

On the corrections of Latitude and Middle-time

Greenwich, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (12)Riddle, John

On the Corrections of Latitude and Middle Time, from Double Altitudes of the sun

Greenwich, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (13)Stevens, John

A Method of Ascertaining the Latitude in the Northern Hemisphere by a Single Altitude of the Polar Star, at any time; with Tables computed for that purpose

Cambridge: Printed by F. Hodson, at the Corner of Green-street, and Sold by W. Heather, Leadenhall-Street, London, 1800.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (14)Thacker, Jeremy

The Longitudes examin'd. Beginning with a short Epistle to the Longitudinarians, and ending with the Description of a smart, pretty Machine of my own, which I am (almost) sure will do for the Longitude and procure me the Twenty Thousand Pounds

London: Printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1714.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (15)Whiston, William

The Longitude discovered by the Eclipses, Occultations, and Conjunctions of Jupiter's Planets. With Descriptions of those Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes; and of those Sectors, and the Quadrant, which are the Instruments necessary for this Discovery, both at Land and Sea. To which is added, an Ephemeris for the latter Half of the Year of our Lord 1738. Configurations of Jupiter's Planets at Six a Clock every Evening, while Jupiter is to be any where seen. With those Eclipses, Occultations, and Conjunctions that are useful for the Discovery of the Longitude, both at Land and Sea

Humbly recommended to the Honourable the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea. London: John Whiston, 1738.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (154)Whiston, William

Table of Eclipses ...

London, 1739



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (16)Whiston, William; Ditton, Humphry

A New Method for Discovering the Longitude both at Sea and Land, Humbly Proposed to the Consideration of the Publick

London: Printed for John Phillips, at the Black Bull in Cornhill, 1714.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (17)Wronski, Hoene

Supplement a l'Adresse de M. Hoene Wronski au Bureau des Longitudes de la Grande-Bretagne

London: M. Rowe, Amen Corner, no. 2, 1821



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (18)Wiszniewski, Richard

Die mittlere jahrliche Temperatur auf der Erdoberflache als Function der geograph. Lange und Breite nach den Beobachtungen dargestellt. Eine Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Magister-Wurde verfasst und mit Bewilligung Einer Hochverordneten physiko-mathematischen Facultat der Kaiserlichen Universitat zu Dorpat offentlich verheidigt. Mit einer Isothermenkarte

Dorpat: H. Laakmann, 1853



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (19)Wright, Thomas (of Durham)

The Longitude Discover'd without the Use of Graduated Instruments, by a new Theory of the Stars. Independent of Parallax of Refraction, by the help, only, of a good Movement or Watch, that will keep True Time to less than a minute in twenty-four Hours

Durham: Printed by G. Sowler, in New-Elvet, for the Author, 1773.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (2)Alimarus, Dorotheus

Longitudinis aut Terra aut Mari investigandae Methodus. Adjectis insuper Demonstrationibus, & Instrumentorum Iconismis

Londini: Sumptibus Bibliopolarum in vico dicto the Strand, 1715.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (20)Thury, Cassini De

Lettere du un Italiano ad un Parigino intorno alle riflessioni del Sig. Cassini de Thury sul Grado Torinese

Florence: Gaetano Cambiagi, 1777.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (21)Anonymous

Some Particulars relative to the Discovery of the Longitude; mentioning several Foreign Premiums, and exactly narrating the Particulars of the British Acts of Parliament, respecting that Affair. With a list of the present Commissioners, etc.

London: George Burnett, 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (22)Kelly, P.

"Facts relating to the Nautical Almanac and Connoissance des Tems"

offprint from the Philosophical Magazine for October and December 1811.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (3)Baylee, John Tyrrell

Method of finding the Longitude, Meridian, Time, Culmination of the Fixed Stars and the Variation of the Compass at Sea or on Land, Independently of Refraction and Parallax, by one simple Observation

London: Published for the Author by R. Hunter, 72 St Paul's Churchyard, 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (4)Bouguer; Camus; Cassini de Thury; Pingre

Operations faites par ordre de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, Pour la verification du Degre du Meridien compris entre Paris & Amiens

Paris: l'Imprimerie Royale, 1757. 28 pages.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (5)Dunn, S.

The Navigator's Guide, to the Oriental or Indian Seas: or the Description and Use of a Variation Chart of the Magnetic Needle, designed for shewing the Longitude, throughout the principal Parts of the Atlantic, Ethiopic, and Southern Oceans; within a Degree, or Sixty Miles. With an Introductory Discourse, concerning the Discovery of the Magnetic Variation, the finding of the Longitude thereby, and several useful Tables

London: Printed for the Author; and Sold by him ..., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (6)Harrison, John

A Narrative of the Proceedings relative to the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea; by Mr John Harrison's Time-Keeper, Subsequent to those published in the Year 1763

London: Printed for the Author, and Sold by Mr Sandby in Fleet-Street, 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (7)Anonymous

An Account of the Going of Hardy's Chronometer, No. 278, in the Year 1814, at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford

n.p., n.d. [Oxford, ?1815]. 4 pages. (Re. chronometer made in 1811 by William Hardy).



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (8)Harrison, John

Remarks on a Pamphlet lately published by the Rev Mr Maskelyne, under the Authority of the Board of Longitude

London: Printed for W. Sandby in Fleet-Street, 1767.



Radcliffe Tracts 47 (9)Jurin, Jacibus

Dissertationes Physico-Mathematicae, partim antea editae in Actis Philosophicis Londinensibus, jam auctiores et emendatiores partim nunc primum impressae

Londini: Gulielmus Innys, 1732.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (1)Hellwig, C.

Das Problem des Apollonius nebst den Theorien der Potenzorter, Potenzpunkte, Aehnlichkeitspunkte, Aehnlichkeitsgeraden, Potenzkreise, Pole und Polaren im Sinne der neueren Geometrie fur alle Lagen der gegebenen Kreise leicht fasslich dargestellt

Halle: H. W. Schmidt, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (1)Helwig, C.

Das Problem des Apollonius

Halle, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (10)Robertson, Abram

A Reply to a Critical and Monthly Reviewer, in which is inserted Euler's Demonstration of the Binomial Theoram

Oxford: At the University Press for the Author, 1808.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (11)Roch, Norzewski

Nouvelle Theorie des Proportions et Progressions harmoniques avec ses Applications a la Geometrie

Paris: Bachelier, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (12)Salomon, Joseph

Sammlung von Formeln, Aufgaben und Beispielen aus der Arithmetik und Algebra nebst vier Tafeln der Vergleichung der vorzuglichsten Masse, Gewichte und Munzen mit den osterreichischen und franzosischen

Wien: Carl Gerold und Sohn, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (13)Schlomilch, Oskar

Der Attractionscalcul. Eine Monographie

Halle: H. W. Schmidt, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (14)Schwarz, Hermann

Versuch einer Philosophie der Mathematik verbunden mit einer Kritik der Aufstellungen Hegel's uber den Zweck und die Natur der hoheren Analysis

Halle: H. W. Schmidt, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (15)Smith, H. J. S.

On Some of the Methods at present in Use in Pure Geometry

Oxford: Printed by James Wright, Printer to the University, for the Ashmolean Society, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (16)Vince, S.

A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry; with an Introduction, explaining the Nature and Use of Logarithms. Adapted to the Use of Students in Philosophy

Third Edition. Cambridge: J. Smith, Printer to the University, 1810.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (2)Hudson, George

A New and Demonstrative Solution of the Geometric Quadrature of the Circle, and of the Geometric Mean, effected by Charles Hudson, of Calcutta; ... And now Faithfully Published for the information of Philosophers and Mathematicians, in the English, Latin and French Languages, Anno 1831

Calcutta: Andrew d'Souza, East Indian Press, 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (3)Anonymous [Knight, T.]

An Examination of M. La Place's Theory of Capillary Action

London: Printed for J. Deboffe ..., 1809.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (3)La Place, Monsieur

An Examination of M. La Place's Theory of Capillary Action

London: Printed for J. Deboffe, Nassau-Street, Soho; by T. Bailey, Cockermouth, 1809.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (4)Lax, William

Remarks on a Supposed Error in the Elements of Euclid

Cambridge: R. Watts, Printer to the University, 1807.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (5)Newman, F. W.

The Theormes of Taylor and Naclaurin in a Finite Form

Oxford: J. Vincent, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (6)Peacock, D. M.

A Comparative View of the Principles of the Fluxional and Differential Calculus. Addressed to the University of Cambridge

Cambridge: J. Smith, Printer to the University, 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (7)Plaisant, Theodose-Anselme

Decouverte de la Quadrature du Cercle, accompagnee de differentes figures de Geometrie

Paris: Samson & Beraud, 1815.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (8)Poinsot, Monsieur

Theorie des Cones Circulaires Roulants

Presentee au Bureau des Longitudes, dans la seance du 17 novembre 1852. Paris: Bachelier, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 48 (9)Richardson, John

Octary Arithmetic; or, The Art of Doubling and Halving by the Cypher: Containing a Perfect System of Measure and Weight, with Specimens of the New Logarithms

London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1817.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (1)Bottineau, Monsieur

Extrait du Memoire sur la Nauscopie, ou l'Art de decouvrir les Vaisseaux et les terres a une distance considerable

n.p., 1786.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (10)Castelet, Madame La Marquise Du

Reponse de Madame la Marquise du Castelet, a la Lettre que M. de Mairan, Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, lui a ecrite le 18. Fevrier 1741. Sur la question des forces vives

Bruxelles: Foppens, 1741.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (11)Martin, Benjamin

Optical Essays

Containing, I. A practical Description of several Sorts of Single, Solar, and Compound Microscopes; with their Apparatus, and latest Improvements. II. The Nature of Vision in Insects demonstrated by Microscopic Observations. III. A Catalogue of all the principal Microscopic Objects. IV. The Use of the Reflecting Telescope as an universal Perspective for viewing every Sort of Object in the greatest Perfection. V. The Manner of computing the Magnifying Power in single and double Microscopes. VI. A new Method of applying a Micrometer to take the Dimensions of small Objects. VII. An Illustration of the Whole in a great Variety of Figures on a large Copper-Plate. London: Printed for, and sold by the Author, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (12)Martin, Benjamin

The Description and Use of a New, Portable, Table Air-Pump and Condensing Engine. With a Select Variety of Capital Experiments, Which, together with the different Parts of the Apparatus and Glasses, Are Illustrated by upwards of Forty Copper-Plate Figures

London: Printed and Sold by the Author, 1766.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (13)Martin, Benjamin

Two Essays on the Nature and wonderful Properties of Island Crystal

Essay I. Containing, All that has been hitherto delivered in regard to its Form, Dimensions, and double Refraction of Light; with the Addition of several New Experiments with polished Parallelopipeds and Prisms made of this Substance, which discover a various, multuple, and colorific Refraction; and exhibit a Variety of Images of one and the same Object. To which is subjoined a Computation of the magnifying Power of Reflecting Telescopes; and a Table thereof, from 6 inches to 12 Feet in length. The Whole illustrated with Copper Plate Figures. London: Printed for, and sold by the Author, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (14)Meister, Wilhelm

Aufklarung uber das Anabain und uber vier bis dahin nicht richtig erkannte Naturkrafte. Gegeben zum Andenken an seinen wurdigen Lehrer, den Naturforscher Hofrath Oken fruher zu Jena

Gustrow: Friedrich Opiss, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (15)Robinson, Bryan

A Dissertation on the Aether of Sir Isaac Newton

London: Charles Hitch, 1747.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (16)Rochon, Alexis

Memoire lu a l'Institut imperial, le 6 juillet 1812, sur les avantages que l'on doit attendre pour toute sorte d' d'eclairage de l'emploi du mica, nomme par les Russes verre de Moscovie, soutenu par un tissu de fil-de-fer etame; par Alexis Rochon, membre de l'Institut imperial de France et de la Legion d'honneur, ect.

Paris, 1812.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (17)Shalders

Shalders' Gravitating Expressing Fountain; commonly called the Fountain Pump: Considered to be the Greatest Improvement in the Art of Raising Water, that has appeared within the last Two Thousand Years

n.p., 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (18)Smyth, Charles Piazzi

"On Raising Water for the Purposes of Irrigation in the Colonies"

from the Practical Mechanic's Journal of November 1st and December 1st, 1852. London & Glasgow: Practical Mechanic's Journal, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (2)Desaguliers, John-Theophilus

A Course of Mechanical and Experimental Philosophy and Astronomy

Whereby any one, altho' unskill'd in Mathematical Sciences, may be able to understand all those Phaenomena of Nature, which have been discover'd by Geometrical Principles or accounted for by Experiments; and Mathematicians may be diverted in seeing those Machines used, and Physical Operations perform'd, concerning which they have read. London: Printed by A. Parker, in Jewin-Street, 1739.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (20)Anonymous

Considerations on the Nature and Objects of the Intended Light and Heat Company

Published by Authority of the Committee. London: Printed for James Ridgway ..., 1808.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (3)Edwards, John

Directions for making the best composition for the Metals of Reflecting Telescopes; and the Method of Casting, Grinding, Polishing, and giving them the true Parabolic Figure

Published by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude. London, n.d. [after 1790].



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (5)Forster, John Reinhold

An Introduction to Mineralogy: or An Accurate Classification of Fossils and Minerals, viz. Earths, Stones, Salts, Inflammables and Metallic Substances

London: Printed for J. Johnson, Paternoster Row and T. Cadell in the Strand, 1768.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (6)Matanus, Antonius, Pistoriensis

Heliodori Larissaei Capita Opticorum Latine Vertit et Illustravit

Pistorii: Atthones Bracalius, 1758.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (7)Heurteloup, Monsieur Le Baron

Memoire sur les Fusils de Guerre

Paris: A. Everat, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (8)Johnson, Cuthbert William

Observations on the Employment of Salt in Agriculture and Horticulture, with Directions for its Application Founded on Practice

Fifth Edition. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1827.



Radcliffe Tracts 49 (9)Mairan, Monsieur de

Lettre de M. de Mairan, Secretaire Perpetuel de l'Academie des Sciences, etc., a Madame la Marquise du Castellet. Sur la Question des Forces Vives, en reponse aux Objections qu'elle lui a fait sur ce sujet dans ses Institutions de Physique

Paris, 1741.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (10)Godwyn, H.

Introductory Remarks respecting the Imperial Gallon and Diagonal Table

London, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (11)Gregory, James Craufurd

"Notice concerning an Autograph Manuscript of Sir Isaac Newton, Containing some Notes upon the Third Book of the Principia, and Found among the Papers of Dr David Gregory, formerly Saviliam Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1829. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (12)Harvey, George

"On a Remarkable Case of Magnetic Intensity of a Chronometer"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, {...}. Edinburgh: P. Neill, 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (13)Hony, W. E.

"Geological Remarks on the Vicinity of Maestricht"

offprint from Transactions of the Geological Society, vol. IV, 1817. London: W. Phillips, 1817.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (14)Johnston, James F. W.

Chemical Tables

exhibiting the Present State of our Knowledge in regard to the Chemical and Physical Properties of Simple and Compound Bodies. Part I. Edinburgh: Printed for the British Association by John Stark, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (15)Kenrick, W.

A Lecture on the Perpetual Motion

Part the First. London: Printed for the Author, 1771.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (16)Liagre, M.

"Rapports sur le Memoire de M. Mahmoud"

offprint from Bulletin de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-arts de Belgique, vol. XXII, 1855, p. 5.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (17)Mahmoud, M.

"Memoire sur les Calendriers Judaique et Musulman"

offprint from Memoires de l'Academie Royale de Belgique, 8 mai 1855. [See also M. Liagre, Radcliffe Tracts 5 (16)].



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (18)Anonymous

"On a Method of Cooling the Air of Rooms in Tropical Climates"

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (19)Whewell, William

"On the Nature of the Truth of the Laws of Motion"

offprint from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. V, 1834. Cambridge: Printed at the Pitt Press by John Smith, Printer to the University, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (2)Brewster, David

"On a New Species of Coloured Fringes, produced by Reflexion between the Lenses of Achromatic Object-Glasses"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XII, 1832. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (20)Young, Thomas

"A Finite and Exact Expression for the Refraction of an Atmosphere nearly resembling that of the Earth"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1824. (See also Postscript to this paper - Radcliffe Tracts 5 (21)).



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (22)Anonymous


Article from Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (23)United States of America

Abstract of the Seventh Census of the United States of America

Third Edition. Census of 1851. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., n.d. [after 1851].



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (3)Dickinson, John

Observations on the Supply of Water from the Chalk Stratum in the Neighbourhood of London

Paper read before the Royal Society in January 1851. London: C. Roworth and Sons, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (4)Downes, John

Occultations of Planets and Stars by the Moon, during the Year 1853. Computed ... at the Expense of the Fund Appropriated by Congress for the Establishment of a Nautical Almanac and published by the Smithsonian Institution

Washington, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (5)Falck, N. D.

A Philosophical Dissertation on the Diving Vessel Projected by Mr Day, and Sunk in Plymouth Sound

Containing I. An Historical Account of Mr Day, and the Scheme. II. The Construction of the Vessel. III. The Operation of the Sinking Experiment. IV. A Philosophical Investigation of the Failure of the Experiment. V. The Endeavours made use of in Weighing the Vessel. To which is added An Appendix, Shewing the Various Methods of Weighing Ships in General. London: Printed for the Author; and Sold by B. Law, Ave Mary Lane; E. and C. Dilly, Poultry; and J. Walter, Charing Cross, 1775.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (6)Forbes, James D.

"Account of Some Experiments in which an Electric Spark was elicited from a Natural Magnet"

offprint from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XII, 1832. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (7)Glenie, James

Of the Circle and the infinite Incommensurability of its Area to the Square of the Diameter, or of its Circumference to the Diameter; together with very useful and rapid Geometrical Approximations for both, etc.

n.p., 1812.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (8)Glenie, James

A Demonstration of Dr Matthew Stewart's 42d Proposition, or 39th Theorem, which has remained without one for Sixty-five Years

n.p., 1812.



Radcliffe Tracts 5 (9)Godwyn, H.

Introduction to a Synoptical Table of English and French Lineal Measures

London, 1821.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (1)Herrenschneider, Professor

Resume des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Strasbourg pendant l'An 1828

Strasbourg: F. G. Levrault, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (10)Redfield, W. C.

Synopsis of a Meteorological Journal Kept at New York. 1838-39

n.p., n.d. [c.1840].



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (13)Schembri, Saveria

Sulla Temperatura dell'Atmosfera nell'Isola di Malta. Memoria contenente i risultati delle osservazioni y termometriche dall'anno 1820 all'anno 1840

Malta, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (14)Schouw, Joakim Frederik

Beitrage zur vergleichenden Klimatologie

Erstes Heft. Copenhagen: Verlag des Verfassers, 1827.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (15)Schuster, Monsieur

"Journal des Observations Meteorologiques faites a Metz, en 1841 et 1842"

from Memoires de l'Academie royale de Metz, 1842-43. Metz: S. Lamort, 1843. Followed by similar observations for subsequent years.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (15a)Schuster, M.

