
Library Catalogue ยป Classifications

55 matching record(s)

file A (Light)Beard, Charles R.

"The Golden Disc of Doctor Dee"

in Light, vol. LXII no. 3198, April 30, 1942, p. 141. (Filed under Light).



file A (Light)Cammell, Charles Richard

"The Dee Relique"

in Light, vol. LXII no. 3198, April 30, 1942, p. 140. (Filed under Light).



file A (Stack)

Alchemy in China

Ciba Symposia, Vol. 2, No. 7, October 1940. Summit, NJ, USA, Ciba Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. Contains inscription from author, W. J. Wilson. Presented by Bodleian Library, August 2014.



file A (Stack)Baring-Gould, S.

"The Divining Rod"

photocopy from S. Baring-Gould, Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (new impression; London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1901), pp. 55-92.



file A (Stack)Beeston, A. F. L.

"An Arabic Hermetic Manuscript"

in The Bodleian Library Record, vol. VII no. 1, June 1962, pp. 11-23. (Re. MS Arab. d. 221).



file A (Stack)Berry, Veronica

"Neapolitan Charms against the Evil Eye"

offprint from Folklore, vol. LXXIX, Winter 1968, pp. 250-256. Presented by A. E. Gunther Esq.



file A (Stack)Berry, Victoria

Neapolitan Charms Against the Evil Eye

Photocopy from 'Folklore', vol. 79, Winter 1968, pp. 250-256.



file A (Stack)Bober, Harry

"The Zodiacal Miniature of the Tres riches heures of the Duke of Berry - its Sources and Meaning"

extract from Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. II, 1948, pp. 1-34 and plates. Stapleton Bequest



file A (Stack)Canney, Maurice A.

"The Magico-Religious Significance of Sand"

offprint from Journal of the Manchester Egyptian and Oriental Society, no. XIX, {?1934}, pp. 33-43. A paper read at the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, London, July - August 1934.



file A (Stack)Chapman, Allan

"Focus: Astrology on Trial"

photocopy from Astronomy Now, November 1996, pp. 39-42. (Chapman's section, against astrology, only; Percy Seymour's defence not included). Presented by the author



file A (Stack)Chapman, Allan

"Astrology on Trial: The Case Against"

photocopy from Astronomy Now, vol. 4 no. 12, December 1990, pp. 28-32. Together with photocopy of a newspaper report of Dr Chapman's views headed "Ill-starred trust in astronomy", from the Daily Telegraph, November 12, 1990.



file A (Stack)Cowling, T. G.

"Mathematicians, Astrology and Cosmogony"

extract from The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 18, 1977, pp. 199-212.



file A (Stack)Dawkins, J. McG.

"The Seal of Solomon"

offprint from the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, October 1944, pp. 145-150. (*)

[1944- ]


file A (Stack)Ettlinger, Ellen

'Documents of British Superstition in Oxford'

Proof (corrected in ink) for Folk-Lore, December 1942, (?) pp. 7-22. See bound offprint of March 1943, under Ettlinger. (A lecture delivered for the Anthropological Society Oxford, on the 2nd November, 1939).



file A (Stack)Ettlinger, Ellen

"Documents of British Superstition in Oxford"

offprint from Folk-Lore, vol. LIV, March 1943, pp. 227-249. (*)

[1949- ]


file A (Stack)Fischer, Karel

Veda na Scesti

Article in 'A Soucasnost', Kulturne historicka revue rocnik IX, Dejiny 5'67, pages 30-32.



file A (Stack)Foulsham & Co., W.

Foulsham's Original Old Moore's Almanack for the year 1986 ...

Slough, Berks.: W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd., 1985. Presented by the Librarian



file A (Stack)Freund, Lothar

"Astrologie und Bild: Uber A. Warburgs Bildersammlung zur Geschichte von Sternglaube und Sternkunde im Hamburger Planetarium"

offprint from Der Kreis: Zeitschrift fur kunstlerische Kultur, jahrgang VII heft 4, unpaginated. Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file A (Stack)Glazewski, A.

