
Library Catalogue » Classifications

361 matching record(s)

file G (Florey)Abraham, E. P.; Chain, E.

"An Enzyme from Bacteria able to Destroy Penicillin"

offprint from Nature, vol. 146, December 28, 1940, p. 837. In bound collection. ?Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Abraham, E. P.; Chain, E.; Fletcher, C. M.; Florey, H. W.; Gardner, A. D.; Heatley, N. G.; Jennings, M. A.

"Further Observations on Penicillin"

offprint from The Lancet, August 16, 1941, pp. 177-189 (separately paginated here, 34 pages). In bound collection. ?Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Abraham, E. P.; Chain, E.; Fletcher, C. M.; Gardner, A. D.; Heatley, N. G.; Jennings, M. A.; Florey, H. W.

"Further Observations on Penicillin"

extract and offprint from The Lancet, August 16, 1941, pp. 177-189 (offprint separately paginated, 34 pages). 2 copies - original extract, and reformatted offprint. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)British Council

MSN | Monthly Science News | Penicillin Number

No. 41, December 1944. In bound collection of penicillin material. ?Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)British Council

Monthly Science News: Penicillin Number

No. 41, December 1944. London: Published by The British Council. Ownership signature of M.A. Jennings; Presented by Lady Florey (formerly Dr M. A. Jennings)



file G (Florey)Carleton, H. M.; Florey, Howard

"Birth Control Studies. 1. - On the Ingress of Semen into the Uterus during Coitus" & "Birth Control Studies. 2. - Observations on the Effects of Common Contraceptives on the Vaginal and Uterine Mucosae"

offprint from The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, vol. 38 no. 3, 1931. Inscribed "Thomas Marsland Esq., best regards."; Transfered from the Physiology Laboratory



file G (Florey)Carleton, H. M.; Phelps, H. J.

"Birth Control Studies. III. Experimental Observations on the Grafenberg Ring Contraceptive Method"

offprint from The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, vol. 40 no. 1, 1933, pp. 81-98. Inscribed "With best regards from H.M.C."; ownership signature of T. A. Marsland; Transfered from the Physiology Laboratory



file G (Florey)Chain, E.; Florey, H. W.


offprint from Endeavour, vol. III no. 9, January 1944, unpaginated (10 pages and 2 (pages of) plates). In bound collection. ?Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Chain, E.; Florey, H. W.

"Antibacterial Substances Produced by Bacteria and Fungi"

photocopy from Annual Reports of the Chemical Society, vol. 40, 1943, pp. 180-197. Photocopy from the Radcliffe Science Library.



file G (Florey)Chain, E.; Florey, H. W.; Gardner, A. D.; Heatley, N. G.; Jennings, M. A.; Orr-Ewing, J.; Sanders, A. G.

"Penicillin as a Chemotherapeutic Agent"

offprint from The Lancet, August 24, 1940, pp. 226-[?] (separately paginated here, 8 pages). [The first Oxford paper on penicillin]. 2 copies. One presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Chain, E.; Florey, H. W.; Gardner, A. D.; Heatley, N. G.; Jennings, M. A.; Orr-Ewing, J.; Sanders, A. G.

"Penicillin as a Chemotherapeutic Agent"

offprint from The Lancet, August 24, 1940, pp. 226-[?] (separately paginated here, 8 pages). [The first Oxford paper on penicillin]. In bound collection. ?Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Chain, E.; Florey, H. W.; Jennings, M. A.

"An Antibacterial Substance Produced by Penicillium Claviforme"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XXIII, 1942, pp. 202-205. Received for publication June 13, 1942. With the Technical Assistance of D. Callow. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Chain, E.; Florey, H. W.; Jennings, M. A.; Williams, T. I.

"Helvolic Acid, an Antibiotic Produced by Aspergillus Fumigatus, Mut. Helvola Yuill"

photocopy of offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XXIV, 1943, pp. 108-119. Received for publication May 1, 1943. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Crowfoot, D.; Bunn, C. W.; Rogers-Low, B. W.; Turner-Jones, A.

"The X-Ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin"

offprint from Hans T. Clarke, John R. Johnson, & Sir Robert Robinson (eds.), The Chemistry of Penicillin (Princeton University Press, 1949), pp. 310-367 and 4 (pages of) plates. In bound collection. ?Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Ebert, R. H.; Florey, H. W.

"The Extravascular Development of the Monocyte Observed In Vivo"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XX, 1939, pp. 342-356. Received for publication June 22nd, 1939. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Ebert, R. H.; Florey, H. W.; Pullinger, B. D.

"A Modification of a Sandison-Clark Chamber for Observation of Transparent Tissue in the Rabbit's Ear"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. XLVIII no. 1, 1939, pp. 79-94. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Ebert, R. H.; Sanders, A. G.; Florey, H. W.

"Observations on Lymphocytes in Chambers in the Rabbit's Ear"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XXI, 1940, pp. 212-218. Received for publication July 5, 1940. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, H. W.

"Penicillin: Its Development for Medical Uses"

photocopy from Proceedings of the Royal Institution, vol. 33 part I no. 150, 1943, pp. 23-30. (Lecture given on December 10, 1943). Photocopy from the Radcliffe Science Library.



file G (Florey)Florey, H. W.; Cairns, Hugh

Investigation of War Wounds. Penicillin

A Preliminary Report to The War Office and The Medical Research Council on Investigations concerning The Use of Penicillin in War Wounds. Carried out under the direction of Professor H. W. Florey, F.R.S. and Brigadier Hugh Cairns, F.R.C.S., R.A.M.C. (Received 13th October, 1943). Confidential Publication (A.M.D.7/90D/43) of the War Office (A.M.D.7), October 1943.



file G (Florey)Florey, H. W.; Cairns, Hugh

Investigation of War Wounds: Penicillin: A Preliminary Report to The War Office and The Medical Research Council on Investigat-concerning The Use of Penicillin in War Wounds

War Office (A.M.D. 7), October 1943. In bound collection. ?Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, H. W.; Carleton, H. M.

"Rouget Cells and their Function"

photocopy from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, series B, no. 100, 1926, pp. 23-31. Communicated by Sir Charles Sherrington, O.M., F.R.S. Received March 8, 1926. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, H. W.; Grant, L. H.

"Leucocyte Migration from Small Blood Vessels Stimulated with Ultraviolet Light: an Electron-Microscope Study"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 82 no. 1, 1961, pp. 13-17. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, H. W.; Jennings, M. A.

"Some Biological Properties of Highly Purified Penicillin"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XXIII, 1942, pp. 120-123. Received for publication March 27, 1942.



file G (Florey)Florey, H. W.; Poole, J. C. F.; Meek, G. A.

"Endothelial Cells and "Cement" Lines"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 77 no. 2, 1959, pp. 625-636. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, H.; Carleton, H. M.; Wells, A. Q.

"Mucus Secretion in the Trachea"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XIII, 1932, pp. 269-284. Received for publication March 24th, 1932. Ownership signature of T. A. Marsland; Transfered from the Physiology Laboratory



file G (Florey)Florey, H.; Wells, A. Q.

"A Method of Photographic Registration of Small Volume Changes with Some Results when Applied to the Trachea"

photocopy from The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, vol. XLII no. 2, 1931, pp. 133-141; Photocopy from the Radcliffe Science Library



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard

"Microscopical Observations on the Circulation of the Blood in the Cerebral Cortex"

offprint from Brain A Journal of Neurology, vol. XLVIII part 1, 1925, pp. 43-64. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard

"Reactions of, and Absorption by, Lymphatics, with Special Reference to those of the Diaphragm"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. VIII, 1927, pp. 479-490. Received for publication November 4th, 1927. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard

"Observations on the Action of the Convulsant Thujone"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. XXVIII, 1925, pp. 645-650. Inscribed 'With best wishes. H.W.F.'; Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard

"Observations on the Contractility of Lacteals. Part I"

offprint from the Journal of Physiology, vol. LXII no. 3, January 12, 1927, pp. 267-272. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard

"Observations on the Contractility of Lacteals. Part II"

offprint from the Journal of Physiology, vol. LXIII no. 1, June 7, 1927, pp. 1-18. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard

"Observations on the Resolution of Stasis in the Finer Blood Vessels"

photocopy from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, series B, no. 100, 1926, pp. 269-273. Communicated by Sir Charles Sherrington, O.M., F.R.S. Received May 21, 1926; Presented by Lady Florey.



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard

"Microscopical observations on the cerebral circulation"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Physiological Society, February 21, 1925; Journal Physiology, vol. LIX. [sic]. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard W.

"Penicillin in Perspective"

offprint from Antibiotics Annual 1958-1959, pp. 12-20. New York: Medical Encyclopedia, Inc., 1959. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, Howard; Marvin, H. M.

"The Blood-Pressure Reflexes of the Rabbit under Urethane Anaesthesia"

offprint from the Journal of Physiology, vol. LXIV no. 4, February 10, 1928, pp. 318-323. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Florey, M. E.; Florey, H. W.

"General and Local Administration of Penicillin"

offprint from The Lancet, March 27, 1943, pp. 387-{...}.



file G (Florey)Heatley, N. G.; Jennings, M. A.; Florey, H. W.

"Antibiotics from Stereum Hirsutum"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XXVIII, 1947, pp. 35-46. Received for publication December 16, 1946. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Heatley, N. G.; Jerrome, D. W.; Jennings, M. A.; Florey, H. W.

"On the Fixation of Mucin and the Preparation of Autoradiographs"

offprint from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, vol. 41 no. 2, 1956, pp. 124-130. Received for publication 10th December 1955. Inscribed 'T. A. Marsland. With Kind Regards. D. W. Jerrome'; Transfered from the Physiology Laboratory



file G (Florey)Jennings, M. A.; Florey, H. W.

"The Influence of the Vagus on the Secretion of Mucus by the Stomach"

offprint from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences, vol. 30 no. 4, March 1941 (for 1940), pp. 329-339. Received for publication 11th October 1940. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Jennings, M. A.; Florey, H. W.