Resume des observations meteorologiques. 1835-40

Metz, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (15e)Schuster, M.

Journal des observations meteorologiques

Metz, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (16a)Schuster, M.

Resume des observations meteorologiques

Metz, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (16b)Schuster, M.

Journal des Observations meteorologiques. 1843

Metz, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (16d)Schuster, M.

Journal des observations meteorologiques. 1844

Metz, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (17)Steinruck, Augustus Iulius

De Atmosphaera eiusque in Hominem Valetudinem Efficacitate. Dissertatio Inauguralis Pathologica quam Consensu et Auctoritate Gratiosi Medicorum Ordinis in Alma Literarum Universitate Friderica Guilelma ut summi in Medicina et Chirurgia Honores rite sibi concedantur Die XXII Mensis Aprilis A. MDCCCXLIV H. L. Q. S. Publice Defendet

Berlin: Typis Deckerianis, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (18)L[ubbock], J. W.

On the Heat of Vapours

April 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (19)Vivian, Edward

The Climate of Torquay

London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (2)Hoskins, S. Elliott

Tables for the Extemporaneous Application of Corrections for Temperature to Barometric Observations deduced from the Tables published in the Report of the Committee of Physics, Royal Society

Guernsey: Printed for Private Circulation, by H. Brouard, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (3)Howard, Luke

On the Modifications of Clouds and on the Principles of their Production, Suspension, and Destruction: Being the Substance of an Essay read before the Askesian Society in the Session 1802-03

London: Printed by J. Taylor, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-Street, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (4)Ideler, Jul. Ludw.

"Ueber die angeblichen Beranderungen des Klima"

offprint from Annalen fur Erd-, Volker- und Landerkunde, n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (5)Kupffer, A. T.

Instructions pour faire des Observations Meteorologiques et Magnetiques

St Petersburg: L'Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (6)Lortet, Monsieur

Rapport sur les Travaux de la Commission Hydrometrique en 1844, presente a Monsieur le Maire de Lyon, par Monsieur Lortet, president

Lyon, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (7)Mahlmann, Wilhelm

"Ueber die Temperaturvertheilung auf der sudlichen Hemisphare, und die klimatischen Verhaltnisse von Sud-Neuholland und Van Diemens-Land"

offprint from the Edinburgh Journal of Science, vol. ii, pp. 75-77. Edinburgh, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (8)Pierre, J.-Isidore

Recherches sur la Thermometrie et en particulier sur la Comparaison du Thermometre a Air avec un grand Nombre de Thermometres a Liquides

from Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de Caen, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 50 (9)Redfield, W. C.

"Abstracts of Meteorological Observations made at St John's, Newfoundland, and at Canton, in China: with some Notice of the Half Yearly Inequalities of Atmospheric Distribution, which appear in these Observations"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, vol. XXVIII, January - March 1840, pp. 265-272.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (1)Young, T.

Rules and Tables for Clearing the Compass of the Regular Effect of a Ship's Attraction

Published by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude. London: Printed by Bensley and Son, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (10)Duperrey, L. J.

Observations du pendule invariable, de l'inc linaison et de la declinaison de l'aiguille aimantee, faites dans la campagne de la corvette de S. M. La Coquille, pendant les annees 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825

Lue a l'Academie royale des Sciences, le 2 mai 1827. n.p. [?Brussels], n.d. [?1827].



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (11)Antinori, V.

Sulla Necessita di Stabilire un Regolare Sistema di Osservazioni in Fisica Terrestre ed Atmosferica Memoria letta alla sezione di Fisica nella prima riunione degli Scienziati Italiani

Florence: Tipografia Galileiana, 1840.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (12)Garthe, C.

Foucault's Versuch als direkter Beweis der Achsendrehung der Erde angestellt im Dom zu Koln und erlautert durch zwei vorbereitende Vorlesungen nebst Zusammenstellung einiger diesen Gegenstand betresfenden Apparate, Mittleilung wissenschaftlicher Versuchs-Reihen, und Beschreibung eines neuen Apparats, genaunt Geostrophometer, mit welchen, ohne Pendel, die Achsendrehung der Erde erkannt werden kann

Koln: Franz Carl Eisen, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (13)Jager, G.

Andeutungen uber den Einfluss der Umdrehung der Erde auf die Bildung und Veranderung ihrer Oberflache

Sitzung der Versammlung der deutschen Naturforscher und Arzte in Freiburg, den 18 September 1836. Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart's Verlagshandlung, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (14)Brayley, E. W., Jun.

"On the Distribution of the Powers of Producing Heat and Light among the different groups of the Animal Kingdom"

Read before the Section of Natural History of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at the meeting at Cambridge, June 26th, 1833: and published in the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine for April 1835; vol. vi pp. 241-47 - Revised. London: Richard Taylor, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (15)Enslen, J. C.

Ansichten und Muthmassungen dass die Lufthulle welche den Erdball umgiebt ausser der kugel-hogenformigen Strahlenbrechung, die ihre zunehmende Dichtigkeit veranlasst, noch eine unbekannte eigenthumliche Lichstrahlbrechung gleich einer Hohlkugel haben musse, weil sich durch diese Annahme die Erscheinungen des Nordlichts und des Zodiakallichts so wie die Lichtkreise um die Sonne mit ihren Nebensonnen auf das befriedigendste erklaren lassen

Dresden: Gartnerischen Buchdruckerei, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (16)Neeff, Prof.

Ueber das Verhaltniss der elektrischen Polaritat zu Licht und Warme

Frankfurt, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (17)Reichardt, E.

Die Theorie der Warme, ein Versuch zur Erklarung der Erscheinungen von Warme, Licht und Electricitat

Jena: C. Doebereiner, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (18)Weber, Victor

Licht und strahlende Warme in ihren Beziehungen zu einander mit Rucksicht auf die Identitatstheorie, zugleich als Einleitung in die Wellentheorie des Aethers

Berlin: G. Bosselmann, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (19)Wilhelmy, Ludwig

Versuch einer mathematisch-physikalischen Warme-Theorie

Heidelberg: Akademische Anstalt fur Literatur und Kunst, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (2)Demonville, Monsieur

Resume de la Physique de la Creation

Troisieme Partie, Du Vrai Systeme du Monde, par Demonville. Suivi d'un Examen de la Notice sur le Tonnerre. Dans laquelle M. Arago trouve avoir implicitement, et parfois explicitement admis les principes de la Physique de la Creation. Paris, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (3)Sabine, Edward

On M. Hansteen's recent Magnetic Observations in Siberia. In a Letter to Professor Renwick of New York

London, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (4)Sabine, Edward

Experiments on the Force of the Earth's Magnetism

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (5)Sabine, Edward

Magnetic Observations

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (6)Sabine, Edward

Observations made at the Magnetic Observatories of Toronto in Canada, Trevandrum in the East Indies, and St Helena, during a Remarkable Magnetic Disturbance on the 25th and 26 September 1841

Printed at the Expense of the British Association, with the Approbation of the Master-General of the Ordnance. London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (7)Taylor, T. G.; Caldecott, J.

Observations on the Direction and Intensity of the Terrestrial Magnetic Force in Southern India

Reprinted from the Madras Journal of Literature and Science. Madras: J. B. Pharoah, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (8)Goldschmidt, B.

"Erwiderung auf die Bemerkungen des Hrn. K. Kreil in LVIII Bande dieser Annalen, S. 475 bis 488"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 51 (9)Airy, George Biddell

Lecture on the Pendulum-Experiments at Harton Pit, delivered in the Central Hall, South Shields, October 24, 1854

Together with a Letter containing the Results of the Experiments. London: Longman & Co.; Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd; & South Shields: Hewison, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (1)Maskelyne, Nevil

"Concise Rules for Computing the Effects of Refraction and Parallax in varying the Apparent Distance of the Moon from the Sun or a Star; also an easy Rule of Approximation for computing the Distance of the Moon from a Star, the Longitudes and Latitudes of both being given, with Demonstrations of the same"

Read at the Royal Society, Nov. 15, 1764. London: Printed in the Year 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (2)Maskelyne, Nevil

"Some Remarks upon the Equation of Time and the true Manner of Computing it"

Read at the Royal Society, Dec. 13th, 1764. London: Printed in the Year 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (3)Wollaston, Francis

Astronomical Observations made at Chislehurst, in Kent, in the Course of the Year 1773

Read at the Royal Society, March 10, 1774. London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1774.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (4)Parker, Benjamin

Parker's Projection of the Longitude at Sea: Whereby the Mariners may be enabled to correct their Accounts thereof, as often as they shall have the Benefit of a Clear Sky and Calm Sea, at the Time of the Moon's visible Southing. Communicated to and approved by Dr HALLEY, Astronomer Royal

Nottingham: Printed by A. Ayscough for S. Hodgkinson in Derby; and sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, and at most Sea Port Towns in England: Also by Jer Roe, Bookseller in Derby, 1731.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (5)Macclesfield, George Earl of

Remarks upon the Solar and the Lunar Years, the Cycle of 19 Years, commonly called the Golden Number, the Epact, and a Method of finding the Time of Easter, as it is now observed in most Parts of Europe. Being Part of a Letter from the Right Honourable George Earl of Macclesfield to Martin Folkes, Esq., President of the Royal Society, and by him communicated to the same May 10. 1750

London: Printed for Charles Davis, Printer to the Royal Society, 1750.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (6)J., H.

The Pancronometer, or universal Georgian Calendar; adjusted to the Gregorian and Julian Accounts. Shewing the Day of the Year, Month and Week, with the Fixt and moveable Feasts and Festivals, and Terms for any Time past, present, and future, and Explanations and Directions. ... Also the Fundamental Hypotheses, Reasons and Uses of this Calendar. ... and The Reasons, Rules, and Uses of Octave Computation, or Natural Arithmetic

London: Printed for E. Cave, at St John's Gate, and Sold by J. Payne, at the Pope's Head, in Pater-noster-Row; and W. Clarke, at Shakespeare's Head, 1753.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (7)Wallis, John

A Discourse of Gravity and Gravitation, grounded on Experimental Observations: Presented to the Royal Society, November 12. 1674

London: Printed for John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Society, at the Bell in St Pauls Church-yard, 1675.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (8)Wilson, Henry

The Description and Use of that most Excellent Invention, call'd the Globular Chart: Shewing its Agreeableness to the Globe, And the Natural and Easy Consequences thereof in the Practice of Navigation; with a Specimen of a Sea-Chart in that Projection; and Trigonometrical Calculations, to prove the Truth thereof, both in Course, Latitude, Longitude, Meridian Distance (or Departure) Distance in the Arch of a great Circle, and Distance in the Rumb, tho' so extensive as to exceed 1200 Leagues; and all measur'd by a Scale of Equal Parts, which cannot be done upon any Projection but this only. To which is prefix'd an Answer to Mr Haselden's Letter to Dr Halley, Proving by Mathematical Demonstration, that his Principal Argument is false by above Three in Five; the rest invalid, and the whole incoherent. With an Appendix containing an Answer to Mr Collier, and proving that these two Authors contradict themselves, and one another

London: Printed for J. Senex and Tho. Taylor in Fleet-Street, W. Taylor in PaterNoster Row, W. and J. Innys at the West-end of St Paul's Church-Yard, A. Johnston in Round-Court in the Strand, and E. Symon in Cornhill, 1722.



Radcliffe Tracts 52 (9)Halley, Edmund

Catalogus Stellarum Australium sive Supplementum Catalogi Tychonici

exhibens Longitudines et Latitudines Stellarum fixarum, quae, prope Polum Antarcticum sitae, in Horizonte Uraniburgico Tychoni inconspicuae suere, accurato calculo ex distantis supputatas, & ad Annum 1677 completum correctas; cum ipsis Observationibus in in Insula S. Helenae (cujus Latit. 15gr. 55m. Aust. & Long. 7gr.00m. ad occasum a Londino) summa cura & sextante satis magno de Coelo depromptis. Opus ab Astronomis hactenus desideratum. Accedit Appendicula de rebus quibusdam Astronomicis, notatu no indignis. London: Thomas James, 1679.



Radcliffe Tracts 53 (1)Herschel, J. F. W.

Revised Instructions for the use of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatories and for the Magnetic Surveys. Prepared by the Committee of Physics and Meteorology of the Royal Society. Approved by the President and Council

London: Printed and Sold by Richard and John E. Taylor, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 53 (2)Riddell, C. J. B.

Magnetical Instructions for the Use of Portable Instruments adapted for Magnetical Surveys and Portable Observatories, and for the Use of a Set of Small Instruments Adapted from a fixed Magnetical Observatory; with Forms for the Registry of Magnetical and Meteorological Observations

Printed by Order of the Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 53 (3)Riddell, C. J. B.

Supplement to the Magnetical Instructions for the Use of Portable Instruments, etc.

Printed by Order of the Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty, London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 53 (4)Herschel, J. F. W. (ed.)

Proceedings connected with the Magnetical and Meteorological Conference, held at Cambridge in June 1845, during the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science

London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 53 (5)Herschel, J. F. W.

Instructions for Making and Registering Meteorological Observations in Southern Africa and other Countries in the South Seas, and also at Sea

Printed for Private Distribution, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (1)Becker, J.

"Ueber die Bildung des Hagels"

?offprint from an unidentified periodical. Cronberg, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (10)Fischer, Fr.

Wahrscheinliche Entdeckung einer Polarisation der chemischen Affinitat, in der Versuchen des Hrn. Prof. Schonbein uber das Verhalten des Eisens zum Sauerstoff nachgewiesen und den Naturforschern zu weiterer Prufung vorgelegt

Basel: Joh. Georg Neukirch, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (11)Gautier, Professor

Notice sur les Meteores Lumineux observes dans la Nuit du 12 au 13 Novembre 1832

Reprinted from the Bibliotheque Universelle, Octobre 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (12)Glaisher, James

"On the Meteor which appeared on Thursday the 12th of August 1852, at about 9h 20m p.m. Greenwich Time"

from the Philosophical Magazine, October 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (13)Herrick, Edward C.

"Further proof of an annual Meteoric Shower in August, with remarks on Shooting Stars in General"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (14)Jordan, G. W.

"On the Colours of Waters"

from the Royal Institution Journal, n.d. [mid 19th C.]. Inscribed 'This is probably a late reprint'. ii + 18 pages.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (15)Peltier, Ath.

"De la cyanometrie et de la polarimetrie atmospherique, ou notice sur les additions et les changements faits au cyano-polariscope de M. Arago, pour le rendre cyano-polarimetre dans l'observation de tous les points du ciel"

from Bulletin of the Academie Royale de Bruxelles, xii.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (16)Reimarus, J. U. H.

Die Uhrsache des Einschlagens vom Blisse nebst dessen Abwedung von unsern Gebauden aus zuverlassiger Erfahrung von Wetterschlagen vor Augen gelegt/von, etc.

Langensalza: Johann Christian Martini, 1769.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (17)Romershausen, Elard

Das Miasma. Ueber wahrscheinliche Entstehung und Verbreitung desselben im Allgemeinen und in besonderer Beziehung auf eine naturgemasse, richtige und schutzende Construction der Abtrittsaulagen und Kloake. Eine physikalisch-technische Mittheilung an Sanitats-Behorden, Aerzte, Ortsworsteher, Bau-Unternehmer und Familienhaupter

Marburg: Oscar Ehrhardt's Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (18)Rowell, G. A.

"On the Change of Temperature in Europe, and the Variation of the Magnetic Needle"

from Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, April 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (19)Schroeder, Karl

La Rotation Souterraine de la Masse Ignee, ses Causes et Consequences. Memoire Soumis a l'Examen de l'Academie

Paris: Paul Dupont, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (2)Ideler, Jul. Ludw.

Untersuchungen uber den Hagel und die elektrischen Erscheinungen in unserer Atmosphare. Nebst einem Anhange uber die Abnahme des Warmestoffs im Luftkreise

Leipzig: Friedr. Christ. Wilh. Vogel, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (20)Simons, Gerardus

Responsio ad Quaestionem Physicam in Academia Rheno-Trajectina, a Nobilissima Facultate Math. et Phil. Nat. Propositam: 'Aquae, quae vaporis forma in Atmosphaera continentur, exponatur et constitutio et probabilis theoria'. Quae Praemium Reportavit

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (21)Wappaus, J. E.

De Oceani Fluminibus. Specimen. De Momento Oceani Fluminum in Navigationes et Physicas Terrae Rationes quod Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis, Auctoritate Philosophia Honores in Academia Georgia Augusta

Gottingae: Henricus Carolus Seemann, 1836,



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (22)Anonymous

Anzeige der nothwendigsten Verhaltungsregeln bei nahen GEwittern und der zwekmasigsten Mittel, sich selbst gegen die schadlichen Wirkungen des Blizes zu sichern

Second Edition. Gorlitz: E. S. Anton, 1800.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (23)Anonymous

Ueber Hohenrauch und ahnliche meteorologische Erscheinungen nebst Bemerkungen uber das Wesen der Atmosphare und deren Einfluss auf Leben und Gesundheit

Erlangen: Ferdinand Enke, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (3)Fournet, M. J.

Faits pour servir a la Theorie de la Grele

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (4)Escayrac de Lauture, Comte d'

Memoire sur le Ragle ou Hallucination du Desert adresse a l'Academie des Sciences

Paris: J. Dumaine & Friedrich Klinsieck, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (5)Ainslie, W.

Observations on Atmospheric Influence, chiefly in reference to the Climate and Diseases of Eastern Regions, in Five Parts

Read 5th July 1834. n.p., 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (6)Swart, W. S.; Wenckebach, W.

"Aanmerkingen op een' vrief van den Hoogleeraar W. S. Swart te Amsterdam, aan den Hoogleeraar W. Wenckebach te Breda"

from Algemeenen Konst- en Letterbode, no. 8 and no. 7, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (7)Deux-Ponys-Berigny, Ad.

Observations faites a Versailles avec le Papier dit Ozonometrique de M. Schoenbein's pendant le Mois d' Aout 1855

Paris: Henri and Charles Noblet, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (8)Bouis, M. D.


from the Bulletin de la Societe Agricole, Scientifique et Litteraire des Pyrenees-Orientales; Perpignan, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 54 (9)Dufour, C.

"Sur la Scintillation des Etoiles"

from the Bulletin de la Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles, 25 Janvier 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (1)Baily, Francis

Memoir relative to the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, which will happen on September 7, 1820

London, 1818.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (2)Cagnoli, A.

Memoir on a New and Certain Method of Ascertaining the Figure of the Earth by Means of Occultations of the Fixed Stars

With Notes and an Appendix by Francis Baily. London, 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (3)Baily, Francis

"On the Apparent Place of the Pole-Star at the Time of its Upper Culmination for the Years 1820, 1821, 1822."