"The Music of Crystals, Plants and Human Beings"

offprint from Radio-Perception, September 1951, separately paginated. Inscribed 'The Medical Society for the Study of Radiesthesia'. Stapleton Bequest



file A (Stack)Gunther, R. T.

"The Cimaruta: Its Structure and Development"

photocopy from Folklore: The Transactions of the Folklore Society, vol. 16, June 1905, pp. 132-161.



file A (Stack)Gunther, R. T.

The Cimaruta: Its Structure and Development

Photocopy from 'Folk-lore: Transactions of the Folklore Society. A Quarterly Review of Myth, Tradition, Institutions and Custom'. Vol. 16 no. 1, March 1905, pp. 132-161.



file A (Stack)Hall, Ray


photocopy from Exploring the Supernatural, vol. 1 issue 4, November 1986, pp. 30-33 and front cover.



file A (Stack)Hammer, Franz

"Die Astrologie des Johannes Kepler"

offprint from Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, vol. 55 part 2 no. 2, 1971, pp. 113-135.



file A (Stack)Hermelink, Heinrich

"Arabische magische Quadrate mit 25 Zellen"

offprint from Sudhoffs Archiv, band 43 heft 4, December 1959, pp. 351-354. Stapleton Bequest



file A (Stack)Josten, C. H.

"Robert Fludd's Theory of Geomancy and his Experiences at Avignon in the Winter of 1601 to 1602"

offprint from Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, vol. 27, 1964, pp. 327-335.



file A (Stack)Larkey, Sanford V.

"Astrology and Politics in the First Years of Elizabeth's Reign"

offprint from Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine, vol. III no. 3, March 1935, pp. 171-186. (Read before the History of Science Society, and the American Historical Association, December 28, 1934). Gunther Loan Collection (*)

[1940-6/ ]


file A (Stack)Lehmann, O. H.; Ettlinger, Ellen

"Contributions to the Interpretation of Rembrandt's Etching Known as 'Faust in his Study'"

offprint from an unidentified periodical [possibly The Connoisseur], n.d. [c.1958 - see footnote 2], pp. 118-119. (2 sections by the separate authors: '1. Text and interpretation of the magic inscription' and '2. The subject of Rembrandt's etching').



file A (Stack)Light

Light: A Journal of Spiritualism: Psychical, Occult and Mystical Research

Vol. LXII no. 3198, Thursday, April 30, 1942. (Contains articles by Cammell and Beard about John Dee's golden disc [see separate entries]).



file A (Stack)List, N. A.

The redemption of "woman" from the errors of theology. The science of motion

Omaha, Neb.: {...}, 1894



file A (Stack)MacKenzie, D. N.

"Zoroastrian Astrology in the Bundahisn"

photocopy of offprint from the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, vol. XXVII part 3, 1964, pp. 511-529.



file A (Stack)Makins, Virginia.

The Prediction Business 2

Series of articles in The Observer, March 20 1966.



file A (Stack)Makins, Virginia. Cross, Colin.

The Prediction Business

Series of articles in The Observer, March 13 1966.



file A (Stack)Mansfield & Co., Edwin A.

Mansfields' Patent Automatic Water Finder

Edwin A. Mansfield & Co., Engineers, New Brighton, England. Photocopy of 4-page advertising brochure (in the possession at time of copying of Professor G. L'E. Turner). 2 copies.



file A (Stack)North, John D.

"Celestial Influence - the Major Premiss of Astrology"

offprint from Paola Zambelli (ed.), 'Astrologi hallucinati': Stars and the End of the World in Luther's Time (Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1986), pp. 45-100. Presented by the author



file A (Stack)Parsons, Denys

"A Dampener for the Dowsers"

extract from The Independent, September 19, 1988. Together with cuttings of two subsequent letters, September 22 & 23, 1988.



file A (Stack)Poulle, E.

