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Objects associated with Dollond
Related Objects
- Inventory No. 72083, "Object Glass Micrometer, by Dollond, London, Mid-19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 40776, "Camera Lucida, by Dollond, London, 19th Century, in Case" [1944-6], Dollond
- Inventory No. 93339, "Brook's Polariscope and Case, by Dollond, London, 1827", Dollond
- Inventory No. 54316, "Eckhardt's Rolling Parallel Ruler, by Dollond, London, 1770", Dollond
- Inventory No. 29263, "Micrometer Eyepiece with Case, by Dollond, London, 19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 47114, "Cuff-Type Compound Microscope, by Dollond, London, c. 1761 with Case and Accessories" [1925-43?], Dollond
- Inventory No. 49671, "Culpeper Type Microscope with Case and Accessories", Dollond
- Inventory No. 37870, "Compound Microscope with Accessories in Wooden Case, by Dollond, London", Dollond
- Inventory No. 14567, "Refracting Telescope, by Dollond, London, c. 1800" [1944-1/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 55914, "Refracting Hand-Held Telescope by Dollond, London" [1925-53/2], Dollond
- Inventory No. 72766, "Hand-held Refracting Telescope by Dollond, London, later 18th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 79053, "Achromatic Telescope with Tripod, by Dollond, London, c. 1770" [1968-417], Dollond
- Inventory No. 89074, "Hand-held Refracting Telescope by Dollond, London, Mid-19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 89892, "Pocket Telescope, by Dollond, London, Late 18th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 37014, "Altazimuth Equatorial Instrument, by Dollond, London, Early 19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 41024, "Equinoctial Ring Dial with Quadrant, by Dollond, London, Early 19th Century" [1944-1/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 48606, "Equinoctial Ring Dial with Quadrant, by Dollond, London, Early 19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 35007, "Solar Microscope with Case, by Dollond, London, Late 18th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 41758, "Monocular Microscope, by Dollond, London", Dollond
- Inventory No. 64219, "Gould-Type Microscope, by Dollond, London, 1825-1850" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 15038, "Simple Microscope, by Dollond, London, Late 19th Century" [?1944-1/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 36455, "Split Wedge Helioscope, by Dollond, London, c. 1800?", Dollond
- Inventory No. 10250, "Cuff Type Microscope with Accessories and Case, by Dollond" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 14166, "Culpeper-Type Compound Microscope with Accessories and Case, by Dollond, London, c. 1830" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 88133, "Culpeper-Type Microscope with Accessories, by Dollond, London, 1800-1825" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 10034, "Culpeper Type Microscope, with Case and Accessories, by Dollond, London, Early 19th Century" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 31439, "Culpeper-type Microscope with Accessories and Case, by Dollond, London, c. 1800-25" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 49643, "Compound Microscope in Case with Accessories, by Dollond, London, c. 1820" [1944-1/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 11340, "Monocular Opera Glass, by Dollond, London, Early 19th Century" [1990-13], Dollond
- Inventory No. 11364, "Monocular Opera Glass, by Dollond, London, c.1800", Dollond
- Inventory No. 78610, "Globe Electrostatic Machine, by Dollond, London, c. 1780" [?1939-1], Dollond
- Inventory No. 51606, "Compound Microscope, by George Dollond, London, Early 19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 43838, "Inclining Dial, by Dollond, London, c. 1750" [1924-0/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 39059, "Artificial Horizon, by Dollond, London, 1820s", Dollond
- Inventory No. 38095, "Simple Microscope, by Dollond, London, c. 1815" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 53546, "Reflecting Circle with Accessories in Box, by Dollond, London, c. 1826" [1984-13/1], Dollond
- Inventory No. 22609, "Portable Microscope Kit in Fitted Case with Accessories, Dollond,19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 62026, "Object Glass of Refracting Telescope, by ? Dollond, London, 1773", Dollond
- Inventory No. 17199, "Simple and Compound Microscope with Accessories and Case, by Dollond, London, 1800-25" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 56603, "Compound Microscope in Case with Accessories, by Dollond, London, c. 1825-1850" [1970-101/part], Dollond
- Inventory No. 35510, "Opal Glass Artificial Horizon, by Dollond, London, c. 1825", Dollond
- Inventory No. 20928, "Binocular Field Glasses, by Dollond, London, Late 19th Century", Dollond
- Inventory No. 93007, "Telescope Eye Piece, by Dollond, London, c. 1825" [1978-16], Dollond