Published in the Philosophical Magazine for June 1820. London: Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (4)Baily, Francis

On a New Method of Determining the Latitude of a Place by Observations of the Pole-Star

London: R. and A. Taylor, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (5)Baily, Francis

"Further Remarks on the new Method of determining the Latitude of a Place, by Observations of the Pole-Star."

from the Philosophical Magazine for July 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (6)Baily, Francis

Astronomical Tables and Remarks for the Year 1822

London, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (7)Baily, Francis

Remarks on the Present State of the Nautical Almanac

London: John Richardson, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (8)Kelly, P.; & others

Facts Relating to the Nautical Almanac and Connoissance des Tems

London: Richard Taylor & Co., 1811.



Radcliffe Tracts 55 (9)South, James

Practical Observations on the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris; arguments proving that it was not originally designed for the sole improvement of Nautical Astronomy. Reasons for Extending the Information which it Annually Presents; together with an Inquiry, if before we can honestly assign to it 'Its Pristine Excellence' some Improvement of it is not Indispensable

London: William Sams, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (1)La Lande, Monsieur de

Dissertation sur la Cause de l'Elevation des Liqueurs dans les Tubes Capillaries

Paris: Desaint, 1770.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (10)Erman, A.

Beobachtungen der Grosse des Luftdrucks uber den Meeren und von einer sehr bestimmten Beziehung dieses Phanomens zu den geographischen Coordinaten der Orte

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (2)Sachs, S.

Ueber die Existenz des Luft- und Wasserdrucks. In Beziehung zu den dagegen gemachten Einwurfen des Herrn Baron von Drieberg. Ein Beitrag zur neueren Physik

Berlin: Julius Springer, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (3)Hare, Robert

Letter to Monsieur Arago

Philadelphia, 1840.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (4)Admiralty

Observations of the Tides. Communicated to the Royal Society by the Admiralty and printed by Order of the President and Council

London: Richard Taylor, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (5)Bache, A. D.

"On the Tides of the Western Coast of the United States - Tides of San Francisco Bay, California"

from the American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xxi, 2nd series, January 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (6)Klee, Franz

Prufung der Lehre vom Drucke der Luft nebst einer neuen Theorie uber die Verdunstung und Bildung der Niederschlage in der Atmosphare

Mainz: Kircheim, Schott and Thielmann, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (7)Benzenberg, J. F.; Brandes, H. W.

Versuche die Entfernung, die Geschwindigkeit und die Bahnen der Sternschnuppen zu bestimmen

Hamburg: Friedrich Perthes, 1800.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (8)Schmidt, J. F. J.

Resultate aus zehnjahrigen Beobachtungen uber Sternschuppen. Ein Sendschreiben an Alexander von Humboldt

Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 56 (9)Drieberg, Friedrich von

Physikalische Streitschrift uber den Luft- und Wasserdruck

Berlin: A. W. Hahn, 1846.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (1)Beer, August

Grundriss des Photometrischen Calcules

Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (10)Gerhardt, C. I.

Die Entdeckung der hoheren Alalysis

Halle: H. W. Schmidt, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (11)Gouraud, Charles

Histoire du Calcul des Probabilites depuis ses Origines jusq'a nos jours. Avec une These sur la Legitimite des Principes et des Applications de Cette Analyse

Paris: Auguste Durand, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (12)Halliwell, James Orchard

Two Essays

I. An Inquiry into the Nature of the Numerical Contractions, found in a passage on the Abacus, in some Manuscripts of the Geometry of Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boetius; II. Notes on Early Calendars. London: J. W. Parker; Cambridge: J. & J. J. Deighton, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (13)Williamson, James

A Letter to Hugh Hamilton, D.D. Dean of Armagh

Oxford: Printed for D. Prince and J. Cooke, 1780. (Re. Hamilton's treatise on conic sections).



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (2)Buchner, E.

Cardanus Formel, deren Verwandlung zur Berechnung der Wurzeln von Zahlengleichungen von der Gestalt: x3 - Px - Q = O und eine allgemeine aus jener abgeleitete Form der Wurzeln der letzeren. Losung des dreihundertjahrigen Problemes

Hildburghausen: Kesselring, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (3)Berkhan, C. A. W.

Die werkwurdigen Eigenschaften der Pythagorischen Bahlen, ihr Bildungsgesetz und ihr Gebrauch in der unbestimmten Analytik

Eisleben: G. Reichardt, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (4)Buck, John

A New General and Algebraical Solution of the Higher Orders of Equations: with Solutions of Equations to the Tenth Degree inclusive

London: Carpenter & Son, Old Bond Street; Cambridge: Deighton & Sons; Edinburgh: Constable & Co. 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (5)Burgermeister, Anton; Burgermeister, Adolph

Revision und Berichtigung der streitigen Lehrfasse aus der niederen und hoheren Mathematik

Amberg: Fedor Pohl, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (6)Cambridge University

Cambridge Problems

Examination Questions for Honours B.A. in Mathematics and Physics, 1830 and 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (7)Condorcet

Discours sur l'Astronomie et le Calcul des Probabilites

Paris: J. B. Sajou, 1812.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (8)Davies, Thomas Stephens

Conjectures relative to the Origin of the Numeral Hieroglyphics now in Use

Bath: George Wood, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 57 (9)Fryer, Michael

An Introduction to the Geometrical Analysis of the Ancients

containing a Dissertation on that Analysis, its application to the Demonstration of Theorems, and to the Solution of Problems; with a Collection of Propositions for the Exercise of Beginners; a brief Account of the lost Analytical Works of the Ancient Geometers, and of the several attempts of the Moderns to restore them. Designed as a Companion to the Elements of Euclid. London: Printed for Robert Baldwin, Paternoster-Row; Parker, Oxford; Barrett, Cambridge; W. Blackwood, Edinburgh, and John Matthew Gutch, Bristol, 1811.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (1)Anonymous

An Account of the Origin of Steam-Boats, in Spain, Great Britain, and America; and of their Introduction and Employment upon the River Thames, between London and Gravesend, to the present Time

London: Effingham Wilson, 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (1)Anonymous

An Account of the Origin of Steam-Boats, in Spain, Great Britain, and America; and of their Introduction and Employment upon the River Thames, between London and Gravesend, to the present Time

London: Effingham Wilson, 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (10)Adams

An Abridgement of the Official Papers relating to Operations Performed by Order of the Directors of the Royal Hospital for Seamen, Greenwich, on several of the Pensioners belonging thereto, for the Purpose of ascertaining the general efficacy of the New Modes of Treatment practised by Mr Adams for the Cure of the Various Species of Cataract, and the Egyptian Opthalmia

London: Printed at the Manufactory for the Employment of the Deaf and Dumb, Fort Place, Bermondsey. James Powell, Superintendent, 1814.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (11)Hoskins, S. Elliott

"Home Resorts for Invalids: The Climate of Guernsey"

from the London Journal of Medicine, n.d. [after 1852].



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (12)Smith; Keith; Thomson

Botano-Theology, an Arranged Compendium, chiefly from Smith, Keith, and Thomson

Oxford: J. Parker, 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (13)Keller, Heinrich Adelbert

Inauguralrede uber die Aufgabe der modernen Philologie

Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (14)Scott, Robert

The Athenian Ballot and Secret Suffrage

Oxford: Printed by S. Collingwood, Printer to the University. Sold by J. H. Parker, etc., 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (2)Vallance, J.

On Facility of Intercourse

London: W. Clowes, 1824.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (3)Bowie, Robert

A Brief Narrative proving the right of the Late William Symington, Civil Engineer, to be considered the Inventor of Steam Land Carriage Locomotion; and also the Inventor and Introducer of Steam Navigation

London: Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper; Croydon: W. Annan, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (4)Gravatt, W.

A Letter on Steam Gun-Boats of Shallow Draught and High Speed

London: George Barclay, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (5)Troyte, Arthur H. D.

Report on the Trial of Steam-Engines at Bath: Containing an Account of the Mode in which the Trials are conducted; with a Diagram of the Action of the Brake, and other Diagrams illustrative of some points connected with the internal working of Steam Engines

London: J. Ridgway; Bath: R. E. Peach; Taunton: Bragg & Son; Exeter: W. Roberts; Plymouth: Lidstone, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (6)Milton, William

The Danger of Travelling in Stage-Coaches; and a Remedy Proposed to the Public

Reading: M. Cowslade & Co., 1810.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (7)Pring, Dr.

Particulars of the Grand Suspension Bridge erected over the Straits of Menai, by order of the Government, Designed by Thomas Telford, Civil Engineer, Began in May 1819 and opened Jan. 30th. 1826

Eighth Edition. Bangor: John Brown, 1828.



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (8)Practical Mechanic's Journal

Illustrated Index to vols. I to IV Inclusive

London: William and John Henry Johnson, n.d. [c.1850].



Radcliffe Tracts 58 (9)British Institution

British Institution for promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom, 52 Pall Mall

London: William Nicol, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (1)Berghaus, Heinrich

Abriss einer Geschichte der geographischen Entdeckungen von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Gegenwart

Berlin: Hasselberg, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (2)Aristotle

Aristotelous peri Kosmou pros Alexandron. Aristotelis de Mundo Liber, ad Alexandrum

Cum versione Latina Gulielmi Budaei. Glasgow: R. Foulis, Printer to the University, 1745.



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (3)Howlett, John

An Examination of Dr Price's Essay on the Population of England and Wales; and the Doctrine of an Increased Population in this Kingdom, established by Facts

To this is added an Appendix. Containing Remarks on Dr Price's Argument of a decreased Population deduced from the decreased Produce of the hereditary and temporary Excise. Maidstone: Printed for the Author by J. Blake; and Sold by T. Payne and Son, Mews-Gate, London. n.d. [c.1779].



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (4)Allnutt, Z.

Useful and Correct Accounts of the Navigation of the Rivers and Canals West of London. Comprising Important and Interesting Particulars of Information: With Tables of Distances; Time of Navigating; and Prices of Carriage, on each River and Canal. Prepared for the Use of River and Canal Share Proprietors, Committees, Merchants, Clerks, Agents, Manufacturers, Wharfingers, Navigators, and Traders in General. The whole illustrated with a neat engraved and coloured map

Henley: Printed for the Author, n.d. [c.1820].



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (5)Anonymous

The History of Inland Navigations, particularly that of the Duke of Bridgwater, Illustrated with Geographical Plans, shewing the Counties, Townships, and Villages through which these Navigations are carried, or intended to be. The Whole shewing the Utility and Importance of Inland Navigations

Third Edition. London: T. Lowndes, 1779.



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (6)Anonymous

Lines round Oxford, made between 1642 and 1646

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (6)Anonymous

Lines round Oxford, made between 1642 and 1646

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (7)Saunders, James

Proposed Outfall for the Oxford Valley

Oxford: Printed by H. Slatter, 2 & 3 High Street, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 59 (8)Sydow, E. von

Begleitworte zum Wand-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde. no. 1. Erdkarte

Second Edition. Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 6 (1)Royal Society

The Statutes of the Royal Society of London: Made in the Year 1823

London: W. Nicol, 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 6 (2)Sussex, Duke of

Addresses delivered at the Anniversary Meetings of the Royal Society, on Thursday Nov. 30, 1831, and Friday Nov, 30, 1832, by H.R.H. The Duke of Sussex, K.G., etc. etc. etc. The President

London: Richard Taylor, 1833. See also Radcliffe Tracts 6 (2a): meetings of 1833, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 6 (3)Hudson, James

Adjudication of the Copley, Rumford and Royal Medals: and Appointment of the Bakerian, Croonian, and Fairchild Lectures

Compiled from the Original Documents in the Archives of the Royal Society, by James Hudson, Assistant-Secretary and Librarian; and printed by order of H.R.H. the President, and Council. London: Richard Taylor, 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 6 (4)Royal Society

Portraits in possession of the Royal Society

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 6 (5)Royal Society

Instruments and Apparatus belonging to the Royal Society

n.p. [London], November 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 6 (6)Royal Society

Fellows of the Royal Society

Lists of ... for the Years: 1829, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, and 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (1)Edwards, John

An Account of the Cause and Cure of the Tremors particularly affecting Reflecting Telescopes more than Refracting Ones

Contained in the Extracts of Two Letters from him to Nevil Maskelyne, D.D. and Astronomer Royal. With Remarks on the Same Subject by the Astronomer Royal. N.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (2)Vince, S.

Observations on the Hypotheses which have been assumed to Account for the Cause of Gravitation from Mechanical Principles

Cambridge: R. Watts, Printer to the University, 1806.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (3)Martin, Benjamin

As Essay on Visual Glasses, (Vulgarly called Spectacles) wherein it is shewn from the Principles of Optics, and the Nature of the Eye, that the common Structure of those Glasses is contrary to the Rules of Art, to the Nature of Things, etc. and very prejudicial to the Eyes; The Nature of Vision in the Eye explained, and Glasses of a New Construction proposed

Third Edition. London: Printed for the Author, and sold at his House, two Doors below Crane-Court, Fleet-Street, 1758.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (4)Heath, Captain

The Seaman's Guide to the Longitude: or a Key to the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris; etc.

London: Printed for D. Steele, 1770.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (5)Dollond, P. & J.

Directions pour l'Usage de l'Octant de Hadley

London: P. & J. Dollond, Dans le Cimetiere de St Paul, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (6)Dollond, P. & J.

Directions pour l'Usage du Sextant de Hadley pour determiner la Longitude sur Mer

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (7)Williams, Thomas

The Surgeon Corrected, or False Notions detected: wherein the Doctrine of Gravity is considered and asserted: In Answer to a late Pamphlet on Electricity, published by Mr. FRANCIS PENROSE, Surgeon, of Bicester

Oxford: Printed by L. Lichfield, in Holywell, for E. Broughton, Bookseller in Oxford, and Mess. Knapton, at the Crown in Ludgate-street, London, 1752.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (8)Martin, Benjamin

The Description and Use of a Case of Mathematical Instruments; particularly of all the Lines contained on the Plain Scale, the Sector, the Gunter, and the Proportional Compasses. With a Practical Application, exemplified in many useful Cases of Geometry, and Plain and Spherical Trigonometry. The Whole illustrated by Copper-Plate Figures

London: P. & J. Dollond, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 60 (9)Brehm, D.

Inquiries in Natural and Experimental Philosophy. no. 1: An Answer to a Question proposed by the National Institute at Paris

Glocester [sic]: Printed by R. Raikes, 1799.



Radcliffe Tracts 61 (1)Martin, A.

Repertorium der Galvanoplastik und Galvanostegie oder der Metallreduction auf naffem Wege in dicken und dunnen Schichten, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Galvanographie Glyphographie, Chemi typie und der speciellen Anwendung auf das Vergolden, Versilbern, Verbleien, Verzinken, etc.

Erster Band: Die Galvanoplastik. Vienna: Carl Gerold's Sohn, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 61 (2)Jacobi, M. H.

Die Galvanoplastik, oder das Verfahren Coharentes Kupfer in Platten oder nach sonst gegebenen Formen, Unmittelbar aus Kupferauflosungen, auf galvanischem Wege zu Produciren

St Petersburg: Eggers & Co. (in Commission bei F. A. Herbig in Berlin), 1840.



Radcliffe Tracts 61 (3)Aubree

Traite pratique de Photographie sur Papier, sur Verre, et sur Plaques Metalliques

Par Aubree, chimiste ... . Paris: Wulff et Ce, Fabricants de Daguerreotypes, 1851. With "Appendice" containing papers by Blanquart-Evrard, Poitevin, Niepce de Saint-Victor, Bousigues, Humbert de Molard, Talbot & Malone, Laborde, pp. 65-109. viii + 112 pages.



Radcliffe Tracts 61 (4)Legros, Adolphe

Photographie sur Plaque d'Argent et Papier. Plus de Secret pour le Coloris! Dernier Perfectionnement de ce Jour Apporte a cet Art. etc.

Paris: Chez l'Auteur, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 61 (5)Landois, Hippolyte

Expose des Causes de la Coloration des Corps et des Lois constantes qui regissent la reporduction des Couleurs, etc.

Paris: Chez les principaus Libraires et Chez l'Auteur, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (1)Babbage, Charles

Observations addressed, at the last Anniversary, to the President and Fellows of the Royal Society, after the Delivery of the Medals

London: John Murray, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (10)Evans, Rev.

Solutions of Simple and Quadratic Equations

Oxford: J. L. Wheeler, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (11)Ivory, [James]

Of Geometry

Drawn up by Mr Ivory of the Military College. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (12)Anonymous

Appendix ad priora duo Elementa Geometriae

n.p., n.d. [?17th century].



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (13)Anonymous

The School of Miniature, erected for the Instruction of the Ignorant, the Improvement of Proficients, and the General Information of such as are pleased with Pictures in Small. Herein are contained the most expeditious and infallible Ways of Drawing without being taught; and all the Methods of Colouring, Stippling, etc. Illustrated by Numbers of Practical Processes upon each Head or Article; particularly useful to those who would Copy in Colours from a Print. To the Whole are annexed many valuable Receipts for preparing the Colours, which are peculiar to this kind of Painting; communicated by the best Italian and other Masters. As also, the Preparation of an excellent Polished Gold and Shell Gold, Published from an Old MSS

London: S. Harding, 1732.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (14)Davies, Thomas Stephens

"Conjectures respecting the Origin of Alphabetic Writing"

from the Bath and Bristol Magazine, no. XII. London: Ibotson and Palmer, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (14a)P[eel], R[obert]

Secret Writing

London, 1822.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (14b)P[eel], R[obert]

On a New Mode of Secret Writing

London, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (15)Forster, Thomas

Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow; with a Copious Reference to Passages Relating to this Subject in Different Authors

Fifth Edition. London: Thomas and George Underwood, 1817.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (2)Willich, Charles M.

Tithe Commutation Tables, for Ascertaining, at Sight, the Amount of Corn-Rent in Bushels, (as Directed by the Act of 6 and 7 William IV. Cap. 71), Equivalent to the Tithe-Rent, fixed as the basis in the Draft of Apportionment also, Shewing the Amount of Tithe Rent-Charge payable for the Year 1837, according to the Average Prices of Wheat, Barley, and Oats, for the Seven Preceding Years, to Christmas 1836, as declared in the London Gazette of 13th January 1837

London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, 1837



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (3)Evans, T. S.

"Further Remarks on Dr Bradley's Theorem for computing the Astronomic Refraction"

from the Philosophical Magazine, no. 213, January 1816. London: Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1816.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (4)Croker, Temple Henry

Experimental Magnetism, or, The Truth of Mr Mason's Discoveries, in that branch of Natural Philosophy, that there can be no such thing in Nature, as an Internal Central Loadstone, Proved and Ascertained

London: Printed for J. Coote, at the King's Arms, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (5)King, John

An Essay, or attempt, towards establishing a New Universal System of Arithmetic; division of the Year, Circle, and Hour; System of Standard Measures, Weights, and Money; Division of the Mariner's Compass, and Scale of the Barometer, and Thermometer; Introducing some necessary alterations, tending to simplify the present Scale of Music, etc.

