
Library Catalogue ยป Authors

3 matching record(s)

I (Open Shelf)International Council of Museums

Repertoire des Musees des Sciences et Techniques; Guide-Book of Museums of Science and Technology

Second edition. Prague: Narodni Technicke Museum, 1980.



I - periodicalsInternational Council of Museums

"Les musees et la recherche dans la Republique federale d'Allemagne" ("Museums and research in the Federal Republic of Germany")

Eighth General Conference of Icom, 1968; special issue of Museum, vol. XXI no. 2, 1968. Articles by Alfred Hentzen, Kurt Martin, Wilhelm Schafer, Hermann Auer, Gerhard Bechthold, Stephan Waetzoldt.



I (Stack)International Council of Museums

Provisional List of Museums of Science and Technology Published with the assistance of UNESCO

Reprinted from Technology and Culture 4(1), 1963, pp. 5-21.



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