Horoscopes princiers des XIVe et XVe Siecles

Extrait du Bulletin de la Societe Nationale des Antiquaires de France. Seance du 12 Fevrier 1969.



file A (Stack)Poulle, Emmanuel

Astrologie et Tables Astronomiques au XIIIe Siecle: Robert le Febvre et les Tables de Malines

Communication de M. Emmanuel Poulle. Extrait du Bulletin Philologique et Historique (Jusqu'a 1610), Annee 1964. Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 1967.



file A (Stack)Price, Derek de Solla

The [hexagram], [pentagram], and [octogram], and other Geometrical and Scientific Talismans and Symbolisms

Photocopy of article published in 'Changing Perspectives in the History of Science, Essays in honour of Joseph Needham' by Mikulas Teich and Robert Young. London: Heinemann, 1973. Chapter XV, pages 250-264.



file A (Stack)Richter, Erwin

"Einwirkung medico-astrologischen Volksdenkens auf Entstehung und Formung des Barmutterkrotenopfers der Manner im geistlichen Heilbrauch"

offprint from Volksmedizin, 1967, pp. 372-398.



file A (Stack)Robson, James

"Magic Cures in Popular Islam"

offprint from The Moslem World, January 1934. Stapleton Bequest



file A (Stack)Robson, James

"A Hunterian Museum Manuscript on Magic"

offprint from the Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental Society, vol. XII, years 1944-46 (published in 1948), pp. 9-18. Stapleton Bequest



file A (Stack)Robson, James

"The Magical Use of the Koran"

offprint from the Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental Society, vol. VI, [1930s]. Stapleton Bequest



file A (Stack)Ryan, W. F.

"The Onomantic Table in the Old Russian Secreta secretorum"

offprint from The Slavonic and East European Review, {...}.



file A (Stack)Sanders, John

"Dowsing: Divine Power or Simple Sense?"

photocopy from The Unknown, May 1987, pp. 74-76.



file A (Stack)Scholem, Gerhard

"Zur Frage der Entstehung der Kabbala"

offprint from the Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins zur Grundung einer Akademie fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums (Berlin, 1928), pp. 4-26 (perhaps separately paginated here).



file A (Stack)Smith, Reginald A.

Earth and Water Radiations

Pamphlet no. 9 of the Gilbert White Fellowship. Published by them in London, 1939. Presidential Address delivered to the Fellowship, 2nd April, 1938. 4 pages and covers.



file A (Stack)Tatford, Frederick A.

"Second Thoughts on the Planets"

extract from Prophetic Witness, March 1980, pp. 13-14. Presented by D. P. Styles Esq.



file A (Stack)Tatford, Frederick A.

"The Parade of the Planets in 1982"

offprint from Prophetic Witness, June 1979, pp. 10-11.



file A (Stack)Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth

"On Bird and Beast in Ancient Symbolism"

offprint from [?The Antiquaries Journal], vol. XXXVIII part I, 1894, pp. 179-191. (Read June 4, 1894). Presented by A. E. Gunther Esq.



file A (Stack)Wolff, Sir Henry Drummond

Rambling Recollections [extract]

Photocopy of pp. 296-325 from vol. I. London: Macmillan & Co., 1908. (Re. {...}).



file A (Stack)Zammit-Haempel, G.

The Evil Eye and Protective Cattle Horns in Malta

Photocopy from 'Folklore', vol. 79, Spring 1968, pp. 1-16.



file A (Stack)Zinner, Ernst

"Zur Deutung der astrologischen Bleikapsel in Freiburg"

offprint from Forschungen und Fortschritte (Berlin), jahrgang 30 heft 3, March 1956, pp. 65-67. Presented by the author



file A (Stack) altEllis, Arthur J.

The Divining Rod: A History of Water Witching

Introductory Note by O. E. Meinzer. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1917. Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. Water-Supply Paper 416. Transferred to Bodleian, September 2017.



file A addJung, C. G.

"The Bologna Enigma"

offprint from Ambix, vol.2 nos.3 & 4, December 1946, pp.182-191. From the papers of Gerard Heym. Presented by Miss Doris Newson



file A LightBatttersby, H.F. Prevost [query spelling: Battersby]

The Church and the Telescope

Review of Charles L. Tweedale, Reflecting Telescope Making, London: T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1942. In Light, Vol. LXII, No. 3198, April 30, 1942, p139.



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