"The Effect of Cortisone on Inflammation and Mucin Regeneration in the Colon"

offprint from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, vol. 39 no. 4, 1954, pp. 271-277. Received for publication 27th May 1954. Presented by Lady Florey (formerly Dr M. A. Jennings)



file G (Florey)Markham, N. P.; Heatley, N. G.; Sanders, A. G.; Florey, H. W.

"The Behaviour In Vivo of Particulate Micrococcin"

offprint from the British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XXXII no. 2, April 1951, pp. 136-150. Received for publication March 8, 1951. Presented by Lady Florey.



file G (Florey)North, K. A. K.; Sanders, A. G.

"The Development of Collateral Circulation in the Mouse's Ear"

offprint from Circulation Research, vol. VI no. 6, November 1958, pp. 721-727. From the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, England. Received for publication April 24, 1958. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Poole, J. C. F.; Florey, H. W.

"Changes in the Endothelium of the Aorta and the Behaviour of Macrophages in Experimental Atheroma of Rabbits"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. LXXV no. 2, 1958, pp. 245-251. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Poole, J. C. F.; Sanders, A. G.; Florey, H. W.

"The Regeneration of Aortic Endothelium"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. LXXV no. 1, 1958, pp. 133-143. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Poole, J. C. F.; Sanders, A. G.; Florey, H. W.

"Further Observations on the Regeneration of Aortic Endothelium in the Rabbit"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. 77 no. 2, 1959, p. 637. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Pullinger, B. D.; Florey, H. W.

"Some Observations on the Structure and Functions of Lymphatics: Their Behaviour in Local Oedema"

offprint from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XVI, 1935, pp. 49-61. Received for publication January 2nd, 1935. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Pullinger, B. D.; Florey, H. W.

"Proliferation of Lymphatics in Inflammation"

offprint from The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. XLV no. 1, 1937, pp. 157-170. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Sanders, A. G.; Ebert, R. H.; Florey, H. W.

"The Mechanism of Capillary Contraction"

offprint from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences, vol. 30 no. 3, September 1940, pp. 281-287. Received for publication 9th July 1940. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Sanders, A. G.; Florey, H. W.; Wells, A. Q.

"The Behaviour of Intravenously Injected Particles of Carbon and Micrococcin in Normal and Tuberculous Tissue"

offprint from the British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. XXXII no. 5, October 1951, pp. 452-457. Received for publication June 19, 1951. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Seddon, H. J.; Florey, H. W.

"Filter Cloth for Controlling Smell from Plasters"

photocopy from The Lancet, June 27, 1942, p. 755. Photocopy from the Radcliffe Science Library.



file G (Florey)Stehbens, W. E.; Florey, H. W.

"The Behaviour of Intravenously Injected Particles Observed in Chambers in Rabbits' Ears"

photocopy from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, vol. XLV, n.d., pp. 252-264. Received for publication 21st January 1960. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Stephens, J. G.; Florey, Howard

"An Investigation of the Immediate Effects of X-Rays on Living Animal Tissues"

photocopy from The British Journal of Experimental Pathology, vol. VI no. 6, December 1925, pp. 269-275 and 1 plate; Photocopy from the Radcliffe Science Library



file G (Florey)Wright, R. D.; Florey, H. W.; Sanders, A. G.

"Observations on the Gastric Mucosa of Reptilia"

offprint from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, vol. XLII, 1957, pp. 1-14. Received for publication 15th June 1956. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Florey)Wright, R. D.; Jennings, M. A.; Florey, H. W.; Lium, R.

"The Influence of Nerves and Drugs on Secretion by the Small Intestine and an Investigation of the Enzymes in Intestinal Juice"

offprint from the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology and Cognate Medical Sciences, vol. 30 no. 1, January 1940, pp. 73-120. Received for publication 15th September 1939. Presented by Lady Florey



file G (Franklin)Keyes, Edward Loughborough

A Letter On Catheters Written by Benjamin Franklin to his brother John ...

With a Comment by Edward Loughborough Keyes ...; Fulton, New York: The Morrill Press, July 15, 1934; 8-page pamphlet enclosing photographic reproduction of the letter (1752) on two loose sheets. From the papers of R. T. Gunther



file G (Griffin)Buxton, Dudley W.

"Management of the Vernon Harcourt Inhaler in Detail"

in John J. Griffin & Sons, The Harcourt Chloroform Inhaler, n.d. [c.1910], pp. 7-12. Reprinted from the Supplement to the British Medical Journal, July 9, 1910.



file G (Historia Medicinae)Kalusch, A. O.

"K. u. k. Militartierarzt 1911-1920"

in Historia Medicinae Veterinariae, vol. 21 nos. 3 & 4, 1996, pp. 78-96.



file G (Stack)Acland, Henry W. (Henry Wentworth), 1815-1900

Pharmacy. Past, present and future

An Address delivered at the commencement of the forty-fifth session of the School of Pharmacy of the Pharmaceutical Society. Reprint from The Pharmaceutical Journal, October 8, 1886. London.



file G (Stack)Acland, Henry W. (Henry Wentworth), 1815-1900

Oxford and Modern Medicine

A Letter to Dr James Andrew, M.D. Oxon., ... by Sir Henry W. Acland, K.C.B., F.R.S. Oxford: 116 High Street. 1890. London: Henry Frowde, Amen Corner, E. C. [Another copy contained in the Bound Works of Acland, and others]. Gunther Loan Collection

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Akada, Masahiro

"Studies on the Periodic Patterns of Hard Tissues In Animal Body."

Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Reprinted from The Shanghai Evening Post, September 1943.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

The Origin, Progress and Present State of the Various Establishments for Conducting Chemical Processes, and other Medicinal Preparations, at Apothecaries Hall

London: Printed by R. Gilbert, 1823. Preface by The Committee of Managers of the United Stock of the Society of Apothecaries. Presented by A. C. Longland Esq., J.P.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

"From a Taddygaddy I"

extract from The Lancet, April 3, 1937, pp. 835-836.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

"Materia Medica Collections in Oxford: Treasures in the Old Ashmolean"

offprint from The Chemist and Druggist, Special Issue, vol. CXXVI no. 2994, June 26, 1937, separately paginated (3 pages). (Concerns the Dyer, Pointer, and Clutton alias Oglander Collections in the Museum of the History of Science; and includes a picture of R. T. Gunther). Also photocopy.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

"An Oxford Centenary"

offprint from The Chemist and Druggist, May 4, 1935.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

The Improved Magneto-Electric Machine, for nervous Diseases

Pawson and Brailsford, Printers Sheffield. n.d. Accompanies machine in Museum collection.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

Acupuncture Anaesthesia

Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1972. Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

"Honoured Weapons of Science: Exhibits of Historic Interest and Importance to be Seen at the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford"

photocopy from The Chemist and Druggist, vol. 161, June 26, 1954, pp. 666-669. (Concerns medical and pharmaceutical items only).



file G (Stack)Anonymous

"A Physician's Collection of Pharmacy Jars"

offprint from The Chemist and Druggist, October 5, 1935. 4 pages.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

Doctors and Heredity: Lord Horder's Proposal, Special Study of Eugenics

Article from the Morning Post, Thursday 19 October, 1933.



file G (Stack)Anonymous


Review of The Fasciculo di Medicina, a facsimile reproduction of text and illustrations with an English translation, introduction and notes by Charles Singer. Offprint from the Times Literary Supplement, Thursday, February 11, 1926.



file G (Stack)Anonymous

Various extracts from nineteenth century works on leeches and blood-letting




file G (Stack)Auenbrugger, Leopoldi

Inventum Novum ex Percussione Thoracis Humani ut Signo Abstrusos Interni Pectoris Morbos Detegendi

Reprint. Moscow, 1961.



file G (Stack)Barakati, Hakim Mahmud Ahmad

"The Import of Medicinal Compounds in the Islamic World in Early and Late Mediaeval Times"

extract from Medical Times, vol. XVII nos. 2-3, February-March 1982.



file G (Stack)Barns, J. W. B.

"The Hippocratic Oath, An Early Text"

offprint from the British Medical Journal, vol. II, August 29, 1964.



file G (Stack)Bartlett, Gerald

"Piltdown Man Hoaxer's Identity 'Revealed'"

extract from the Daily Telegraph, November 4, 1985. (Report of a paper by Peter Costello in Antiquity).



file G (Stack)Bayles, Howard

"An Elizabethan Chemist: A Transcript of the earliest known Reference to a Chemist in Business"

offprint from The Chemist and Druggist, June 30, 1928. Transferred from envelope files, with two notes by R. T. Gunther attached.



file G (Stack)Ben Yahia, Boubaker

Apercu sur la "Periode Arabe" de l'Histoire de la Medecine

"Les Conferences du Palais de la Decouverte", Serie D no. 19, November 8, 1952. Universite de Paris. Stapleton Bequest Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Biswas, Praphullachandra

"Concepts of Disease among the Primitive People of India"

offprint from Journal of the Department of Letters (Calcutta University), vol. XXV, 1934. (Contains two newspaper cuttings, one on the Piltdown man, one on "Exit the Aryans", both undated). (*) Stapleton Collection



file G (Stack)Boorman, William H.

"Corbyns and the County Hospital Winchester Hampshire, England"

photocopy from The Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, vol. I no. 2, July 1964, pp. 54-56. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Booth, John B.

Window on the Ear: Barbara Hepworth and the Fenestration Series of Drawings

The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, vol. 114, supplement no. 26, April 2000. N.p.: Published for JLO (1984) Ltd by The Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd, 2000.



file G (Stack)Borell, Merriley

"Extending the Senses: The Graphic Method"

offprint from Medical Heritage, March/April 1986, pp. 114-121.



file G (Stack)Bouchet, A.

"De la trepanation cranienne et des instruments qui lui sont necessaires"

offprint from La revue Lyonnaise de medicine, {...}.



File G (Stack)Brazier, Mary A.B.

