Search for all terms: Creation Date: Mid 19th Century Page 1 of 151 records found. Displaying 25 50 100 200 at a time.Next Results > Records with Images1. Eyepiece Micrometer, by Troughton and Simms, London, Mid 19th... 2. Flask, English, Mid-19th Century 3. Crucibles, Mid-19th Century 4. Crucible, Mid-19th Century 5. Mechanical Calipers, French, Mid-19th Century 6. Tantalus Beaker Intermittent Syphon, English, Mid-19th Century 7. Retort with Glass Stopcock and Brass Fitting, English, Mid-19th... 8. Gas-jar with Brass Cap and Stopcock, English, Mid-19th Century 9. Gas Jar, English, Mid-19th Century 10. Magnetic Compass, English, Mid 19th Century 11. Prismatic Compass, by Cary, London, Mid 19th Century 12. Prismatic Compass, by Troughton & Simms, London, Mid-19th Century 13. Charcoal Furnace, English, Mid to Late 19th Century 14. Kaleidoscope, Mid 19th Century 15. Kaleidoscope with Tripod and Accessories in Case, by William... 16. Simple Microscope 17. Folding Rule Clinometer and Compass, English, Mid-19th Century 18. Florence Flask or Small Curcurbit, English, Mid-19th Century 19. Transit Instrument, by Troughton & Simms, London, Mid-19th... 20. Ground Joint Alembic with Stopper, Mid-19th Century 21. Object Glass Micrometer, by Dollond, London, Mid-19th Century 22. Gould-Type Microscope in Case with Accessories, by Cary, London,... 23. Five Simple Lenses in Case, c. 1850 24. Reflecting Circle, by Troughton & Simms, London, Mid-19th Century 25. Globe For Weighing Atmospheric Air Or Gases, Mid-19th Century Next Results >