Second Edition. Buckingham: Printed and Sold by J. Seeley, 1808.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (6)Powell, Baden

"On Certain Phenomena of Rotatory Motion"

Royal Institution of Great Britain. 1854. Weekly Evening Meeting, Friday, March 3.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (7)Milton, W.

An Instance of Mechanic Movement, in which the known Axiom does not take place, namely, that 'in using any Mechanic Power, what you gain in power, you lose in time'

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (8)Babbage, Charles

"On the Advantage of a Collection of Numbers, to be entitled the Constants of Nature and Art"

from the Edinburgh Journal of Science, n.s. no. 12, 1832. London, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 62 (9)Nicholson, P.

Essay on Involution and Evolution; containing a New, Accurate, and General Method of Ascertaining the Numerical Value of any Function of an Unknown Quantity; particularly applied to the Operation of Extracting the Roots of Equations, pure or affected, according to a Process entirely Arithmetical, freed from the tedious and reiterated Multiplications which embarrass every other Method, and superseding, by its greater Simplicity, Swiftness, and Precision, all others, whether founded on General Formula, Converging Series, or Approximation

London, Printed for the Author, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (1)Boeckh, August

"Zur Geschichte der Mondcyclen der Hellenen"

offprint from Jahrbuchern fur classische Philologie, Suppl. N.F., band I heft l, 1855. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (2)Teubner, B. G.

Verzeichnis des Neueren Philologischen und Schulbucher-Verlags

Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (3)Brugsch, Henri

Nouvelles Recherches sur la Division de l'Annee des Anciens Egyptiens, suivies d'un Memoire sur des Observations Planetaires consignees dans quatre Tablettes Egyptiennes en ecriture demotique

Berlin: F. Schneider & Co.; Paris: Chez P. Duprat, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (4)Gumpach, Johannes von

Die Zeitrechnung der Babylonier und Assyrer

Heidelberg: J. C. B. Mohr, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (5)Gumpach, Johannes von

Hulfsbuch der Rechnenden Chronologie oder Largeteau's abgekurzte Sonnen- und Mondtafeln, zum Handgebrauch fur Astronomen, Chronologen, Geschichtsforscher und Andere herausgegeben, erweitert und erklart, nebst Beispielen ihrer praktischen Anwendung

Heidelberg: J. C. B. Mohr, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (6)Hodgson, James

An Introduction to Chronology: Containing an Account of Time; also of the most remarkable Cycles, Epochs, Eras, Periods and Moveable Feasts. To which is added, a Brief Account of the several Methods proposed for the Alteration of the Style, the reforming of the Calendar, and fixing the true Time of the Celebration of Easter

London: Printed for J. Hinton, at the King's Arms in St Paul's Church-yard, 1747.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (7)Poppe, Adolph

Chronologie Uebersicht der Erfindungen und Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Mechanik und industriellen Technik von den altesten Zeiten bis auf unsere Tage

Second Edition. Frankfurt am Main: Heinrich Keller, 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 63 (8)Burgon, Thomas

"On Two Newly Discovered Silver Tetra-Drachms of Amyntas, King of Galatia: with some Remarks on the Diminution in the Weight of the Attic Drachma"

from the Numismatic Chronicle. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (1)Sheepshanks, R.

A Letter to the Board of Visitors of the Greenwich Royal Observatory in reply to the Calumnies of Mr Babbage at their Meeting in June 1853, and in his Book entitled the Exposition of 1851

London: Printed by G. Barclay, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (10)Anonymous

"Brief Memoir of the late Thomas Galloway, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. F.R.A.S."

offprint from the Annual Report of the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society, February 13, 1852, 4 pages. Together with a diagram on tracing paper showing the shape and wording of his tomb monument.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (11)Anonymous


of Thomas Galloway (1796-[1851]). Single sheet issued by the Royal Society, n.d. [1851].



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (12)South, James

Reply to a Letter in the Morning Chronicle relative to the interest which the British Government evinces in the Promotion of Astronomical Science

London: Richard Taylor, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (13)South, James

Refutation of the numerous Mistatements and Fallacies contained in a Paper presented to the Admiralty by Dr Thomas Young, and printed by Order of the House of Commons: Dated 17th March 1829

London: J. Moyes, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (14)Anonymous

Loi portant etablissement d'un Bureau des Longitudes. Du 7 Messidor, l'an 3e de la Republique une et indivisible (25 Juin 1795, ancien style)

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (15)Anonymous

Reglement du Bureau des Longitudes. Extrait du Registre des Deliberations du Comite d'Instruction publique, ce 4e jour complementaire, an troisieme de la Republique Francaise, une et indivisible (20 Septembre 1795, ancien style)

London: J. Moyes, Chancery Lane, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (16)Sheepshanks, R.

Supplement to the Correspondence respecting the Liverpool Observatory, between Mr John Taylor, of Liverpool, and the Rev. R. Sheepshanks

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (17)South, Sir James

A Letter to the Fellows of the Royal and the Royal Astronomical Societies, in reply to the Obituary Notice of the late Rev. Richard Sheepshanks, by the President and Council of the Royal Society; and Report of the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society to the thirty-sixth annual general meeting. With an appendix, ...

By Sir James South, F.R.S. London: For Private Circulation only, 1856. Inscribed to M. J. Johnson from the author



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (18)Douglas, George

An Appeal to the Rebublic of Letters, in behalf of an Injured Science, from the Opinions and Proceedings of some Modern Authors of Elements of Geometry

Edinburgh: Printed for the Author by John Moir, 1810.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (2)Morgan, Augustus De

Statement in Answer to an Assertion made by Sir William Hamilton, Bart

London: Printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, 1847.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (3)Whewell, William

Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics as a part of a Liberal Education

Cambridge: J. Smith, Printer to the University, 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (4)Lawson, Henry

On the Advisability of Training the Youth of Britain to Military Exercises, as productive of National Safety

Bath: Holloway & Son, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (5)Saint, W.

Four Letters to Lieutenant Colonel Mudge, written with a view to effect a Reformation in the Studies at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and containing Hints to that End

London: Gale and Curtis, 1811.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (6)Libri, William

"The Case of M. Libri"

from Bentley's Miscellany for July 1, 1852. London: Richard Bentley, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (7)Lykurgos, Alexander

Enthullungen uber den Simonides-Dindorf'schen Uranios

Leipzig: C. L. Fritzsche, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (8)Young, Thomas

A Reply to the Animadversions of the Edinburgh Reviewers, on some papers published in the Philosophical Transactions

London: Printed by Savage and Easingwood, for Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme; and Messrs. Cadell and Davies, 1804.



Radcliffe Tracts 64 (9)Anonymous

A Letter to Benjamin Franklin, LL.D., Fellow of the Royal Society, in which his Pretensions to the Title of Natural Philosopher are considered

London: Printed for J. Bew, no. 47 Paternoster-Row,; and sold by Messrs. Fletcher, Parker, and Prince, at Oxford, 1777.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (1)Mayer

Notice sur la Telegraphie electrique en General, et plus specialement sur la Telegraphie electrique souterraine; De la Legislation sur les Telegraphes, en France, en Prusse, et en Belgique

Paris: Bachelier, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (2)Siemens

Rapport fait a l'Academie des Sciences sur les Appareils Telegraphiques de M. Siemens (de Berlin)

Paris: Gustave Gratiot, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (3)Wilson, George

Electricity and the Electric Telegraph: Together with the Chemistry of the Stars; an Argument touching the Stars and their Inhabitants

London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1852



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (4)Fardely, William

Der electrische Telegraph, mit besinderer Breucksichtigung seiner practischen Anwendung fur den gefahrlosen und zweckgemassen Betrieb der Eisenbahnen; nebst Beifugung der neuesten Einrichtungen und Verbesserungen, und einer ausfuhrlichen Beschreibung eines electromagnetischen Drucktelegraphen

Mannheim: J. Bensheimer, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (5)Siemens, Werner

Memoire sur la Telegraphie electrique

Paris, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (6)Henrici, F. C.

Ueber die Elektricitat der galvanischen Kette

Gottingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1840.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (7)Muller, Johann

Kurze Darstellung der Galvanismus. Nach Turner, mit Benutzung der Original-Abhandlungen Faraday's bearbeitet

Mit einem Vorwort von Dr J. Liebig. Darmstadt: Ludwig Pabst, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (8)Pfaff, C. H.

Revision der Lehre vom Galvano-Voltaismus mit besonderer Ruchsicht auf Faraday's, de la Hive's, Becquerel's, Karstens u.a. neueste Arbeiten uber diesen Gegenstand

Altona: Johann Friexdrich Hammerich, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 65 (9)Pfaff, J. W.

Die Umkehrung der Voltaischen Pole durch Herrn Pohl oder die durch seine Philosophie geheilte 25 jahrige Blindheit der Naturforscher. Geschichte, Kritik, Versuche

Nurnberg: Friedrich Campe, 1827.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (1)Brinkley, John

Two Practical Rules for reducing the Observed Distance of the Moon from the Sun, or a fixed Star, together with Tables and Investigations of the Rules

London: T. Bensley and Son, 1816.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (10)Machin, John

An Account of a Tract, entitled, The laws of the Moon's Motion according to Gravity. By John Machin, Astr. Prof. Gresh. and R. S. Secr. Annex'd to the English Translation of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia

Taken from the Literary Journal for the months of April, May and June 1731. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (11)Schmidt, J. F. Jul.

Der Mond. Ein Ueberblick uber den gegenwartigen Umfang und Standpunkt unserer Kenntnisse von der Oberflachengestaltung und Physik dieses Weltkorpers

Leipzig: Joh. Ambr. Barth, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (12)Schubler, G.

Untersuchungen uber den Einfluss des Monds auf die Veranderungen unserer Atmosphare mit Nachweisung der Gesetze, nach welchen dieser Einfluss erfolgt

Leipzig: Baumgartner, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (13)Walmesley, D. C.

The Theory of the Motion of the Apsides in General, and of the Moon's Orbit in Particular. Written in French. And now carefully Revised and Translated into English

London: Printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet-street, 1754.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (2)Busch, Dr

Ueber die totale Sonnenfinsterniss am 28 Juli 1851 und die Erscheinungen, welche dabei zu erwarten sind. Ein Vortrag in der physilakisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg am 21 Februar 1851 gehalten mit Zusatzen, zwei Karten und einer Zeichnung vervollstandigt

Konigsberg: H. L. Voigt, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (3)Busch, Dr

Beobachtungen und Wahrnehmungen, welche bei der totalen Sonnenfinsterniss am 28 Juli 1851 gemacht worden sind. Ein Vortrag in der physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft in Konigsberg am 12 November 1851 gehalten mit Zusatzen und zwei Zeichnungen in Farbendruck vervollstandigt

Konigsberg: H. L. Voigt, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (4)Feilitzsch, Frh. von

Optische Untersuchungen veranlasst durch die totale Sonnenfinsterniss des 28 Juli 1851

Greifswald: C. A. Kochs, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (5)McGrigor

An Analytical Calculation of the Solar Eclipse for the Seventh of September 1820

Glasgow: Printed by J. Starke ... and published by William Turnbull, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (6)Senex, John

A Catalogue of Globes, Maps, etc. made by the late John Senex, F.R.S. and continued to be sold by his Widow, MARY SENEX, at the Globe, over against St Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street; where may be had all Maps and Globes, etc. as in Mr Senex's Lifetime

n. p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (7)Wright, Thomas (of Durham)

A Calculation of the Eclipse of the Sun, July the 14th, 1748, In the Morning. With its Geometrical Construction for London, Madrid, and the Middle of Iceland. Together with a Representation of the Passage of the Penumbra over Scotland, and a Description of the General Transit over Europe, etc. Extracted from Mr. Wright's Doctrine of Eclipses, at the end of his Use of the Globes; and Corrected by Himself

London: Printed for M. Senex, in Fleet-Street, 1747.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (80)Anonymous

Suggestions for the Observation of the Annular Eclipse, Oct. 9, 1847, made by the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Oxford, June 26, 1847

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 66 (9)Hind, J. Russell

The Solar System: A Descriptive Treatise upon the Sun, Moon, and Planets, including an Account of all the Recent Discoveries

London: William S. Orr & Co., 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (1)Daubeny, Charles

An Inaugural Lecture on the Study of Botany, read in the Library of the Botanic Garden, Oxford, May 1, 1834

Oxford: Printed by S. Collingwood, Printer to the University, for the Author, and sold, By H. Parker, Oxford, and Whittaker & Co. London, For the benefit of the Fund for the Improvement of the Botanic Garden, 1834.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (10)Hellins, John

Remarks on a Critique in the 'Monthly Review' for April 1803, in a Letter to a Friend, by the Rev. John Hellins, B. D., F.R.S., and Vicar of Potter's-Pury in Northamptonshire

Louth: Sheardown's Office, 1803.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (11)Banks, Sir Joseph

Statements submitted to the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society of London

Louth: R. Sheardown, 1803.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (12)Kippis, Andrew

Observations on the Late Contests in the Royal Society

London: Printed for G. Robinson, no. 25, Pater-noster Row, 1784.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (13)South, Sir James

Charges against the President and Councils of the Royal Society

Second Edition. London: B. Fellowes, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (2)Apelt, Ernestus Fridericus

De Viribus Naturae Primitivis. Dissertatio Inauguralis Physica quam Rectore Academiae Magnificentissimo Augusto ac Potentissimo Principe ac Domino Carolo Friderico Auctoritate et Consensu Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Literarum Universitate Jenensi ad Magisterii Dignitatem Rite Impetrandam die XVII M. Julii A. MDCCCXXXIX Publice Defenden

Jena: Typis Branii, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (3)Powell, Baden

Revelation and Science: The Substance of a Discourse delivered before the University of Oxford, at St Mary's, March VIII, MDCCCXXIX. With some Additional Remarks occasioned by the Publication of the Bampton Lectures for 1833, and other Recent Works

Oxford: Printed for J. H. Parker; and J. G. and F. Rivington, St Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place, London, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (4)Greswell, Richard

Memorial on the (Proposed) Oxford University Lecture Rooms, Library, Museums, etc. addressed to Members of Convocation

Oxford, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (5)Price, Bartholomew

Correspondence on the subject of the late Second Public Examination in the Examination Schools

Oxford: J. H. & J. Parker, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (6)Tweed, J. P. (James Peers)

Suggestions on the Examinations

Oxford, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (7)Banks, Sir Joseph

A Letter to the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, K. B. President of the Royal Society of London: Containing Strictures on his Letter to the National Institute of France

London: Cobbett and Morgan, Pall Mall, April 1802.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (8)Gilbert, Davies

A Statement of Circumstances connected with the late Election for the Presidency of the Royal Society

London, 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 67 (9)Leslie, John

A Letter to the Rev. Principal Hill, on the Case of Mr. John Leslie, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh; by the Author of Two Letters to Principal Hill, etc.

Edinburgh: Printed by and for Mundell and Son, 1805.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (1)Macclesfield, the Earl of

The Earl of Macclesfield's Speech in the House of Peers, on Monday the 18th Day of March 1750. At the Second Reading of the Bill for Regulating the Commencement of the Year, etc.

Dublin: Printed by George Faulkner, in Essex-street, 1751.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (10)Hartnup, John

Report on the Liverpool Observatory addressed by the Astronomer to the Observatory Committee of the Town Council ...

August 24th, 1853. Liverpool: R. H. Fraser, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (11)Hartnup, John

Report on the Liverpool Observatory, addressed by the Astronomer to the Observatory Committee of the Town Council. June 1857

Liverpool: George McCorquodale & Co., 1857.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (12)Meteorological Committee, Cape of Good Hope

Report of the Meteorological Committee. 17 July 1837

Cape Town: Gazette Office, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (12a)Herschel, J. F. W.

Report of a Joint Committee of Physics and Meteorology

London: Richard and John E. Taylor, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (12b)British Meteorological Society

Address of the British Meteorological Society, explanatory of their Objects

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (13)Kew Committee

Report of the Kew Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1851-52

n.p., 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (13a)Ronalds, Francis

Report concerning the Observatory of the British Association at Kew, from August 1, 1850 to July 1, 1851

London: Taylor and Francis, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (14)Whewell, W.

Address delivered in the Senate-House at Cambridge, June XXV, MDCCCXXXIII. On the Occasion of the Opening of the Third General Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science

Cambridge: Printed at the Pitt Press, by John Smith, Printer to the University, 1833.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (15)Bicheno, J. E.

An Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the Zoological Club of the Linnean Society, held at the Society's House, in Soho-Square, November 29, 1826

London: Richard Taylor, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (16)Zoological Society

Reports of the Council and Auditors of the Zoological Society of London, read at the Annual General Meeting, April 29, 1835

London: Richard Taylor, 1835



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (17)Bristol Institution

Memoir of the Bristol Institution from its Commencement in 1820 to the Meeting of the British Scientific Association, 1836

Bristol; Gutch and Martin, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (18)Bulletin Universel

View of the Organization and of the Original Members of the Society of the Bulletin Universel for the Diffusion of Knowledge in the Arts and Sciences

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (19)Excise Committee

Proceedings of the Excise Committee with Documents relating thereto

London, 1832-36.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (2)Wrottesley, Lord

Speech in the House of Lords, on 26th April 1853, on Lieut. Maury's Plan for improving Navigation. With some remarks upon the Advantages arising from the Pursuit of Abstract Science

London: James Ridgway, Piccadilly, 1853



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (20)Decimal Association

Debate on the Decimal Coinage Question in the House of Commons, June 12th., 1855

London: M. S. Rickerby, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (3)Sussex, Duke of

Address of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, K.G., etc. etc. etc. The President, read at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society on Thursday, November 30th 1837. Printed at the request of the Fellows

London: Printed by R. and J. E. Taylor, 1837.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (4)Astronomical Society

Regulations of the Astronomical Society of London: established February 8, 1820. To which is prefixed an Address explanatory of their Views and Objects

London: Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (5)Astronomical Society

Address of the Astronomical Society of London

n.p. [London], 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (6)Astronomical Society

Address and Regulations of the Astronomical Society of London: Established February 8, 1820. To which is subjoined the Report of the Council to the First Annual General Meeting, Held February 9, 1821

London, 1821.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (7)Smyth, W. H.

Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London; delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on 27th May 1850. Preceded by brief Addresses on presenting the Awards of the Council of the Society

London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (8)Smyth, W. H.

Address to the Royal Geographical Society of London delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on the 26th May 1851. Preceded by brief Addresses on Presenting the Awards of the Council to the Society

London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 68 (9)Robinson, T. R.

Report made at the Annual Visitation of the Armagh Observatory, Printed by Order of the Governors

Armagh: John McWatters, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (1)Bravais, M. A.