"The Evolution of Concepts Relating to the Electrical Activity of the Nervous System 1600-1800"

n F.N.L. Poynter, ed. The History and Philosophy of Knowledge of the Brain and its Functions: An Anglo-American Symposium, London, July 15th-17th, 1957 (Oxford: Blackwell, 1958), pp. 191–221.



file G (Stack)Brend, William A.

"Bills of Mortality"

offprint from Transactions of the Medico-Legal Society, 1907-1908, separately paginated (15 pages and fold-out plate). Presented by Professor G. L'E. Turner



file G (Stack)Breuer, Miles J.

"An Estimate of Michael Faraday"

in Medical Life, vol. 33 no. 3, March 1926, pp. 124-131.



file G (Stack)British Medical Association

British Medical Journal

Anaesthesia Number. Saturday October 12 1946. Presented by A.V. Simcock, Esq.



file G (Stack)British Pharmaceutical Conference

British Pharmaceutical Conference

Newcastle Upon Tyne 1960. London: The Pharmaceutical Journal, 1960. (Museum's painting of frictional electric machine, p. 10).



file G (Stack)British Society of Audiology

British Journal of Audiology

Supplement no. 2, November 1979. Centenary of British Audiometry. London: Published by the Royal National Institute for the Blind in collaboration with the British Society of Audiology.



file G (Stack)Burroughs Wellcome & Co.

The Pharmacy of Penicillin

Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (The Wellcome Foundation Ltd.) London. London: Burroughs Wellcome & Co., n.d. [1946]. Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Carstairs, James

"The Childe of Hale"

offprint from Oxford Medical School Gazette, vol. 1 no. 3, [Trinity 1949], pp. 185-187.



file G (Stack)Cassar, Paul

"Surgical Instruments on a Tomb Slab in Roman Malta"

photocopy from Medical History, vol. 18 no. 1, January 1974.



file G (Stack)Chalmers, A. K.

"The House as a Contributory Factor in the Death-rate"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. VI (Section of Epidemiology and State Medicine), 1913, pp. 155-181.



file G (Stack)Chapman, Allan

"The Medicine of the People; the Survival of Classical Medical Ideas into Modern Popular Usage"

photocopy from the West of England Medical Journal, vol. 105 no. ii, June 1990, pp. 51-54. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Chapman, Don

"Headache Hero ... : Chippy School 'Discovers' Aspirin Age's Founder"

extract from the Oxford Mail, March 2, 1982, p. 6.



file G (Stack)Chevallier, M.M.

Extrait d'un Rapport sur le Manual du Pharmacien

No source details. 8 pages of handwritten notes accompany this printed article.



file G (Stack)Clark, Wilfrid le Gros

"Hypothesis and Speculation in Scientific Research"

offprint from Lectures on the Scientific Basis of Medicine, vol. V, 1955-56. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Clarke, E.; Stannard, J.

"Aristotle on the Anatomy of the Brain"

offprint from Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. XVIII no. 2, 1963.



file G (Stack)Cohen, Bertram

King Henry VIII and the Barber Surgeons

Reprinted from Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Volume 40, March 1967, pp. 179-194.



file G (Stack)Cole, Donald

"The Gruesome and Pictorial Aspects of a Village's Historical Exhibition"

photocopy from Witney Gazette, April 16, 1987, pp. 14-15.



file G (Stack)Collier, William

"The Growth and Development of the Oxford Medical School"

reprinted from the British Medical Journal, July 30, 1904. (President's Address delivered at the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association).

[1940- ]


file G (Stack)Cooper, Allan T. P.

"Benjamin Jesty, 1737-1816, the pre-Jennerian vaccinator"

Dorset Worthies no. 12, published by the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 1969.



file G (Stack)Crombie, A. C.

"Early Concepts of the Senses and the Mind"

offprint from Scientific American, vol. 210 no. 5, May 1964, pp. 108-116.



file G (Stack)Crombie, A. C.

"Bluttransfusion im 17. Jahrhundert"

offprint from Bild der Wissenschaft, 1968, pp. 236-246. 2 copies.



file G (Stack)Crowfoot, D.; Bunn, C. W.; Rogers-Low, B. W.; Turner-Jones, A.

"The X-Ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin"

offprint from Hans T. Clarke, John R. Johnson, & Sir Robert Robinson (eds.), The Chemistry of Penicillin (Princeton University Press, 1949), pp. 310-367 and 4 (pages of) plates.



file G (Stack)Dale, H. H.; Lewis, Thomas

William Harvey and the Circulation of the Blood

A film arranged for the Royal College of Physicians of London, on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the publication of Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis. n.p., n.d.



file G (Stack)Dawson, W. T.

"Chemotherapy of Malaria"

offprint from the University of Texas Medical Journal, October 1936. (Pinned to Dawson, "Present-day Conceptions of Malaria Therapy").



file G (Stack)Dawson, W. T.

"Present-day Conceptions of Malaria Therapy"

offprint from Texas State Journal of Medicine, vol. 32, September 1936, pp. 358-363. (Read before the Section on Public Health, State Medical Association of Texas, Houston. 27/v/36).



file G (Stack)Dawson, W. T.

"Antimalarial Value of Cinchona Alkaloids other than Quinine"

offprint from The Southern Medical Journal: Journal of the Southern Medical Association, Birmingham, Alabama, vol. XXV no. 5, May 1932, pp. 529-533. (Read before the National Malaria Committee. 25th Annual meeting with the Association. [18/11/31]). Presented by the author

[1936- ]


file G (Stack)Dawson, W. T.; & others

"An Experimental Study of the Variations in the Production of Visual Disturbance by Certain New Cinchona Derivatives"

offprint from the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, vol. 193 no. 4, April 1937, pp. 543-548 app. (Co-authors: H. H. Permar, John M. Johnston, and W. W. G. Maclachlan). Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dawson, W. T.; Newman, S. P.

"Acquired Allergic Coryzal reaction to Quinine but not to Quinidine or Quitenine"

offprint from The Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 97, September 26, 1931, p. 930.



file G (Stack)Debacq, Louis

"La Theriaque: Iconographie Medico-Pharmaceutique"

offprint from Le Vieux Papier (Bulletin de la Societe archeologique, historique et artistique), March 1906. Lille: Lefebvre-Ducrocq. (*) Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.

[1952- ]


file G (Stack)Debus, Allen G.

"Robert Fludd and the Circulation of the Blood"

offprint Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. XVI no. 4, 1961, pp. 374-393.



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

Various titles

13 offprints of articles on the history of medicine, kept together in a folder [see separate entries]. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"Three Letters from James Yonge"

offprint from [The British Journal ... ?], n.d., pp. 381-382. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"The Death of Queen Mary II: A Mistaken Diagnosis by Dr Radcliffe?"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d., pp. 104-106. 2 copies. Presented by the author.



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"A Note on the Original Epitaphs to Thomas Sydenham"

offprint from an unidentified periodical, n.d., pp. 265-268. 2 copies. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"Dr William Cole's (1635-1716) Letters to Locke"

offprint from Centaurus, vol. 8, 1963, pp. 147-173. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"Some Letters of Dr Charles Goodall (1642-1712) to Locke, Sloane, and Sir Thomas Millington"

offprint from Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. XVII no. 4, 1962, pp. 487-508. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"John Locke a Montpellier: Notes medicales tirees de son journal (1676-1678)"

offprint from Monspeliensis Hippocrates, no. 36, ete 1967, pp. 9-20. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"Locke's Contribution to Boyle's Researches on the Air and on Human Blood"

offprint from Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, vol. 17 no. 2, December 1962, pp. 198-206. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"Prince Rupert as a Scientist"

offprint from The British Journal of the History of Science, vol. I part IV no. 4, December 1963, pp. 365-373. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"Post-Mortem Examination on Case of Rickets Performed by John Locke"

offprint from the British Medical Journal, vol. II, December 1, 1962, p. 1466. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"An Oxford Medical Quartet: Sydenham, Willis, Locke, and Lower"

offprint from the British Medical Journal, vol. II, October 5, 1963, pp. 857-860 (but separately paginated here). Presented by the author

[1969-87 l]


file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"A Seventeenth-Century Dream Interpreted"

offprint from The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 136 no. 6, June 1963, pp. 594-596. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"The Treatment of Syphilis in the Seventeenth Century: A Case Report by John Locke"

offprint from The Practitioner, vol. 190, March 1963, pp. 397-402 (but separately paginated here). Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dewhurst, Kenneth

"The Murder of Dr von Gudden"

offprint from The Practitioner, vol. 193, August 1964, pp. 220-227 (separately paginated here). Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dobinson, Humphrey M.

Fit for the Doctor

Swindon: Dorcan Educational, 1987. The Dorcan Scheme [series]. Presented by the publisher Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Donaldson, J. A.

"The development of the application of electricity to dental surgery up to 1900"

offprint from British Dental Journal, vol. 109 no. 4, August 16, 1960.



file G (Stack)Drake, T. G. H.

"Antique British Silver of Medical Interest"

offprint from Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. VII no. 1, {...}, pp. 68-78.



file G (Stack)Drey, R. E. A.

"Drug jars from hospitals and royal pharmacies"

{...} Pharmaceutical Historian (newsletter of the British Society for the History of Pharmacy), vol. 2 no. 3, December 1971, pp. 11-12.



file G (Stack)Drey, Rudolf E. A.

"La decoration de vases de pharmacie italiens de la Renaissance d'apres des gravures"

offprint from Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie, vol. 4 part 1, 1994, pp. 23-31. Presented by T. Wilson Esq.



file G (Stack)Drey, Rudolf E. A.

"Les vases de pharmacie de l'Hopital majeur de Novare"

offprint from Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie, vol. xxvi no. 243, December 1979, pp. 259-262. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Drey, Rudolf E. A.

"Armories et emblemes d'ordres religieux sur les vases de pharmacies"

offprint from Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie, vol. XXV no. 236, March 1978, pp. 11-20. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Dunbar, Henry

"The Medicine and Surgery of Homer"

offprint from The British Medical Journal, January 10, 1880. Gunther Loan Collection (*)

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Dunning, G. C.

