
Library Catalogue ยป Classifications

14 matching record(s)

file CAL (Stack)Cajori, Florian

"Comparisons of Methods of Determining Calendar Dates by Finger Reckoning"

offprint from Archivio di Storia della Scienza (Archeion), vol. IX no. 1, 1928, pp. 31-42. R. T. Gunther Collection

[?1940-6/ ]


file CAL (Stack)Cotsworth, Moses B.

The 7-Day Week and Weekly Day of Rest - Their Natural Pre-Historic Origin

Pamphlet "W", Second Edition, 1931. London: McCorquodale & Co., Ltd., 1931.



file CAL (Stack)Fischer, K. A. F.

"Reforma Kalendare u Nas"

photocopy from Novy Zivot, vol. XXXIV no. 9-10, 1982, pp. 161-162. Presented by the author



file CAL (Stack)Fischer, Karl

"Appended Note: On the Calendar Reform in Bohemia and Moravia"

offprint from Gregorian Reform of the Calendar, Proceedings of the Vatican Conference to Commemorate its 400th Anniversary 1582-1982, Castelgandolfo 1983, pp. 281-284. Presented by the author



file CAL (Stack)H. C. P.

"Medieval Calendars"

extract from Nature, no. 3593, September 10, 1938, pp. 451-452. Review of W. E. Van Wijk (ed.), Le Nombre d'Or: Etude de Chronologie Technique suivie du Texte de la Massa Compoti d'Alexandre de Villedieu (La Haye: Nijhoff, 1936).



file CAL (Stack)Haber, Francis C.

"The Darwinian Revolution in the Concept of Time"

offprint from Studium Generale, vol. 24, 1971, pp. 289-307. Paper delivered at the First Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, Oberwolfach (West Germany) August 31 - September 6, 1969. Presented by the author



file CAL (Stack)Hamer, Mick

"A Calendar for All Seasons"

photocopy from New Scientist, December 23/30, 1989, pp. 9-12. (Re. the French Revolutionary calendar).



file CAL (Stack)International Fixed Calendar League

Calendar Simplification

Washington, D.C.: Issued by the International Fixed Calendar League, n.d. [1928/29; after August 1928 - see p. 13].



file CAL (Stack)Marvin, Charles F.; Cotsworth, Moses B.

Moses: The Greatest of Calendar Reformers

N.p.: n.d. Paginated 3-30 [cover presumably missing].



file CAL (Stack)Moyer, Gordon

"The Gregorian Calendar"

extract from Scientific American, vol. 246 no. 5, May 1982, pp. 104-111.



file CAL (Stack)North, J. D.

"The Western Calendar - "Intolerabilis, Horribilis, et Derisibilis"; Four Centuries of Discontent"

offprint from G. V. Coyne, M. A. Hoskin, & O. Pedersen (eds.), Gregorian Reform of the Calendar (Vatican City, 1983), pp. 75-113. Presented by the author



file CAL (Stack)North, J. D.

"Chronology and the Age of the World"

photocopy from Wolfgang Yourgrau & Allen D. Breck (eds.), Cosmology, History, and Theology, (New York & London: Plenum Press, 1977), pp. 307-333.



file CAL (Stack)Super, Charles W.

"Time and Space"

offprint from The Popular Science Monthly, {...}, pp. 280-288.



file CAL (Stack)Thomas, Geoffrey

"Making a Firm Date"

extract from New Scientist, vol. 93 no. 1298, March 25, 1982, pp. 770-772.



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