"Historique des Hypotheses faites sur la Nature et la Cause des Aurores Boreales"

from Voyages en Scandanavie, Division, Magnetisme terrestre, Tome III. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (10)Schmidt, J. F. Julius

Das Zodiacallicht. Uebersicht der seitherigen Forschungen nebst neuen Beobachtungen uber diese Erscheinung in den Jahren 1843 bis 1855

Braunschweig: C. A. Schwetschke & Sohn, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (11)Snow, Robert

Observations of the Aurora Borealis from September 1834 to September 1839

London: Printed for Private Circulation by Moyes and Barclay, 1842.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (12)Torellus, Iosephus

Demonstratio Antiqui Theorematis de Motuum Commixtione

Verona: Typis Heredis Augustini Carattoni, 1774.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (13)Whiston, William

An Account of a Surprizing Meteor, seen in the Air March 19. 1718/19. at Night. Containing, I. A Description of this Meteor, from the Original Letters of those who saw it in different Places. II. Some Historical Accounts of the like Meteors before. III. A Demonstration that such Meteors are not Comets. IV. That such Meteors are not a Concourse of Vapours above our Atmosphere. V. That they are prodigious Blasts of Thunder and Lightenings in the upper Regions of our Air. VI. Observations from the Whole

London: Printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, 1719.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (2)Ciangulo, Nicholas

An Abridgment of the Two first Lessons of the First Week

Dictated by Nicholas Ciangulo, Professor of Natural Philosophy, at the Blue-Coat Coffee-House in Swithun's Alley, near the Royal Exchange. London: Printed for the Author in the Year 1720.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (3)Gilbert, Davies

"On the Vibrations of Heavy Bodies in Cycloidal and in Circular Arches, as compared with their Descents through Free Space; including an Estimate of the Variable Circular Excess in Vibrations continually decreasing"

from the Quarterly Journal, vol. XV, 1823. London: W. Clowes, 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (4)Hale, Sir William

An Essay touching the Gravitation, or Non-gravitation of Fluid Bodies, and the Reasons thereof

London: Printed by W. Godbid, for William Shrewsbury, at the sign of the Bible in Duck-lane, 1673.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (5)Hennessy, Henry

"On the Influence of the Earth's Internal Structure on the Length of the Day"

from the Philosophical Magazine for August 1856. London: Taylor and Francis, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (6)Jordan, G. W.

"On the Floatage of Small Heavy Bodies in Air and Certain Atmospheric Phaenomena dependent thereon"

from the Royal Institution Journal. London: W. Clowes, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (7)Passot, Felix

Lettre a Messieurs les Membres de l'Academie Royale des Sciences contenant un developpement de la Refutation du Systeme de la Gravitation universelle, qui leur a ete presentee le 30 aout 1830

Paris: Bachelier, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (8)Powell, Baden

"Report on Observations of Luminous Meteors 1853-54"

from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1854. London: Taylor and Francis, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 69 (9)Poey, Monsieur [Andres]

"Tableau Chronologique des Tremblements de Terre ressentis a l'Ile de Cuba de 1551 a 1855"

from Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, June 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 7 (1)Oudemans, Ioannes Abrahamus Christianus

Dissertatio Astronomica Inauguralis continens Observationes Ope Instrumenti Transitorii Portabilis Institutas, quam, Annuente Summo Numine, ex Auctoritate Rectoris Magnifici Gideonis Iani Verdam, amplissimi Senatus Academici consensu et nobilissimae Facultatis Disciplinarum Mathematicarum et Physicarum decreto, pro Gradu Doctoratus summisque in Mathesi et Philosophia Naturali honoribus ac privilegiis in Academia Lugduno-Batava ... ad Diem M. Settembris A. MDCCCLII, hora, in Auditorio Maiore

(Day and hour of lecture blank); Leyden: P. H. van den Heuvell, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 7 (2)Wrottesley, Lord

"A Catalogue of the Right Ascensions of 1009 Stars contained in the Catalogue of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, being chiefly those of the 6th and 7th magnitude"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. XXIII, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 7 (3)Main, R.

"Proper Motions of the Stars contained in the Greenwich Twelve-year Catalogue of 2156 Stars, deduced by Comparison with the Results of Bradley's Observations, as given in the Fundamenta Astronomiae for the Epoch 1755"

offprint from Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. XIX, 1850.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (1)Hoffmann, Franz

Sammlung der vom Jahre 1851 bis 1856 erschienenen Recensionen und literarischen Notizen uber Franz von Baader's sammtliche Werke. Als urkundliche Belege uber die Aufnahme dieser "Ersten Gesammtausgabe" Seitens der gelehrten Welt Deutschands

Leipzig: Hermann Bethmann, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (2)Macaulay, Thomas Babington

Lord Bacon

London: Longman, Brown, Greem, and Longmans, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (3)Herschel, Sir John F. W.

Memoir of Francis Baily, Esq., D.C.L.

London: Moyes and Barclay, 1845.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (4)Bache, A. D.

"On the effect upon the Magnetic Needle, of the Aurora Borealis, visible at Philadelphia, on the 17th of May, 1833"

from the Journal of the Franklin Institute, July 1835.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (5)Halliwell, James Orchard

A Brief Account of the Life, Writings, and Inventions of Sir Samuel Morland, Master of Mechanics to Charles the Second

Cambridge: E. Johnson, 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (6)Prowe, L.

Nicolaus Copernicus in seinen Beziehungen zu dem Herzoge Albrecht von Preussen

Thorn: Ernst Lambeck, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (7)Quetelet, A.

Notice sur la Colonel G.-P. Dandelin

Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1848.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (8)Whewell, William

Newton and Flamsteed. Remarks on an Article in no. CIX of the Quarterly Review

Cambridge: John Smith, Printer to the University, 1836.



Radcliffe Tracts 70 (9)Quetelet, A.

Notice sur Gerard Moll, ne a Amsterdam, le 18 janvier 1785, mort dans la meme ville, le 17 Janvier 1838

Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1839.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (1)Adams, George [jnr.]

An Introduction to Practical Astronomy; or, The Use of the Quadrant and Equatorial

London: Printed for, and Sold by, the Author, no. 60, Fleet-Street, 1795. [Part IV of the 3rd edition of Adams, Astronomical and Geographical Essays, issued separately].



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (10)Sabine, Capt. Edward

Remarks on the Account of the late Voyage of Discovery to Baffin's Bay, published by Captain J. Ross, R.N.

London: John Booth, 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (11)Barlow, Peter

A Report containing an account of experiments made on board H. M. Ships Leven, Conway, and Griper, for correcting the local attraction of those vessels

London: A. Applegath, 1824.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (12)Tracey, William

A Candid and Accurate Narrative of the Operations used in endeavouring to raise his Majesty's Ship ROYAL GEORGE, in the Year 1783; with an Account of the Causes and Reasons which prevented the Success; and also Copies of the Affidavits, Vouchers, Letters, Documents, and other Correspondence relative to that unfortunate Transaction

Portsmouth: Printed for the Author, by W. Mowbray, 1785.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (13)Struve, W.

Sur la Jonction des Operations Geodesiques, russes et autrichiennes, executee par ordre des Deux Gouvernements

St Petersburg: Academie Imperiale des Sciences, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (2)Mobius, August Ferdinand

Die Hauptsatze der Astronomie zum Gebrauche bei seinen Vorlesungen fur Gebildete zusammengestellt

Dritte ... Auslage. Leipzig: Georg Joachim Goschen, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (3)Maskelyne, Nevil

Instructions relative to the Observation of the ensuing Transit of the Planet Venus over the Sun's Disk, on the 3d of June 1769

London: W. Richardson and S. Clark, 1768.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (4)Cary

The Names and Situations of the Constellations: to which are added the Names of the Principal Stars therein, as laid down on Cary's New Celestial Globes; also an Explanation of the Equation Table, given on his Terrestrial Globes

London: A. Hancock, 1828.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (5)Smyth, Charles Piazzi

"On the Angular Disturbances of Ships, the Measurement of the Amount, and the Elimination of the Effects in Certain Cases"

from Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, vol. IV, Part IV (1857).



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (6)Evans, T. S.

"A Short Account of the Improvements gradually made in determining the Astronomic Refraction"

from the Philosophical Magazine. London: Richard Taylor & Co., 1811.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (7)Burr, Thomas William

A Lecture on the History of the Law of Gravitation, delivered before the Islington Literary and Scientific Society, November 8th., 1856

London: William Clements, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (8)Rees, R. van

Berigt der Ontmoeting van eenen Ijsberg in den Atlantischen Oceaan

Utrecht, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 71 (9)Garnett, John

Description and Use of a New and Simple Nautical Chart for Working the Different Problems in Navigation; with Examples of its Application according to Mercator's Sailing, and Sailing by the Arc of a Great Circle: with a demonstration of its Principles

New-Brunswick, N. J.: Printed for the Author, 1807.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (1)Biot, J. B.

On the Laws of Terrestrial Magnetism in various Parts of the Earth

tr. T. S. Evans. London: Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1817.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (10)Mahmoud, Monsieur

Observations et Recherches sur l'Intensite Magnetique et sur ses Variations pendant la Periode de 25 Ans, de 1829 a 1854

Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1854.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (11)Michell, J.

A Treatise of Artificial Magnets; in which is shewn an Easy and Expeditious Method of making them Superior to the best Natural Ones, and of Changing or Converting their Poles. Directions are likewise given for making the Mariner's Needles in the best Form, and for touching them most advantageously, etc.

The Second Edition, corrected and improved. Cambridge: Printed by Joseph Bentham, Printer to the University, 1751.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (12)Moncel, Le Vte. Th. Du

Notice sur l'Appareil d'Induction electrique de Ruhmkorff et les Experiences que l'on peut faire avec cet Instrument

Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (13)Peltier, Ath.

Meteorologie electrique

from Archives de l'Electricite, Supplement to the Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve. N.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (14)Petrina, Franz

Magneto-electrische Mashine von der vortheilhaftesten Einrichtung fur den arztlichen und physikalischen Gebrauch, nebst einer theoretischen Begrundung, leichtfasslichen Erlauterung und Gebrauchsanweisung

Linz: Eurich, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (15)Pohl, G. F.

Ansichten und Ergebnisse uber Magnetismus, Elektricitat und Chemismus. Ein Bericht an das grossere naturwissenschaftliche Publicum

Berlin: Ferdinand Dummler, 1829.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (16)Reinsch, H.

Ueber den Einfluss tonender Saiten auf die Magnetnadel und eine darauf gegrundete Erklarung der Elektrischen und magnetischen Erscheinungen

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (17, 18, & 19)Schoenbein, C.-F.

Observations sur quelques actions electrolysantes de la Pile simple. Observations sur un etat particulier du fer. Notice sur une nouvelle Pile voltaique

Geneva, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (2)Birch, John

A Letter to Mr George Adams on the Subject of Medical Electricity

London, 1792.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (20)Scoresby, William

An Exposition of some of the Laws and Phenomena of Magnetic Induction, with original Illustrative Experiments

from the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, no. XXVI, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (21)Scoresby, William

Observations on the Deviation of the Compass; with Examples of its fatal influence in some Melancholy and Dreadful Shipwrecks

From a lecture given at the Royal Institution, Liverpool, 23 January 1822. [Journal not identified?].



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (3)Cavallo, Tiberius

Supplement to the Treatise on Magnetism

London: Printed for the Author, and Sold by C. Dilly, in the Poultry, and P. Elmsley, in the Strand, 1795.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (4)Cornelius, Carl Sebastian

Die Lehre von der Elektricitat und dem Magnetismus versuch einer Theoretischen Ableitung der Gesammten Magnetischen und Elekrischen Erscheinungen

Leipzig: Otto Wigand, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (5)Erman, P.

Umrisse zu den physischen Verhaltnissen des von Professor Orsted entdecken elektro-chemischen Magnetismus

Berlin: G. C. Nauck, 1821.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (7)Haldat, Le Docteur De

Essai Historique sur le Magnetisme et l'Universalite de son Influence dans la Nature

Nancy: Grimblot et Veuve Raybois, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (8)Christie, S. Hunter; Airy, G. B.

Report upon a Letter addressed by M. le Baron de Humboldt to H. R. H. the President of the Royal Society, and communicated by H. R. H. to the Council

n.p., 1836



Radcliffe Tracts 72 (9)Liais, Emmanuel

Memoire sur la Substitution des Electromoteurs aux Machines a Vapeur

Paris: Bachelier, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (1)Castillon, C.

Disquisitions meteorologiques pour combattre les Principaux Assertions de M. Piddington sur les Tempetes, et soutenir une nouvelle Proposition touchant le Mecanisme de ces Meteores

Maurice, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (10)Benecke, Dr.

Zu der offentlichen Prufung der Schuler der Hohern Burgerschule welche Donnerstag den 6ten und Freitag den 7ten April 1843 Vormittags von 9 Uhr ab in dem Saale der Anstalt gehalten werden wird ladet die Beschutzer und und Freunde des Schulwesens, sowie die geehrten Aeltern und Angehorigen der Schuler

Elbing: Agathon Wernich, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (11)Winckler, Carl Ludwig Gottlob

Tafel um Hygrometerstande, die bey verschiedenen Warme-Graden beobachtet worden sind, auf jede beliebige Normal-Temperatur zu reduziren

Halle: Friedrich Ruff, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (2)Epp, Franz Xaver

Rede uber den so genannten Hehrrauch welcher im Jahre 1783 nicht nur im Baiern sondern ganz Europa erschienen: als die baierische Akademie das Andenken ihres glorwurdigsten Stifters Maximillian des Dritten und den Tag ihrer Stiftung feyerte in einer offentlichen Versammlung gelesen

Den 28sten Marz 1787. Munich: Franzischen Schriften, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (3)Felbiger, Abt von

Mitgliedes, Vorschlage zu verschiedenen Beobachtungen, welche verdienten gemacht zu werden, um die Meteorologie der Vollkommenheit naher zu bringen

Sagan: Johann Christoph Lauhen, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (4)Harder, Hermannus Iacobus

De Tonitru Existentiae Dei Teste in Gymnasio Lubecensi D. III. Novemb. A. MDCCXXII. Disputabit, Praeside Io. Henrico a Seelen

Lubeck: Struckianes, 1722.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (5)Luc, M. J. A. De

Account of a New Hygrometer

London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1774.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (6)Haecker, Paul Wolfgang

Zur Theorie des Magnetismus

Nurnberg: J. Ludw. Schmid, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (6)Matthaiae, Friedrich Christian

Einladungsschrift zu den nach Verordnung eines Hochwurdigen Consistoriums auf den 11. 12. 13. und 16. April 1821, festgesetzten Oeffentlichen Prufungen und Feyerlichkeiten im Gymnasium zu Frankfurt am Mayn

Frankfurt, 1821.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (7)Mayer, Io. Tobias

Commentatio de Lege Vis Elasticae Vaporum recitat Die 10. Iunii 1809

n.p., 1809.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (8)Posseldt, Samuel Valentin

Dissertatio Physica de Caussis Lucis Borealis quae in Terris Circulo Polari Arctico Proximis Crebro Adparere Solet. Quam Consensu et Auctoritate Illustrium Gymnasiarcharum in Regio Gymnasio Academico Altonensi Praeside Viro Doctrina et Experientia Claro D. Georg. Christ. Materno de Cilano ... Patrono ac Praeceptore Maxime Colendo die 9 Sept. Anno MDCCXXXXIII. in Auditorio Maiori

Altonensis: Operis Burmesterianis.



Radcliffe Tracts 73 (9)Rohde

Jahreszeiten von hoherer Ordnung. Oder uber einen Gegenstand der physischen Geographie

Konigsberg: Friedrich Nicolovius, 1809.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (1)Shaw, Peter, 1694-1763; Hauksbee, Francis, 1687-1763

An Essay for Introducing a Portable Laboratory: by means whereof all the Chemical Operations are Commodiously Perform'd for the Purposes of Philosophy, Medicine, Metallurgy, and a Family

London: Printed for J. Osborn and T. Longman, at the Ship in Pater-noster-Row, 1731.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (2)Du Sejour; Goudin

Recherches sur la Gnomonique, les Retrogradations des Planetes, et les Eclipses de Soleil

Paris: Desaint & Saillant, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (3)Minto, Walter

Recherches into some Parts of the Theory of the Planets, in which is Solved the Problem, to determine the Circular Orbit of a Planet by Two Observations; exemplified in the New Planet

London: Printed for, and Sold by C. Dilly in the Poultry, and J. Bell, and other Booksellers, Edinburgh, 1783.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (4)Jurin, James

A Reply to Mr Robins's Remarks on the Essay upon Distinct and Indistinct Vision published at the End of Dr Smith's Compleat System of Opticks

London: Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West-End of St Paul's, 1739.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (5)Robins, Benjamin

A Full Confutation of Dr Jurin's Reply to the Remarks on his Essay upon Distinct and Indistinct Vision

London: Printed for J. Nourse, at the Lamb, without Temple-Bar, 1740.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (6)Cole, William

Observations and Conjectures on the Nature and Properties of Light, and on the Theory of Comets

Colchester: Printed and Sold by W. Keymer, 1777.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (7)Hales, Guil.

De Motibus Planetarum in Orbibus Excentricis Secundum Theoriam Newtonianam

Dublin: Joseph Hill, 1782.



Radcliffe Tracts 74 (8)Anonymous

Opuscula Astronomica ex Ephemeridibus Mediolanensibus ad annos 1788 & 1789 Excerpta

Milan: Joseph Galeatius, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (1)Belville, John Henry

A Manual of the Barometer

Second Edition. London: Richard and John Edward Taylor, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (10)Volpicelli, P.

"Determinazione tanto dei rapporti fra i gradi delle varie scale termometriche, compresavi quella del pirometro di Wedgwood; quanto delle formole per la riduzione di qualsiasi temperatura, da una scala in qualunque altra"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (2)Brandes, R. & W.

"Ueber den stundlichen Gang des Barometers und Thermometers im Jahre 1828 zu Salzuflen im Furstenthum Lippe-Detmold"

from Annalen der Pharmacie von R. Brandes, Ph.L., Geiger und J. Liebig, vol. II, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (3)Brandes, Rudolph; Wilhelm

"Ueber den stundlichen Gang des Barometers und Thermometers im Jahre 1828 zu Salzuflen im Furstenthum Lippe"

from Archiv der Pharmacie, 2nd ser., vol. XI (1837).



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (4)Dove, Henricus Guilelmus

De Barometri Mutationibus

Dissertatio Inauguralis quam Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis Auctoritate pro summis in Philosophia Honoribus in Universitate Litteraria Berolinensi rite Adipiscendis Die IV. M. Mart, MDCCCXXVI. Publice Defendet. Berlin: Ioannes Fredericus Starckius, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (5)Englefield, Sir Henry C.