"The Apothecary's Mortar from Maison Dieu, Arundel"

photocopy of offprint from Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol. CVII, 1969, pp. 77-78.



file G (Stack)Dwynn, John

An Operation 2,000 Years Ago

In this Article (no. 6 in "The Tale Behind the Glass" series) John Dwynn makes a further visit to a London Museum and recaptures another vivid glimpse of the past; extract from The Evening Standard, Thursday, November 30, 1933, p. 24.



file G (Stack)Edinburgh University

Programme of classes and Regulations for Graduation in Medicine. 1879-80

University of Edinburgh. May 1879.



file G (Stack)Enseime, Jean

"La longue histoire de la grande chirurgie de Guy de Chauliac"

Albums de Crocodile. 1970.



file G (Stack)Enselme J.

"L'ambiance medicale au XVIe siecle a travers les oevres de Rabelais et de Shakespeare"

offprint from La revue Lyonnaise de medicine, {...}.



file G (Stack)Ewins, A. J.

"Chemotherapy in Tropical Medicine"

offprint from Journal of the Chemical Society, (February) July 1944, pp. 351-355. (A Lecture delivered before the Chemical Society, on February 17th, 1944).



file G (Stack)Ferrario, Ercole V.; Poynter, F. N. L.; Franklin, K. J.

"William Harvey's Debate with Caspar Hofmann on the Circulation of the Blood: New Documentary Evidence"

offprint from Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. XV no. 1, January 1960, pp. 7-21. Reported by Ercole V. Ferrario, Discussed and Transcribed by F. N. L. Poynter, Translated into English by K. J. Franklin.



file G (Stack)Fielder, Mark

"Now, the Oxford Eating Expert Finds Himself Starved of Funds"

extract from the Oxford Mail, July 4, 1984, p. 6.



file G (Stack)Fishlock, D.

"A History of Electricity in Medical Treatment"

photocopy from GEC Review, vol. 9 no. 2, 1994, pp. 113-124.



file G (Stack)Fountain, R. B.

"George Stubbs (1724-1806) as an Anatomist"

offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 61, July 1968, pp. 639-646.



file G (Stack)Fournier, Marian

"Van de Steen Gesneden"

offprint from Spiegel Historiael, vol. 2, 1974, pp. 80-87. (Re. lithotomy instruments). Presented by Professor G. L'E. Turner



file G (Stack)Fournier, Marian

Gezondheid en Medische Techniek

Mededeling van het Rijksmuseum Voor de Geschiedenis der Natuurwetensehappen te Leiden; Booklet; 1974 Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Fournier, Marian

Gezondheid en Medische techniek

See also under Fournier, Marian



file G (Stack)Fournier, Marian

"Willem Einthoven - The Electrophysiology of the Heart"

offprint from Medicamundi, vol. 21 no. 2, 1976, pp. 65-70. Communication No. 149, National Museum for the History of Natural and Medical Sciences, Leiden.



file G (Stack)Franklin, Benjamin

A Letter On Catheters Written by Benjamin Franklin to his brother John ...

With a Comment by Edward Loughborough Keyes ... Fulton, New York: The Morrill Press, July 15. 1934; 8-page pamphlet enclosing photographic reproduction of the letter (1752) on 2 loose sheets. From the papers of R. T. Gunther



file G (Stack)Franklin, K. J.

"Some textual changes in successive editions of Richard Lower's "Tractatus de corde item de motu & colore sanguinis et chyli in eum transitu""

offprint from Annals of Science, vol. 4 no. 3, July 1939, pp. 283-294. (*)



file G (Stack)Franklin, K. J.

"The Work of Richard Lower (1631-1691)"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. XXV, December 1931. (Section of the History of Medicine, pp. 7-12). 2 copies. Gunther Loan Collection

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Franklin, Kenneth J.; Fulton, J. F.

"Biographical Note concerning the First Edition of "de venarum ostiolis". (Hieronymi Fabricii)"

offprint from "De Venarum Ostiolis" 1603, of Hieronymus Fabricius of Aquapendente (1533?-1619) by Kenneth J. Franklin (facsimile and translation), pp. 31-36.



file G (Stack)Fulton, J. F.


offprint from Science, vol. 78 no. 2015, August 11, 1933, pp. 109-114. Gunther Loan Collection

[1941-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Fulton, J. F.; Spence, K. W.

"The Effects of Occipital Lobectomy on Vision in Chimpanzee"

offprint from Brain, vol. 59 part 1, 1936, pp. 35-60.



file G (Stack)Fulton, John F.

"Somatic and Autonomic Motor Functions of the Cerebal Cortex in Ape and Man"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago, vol. 11 no. 2, February 15, 1936. (Twelth Ludvig Hektoen Lecture of the Frank Billings Foundation).



file G (Stack)Gabarro, P.; Broggi, M.; Saye, Ll.; Bofill, J. A.

"Homentage al Doctor Joaquim Trias i Pujol"

Societat Catalana de Biologia, 16 pp. (delivered at 1964 dedication); Barcelona, 1965.



file G (Stack)Gardner, Frances Tomlinson

"King Cole of California (Richard Beverley Cole, M. D.)"

offprint from Annals of Medical History, 3rd Series, vol. II no. 3, {...}, pp. 245-258; vol. II no. 4, {...}, pp. 319-347; vol. II no. 5, {...}, pp. 432-442.



file G (Stack)Garratt, B. Copson

Magnetism Applied to the Prevention and Cure of Disease

Nunquam aliud natura, aliud sapientia dicit. B. Copson Garratt, Medical Electrician, London.



file G (Stack)Gee, Samuel

"The Conflict of Medicine with the Small-Pox"

offprint from St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, August 1896.



file G (Stack)Giery, J. U.

"Historical Consideration of Ultraviolet Light"

in Medical Life, vol. 33 no. 3, March 1926, pp. 132-137.



file G (Stack)Giusta, Michelangelo

"L'Opuscolo Pseudogalenico OtI aI poIotetes asomatoI (edizione critica, traduzione e note)"

in Memorie dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, Serie 4a no. 34, 1976.



file G (Stack)Goodman, Herman

"Niels Ryberg Finsen"

in Medical Life, vol. 33 no. 3, March 1926, pp. 138-142



file G (Stack)Gordon, M. H.

"Critical Review - the Sensitized Vaccine of Besredka"

offprint from The Quarterly Journal of Medicine, vol. 5 no. 20, July 1912, pp. 509-515. (*)



file G (Stack)Gordon, M. H.

"The Endotoxin of the Meningococcus - a method of Extracting it for the Purpose of Standardizing Antimeningococcus Serum"

offprint from the British Medical Journal, January 26, 1918.



file G (Stack)Griffin & Sons, John J.

The Harcourt Chloroform Inhaler

Designed to give an accurate dose, which may be maintained or varied at will. Compact and portable. Easily manipulated by a single person. London: John J. Griffin & Sons, Ltd., n.d. [c.1910]. (Descriptive pamphlet and price list, including section by Dudley W. Buxton, "Management of the Vernon Harcourt Inhaler in Detail"). R. Vernon Harcourt's copy. Presented by Dr P. W. Kent



file G (Stack)Guerra, Francesco

"El exilio de medicos espanoles durante el siglo XIX"

offprint from Rivista de Occidente, no. 97, April 1971, pp. 1-23.



file G (Stack)Guilliermond, A.

"Sirop de Quinquina dose. Application de la methode du dosage de la quinine de mm. Glenard et Guilliermond aux preparations pharmaceutiques de quinquina"

roffprint from Gazette Medicale de Paris, 1860, 7 pages, also a table "Des principales especes de quinquina repandues dans le commerce".



file G (Stack)Hackmann, W. D.; Anonymous

"Historical Note: Mackenzie's Early Polygraph Instrument"

photocopy from Polygraph (American Polygraph Association, Severna Park, Maryland), vol. 21 no. 4, 1992, pp. 349-351. (Re. Mackenzie polygraph c.1910 in MHS).



file G (Stack)Hallpike, C. S.

"A New Method of Handling Celloidin Sections in Bulk and X-Ray Control of Decalcification in the Histology of Bone"

offprint from the Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, vol. xxxviii, 1934, pp. 247-250.



file G (Stack)Hamarneh, Sami

"The Pharmacy Museum at Krakow"

offprint from the American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, vol. 21, June 1964.



file G (Stack)Hamarneh, Sami

"Pharmacy in Prints"

offprint from the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, vol. NS 10 no. 4, April 1970, pp. 216-220.



file G (Stack)Hamarneh, Sami K.

"Early Arabic Pharmaceutical Instruments"

offprint from the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, vol. 21 no. 2, 1960.



file G (Stack)Hamdard

Hamdard: The Organ of The Institute of Health and Tibbi Research

Volume XIX, Nos. 1-6, January - June 1976.



file G (Stack)Hamdard {...}

Hamdard Medicus: The Organ of The Institute of Health and Tibbi Research

Vol. XIX nos. 7-12, July-December 1976.



file G (Stack)Hamilton, H. H.

A Medical History of Plymouth, 1620-1977

Plymouth, Mass.: The Pilgrim Society, 1978. Presented by Dr J. L. Speller Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Hanovia

Hanovia Ultra-violet ray lamps: The 'Prescription U. V. Lamp' The Ward Lamp (Model IV): Instructions for Assembly, Installation, and Operation

Slough: Hanovia Ltd., n.d. [c.1930]. Booklet S. 2566/4503.



file G (Stack)Harris, Henry

"Florey and Penicillin"

extract from Oxford Magazine, no. 158, second week, Michaelmas term 1998, pp. 1-5. This is the text of the Florey Centenary Lecture delivered by Professor Sir Henry Harris on 29 September.



file G (Stack)Harrison, J. Park

"On the Survival of certain Racial Features in the Population of the British Isles"

reprint (with Corrections) from Journal of the Anthropological Institute, November 1882. (Minus signs in tables omited in original).



file G (Stack)Heberden, William

Oratio Harveiana, in Honorem Medicinae, inque Memoriam Eorum, qui de Collegio Regali Medicorum Londinensi Bene Meriti Sunt, ex Instituto Celeberrimi Viri Gulielmi Harveii, habita in Theatro Collegii, die Octobris XVIIIvo A.D. MDCCCIX

a Gulielmo Heberden, Georgio Tertio et Carlottae, Regi Reginaeque Britanniarum, Medico. London: T. Payne, 1810.



file G (Stack)Heilmeyer, Ludwig

"Radioisotope in der Heilskunde"

offprint from Deutsches Museum, vol. 20 no. 2, 1952, pp. 3-27.



file G (Stack)Hewer, Evelyn E.

"A Modification of Ranson's Silver Nitrate Method for Demonstrating Axis Cylinders"

offprint from the Journal of Anatomy, vol. LXVII, January 1933, pp. 350-352.



file G (Stack)Historia Medicinae Veterinariae

Historia Medicinae Veterinariae

Vol. 21 nos. 3 and 4 [in one issue], 1996. Holte / Kobenhavn, Denmark, 1996. Contains part of a guide to world veterinary museums, and an article by A. O. Kalusch. Presented by the Keeper



file G (Stack)Hoff, H. E.

"Vagal Stimulation before the Webers"

offprint from Annals of Medical History, new series vol. 8 no. 2, 1936, pp. 138-144. Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., New York.



file G (Stack)Hoff, Hebbel E.

"Galvani and the pre-Galvanian Electrophysiologists"

offprint from Annals of Science, vol. 1 no. 2, April 1936, pp. 157-172.



file G (Stack)Holth, S.

"Greco-Roman and Arabic Bronze Instruments and their Medico-Surgical Use"

(reprint from?) Videnskapsselskapets Skrifter, I. Mat.-naturv. Klasse 1919. no. 1. Kristiania: I Kommission Hos Jacob Dybwad, 1919.



file G (Stack)Hoyme, Lucile E.

"Physical Anthropology and its Instruments: An Historical Study"

photocopy from Southwestern Journal of Anthropology (University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque), vol. 9, 1953, pp. 408-430.



file G (Stack)Hughes, J. T.

Observations and experiments of Dr Henry Power (1626-1668) supporting William Harvey's 'De motu cordis'

Offprint from : Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, v. 13 (New series), 2005. Presented by the author.



file G (Stack)Hughes, J. Trevor (John Trevor)

"St Margaret's Well at Binsey near Oxford: The Treacle Well of Alice in Wonderland"

in Pharmaceutical Historian 34(4), 2004, pp. 54-58.



file G (Stack)Institut Francais d'Acupuncture Traditionelle

Energetique et Tradition Chinoise

No. 1, 1982. Antony, France: Institut Francais d'Acupuncture Traditionelle. (Journal concerning traditional Chinese medicine & acupuncture).



file G (Stack)J. W. B.

"Ancient surgical instruments found in Herculaneum and Pompeii"

offprint from Monthly Journal of Medical Science, August 1853, pp. 3-16.



file G (Stack)Jackman, Harry H.

Nunquam Otiosus and the Two Ottos: Malaria in German New Guinea

Paper presented at the 3rd National Conference on Medical History and Health in Australia Adelaide, 23-25 November 1986. Angaston, Australia: Harry H. Jackman & Associates, 1986. (Privately published photocopied typescript). Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Jackson, H. Willan

Variola: its Nature and Treatment

Manchester: Printed by Kennedy & Co., 1869. Gunther Loan Collection

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Jerome, William J. Smith

"Pharmacology: its Aims and Methods"

A Public Lecture, delivered at Oxford; reprinted from The Lancet, June 11, 1898. (*)



file G (Stack)Johnston-Saint, P.

"An Outline of the History of Medicine in India"

in Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, vol. LXXVII no. 3999, July 12, 1929, pp. 844-70. (Indian Section - Sir George Birdwood Memorial Lecture. Delivered Friday, May 10th, 1929). G. Bell & Sons, Ltd. London.



file G (Stack)Jones, E. G.

Food fakes: ancient and modern

London: Instite of Chemistry of Great Britain & Ireland, 1930.



file G (Stack)K. B. Thomas

"The early use of chloroform"

Anaesthesia, vol. xxvi (1971), pp. 348-62.



file G (Stack)Keatinge, W. R.; Richardson, D. W.

"Measurement of Electrical Activity in Arterial Smooth Muscle by a Sucrose Gap Method"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Physiological Society, vol. 27-28, September 1963.



file G (Stack)Keith, Arthur

Annual Report on the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England by the Conservator

Dated June 18th, 1928. Various authors (the heads of their respective departments).



file G (Stack)King, A. Charles

"The History and Development of Anaesthetic Apparatus"

in British Medical Journal Anaesthesia Number. Saturday October 12 1946. Pp. 536-539. Filed under British.



file G (Stack)Koning, D.A. Wittop

Verschuivingen in het Apothekersvak in de Loop der Eeuwen

Amsterdam: D.B. Centen's Uitgeversmaatschappij N.V., n.d.



file G (Stack)Kornell, Monique

"Ecorche figure"

offprint of catalogue entry from Ilaria Bignamini & Martin Postle, The Artist's Model: Its Role in British Art from Lely to Etty (1991), pp. 95-96. (Mentions the Museum's example of the genre of ecorche figures after Michael Henry Spang). Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Kosterlitz, R. W.

"The Distinctive Characteristic of Homoeopathic Action (The Relation between Homoepathy and Physiology)"

offprint from The British Homoeopathic Journal, vol. XXXIV nos. 2 and 3, September 1944, pp. 95-104. (*)

[1944- ]


file G (Stack)Krokidas, Peter J.

"Aesculapius and the Medical Emblem"

extract from an unidentified periodical, n.d. [c.1960].



file G (Stack)Lacken, George

The Story of Penicillin

Foreword by Professor Sir Alexander Fleming; Cinegram Review A British Magazine devoted to outstanding Films; London: Pilot Press, 1945; (Includes 'Picture Story of the Manufacture of Penicillin')



file G (Stack)Langer, William L.

"Immunization against Smallpox before Jenner"

extract from Scientific American, vol. 234 no. 1, January 1976, pp. 112-117.



file G (Stack)Largeteau, M.

Notice sur les Travaux

Imprimerie de Bachelier, Rue du Jardinet, 12. No source details.



file G (Stack)Lawrence, Ghislaine

"The Ambiguous Artifact: Surgical Instruments and the Surgical Past"

photocopy from Christopher Lawrence (ed.), Medical Theory, Surgical Practice: Studies in the History of Surgery (London & New York: Routledge, n.d.), pp. 295-314. Presented by Professor G. L'E. Turner



file G (Stack)Leroy-D'Etiolles, Dr.

Enumeration dans l'ordre de leur importance des inventions, travaux scientifiques, ouvrages et memoirs, du Dr. Leroy-D'Etiolles

Paris: n.p., n.d.



file G (Stack)Leroy-D'Etiolles, Dr.

Expose Sommaire des Ouvrages, Memoires, Travaux Scientifiques et Inventions du Dr. Leroy-D'Etiolles

A L'appui de sa candidature a L'Academie de Medecine. N.p., n.d.



file G (Stack)Levere, Trevor H.

"Dr Thomas Beddoes: The Interaction of Pneumatic and Preventive Medicine with Chemistry"

offprint from Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, vol. 7 no. 2, 1982, pp. 137-147 Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Lizarraga Lecue, Rafael

Boticas monasticas benedictinas

Burgos, 1963. Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Lizarraga Lecue, Rafael

"Los primeros boticarios reales"

offprint from Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de la Farmacia (Madrid), 1964.



file G (Stack)Lizarraga Lecue, Rafael

"Jose de Arechavaleta y Balparda creador en el Uruguay de catedras y laboratorios"

offprint from Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Historia de la Farmacia (Madrid), 1964.



file G (Stack)Lizarraga Lecue, Rafael

"La Botica de el Escorial y Felipe II"

offprint from Circular farmceutica, no. 201, 1963.



file G (Stack)Locke, John

Observationes Medicae

Reprinted from the Original Manuscript, in the posession of the British Museum. See "Locke as a Medical Practioner". Gunther Loan Collection

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Lothian, Agnes

"Mr. Gibson's Physic Spoon"

extract from The Chemist and Druggist, September 9, 1959, pp. 17-18.



file G (Stack)Lothian, Agnes

"The Armorial London Delft of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries"

extract from The Connoisseur, vol. CXXVII no. 520, March 1951, pp. 21-26.



file G (Stack)Lothian, Agnes

"Two Centuries of Dated Drug Jars"

offprint from The Chemist and Druggist, June 30, 1962, pp. 722-752. Note on cover "Dr Josten, see p. 725 l. h. column" (refers to jars in this museum). (*)



file G (Stack)Lothian, Agnes

"Two centuries of dated drug jars"

offprint from The Chemist and Druggist, June 30, 1962.



file G (Stack)Lu Gwei-Djen; Needham, Joseph

"Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones"

offprint from Nature, vol. 200 no. 4911, December 14, 1963, pp. 1047-1048.



file G (Stack)Lu Gwei-Djen; Needham, Joseph

"Medieval Preparations of Urinary Steroid Hormones"

offprint from Medical History, vol. VIII no. 2, April 1964, pp. 101-121.



file G (Stack)Lu Gwei-Djen; Needham, Joseph

"China and the Origin of Examinations in Medicine"

offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 56 no. 2, February 1963, pp. 63-70 (Section of the History of Medicine, pp. 1-8). Presented by Dr Joseph Needham



file G (Stack)Lucas, Bernard

"Engineering and Medicine: A Developing Partnership"

in The Vickers Magazine (London: Vickers Limited), Summer 1967, pp. 12-16.



file G (Stack)Ludolff, Hieronymus

Dissertation of an unknown work [?]