The Most Expeditious Method of determining Altitudes of every Denomination with the new Portable Mountain Barometer; together with a Description of the Instrument, examples of its Use, and Prepared Pages for Registering the Observations

To which is added, A Short Description and use of Thomas Jones's Patent Sectograph. As made and sold by Thomas Jones (Pupil of the late Mr Ramsden). London, 1811.



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (6)Erman, A.

"Ueber einige barometrische Beobachtungen und die Folgerungen zu denen sie veranlassen"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (7)Jones, Thomas

A Companion for the Mountain Barometer; consisting of Tables ... Together with a Description and Use of the most Improved Mountain Barometers

Second Edition. London: Printed by Cunningham and Salmon ... for the Author, n.d. [See also Radcliffe Tracts 75 (5)].



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (8)Kokmarosa, N.

O Bagrationit' {Cyrillic script}

St. Petersburg, 1847. 14 pages + blank leaf. (A Russian offprint concerning a new mineral from the Urals).



Radcliffe Tracts 75 (9)Liais, Emmanuel

Theorie Mathematique des Oscillations du Barometre et Recherche de la Loi de la Variation Moyenne de la Temperature avec la Latitude

Paris: Bachelier, 1851.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (1)Archimedes

The Arenarius of Archimedes, Translated from the Greek, with Notes and Illustrations. To which is added the Dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same subject from the Latin

Tr. ? G. Anderson. London: Printed for J. Johnson, St Paul's-Church-Yard, and Mess. Prince and Cooke, Oxford, 1784.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (2)Cordier, Monsieur Le

Traite Geometrique de la Variation de la Boussole, dans lequel on donne les differens Moyens de l'Observer sur Terre et sur Mer

Premiere Edition. Havre de Grace: Guillaume Gruchet & Pierre Faure, 1740.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (3)Molineux, Thomas

A Key to the First Part of an Introduction to Practical Arithmetic

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (4)Riecke, Friedrich

Die Rechnung mit Richtungszahlen oder die geometrische Behandlung imaginarer Grossen

Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1856.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (5)Whiting, Thomas

The Mental Accountant. Containing Rules for performing the Computation, which usually occur in Business, without a Pen. Intended chiefly for the Higher Classes of Young Gentlement at Boarding Schools and Academies; and for Young Merchants

London: Printed for the Author; And sold by T. Longman, Paternoster-Row; and may be had of the Booksellers in West minster, 1788.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (6)Anonymous

Appendix de Linearum Geometricarum Proprietatibus Generalisus Tractatus

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (8)Horner, W. G.

"A new Method of Solving Numerical Equations of all Orders, by continuous Approximation"

Appendix to the Ladies' Diary for 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 76 (9)P., J. M. P. C.

Theoria Rectarum Parallelarum ab omni Scrupulo Vindicata

Parma: Marcus Rossi & Andreas Ubaldi, 1783.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (1)Witchell, G.; Moss, T.; & others

The Mathematical Magazine: and Philosophical Repository. Containing a Variety of Original Pieces, in all Parts of Mathematical Science

Vol. I. London: Printed for J. Wilkie, at the Bible in St Paul's-Church-Yard; and sold by all Booksellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, 1761.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (10)Martin, Benjamin

An Essay on the Nature and Superior Use of Globes, In conveying the First Principles of Geography and Astronomy To the Minds of Youth; also, A Candid Examination of the Construction and Use of Planispheres, wherein The Erroneous Nature, and many bad Consequences, attending the Use of the Vulgar Projection are pointed out: and The Nature and Use of the Globular Projection, With many New Improvements, Illustrated by a Solution of Several Problems, Explaining the general Principles of Geography and Astronomy, by Way of Introduction to the more ready Use of the Globes

London: Printed for the Author, and sold by him at the Globe, in Fleet-Street. 1758. (Includes price list at end, pp. 43-44 [see separate entry]).



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (10)Martin, Benjamin

"Instruments Invented or Improved by Mr. B. Martin, and sold at the Sign of the Globe in Fleet-Street"

in An Essay on the Nature and Superior Use of Globes ... (London, 1758), pp. 43-44. (Price list of one and a half pages).



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (11)Murray, Alexander

A New Method of Measuring Solids by Models and Instruments: to which is added, A Description of the Mechanical Part for the Improvement of Husbandry and Mining

London: Printed for J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane, 1733.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (12)Budgen, Richard

The Passage of the Hurricane, from the Sea-side at Bexhill in Sussex, to Newington level, the Twentieth Day of May 1729, between Nine and Ten in the Evening, etc.

London: Printed for John Senex at the Globe, over-against St Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-street, 1730.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (2)Anonymous

A New and Universal Dictionary of Pure and Mixed Mathematics

Fasc. 1 (A - AIR PUMP) only. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (3)Mathematician

The Mathematician. Containing a Dissertation on the Rise, Progress and Improvement of Geometry: also, The chief Properties of the Parabola, demonstrated after an easy, short and elegant manner. Together with a collection of Twenty Choice Problems, in Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Philosophy, the greater part whereof never before Published

no. 1. By a SOCIETY. London: Printed for M. Cooper in Pater Noster-Row; and Sold by S. Farrer in Charterhouse-Street, and by the Booksellers in London and Westminster, 1745.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (4)Rowe, Jacob

Navigation Improved: in Two Books. Containing an exact Description of the Fluid Quadrant for the Latitude; or, Quadrants reduc'd to the utmost Degree of Portableness ... An Essay on the Discovery of the Longitude, by a new Invention of an Everlasting Horometer. Founded on the most unerring Principles of Nature

London: Printed for John Hooke at the Flower-de-Luce over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, 1725.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (5)Annely, Bernard

A Theory of the Winds, shewing by a New Hypothesis, the Physical Causes of all Winds in General: with the Solution of all the Variety and Phaenomena thereof, as it was read to the Royal Society

London: Printed for Jer. Batley, at the Dove in Pater-noster Row, 1729.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (6)Smith, George

A Treatise of Comets, containing I. An Explication of all the various Appearances of the late Comet, both in its own Trajectory and the Firmament of Fixt Stars, to its setting in the Sun-beams: Illustrated with a Plan of the Earth's and Comet's Orbits. II. The History of Comets from the earliest Account of those kinds of Planets, to the present Time; wherein the Sentiments of the Antient and Modern Philosophers are occasionally display'd. With Remarks on the Intentional End of Comets, and the Nature and Design of Saturn's Ring. III. The Distance, Velocity, Size, Solidity, and other Properties of those Bodies consider'd; and the wonderful Phaenomena of their Tails and Atmospheres accounted for. Illustrated also by a Copper-Plate

London: Printed for Jacob Robinson in Ludgate-street, 1744. ii + 46 pages and folding plate (final leaf, pp. 45-46, misbound between items 7 and [7b]).



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (7)Adams, George

Instructions For the Use of Hadley's Quadrant, containing, The Principles on which that admirable Instrument is constructed, With a Description and Use of the Nonius Divisions.

As Made and Sold by George Adams, Mathematical Instrument-Maker to his Royal highness George Prince of Wales. At Tycho Brahe's Head in Fleet-Street, between Serjeant's-Inn and Water-Lane. Where Gentlemen may be supplied with all Sorts of Mathematical Instruments for Land or Sea; Tellescopes of all Sizes for Day or Night; together with all other Optical and Philosophical Instruments of the newest Invention. [London], n.d. [c.1757]. 8 pages and folding plate; contemporary MS annotation at foot of pp. 6-7.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (8)Harris, John

A Supplement to Harris, on the Globes, being a Scholium to his Prop. XLIV, Edit. III

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (9)Martin, B.

An Essay on Visual Glasses, (Vulgarly called Spectacles) Wherein it is shewn From the Principles of Optics, and the Nature of the Eye, that the common Structure of those Glasses is contrary to the Rules of Art, to the Nature of Things, &c. and very prejudicial to the Eyes; The Nature of Vision in the Eye explained, and Glasses of a New Construction proposed. The Whole illustrated by a large Copper-Plate-Print

The Third Edition. London: Printed for the Author, and sold at his House, two Doors below Crane-Court, Fleet-Street. 1758. (Includes separately paginated addendum entitled "Directions For the Use of the General Apparatus of Optical Instruments" (pp. 1-3) followed by a general catalogue (pp. 4-8) [see separate entries]).



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (9)Martin, B.

"Directions For the Use of the General Apparatus of Optical Instruments"

in An Essay on Visual Glasses, (Vulgarly called Spectacles) ... (London, 1758), separately paginated addendum (pp. 1-3) following p. 24. Followed by a general catalogue (pp. 4-8) [see separate entry].



Radcliffe Tracts 77 (9)Martin, Benjamin

"A Catalogue of Philosophical, Optical, and Mathematical Instruments, Made and Sold by Benjamin Martin, At his Shop, the Sign of the Visual Glasses and Globe, two Doors below Crane-Court, in Fleet-Street"

in An Essay on Visual Glasses, (Vulgarly called Spectacles) ... (London, 1758), part (pp. 4-8) of separately paginated addendum beginning "Directions For the Use of the General Apparatus of Optical Instruments".



Radcliffe Tracts 77 ([7b])Adams, George

Instructions For the Use of Hadley's Quadrant. *

Made and Sold by George Adams, Instrument-Maker to his Majesty's Office of Ordnance, At Tycho Brahe's Head, the Corner of Racquet-Court, in Fleet-Street, London. n.d. [?c.1760]. 12 pages. [Footnote to title reads:] * Extracted from a Description of a new Instrument invented by John Hadley, Esq;.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (1)Taylor, Brook

New Principles of Linear Perspective: or the Art of Designing on a Plane the Representations of all Sorts of Objects, in a more General and Simple Method than has been done before

London: R. Knaplock at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-yard, 1719.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (2)Robins, Benjamin

Remarks on Mr Euler's Treatise of Motion, Dr Smith's compleat System of Opticks, and Dr Jurin's Essay upon Distinct and Indistinct Vision

London: Printed for J. Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, 1739.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (3)Berkeley, George, 1685-1753

The Theory of Vision, or Visual Language, shewing the Immediate Presence and Providence of a Deity, Vindicated and Explained

By the Author of Alciphron, or, The Minute Philosopher. London: Printed for J. Tonson in the Strand, 1733.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (4)Robins, Benjamin

Discourse concerning the Nature and Certainty of Sir Isaac Newton's Methods of Fluxions, and of Prime and Ultimate Ratios

London: Printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the Westend of St Paul's-Church-yard, 1735.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (5)Saul, Edward

An Historical and Philosophical Account of the Barometer, or Weather-Glass. Wherein the reason and use of that Instrument, the Theory of the Atmosphere, the Causes of its different Gravitation are assign'd and explain'd: and A Modest Attempt from thence made towards a rational Account and probable Judgment of the Weather

London: Printed for A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Lyon in Pater-Noster-Row, 1730.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (6)Martin, Benjamin

An Essay on Electricity: Being and Enquiry into the Nature, Cause and Properties thereof, On the Principles of Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of Vibrating Motion, Light, and Fire; And the various Phaenomena of Forty-two Capital Experiments; With some Observations relative to the Uses That may be made of this Wonderful Power of Nature

Bath: Printed for the Author; and Mr Leake, and Mr Frederick, Booksellers: Mr Raikes, Printer, at Gloucester; Mr Collins, Printer, at Salisbury; and Mr Newbury, Bookseller, at the Bible and Sun in St Paul's Church-Yard, London, 1746.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (7)Rea, Roger

The Sector and Plain Scale Compared, etc.

London: Printed for J. Cluer, and Sold by the Author at his House at the Hand and Pen near the Pump in Crutched Fryers; and Eben. Tracey at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1717.



Radcliffe Tracts 78 (8)Anonymous

Speculum Mundi: Or, An Exact Account Of the Great and Formidable Eclipse of the Sun; Which will be Visible, Total and Central, in England, May 11, 1724

Shewing The true Time of the Beginning, Middle, and End of it; with its Quantity and Duration, as it will appear at London. Also, The Names of those Cities and Towns in England where it will be total, and on what Side of the Sun's Body the Light will be seen, and how much, where it is not total. With The various Events and Contingencies which are likely to succeed it in several Parts of the World therein concerned. London: Printed for J. Roberts, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1723.



Radcliffe Tracts 79 (1)Le Monnier, Monsieur

La Theorie des Cometes, ou l'on Traite du Progres de cette Partie de l'astronomie; avec des Tables pour Calculer les Mouvements des Cometes, du Soleil, & des principales etoiles fixes

Paris: A Rue S. Jacques, Chez Gab. Martin, J. B. Coignard, & les Freres Guerin, Libraires, 1743.



Radcliffe Tracts 79 (2)Loys de Cheseaux, J. P.

Traite de la Comete qui a paru en Decembre 1743. & en Janvier, Fevrier & Mars 1744. Contenant Outre les Observations de l'Auteur, celles qui ont ete faites a Paris par Mr Cassini, & a Geneve par Mr Calandrini. On y a joint diverses Observations & Dissertations Astronomiques

Lausanne & Geneve: Chez Marc-Michel Bousquet & Compagnie, 1744.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (1)Biot, Eduard

"Note sur la direction de l'aiguille aimantee en Chine, et sur les Aurores Boreales observees dans ce meme Pays"

offprint from Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, vol. XIX, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (2)Kreil, Karl

"Einfluss des Mondes auf die Horizontale Componente der Magnetischen Erdkraft'

offprint from Denkschriften der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, vol. V, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (3)Lamont, J.

Ueber das magnetische Observatorium der koniglichen Sternwarte bei Munchen. Eine offentliche Vorlesung gehalten in der festlichen Sitzung der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 25. August 1840

Munchen: Franz Seraph Hubschmann, 1841.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (4)Plantamour, E.

Resultats des Observations magnetiques faites a Geneve dans les Annees 1842 et 1843

Geneve: Jules-Gme Fick, 1844.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (5)Savery, Servington

"Magnetical Observations and Experiments; by Servington Savery, Esq., of Shilston"

offprint from Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. XXXVI, {...}.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (6)Steinhaeuser, Ioannes Godofredus

De Magnetismo Telluris Commentationis Mathematico-Physicae Sectio II. De Inclinatione Acus Magneticae in Aream Sphaerae Magnetam, cuius Innotescunt et Locus et Efficiendi Facultas, Continentis qua Solemnia. Summorum in Philosophia Hornorum Die XVII. Octobr. MDCCCX

Wittenberg: Christianus Henricus Graesslerus, 1810.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (7)Weber, Wilhelm Edw.

"Ueber die Anwendung der magnetischen Induction auf Messung der Inclination mit dem Magnetometer"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Gesellszchaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, V (1853). Gottingen: Dieterischen Buchhandlung, 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 8 (8)Weber, Wilhelm

"Bestimmung der rechtwinkeligen Componenten der erdmagnetischen Kraft in Gottingen in dem Zeitraume von 1834-1853"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, VI (1855). Gottingen: Dieterischen Buchhandlung, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (1)Crugerus, Joannes

Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Academica de Barometris, quam Praeside Georgio Alberto Hambergero, Mathematum Prof. Publ. Ord. et Alumnorum Ducalium Inspectore, Patrono ac Praeceptore suo Nullo Non Venerationis et Observantiae Affectu Submisse Suspiciendo, Ad Diem XXIII, Martii Anno MDCCI. Horis consuetis publice placideque examinandam proponit

Jena: Gollnerian, 1701.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (10)Schaubach, Johann Konrad

Ueber die mittlere Barometerhohe von Meiningen. Einladungschrift zu zehn Abschiedsreden, welche morgen um 9 Uhr im grossen Horsaale des Bernhardinum's gehalten werden sollen

Meiningen: Hartmann, 1826.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (11)Schouw, J. F.

Om Barometrets Middelstand ved Havet

Copenhagen: Poppske Bogtrykkerie, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (12)Segner, Ioan. Andreas

Dissertationem Inauguralem Medicam ante Diem XXXI. Januar. Anni MDCCXXXXIII. Indicit atque Novum Barometrum Navale

Gottingen: A. Vandenhoeck, 1743.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (13)Strehlke, F.

Zwei Abhandlungen physikalischen und mathematischen Inhalts. Womit zu der Dienstag den 17. April 1832. Vormittags von 8.1/2 bis 12 Uhr, Nachmittags von 2.1/2 bis 5 Uhr, in dem Locale des Real-Gymnasii (Scharrnstrasse no. 23) statt findenden offentlichen Prufung der Zoglinge dieser Anstalt ehrerbietigst einladet der Director Dr E. F. August

Berlin: C. Feister, 1832.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (14)Fleischmann, Joannes Josephus; Graeffner, Ernestus Alexander

Phaenomena Barometri

Quatuor Dissertationibus Illustrata. Dissertatio II. De Barometri inventione, progressu, & aliquibus circa hoc phaenomenon eruditorum quaestionibus, quam una cum corollariis ex universa Philosophia desumptis. A.M.D.G., V.M., et S. Aloysii Honorem. Herbipoli: Joannes Jacobus Christophorus Kleyer, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (2)Littrow, J. J.

Uber Hohenmessungen durch das Barometer

Vienna: Joh. Bapt. Wallishausser, 1823.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (3)Luc, Monsieur de

Rule for measuring Heights by the Barometer, reduced to the English Measure of Length and adapted to Fahrenheit's Thermometer, and other Scales of Heat, and reduced to a more convenient Expression by the Astronomer Royal. Read at the Royal Society January 13, 1774

London: Printed by W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1774.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (4)Ludolff, M. C. F.

"Maniere de Construire une echelle de Barometre, qui indique directement la veritable pression de l'Air, et qui corrige les Defauts Causes par les Alterations que la Chaleur de l'Air fait eprouver au Mercure"

from Memoires de l'Academie, Tom. V. n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (8)Needham, Monsieur

Observations des Hauteurs faites avec le Barometre, au mois d'Aoust 1751. Sur une Partie des Alpes en presence, et sous les Auspices de Milord Comte de Rochford. Envoye extraordinaire de Sa Majeste Britannique a la Cour de Turin

Turin: Printed for Private Distribution by the Imprimerie Royale, Turin, 1751.