Erfurt. 1726.



file G (Stack)Ma, Eikoh

"Japan's Encounter with Western Medical Science"

offprint from Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. XXXIII no. 4, July-August 1959, pp. 315-329. (*)



file G (Stack)Maccagni, Carlo

"Frammento di un codice di medicina del secolo XIV ... d'ella Biblioteca Universitaria di Pisa"

offprint from Physis, vol. XI, 1969, pp. 311-378.



file G (Stack)MacKinney, L. C.; Bober, Harry

"A Thirteenth-Century Medical Case History in Minatures"

offprint from Speculum: A Journal of Mediaeval Studies, vol. XXXV no. 2, April 1960, pp. 251-259. (*)



file G (Stack)MacNalty, Sir Arthur Salisbury

"The Official Medical History of the War"

offprint from the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, vol. LXXXI no. 2, August 1943, pp. 51-60. (A paper read before the Section of the History of Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine, on Wednesday March 3rd, 1943).



file G (Stack)Malpighi, M.

Anatomia italica sive Dissertatio de antomia italica de corde

Transl. and notes by Ladislao Munster. (Quaderni di Storia della Scienza e della Medicina V). Ferrara, 1965. Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Marek, Jiri

"Un physicien tcheque du XVIIe siecle: Ioannes Marcus Marci de Kronland (1595-1667)"

offprint from Revue d'histoire des sciences, vol. 21, 1968, pp. 108-130.



file G (Stack)Massey, G. Betton

"Early Electrotherapeutics in America"

in Medical Life, vol. 33 no. 3, March 1926, pp. 120-123



file G (Stack)Medical Life

Medical Life

33:3 (March 1926), 'Physiotherapy Number' containing: Charles E. Stewart, "History of Hydrotherapy", 101-10; George Panebaker, "Historical Notes on Physiotherapy", 111-9; G. Betton Massey, "Early Electrotherapeutics in America", 120-3; Miles J. Breuer, "An Estimate of Michael Faraday", 124-31; J. U. Giery, "Historical consideration of ultraviolet light", 132-7; Herman Goodman, "Niels Ryberg Finsen", 138-42; Joseph W. Miller, "History of Heliotherapy in Tuberculosis", 143-6



file G (Stack)Medical Research Council

The Medical Use of Sulphonamides

London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1943. Medical Research Council War Memorandum No. 10.



file G (Stack)Medycyna Wielkopolska na Przestrzeni Wiekow

Z Dziejow Mysli Lekarskiej w Wielkopolsce

Poznanski: Stary Ratusz, 1966.



file G (Stack)Menke, W. T.

Hypodermic Therapy

Medicine with Pathology. Scientific Advance and Mid-Nineteenth Century Pathology (continued). Duplicated typescript. Swindon: [privately published by the author], 1984. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Merrett, Christopher

A Short View of the Frauds, and Abuses Committed by Apothecaries; As well in Relation to Patients, as Physicians: and Of the only Remedy thereof by Physicians making their own Medicines

The Second Edition more correct. London, Printed for James Allestry, Printer to the Royal Society, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1670. 4to. Disbound copy {...}.



file G (Stack)Meyerhof, Max

"Sur un glossaire de matiere medicale arabe - compose par maimonide"

offprint from Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, vol. XVII, Session 1934-1935, pp. 223-235. (Read to the Institute 8th April, 1935). 2 copies.



file G (Stack)Meyerhof, Max

"Thirty-three clinical observations by Rhazes - (circa 900 A.D.)"

offprint from Isis, vol. XXIII part 2 no. 66, September 1935, pp. 321-356 plus pp. of Arabic script (partially uncut, and partially loose).



file G (Stack)Meyerhof, Max

"A short History of Ophthalmia during the Egyptian Campaigns of 1798-1807"

offprint from The British Journal of Ophthalmology, March 1932, pp. 129-152. (A paper read before the Section of the History of Medicine at the Royal Society of Medicine, on November 4, 1931. By Mr. MacCallan).



file G (Stack)Meyerhof, Max

"Sur un ouvrage medical inconnue de Maimondie"

offprint from Memoirs de l'Institut Francais, vol. LXVIII; also "Melanges Maspero", vol. III {??}.



file G (Stack)Miles, A. E. W.

"The Odontological Museum"

offprint from Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, vol. 34, 1964.



file G (Stack)Miller, G.

"The teaching of medical history in the United States and Canada"

offprint from Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. xliv, 1970, pp. 251-78.



file G (Stack)Miller, Joseph W.

"History of Heliotherapy in Tuberculosis"

in Medical Life, vol. 33 no. 3, March 1926, pp. 143-146



file G (Stack)Morlhon, Jacques Fabre de

Medecins-Conseillers a la Cour des Aides de Montpellier

Article in Monspeliensis Hippocrates, No. 29, Automne 1965. Filed under Sendrail, M.



file G (Stack)Mortlock, C.B

Surgery of 8th Century B.C: Trepanned skulls found in Judea

No source details. n.d.



file G (Stack)Mounier-Kuhn, A.

"La scie a volant et a transmission elastique de Leopold Ollier"

offprint from La revue Lyonnaise de medicine, {...}.



file G (Stack)Mowrer, O. H.; Ruch, T. C.; Miller, N. E.

"The Corneo-retinal Potential Difference as the Basis of the Galvanometric Method of Recording Eye Movements"

offprint from The American Journal of Physiology, vol. 114 no. 2, January 1936, pp. 423-428.



file G (Stack)Museo de Historia de la Farmacia Hispana

Museo de Historia de la Farmacia Hispana

Madrid: Facultad de Farmacia, n.d. Gift from R.E. Maddison.



file G (Stack)Myers, Charles S.

On the Nature of the Mind

British Association for the Advancement of Science Centenary Meeting, London, 1931.



file G (Stack)Nava, Pedro

"Medicina e Humanismo"

offprint from Brasil Medico Cirurgico, vol. VIII nos. 2-4, 1946, pp. 97-102. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Presented by the author

[1948- ]


file G (Stack)Nava, Pedro

"Esboco doz Fundamentos Historicos das Especializacoes no Terreno da Medicina Interna"

offprint from Brasil Medico Cirurgico, vol. VIII nos. 5-6, October-December 1946, pp. 273-285. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (*)

[1948- ]


file G (Stack)Nava, Pedro

"O Quarteirao da Febre Amarela"

offprint from Medicina Cirurgia Farmacia (Revista), no. 149, September 1948. Presented by the author

[1949- ]


file G (Stack)Nava, Pedro

"Notas para a Historia da Patogenia do Icto Apopletico"

offprint from Medicina Cirurgia Farmacia (Revista), nos. 142/143, February/March 1948. Presented by the author

[1948- ]


file G (Stack)Needham, J. Lu, Gwei-Djen

Chinese Contributions to Medical Science

Reprinted from Cambridge University Medical Society Magazine, n.d.



file G (Stack)Needham, Joseph; Lu Gwei-Djen

"Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in Ancient China"

offprint Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. XVII no. 4, 1962, pp. 429-478.



file G (Stack)Negus, Sir Victor

Pharmacy Jars at the Royal College of Surgeons of England: An Annotated Catalogue

n.p., 1959.



file G (Stack)Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics

The Oxford Vaporiser

Issued by the Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, University of Oxford. Drawings by Miss M. McLarty. Oxford, n.d. [c.1942].



file G (Stack)Okada, Masahiro

"Studies on the Periodic Patterns of Hard Tissues in Animal Body"

offprint from the Shanghai Evening Post, September 1943. Presented by Dr Kitty Little



file G (Stack)Osler, Sir William

"Intensive work in science at the Public Schools in relation to the medical Curriculum"

offprint from The School World, February 1916. Presidential address delivered to the Association of Public School Science Masters on January 4, 1916. Gunther Loan Collection (*)

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Pabis-Braunstein, Miroslawa

Museum of Pharmacy of the Medical Academy in Cracow

Krakow: Akademii Medycznej im. M. Kopernika w Krakowie, 1988 Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Pagel, W.

"Vesalius and the Pulmonary Transit of Venous Blood"

offprint from the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. XIX no. 4, 1964.



file G (Stack)Pagel, Walter

"Paracelsus' atherahnliche Substanzen und ihre pharmakologische Auswertung an Huhnern"

offprint from Gesnerus, vol. 21, 1964, pp. 113-125. Presented by the author



file G (Stack)Paget, Sir R. A. S.

"The Nature and Artificial Production of Consonant Sounds"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, vol. 106, 1924, pp. 150-174. Communicated by Sir William Bragg, on April 16, 1924. Gunther Loan Collection (*)

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Panebaker, George

"Historical Notes on Physiotherapy"

in Medical Life, vol. 33 no. 3, March 1926, pp. 111-119



file G (Stack)Parry, T. Wilson

"Trepanning in Palestine A Primitive Operation"

extract from The Times, August 11, 1936. Transferred from MS Museum 42.



file G (Stack)Parry, T. Wilson; Tildesley, M. L.

"The Ovingdean Prehistoric skull exhibiting double primitive surgical holing"

offprint from Man, 1935, pp. 55-56. (*)



file G (Stack)Patterson, Edwin

"An Introductory Guide to the Literature of Medicine in Newcastle"

offprint from the Newcastle Medical Journal, July and October 1929. Gunther Loan Collection (*)

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Peck, Alex

"Trepanning: 1750-1880. Part I"

Unpublished (?) typescript.



file G (Stack)Penicillin Clinical Trials Committee

The Use of Penicillin in Treating War Wounds

(Instructions prepared by the Penicillin Clinical Trials Committee); Medical Research Council War Memorandum no. 12; London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1944.



file G (Stack)Pierro, F.

Arcangelo Piccolomini Ferrarese (1525-1586) e la sua importanza nell'anatomia postvesaliana

(Quaderni di Storia della Scienza e della Medicina, VI). Ferrara, 1965. Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file G (Stack)Reiser, Stanley Joel

"The Medical Influence of the Stethoscope"

extract from Scientific American, vol. 240 no. 2, February 1979, pp. 114-122.



file G (Stack)Research Defence Society

The Fight Against Disease: The Quarterly Journal of the Research Defence Society

Vol. XXIV no. 2, 1936. From the papers of J. B. S. Haldane

[1967-66A/ ]


file G (Stack)Research Defence Society

The Fight Against Disease

The Quarterly Journal of the Research Defence Society; vol. XXIV no. 2, 1936. From the papers of J. B. S. Haldane

[1967-66A/ ]


file G (Stack)Robb-Smith, A. H. T.

"Harington's Metamorphosis"

photocopy of offprint from St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal, January and February 1940, separately paginated. Based on a paper read to the Osler Society of Oxford on June 10th, 1938 and grounded on an earlier paper read to the Osler Club of London. Original among Sherwood Taylor's papers.



file G (Stack)Roche Products

Vitamins in Medical Practice: A Survey of Present Day Knowledge

Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Welwyn Garden City: Roche Products Ltd., n.d. [c.1940].



file G (Stack)Rolleston, Sir Humphry

Associations between Medicine and Literature

London: Harrison & Sons, 1933. The Lloyd Roberts Lecture; delivered at the Medical Society of London on November 16th, 1933. 2 copies - Gunther's copy contains a letter from and corrections by the author. Gunther Loan Collection (1)

[1940-6/ ] & [Unknown]


file G (Stack)Rooseboom, M.

Gedachten over Gisting en Cholera in een Brief van Gerrit Jan Mulder uit 1867.

Reprinted from Scientiarum Historia, Jaargang 9, Nr. 1, 1967.



file G (Stack)Rooseboom, Maria

"De geneeskundige afdeeling van het Nederlandsch historisch Natuurwetenschappelijk Museum te Leiden"

offprint from Nederl. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, jaargang 82 no. 36, September 3, 1938, pp. 4,348-4,352. 3,



file G (Stack)Rooseboom, Maria; Zaaijer, J. P.

"Van den Prussiaenschen mes-inslicker"

offprint from Ned. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, jaargang 86 no. 10, March 7, 1942, pp. 568-570.



file G (Stack)Rothschuh, K. E.

"Jean Riolan jun. (1580-1657) im Streit mit Paul Marquart Schlegel (1605-1653) um die Blutbewegungslehre Harveys"

offprint from Gesnerus, vol. 21, 1964, pp. 72-82.



file G (Stack)Rothschuh, K. E.

"Idee ind Methode in ihrer Bedeutung fur die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Physiologie"

offprint Sudhoffs Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, band 46 heft 2, June 1962, pp. 97-119.



file G (Stack)Rothschuh, K. E.

"Physiologie zwischen gestern und morgen"

offprint from Hippokrates, heft I, January 15, 1959, 30th year of publication. (*)

[1959- ]


file G (Stack)Rothschuh, Karl E.

"Wer ist gross und was ist bedeutend in der Geschichte der Wissenschaft?"

offprint from Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, heft 2, February 1959, pp. 45-50 {...?or 52}. Presented by the author

[1959- ]


file G (Stack)Roubert, Jacqueline; Fakhri-Sfeir, Liliane

Les Faiences de Pharmacie Lyonnaises au Musee des Hospices Civils de Lyon (XVIe-XIXe siecles)

Lyon: Edite par les Amis du Musee des Hopitaux de Lyon, H. C. L., July 1994. Presented by T. H. Wilson Esq.



file G (Stack)Roumanian Endocrinological Institute

The Roumanian Endocrinological Institute and its attached institutes

Bucharest: Roumanian Endocrinological Institute, 1957.



file G (Stack)Royer-Collard, H.

Speech delivered at the Public meeting of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris

(3rd November, 1843).



file G (Stack)Ruch, T. C.

"Evidence of the non-segmental character of spinal relexes from an analysis of the cephalad effects of spinal transection (Schiff-Sherrington phenomenon)"

offprint from The American Journal of Physiology, vol. 114 no. 2, January 1936, pp. 457-467.



file G (Stack)Rushen, Joyce

"The Secret 'Iron Tongs' of Midwifery"

photocopy from The Historian, no. 30, Spring 1991, pp. 12-14; Presented by Roger Hutchins Esq.



file G (Stack)Russell, K. F.

"The College Library. The Cirurgia of Pietro d'Argellata"

offprint from The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, vol. 21 no. 3, February 1952, pp. 230-32.



file G (Stack)Russell, K. F.

"The College Library. The Cyrurgia of Guy de Chauliac"

offprint from The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, vol. 21 no. 2, November 1951, pp. 149-52.



file G (Stack)Russell, K. F.

"Ivory Anatomical Manikins"

offprint from Medical History, vol. XVI no. 2, April 1972, pp. 131-142.



file G (Stack)Russell, Raymond

"The Operating Theatre at Old Saint Thomas's Hospital"

offprint from Guy's Hospital Reports, vol. 106. no. 3, 1957, pp. 133-155.

[1957-97] (*)


file G (Stack)Said, Mohammed Hakim

"Al-Tibb al-Islami"

in Hamdard, vol. 19 nos. 1-6, January - June 1976, pp. 1-117.



file G (Stack)Sanders, J. P.

"Treatment of a Patient with Malaria and acqured Anaphylactoid reaction to Quinine. Successful use of Quinidine"

offprint from The Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 97, September 19, 1931, pp. 850-851. Presented by the author

[1936- ]


file G (Stack)Sanders, J. P.; Dawson, W. T.

"Efficacy of Quinidine in Malaria"

offprint from The Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 99, November 19, 1932, pp. 1773-1777. Presented by the author {?}

[1936- ]


file G (Stack)Saye, Lluis

"L'obra Antituberculosa Internacional"

Societat Catalana de Biologia, (address, 10 pp.); Barcelona, 1965



file G (Stack)Schouten, J.

"Theriak en Theriakpotten"

photocopy from Antiek, vol. 1 no. 10, May 1967, pp. 13-18.



file G (Stack)Schwarz, Ted

"His Hobby Fills Museums: A Curator of Early Cures"

in Physician's Management, June 1986, pp. 192-198



file G (Stack)Science Museum

The Breath of Life

An exhibition showing some medical consequences of the discovery of oxygen two hundred years ago. (10 July 1974-12 January 1975.) (A4 leaflet); Also: Handlist of Objects in Special Exhibition. London: Science Museum, July 1974. 2 copies of leaflet, 1 of handlist

[1974-166] & [1979-8]


file G (Stack)Seiler, J.

Magnetic Treatment for the cure of Chronic Diseases. Effected by means of Electro-Medical Apparatus

The Invention of ..., M.D. Physician. H. Bailliere, 219, Regent Street, London. 1870. Gabb Bequest, 1948

[1949- ]


file G (Stack)Sendrail, Marcel

Les annees d'apprentissage de Francois Sanchez

Article in Monspeliensis Hippocrates, No. 29, Automne 1965.



file G (Stack)Sheehan, Donal

"Discovery of the Autonomic Nervous System"

offprint from Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, vol. 35, May 1936, pp. 1081-1115. American Medical Association.



file G (Stack)Shelley, Harry S.

"Intravesical Destruction of Bladder Stones"

photocopy from Journal of the History of Medicine, vol. 19, 1964, pp. 46-59.



file G (Stack)Short, Agnes Lothian

"Corbyn, Stacey & Co. - a note on their antiques"

offprint from The Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 199, 1967, pp. 211-212. Presented by Miss K. Arnold-Forster, The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"Some Vesalian Problems"

offprint from Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. XVII no. 5, May 1945, pp. 425-438.



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"Notes on Some Early References to Tropical Diseases"

offprint from Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology - Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, vol. VI no. 1 B, May 1912. (*)



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"Sketches in the History of English Medicine"

offprints (or extracts) of a series of five articles from The Chemist and Druggist, Special Issue, June 30, 1928, pp. 823-832 and 2 colour plates; Special Issue, June 29, 1929, pp. 795-804 and 2 colour plates; December 21, 1929, pp. 741-748; Special Issue, vol. CXII no. 2629, June 28, 1930, pp. 799-808 and cover; Special Issue, June 27, 1931, pp. 783-790. (The 5 articles are sewn together and contained in the cover of the June 28, 1930 issue). ?The author's own copy; Presented by Professor G. L'E. Turner



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"The Figures of the Bristol Guy de Chauliac M. S. (circa 1430)"

offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. X (Section of the History of Medicine), 1917, pp. 71-90.



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"A Legend of Salerno - How Constantine the African brought the art of Medicine to the Christians"

offprint from The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, vol. XXVIII no. 311, January 1917, pp. 64-69.



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"Early English Magic and Medicine"

offprint from the Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. IX, 1920. Gunther Loan Collection (*)

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"Thirteenth Century Minatures illustrating Medical Practice"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. IX. (Section of the History of Medicine), 1915, pp. 29-42. Gunther Loan Collection

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"A Review of the Medical Literature of the Dark Ages, with a New Text of about 1110"

offprint from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. X (Section of the History of Medicine), 1917, pp. 107-160.



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles

"Thirteenth Century Miniatures illustrating Medical Practice"

in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine v. 9, 1915, pp. 29-42.



file G (Stack)Singer, Charles; Singer, Dorothea

"Byrhtferd's Diagram"

offprint from the Bodleian Quarterly Record, vol. II no. 14, March 1917, pp. 47-51. History of Science Room. March 1917. 2 copies.



file G (Stack)Singer, Dorothea Waley

"Survey of Medical Manuscripts in the British Isles dating from before the Sixteenth Century"

offprint from Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. XIII (Section of the History of Medicine), 1919, pp. 96-107. Delivered at a meeting of the Section, held 19/11/19.



file G (Stack)Singer, Dorothea Waley; Levy, Reuben

"Plague Tractates"

offprint from Annals of Medical History, Winter Number, 1917, pp. 394-411. Published in America, 1918.



file G (Stack)Smith, Ian

"From Mice to Men: The Story of Penicillin"

extract from The Oxford Times, February 10, 1984, p. 11.



file G (Stack)Spencer, Herbert R.

The Renaissance of Midwifery

being the Lloyd Robert's Lecture delivered. ... on November 19th, 1924. London, n.d., pp. 1-41{?}.



file G (Stack)Spronsen, J. W. van (ed.)