Radcliffe Tracts 80 (9)Pluer, Carolus Christophorus

Historiam Barometri Brevi Edisserens Lectiones Suas Annuntiat

Havnia: Ludolph. Henr. Lillie, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (1)Collins, John

The Description and Use of Four several Quadrants, Two Great Ones and Two Small Ones. With the Use of A Diagonal-Scale and Semi-circle. Each of them accommodated with Lines and Circles, for the Resolving of Propositions Instrumentally, In Chronology, Astronomy, Altimetria, Longimetria, Navigation, Dialling

Invented and Written by the Ingenious Mr John Collins, and engrav'd by the Curious Hand of Mr Henry Sutton, with Additions, not in the former Treatise, by John Good. [A new edition of Collins's 1658/9 work, edited by Good]. London: Printed for Richard and William Mount, and Tho. Page, in Postern-Row on Tower-Hill, 1710.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (10)Wright, Robert

An Humble Address to the Right Honourable the Lords. And the rest of the Honourable Commissioners, Appointed by Act of Parliament to judge of all Performances Relating to the Longitude; Wherein it is demonstrated from Mr Flamsteed's Observations, that by the late incomparable Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the Moon, as it is now freed from some Errors of the Press, the Longitude may be found by Land or Sea, either Night or Day, when the Moon is visible, and in proper Weather, within very few miles of Certainty

London: Printed for T. Page, W. and F. Mount, at Tower hill; John Osborn and Thomas Longman in Pater-noster-row; and James Ansdell, Bookseller in Liverpool, 1728



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (11)Wright, Robert

New and Correct Tables of the Lunar Motions, according to the Newtonian Theory: As it is truly freed from the Errors of the Press. Which Tables are demonstratively proved to be true, by a sufficient Number of Observations, of the most eminent Astronomers ... With the Description of a New Instrument for taking Altitudes at Sea, with much more Speed and Certainty than by any Quadrant yet invented; by means of which Instrument (which may not improperly be called an Hypsometer) ... the Longitude may be found ... as also, Eclipses may be calculated ...

Manchester: Printed by R. Whitworth, for the Author, etc., 1732



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (12)Streete, Thomas

The Description and Use of the Planetary Systeme, Together with Easie Tables. By which The Apparent Motions of the Heavens may be readily found for ever

London: Printed for J. Darby, for Robert Morden at the Sign of the Atlas in Corn-hil, and William Berry at the Sign of the Globe betwixt York House and the New Exchange in the Strand, 1674.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (2)Jaci, Antonio Ma.

La Longitudine in Mare ovvero Nuova Aggiunta all' Orizonte della Longitudine

Messina: Giovanni del Nobolo, 1813.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (3)Jaci, Antonio Maria

Metodo Facile per ritrovare la longitudine Idrografica con l'ajuto dell' Ampolletta Mercuriale, e del Termometro, ad uso de' Piloto

Messina: Giuseppe di Stefano, 1787.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (4)Molyneux, William

Sciothericum Telescopicum; or, A New Contrivance of Adapting a Telescope to an Horizontal Dial for Observing the moment of Time by Day or Night. Use ful in all Astronomical Observations, and for Regulating and Adjusting Curious Pendulum-Watches and other Time-Keepers, with proper Tables requisite thereto

Dublin: Printed by Andrew Crook and Samuel Helsham, at the Printing-House on Ormond-Key; and are to be sold by W. Norman in Dame-street, and S. Helsham and El. Dobson, Booksellers in Castle-street, 1686.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (5)Mountaine, William; Dodson, James

An Account of the Methods used to describe Lines on Dr Halley's Chart of the Terraqueous Globe; shewing the Variation of the Magnetic Needle about the Year 1756, in all the known Seas; their Application and Use in correcting the Longitude at Sea; with some Occasional Observations relating thereto

London: Printed for W. and J. Mount, T. Page and Son, on Tower-Hill, 1758.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (6)Pesler, Georgius Alexander

Q.D.B.V. de Hyemis Nuperae praeter ordinem Saevientis et Asperae Causis Coniecturae Physicae quas Praeside Ioh. Henrico Mullero Phil. Nat. et Methem. P. P. ad D. VII. Septembr. MDCCXXIX. Respondendo Tuebitur

Altdorf: Magnus Daniel Meyerus, 1729.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (7)Speidell, John

A Geometricall Extraction, or, A Compendious Collection of the Chiefest and Choisest Problemes, Selected out of the best and latest Writers. Whereunto are added above Thirty Problemes of the Authors own Invention, being performed by a better and briefer way than hitherto hath been made known

The Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. London: Printed by T.M. for Thomas Davies, and are to be sold at his shop in St Paul's Church-yard, at the signe of the Bible, neer the little North doore, 1657.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (8)Twysden, John

The Use of the General Planisphere, called the Analemma, in the Resolution of some of the Chief and most useful Problems of Astronomy

London: Printed by J. Gain, for Walter Hayes, Mathematical Instrument Maker; and are to be sold at his House at the Cross Daggers in Moor-Fields, 1685.



Radcliffe Tracts 81 (9)Waddington, Robert

A Practical Method for finding the Longitude and Latitude of a Ship at Sea, by Observations of the Moon; with General Rules for computing the same, illustrated by Examples. Together with all the necessary Tables, and their Explanations. To which are added Tables of the Time the Moon passes the Meridian of London, and her declination, for the Years 1763 and 1764. With Examples of their Uses in finding the Latitude and Variation

London: Printed by W. Richardson and S. Clark, for the Author ..., 1763.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (1)Barthius, Joh. Matthaeus

Ad Virum CL.I.F.W.P.M.W. De Luce Barometrorum ut et aliis Connexis Argumentis Epistola qua in simul Peculiaria quaedam Experimenta Novaeque Phoenomenon hoc Producendi Methodi Traduntur

Leipzig: Joh. Grossius, 1716.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (10)Krafftius, Georgius Wolffgangus

Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Physica, de Observationibus Meteorologicis Generatum, et Speciatim Quibusdam Tubingensibus ... Die Julii MDCCXLVII ab hora VIII ad XI

Tubingen: Cottaian, 1747.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (12)Nicolai, Johann Christian Wilhelm

Ueber das Nordlicht

Arnstadt: H. J. Trommsdorffs Wittwe und Erben, 1807.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (13)Nicolai, Johann Christian Wilhelm

Was ist bis jetzo uber den sogenannten Steinregen entschieden?

Arnstadt: H. J. Trommsdorffs Wittwe und Erben, 1805.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (14)Pregizerus, Johannes Ulricus

Dissertatio Physica Meteorologica de Ventis ... Publico Eruditorum Examini ventilandam proponit Ad diem Novembr. Ao. MDCLXIII. In Aula Philosophorum Renovata, Horis antemeridianis

Tubingen: Gregorius Kernerus, 1663.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (15)Nicolai, Joh. Chr. Wilhelm

Prufung der verschiedenen Erklarung der Irrwische

Arnstadt: H. J. Trommsdorfs seel. Wittwe., 1798.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (16)Nicolai, Joh. Chr. Wilhelm

Ueber die Beschaffenheit der atmospharischen Luft in Rucksicht ihrer Zusammensetzung und der Mietel, wie sie immer in dem zum Athmen tauglichem Zustande erhalten wird

Arnstadt: HJ Trommdorfs seel. Wittwe., 1797.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (17)Starck, Christophorus Heinrich

Feliciter! De Aurora, incluto Senatu Philosophico suffragante Ad diem V. Septembr

Leipzig: Johannes Ericus Hahnius, 1663.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (18)Teichmeyer, Hermannus Fridericus

Deo Trinuno Assistente ad Orationem Auspicalem in Auditorio Maiori D. VI. Decemb. Hora Decima Matutina Habendam, Magnificum Dominum ... De Effectibus Aeris

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (19)Valentini, Christoph. Bernhardus

Disputatio Inauguralis Medica de Ceraunia vulgo von der Donner+Art/ ut et de Fulmine Tactis; Quam Divina Assistente Gratia ex Decreto Gratiosiss. Facult. Medicae, in Alma Anno Seculari IVbILaeo orthoLogorVM seCVnDo, Pro Licentia Impetrandi Jura Doctoratus

Gissae Hassorum: Viduae & Haeredum Vulpianorum, IVbILaeo orthoLogorVM seCVnDo (=MDCLL.IV.I.VV = 1715).



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (2)Bergen, Carolus Augustus De

Commentatio de Thermometris Mensurae Constantis quondam Seorsum Publicata nunc Secundis Curis Revisa et Reformata

n.p. [? Frankfurt], n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (20)Wagnerus, Godefridus

In Illustri Saxonum ad Albim Academia, Disputationem ex Scientia Naturali, De Fulmine, etc.

Wittenberg: Meyer, 1708.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (21)Stock, Johannes Christianus

De Fulgure Tonitru ac Fulmine

Jena: Horn, 1734.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (22)Heyl, Joannes Wilhelmus

Dissertatio Meteorologica qua Ros sistitur, etc.

Argentorati: Joannes Pastorius, 1716.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (3)Boeclerus, Joannes Fridericus

Q.D.B.V. Positiones ex Physica Curiosa Depromptas Auxiliante Deo Praeside Joanne Boeclero ... Solenniter tueri Experimentisque comprobare conabitur

Argentorati: Johannis Fridericus Spoor, 1711.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (4)Casparides, M. Andreas

Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Physica de Natura et Origine Nebularum quam Numine Divino Favente Praeside Georgio Mathia Bose ...

Die 2. Iun. A.O.R. MDCCLVI In Auditorio Publico Eruditorum Examini Subiiciet. Wittemberg: Ephraim Gottlob Eichsfeld, 1756.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (6)Frobesius, Iohannes Nicolaus

Nova et Antiqua Luminis atque Aurorae Borealis Spectacula. Secundum Saeculorum atque Annorum Seriem Subnexa Mirabilis Phaenomeni Consideratione Philosophica

Helmstadt: Christianus Fridericus Weygandus, 1739.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (7)Garthe, C.

Zur Feier des hochst erfreulichen Geburtstages Sr Koniglichen Hoheit Wilhelm des Zweiten Kurfursten von Hessen am acht und zwangigsten Julius ladet durch eine auf Beobachtungen und Versuche gegrundete physikalische Erklarung des Heiligenscheins im Namen des Kurfurstlichen Hessen-Schaumburgischen Gymnasiums

Rinteln: Carl August Steuber, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (8)Jenisch, Georgius Paulus

Disputatio de Generatione Meteorum quam Divina Annuente Gratia Sub Praesidio Dn. Johannis Rudolphi Saltzmanni Junioris ... Solenniter defendere conabitur

Argentorati: Eberhardus Welperus, 1654.



Radcliffe Tracts 82 (9)Mullerus, Johannes Casparus

Q.D.B.V. Dissertatio Academica de Frigore, sub Praesidio Georgii Alberti Hambergeri ... ac Alumnorum inspectoris In Illustri Salana, Examini Eruditorum ... AD D. VII. Septembr. MDCIIC

[sic.?1698]; Jena: Gollner, ?1698.



Radcliffe Tracts 83 (1)Ward, Seth

In Ismaelis Bullialdi Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta, Inquisitio Brevis

Oxford: Leon. Lichfield, Printer to the University, 1653.



Radcliffe Tracts 83 (2)Ward, Seth

Idea Trigonometriae Demonstrate (In usum Juventutis Oxoniensis.) Item Praelectio De Cometis et Inquisitio in Bullialdi Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta

Oxford: L. Lichfield, Printer to the University, 1654.



Radcliffe Tracts 83 (3)Ward, Seth

De Cometis ubi De Cometarum natura disseritur. Nova, Cometarum, Theoria, Novissimi Cometae, Historia Proponitur. Praelectio, Oxonii Habita. Cui Subjuncta est Inquisitio in Ismaelis Bullialdi Astronomiae Philolaicae Fundamenta, Eodem Authore

Oxford: Leon. Lichfield, Printer to the University, 1653.



Radcliffe Tracts 83 (4)Blagrave, John

The Art of Dyalling in Two Parts

The first shewing plainly, and in a manner mechanically to make dyals to all plaines, either Horizontall, Murall, declining, reclining or inclining with the theoricke of the Arte. The second how to performe the self same, in a more artificiall kinde, and without use of Arithmeticke, together with concave and convex Dyals, and the inserting of the 12 signes, and the howres of any other country in any yall, with many other things to the same Art appertaining. The whole differing much from all that hath beene heretofore written of the same Art by any other, and the greater part wrought by diverse new conceits of the Author, never yet extant, now published. London: Printed by N.O. for Simon Waterson, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the Crowne, 1609.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (1)Halley, Edmund

Catalogus Stellarum Australium sive Supplementum Catalogi Tychonici

exhibens Longitudines & Latitudines Stellarum ... Opus ab Astronomis hactenus desideratum. Accedit Appendicula de rebus quibusdam Astronomicis, notatu non indignis. London: Thomas James, for R. Harford at the sign of the Angel, Cornhill, 1679.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (2)Kirchius, Gottfridus

Annus VII. Ephemeridum Motum Coelestium ad Annum Aerae Christianae 1687. Cum Ortu & Occasu diurno Planetarum ut et eorum Occultationibus etc. Ex Tabulis Rudolphinis, ad Meridianum Uranoburgicum, in Freto Cimbrico Supputatus, Cum Appendice Observationum Nonnullarum Astronomicarum

Leipzig: Printed for the Author by Johannes Colerus, 1687.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (3)Acta Eruditorum

Acta Eruditorum publicata Lipsiae Calendis Aprilis Anno MDCLXXXV. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum. Tom. I. Quorum Ingulphus nunc primum integer, caeteri nunc primum prodeunt

N. IV. Oxoniae: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1684. Followed by N. V.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (4)Strode, Thomas

A Short Treatise of the Combinations, Elections, Permutations and Composition of Quantities. Illustrated By several Examples, with a New Speculation of the Differences of the Powers of Numbers

London: Printed by W. Godbid for Enoch Wyer at the White Hart in S Paul's Church-Yard, 1678.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (5)Sirturus, Hieronymus, Mediolanensis

Telescopium: Sive Ars Perficiendi Novum illud Galilaei Visorium Instrumentum ad Sydera

Frankfurt: Paulus Jacobus for Luca Iennes, 1618.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (6)Mercator, Nicolaus

Logarithmo-Technia: Sive Methodus construendi Logarithmos Nova, accurata, & facilis; Scripto Antehac Communicata, Anno Sc. 1667. Nonis Augusti: Cui nunc accedit. Vera Quadratura Hyperbolae & Inventio Summae Logarithmorum

London: Printed by William Godbid for Moses Pitt in Little Britain, 1668.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (7)Riccius, Michael Angelus

Exercitatio Geometrica De Maximis & Minimis

London: William Godbid for Moses Pitt, Little Britain, 1668.



Radcliffe Tracts 84 (8)Gregory, James

Exercitationes Geometricae

Jacobus Gregorius. London: William Godbid for Moses Pitt in Little Britain, 1668.



Radcliffe Tracts 85 (1)Powell, William Samuel

Observations on the First Chapter of a Book called Miscellanea Analytica

Cambridge: Printed for T. Merril, Bookseller, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 85 (2)Waring, Edward

A Reply to a Pamphlet entitled Observations on the First Chapter of a Book called Miscellanea Analytica

Cambridge: J. Bentham, Printer to the University, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 85 (3)Wilson, -

A Vindication of the Miscellanea Analytica: In Answer to a late Pamphlet entitled Observations, etc.

Cambridge: J. Bentham, Printer to the University, 1760



Radcliffe Tracts 85 (4)Powell, William Samuel

A Defence of the Observations on the First Chapter of a Book called Miscellanea Analytica

London: Printed for T. Merril at Cambridge, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 85 (5)Waring, Edward

A Letter to the Reverend Dr Powell, Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge; in Answer to his Observations on the First Chapter of a Book entitled Miscellanea Analytica and his Defence of those Observations

Cambridge: J. Bentham, Printer to the University, 1760.



Radcliffe Tracts 85 (6)Waring, Edward

An Essay on the Principles of Human Knowledge

Cambridge: John Archdeacon and John Burges, Printers to the University, 1794.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (1)Stewart

Geometrical Propositions demonstrated after the Manner of the Ancients

Translated from the Latin of the late Dr Stewart; London: W. Glendinning, 1801.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (10)Rumford, Benjamin, Count of

"Article II. An Inquiry concerning the Source of Heat excited by Friction"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (11)Rumford, Benjamin, Count of

"Article III. An Inquiry concerning the Weight Ascribed to Heat"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (12)Gough, John

"On the Variety of Voices"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (13)Swayne, George

"Article V. Glauber's Salt extracted from the Rubbish of an old Furnace"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (14)Collier, Joseph

"Article VI. Observations on Iron and Steel"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (15)Tennant, Smithson

"Article VII. On Different Sorts of Lime used in Agriculture"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (2)Playfair, John

"On the Origin and Investigation of Porisms"

from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. III, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (3)Wallace, William

Some Geometrical Porisms with Examples of their Application to the Solution of Problems

from Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. IV, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (4)Hamilton, Hugh

An Essay on the Principles of Mechanics

n.p. [?Dublin], n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (5)Landen, John

"Of the Mechanic Powers, as far as relates to Equilibriums"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (6)Hellins, John

"Article III. On the Force of Oscillating Bodies on their Centres of Suspension"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (7)Ivory, James

A New Series for the Rectification of the Ellipsis together with some Observations on the Evolution of the Formula (a2 + b2 - 2ab cosTH)n

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (8)Ivory, James

A New Method of Resolving Cubic Equations

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 86 (9)Herschell [sic], William

Article I. On the Nature and Construction of the Sun and Fixed Stars

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (1)Sturgeon, William

Recent Experimental Researches in Electro-Magnetism and Galvanism

London: Published for the Author by Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (2)Hare, Robert

An Essay on the Question, whether there be two Electrical Fluids, according to Du Faye, or one, according to Franklin

n.p. [?Philadelphia], n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (3)Hare, Robert

A New Theory of Galvanism, supported by some Experiments and Observations made by means of the Calorimeter, a New Galvanic Instrument. Also, a New Mode of Decomposing Potash extenporaneously. Read before the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia

Philadelphia: M. Carey & Son, 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (4)Aldini, John

General Views of the Application of Galvanism to Medical Purposes; principally in Cases of Suspended Animation

London: J. Callow, 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (5)Wilson, Benjamin

An Essay towards an Explication of the Phaenomena of Electricity, Deduced from the Aether of Sir Isaac Newton, contained in Three Papers which were read before the Royal Society

London: Printed for C. Davies, Printer to the Royal Society, against Grays-Inn, Holbourn, and M. Cooper, in Pater-noster Row, 1746



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (6)Penrose, Francis

A Treatise on Electricity: Wherein its various phaenomena are accounted for, and the cause of the attraction and gravitation of solids are assigned. To which is added A short account, how the electrical effluvia act upon the animal frame, and in what disorders the same may probably be applied with success, and in what not

(Surgeon at Bicester); Oxford: Printed at the Theatre for Sackville Parker, Bookseller at Oxford, at W. Owen, at Homer's Head, Temple-Bar, London, 1752.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (7)Penrose, Francis

An Essay on Magnetism: Or an Endeavour to explain the various Properties and Effects of the Loadstone: together with the Causes of the same

(Surgeon at Bicester); Oxford: Printed at the Theatre for Sackville Parker, Bookseller at Oxford, and W. Owen, at Homer's Head, Temple-Bar, London, 1753.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (8)Watson, William

An Account of the Experiments made by Some Gentlemen of the Royal Society, in order to discover whether the Electrical Power would be sensible at great Distances. With An Experimental Inquiry concerning the respective Velocities of Electricity and Sound. To which are added Some further Inquiries into the Nature and Properties of Electricity

London: Printed for C. Davis, over-against Gray's-Inn Gate, Holborn, 1748.