"Historisch Gezien XXIX ... Deutsches Apotheken Museum"

offprint from Chemisch Weekblad, no. 17, 1966.



file G (Stack)Stannard, Jerry

"Materia Medica and Philosophic Theory in Aretaeus"

offprint from Sudhoffs Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, vol. 48 no. 1, March 1964, pp. 27-53.



file G (Stack)Stansfield, Dorothy A.; Stansfield, Ronald G.

"Dr Thomas Beddoes and James Watt: Preparatory Work 1794-96 for the Bristol Pneumatic Institute"

offprint from Medical History, vol. 30, 1986, pp. 276-302. Presented by Mrs Stansfield



file G (Stack)Star, P. van der

"The History of Thermometry in Medicine"

offprint from Bibliotheca Radiologica, no. 5, Medical Thermography (ed. Van Voss and Thomas) (Leiden, 1969).



file G (Stack)Starkey, J. L.; Parry, T. Wilson

"Discovery of skulls with surgical holing at Tell Duweir, Palestine"

offprint from Man, October 1936, pp. 233-234 and plates.



file G (Stack)Stecher, Robert M.

"1066 Pearl Street: The Story of the Stecher Drugstore in Cleveland"

in Bulletin of the Cleveland Medical Library 17(1), 1970, pp. 3-18



file G (Stack)Stewart, Charles E.

"History of Hydrotherapy"

in Medical Life, vol. 33 no. 3, March 1926, pp. 101-110



file G (Stack)Stewart-Brown, R.

"The "Child of Hale" (John Middleton); some portraits"

offprint from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. 86, 1935, pp. 73-83. (*)



file G (Stack)Thomas, K. B.

"The A. Charles King collection of early anaesthetic apparatus"

offprint{?} from Anaesthesia, vol. xxv, 1970, pp. 548-564.



file G (Stack)Thompson, C. J. S.

"The Dawn of Medication"

offprint from Janus, vol. 28, 1924, pp. 425-450.



file G (Stack)Tommasi, Ludovico

"La Prima Scoperta della Natura Vivente della Causa di una Malattia Contagiosa: Primato Italiano (Giovan Cosimo Bonomo e Diacinto Cestoni: Demonstrazione della natura acarica della Scabbia - Livorno, 1687)"

offprint from Atti della R. Academia delle Scienze Mediche di Palermo, 16, 1938, pp. 1-20.



file G (Stack)Trias i Pujol, Antoni

"Comentaris sobre l'ensenyament de la medicina"

Societat Catalana de Biologia, (conference paper), 17 pp.; Barcelona, 1966



file G (Stack)Underwood, E. Ashworth

"Primitive African Medicine. The Use of Empiricism and Magic"

extract from The Times Science Review, Spring, 1953, pp. 8-9.



file G (Stack)Underwood, E. Ashworth

"Apollo and Terpsichore: Music and the Healing Art"

offprint from Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. XXI no. 5, September - October 1947, pp. 639-673. (The Fielding H. Garrison Lecture). (*)



file G (Stack)Underwood, E. Ashworth

"Bleeding, Cupping, and Purging"

offprint from the British Medical Journal, vol. I, January 1, 1955, p. 42 (here paginated 1-4). Review of William Brockbank, Ancient Therapeutic Arts ... (London, 1954). Presented by Professor G. L'E. Turner



file G (Stack)Underwood, E. Ashworth

"Before and after Morton: a Historical Survey of Anaesthesia"

offprint from the British Medical Journal, vol. II, October 12, 1946, pp. 525-534 (app.). Reprinted for the Centenary Exhibition at the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. Published by the British Medical Association, 1946. (*)



file G (Stack)Underwood, E. Ashworth

"Before and After Morton: A Historical Survey of Anaesthesia"

in British Medical Journal Anaesthesia Number. Saturday October 12 1946. Pp. 525-531. Filed under British.



file G (Stack)Various authors


Reprinted, With Permission, From The Journal of The American Medical Association, The Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Science, And The Medical Times By The United States Office of War Information. [?Washington]: The United States Office of War Information, 1944. 28 articles by various authors from the journals named, 1943-44.



file G (Stack)Veitch, Andrew


extract from The Guardian, September 25, 1980; (Re. quack medicines, etc.)



file G (Stack)Veith, Ilza

"The History of Medicine Dolls and Foot-binding in China"

photocopy from Clio Medica, vol. 14 no. 3/4, 1980, pp. 255-267.



file G (Stack)Vicary, Thomas

A Treasure for English Men, containing the Anatomie of mans bodie

Compiled by Thomas Vicary Esquier, and Sergeant Chirurgion to King Henry the eight, to King Edward the sixt, to Queene Mary, and to our late gracious Soveraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth. And also ... 4to. Imperfect. pp. 1/2, 15-38, 43-72, 201-208. NB: notes by Gunther on contents "Impr. at Lond. by Tho. Creed. 1583". Gunther Loan Collection

[1940-6/ ]


file G (Stack)Viets, Henry R.


Review of A History of Medicine by Henry E. Sigerist. Reprinted from Centaurus, 1951.



file G (Stack)Wathen, Jonathan

A New and Easy Method of Applying a Tube for the cure of the Fistula Lachrymalis

London: Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. 1781. [Price One Shilling]. 4to. (Instrument made by Pepys, Surgeons Instrument Maker, in the Poultry. 1781).



file G (Stack)Watt, Sir James

"Nutrition in Adverse Environments, 1: Forgotten Lessons of Maritime Nutrition"

offprint from Human Nutrition: Applied Nutrition, vol. 36A, 1982, pp. 35-45. Presented by D. W. Waters Esq.



file G (Stack)Weil, E.

"The Echo of Harvey's De Motu Cordis (1628) 1628/57"

offprint from Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, vol. XII no. 2, 1957, pp. 167-174. (*)



file G (Stack)Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, London

History and Lore of Cymric Medicine

Research Studies in Medical History. Advance announcement. To be issued in the near future. London: Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1928.


file G (Stack)Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine

Body and Mind in Tibetan Medicine

An Exhibition 7 April to 31 July 1986; At the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine ... . London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1986. Introduction by Marianne Winder. Presented by Professor G. L'E. Turner



file G (Stack)Wellcome, Henry S. [?]

Antient Cymric Medicine

A reprint of the historical souvenir issued by B. W. & Co. on the occasion of the meeting of the British Medical Association at Swansea, 1903. London: Burroughs Wellcome & Co., n.d. 52 pages.



file G (Stack)Wellcome, Henry S. [?]

Oxford Medical Lore

Reprint from "Historical Souvenir" issued by Burroughs, Wellcome & Co. on the occasion of the Meeting of the British Medical Association at Oxford, 1904. (Reprint published in 1908)-(?). 2 copies.



file G (Stack)Whittet, T. Douglas

'The Octocentenary of the Pepperer's Guild'

Photocopy of typescript of article to be published in Pharmacy in History (U.S.A.), 1980.



file G (Stack)Winter, Peter M.; Miller, John N.


extract from Scientific American, vol. 252 no. 4, April 1985, pp. 94-99



file G (Stack)Wright, R. Ramsay

"Fragment of a Persian Primer of the Institutes of Medicine"

offprint from Contributions to Medical and Biological Research dedicated to Sir William Osler, in Honour of His Seventieth Birthday, July 12, 1919, by his pupils and Co-workers (New York, 1919), pp. 207-218. Multiple copies (5).



file G (Stack)Zanetti, F.

La storica spezieria di S. Giovanni Evangelista in Parma

Parma, 1959.



file G (Stack)Zapletal, Dr. Vladimir

Palaeosurgery in Moravia

Czechoslovakia: The Chirana Works, Producers of Surgical Instruments, 1968.



file G (Stack)Zegel, Anne

"Le Musee Pasteur / The Musee Pasteur"

extract from Air France Atlas (in-flight magazine), January 1987, pp. 158-163. (In French and English).



file G (Stack)Zoubek, Jindrich

Modern Production of Surgical Instruments in Moravia

Czechoslovakia: The Chirana Works, Producers of Surgical Instruments, 1968. Filed under Zapletal, Dr. Vladimir.



file G (Stack)Zozaya, Juan

"Instrumentos Quirurgicos Andalusies"

photocopy from Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Orientalistas, ano XX, 1984, pp. 255-259



file G (Stack)[Denoue, Monsieur]

A Catalogue Of several Curious Figures of Human Anatomy in Wax, Taken from the Life. With Several other Valuable Preparations (The Works of the late Ingenious Monsieur Denoue, of Paris, who was Forty Years in making these Excellent Emblems of Nature)

Lately exhibited At Somerset-House, and in Cecil-Street in the Strand. And now to be Viewed, At the Great Room formerly Mrs. Savage's India Warehouse, over the New-Exchange in the Strand, {...}. [London]: n.d. [?c.1800].



file G (Wellcome)Underwood, E. Ashworth

Reconstructions of Early Pharmacies

Italian Pharmacy: Seventeenth Century; Hispano-Mauresque Pharmacy: c.1790; English Pharmacy: c.1680; Arab Pharmacy; John Bell's Pharmacy, Oxford Street, London: c.1820. London: The Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1959. (Leaflet). Filed under Wellcome. 2 copies.



file G (Winter)Scaife, W. Garrett

"The Parsons Steam Turbine"

extract from Scientific American, vol. 252 no. 4, April 1985, pp. 100-106. Follows on from an article by Peter M. Winter & John N. Miller.



file G addChadarevian, Soraya de

"Graphical Method and Discipline: Self-Recording Instruments in Nineteenth-Century Physiology"

photocopy from Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, vol.24 no.2, 1993, pp.267-291.



file G addCurtis, Rachel; Jones, John

"Robert Robinson and penicillin: an unnoticed document in the saga of its structure"

offprint from Journal of Peptide Science, vol.13, 2007, pp.769-775. Relates to MHS MS Museum 356. Presented by Dr John Jones



file G addLawrence, Christopher

"Incommunicable Knowledge: Science, Technology and the Clinical Art in Britain 1850-1914"

photocopy from Journal of Contemporary History, vol.20, 1985, pp.503-520.



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