Radcliffe Tracts 87 (9)Milner, Thomas

Experiments and Observations in Electricity

London: Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1783.



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (1)Bourne, Robert

An Introductory Lecture to a Course of Chemistry: Read at the Laboratory in Oxford, on February 7, 1797

Oxford: Sold by Messrs. Fletcher & Co. and J. Cooke; And Messrs. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard, London. 1797.



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (2)[Bourne, Robert]

A Syllabus of a Course of Chemical Lectures, Read at the Museum, Oxford, in Seventeen Hundred Ninety Four

[Oxford, 1794].



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (3)Daubeny, Charles

Inaugural Lecture on the Study of Chemistry, Read at the Ashmolean Museum, November 2, 1822

Oxford: At the University Press, 1823. Contains as an Appendix Outline of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry, to be delivered at the Museum, Oxford in the Winter of 1822, 23. And On the Application of Chemistry to the Arts (Extract from the Lecture delivered at the Bristol Institution, January 6, 1823).



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (4)Kidd, John

An Answer to a Charge against the English Universities contained in the Supplement to the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia

Oxford: At the University Press for the Author, 1818. Contains as an Appendix: Syllabus of a Course of Chemical Lectures, Read at the Museum, Oxford, in the Years 1815, 1816, and 1817.



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (5)Anonymous [Kidd, John]

Remarks and Experiments on Different Parts of the Process of Brewing, particularly on the Continued Application of a Boiling Heat, during the Operation of Mashing

Oxford: Printed by Nathaniel Bliss, for R. Bliss, and R. Bliss, Jun., 1807.



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (6)Kidd, John

An Introductory Lecture to a Course in Comparative Anatomy, illustrative of Paley's Natural Theology

Oxford: At the University Press for the Author, 1824.



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (7)Moyes, Henry

Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on the Philosophy of Natural History

Edinburgh: Printed by Murray and Cochrane, Craig's Close, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 88 (8)Walker, Richard

An Account of some Remarkable Discoveries in the Production of Artificial Cold; with Experiments on the Congelation of Quicksilver in England: likewise, Observations on the Best Methods of Producing Artificial Cold; and their Application to Useful Purposes in Hot Climates. Interspersed with Philosophical and Explanatory Notes; and Illustrated with a Plate, representing the Different Kinds of Apparatus which are Applicable to the Various Purposes Required

Oxford: Printed for Messrs. Fletcher and Hanwell, 1796.



Radcliffe Tracts 89 (1)Bain, William

An Essay on the Variation of the Compass, shewing how far it is influenced by a change in the direction of the ship's head, with an exposition of the dangers arising to navigators from not allowing for this change of variation. Interspersed with Practical Observations and Remarks

Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1817.



Radcliffe Tracts 89 (2)Lecount, P.

A Description of the Changeable Magnetic Properties possessed by all Iron Bodies, and the Different Effects produced by the same on Ship's Compasses, from the position of the ship's head being altered

London: Printed for the Author, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 89 (3)Ferguson, James

Lectures on Electricity

A New Edition, Corrected, with an Appendix, Adapting the work to the present state of Science, by C. F. Partington. London: Sherwood & Co., 1825.



Radcliffe Tracts 89 (4)Watkins, Francis

A Popular Sketch of Electro-Magnetism, or Electro-Dynamics; with plates of the most approved apparatus for illustrating the principal phenomena of the science, and outlines of the parent sciences Electricity and Magnetism

London: Printed for John Taylor, etc., 1828.



Radcliffe Tracts 89 (5)Sabine, Major Edward

Report on the Variations of the Magnetic Intensity observed at different points of the Earth's Surface

(From the Seventh Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.) London: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1838.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (1)Gauss, Carl Friedrich

"Beitrage zur Theorie der algebraischen Gleichungen"

offprint from Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, vol. IV, 1849. Gottingen: Dieterischen Buchhandlung, 1849.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (10)Lehmann, Jacob Wilhelm Heinrich

Tzahn: Funf merkwurdige unendliche Reihen

Berlin, 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (10)Tzahn, Oberstlieutenant

Funf merkwurdige unendliche Reihen fur die Sinus und Cosinus vielfacher Bogen und fur die Zahlen p und p², auf elementar-geometrischen Wege entwickelt

Edited by Jacob Wilhelm Heinrich Lehmann. Berlin: In Commission bei F. Schneider & Comp., 1855.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (11)Magnus, G.

Uber die Abweichung der Geschosse nebst einem Anhange: Uber eine auffallende Erscheinung bei rotirenden Korpern

Berlin: Ferd. Dummler, 1852.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (2)Glenie, James

The Antecedental Calculus, or a Geometrical Method of Reasoning, without any Consideration of Motion or Velocity, Applicaple to every Purpose, to which Fluxions have been or can be applied; with the Geometrical Principles of Increments, etc. and the Constructions of some Problems as a few Examples selected from an endless and indefinite Variety of them respecting Solid Geometry, which he has by him in Manuscript

London: GGJ and J Robinson, 1793.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (3)Hamilton, William R.

"On the Error of a Received Principle of Analysis, respecting Functions which Vanish with their Variables"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. XVI, 1830. Dublin: R. Graisberry, 1830.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (4)Hamilton, William R.

"Note to a Paper on the Error of a received Principle of Analysis"

offprint from the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. XVI, 1830. Dublin: R. Graisberry, 1831.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (5)Hansen, P. A.

"Ermittelung der Absoluten Storungen in Ellipsen von Beliebiger Excentricitat und Neigung"

offprint from Schriften der Sternwarte Seeberg, vol. I, 1843. Gotha: Carl Glaser, 1843.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (6)Holdred, Theophilus

A New Method of Solving Equations with ease and expedition: by which the True Value of the Unknown Quantity is found without Previous Reduction. With a Supplement containing Two Other Methods of Solving Equations derived from the Same Principle

London: Printed by Richard Watts. Sold by Davis and Dickson ... and by the Author, 1820.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (7)Landry, M. F.

Premier Memoire sur la Theorie des Nombres. Demonstration d'un Principe de Legendre relatif au Theoreme de Fermat

Paris: L. Hachette et Cie., 1853.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (8)Lawson, John

The Two Books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning Tangencies, As they have been Restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus. With a Supplement

Cambridge: T. Fletcher and F. Hodson, 1764.



Radcliffe Tracts 9 (9)Lee, Stephen

On the Dispersive Power of the Atmosphere, and its Effect on Astronomical Observations

London: W. Bulmer & Co., 1815.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (1)Ferguson, James

A Dissertation upon the Phaenomena of the Harvest Moon. Also, The Description and Use of a new Four-Wheel'd Orrery, and An Essay upon the Moon's turning round her own Axis

London: Printed for the Author, and sold by J. Nourse at the Lamb facing Katherine-street, and by S. Paterson at Shakespear's Head opposite to Durham-Yard, Booksellers; both in the Strand, 1747.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (2)Leadbetter, Charles

Astronomy of the Satellites of the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn: Grounded upon Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of the Earth's Satellite. The Theory explain'd, and made easy to the meanest Capacity, in calculating the true Place of the Moon: And freed from the Errors printed in the said Theory, by Dr Gregory, Dr Harris, and several other Authors. By which now the Place of the Moon, and Eclipses of the Luminaties, are to be found to a very great Exactness. Also, New Tables of the Motions of the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, (founded upon the Observations of Mr Flamsteed, Mr Cassini, Mr Hugens, Dr Halley and Mr Pound,) from the Vernal Equinox: By which their Places and Positions, in respect of one another, may be exactly determined at any given Time. Adapted to the Meridian of London. To which is added, A Problem to find the Latitude of the Place by the Altitude of the Sun, Moon, or Star, upon any Azimuth; being very useful for all Sea-faring Men, as well as Gentlemen and others

London: Printed for J. Wilcox, at the Green-Dragon, in Little Britain, 1729.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (3)Clairaut, Alexis Claude

Tables de la Lune, calculees suivant la theorie de la Gravitation Universelle

Paris: Chez Durand, rue S. Jacques, au Griffon; Chez Pissot, Quay de Conty, a la Sagesse, 1754.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (4)Whiston, William

The Calculation of Solar Eclipses without Parallaxes. With A Specimen of the same in the Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 11. 1724. Now first made Publick. To which is added, A Proposal how, with the Latitude given, the Geographical Longitude of all the Parts of the Earth may be settled by the bare Knowledge of the Duration of Solar Eclipses, and especially of Total Darkness. With An Account of some late Observations made with Dipping Needles, in order to discover the Longitude and Latitude at Sea

London: Printed for J. Senex in Fleetstreet; and W. Taylor in Pater-Noster-Row, 1724.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (5)Whiston, William

An Account of a Surprizing Meteor, Seen in the Air, March the 6th, 1715/16. at Night. Containing, I. A Description of this Meteor, from the Author's own Observations. II. Some Historical Accounts of the like Meteors before; with Extracts from such Letters, and Accounts of this, as the Author has received. III. The Principal Phaenomena of this Meteor. IV. Conjectures for their Solution. V. Reasons why our Solutions are so imperfect. VI. Inferences and Observations from the Premises

Second Edition. London: Printed for J. Senex, at the Globe in Salisbury-court; and W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, 1716.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (6)Whiston, William

An Account of a Surprizing Meteor, Seen in the Air March 19. 1718/19. at Night. Containing, I. A Description of this Meteor, from the Original Letters of those who saw it in different Places. II. Some Historical Accounts of the like Meteors before. III. A Demonstration that such Meteors are not Comets. IV. That such Meteors are not a Concourse of Vapours above our Atmosphere. V. That they are prodigious Blasts of Thunder and Lightnings in the upper Regions of Our Air. VI. Observations from the whole

Second Edition. To which is added, A Vindication of his Account of the late Meteor, from the different Account given of it by Dr Halley, in the Philosophical Transactions, no. 360. London: W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, 1719.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (7)Whiston, William

Sir Isaac Newton's Corollaries from his Philosophy and Chronology, In His Own Words. Published in English

London: Printed and Sold by J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1729.



Radcliffe Tracts 90 (8)Whiston, William

The Astronomical Year: Or, An Account Of the many remarkable Celestial Phenomena of the Great Year MDCCXXXVI. Particularly of the Late Comet, Which was foretold by Sir Isaac Newton, and appeared at its Conclusion

London: Printed for John Whiston, at Mr Boyle's Head, Fleetstreet, 1737.



Radcliffe Tracts 91 (1)Savery, Thomas

The Miners Friend; or, An Engine to Raise Water by Fire, described. And Of the manner of Fixing it in Mines. With An Account of the several other Uses it is applicable unto; and an Answer To the Objections made against it

London: Printed for S. Crouch at the Corner of Popes-Head-Alley in Cornhil, 1702.



Radcliffe Tracts 91 (2)Anonymous

An Address to the Gentlemen of the County of Cornwall, on The Present State of Mining In that County: with Some Observations on the Tin and Copper Trades

London, 1772.



Radcliffe Tracts 91 (3)Forster, John Reinhold

An Easy Method of Assaying and Classing Mineral Substances

Containing Plain and Easy Instructions for any person to examine The Products of his own Land, and such as are obvious in Excursions or Travels in foreign Countries, without having a complete Chemical Apparatus. To which is added, A Series of Experiments on the Fluor Spatosus, or Sparry Fluor. Abstracted from the Memoirs of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the Year 1771. London: E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry, 1772.



Radcliffe Tracts 91 (4)Brunnich, M. T.

Appendix to Cronstedt's Mineralogy; containing Additions and Notes

n.p., n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 91 (5)Pryce, W., of Redruth

The Plan of a Work, entituled Mineralogia Cornubiensis et Leges Stannariae; Or, (1) A General Treatise upon Minerals, Mines, and Mining; wherein the Theory and Natural History of Strata, Fissures, and Lodes, as to their Origin, Matter, Formation, Direction, Inclination, Interruption, Elevation and Depression, are Rationally accounted for, upon Mosaic Principles, and the Universal System of Nature and Philosophy. With the Methods at large of Discovering, Working, and Drawing the Water of Tin, Copper and Lead Mines. Together with the Cleansing and Metalising their Products; shewing each particular Process for Digging, Raising, Dressing, Assaying and Smelting of Ores in Cornwall. Also, (2) The History, Laws, Customs, and Government of the Stannaries, from the earliest Records to the present time; including all the Acts, and Laws of the Stannaries, from the 2d. of Hen. viii to the 27th. of Geo. ii. With abstracts of the Forms, Journals, and Proceedings of sundry Convocations, or Parliaments of Tinners. To which will be added, a Cornu-British Etymological explanation of the Cornu-Technical Terms and Idioms of Tinners; with the Topography of most Parishes, Mines, Gentlemens Seats, and Houses in Cornwall, according to their British Derivations and Terminations

Falmouth: Printed for the Author; and sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, n.d. [before 1775].



Radcliffe Tracts 92 (1)Guglielmini, Io. Baptista

De Diurno Terrae Motu Experimentis Physico-Mathematicis confirmato Opusculum

Bononiae: Ex Typographia S. Thomae Aquinatis, 1792.



Radcliffe Tracts 92 (2)Cagnoli, A.

Memoir on a New and Certain Method of Ascertaining the Figure of the Earth by Means of Occultations of the Fixed Stars

With notes and an Appendix by Francis Baily. London: Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, Shoe Lane, 1819.



Radcliffe Tracts 92 (3)Gregory, Olinthus

Dissertations and Letters by Don Joseph Rodriguez, the Chevalier Delambre, Baron de Zach, Dr Thomas Thomson, Dr Olinthus Gregory, and others: tending Either to Impugn or to Defend the Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales; carrying on by Col. Mudge and Capt. Colby

Collected With Notes and Observations, including an Exposure of the Misrepresentations and Contradictions of Dr Thomson, and a Defence of the late Astronomer Royal against the Imputations of Baron de Zach. London: Printed by Law and Gilbert, St. John's Square, Clerkenwell; for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-Row; and W. Faden, Geographer to His Majesty and the Prince Regent, Charing Cross, 1815.



Radcliffe Tracts 92 (4)Williams, Thomas

Method to Discover the Difference of the Earth's Diameters; proving It's true Ratio to be not less variable than as 45 is to 46, and shortest in it's Pole'S Axis 174 Miles. Elucidated with Five Copper Plates, With a Variety of New Tables suited to the Subject. Likewise a Method for Fixing An Universal Standard for Weights and Measures

London: Printed for the Author, no. 6, Dowling's Buildings, near Gray's Inn Lane; and sold by J. Stockdale, Piccadilly; and by Wm. Richardson, Under the Royal Exchange, 1788.



Radcliffe Tracts 92 (5)Vince, S.

A Confutation of Atheism, from The Laws and Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies: in Four Discourses Preached before the University of Cambridge; with An Introduction, Notes, and an Appendix

Cambridge: Printed by R. Watts, at the University Press; and sold by Deighton, and Nicholson, Cambridge; and by Lunn, Soho-Square, London, 1807.



Radcliffe Tracts 93 (1)Mudge, Thomas, Jun

A Narrative of Facts relating to some Time-Keepers, constructed by Mr Thomas Mudge, for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea: together with Observations upon the conduct of the Astronomer Royal respecting them

London: Printed for Thomas Payne, near the News Gate, St Martin's, 1792.



Radcliffe Tracts 93 (2)Maskelyne, Nevil

An Answer to a Pamphlet entitled "A Narrative of Facts," lately published By Mr Thomas Mudge, Junior, Relating to some Time-Keepers Constructed by his Father Mr Thomas Mudge; wherein is given An Account of the Trial of his First Time-Keeper, and of The Three Trials of his Two other Time-Keepers, between the Years 1774 and 1790, By Order of the Board of Longitude, At the Royal Observatory: And also the Conduct of the Astronomer Royal, and the Resolutions of the Board of Longitude respecting them, Are Vindicated from Mr Mudge's Misrepresentations

London: Printed for F. Wingrave, Successor to Mr Nourse, in the Strand, 1792.



Radcliffe Tracts 93 (3)Mudge, Thomas, Jun

A Reply to the Answer of Dr Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal, to A Narrative of Facts, relating to some Time-Keepers constructed by Mr Thomas Mudge, for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea, etc. To which is added A Short Explanation of the most proper methods of calculating A Mean Daily Rate, With Remarks on some Passages in Dr Maskelyne's Answer. By His Excellency The Count de Bruhl

London: Printed for Thomas Payne, near the Mews Gate, 1792.



Radcliffe Tracts 93 (4)Hellins, John

An Extract from a Letter of the Rev. Mr John Hellins, formerly Assistant to Mr (now Dr) Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal at Greenwich Observatory, to Francis Maseres, Esq.

n.p., n.d. [?London, 1792].



Radcliffe Tracts 94 (1)Le Roy, Julien

A Memoir on the Best Method of Measuring Time at Sea, which obtained the Double Prize adjudged by the Royal Academy of Sciences, containing The Description of the Longitude Watch presented to His Majesty the 5th of August 1766. By M. Le Roy, Jun., Clock-maker to the King. Translated from the French by Mr T. S. Evans, F. L. S.

London: Printed by R. Taylor & Co., Shoe Lane, n.d.



Radcliffe Tracts 94 (2)Mudge, Thomas

Thoughts on the Means of Improving Watches. And more particularly those For the Use of the Sea. Partly deduced from Reason, and partly from the Observation of Effects attributed to particular Causes

London: Printed in the Year 1765.



Radcliffe Tracts 94 (3)Select Committee of the House of Commons

Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, to whom it was referred to consider of the Report which was made from the Committee to whom the Petition of Thomas Mudge, Watch-maker, was referred; and who were directed to examine into the Matter thereof, and also to make Enquiry into the Principles on which Mr Mudge's Time-Keepers have been constructed

Ordered to be printed 11th June 1793.



Radcliffe Tracts 94 (4)Earnshaw, Thomas

Longitude. An Appeal to the Public: Stating Mr Thomas Earnshaw's Claim to the Original Invention of the Improvements in his Timekeepers, their Superior Going in numerous Voyages, and also as tried by the Astronomer Royal by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude, and his consequent Right to National Reward

London: Printed for the Author, 119 High Holborn; Sold by F. Wingrave in the Strand, 1808.



Radcliffe Tracts 94 (5)Vulliamy, B. L.

A Brief Summary of the Advantages Attendant upon the New Mode of Construction of A Turret Clock, as adopted by B. L. Vulliamy, F.R.A.S., Clock-maker to the King, to the Honorable Board of Ordnance, and to the New Post-Office: Or, In other words, Reasons why a clock made on this construction, will measure time more accurately, and is more durable, and more easily kept in order, and consequently less expensive, (without reference to the execution of the work), than a clock upon the old construction

London: B. McMillan, Printer, Bow-street, Covent-garden, 1831.



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